HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-17, Page 4C1'uluurl )' Jos, 1'114,11411 and wife of Kipper); John Shute, wife and son Heber w•ct 0 guests of S on. Spe.u•e and wife on Sunday. lirstNtss CRAxe:K-. • - hIt. Andrews, who has been condet•ting the general stun. here for some years, has disposed of the store property, stock and busi- ness to David McConnell, of Dublin. There is not it better or more prosper- ous agricultural country in Canada than there is around Cromarty and as Mr. McConnal is well and favorably known and is also a young man of good business ability and Reay. and !wishing he should Wild ug) a very liege business here in a short time. We have not learned what Mr. And- rews intends to do. I)astiwoofl John Hall hada load of hi.; house- hold effects moved to his home in Lon- don on Thursday of last week. --Geo. Ruby is at present working in llauu• burg and it is reported that he will ere long move with his family- to that town. --.lona Hartleila has a large gang of wen at Work on his n.w build- ing which will in a month or so he again ready for oecup,ttion. It is a much more substantial building than the old one. -her. Hander moved with his family and household effects to Berlin on Monday. -Rev. L. K. Eidt occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church at Listowel) on Sunday. Mi•. Brown from Crediton took his work here in the morning and the Y. P. A. held a service in the evening.-Jatnes Kenney left with his wife and house- hold effects on Wednesday for South River were they will make their future home.-Jatroh Kellernrnnn our to tt msut)ut received the nomination of the Liberal patty for South Huron on Thursday last at their convention in Hensel'. While we think he is up against still he wot - tuake a good representa yettnd g young will we believe conte he front some day. -Geo. EdighofTer, who was one of the many who lost heavily by the recent fire, was sur- prised the other day when his father and father-in-law made him a present of a lot just east of John Hall's dwell- ing together with the shop he is now occupying, Mr. Edighoffer will at once begin to move the shop to the lot, put a foundation underneath it, raise the roof and have it veneered. When completed it will be a very comfortable little shoe store. Crediton 77 Wm. Wenzel is having a frayrrfe ad- dition built to his waggon s000. -Mrs. Votine Itatz of ParAbilrvisited.ber daug terp Itira.l:hwe. wicker,lastFri- day.-Mrs. Henry Sweitzer entertain- ed several of her friends at her home in Crediton East last .Monday .esening. -Samuel Kuhn has bought the house and lot formerly occupied by Francis Clark and will no doubt bring the bird to occupy the cage before long. -Dr. and Mrs. Orme of Centralia spent Sun- day last here the guests of Chris. Beav- er. -Division Court was held here last Wednesday. The majority of the cases were settled before Court open- ed. --Harry Eilber is putting up a fence in front of the school grounds. -Rev. Andrews of the Methodist Church and Rev. Veal of Woodham exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Rev. Veal's ser- mons were well delivered and very forcible and left quite an impression upon his audience. -Tse wet weather of the past week made things very dis- agreeable. Business was dell and the spirits of our people were not the beet. -Several of our Liberals were in Hen- sall last Thursday and attended the Liberal Convention, -Miss Kate Hill of Detroit is visiting her brother Aug- ust of the Central Hotel -We are pleased to state that Jno. Smith is get- ting better and recovering from the injuries received a few weeks ago from a dog's bite. -Fred Kerr made a record score at the shooting thatch in Zurich Iaet week when be broke ski h)ne rocks out of a possible 1111. Fled handles the gun pretty well, as this score would indicate. Following is the standing of the pu- pils of Crediton Public School: Con- tinustinn Classes. Latin, Honors. -1' Giver 91, 0 Short 91, E Hill 80; pass, H K ienrle and H Meadd 09, E McMurray 51, It Hill 63, C Finkbeiner49,It Cough- lin 45, A Boltzmann 41, M Brown 40. Class 1., Algebra. Honors. --E Geiser 100; pass, E Truemner 62, P -Heist 50. W Oestreicher 43, M Oestreicher 40, Class 11., Honors,- -E Hill 90, R Kien - 1.1e A0. P Geiser tt2, H Meadd 70; pass, It Coughlin 44. M.- i.- Pass, 0 Short 58. it Hill 19. iV. -Pas., A Holtztnsrf40. C. Bhtett. teacher. Division IiI.