Sunday Morning Blaze in a York Street
Lodging House.
A despatch from Toronto sues. A
swift and sudden outbreak .;f lire In a
trelors shire al 1:111 fork street in the
curly holies 01 Sunday morning woke
Vit twelve occupants of the house from
their sleep, and in the panic which en-
sued \hs. Recline! Orenstein, \ ifo ,,f
1hes iCeupan1. mol her daughter, Jenny.
:'ged six. received injuries. from which
11,,y died after their removal to SI.
\fichnel'. Despite': tears Firnslein, aged
tlurly-.,ix, a cabinel-tucker. is delirious
it. SI. \4ichael's Ilospitul. his niind un-
hingnvh by his sufferings; his wife.
1tiiel el, who ons res ated from death by
suff •cneeti by the (promptitude tit I'. l:.
!mewl(' i:rtl), is in the hospital with
• •
L,,r1)s: Drunk Schwartz, `, lrwartz, agt„
d eighteen,
a tailor, who leaped from n Third-ste y
\u.duw 1., the pavement, was badiy
burned alsint the face and eyes and his
feel smashed by the impact; Aru•i
Cieeif•eld, a Itoutnnulaa titilor, aged
thirty. sustained injuries to hie feet by
koping from a second -storey window
talo a pile of broken plate glass, and
five others. !\Ii1•a Isanc•s, aged twenty-
one; Dura tomes, aged twenty-five; I1111• -
'•y (h•ciistein, tailor. aged twenty-eight;
Clara Orensteui, aged eighteen niou1h ,
;.mid Benjamin 1t•nstein, aged twenty-
-three, who had arrived in the house
hear New Yuck but a few hours before,
are ail in 5t. Michael's hospital su(fer-
11 g from burns and injuries received
while alb•n► tina •• t� escape.
I(ili''i .luny .\irsfiid► .eflurdc I o i'on
a Sensation.
A despatch from London says: Lon-
don is talking of only one. thing --the
(light of the British veiny airship, Nulli
.Secun(1u.. whicit on Saturday travelled
to Li -melon from Farnb„rough._32 miles
southwest of the metropolis, sailed
around the dome of St. Paul's Cnthcd-
ial. circled nl nit a number of Govern-
ment buildings in the Vest End, crossed
(tit river to Surrey, and finnlly de-
•t.c•cnded on the grounds of the Crystal
Vishay. The airships 32 -anile Might
Irnm Faris orouglt to (Madan was ne-
e( inplished in just n link: over an hour
_end a ha:f. hundreds of thousands
watched its progress through the city
0nd the wonderful manieuvr'es it exc-
eeded. The airship crossed the Thames
al Blackfriars bridge and headed for
51. Paul's. Gracefully. circling 51.
Paul's dome on an even keel. the air-
shi) was headed for the War 011lce. ll:
re.ute was down Ludgate !fill, ac►oes
Ludgate Circus and on from there over
Fleet street and tete Strand to 'Trafal-
gar square. The airship travelled nt
the rate of eked fifteen utiles an hour.
Th Cni n Jack fluttered astern. From
Trafalgar Square the airship moved ra-
j illy and under couplets) cfoutrol to
the new War Office. it passed over
that building. then circled about \\'est-
rainster Abbey and the 1louses of I'ar-
llioncrtl, and then recr,os.sed the Thames.
It was estimated that the wind against
which the ship travelled sometimes had
a fore.' e.f twelve smiles an hour. The
maximum speed attained going with
the wind was between 23 and 21 utiles
a:u herr, and against the vutd the speed
was from five to seven Writes an hour.
A Young Frcnrhnuui Kills Iflnisrlf
Over Love Affair.
A •despnlcii from Montreal says: Ili.
nmin(1 unhinged by disappointment in
love affair. n young malt named Victor
!ludic, shot himself through the heart nn
Silurdtiv tffternuon. (lone, who was
21 years of ago. and carne fmm France
not very long ago, fell passionately in
love with it young women in this city.
