HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-17, Page 1ttet itOot ft. TWENTIETH YEAR. EX ETE R. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1907. SANDERS & CREECH APPLES WANTE___ De Rev. Andrews ofCreditor) preached at well directed missionary sermon in At Ilensall on Thursday last the the Jfethudist church un Sunday eve - Liberals of the Smith i{idirng of Iloron ning Inst. -Rev. Dean Taylor of St. met to choose a e,ndidatt' for the Leg- Marys preached very impressive and is1,ttile and the choice fell on Mr. J. interesting anniversary sermons on Kellermaul, merchant of Dashwood. i Sunday last in the English church. Only one nano wit; mentioned, the On Tuesday night the ladies of the nomination Iping made by Alex. llus• church served a fowl supper which ta•d of Brueetfeld and Henry Doyle of was largely attended. Following the Stephen. lou. A. G. MacKay, leader supper Was an interesting; program. - of the opposition, was present and de- livered an address. Mr. Kellerman is a online aged matt of German descent, a successful farm- er and business Haan. and the present deputy -reeve of the Township of Step. hen, this being his first term in the council. He accepted the nomination, and expressed himself as in to win, al- though the task wits a heavy one. Mr. MacKay ("ougl atulated thein on the choice of a candidate, stated that a► definite policy had not yet been de- cided upon, thought the Brockville Liberals Choose J. Kellerman Kirkton HE HENSALL AT EVAPORATOR T 40c. per 100 lbs. for suitable peeling apples. GEORGE JOYNT, Prop. The Old Reliable FALL IS HERE and Winter will soon be upon Us. Underwear We beg to announce that we have put in a full line of Standfleld's un - shrinkable underwear, both in Ladies' and Gent's. The ladies' vests are the hest we have ever shown. They are made to shape, having no seams, at $1.50 each, very fine. Furs We are carrying a choice line of furs this season in Ladies' and Gent's. Ve will sell ladies' coats by catalogue this season As usual. Give us a call be- fore making your purchases, as we can save you from $2.00 to $3.01) on a gar- ment on account of not having to carry them in stock. Millinery When in need of millinery we can please you as we have a first-class mill- iner in connection with the store, in the person of Miss Morlock. Highest Price paid for produce CARLING BROS. Protefesle■al Cards. DB. 0. F. ROHL/ITC/N. L D. 12., n. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Oeaduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson k Carling's Late ORm•e, In Di. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. 1p. 8., D. D. 8.' Honor graduate of Toronto Uniteriett. DENTIST. }Nth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects ODIN over Oladman A Malibu!) •s office, Main street }sets. Medial AF. MALLOY, it. 8. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBI:It • College of Phytielan. and Surgeon., Ontario. Former House Surgeon Toronto Western lloe, ltal. Ifeeceueor to Dr. J. A. Rollin.. Residence: East on Bret street Dorth of offs., Exeter, Ontario. ------ Legal. DIOKSON a CARLiNO, itAR1tI`TI:R8, 801.101• Lon, Notaries, Cenve. au ere, Commissioners. elicitors for Molsons Bank. et,. 1110110, to Lona at lowest rates of interest- Oflices, Hain street. Exeter, 1. IL. Oatuas. H.A., 1. 