-IV.,Honore. LGeiser, P Treitz, A hinkbeitier, E Fahner; pass. It Andrews. Sr. III. -Pass, Q Hodgins F Hill, i Hirtzel. Miss Robinson, teacher. i)ivision ii. -Jr. ii. --Honors, L Oes- treicher: pass, 11 Heist, M Winer, E Hluett, P Fahner, F Hill, E Geiser. Mr. IL- Honore, (i Benedict; pass. E Smith. M Clark. F King, H Finkheiner. Sr. Pt. 1i.- Honore, 0 Oestreicher: pave, V I1i11. It King. Id Finkheiner. Miss Gin'in, teacher. Division III. Jr. 11.-R English, L Weiner, (i Guenther. Jr.Pt,11.-Hon- ors, M Guenther, i, Heist: peep, R Shenk, G Lamport, K Sweitzer. Sr. Pt. i. --E Sweitzer, Jr. Pt. d.-(' /Wet, Miss Kienzle, teacher, (llreenway� C. 11, Wilson WAS in Tbedford last week conducting a large auction sale, --%Vm. Baker, one of our old and re - tweeted residents, who recently rented his term to J. J. ('arruthere, his soil his chattles end gone with his r pier Mist. Eturns Baker to Huntsville, %Vesh., where they will ,:pend the •vin• ter with the letter's sister Mrs. Judson' A. Cot het t.- W. %V. Johnson. who sold his fern) to Andrew Pollock end ffur• chased on the 11 Line, is moving there this week. 11ia mother from lelrdon is assisting hint. Mrs. W. J. %Viison and cousin Miss Bella Moore callers on friends in tow n Mondry. -bliss .barti- nn Later i.• of R.becea is visiting Mist' !..•Ila English. --hers. Mary Paton has I ,ente•tl her f.rni and will hold an suc- . tion sale Oct. 17.-H. Devine held an auction S de of his live stock on MPS- ; day, --The people of Grace churt•h held ' their B trvcst Rinner %Vednrsday ev• ening. W. J. Wilson hAs returned From s delightful trip to the %Vest. %Ve hive received a very interesting I account of his trip but owing to the lateness of its arrive' and the crowded 1 state of our columns we are unable to give it Stiece.-itn,l tt Grand Openinj sal. Fall and Winter Goods. 11 e have jest opened tip "at im- inei, • i111p01 t order Of Scotch and I:ngl h goads in all the LATEST SH A DED. Our success in the It,t't has I: u due to our knowledge that Honest Goods and Honest Prices most prevail;in garments which appeal to:the better class of trade. CALL EARLY. J. H. Holtzmann ('RE1)I'I'ON Order Abuotate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Oct. 17, 1907 NO AXI) COM -l1Eh'7'S A. new set of readers for the public schcele of the Province is to be p;•e• pared :aid the work has been entrust• ed to 1)i. 1). J. Doggin, an educatio ist of note. At present it looks as though S hen Township is certain to be re sensed in the Legislature, the pr ent ruenibet• and the Liberal candida • be- ing both residents of that towship, while for the House of Commons both the member and Liberal candido a are residents of Seaforth. On Tuesday night the Conserv tives of London chose Major Thomas at - tie as their candidate for the bye lec- tion to the !louse of Commons, h❑ D. Jacobs has been chosen as La r candidate. Tho Liberals are undeci ed, and possibly may not contest the riding. It is not often that we hear of M. Y. McLean, Liberal candidate for the House of Commons for South Huron, being so alis -informed or anxious to wilfully 'Ms -represent facto as the Advertiser reports him to have been at the Liberal Convention last week. He said that the license board in South Huron was extremely partisan, while the fact is one of ttie commissioners is a Liberal. (Such a thing as a Conser- vative being on the board during the Liberal rule was quite unknown.) Again, he said that the commissioners decided to cut off a certain hotel in Exeter owned by Liberals because the population was not large enough, and that in the meantime the hotel became owned by a Conservative, and that it was then found that the population was large enough to warrant the granting of the license. Everybody in Exeter kncws these are not facts. The hotel had passed into the present owner's bands some weeks previous to the commissioners decision,- and it was quite a proper thing that the board should reconsider their decision when it was found that a simple mis- take in addition made the population of the town appear 101) less that it was in reality. Facts are tar more Substan- tial than fiction as Mr. McLean ehnitld know, but then there is so little to criticise in the work of the %Vhitney admiry-tration that Mr. Mei.••a) finds it necessary to report to flctioo ro have anything to say. p- re - NARROW ES('Ai'E FROM ASPHYXIATION St. Marys, Oct. 14.