HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-17, Page 2• • • 1 •1 •1 L. CORE OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE Duty of the Strong Is to Assist Weaker Fellow Men 1 We Eon (hal aro strong ought to Lear the infirmities 01 the weak and 1.01 to plcu.t• ourselves.--Itemans xv. I. 11cr' 1' ;.n eaey Blass licat!on of men. Se m. or. n_. the few comparo(iwely. 1 lie leered) are weak. And the strength or weakness here referred to ,s itol physical. but sociul, intellectual, moral, spiritual. The scripture enjoins that men with such strength are not Isere to please themselves, to nurse ..heir strength, to bt.shand it simply for their onw good, bat they must expend it in behalf ••f then who are shorn of power or at- e nutuge. To put it coitcretelt . blond stiteiklers should stoop to beer the bins dens thul break the bending ti• ks . 1 the weak. Let those whom (eel has leo-sell wills health go to the aid 4:f t 1 . .1..red w all 1i(e'b ailments; those t. ,•. • n!Ilt have mode them Wren and e• • , + .'isure. give their surplus r t uneglpk,ved days to benefi- t 1 -'ries among the deetilute 1, r t • . .hall life Le redeemed out el ,I 1') aa ANT :\N1) WOE AND S1\. But the reply •'orates bark: l.et ench rr.an bear hie owtt burden. cash ratan do his duly, each nian be faithful and tow, t!en the fidelity of each will ere - etc :e i,•ir•ad.se for all. There would be 1„ t• ::•.w in the world save those of • r kind. We frequently argue: le m t -:fiddle burdens or moral delin- quents upon good, punctual souls who in) the debts of c:,neciencc as fast as they fall due; leg these weak ones, (hese t.pendthr•f is and insolent sinners bear 1,14 b:m! .:s of their own social or 'nor- , t.,,* .-neey. That sounds well. It L:. 1' 1.1,g of indivklual responsibility. '1 ! : • . is gr'aily needed. But every !,:o . •.:,nous reasons, dot's not lake to. • • himself, and this Ls the altc'rnn- 1.. • , !1 the strong man. and especl- •. .. .--n (:hu•isliun man, is called 1- e ie that .,,t•iely and law are ! • i,elually taxing the tuiltail!. orderly et 10 discharge the !floors . I • the mn•erieti!• t;•. le neranY' \\, . 1 •1 the stale sect+', n••n+tl trials' \\ support . 1 justice. sehoels. ,,-• tints and 1.1 i1., • \, ! „inlantctf \\ t:!.1. -TO-DO 1 1. \�- 1.-' OF SO('IL , 1'' One -holt of the machinery aid •, • .It of all government is but phi• cont I e1r..•1 and outlay of g;(xoJ and just men 1 repair the mischiefs of the bad incl itepi.l end In afford in our %erica% pub11' institutions. the court, the pri- nt 11. the school. the board of health. cud 01'11 the church, wholesale substi- tutes for individual fidelity. Look +'! a any %%ay yoU please, sociel)• if; a joihl stock company, where the strong have to Isar the infirmities of the weak. \We ere confronted in Ihcse days with an ixaggernttel. overgrown indiwithrnl- i,nl. \We notice at limes the pathetic spectacle of classes of men rising to do (altle in behalf of Ilse happiness and nd- ventage of the less torlunnte, curly to withdraw rosin the contest when they :,hail have achieved greater advantage tar themselves. But not all are that v:uy. Many, an ever-increasing n11111 - be•, are making their hearts great !na- g/mines of kindness. using their sntplus 'mans and leisure for God's weak, ...eery end worn children. lowing out Moe health, their w'talth, their nrurd and soul in copious beneficence for the enrichment of our common life. Men ( t strength are heeding this word of John Ruskin: "Shall one by breadth ( 1 sweep and sight gather some branch o! Coimnert•e of the country into one great cobweb of which he is himself to be TI IF: \IASI'ER SPIDER, making every itiiead librate with the points of his claws and commanding every avenue with the facets of his eyes! Shall the industrial or political giant say, 'Here is the power in ray hind. 1 shall put weakness under con- Iributfon to m)• udvad+tge.' Bother get the grad mind become also the great heart and stretch out the sceptre of pxow- eer over Ilex head of the people and say: 'Let me help you subdue the obstacles that gamed your fathers and put away the plagues that consume your visit- or -tot.'" To hear the burden of the weak is lie t'ery core of the Christian life. Not net inteltietu411 Nitawithin. not n form of wtoolli.p without, lent sY1110011fictic. :, !