11 Pacicsos MONET TO LOAN. We hare a large amount of pri, ate furor. to loan a farm and %}Nage properties at ION rale. of Inter OM. OLAPHA N k STASICRY, Barristers, Solicitnr.,M►in .1 , Exeter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Roy al in. rI5. r&ted 'society of Ywl•ians, England; Organist of Truitt Memorial Chun h,;:xeter. Piano. Organ, Harmony and Theory .f Mus'c, Terris on application. Exeter, Ont, Farm for Sale The undersigned i. offering for rale that w ►ores of land, being parts of bots 4 and Sin the 1•t con. M the t ;!lace of Exeter, also the fire brick dwelling and three lob on William street, adjacent to the farm. There is on the farm a fratne barn and all is well a1 ,1, Attained. Farm will 1 e e.ddwithout bowie if desired. Terme easy. ror pertirutars apply to Ju11N 11A KSIIAW, Exeter CLINTON RI SINESS COLLEGE fCeitieates to meet the living demands of a progressive age, Must exact mg. modern city oftices delighted with our graduates. ()lir manage• meat trains rlltne '.hung per). Ple annual})• than any tether in Western 1)ntniio, \\'e have incor torated th. coon. eel' of our TEN 1 EAl'IUERS into one grand dirt }led hole. Both courses for price of one. 1)tv ntodents tray ,attend night cla.1esftse V.11 Term Open, Sept. 2nd Enter any time. individual Instruction. Write for hand!ome ('11alogue (EO. SPOTTON, Principal. /►aRAsA►ilk rktntksi J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -SL, Exeter. DR. PINGEL, LoONDO o, MI.ctrlcal traatm•nt of ais.ases of women a specialty. For Sale or To Rent. Lot No. 15, Con.:, Tp. of Stephen, County of Huron, containing 1.,) acres of land, well fenced and drained; withgood orchard, about twenty sere. of good bush, modem building., convenient to vhool, church and market, and is.ititate about two miles from the tillage of Exeter. If not sold before Nov. 15th, will be rented. For furtuer particulars apply to Robert I.eathorn, or to kle,sr.. Hickson k Carling ^-16 Wellington at. Barristers, kc. London, Ont. Exeter, Ont Sale Registers. 1RIttAt, •.t 'T. 2! Farm stock, int dm eents and hnnwbold effects, the property of Mt.. B. Spicer, Elinoille. Sale at one o'rlo.•k THOS.( A IIERON, Auct. Ten Acres for Sale Ten sores e•f ;a.1 land for sate on Lake Road,west of C. T it. tra•'k. For particulars Wily to • tn. Edwin Jones The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE--TORJNTO Paid tip Capital, • . $3,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS; A ,I)tlt•s J.AR%'t., F.,11, l',n,,leNt PAN bos. 11 bt.tc i.. 5Al r., l;aq, :'( 1'tte l'r, tt,:i.rl A. A. ALLAN. Esq.. - • :•d fire-PrenJe4 tiox. D. MCMt1I.I.AN, ARCA. CAxll•InIL, F M.P. A E. Its xer:st. F:«► . `i.P. F.R M(3.AAr5, W 1t. iICNAr0Nr, H.q. , )rt•P. ALFA. (Muck, Esq.. K C. P. ( ] a v, x e IT • • • • .,,,,, t:-.Manstfs R. C s.•a :. .1..!.a./ntr Ji•.tIJRO(f/ Say Ings Bank Department Inter, t r, lett current rates raid quartetli. 131111101. • 31 Exeter, Dashwood, %ur- irh and ('rediton, JOS. SNELL, Manager fit. Cram'1, \VF:riol'o -The bells rang pally at the l•heich of Our Lady Tuesday Imorning. when Miss ('elie Houlihan. daughter of P. Hntllihan. was married services of the Methodist church wi 1 MANDEIts-in \\ lnehelsea, Sept. 211, to to John Hogan. The bride was he•auti• be held this year on Sunday next, Oct. Arthur Sanders and wife, a son. folly attired in white satin withgarni• lelth. Thr Rev. W. E. Kerr, of ('lin- tire t.f lire :(nil Mich)! veil and was ton. is former pastor. will occupy the attended by Nims '1. Dor kin. 'i'he pulpit at 2•3li end i o'clock p. t n. The .'14groom Wta Filippo, t' 1 by H. Det kin. music will be furnished by the linin Rev. rather Foster united the happy • street t'hurch choir, Exeter•. Rev. 4 couple and after the ceremony the Kerr is an excellent preacher And the Company tt'naired 141 the re5id,'m t• of aerx•ices 11111111a.,' ill be 311tutdarly the bride's father, where A shamming bright and nitrite -ling. - .1r. A. C. wedding breakfast woa sera tit :tad a Moir. statist} agent et {'no Pot k, is nutty lame WAR fiat.