HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-10, Page 7i
He Dow pre ALet tee OF OI teeen-
1\I; ItulA1.T1'.
A.t 1'ninlruliorlal Otte err 1. Usually
Readily Pardoned le the
There is no greater social effete^
than to do unything that incurs the dis-
pleasure of the Kung or Quern. The mun
ori woman who does eo Intentionally
ceases 141 he recognized by their Majes-
ties. and this means social CXIIUelk)n.
rhe offenders name, net veneer what
his or her milk may tie, is struck out of
the tiering -hail of every person in so -
.•9y: 1f the offender be a mutt tie is
osked 141 remove his name (mm every
club of Any standing lo winch he may
hnppcn 10 belong; no awn or woman of
social repute will know hint, and if he
t_. in tee Army . Navy or Dipklnhntic Ser.
vi.•a• the hest thing he can do is to re-
sign. ter he will find himself cut dead
b} e'rt y one of his brother -officers, says
IA radon Answers.
II need har•lly be sni•J that their Ma-
Jeslie•: ore always loath to inflict on
anyone the penalty which a public
avowal of their displeasure entails, and,
in fact, never do so unless a person of-
fends wittingly. It is considered a ser-
ious offence to violate any of those rules
of eliquelte which their Majesties ex-
pect people whom they honor with their
acquaintance at all times to observe
scrupulously in their presence.
If you fait to observe Ihesc rules. it is
nu! considered any mitigation of the of-
fence to plead ignorance of them, for all
who come into social contact with Rny-
ally are supposed to make themselves
thoroughly' familiar with these obser-
On one occasion a few seasons ago, a
hidy- ivh•..se Warne was well known
among American hostesses in London
.was honored by an invitation to a din-
ner-par;y at Buckingham Patna.. A few
drys before the dinner. the Indy wroto
to the Queen asking if she might bring
t guest who was slaying with her to the
dirner•party. This was nn outrageous
eiolatlon of etiquette. The lady's request
war refused, though, of course, the re-
fusal was couched in the most courteous
terms, but her name was never again
included in the list of Royal invitations,
and 11 soon got known in society that
)their Majesties did not wish to meet her.
The result was that the lady was drop-
ped absolii(ely And completely nut of
society. and she shortly afterwards gave
ire her London house and left for the
Three was a peer who, n couple of
years ago, presuming on his friendship
with the King, took tin unpardonable
liberty with hie Sovereign. The King
tans arranged to he the peer's guest from
Saturday to Mor.day, and as is custom-
ary in sunt cases, a fist of the other
guests Ih' peer proposed nsking was
subrnited to his etniesly. Two of the
Mimes on the list were unknown In the
King, and his Majesty nsked that they
night be omitted from the party.
They were, however, present, and the
peer expedited their presence by Mating
that he had already usked them when
he had sent the list to the King. Such
ai. offence was quite unpardonable; the
King dee b.ted ever to meet the peer
,again, and the nobleman soon found
dhn1 nn ancient title and high position
r• old not save him from the penalty
which laking a liberty with the Sover-
eign entails.
lli• Mune wns removed from the list
o! members of every chub he belonged
k. invitations he had received to vareets
douses of people in his own rank were
canceled; and he was asked to resign
his captaincy in his county yeomanry.
11 let his country mansion one of the
n.ost splendid houses in England. end
went to live on the Cerement. and he
now resettles iti great privacy in a villa
near Toulon:. for he is altogether loo
timid a man to accept the only sort of
M.ciely that is open to hint.
A nnember of the French Erneassy in
lAartlon once addressed his ltiniest> as
"Year toy. C/tllf 11 was n gross t iolntnn
Of etiquette. but under the circumstances
111' ol(enc•e wits pardoned. It was col.l-
Mi11ed1 Miring n game of bridge nl the
Marloororigh C.tut when the diplomatist
P'i queslkin w•us playing with the King.