--M. J. Dewey, who carries on a job printing business opposite the post office, had a narrow escape from espliyxiation by gas. He recently purchased gosoline engine to run his preee. Ile had the exhaust pipe of the engine rima into the celler basement under the shop with no es- cape. It evidently had filled the cellar with gas end it then found its way up into the shop he wss writ king in, and the weather tieing chilly and damp he had kept the door of the shop closed. Mr. Carter happened in the shop when Mr. Dewey staggered against. him. Ile revived a little but was so overcome with gas that he again fellatriking his head on something on the floor, inflict- ing a deep rut across the nose. He was immediately carried into C. W. ('ouplrnd'e shop where the wound wee dressed and restoratives administered and Tater he was taken home. He has fully recovered from the effects of the gas and is again at work. We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. Cri..e there le deny *teen of the hotpot', cerise ns products sr. ase-rb.d, r4n,te'( hew' a,►,s. 5lIi'uro... n•nees. A).rc pe'v „�1 tl n. protecting th.o yan.pert.la rr‘rn dwra lie n..t work A'er's Pute are n.er putt. Act gently. ♦'1 seaet.b;.. FibWale 871. C. ay -r Oe , -..well, W • Aloe inar.uboturece et qersnut met A01.2 CURS. CwittT P[CTOtAI. Ws aats se secrets 1 W gebtleb the rorw•lam of alt warm 4.dtM. Corbett Hamilton Cot belt, Is. A., left on %Vedue-day to Lake the cool St. in the faculty of edireation at the University of Tot onto.-- Wm. Raker and daugh- ter, Miss Emma, of fiat ploy, left Wed- nesday for several months' visit with their daughter and sister. Mrs. A. E. Corbett, of Huntsville, Washington. - Mr. and Mrs. Christopher ('orbett and family left last week to take up their permanent residence at Huntsville, 1Vashingtun, in connection with the large and growing business Of milling and warehousing of the fit•ul of Cor- bett Bros. Mr. Corbett will be great- ly missed from this vicinity of which he was an honored member. Our wish for a large share of succus goes with him and his family. liar Di:.tTii tit: ., FUIMtilt IttatltE.•i'.- Word was received last week •tnuottn- cing the death at Sheldon, N. 1)ak., on Friday, 4th inst.. of !)avid Rife. The deceased had only been sick a short time but no particulars have been re- ceived as to the cause of his death. Mr. Rife was tve11 known in this neigh- borhood. He was a native of this township, having been born on the homestead farm on the Parr line. He lived for many years on the Parr line in Hay and Stanley, but at number of of years ago moved with his fancily to North Dstkrnta, where he was very successful and a few years ago Ile re- tired and went to live in the town of Sheldon. Ilis wife, who is a daughter of the late John Troyer, of Hillsgreen, and a number of children survive him. About three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Rife paid a visit to their old friends and relatives in this county. The sin- cerest sympathy of a large circle of friends will he extended to the bereav- ed wife and family. Lncan Mr. and Mrs. John Fox left Mims - ay for a trip to the west. -Miss Car- le visited relatives in London last k.- Miss Hodgins, who has been ding a few weeks in town and vie- , returned to Montreal last week, les Matheson, of Indiana, who ent the summer with his broth- ( town Thursday. -On \Vednes- fternoon Charlie dead, son of Read, had the misfortune to k his collar bone. While in the of stepping into a buggy the horse rted to go, causing hint to fall to the ground. Under Dr. Sutton's care the little fellow is doing nicely. -On Wednesday evening Rev. Bonne, who is travelling secretary for the Canada Bible Society, gave a very interesting and instructive address in Holy Trin- ity Church on the work of this society throughout Canada. The address was followed by a short business meeting, when new officers for the Lucan branch of the society were elected. Rev. A. Carlisle was elected president; Rev. J. Holmes, secretary, and %V. Matheson, treasurer. -W. E. Stanley held a sale of 126 ewes in the local stock yards ou Wednesday, but owing to the fact of feed being scarce for the winter thedemand was very small and prices low, and, when about twenty bad been sold Mr. Stanley decided to call off the sale and ship the remain- der to Toronto. ---Mr. McIntyre of Dur- ham is acting as manager of the Stand- ard Bank during the absence of Mr. Fos. -Wes. Orme of London visited in town during the week. -W. E. Stan- ley and wife are on a visit to Chicago. Ernie Abbott, wife and child spent e tew days in Stratford during the week with Mrs. Abbott's brother A Isaac.