} until this newly home apemling a few Jaya with his Mat iatdcoupledepot teJ for Parkhill, patents. - --Peter Oke, who has 'peen \_o►ke. wh• re they left on the t'a'ming express ,lnite in. i+ recovering we are pleased LeortieItt.ANn- in Tuekerwnlith, Con. for at honeymoon inil)etroit and points t, note. - Gen. Dunn has nearly come i. Oct. la, Rola. Leatherlond, in his west. phase] the cement floors in his barn. 81st year. Mrs. Me(nllitin continues very lute and is not expected to recover. -Fall ing is progressing nicely since t he rain. -Mrs. Wut. Hazlewood's many friends will be halved sorry to learn of her continued illness. Her daughter Mrs. I)aurling is taking care of her. \Val. Balfour has returned frons his trip to West -The following left at few days ago for their respective colleges, Roy Shite to Toronto Medical; Alvtn Doupe to Normal and Hugh Hazlewood to the Victoria. -Miss Nairn has returned to Salem after a visit with her aunt election whets it Frain of about 500 ryas Mrs. Jacob Tit)'lor,--Miss Alice Donee made by the Conservatives was not an indication of public feeling, urged re- forestation, criticised the government and asked for reformation in various things. Mr. M. V. McLean of Saaforth, can- didate for the (louse Of Cotnmotis,also Race all address. The usual votes of confldenre in Sir \Vilfred Laurier and Jlac•Kay were passed. Exeter Council The council rnet in the 'fowl) Ball on Monday, Oct, 11th, 1007, at 8.30 p. tn. AFase nt, Councillor J. J. Knight. The minutes of meetings held Sept. 23, 2,)1h and :30th inst., were read and ap- proved. A couuuuiicutiun front Mrs. Smith was read. to injury received l_:y her 011 defective sidewalk, asking damages of $25 Per notion of W. J. Heitman, no seconder -that the Reeve and Councillor. Johns investigate and re- port at the next meeting. Mr. 'Thus, Hazelwood asked Council to repair crossing between his Property and Mr. Ilandford's. Per motion of A. E. Fake and W. Johns the Commis- sioner was instructed to repair the saute. -Carried. Messrs. Ramsay, Russell and Mur- phy asked for the use of Town Ball fur Tuesday evening, Oct, 'L'nd, with the promise of re -cleaning the same. - Granted. A. (1. Dyer complained that the Tight on the corner of Carting am) Victoria streets had not been burning for 0 weeks and asked for an oil lamp, stating that he would look after the same. -Granted. The Reeye reported that he with Councillor Johns had intery iewed T. Hawkins & Son regarding North End fire bell. They were communicating with firms re quotation on a new fire alarm bell. Mrs. A. Snell, Jno. Parsons and Geo. Atkinson asked for tile for drain on Gidley street. -Granted. Thos. llertnoll asked for tile for drain and for the privilege of taping drain un Carling street. The Reeve promising to look over the ground and report, fhe following accounts were read. passed and orders drawn on the'rrees- urer for same: Queen City Oil Co., bal, to Sept, i)th, gasoline, $3,117; Bell Telephone Co., messages. :35c.; A. Q. I3ubier, Expenses of deputation to Clinton $11,11); W. S. Cole, sponges fire dept., $1; C. B. Snell, street light• $11(3.241; C. B. Snell, Town Hall lighting, $:3,110; lien. Cndinore, labor, $2.2,;; Jas. Creech, sr., labor, $0; Fred Gillespie, labor, $7; ltd. Davis, labor, $3.50; W, W. Neil, labor, $8.75; Silas liandferd, labor, $3.50; Thos. Creech, labor, $3.011; David Gillis, labor, $1.25; W. J. Bissett, pt. salary, K:i:3; Wat. Sweet, Tabor, $1.50; C. V. Cross, pt. salary cemetery, 0327; Fred Kerr, brick for ce'meter'y, $211.21; W. W. Neil, bal. street watering, $:37.50; A. G. i)yet•, selecting Jurist's, $1; Jos. Senior, selecting Jurors, $1; A. Q. 13obier, selecting .111ro►•Q, $1; Peter Bowden, extra work aid hal. on cement tank, gel; amounting in all to $371.I6. A. E. Fake W. J. Hessian. -Carried. '1r. Ed. 'Treble, hand Wurster, hand- ed to the Council the key of the hand runts which contained all the inatre- meuts, music and clothing. A. 1:. Puke -NV. Johns --the ('ourruissiener was instructed to secure the hand in- struments and all lite clothing and see the sante propel ly stoner} away.