The former, though 11411 n very gond
plater. was a righty enlhusinstic one
Slid very keen :afoul winning. The last
rand of ithe rubber was n "rho trimmer"
eiseed by the King. mid the dipk)rna-
lilt wn cunt the toll of ench card with
the crralest anxiety. The King at the
nni•i& won by leo tricks. thus winning
.1bM• gerne and rnlbl.e•r. and his partner.
r e s exclaimed,
.� Ili
11. to rpt.
, en
I r 1
inn 1.n ( u
"Alt. c,iy oenr try. well played, well
platedf"I hen in an tn'tnnt c,s n dead
Mice. a t• i • n the players, the diploma•
tee ,. • . %1 himself. 1111(1 jumping to
h ! •'. i.eyed his Majesty's pardon
tt its • lice granted, for hie of•
v „- transpnrenlly uninten-
ht'I\i•:1) BY ROYAI. Fftoee \.
In nnolter (11,1) some yam ng . n Te -
fled nnvnl emcee one afternoon (tally
with hits, and it poeple do so they trlua-,
suffer the consequences which their of
fence entails." Many an aspirant tc
Ce,urt favor has had experience of thi
TtIF: sION:.ClI ON til'1111iE.
71te Tonic Treatment for Inditlestion ie
the Dost i4urcesstul.
Less o1 appetite. coaled tongue, bait
li ste in the mouth, heavy. dull head-
ache and a dull sluggish feeling -These
are the symptoms of stornuch trouble.
'flet indicate That the Nieuwe,. is 011
strike, Ilial it is no longer furnishing
to the skied the lull quvla •.f nourish-
ment (lint 111 Is.dy demands, hence
every orgu►1 buffers. 'there are two
methods of tre tment, the old one by
which the stomach is humored by the
use et pre-digested foods and artificial
ferments, and the new one -The Dr.
Williams' fink Pills suelhod-by which
the stomach is toned up to do the work
ncbire intended of it. A recent cure
1'y the loam• treatment is that of Mrs.
Jac. W. Haskell. fort Maitland. N. 8.
Site says: 'Tor years I enjoyed perfect
health. but suddenly headaches seized
roe. 1 had a had taste in my mouth:
my tongue wns coaled; 1 grew lire*(
end oppressed; my appetite left me.
rind such food as I did cut only causal
distress. 1 had „severe pains in any
(Lest. I lost all strength and was
ellen seized with vomiting. At differ-
ent limes 1 was treated by some of
cm- lest doctor:, but although 1 fol-
lowed (heir treatment carefully t did
not get any better. One day while
reading a paper 1 came across a case
similar 1 , tune which had been cured
ey Dr. \\ 111 ants' fink Pills. 1 nn, nedi-
ulely pure/wed n supply and it was
not long Were they Legan to help me.
I grew stronger day by day till now I
ani as healthy as 1 ever was. 1 have a
good appetite. tram strong and active
and can attend to nay household du-
ees without fatigue. I have no hest-
tation in recommending Dr. Williams'
Pink Pill- to all sufferers from indiges-
Rheumntient. kidney trouble, neu-
ral;,ria, St. Vitus' dance, headache and
backache. palpitation. general weak -
tees, and a host of other troubles, find
'their root in bad blood just as in the
case of stomach trouble. That is why
the 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills trcatinent
is always a success -they are a pow-
erful blood builder and nerve tonic.
S•eld by all druggist or direct from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville. Oral.. nt 50 cents a box or six
Ix-xcs for $2.50.
Father Derourt's Misadventures en the
West Coast of Africa.
Along tine west coast of Africa a bar
extends, with o :cnsional breaks, for
se -me thousand of miles. it prevents
steamships from making landings at
important towns on the mainland and
necessitates the trineder of passengers
and freight in smell touts. This trans -
kr is often dangerous.