(•snei•ili,•ing hclpfulneee. betokens the e.hr:slial life. Ile is the Christian men twbn. in endeavoring to choose his own -.nit as it Id 11ple. to free it from all ego - !'sin and selfishness. ►lakes the most .,f his faculties and resource-. and then, s( eking out the most urgent needs t f hl • fellow' uteri, nppr+cs his Powers I111•1 o.ivantages to the snlislaction of Ihoee a reds. \\-II.I.IA\I C. SI'INSON. HOME i. touter. Then remove the skin, cul tete marrow into convenient-shnp?41 .41.IE pieces, drain on a cloth, dredge with !lour. hip into frying batter and fry in deep fat till n golden color. Scatter grated cheese over and serve of once. Poached Eggs and Mutton. -Take slic- cs of rather underdone mutton of about Y.'f **$ * 1+ 3*C lg the size of a peached egg. Soak these for nleout an hour in Iwo teaspoonfuls DAINTY DISHES. Irl salad oil mixed with two teaspoon- fuls of vinegar. Then drain dry, ntaf ly 1111 n few glasses and store them away nn the preserve shelf. At Christ- i! as bnie several of these little gasses r 1 jelly of different flavors, put into a prettily trimmed basket or box, wia nI ke a nice gift kir an invalid friend. Waterproof Shoes for \\'inter. --Fresh 1 est suet, one pound; yellow beeswax. one ounce; shellac, one-eighth ouue t. Melt the talk►w first and remove all the nN nrbrnne from it; then add the bees - wee in thin shavings and when it is melted and combined with the tnitow, Mid the shellac. in powder, and stir until it is fuelled. Ilcesw•nx is ono ..1 the best knoyvn preeer:vntives of tenther. Apply warm to sole and upper with ray; 01. sponge before the fire or stoic 14 soak in the compound, being careful not to burn the leather. If the boots are polished before the application of this preparation they will remain black and shining for a long lino. after it is ap- plied. A literal application of this every two weeks • during winter will Veep t p boots and shoes that are worn slily 5uterproof and soft. \\ 11.\'f EXPERIENCE TEACHES Twenty years' study of household labor saving teaches: 'i'hnt the piece •'f carpet commonly employed under the weighted brush in \vexing Ikx,rs is less effective and more difficult to manage than a bunch of engineer's "cotton waste" used under the brush in the same Manlier. That oriental rugs can be satisfactor- ily cleaned by placing thein on the grass and showering there thoroughly with niter from the hose, conlituling until the wvatrtr drained from them ceas- e.; to be dirty. This should be done en a gray, windy day. That a "box table" on whorls will hold all the dishes used on n family table and can be pushed from dining room to kitchen. saving hundreds of steps In table clearing and selling. That back muscles can be saved if sewing machine and washing machine are operated by water motors. These motors even have been adapted to fil- ling bicycle tires. That arm muscles gain n holiday Ly the use of • any of the rnent chopping machines. These chop Cheese for ma- caroni and rarebits, cocoanut for vnri- cus dainties. bread crumbs tzar croqu- ettes ••r scallops. Every ingredient that Retires in mince pies or fruit cakes, and even the nuts and fruit for Nesselrode puddings. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTEI1 ' r10N \I. LESSON, OcT. 20. Lesson 111. The Capture of Jericho. lahier, 'text: Iles. 11. 30. '1-111: LES -UN \WO111) STCDIES. Ilase,l an the lex( of the itevised Wer- sinri. Jericho. -in the long history of the lower Jordan region there have been I three (titterer!! JeriCIN)s, occupying three different sits. The motion Jericho, known as el. -1111m, is n u►ieernhlc ' tlllige ,it al,c:ut three hundred swarthy inhnbi- 11111t•, :situated nearer 10 the Jordan river and southeast of the sii.' of the 'h'i'nt r:anaaunist' (fly. The only remaining relic of antiquitywilltin I!- hneit i. u square tower dating note 11e• tiered of 1 Salad Sandwiches. -Take any lend et boil ligttly. Have ready ns ninny rte. limeade.. Among; the h••.c modern !entree, thinly sliced cucumber, and 14 1st ached eggs as you haw.. pieces of buildings 10 Lc found here are ahoiel011(1 011ie tomato cul very small. Pour ,meat, set one on each piece, arrange it Russian hospice for the neteinnlo(lo- e ter a very little good salad dressing. 1 on i► hot dish. {'our round :+ good thick lion of tourists end pilgrims respective - Slave slices of sown bread and butter. gravy or lonnto sauce and serve hot. 1.. 