- Car - tied. \V..;, Heilman it. E. Fuke- that the caretaker at the cemetery. C. NS'. ('truss, be allowed to retain $11) for use in slaking charge. --Carried. Council closed at 11:1.1 1r. tu. Ad• join nslent by A. E. Fake. J. Senior, Clerk. saw - Sit ipka who spenta few days here with her cousin Miss Sara Shire, hes returned to London. -eVictor and Miss Mable Sowers hava returned to London. -- Miss Etta Fletcher of Lcnndan is home on a visit. -Mrs. C. Sweitzer is visit- ing at Wni. Sweitzer's.-Mrs. (t -urge Vickers and daughter Clara of Mitch- ell spent a few days with Mrs, Silas Shire during the week. --Silas Shire deserves credit for the time and care he has taken to prepare biscuit for the exhibitions, he having taken first prize at all the fairs. Wenner) FIFTY i-r•:.tIre. -A Strat- ford correspondent says: "On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harris Roadhouse cele- brated their golden wedding, they having enjoyed fifty years of happy wedded life. A dainty wedding supper was beid and the worthy couple were presented with a handsome gold chain and brooch respectively. For the oc- casion Mrs. Romdhottare wore her origi- nal wedding dress, while the husband donned the same waistcoat that he wore on his marriage day. Mr. and Mrs. Roadhouse have resided here 18 years, and were married in York tp. They lived in Kirkton thirty years," DEATH( OF EDWARD Stt•ITZElt.- Mr. Edward Sweitzer the oldest resi- dent of this township passed to his eternal rest on Tuesday, Oct. 13th, at the great age of 101 years. The de- ceased had enjoyed his nstlal good health until a few weeks previous to his demise, his death being due to a worn out constitution. Deceased be- came a resident of this neighborhood about six year's ago when he moved here to reside with his son. Mr. Switz- er was a native of Ireland and on first coining to this country settled in Brock township, County of Ontario. ile leaves to mourn his death a large grown-up family and it tnay be said that by his death the lineal chain of five generations has been broken. His remains were taken to St. Marys on Wednesday and from there were tak- en to his former place of residence for burial, DEATH. -Mr. Alex. Kirk, an old and respected resident of this place, passed away on 'Thursday last, at the ripe old age of 86 years. He and his partner in life bought their 101) acre farm (on which A considerable part of the vil- lage now stands) neatly 60 years ago when it was solid bush and have pass- ed through all the hardships of pioneer life and have lived on it ever since. Deceased was a consistent member of the Methodist church and occupied the position of Superintendent of the Sunday school for a number of years and was also class lender in the church until intirntitiee and old age would not lpermit hint to fill the position. Ile eaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing wife, who is at the point of death through illness; one brother, John, at Hamiotn, Man.; one sister, Mrs. \Vebb, of 1'orkton, 1fAn,; and five sons and four daughters, Wm, in ('sborne; Dr, David, Minneapolis; ,Tattles. Hendren, Man.; Dr. Samuel, Oak i{iver, Mate; ,Joseph at home; Mrs. John Hanna, 1'sbnrne: firs. Joseph Weir. Nisso►ri; Mrs). Josiah Shier, Tian►iota, Man.; Miss. Ed. Shier, Kirkton. His remains were interred in the fetidly plot on Saturday afternoon Last anti the funer- al was largely attended. Met; illivray Connell Council met at Town Hall on Oct. 7. All present. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and signed. Poore--l'lens-- that the several accounts he paid. - Carried. Council adjourned to Nov. 4, at 1 p.m. -J. D. Ih ttinntontl. Clerk. - - --- tlrand Bend Thomas Moller(' and wife left Tues• day for the \Vest where they will vis- it for a time. --E. Brenner of Siripka spent Thursday here. - iL Hamilton, one of our highly respected citizens, Dear - Silas Adams 1)ashtwo,al is clerk- ing who rt'r'Cfltly purchased Mr. A. Dear- ing art .1. 