Itis ndhnnces were ie j0Oted. On Satur-
day nfiern.,on Ilene paid another visit
I., the young Indy. and, again meeting
vcilh discouragement, returned! t., his
h..us,• at 117 Joliel'e street and shot him-
-telt through the heart.
FIVE 'l0\7IIS' IN%:hilt 1T10N.
Official Returns show nn MC (rate mil
31 I'er Cent.
A des•
ealcb from Ottawa say.,: OOieinl
etatisttcs show That the Iola1 (mn,igan-
1:.on hit, Canada (runt April to .5 ugugl.
it:rluiivc, ons 171.617. as against 133.-
41', ,u the corresponding period of last
e u . an increase of 11.23:. or 31 per
c, 111. The reduction in immigration
fr.,rn 111:• Unite stales continues, 1-eingg
s per real. less than Inst year. '1'h••
Ir..•rens.• • f over -sea: ininiigrnti•m. prim
I' ,• I t, 11,11, .s II per cent.
Would Like lo Enter Into Agreement
With Canada.
:\ despatch from Berlin says : The
Iteichstag will be requested Mame the
end of November to empower the B:t-
desrn1h to grant hrilaiti and her colonies
u continuance of connuer^ial favors un-
der the most -favored -nation clause. It
has not yet been ascertained whether the
proposal will be limited to two years or
oie contain a clause enabling the Bun -
de -i ath to make the coneeeeion for an
indefinite period of years. It is regarded
as certain that Australia as \•eII ns
Canada will be exempted, but hopes are
entertained here that Germany may be
fordo to conclude direct arrangements
with loth for the regulation of their
commen'i:i1 relations. The German Con-
sul at etentreal recently oonferred with
hit Government with a view to promot-
ing a roanlnercial treaty hal\i•een Ger-
numy and the 1)ontinfon. Germany will
rennin].) to bring all possible pressure
to bear to prevent Canada and Australia
Wm favoring the export (rade of Bri-
tain nt the expense of German,...
•1'-- -
The Matron and Two Nurses have
(teen Summoned.
A desp;:tch from Montreal says: ,\
charge of cruelty to an eighteen
Months' gid 1 aby was laid in the Ite-
cerders Court on Friday metalling
against the matron and t'v' curses of
IL Day Nursery. 50 Delmont Park.
Mrs. J. II. Ilya!). elle resides at 29 Rea -
yet 111ownto hehuitnd Min
iu il11l•hcalJ.h,ifoundg 11
r necesssbary lo
c ut working. 'Thursday meriting she
L...k her child to the nursery. paying
tel. cents for its keep. The child was
then, she claims. in cxecllenl health,
but when she took the infant home at
night and ons undressing,' it for bed she
found the little one's bark black wilt
In ieses. The child:s back was shown
t•• \l,. Recorder Weir, and lie was ;:o
touch impressed with the seriousness of
Ike case that he immediately issued
summonses for the uppenrancc of the
matron and two nurses in court.
it1071\t; IN 1:\1.(:1 TT t.
Europeans Were felled Will. 11rie•ks
Frnai the housetops,
.% despatch irons Calcutta say:: The
rieling here causes i.y seditious agile -
during which about forty 'since -
men were wounded Tuesday night, \ ns
renewed on Thursday evening in n ansa•
lei of streets of Northern Calcutta.
Students and hoodlums collected on the
hofs of houses and in the roadways
rind per eel passersby with bricks. Elie:-
prans being especially singled out for
attack. The Bengali() newspapers throw
Ilio whole blame for the rials on the
pcilice cued print statements alleging
their brutality. all of tt hick is denied
Is the truth allies and eye -witnesses,
'('here was no loss Of life, but many
rise -eine suslnincd severe contusions
and scalp wounds, and many street
. ars woes damaged.