Father Derouet has written a lively
account of his adventure in July last
in one of (hes' boats. Ile was trying
In land at Selie Ceuta, a little north • f
the Corig,. Just before the_ critical tnn-
ntent of crossing the bar he saw Father
Mcu!in joyously waving his hat on the
'Then In a it inkling n mountain cf
water struck the bar aril the bont wns
lessee into the nie. Father Derouet
ft.und himself ewcruliug n somersault.
Ile carne down on his head and would
probably have frnettired hiss skull if he
111(1 not landed on the feel of an un-
fortunate l.oalman. which diminished
De violence of the blow.
On the bank Father etoulin saw trim
appear and disappear three iinM'S and,
1 clieving him lust. gave hit absolution.
:reit of Ise twelve boatmen had lwen
knocked into the sea and were strug-
gling in the waves.
The boat was soon In shallow water
tut still far from hind. The two boat-
men helped the missionary ashore. In
the confusion n wooden creel had fal-
len cm his hips and lie was %try More,
tut lits chief grief on landing was that
he hod lost his pastoral ring.
'fhe baggage was fished out of the
sea piece by piece, but in %4 hat n Male!
The vestments worn In the church ser-
vice were ruined and so were all the
presents he hnd brought for his breth-
ren. Sen water had spoil d everything.
The accident cosi him about $250.
hut the mi'sionar:es of Selle (:mmn cote
seled him with this piece of logic ns
11.' drew up. with a woel.egene air. (4'-
(4*' their mouse:
"Never mind. eo not feel leen m ueb
afflicted. 'fhe principal piece has leen
robed "
There is no period in baby's life that
tre.thrrs dread anon Ihnn teething
lime. The little guns are lender and
inflamed; Ilie crhrt suffers
rind Is sl
le.. and en.ss. Mad the mother is usu-
all) worn cut caring for the child. The
rise of I1nl+y s Own Tablets allays, the
inllammalien. scalene the (ender swot -
It rt gunns. and brings the teeth through
paink'cely. Mrs. N. Sante, sI. Ito,o
d" i.in,a. Que.. says: "When my baby
was culling his teeth he was fe%Crish.
cr••.ss and del not lake nourislunent.
Al:.r giving hitt Babes Own Tablets
he ell! six teeth wi11K.u! the least In.u-
Ile. 1 have never 1:sed any medicine
retitradieled n settlement made tv the frit children 1 prze s., highly ns the
King. Then 1'rmce of \Webs. The . nicer 'retitle." Feld by all medicine dealers
ta• a tp tee. us wetly. 1n1 he made n
fclnl 0,,str,kc when Tr• tried lit t+lllly the
heir to the 'tuna°. '1 he King !toe 110
u4 lice al the lime t 1 the emcee c rude-
nrse, ttltich wns .•IA *ley inlcnlionnl,
but later on Sent an ewer y f1., inform
him that hie lu.yn! lli1thneee did not nor
le,l:ger wish to number 11.111 among his
a(qun)nlnncCc, FIA '01 111111 moment, the
wheel- Wne cut 1.y (very • 1u' 111 society.
Ile brntenrd the (natter (lit 14.1 a while,
Let he Batik fatally in the s. 'int acral*',
and a ft.‘‘ years ng,,, ht '• its futnliy in-
imed in n drunken 1 raw l in some kw:
frnlblinq (1(11 in New. Yerk.
An officer in the Arany wlei le on con-
sai(ral1.' Iona of irieueleh*p with the
King saial n ectilly to the welter. "Nal one
le I• se rend) In lake ((Sera•* than the
Ring. er ►torn ready k pond. n one when
Ili edtenee is uitinknli.mnt: but his \ta•
ilesly never FetmiLs a lfb^rly to to taken
411. ty moil al 25 (rifts a 1••s from the
Dr. \Wlll;nme' \icdicine Co., Brockville,
"Wee people manage to tench the lop
Meow dnye then ever Lcfort," remarked
tee moralizer.