1). Ila n on's. Mr. Mclntt•te of Arizona called on S. Sweitzer last week.- Mrs, Dillon of Merrill. Mich., is visiting with her mother and broth- er, D. Mnlsatte,- On Ort. 111 A shooting match will be held by Fara Btenner.- Jantes Hanurin. Sr., is going to move Into 11r. SItt1on's house. Glad to see him around again.- J. 1). Hannon was - in %utich on business last week. Ti n.1 At Hensel}, Oct. its, to Rev. - - and Mrs. S. 1.. Toll, it son. Bethesda 3N -egos -At Ilensatl, Oct, 7th, to Mr. The Anniversary and thank ofTerinR Jackson and wife, a son. Init's fern) on the 1th concession of Stephen. moves} there Thursday. Mr. Bossenberry is occupying the house Mr. Hamilton vacated, -I1. GIII of Pt. Frank spent Tuesday here. ---1.. Re - vette was in London Fast week on busi- ness. BIRTHS DEATHS HorlrttNe-in Biddelph,Oct. in, James Uri Hodgins, aged 45 years and 1 month. StvIT%Fait-- At Kirkten. on 1)ct. 11th, Edward Switzer, in the 1111st year of his age, 1-o1(KF: --- in i'arkhill, Oct. 1:3, Peter POULTRY We will pay the following prices for poultry till further advised: TURKEYS 11c per lb. alive; 13c. per ib. dressed CHICKENS, 1907 hatch 7c per lb. alive; 9c. per ib. dressed HENS 5c. per lb. alive; 7c. per lb. dressed GEESE Not taken alive; 9c dressed heads cff DUCKS Not taken alive; 9c. dressed heads off The above is our trade price. --one cent per lb. less in each case for cash. Scalded poultry half price. Poor, skinny poultry from 2c. a pound and up. Would rather not have at any price. Directions for Marketing Poultry Fast 24 hours before killing or bringing in alive. If not, allowance must be made of one-half to nue cent per pound. Kill by bleeding in the mouth or neck close to head. I)ry pick and pick clean. JONES & CLARK EXETER ONTARIO MARRIAGES. QT'S T00 COLD I{EOAN--(lr..&yls-In McGillivray, on Oct. 13, Currie Regan of Mt. Carmel to Miss Mary Josephine, daughter of Mrs. J. Glavin, of McGillivray. IloosN-Hot't.111AN -in Mt. Cartmel, Oct. 14, by Fr, Foster, John Hogan to Miss Celia, daughter of P. Houli- han all of McGillivray. (IANCoCK FOItriYTll•-in Clinton, on Oct, 11, by Rev. Gunn, George Hand- cock, ofto Miss Forsyth of tuck, of Clinton, y 'tV itt ghats. RR1n-11or,Tz--At the home of the ROBES bride'sparents, on CO. 10th, by Rev. A. 1). Gischler, John C. Reid of Stanley, to Edna Holtz, of Blake. HARNESS Rugs,-Gatote-In Jonesville, Mich., Warren B. Ross, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Florence T. (iaige. Wc'r•r.ttv.ty--Mnr11te---In London, on October i(ith, Percy \Vestaway, son of the late Samuel Wt'staway, tri Miss Mabel Moore, both of London. Antos -M1teett1Tr -Atliarpley, Oct. 10, by Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe, At the re• silence of the 'pride's father, Lin- Rebecca, wnrxl Amos of 13rinsley, to Miss W II 1s Beer, Exeter To ha your horse stand without a blanket now, or to be without a good warm pah- a mitts for yourself. We have just received a good line of both and will sell them at prices that are away down. f hu• also are most rensonabie. Oirscannot be heat and before purchasing it will pay you to give us a call. Everything from the lightest to the heayi• est, and satisfaction guaran- teed. 'I'1 y us with a job of re- pairing and be convinced that opt prices are right. Esq., Ex. M. P. Stoves, Ranges and Fnrnaces. Garlands, Souvenirs and Moffatt Ranges 4 and 8 hole, from $33 up to $50. Guaran- teed to be the best bakers and most - economical in fuel. Gurney's New Idea and Wingham Furnaces for coal or wood. Let us figure your house. PORTLAND CEMENT Just Received a car of Sampson Brand Port- land Cement. Come quick It won't last long. Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire, Barbarian Ideal Fencing,and Ide- al Gates at special clearing prices Must be sold. Fencing will be 10 per cent. higher next year. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE 6 STOVE STORE