Thirteen Out of Twenty -Three Taken
Off Wreck,
\ dcspnlch firm London says:
'I • ; ' •;1►oul Wednesday and Thursday
t:. ledieimen on the const of Ireland,
1.y (eves! guns+ and volunteer
h . a: ,, worked \ 1111 the greatest mu-
r,o►;e: and devuti•,n M rescue the crew
• ' x:i-• I'aenhh ship Leon \illi„ which
v , t 1 ...re in n gale on Spanish Point,
t' n;, iofn11 They succeeded in saving
; u,l lending thirteen, but nine are still
I •ngtinit to the rigging. There is hope,
%%Incr. (lint Ihcy will be rescued at
a . w
to the sforrs 1,eing suhnterged
Ihr crest wee, weieee toed since TiMs-
day mitre dog. They were exhausted
from hunger and eepesure,
Ile• \ rc. k i eeenible'd in many ris-
s notably in the celfel enying c<al-
r.•,.c of nes reemers. the loss of the
slieimcr Berlin 4211 the !look of ilo!!nncl.
Th• Leen ell).. wlueh wa-s still carry -
in}• 111e cargo of wheal with which she
ra18e4 frena I'ortinnel, Oregon. last
April, ons bound to Limerick from
(e+:(,'rielown when the gale drove her
on the llangcrous Span.sh Point, which
ea: given that name ls•carse it was the
scene of the de'lrttcll)tt of some of the
D1tl•:.\1).S IL FPS,
To;•.only, Oct. 8.-\\ inter Wheal -No.
2 white, '9ite• outside; No, 2 red or mixed,(17. to 97X4.
Manitoba Wheat --No, 1 northern,
f.'1.14/X; Nu. 2. $1.085. lake forte.
Barley -Firm, G5c to 7th:, aceordiug to
Oats --No. 2 white, 50c; ntixe•l, 490
(lye -75e outside.
Peas -Quiet el fisc outside.
Girlie -No. 2 yellow American. Tic le
75e. Toronto freights; Nu. 2 yellow,
73kc; N.,. 2 mixer 72Xe.
Plow' --Ontario. 91) per cent. patent,
63.85 bid fur export; Manitoba patent,
s;.eciul Lrand, $5.80; second patent, 5.-
'1); strong bakers', $5.25.
Brun --$21.5\ to 822.50 111 bunk outside;
shorts, $25.511 to 825.
Butter-\farket firm, will good 41'-
Creamery, prints 24c to 20•:
do solid., .... .... .... 22c to 23e
Dairy prints 22c to 24e
do solids . ... 19r 10 20c
Cheese-` int
n 13 for large
1::%c for lean''s in j..b lots here.
Eggs -2A a to 21c in case lots.
1'nultry-Choice live chickens are
quoted at 811 to 9c, and hens (tout Gc to
7r. Ducks, 75 c to 8c.
Potatoes-I:asterus are quoted nt 70c
to 750 in car lots on track, ;end Outaries
1.1 65c to 70c.
Baled Iliy Steady al $16 to 817 in
ea lots on track here.
haled Straw• -Steady at 39 to $9.50<.0 track.
Dressed (log;---S,R.7 for lightweights
end 88.25 for heavies.
Pork -Short cul, $22.75 to $23 for bar-
reLs; rtes.,, 820 le $21.
Lard -Firm; tierces, 1 2Xc; tubs.
12%c; Fees, 12%c.
Smoked and Dry Seised Meals -Long
c:ea►► baoon. Ile t)1 11%e for tons and
cases; hauls, medium and light, 15e to
i3) e; heavy, 11%c to 15e; hacks, 16yc
l0 17c; shoulders, 10%e to I tc; rolls.
1I'%c; breakfast bacon, 1554c to 16c.
Green nie•tts out of pickle, lc less than
MONTRE,\I. ).1.\RKETs.
kiontr:al, Oct. B. -Thr re were no new
developments in the local flour situa-
tion, the undertone to the market be•
mg. strong.
Choice spring wheat pale nis. 85.90:
seconds, $5.311; winhr Mein! patent:,
$5.25 14) $5.35: straight rollers, 81.75
to 81.90; do.. in bags, $2.25 to $3.35;
extras, 82.
Pork -Beate- Canada. slr,rt-cul mess.
in tierces, quoted mit 833.50 Io $:11; heavy
(:nnadn short-cut 111455. in barrels, $12.-
:11 to 82:1; Canndu, stu.rl-'a;t, mess, mit
half barrels. $1 1.:40 to SI 1.75; Canada.
sl.erl-rut bucks. $11.50 141 811.75.