"les." rejoined the demornlieer, "and
i1 is .Ire to the inrt that the ladder has
hetet - :per«deal by the elevator."
014 Sall "1 have teen on eight dif-
f( rent vessels when they went to the
bottom. -
young Fre••h-"plow did yell men-
age to escape each lime?'
Olt Salt--"t:nef enough; they were
eubnnnrine boalw'
I A Serious Cue of Chrocic Catarrh
(%M:\ CITIZEN AND SOLDIER COAs. Gradually O ertoaee Br rt -rami
Belfast Ilas (leen the scene of Many
Fierce Battles Belvein fao:ers
and the Law. •
So lately as 1899, tidiest. Ireland, was
the scene of a desperate battle between
raters and the forces of the law. The
trouble began with a United Irish
League demonstration. The procession
was promptly attacked by a strong force
of Orungemcn, and on the evening of
June 5111 troops were called out and the
Riot Act read. On this occasion there
wet'o no lives lost, but no fewer That
eddy arrests were made. Seven police
were badly hurt ey stones.
In 1586 and 1887 ilelfast streets saw
heavy fighting On January 29(h, 1887,
the police were ordered to fire, and sev-
cenl of (tie mob were wounded. But the
worst of all Belfast riots was that of
Early in June of that year Iwo mobs,
elle of Roman Catholic, the other of Pro-
testant workmen gathered and en-
geged in a furious bailie. Matters went
trent bad to worse, and riots became of
almost daily occurrence. The climax
carne on July 21st, when more than two
Ihemsmlel men met and fought with
slicks, stones, glass bottle, and iron
bale. Two houses were set mire, and j�J[ It. ARTHUR TRE\11BLAY, 8 St -
the streets were one medley of roaring, lei James street, Mont Pleasant,
struggling crowtLs• Que., Can., writes:
THE POLI(:(: \VERS 1'O\VEeeess ; "Acott I11r•ee years ago catarrh in
its most serious term assailed rale.
hoops were called out, and the Riot Act "1 consulted a specialist who pre -
read. • he rioters peel no attention scribed medicines its constitutional
whatever, except to baffle more desper- (lealnlent and 'n- liquid to use locally.
ately. With great reluctance the officers `"this gave rale relief for a time, but
gave orders to fire. seen afterwards the disease returnee.
A heavy volley crashed into the Beeth- "I was then suffering very much, my
me mob, and men fell in every direc- appetite had tett ane and 1 was growing
tion, They rallied and attacked the sol- weaker•
diers, who were forced in self-defence to "I had frequently read pamphlets re-
fire again. 'this time the rioters broke gnrding the cures made by Peruna.
and ran. 'i'he streets were like sham- and uttnougit sornewhat dubious its to
tiles. Eleven men were picked up stone its doing me any good, 1 decided to try
dead and more than sixty were badly n few bottles.
toundr<1 "1 hail not taken t eiuna for more
It Ls not always that the representa-
tives of law and order are able to con-
trol a mob. The dreadful business of
December 14111, 1831, will long be re-
membered in County Kilkenny. On that
day a political riot broke out in the
small lawn of castleshock. A body of a
dozen police under a Mr. Gibins marched
than two weeks before a marked im-
provement was perceptible.
"As 1 continued taking the remedy,
Inc disease gradually disappeared and
1n a few months 1 was entirely rid of
the nauseous malady."
1907 A ICED [.E'ITEII l'EAR.
down to stop the fighting. The whole
ntob turned upon the little force of con- Right 10 Vole Won by Women in Four
slahulary, surrounded teem, and in mad (:canities of Europe.