'I'lelnre site t tlic�'arelent nlaunrL11)' 1 wnnrkeed put t► layer of salad between, and press i A \mesheremi sauce Iteeipc'.-lather by Sultan, on the w, Mi border Rs t.gethcr, Cut into fancy shapes and button or Ilan mushrooms can be used, ..t Ili. pinin 0brnrt six miles froth Ihr et r•e for lea. I I .i' this sauce. which ie an advantage. 1•11ens and Rtce.--itoil some rice in First wash the mushrooms in Cord Older). and about Iwo miles from the rn. a till it is ccxoked and very thick. writer, drain and dry in an old soft nee !tern village. loom the ' stern base 1'ut n layer of this in it ,te•dislt, then cloth; of this nwund still reed's the famous p ct•d l the nal ones should Inc cut rather pi 1,1)Inhn "Ain es -Batten" '[aishii s tear• ti Inyer of stewed and stoned plums.' sn►n11. Take some good beef gravy and add another Myer of rice, scatter u !'t-,. nmshr(oms in itMin) suppx,seth to L(' the same n►enSiu 11 stew the , rejecting the 1n 2 Kings Y. 19.22, where geisha is soi1l f it sugar over the lop and bake till a :Minks. Add a little ketchup. pepper rc1,1 color. This pudding is also very . and salt, n bit of lemon peel and n lump g. o 1 made with apples. of butter. Remove the peel, thicken I,••won'ture Puffs. -feel and bake,t,sauce with brown hour and serve(:. &out• apples. \\'hen cold, mix the pulp, .r Novel Way to Cook Ducks. Chicken flee from core, with enough sugar 10 or loinls.--This recipe is especially "eel"' and 11 little lentou-peel. Make useful to those who cook on a small w.:ne nice short crust. lay the apple ,)n oil or ens stove. Put some dripping m- e square of paste and fold It mer so to an iron eauCepan. Inking more than as b, form a Ihre.-cornerol puff. Italie you would if the joint were to be roast. (toe tt start lime c:u hie Inst journey to in a quick oven for twenty minutes. ee. i.et the fat yet It Ilot. put in Jr rusulem, and it was here that he SI1I while• sugar over and serve. Inc fowl or meal. put on the lid. After healed the Iwo blind men rind celled Tomato Cheese. --'rake lour ripe to- twenty minutes the meat will it brown. Znerllet+S to be his disciple. The prince- t:)atoes and cut than finely, add equitl sr, turn it and cover ngnin. fly ibis it re.enties derivol from this region height .a cheese cut in emelt pieces. Mix together with a little cream ;or. 1t you have not that. use milk), season pith sell and cayenne. stir the mix- ture over the lire till it dts,.'lves. Have )•e•ady Mane slices of eery hot buttered toast. Pour the mixture?)ve•r and serve n! once. 'Phis Ls a simple and general- ly' npp•rteiated savory. Cold Savory Cutlets.-- flralse the Inst end of a neck of lamb. with vegetables, 110rbe. etc.. and put It aside till coil. 'then cut the joints apart, triol the cut- lets neatly. ilave ready n little savoy jelly, adding to it a d('ssertsp,onful t 1 'Mint wines. Dip the cullet twice into Ilk jell) ;aIle l .,1:0111,1 to almost cold) to have mlraeuNotrl) healed the waters of a spring al the Ingereession of the people of Jericho. dill filmier site near i;e•• toe already mentioned mnr•ks the k.cnlien of the Iloinnn Jericho, which especially In the time of Herod the Great 0nel his successor At•chcleus was famous Ott its mngnilicenee and splendor. It wee In nee linntan city that Jesus tarried process the sleet LLS all kept in, and , thit•ictg tl„ Roman period were et one Ili' meat becomes very tender. Brown time gi•:en over by Mark Antony to the potutaes under the meat. Ow. 'Nitre. bud were ante wardc lr- covereed ger himself I Herod the greet. AROUND TIJE ff(1[Sfi. They Wer^ derived from the sale of 81- nNet psi'eless Iaelennls rind (regrind Pancakes Tt+nt \Von'( Click. -To bake sp.ieec produced in this region nt Impi- parcakes without grenstng the griddle evil fertility. The level of the wnllev toe - add one tnbicspoonful of Miller or a ing ,ane li,mlr'd fret b.eknv the ‘1edi- d.alf cup of Crean) to the batter. harrower' iiN' pr,durls nt the soil differ When clewing fruit put n pinch of lerge'ty from those of the remainder of eatbonele of soda to the iru.l when cook- Palestine, approximating more near)). into and only half the Usual quantity in soe.' inetenees 111040 of Ito' Asiatic of sugar will he needed. rind :\f wan Irq.ice. Rich p»Irh's of Aul mnlic (lock titter. ---To keep your Lar1(y• andwhcnt wish c.