Lard--(1,nt1►tnui(1. in nerves of 275
)1 ., 9%c to 9e c; parclum nl-lim d boxes.
511 !bee 9Yc to Ilk; )tub,, 51) tbs. sol
lite to 10yc; wood pmts. 21) tt.s. (lel.
Inc• to 10>c; tin pails, 20 lbs gross.
9eee to 9%e; tins, 3 to 10 Itis.. in cases
I('%e to 10%c.
smoked Meats -Hams. 25 its. anis
upwards. 123 e: do.. 18 to 25 tbs.. 123,e
to Ile; do. 12 Io 18 Its.. 11y,c to 15c;
(!e., 8 io 12 tbs., 15c to 15%e; do large
hams. (Kone out, rolled, 15c; do., small.
1Ce; thick. 16%c; Windsor bacon. Ise;
le., lhiek. 12Xe; e; \\'indsor bacon, backs,
I5c; spiced rolled bacon, boneless.
5114141. 12c; do.. long. 12S4c to 13c; Wilt-
shire bacon, 50 -lb. s`des, 15c.
Eggs --Stiles of selected were made nt
23c 1•1 24c. No. 1 at 19c to 20e, sec-
t ads at ler: to 10%e.
Cheese --holders asked 12%c to 1.1,c
b • Iinesl western. 1244c to 12%c for
T..w•nships, and 123/,c to 124ee for Que-
111111er-Quntallons hi -day are: Que-
tee, 254; 'Townships, 25S4c.
NEM' 1'1111,' WIIE.te'i' \l lliE '.
�. w• York. Ocl. S.-Whent---Spa.) firs►;
Ne. 2 red. $1.01% elevator; No. 2 red.
e1.063 f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du-
luth. SI. 17X f.o.b. alkali; No. 2 hart)
amber, $1.08% f.o.b. afloat.
Buffalo. Oct. 8. -Wheat -Spring Hon-
e?: No. 1 Northern, 31.12%; Winter
firm; No. -2 red, 81.02. Corn --Lower;
No. 2 while 6Gye; No, 2 yellow, 67•'/.c.
Oats Fein; No. 2 mixed. 50ye; No. 2
while, 51ye. - Barley -Steel to 81.10.
114r -No. 2, 91yc. Canal freights
LIVE STOCK et.th T$.
Toronto. Oct. 8.-Ilenvy deliveries t,f
0.11Ie. ntrslly of Inferior fluidity. were
r eh•cd at the Western \(siker (.:•Jay.
The market for the pwwr class. s was
41verera.evded and dull, with an easier
feeling. The prices of canners went
d4 wn to ; of n cent per Ib. The ex-
pert trade continued at n slnndsl111.
Seeep and lambs held pretty silently in
price. The deliveries were 150 cars.
containing 1,230 cattle. 3.765 sheep and
lambs, 1,300 hogs and 21i0 calves.
Expert cattle eontlnned slow of sale,
kept for butchering purposes. Reel
\porters' cattle, 111.75 b. $1„0) per cwt.;
air to g• red. 81.50 to 81.40; light and
'tedium. $1 to *1.10 rer cwt,
(Newt butchers' cattle sold up to 81.•
e, per cwt., and select lots brought
170 10 31.80; medium to fair cattle. in
,nds, were saleable around $3.75 to
1.10 per cwt. Fair to choice cows rang-
•) 114(111 83 (r, *4 per cwt.
Distillery feeders and bulls were
anted. Quelationa ranged from $3.20
, $3.50 per ewe for steers, and $'.25
1 $2.50 der bulls.
Trude was quiet in mulch cows. Quo-
atie-en5 vowed from $20 to *NO each.
iambs sold al 81 to 85.70: ewes at
81.25 to (1.40. and bucks nt 3'1 to 33.5\
per cwt.