BEAT THEM ALL TO DEATH.\Women all over the world are begin -
ring to leek upon 19(17 as a red letter
About two and a half miles from the year for their sex. '('heir first notable
netting city of Ballarat is a hill crown- step ahead this year was the gaoling
cal with a curkn►s monument. This con- ' f pnrlinmentary suffrage to the women
sills of a stone platform s►•rmounlcd by cf \• may, 'Then Swedish women were
a1., obelisk, at each of the angles of made eligible for municipal °Inrce; next
which stand obsolete sixty -pound muz_ carne the granting to the women of Urn-
zie-loading guns. The whole is sur- mark of the right to vote for and serve
by a picket fence, and mark.a +" ntembcrs of boards of public churl-
roundedthe scene of one of the most terrible riots t.'es, and now the British Parliament has
ever recorded in any British colony. The Just passed the bill Making women eli-
stery of the various causes which led up gable atown and county councillors
fo this riot is ton long to tell; it is Brom and uldcrmcn..
cient to say that the great grievances In 1888 when the county councils
were the heavy gold license, $10 n v;ere Instituted in England it was
month for each digger, and the horrible Iliought that women were eligible. and
crudity of the prison arrangements.
Margaret Sandhurst. Miss
arrested for any offence were Jane Cot.den and Miss Cons -were elect-
Menchained out in the open to heavy lege. ^d by the voters of London. Beresford
In 1854. the Ballarat diggers, niter II, pe, le he had been defeated by Lady
Sandhurst, contested the cicelien on the
vainlylilienir. for a change, began to
organize. Underp of Peter grorind that women were not eligible.
the leadershi
The litigation was prolonged and mean -
Later, they collected arras and ammu-
nition, and bcgon to drill. Se.ldie 1 fine of the duties assigned to Lady
were sent to Ballarat. The miners at- Sandhurst was the supervision of twen-
revenl them, but were driven back. in tt-three infant asylums, When \Ir.
revenge, the authorities redoubled the Ilcpe finally succeeded in ousting hes
slriclnees of the license law. t,►nc of the leading London dailies sar-
castically MINERS THEN GATIIF.RED, custlenlly remarked:
"It is to lie hepcd ikat the gentleman
and on the top of Bakery Hill where the will find himself equal to mothering
monument now stands, conetrucled the all those babies."
famous " Eureak Stockade,'' It was gar- •
ii'tit'd by 3(11(1 men, The auL,mcbile isn't in it with the
Captain '('humus of the 40111 Foot made ge ssip where it comes to running peo-
a sln•prise attack early one morning with 111( down.
a force of 276 redder&, The ruiners \\lien a woman is unhappily utnr-
1rc•d site would gladly recall her inj9-
changed. The troops charged. and n • spent life.
d•:sperute hand to hand fight folk•wed.
'thirty diggers were killed outright, {lard and soft curls cannot withstand
seeress were wounded. and 135 were can- 1e te,ways Corn Cum; it is effectual
tared. linter himself {est nn arra. Yeteery •lime, Get a bottle at once and
a few years later leder was elected to be happy,
the eirw South Wales Parliament,
where he sal for nanny years. Probably in n written exnnninniion on aslron-
under no nag but ours would Mir; for- on»' nue of the questions was, 'What
giving spirit be shown. -London Ans• happens when ,..err is an ccipse of the
vers. meson ?•' A student with rather n good
knack of gelling ottt of a ditficully
wrote: --"A great many people come out
to look rat it."
rushed out and heavy volleys were ex -
One trim of Mother Graves' \\ ern
Exterminator will convince you that it
I:as no equnt as a worm medicine. Buy
a bottle and tee if it docs not plenst,
"George, I know you will forgive me,"
said the t.eauliful girl. bowing her
head. "when you know the true reason
of my breaking our engagement an
soon. Rut when I became engaged 10
you i forgot----"
"What Is it, G:atly.:?" he murmured,
sadly. "Re not ofrnid. Is It That yotl
lore another 7"
"No, indeed." reeponded the girl. in-
dignantly, her eels noshing ul tiara
through a veil of tears. "Rut --you
know how superstitions 1 am -I (ergot
that yotr w'ould 100 exactly the thirlee.tllt
I've been engag(d to."