(ro:•4o11nl well wail clock oiled place n small vial .J c.:tlivntvl geidrns ctrl' indicate Ili' pos- keroeene in one corner of the fear e f sibilittee of fertility. allich in former so lhnl they are thickly ttineketi, and ' the eMck. This will save the work of limes were so) fully realized. Ancient Ise; a in a circle with a good dressed oiling. lerielo was a whet .Imngbold of the saiael. This mnk•s an elcgatt-looking Keep Dread Fre`h.--\Wrnp each leaf Unrrnnniles. Atter the destruction of the Itn;plu r or lunch dish and the cost is in paper. wraping paper is best; wet •'fly by Juane:► this territory was (s- emall. • It napkins in cold water, wringing `WPM to H. njamin. hal bicau'e of the flier's PI.•. --'Tek' some thin slices of out »e dry ns )rs.iblr, then wrap rune;'' pronounced 1,) Joehun upon the 1 the loaf- kee 'n Mol nlnee aid man olio should rebuild the city tJo:hl.o .. ere the site remained for n tong time a d'•44101.' waste. 1 ;veer. in the lune of King Ahab. one Viet. Ili' ifelhelil., brought upon hitioelf 111141 his (Noise the curse by undertaking the rebuilding of Jericho's well-, • I Kings 16. 311. In the time of Samuel and toter one of the schools of the ',rootlets was kt'nled al Jericho. and the cit) cons frequently '.ride the slopping place if rug the tem. p. rare. home of life prophets Elijah and' Verse R. The chapter' intervening be- tween Iles and our bait leemot mention the erection of Iwo ntnnum'nte, .net comps -eel of twelve large Mope,. taken Py hvelsr men from the empty rlurnnel of the lortinn at the commend of Josh• II t The fire! of these one er"i t."t west of the J.,rd:'n nt the pens et the first ntgrht's en: nn►pntenl of t'ea't otter noes- ingl. the *nein! in the 4!tertve1 itself nt the pine•" 551811' the , rirvts Learing the ark heel Mood while flee ret, sir passed mer. Al (;i1g;u1 southeast .1 �ai.'llo the acid t"hist meat and nrnuig' them in it pie -dish with layers of thick slices . 1 lomat•• and !heed onion. s'n'ored with hdack leepp.'r. Fill up the (1tsh thus. kitchen fable with dnrk green carriage Ind pour it c►lough good gravy to 11.e0- «(.111, pasted 0n ens -wattle. 11 is more len Ili,' whole. 1' •w. r over the dish wi!h ssrbeik'.1 potatewe cut iu Lig ptecc•. limn u 1.111.' butler mer these. 1,111 brake 11.. pee 1!!1 11:e pr•tatolts are 0 nice you will have fresh bread all the line. durable Kitchen Tnt,.' Cover. --(-,over durable then oilcloth for hard weir. -\ one covered eetensi•et also is converd- 1-rpt 14, eel IK,I dlstws nn, \lake Oil Flowers i.asl f-nng 4 - brown. 'ft.t. 41:'1; should le Intel :et '1'..ke a large lemon. rut it In half, re- 4.nee w9n:.' t. collo•-e are plentiful. br move IIN• pulp and steels. piece toll - 11 Ipkee n, g4•0.1 r1any to make a slue- 1•.wtel out lemon in wase. piece flower ((gelid pie. 51(111 in tl''iIWed 1'11:(•n. They will Frene;i 1t. a.!, and Brent.• -Slice k.ep many (Nye an.t the water still not French herrn- r•, 1 osuu!. then beteen.• `our nr foul. 'drain. Fn` ,'r,'nky bacon M.(elen sperm for r7•.,king.- \!ways dninlfly. p1 :c. . i• ' 't fh to keep rase n 545,14 n spew -in for stirring Tooter, 'Wenn. 1'• ur no s no 0 of the bacon s. uet , r 1 ; ts. as it will net wear out tat. put the 1' in • pan. season :t . s . ' nor spoil the moor. To heli Tepper mei clash o1 lemon juice hies 1 , •1 r in 1x'•1 \oler before 1.nd slink,• 'ser t' .' flee Ill1 hot. Have I wing. n. • el', 1111 the pone so they the bacon artant, tid in a circle on the cannot r,l . r: ' +, h of nnylhing else. Vol! end pile the Means In the sentry. 1 Remember 1 !;, •tensa.--Qmall gti».u•s V. t..;d. \harrow renters.- - Tette a fillet Willi )eily wtil prove M be nceep. 1 , • e 1!7!•te marrow. wipe 1t clean. 1 ;able gifts when fhrielmeablo rnniee, • t.: 1• :1 la let, .,f boiler; .enter, lilt , \t lien snaking your owe supply of eel. items}AIL lost of Israel is uu11unundt'tl to prase 4+++++44444+444444++++ before marching un k, tete actual con• quest of the city. Here the covenant of • ircu11r•1Sion. iieglccted during the en - lir forty years of desert sinjvurn, is re- .suthlrshcst. and here Joshua is greatly encouraged by n night vision of the prince of the Iwtsi of Jehovah. When Joshua had spoken -'the words Iof inslruclw,n and exhortalkoi repurtwts'rse'1-7muaecluticlyprece•dmgu'Ir i li•ssun. Refer, Jehovah --Thal is, before the ark of the rr,vttanl o bit% to Israel re - preset led the presence of Jehovah film- set( amattg his people. !I. Armed men went before . the renrwtu•d welt after 'The priests with tt•eir