Choice !lege continued steady. Se -
tette sold al $6.12%; lights And fats r
$.873; m.dnun hogs. 85,50, and in-
ferior hogs. 85.23 per cwt.
vessels tot the Spnnish ;\rmndn, She e
was barely 250 yards off shore, but a c
lief of reels compelled the rescuers to I
stake n detour of n toile in n raging
54'n to get near her. The brnve Irish
fishermen. rowing smolt (mals, which l
14ok to n landsman more 01 10 be used $
• n n canal than on the Atlantic. put k
clef again and again. only in be beaten 6
lack and .sometimes swamped.
The crew of one of the swamped
Ivens were themselves barely rescued w
1 v a llfets al, hal, nothing daunted, 1'
flew resumed their work of inery. The 1'
shipwrecked men did their utmost to
slice themseivee. When kw tide on- i
hired them to deecend to the foredeck
they made a raft. and after some futile
attempt. they successfully launched it
with two men alxeard. The raft drifted
towards the shore and boatmen tock
..ir the men on it. After this other rafts
were launched and the rescuers met all
4.' them- One French sailor started to
swim nshore. While one • f the WAN
was trying to pick him up it was swamp-
ed, but nil hands were saved by the f
lifeboat. The warships errogrant and
C'1 v
Colleen have
.!►e t
the Kelm
The Police Committee of Montreal re-
♦ower In ins- sli gate chargee of aft
� i:1' graft
Itainsl the force, saying they were r n
11.\fl'li\(NGS 1110\1 AL1. O%8..1 '1'IIF.
11'ele0e1IP11 Oriels. From Our Own and
011ier Countries of Recent
J:u\W41odstock votes on local option in
The C. 1'. 11. may build a U e from
'1'hcbGrgandto Saskatoon. 3e I mink 1'aciflc will build a
fi:',u,IJ)0 bt•idgat Port \\'tllulnt.
(iuelpli's assessment shows an in-
crease of 856004) over last year.
It is said that an independent tele-
Oni•lionetario. e.oml.any proposes to operate in
C. 1'. It. shop empl•iyes al \Vittnip:-g
Lnt'c been gcauted n tru per cent. ur
Brantford's rssessrncnt totals 811,-
076.800, an increase of $611,839 over last
London's vital statistics for Septein-
l•e are 80 births.
11 deaths and it wa
'! he Government will probably send a
\linier l4) 181)1114 10 deal with the 1nt-
nugr;ition qucation.
The I'revinc•ial DeparIment of Fisher -
11', will purchase a steam yacht for
fieler). protection.
Itrantford's population increased 891
during the year, \\oodstock's 17'1. and
Guelph's about 404).
Two Kingston schoolboys who play-
ed truant were sentenced to a whipping
1 y the l'obce Magistrate.
Iteeresentative; of United dates pulp
rind paper mills are competing ling for pulp-
wood in Ontario territory.
Mr- Roadhouse was lined 850 amid
costs at Ilaileybury for using insultUI4.
language 1)t a public meeting.
Canada's revenue fur the first six
[tenths of the discal year is the record
halal of $50,341,104,
A branch mit the G. T. 1'. will be built
'nl Port George to Vancouver, saves
(Tins, M. (lays,
Nelson Blair. whose legs were crush -
0 by a Grund 9l•unlc engine, died at
Brockville, on Priddy, (von lockjaw.
Toronto will Contribute $501J towards
tl•t• erection of a memorial at Brant-
ferd to r Bell, the inventor of the
Winnipeg's September !Aiding permits
were 136; value, $:185,850. Last Set►-
Iclnber the number was 318; value,
A party on Lake Joseph, Muskoka.
bagged an old Lear and three cubs,
which were discovered swimming near
Mr. \Ic\lurrich's island.
One hundred and fourteen thousand
cln!ms, representing four million dol-
lars, have been tiled with the liquida-
t<.rs of the York County Loan (:nnlpnny-
In calling for lenders for Iwo new
pap -wood conccs5ieus the Provincial
Government will insist upon the manu-
facture of the raw material into paper
m Canada.