This. L•t „hal one o! the most promin-
ent physicians of today says:
That one murine (,f sweet apirils
uilre. tele ounce of compound yimosn,
mei four (emcee of syrup of rhubarb
mixed together mad taken in (kseerl-
.spoonful doses after meals and al wee
time in water will effect a permnneet
cum for the meal (severe eases of kid -
Ley, liver. bladder. and urinary trem-
bles. IIs claims that a few daises wail
pe.sitivrle cure II"' ‚.14111 en!'" of back-
ache and 1heumalisnl 'irking from dis-
orderrd kelneys and impure Mood.
These drug., Are of t.urriy vegetable
nature and rincxp•'nsitr. and eon M
eit•taintrl at any drug store and mixed
k.gether at borne.
Chetern moiler:. cramps and kindred
e••rnplainls annually made their appear -
encs at the same time as the hot wed•
leer. green fruit. cucumbers. nselona.
eh... and inany persons are deli/treed
ire 111 teeing these k-inpling !hinge, hal
they have Dr.. attain if h
•• n cd 0t Ah n
J. D. KcCogg s Dysentery Gnrdinl and
lekc a few (Imps in water. It cures
the cramps and cholera in n renlark-
stl•le manner and is sure to check every
disturbance of the boeels.
It's cast' to live on k,.e atone -be -
(we• n minis.
Luck consists 4,f hating what some
ether felk,w wants.
11 is never very hnrd to convince 9
man of the justice of something he is
snaking money al.
:\ worrsln si"ser wants anything quite
ne much ne w hen it is something she
bas no rens use kr.
(e.ntentrnent is the result of wanting
y.lr own job a little more than you Go
the outer (albw's.
11 is nsk,nishing'y easier to explain
eery you stayed out late lo neon friend
Iluln it is to )(ear wife.
11 a girl really respecte n man, it has
something le rho with the way his neck-
ties match his complexion,
i'I deli Y (:LOSE.
"Tont' ental the young wife. "len
afraid yen, smoke ton much. De yeti
buy your cignrs by the hundredweight?"
"`•imething like (hal. my donee re-
plievl the masculine end of the cornhtte.
"I buy them le lite hundr•'•I and the
man weights for his money."
"Young ratan," said the clerical -look -
Ing customer to the clerk at the book
counter, "that purchase of mine amount-
ed to $1.50. I believe.'
"Yes. sir." •
"%%'ell, 1 gave you u $2 bill at least
twenty minute* ago and l haven't re-
ceived my 50 cents back yet."
"Very sorry-, sir," replied the (led:.
"Ltd you know '..hat the Good Reek
suys on Ibis point." And politely hand-
ing the customer u Bible. he peewit to
Job, fourteenth chapter, fourteenth
verse: "All the days of my life will I
wait till raiy change come."
H. E. Jenner. organist of Carman,
(Merit, waiter: -"Sone little time ago I
burned ray thumb severely. 1 had some
%ani-Buk handy and applied it. The
Zana-Buk took the fire (ul of the wound
a:rnost instantly and eased the pain.
It penetrated to the very seat of the
injury and gave quick relief. I was
very glad of this. twee -bee 1 had an en-
gagement to play at an organ recital a
few days later. Thanks to Zant-Buk I
was able W keep the appointment.
ZAnn-Buk heals quickly all skin in-
juries and diseases. 01 all stores and
druggists at 50 cents, or from Zam-
Ruk Co., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes ter
e 1.25.
"AIN'T 11''''
Diplomatic Lachelor fwho has forgot -
len whether the baby is u buy or girl) :
"Well. well, but he's a fine little fellow,
isn't she:' How old is it now? Do het'
teeth blither him much? I hope he gets
through its second summer without gel -
ting stick. She looks like you, doesn't
h a ? Every one says it does."