trumpets folk -mid by other priests Iw'aierig the ark of the covenant Ilius !Minim( in the centre of the columns poet' -ted before and behind by the noted nl411 constituting the ecluul fight- ing knee of the invading army. II►. Nether shall any word pro•'ecd out 01 your south --Silences on the pall •'t an advancing or attacking army .in open combat or attack on the Owing - hold of an mealy was practically un- known aniong the ancients, olio scented Ittive gathered courage in proportion as their tumult and shouting was louder than that of their enemies. I1. Going about it once -Once on the first and on each of the succeeding live delis, until the seventh, on which the city coos compassed nut once but seven 114,105 lcomp. vs. 11. 15). The camp -AI 1;Ilgal. 15. Compassed the city after the same .manner seven tunes -The (•tic•unrference of the walled City may have brei some- where between limo end lit,. utiles, making it total march for the lrtsl day of bvhwi en twenty -live and Thirty -give ►Mites. 17. Devolel-Razed lo the ground end utterly tleslroycrl. The ewor(1 in the g;iniel has the sante r-,•tisr• as the word "consecrated," the tiller destruction meted out 10 the piece being the con- suming as of a sacrifice or offering to Jehovah. Rehab the her of --First mentioned in chapter 2 in connection with the visit of the two spies sent by Joshua to as- cerinin the strength and position of the besiege) city. This woman, like many others of her unfortunate class in an- cient limes, semis to have curried on Pie trade of "lodging keeper for wny- 1:.,ing men." Front the mention of the stalks of flax arranged on Iho flat roof t 1 her house for drying null the further mention of the scarlet or crimson Thread or yarn in her possession, it has been in.fcrrexl that she was engaged also in the mrtnufneii.r•e of fine linen, and that • i o • twhie�n .r den for 1, practiced the ung of dyeing, ! erially the Pherniciuns were early lemons. In atoll. I. 5, Itahnb's name ,•. „Irs in the genealr-ry of Jere's. There es.• appears as the wile of Salmon. the soul of \noon, and I1•' mother of Iloaz Ihr grnnulfalher of i.'_sse (comp. With 4. 21; 1 I:hron. 11. 51, so, 'The ser- vice tendered by Itahnh lu I-rael in hid- ing and protecting ilne epi - salted forth Pie na11011'S sincere gratitude and se- cured for herself and all of her (omit) end relatives the protection of the is- Ineliles and Itu►iss!oo into the coin - ',amity of isrnel doubtless on terms of rr,u:t'iiy of citizenship. The narrative in lie look of Joshua tells us nothing cem- enting her after 111e and conduct, but (+lilt in the (;4s1 of rsrnel and adoption into the community of Itis chosen people otic doubtless accompanied by true con- version. New Testemenl e'limates of Itahabes worth an, very remarkable. The author of the epistle to the He- brews places her name hl the roll of the heroes of faith ,Ibeb. 11. 31), while the ng.rlsile James speaks of her as being joslitied by her works. 18. Keep youreely es from -1)o not ap- pr'(•priule to )ourself the devoted Ihung. Accursed---ilebrete. "11.•wotrol " that is Pt for alter de.li urtn.,n. as w4, ih' city or Jericho. Ancient Jel leho. like Said net aid (', ni, irinh and other n. nrby cities 1 li Convict 118. A Story of medal Treasure. "Keep your eye •• t the warder, mate; 1 want a word with you." "A11 right, but mind you don't get ire into trouble; I'm going out in a month on a ticket." "Yes. 1 guessed as much; that's why 1 is ant to :tooth to )au.., "Xuulbers 97 and I18. 1 shalt repose you both for talking to each other,'• called out the ollicer in charge of the Round. lrislanlaneousiy 1h' two men referred to drew upart. 'They had been together t'uguged all day in carrying heavy 'blocks •,f roughly -hewn stone from the quarries k, the wagons s:unding near. . n the enol of the tramway line. A larger and heavier block than usual, which required (heir joint eflorLs to I P. combined till the warders' at- tention being distracted for the niontent, had given Ihtm an opportunity of r1 few hurried. whispered !words. an oppor- tunity Ileat one at least of the convicts had been long on the look -out for. Convict No. 07 (us he was known to st bonsoever it might concern nt I'ort- bu:d) was. to his intimate acquaint- tnces in the purlieus of Sl. Giles and Ili.: Seven Dials. "buil-fellow-we!,-niet" under the sobriquet of flunkey. by which name the deteelives who took an interest in his cnreer also mention- ed hint in their confidential conununi- calions. 