Both the G. 1'. It and the C. P. 0.
were indieted by the Grand Jury in Ise
General Sessions because of the tragedy
'v 1110 Bay street crossing,- Toronto. on
May 24 last,
The Bishop of Stepney has predicted
that the twentieth century will be an
crr• of Socialism and co-operation.
Two sten are charged at Liverpool
with attempting 10 defraud the 1:. P. It.
steamship Company by sending dis-
eased emigrants to Canada.
The G. T. It. report for the holt year
ending June 30 slows gross receipts of
.t3.381,259, nn increase of .0:159.57$ over
lust year. The net increased £540,925.
It is reported in London that the for-
ma; nnnemicentent of the engagement
of Prince Francis of 'leek In \l1>•4 Mar.
gnrelln Drexel. of Philadelphia, will
segs be made.
righly-seven caws of diphtheria were
iels►rlyd to the health department lost
eek {r CI dog ri.
Ilr, (:rs,k of New York will attempt
to role)) the mirth pile via lluelinnnn
Itay. Erlesinere (.and, and Nelsen strait.
Iteennse his baby cried all night and
kept hits 'wake 11055 C. Price. n e. floret!
lel carer. killed Iw,lh his wife mid himself
a I idengo.
E. 11. Kiser, n prominent ten^her. is
(lent) at Urbana. Ohio, the result of eat -
frig n piece of raisin pie at the 1..gnn
(:c only fair Inst week.
Eighteen jprominenl life Insurottcc peen
n' New York have been indicted on
si\ty-one counts of perjury 011(1 forgery
arising out of the insurance hivesligo.
Al n dinner given in his honor on the
Mississippi (liver. President Ikosesell
announced Itis adherence la the scheme
of meeting a ship canal from the Gulf
lo the Great Lakes,
An Illinois syndicate Is Inking options
(di scores of far•pts in the southern
ttw•nshi1)4 in La f.,rle Comity. Ind. 0.1
experts snye that new 4111 fields can le
develnpeel there.
uJntbp' 1.1 call for help because she ons
n deaf mule, Mrs. John Routh. of !tussle.
vine, wns burned In death al Kokomo.
Ind. She tried to start n fire will, kero-
\I the Equitable Powder Works, East.
Alton 111.. 1.•',1M) pounds of powder ex•
pkstleeel, killing (:tins. \fe .inuie and
choking Charles \IcGilsm so that his
mind is gone.
Anthers! College tins just rrreivel
more than 1.(81) volumes of Chinese
literature. the gift of Sir Chinning Hang
Cheng, former Chinese Minister to the
L'nitetl Stoles,
The Standard Oil Company's bflanee
seed. pr.sliicel in court. in New York
41n \\'tehiesdny: showed Hint the divi-
dends for I906 Amounted to $10,110),I01,
while the surplus for the year 5511= $13,-
Startling charges of exlrnvsgane,'. or
failure to account for millintls of (1011Are.
are male by the Attorney -General of
New York City and 5Ietropolilnn street
Ilnilvny (3'8npnnies.
Rather than nen the rhonee of being
neore badly injured. Philip Duffy. of 1n•
(linnapnits, caught 4111 the (ruck dctiher-
nlely told down nn,t animist, several
ears lo rim over his leg flederustt it .•
Two little (ways. ngwl • ten and a igghl.
csme front eminence, 111,, to Uti:age► to
Said Western Federation Instigated the
Bomb Outrage.