The Flaggieg Emerges licvived.-Con.
elent application to business is a lax
upon the energies, and if there be not
relaxation, lassitude and depression are
sure to intervene. These come from
et( mach (roubles. 'l he want of exer-
(i'c brings on net•vous irregularities,
end the stomach ceases to assimilate
food properly. In (l►is condition Par -
melee's Vegetable rills will he fuond
a recuperative of rare power, restoring
lite organs to healthful action, dispel-
ling depression, and reviving the flag-
ging energies.
And the ratan in the rn•)on is doubt-
less forced to practise economy bet
cnuse everything up there is so hig1C
"Yes, Germany has turned out a great
many musicians. rand is still turning
Ureal out. "Well, Can you blame her?"
Tiny tubercles nn the skin of scrofulous peo-
pie produce 1ho hl.lesuo disease called lupus.
Wearer's Cerale, used In tine, will says the akin
from destruction. Apply to all affected part&
Cleanse the blood with wed»1.'s syrup
somehow the less account a man is
(he more faith some fool woman seems
to have in hits.
By looking wise end keeping his
mouth shut many a man has been able
to pass through life as the real thing.
ITCII, Menge, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious ll At in human
or animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol-
ter•d's Sanitary Lotion. 1t never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
whiles the use of worrying?
Of our troubles people Inc.
Let's make believe we're happy
The world loves a cheerful liar.
Steeple-sncss.-When the nerves are
unstrung end the whole body given up
to wreichdene's• when the mind is filkd
with glo en and dismal forebodings, the
result of derangement of the digestive
organs, alccplessn(ss ere es to add to
the distress. If only the subject coukl
sheep. there would be oblivion for n
While and temporary relief. Partite -
lee's Vegetable Pills will not only in-
duce sleep, but will act so beneficial -
'y that the subject will wake refreshed
and restored to happiness.
Only last night 1 stole a kiss,
Now my conscience pricks, niackl
Therefore 1 think i'll go around
'1'o -night and i ut tl tack.
After Westing Pc hasten recovery 14
health by the us* of •• Yerrelru.,' 11 is rho bead
tonic. 1t huild0. strengthen% and gi,c% neat
vitality, 'rt; it, it will make you reel 'drunk.
As every rose must have its thorn,
So every barrel has a bung;
As sorrow with each joy is born.
So every woman has n league.
"Man is F111ed N elft Mi- rt." --This Ie
not true of nil men. The %tell, sound
of lung. erne of eye. el. rt and Imey-
ant with health. nee not tni.eraliee
whatever be the Social condition, To
n rad
,e► tt ••nn 1
well is to
!to well by gelling and keeping our
14(1;. s in a healthftl stale. Dr. 'themes'
Eeleclric Oil will help all to do this.
Hungry Hank -"l feel sorry ice de
Ind' trot lives in dnt mansion on de
hill. She is absolutely destitute.'
Sauntering Saul --"Destitute?"
Hungry Il,i nk-"Yeas Destitute uv
t:• lt• testi; .
-and all over. ck
and bowed leonine.
Make. Nay babies
plraap and eery. Preyed
C oIIc , SO rrein ur Mb.tul
nae. Ark your �nalp+
for it-
Narses' was Mfelbtrs' Trtasare
-23e b ►.air $I.25.
Deus & Otemetal C., fused
A grocer who was noted for his care-
fulness had all ad%ertiscnlent inserted
!n a locut newspaper for at nleosage
boy, and a young fellow who uuder-
su od Ince kind of a gentleman who was
advertising carne to apply for the situ-
ation. and while the grocer was telling
him how careful he must be u fiy set-
tled on a bag of sugar and the grocer
caught it and threw U away, The boy
then said: -
"If you want rale to lie careful you
arc sheaving me h had example."
"Why?" replied the former.