11e had done in his time sev- errnl small "laggings," as he termer) nem, but 011 glia present occasion luck laid gone decisively ogninsl him, and he was moo al the end of the fleet year of the fourteen "stretch" Met lav be - fort: hlm when he left the dock 01 the Old Bailey. A Thrill had gone through •phi. crowded court when the c'.Im'icl, on !waking his sentence, exclaimed. Leith lips Livid, while large drops .1 tweet stood on Lis face, now of u pallid grey color:- "\Vhal's to beoonte of Nellie and t:le children?" 1' the soul of good, that the poet Urs said exists in all things evil, has any existence in the professional burg- lar, in IInnkew's ease it showed itself in phis affection for his wife and little :ores. And perhaps he showerl it all the icor' in his i.'0ping hidden from them What his profession actually was. \Ire. Evans. in a melt lillle suburban Irilia, hail been for IC:a .sl a year wail- ing 1111(1 longing for her husband's re - Own. She 1114 been fccu,tnnuv1J to 1 - eccasicmal absences, frequently for tit. cis at ri thee, for his business, ns b' informed her, lay in all parts et England and Scollnnd, even the most out -of -the -wily, as n commercial tr•av- c iter. Igo had token care 10 leave her al- ways wall provided, and though away for nine months on one occasion, !which he explained by the pretext of a hue. rite! business visit to Australia and Now Zealand, his absence. lied in no cony changed her ordinary coats(! • 1 (,f Ila• garden attached to the Niue,: he 111.. But with twelve months nearly past and no sign 4)1 her returning bus- 1 nd that dry taken pwss'sslon of. With bend, she hind begun to cr►Ierlafn suis•, its temamCy sec►n''tl, he herd am p1. time gs;wrings of his wclfnrc, w hie•!► he wens IC 141014 about him Idol's• connn•'ncingg reciprocating In 1'ortla►el by likes mis- I .'mous operations, but he was in a pit fogs with regard to her. hurry to become master of Itie !unsure - 11 cons not long ere he found another trove and to learn its exact not"int. su1ed, was teonestly come by. and h0 was to remove any compunctions Mrs. Es arts might entertain as to using It. 11 w.. u sore temptation to Shgh- il 000 of ready cash going as it were r.•begging, and himself the only loan who knew of its existence, with the ex- ieption of use other. who would pro- bably not live to come out of a prison. With few doubts and less hesitation Iia part was taken. "I have conic with new, of your hue - timid," he said, as !tire. Evans entered the neon!. "Of my husband? 1 had begun to fear be was deed," she replied, vainly seek - .ung to suppress her agitalu,u. 'Cahn yourself, madam, and 1 will lett you in a few words all that 1 know Sou !Duet not hope to s.'e lien I e ninny ':curs. I and one of the cletieal stall .,f the prison where he is .'ontined, and •'.1 great risk to myself -it would ruin Iii prospects if my cooling here were !shovel' or even suspected -I have 'ought you a message front hint." And then, with the accx,mpanhnent .0 half -Incoherent questionings, \4r. !nigh pis)ceeded to unfold his story. Ile would leave no stone unturned lo secure her •husband's release, and •.)f That he had strong hopes, though tee trust not say more at present. '.\ieanw•hile. it would be wiser for her 4o return to her pareuls' (rouse along •,e.;tlt Iter children, Epsnni Willa, he 1)1. stood, belonged to herself. If she •cared to !et it furnished, he had a friend oho would b.: glad to rent it for a bye ar nr Iwo- It was her husband:s suggestion that lh,s should be done, and \Ir•. sl,gh st, told be glad, on his trhn•n to the du- 4ies of his post, to b, able to let tont know that his wishes were curried out. ee fe from anxiety as to her future, the einhappy prisoner would be better utile 10 lake Ise necessary steps to obtain t is own release at the earliest possible moment, Mr. Sligh had even less difficulty than ..e had cal'ulated upon having to ov- ercome in carrying his point. 