- -Saturday while attending the funer- al of the Iste Uri Hcdgine, Jas. Stan- ley's horse took fright, throwing him out of the buggy, from which he sus- tained a severe shock. He is doing nicely and no serious results are antic- ipated. -Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil of Lon- don spent a few days with Mrs. D. S. O'Neil during the week. -We death took place Friday of an old and high- ly respected resident in the person of Mrs. Sara Ann Dreads in the 82nd year of her age. The funeral took place from her late residence, Bauble Hill, on Sunday to St. James' cemetery,the services being conducted by Rev, Car• Bele.--The funeral of the late Uri Hod- gins took place from his late residence Saturday to St. Jaynes' cemetery, and was largely attended, although the weather was very threatening, Rev. Carlisle officiating. Deceased had been ailing tor'the past yeerand despite the best medics! atteudance his condition continued to grow worse, and he grad- ually grew weaker, until the end came. He wee a man of exemplary character and kindly disposition and was always reedy to render assistance in time of new). Mr: Hodgins Was a member of Loysl Orange Lodge, Mack `Ii�ilahtti of:Ireland, Canadian Order of Fores- ter. end Woodmen of the World. He is survived hyawidow and five children to whom our sympathy is extended, Kippele Mrs. Phillips, accompanied by ber nephew, Winn. Jones, is visiting friends in Troy, N. Y.- We are pleas - to say that Mrs. James Chesney, who has been i11 in Toronto, is recovering. Mise May McGregor is also improving. -Thos. Kyle has gone on a business trip to the west. His friends wish him a phi/mint and successful journey. -- A! Harvey, to the west of the village, who has rented his farm, held an sane• tion sale on the 10th. -Joseph 1110141 and wife have returned home from a three weeks' visit in Port RI in, where they visited with their daughter, Mrs, %Vest, and Mr. ('pehall's brother. Charles.- Wheet has struck over the dollar rnat k, and 118 a consequence a lsrge quantity is being brought to our stow house, sled the sellers are going home with a smile. -A few days ago A. Harvey had the misfortune to leafse fi fine young driving horse. Jas. Mc• Donald, of the 'end of Stanley, also materiel a similsr loss. Dll:. --Mrs. Wm. ('ndrnure has re- turned hone from Stritia, where she had been attending the funeral of her brother, SHmuil Phillips. He was a native of this vicinity, being born en the farm in Stanley, now occupied by John Dinsdele. Some thirty years ago the fancily went to I'lorence, where the deceased Engage) in farm• ing for s number of years. after which be moved to Sarnis. Typhoid fever wee the cause Of dear h. He was in his .Vird year and will he remembered by many in this vicinity, who will ex- tend theit sincerest sympathy to the bereaved relatives, Mr. Philips was never married, bill leaves five brothers and Ave sisters, Food Value Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are crisp squares of wholesome nourishment. They are the food that builds strength as)d muscle. They are as easily digested by the child and invalid as by the sturdy workman. They contain ALL the food properties of finest dian wheat flour, in a form that delights the appetite. Always fresh and crisp n the moisture-proo/packages. At di grocer in 1 and pound package& Hensall Cecil Simpson arrived here front Erin last week. -Albert Whitesidee has returned from Chicago. -311s. Pope has had her residence nicely painted. --Charles Uonre has gone to Chicago, where ht• has s.cured a good position. -Mr. 114144 k, who resided here for a couple of years, leaving about 10 years ago for England, returned here on Tuesday evening. Ile has been for some years at Kimberley, South Afri- ca, -Holly Little is off to the lumber camps of Powassan.•--Mrs. Sutherland and daughter, Hattie, have returned after visiting relatives in Beachville.