"Because," said the boy, "you leve
throw►i that Ili away without brushing
Plc sugar off his feel."
llnven: "I tell you what, Young; 1
I:ntn the sharpest wife you ever saw in
ur life. Why, the other day 1 gave
111.1. just barely enough Money to go out
and buy one dress, and if you'll believe
i1 she came latae with Iwo." Young:
"-that is sharp. Plow did she manage
it?" Haven: "Why. .tie bought one,
end the other she had on when she
went out"
and Schools
fust ase Cewae is ideal for rk,:,el.es
f or i u hymns, 4..a liases.
teoao,ey for iu nnitary r•r•f•eu.a (ao
.rap,% to catch dirt) -for iu ire -proof Qualities
Alone 2.000 rr:ad,rn designs in eeery reek of
s.,odart-wde-woih�1. 10 match in ho,w, y wick
111141101. adman --,,dspicd to any color -schwas or
..ch iec!yyrat�.�1�1..ti•.. Allow 00 10 Bead you
illustrated d -tails and quota pricer. Addrer fog
The PEDLAR People
(-haws 3:4ntreat pt,awa Tg/rontu Loedo , 5'ar.atl sr
N. tsn•, tet awn
boor. n••.
-_.� _.err W••••••=e....
++► _ ,+-.1..v .4_ a r00.0 ...•
r w r1. 0.111• w .a•,.., ••►..
nu moo. .-..r ..... -% •n1. . 11..01•....
Two -1s 1.n-
..-..•• areft 1.
oraasa cow eurein, tat
.a-,_ -
Erect, Wow am
*Inures d and sboald kno•
Monet the wooderra
i5. new T. t..1. byr1..41,
fecal -ii 0e1 f on VIM.
rent. It cleanse*
Lea T* rest tar it.
DTI; the
rima bet bead etas roe
u OA rS Doak -wt *S. It st.�a
1 sal enI are Med dlrecturs n-
t�y� t1 tea
K01t s ara! Awe co.
for C:u�J ow-
3e0 lights, first-class order. \\ 111 be sold
cheap and must be gotten out of the way
owing to 600 -light machine Ink,ng its
place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Artemide
Street West, Toronto.
Buffalo make, number four, 9 -inch vete
teal discharge, 24 inches high; perfect
carnition. Superintendent. 'truth Build -
frig, 73 Adelaide St. West. '1. rmite.
Ready Mado Show Cardio
The retailer always has ora, 'utiject
('f sii•rcme interest to himself 11 %t inn
1 make nlc.re sates? \Ve can help by
supplying you with our ready•lnade
Artistic Stiow Cards. These cards nee
made on Miring cardboard, 11 by 11
Welles, welt while letkrs on t.lork. blue
ar rel l
ac k 1.r u
rad. \e emery >
In stock
a cemplcle assortment of ever 500 dif-
ferent designs, cards for any business.
Catalogue and price lee mailed on re-
quest BUSINESS sIC.\', Guelph, Dns.
River and Gulf of St, Lorena
Bummer Cruises in Ccol Latitudes
7 win Merew ia•n S9. '•Oampana," with e'wettle
tights, electric bells and all in ..fain a .n! .rt a.
SAii$ lR(ta Mto5TRY.I1.ON WIND 18
el p.m , 23rd Sept. m'.er, 7th and 1.st Octoher,
iod fn:tnlghty thereafter Inc rictuu. N. fl . eail-
as at Quel.ee nope. mai hey, 1'eroe Orand
t.rer, utome:si,le, r.&1., and $barlotl stems, et.
!commie icy -erases, ass, br the new Twla
Resew rib. "Bermudian.' b,Soa' 1 ne Mailing
th September, 1th. arab ant 21111 0'$ !c r. alb
nth and lath NITaml.er. remp.raterec,.d.d
r eN (.rear's eeld .m riee.'0.111TO a, de;vee..
The tinees tripe of the rsaa"n tar health and
west ort
ARTIII It AIIF:RN. Seerelnry, Q*-. ec-
A. E. OU'i'ERRI111N;1•: & CO., A1. u .
Iq Broad way, Now 1 c r k.