1lis man- ner was so plausible, his tale so speci- ous, that Nile. Evans never lore a mo- ment entertained any doubt of the truth of his story. In a few weeks he iouud himself installed, again under a change of none. as tenant of Epsom Villa. On the evening of S!igh's arrival to lake possession, a stranger was seated till the bar -parlor of the Queen's Arils, a hostelry al the corner of Derby Av- enue. ile was closely wrapped up, and looked pale and ill. 11e informed It►o landlord, w'Io, was a recent corner to the neighborhood. that he w•+es only convalescent after a long Illness. Ile 4tad met with an accident in his enn- j,lc)-ntent, and his life had been des- pitii•i d ot. "\Who is that genllentat?" be asked, selerriig to a new -confer standing at Ilk- bar. "I don't know bi.s name. 1 believe l,. has lust taken one of the hou'.ts in the *Av. nue."' "Ah! That will be the house' 1 sow •,hal up as 1 passed. 1 thought some - <1:' funned Evans lived there?" "1 lx'Yeve a lady of that name lett a few days ago; it is likely glint's the house the gontlenlnn has taken." 11 was growing! dnrk when Mr. Sligh Traccedel k) make n closer insi,. otion e.pportunity of cvnver'shlg; with his ret- Ile wen, 1.1..' enough to knows the pin. low --convict, No. 1111. This individual's dense ` 1 Hoeing no mnlitlnnl. t5enlenc. hid lxrn on. of seven years, narrow lie would be free to go oral no nearly six of which he hod c(lnpiMecl. one a bit the wiser. and \Ire. F.canx and he was now on the point of being might return to her t:onse again uol r to eel 00 titkcl- f-kave. I a bit the svDI'se-s., tar ag she would "File haus.' i. cnlle.i E,''sotn \'illi. ever know, in ell plot ability. Derby Avenue. 5,r'alh:un;' Evans said Ile returnee! to the !rouse, refreshed of the plum. cons notorious for he sen g) him 011' stay, in ,cminnnnce of sw• 1 is inner man. and when it was quite liousncss and i►nnrnrnlile. of its 'Muth!. eine Inikl they hod had together. 'p (1ltrk set to work. A military IRIIIp in of Tangs. A sad commentary on the stege t' ant you to lake a message In my lilt deserted slrc.l lint ran a,ongg ilio present rditnpi,t sled vlillaget Jeriehe is the condition rtor ger Intra 'wife. She toss no idea 1 anrheree, but Awenme c i.! a dens all tlarub ing��iI t the inhabilauls of which still bear the '1 41.1 1'nl sec 144)5• ) u lire 1, 1111 rt g I rower the scene of his htsk. lion 11 was seine re nutation for loseness of mor• w ilhoul letting her know. Anyway I:IR and the swag is sot. enough. and twill more 1 enough. lied lie desired more. 1,' than keep Iver and the youngsters until 10 ,Otis have found it in a pair of 104aiit- leg eyes that from the shrubbery near were watching hive every movement. In a tow minutes hts spade had struck eaninst the edge of the upper box., and nn ejaculation of .ntisfnclion escaped hie Ups. Ile 'eget saw it would be loo heavy kir hint to remove single-hnnd- ed, unless he first removed the reel and ilio laurel with it. This he proceeded L'i (In. and when all was completed again resumer) his digging. 1t ill turned out as Evans hod told Mtn. A second box was reached. All soon as the loll was cleared away from cele lid. and ere yet there cons nn) (w`• tibihly of removing the hex itself. Le 1 nd prised open 'he lid in his eager - 'ass to have the contents displayed. 'They fleshed l,efn,e his eyes for a brief nwntent of delirious exhtlsrnlb; then it voice hissed in his ear: "You s_oun- tlrel!' and he fell in.1eeItMble. \\'hen he corn' ui Iihn.PIf it cons at. 'catty dnybreak, Ile was lying en 1119 1'....r ..f Iho' kitchen. white` a burly man tent ower bun. "What! yell herr. Evn;ns?" "1 to you villein, in lime to find you cul." "You tied better keep your 'villains' to yourself. Do you korge, 1 can fo'n't you back to Portland'" "No, you can't; hitt you heti 1r1!0r r ear vol of this al once." \Ir. Sligh ronrluded that the rehire ewee good, end itIIossasl il. Before he went Evans 14i1d him that, in motto: the lde o1 a %wieder who twit teen i'!• u,ekCt) le Iwo •-.,m'it'ts, he had himself leen nearly killed. On lensing the h spite! 0111) twn docs pre%5.313!) he Nail been prs?se'l:• 1 with his liberty. "I only witch toot; hail kept you ie ore* longer," is a e !light's peeling re. murk, tie he slime non d,-to,ttilited. Lunn ,n Ti! -Rite. Ili.• high noir! standard of the sur- 1.•►attling Bedouins. 19. nut n11 the silver and guild and secsels of brass and iron w•illch could ti" be destroyed but were rather purl - flea by fire, were to be holy unto Jelro- vnh. Every rnnn slraight before him--\Wtlh- out the neeeesily of seeking n gaiewey or other Itl0nlls of pissing Ili•• wall. which now no longer formed no Me slnele to the nttncking !entente.. The next verse (21). which bele.' gls mo- pe rl) with our lesson passage. reads : "And ihey utterly doll -toed all that was !n Iho city. brdh 1111111 anti woman, tenth young and old. and ox, end roe's), and ass. with the edge int the .._1• PRISON %%ADDERS TIIillt F'. 