A despatrh from Baker City, Oregon,
Frays: '1'114 %Veslcl•n Federation of 'Min-
us was accused of instigating the death
of Harvey K. Brown, formerly sheriff
it this county, in an ante-mortem state-
ment made by the victim on 'Tuesday
afternoon. Brown was blown up by a
Ir •nib as he was entering his front
gate late Monday evening. the outrage
being. in many respects, similar to that
which destroyed former Governor
. 1uueuberg, of Idaho. The ante mor-
dent statement reads:
"1 was on my way horse (rein up
leen on Tuesday night \viten 1 met a
man in front of it irsidence which is a
feast my hnuua, and sgwke. The:
stain made no reply. This man was
about 5 feet 10 inches tall, his weigh)
was 165 pounds. Ile wore a brown
suit and a celldloid collar and was
• an shaven. 1 have been ennsclous
.,f having eon followed for three weeks,
and I have no doubt that those who
attempted my lift' ore )w•Issons eonnect-
0.1 wills the \\'esters Federation ofMiners. and that 1 was marked for
death on account of my connection
with the Stunenberg and Steve Adams
Brown died soon after making the
statement. The town is wrought up
almost to it frenzy. Practically no busi-
ness is transacted and the peep!0 tiro
ghthering in public places to discuss
Hemel arrested Steve Adams, at
Maines, when the latter was wanted as
a w•itnrs, in the Stunenberg case and
he testified at the Irial•of Adams in
Wallace, when the latter faced a jury
on the charge of having murdered a
(111111 ju►rper,
lind their "Aunt Minnie;' not knowing
her name and address, and only that
she lived in a "brick house near the trol-
ley car."
John 1.. Simmons, of Chester. Mont„
serving a term for manslaughter, has
been ptu•dunel by (governor 'Poole on
the express condition that he al,slain
from the l.se of intoxicating liquors for
1'0rly-hyo person, were killed or In-
jured in a railway
The Cuban rurr.Iti have succeeded ;n
ccmptelely routing tho outlaws who
Lase been causing trouble in the island.
The great floods in Spain have de-
stroyed properly valued at nearly four
million dollars and have left a host of
people starving.
Secretary of War Taft, speaking at n
banquet in his honor in Tokio, declar-
e.' that wear between Japan and the
United Stales would be a crime.
Sir William Lyne has outline) a plan
fn a combined duly and excise. which
he hopes will snake the Tariff of direct
benefit to the Australian workman.
The Japanese Consul -General al Homo -
has reported that the hulk of the
Japanese there who wished to come to
Canada have already left the islands.
The German Reichstag will shortly to
asked to authorize n continuance (.1
commercial favors tattler the most -favor -
tuition clause to Britain and her col-
wreck near Seoul.
Cobalt Citizens Go .tthoul in I►ailerr of
Their Lives.
A despatch from Cobalt says: The ci-
keeus of Cobalt have become aroused
over the reckless blushing that is being
done about the camp, n number of 1111,11)
claim that they have narrowly escap-
e.: being struck by flying rocks (rein
I'.c blasting dune 4.11 the railway 1.1 the
south cud of the town. :\ petition is
114,w• iu a:rculntbn w ti b, has been
signed by the Mayor mil tree Town. dao
.•1 the nklermen. and b lee •'e a leo and
three hundred citizens, and 141:s w ill to
presented I•► the Lieut• n;u►14:►v. rnor•tn-
(x•uncil with n vie\• 141 having 1,40eie.
tion passed that will ensure lite Keefe
protection. An information has beer
sworn out ()gains! the Italian f,renun►
by one of the citizens of the town.
51"('1)\1111111.1: Wtiel eN.
Mrs. Delia Ila,lelan. (11 Toronto. (tun
I►:,\u in the Street.
A despatch from Toronlo says: \ti's.
Delia Hazleton. S2 years of age. n chiu'-
eor1nn returning from her work. was
I:n<►ckel (Hien by an aufennnbilr. near
the corner of moor and longe streets,
Ince on \Wealnesdny nflern.w,n. and 411-
11;csl instantly killed. The un(ortuntttc
woman had 'newel 1)H.4n• 5Ireet mad
.Ito led to mss 1(1 Ihr s e,l side of
Y• lige Street. \•hen she stepped back to
145414,1 nn nppr0aching trolley ear. The
mud -guard of the 111011011e. %trich was
(Jrh•ep t • \Ir. F. E. Mutton, 268 (:nrlton
`(eel, ',necked her ,lesson. and Ihr' front
wheel passel over her above the sh ohl•
deers. 'idle stn -nine was slapped almost
instantly mind the victim was carried
into Cos's drug! store. Ir. IL J. \\'ils.m
was called. but •,.e woman lin I only
11 fete minutes.