- The services in St. Paul's church on Sunday afternoon was well attended and the sermon by Rev, II. M. Lang - Ford were interesting and instructive. --On Friday evening Rev. R.J. Bonne, District Aec'y, addressed the Bible So- ciety members in St. Pauls church. -Mrs, Ruby is visiting at New Ham- burg the guest of her sister Mrs. Htlehn. -Mrs. Ed. Blake of Toronto is visiting Mrs, Nesbitt. -Mr. Nesbitt is recover- ing nicely from the effect of his late accident. -Fred Manns spent a few days in Milverton last week. -A peti- tion signed by about 170 ratepayers asking the council to withdraw their defence against the action to have the local option by-law quashed, was pre- sented to the council at their last meeting and after due deliberation the council passed a resolution complying with the prayer of the petition, -Rob- ert McMordie, Jr., of British Columbia arrived home with bis bride last week. -Miss Hobkirk bas returned from Chicago atter spending two weeks with relatives there. -Jas. Murray. sr., is considerably better than he bas been for some time past. -Nelson Sutherby, of Clinton. was in the vil- lage this week, and thinks of return- ing to Hensall again, to engage at his trade as a blacksmith. -T. Murdock is brick veneering the front of his livery stables, which adds greatly to their appearance. -Mr. and Mrs. James Sparks have returned borne from a very pleasant visit witb relatives and friends in the neighborhood of Sea - forth. Winthrop and vicinity and also in the township of Grey. -Jae. Stew- art, youngest son of Robert Stewart, of Tuckersntith, who has been in the hospital at Toronto for quite a long time, arrived home during the past week. He stood the journey very well but is still very weak and poorly. We hope, however, now that he is home again the change may prove beneficial to him and that he will re- cover his wanted health and his strength. Sol.D OUT. -Fred Manns disposed of hie tonsorial business end fittings to James Logan, who was till recently in his employ, for $800. Fred during the three year/ and a quarter in which be has run the shop hsd built up a fine patronage. He greatly improved the shop, everything being kept scrupul- ously clean and up•to-date. His cus• tomers and the citizens generally re- gret his departure from town es he is ooe-ot owe most useful and obliging citizens, ready to give a helping hand to every undertaking calculated to help the piece or its people allong. Living here for years he bas identified himself with the life of the village So intimately that be will be greatly missed. — -- - --- Mike It Yourself, There is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the fol- lowing advice by an eminent author- ity, who writes for readers of a large Eastern daily paper, will be highly ep• predated by those who stiffer: Get from any gond pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kergfin, three ounces of Uompound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after eecb meal end at bedtime; also drink plenty of Rood water. It is claimed that there ere few vie - tuns of this dreed and torturous dig• ease who will fail to find ready relief in this simple home made mixture, and in most r/se•s ,a permanent cure Is the result. This simple recipe re said to strengthen end cleanse the elimina- tive tissue, of the Kidneys so that they can filter and '.train from the blood and system the pnisione, acids and waste matter, which emote not only Rheumatism. het numerous oth- er dteerses. Every rnnn nr woman here who feels that their kidneys are riot healthy and active. or who sule•rs i) tun Any urinary 1'nettle whatever, should not hesitate In make up this mixture, es it is certain to do mach good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or Wait the prescription ready to take if nor readers ask them. India Pale Ale Brewed front so- lecte.l hot'-, choice buries• malt and lure .rring water, with the utmost 4 11? r. B.•ttk•t at the brewery depots to ensure proper handing- That is why t-abat s Mo i, equal to the fin- est, surpassed by none, though it coats consumers only ah wt half a, much as imported g oods. Largest and Best WAREHOUS1 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. By being the best this school has be. orae the lam- est business trailing school in western Ontario. our enrolment again exceeds that of a year ago. Wht" Because our counres are thorough and prat• tical with specialist° in charge of our Commercial, Shorthand arid Telegraphy departments. All our graduates obtain good positions. You may cuter n•,.c. write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & .McLACHLAN, A'1' - EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain �' RICH. SELDON Principals • (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655) — Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fttnd Assets Over IXTY-TWO BRANCHES Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 - 33,000,000 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed acing Bank Department. uedi further notice interest on sarins1,, accounts wilt >x credited quarterly instead of