1 aline old." "Diu, i't she know where it 1s" "No; hos not the sllgthlesl idea of any such thing. 1 nm afraid. poor girl, she well cut up r ugh obeli she learn:: all, foul it Ls the best 1 can do for her." 11 was. ,rot unlit u,me Iwo ,remits atter his ren'eas,' that Mr. \\ itll+un Sigh -ss he now called huusell-- I:r:ocked n1 the door of Epsom Villa, rend 'twinned for Mrs. Evans. •lie had delayed so ns to allow his heir tune to grow to a /MAT rcpulnhte length; he was respectably oilfired. and few of his ,nseociet'. durctg Ilse Inst six • years •5'ottld bow' rerogni7.et, in Mr. William Sligzh. t unviet Ila, late 01 Portland licINr. Sligh's speciality had not been (l,•' `floe IIR his CYgllpaninn. Evans. Ile Supply Lrtxurks 10 Pria,ner' :end are 'hod 14". wM,l'.colm' al fear of lite ninny Itrilx d by 1{clalive.. alnngr.re ine d.,ul to n burglar's rotes - Sixteen persons have just bon teed :';on to claws.. Diel brawl' of elision• el Cologne. Germany. charged with i,ly, and its very ,lrnigltlforvarduess-- tithing and Corrupting a number of •,! n kind- repelled him. Ile preferred warders and.otht'r officials of the city to deceive victim:- chose confidence he jail. !hod gainrvl. and to ik'ee 11 ;.t w hill '('1,.' e idence revolted an extraonlin• I.rofes.b11 ili•• m.1s1 nnx+<at t desire l4) try stale of affairs. As soon ns n well- dr-essed prisoner appeared in Intl t o vans beset with attendants from the warders. ill eager for his pnlronng '. Their object wns to net as middlent.'n 11"i to+111 his serve'. but his sllu»hon t riw•een hint and his relatives. They Vet.'. ',' 110 chance 111 4-14-111"isimu►nting,. would (01150) tclters, money, food, MC., . • . l • •1, did it Memel' bins with any and for these eerviees they received • • 1 in Ike mailer. I:,eir reward from the rclalh'es: of the \ ••.•.. ti` he mal in HIP hells drnw•- prisoncrs.,net wailmit for ‘Ir. Esnus to op- Thex•l'Incrd food and lettere in their oar. he Hos ;,tic b) gauge to some ex• 1,(.ots undthe nln', 1)111 et 1', 111 Ili' truth of Iter husband's Gory. etas u.or tltnney ,initis Ihnl Ihsesry, dewiel. rfhal Rte) w. r.• aril-t,•rk). 'r hurl f:e.n clod Ihc,i' pter•arlir'( whichltrofirtnay g•,t v,, 5511. "salmi. 'leek' surltnumlinrts serve their Mho eslc. Prvl,ab!y. had Esans known ills roan biller. lie would haw.' 11,. ughl him the last person in the world In M• r•nlrusl- then► into emote'. The money giw'rt repotted n•' signs of potorty. There 10 them for the pri?oner•s Iowa' 1!5 way I.,, , ns hr link.•, on I.. the lawn b0• not la those for whorl it wits intrncled, hfind 111' heave. wu% the laurel tree 1•u' into the warders' pockets. wino'' (4(1l'k)11 It'. refIow••(x,nticl had On. Poor girl. wince !over evil; to w u"curnlely de'.'ribed. iteneath the 1.11. they swindled out of )t•'r last mark. They were in ti►e habil of having Peni- s( atoms with the prisoners, calling theist by the familiar 'Thou.' One warder F.AAn'i hoarded !iv:nire. vac sn friendly with lb(' prisoner that 1 - tee .tuty lie lend mutertnkl.n cons 1., U.'041 to occupy his cell al night out • ••'. s its hlding-place to Mt`. F:wnns. send Me prisoner ant to mount qui,. `•.-Itlltinlingr Mer with her ' ue- cheesed in hes (tic w-ardrr'r) uniform. • e , - is eiI•'i. I., as.:ct her in remc,s- The court came 10 the (y)nela!an 111 !. " • 'lllab!r t uneven by 1!11' neigh. nllteough Ili.-• warders were leibecl, 'm' • ' c -. 1 ytnwe liner 1110 !wolf 11.' lw s retorter; ought not be be cnnsidere') ' •n',nine•d, s1111 1.1 appropriate in re - guilty. and acquitted them. The w•nrd. leen for doll: • if what epode it h'hl • f ere. of mfrs', will be tried kr der;- [:tan's many Inirg!nri05. I,ct.on of duty. Tag uwney, \h'. Slight !ILA been as- sl.rface lr` knew h'• w'.,11111 limp fIM large lox in which the Tree was planted. and tr eealti that another one containing :\ C11\No.h ((1\11\;. The bachelor (cods a single 11!'. HUI should h:' chimes to w•e'iI Ihr it pr ,ably ti nd thing. different For then 1*" will be ted. King. an :•g:•'.1 :...1y of Tor,n(o, .e1 lave stet 14, %loft is 1 daughter In ffwas turned hark nl s' 1' !i immigration a 1. (,riot. au,l 1.11 s'1ariJcd a{ Nkagara Era l ia. p 11111111