hall yea+ly as frmerly. Deposits of S1 and upwards received. Agents at Ezeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, We teach the " Gregg " System of Shorthand because we know it is the best. It is written in one straight line and based on the movement required to write ordinary longhand. It re- quires no shadings, back slants or vertical strokes which are " hard to reniembe•r " and require "slackening up " to make correctly. The Gregg is thus easier to learn, write and read. A Speedy, accurate stenographer is the result. The Principal of our Shorthilt School graduated under the :troll of the " Gregg " system, and her two assistants are graduates of the Busi- ness Educators' Association. You are assured of the very best tuition here. More information in our large illustrated catalogue, which we would like to mail you free. First lesson on Gregg sent free on application. A greater demand for our gradu- ates than WC can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE titssbers et Msia•.s Educators' J. W. WESTERVELT, Aasockstiers. Principal, Loadsa, Farm Lands in the West. Minlota, Man., Sept. 18, 1907. To THE ADVOCATE. Dear Sir: - We consider the present a most favorable time to secure an invest- ment in farm lands. The past winter and spring, as is well known, were ex- ceptionally severe and late, but the fine district in this vicinity has proven conclusively that notwithstanding the unfavorable conditions which prevail- ed, it wilt yield a crop second. to nine in the country. Prices for lands here are not yet nearly up to their true value. The fortunes made by theme wise. buyers a few years ago can still be duplicated.. Consider the price of lands further west. They are actually asking more per acre for land out there than you can buy for here, besides you are hun- dreds of miles nearer market here, so the freight rate is accordingly less thus giving you an extra pmfit for all time on every bushel of grain grown. We have at present a very select list of harping, both in improved and unimproved lands, at most reasonable prices and easy payments. If you are at all interested let us bear from you and we will be pleased to give you particulars, end still more pleased to personally conduct you over the land itself, which we are convinced will amply repay you and justify the high opinion we Maus of it. Yours sincerely Mackenzie, Hepburn & Co. Lttrloh Miss !melte Weber has returned from her visit to Clinton. --Mrs. Carrie Heyrock and Lizzie Rennie have re- turned from a plenrurnt visit at Clin- ton and Goderich.-- Miss Louise %Vurni of Detroit is visiting her hone here. - N. Holtzman of the Chronicle Tele. graph staff of Waterloo is home nurs- ing a sore hen), which he cut on it piper cut ter a few weeks ego.--,%1rs. 11. Worm has purchased the dwelling now occupied by F. Dees, (torn F. Hese, Sr„ end will take possession this month. Mr. Hees will move to the new dwelling edj.eirning this proper- ty.—Dennis litedoer, wife nod femily, have move,) to the village and ere liv- ing with J. ('orrivean. Our hunters are roaming the w-taxls daily in quest of the fleet footed rabbit. The result usually in one which the dog generally chews tip, eo they say. --An accident by which Roy, sum of Adau Feast. lost Dart of the thumb on his left hand oc- rnrred at Kslbfleish's Max mill Mon• day morning. The wing fellow Wag oiling the hinder and in some manner his band was caught in one of the gears. -A sitting of the Division Court was held in the Town Hall here Monday. Judge Holt of Goderich pre- sided. in the first two cases. Hayter vs Becker, judgment was given for the plaintiff. In McColl Bros. & Co. vs, Foster, judgment of nonsuit was giv- en. The case of Jarrott vs. Bisson- nette was adjourned to the February court. A garnishee case and two judgment summons were also dis- posed of. HABIL OTHERS HAPPY Do not compel someone to rub your aching back or limbs this winter, but start right is and take i Bu -Ju It will clear you? system of Rheumatism; and all other Kidney diseases, making you happy, consequently others. foe . box at Drug Stores is, by Man. A tth Cttiull COMA/ Cu, sisli. , wiesoe.la :Y= f - St. George's Baking Powder I>1 is best for Ciscuits - best fo. Cakes--ltC4t f r Pica---'c't for every :king you hake that retiuires Baking Powt!cr." "Ore can to try, w:ii always make you buy St. (,re e's." Rare 3,..n a rt,py of our new Cook Rook! Sent fret if you write ?lane ei Drug & Chemical Co. of Canasta• 1,lmeted, Montreal, 1