Itt'SSI5N T11515 HELD 1'P,
The Dynamite Set on Fire the Vail Car
and a Coach.
A despatch from Odessa says: .% train
having 481 board over 200 passengers
wtcs held up on 'Tuesday night by
land of robbers. who opened 111e mail
car by exploding dynamite. The explo-
s on sotthe car on Ore, and tho flames
Communicated to a crowded passenger
car•, with the result that 0 number of
Women and children \'ere badly burned
before , Urey could escape.
\\'tile the FoiIb('I5 wee, trying to
blow open the safe in the mnil car they
e•ero attacked by some gendarmes. who
were passengers on the train. A num-
1 ri ou I5,th sides ere wounded, but
the robbers escaped.w
'flip ,nail car burned uninterruptedly
fes five hours, dcslrnying all the nigh
and baggage. The losses are consider-
ed to be heavy.
Four men suspected of being con-
(*tr•ned in the rubbery were arrested
later in the day.
Fxperinten4.d Farre Director Predicts
More Wheal for Milling.
A despatch from Ottawa says: Dr.
Saunders, director of Experimental
Farms. who is keeping in close touch
with crop conditions in Western Can -
Ilrrough a host of correspondents
scattered over the three provinces, 1.4
ineliu.sl to the L'elief that the Winne
leg estimate of only 45.000.010 bushels
of wheal (1l for milling is below the esti-
mate. 1)r. Stounder:, places the pro-
bable crop at between fifty and slily
million bushels. and n considerable
tII anlity in addition for feed. Winni-
peg advices place the Inferior grain at
15 million bushels. Ileccnt reports to
the Central Farm vary in their terms.
The Brandon district reports an aver-
age crop. Moo'ejaw, n fair crop -bet -
lei. indeed. than was expected; the bi-
d:nn (lead district promises only a half
crop, white around Ilattleford tl:e out-
:- greatly improved.
PIU)F. O.e4Ii fl SCORES Dom 101ts.
Says They \egleet Their llealite Mork
or Smoke To., Iurh.
5 despatch from London says: Pro -
fes -or lister. addressing the students
111 St. Mary's Ilospllal, said that suc-
cess in the lnedictil profession was
largely n quietus') of g<kel health. in
this matter, h.' added. doctors were tree
l'•rious sinners. If They did not work
tie hard they smoked leo much and
w ere indite rent ;dwelt exercise. The best
students seemed lo pay the least 411108
lien to nnhtrtes haws,
- *-- -
1'111 \I► MING 15 l SII \I:K.
,dung Saskatchewan IL.nie.h1ider
Drank I:;u belie %rid.
:\ ,l,',p.l•'h from Milestone, Sask.,
says: '. ••,!• 144,4.e0e;t ler, I)ril^.e Kes-
ler. 25 yr;urs of ages was discovered 11
his shack. nineteen miles soullew•est rf
14 re, in a dying condition free; the et -
feet. of cau1r,lic nei(1, by Iwo young
men id thio town. II. pudgy nod Irvine
:581:a►nnne. 1t is believed that Keeler
nll.•niplr•d suicide, having h<.rrov:.•d ear-
l' he acid Com a neigh). 1.
Great Quantities of Lumber Destroyed
on the Coast.
,\ despatch from Senitle, \Vast(., say-.
Advices from the Gray s llarlsor coun-
try in the Puget Sound and from vote
Oes sections in the Puget Sound lune-
! el districts report that lagging ripen.
Lens may hove to be suspended inde-
finitely beracsc• of the ravages of the
1(r erns or ship we rm. The worms ;inv.,
ellnckt'd all the kgs in Ilse eater and
le red them full of hetes.
The logs treating in faqir( sonnet are
lied up in 331414 lions of millions . f
11.1 remit. The worms ['ere Into Ili :
Lark .et the 1•.g and then emir -nue their
tunneling Ihrongh 111e groe.d woo.( of the
timber, uhcny,a 1);,l alter with the hark.
0r• Lr hent Ire . -r
( m d of \ ,nn: in
o ne k,,. but their tunnels never niter -
teal. Of:cn i; (las 146 n found that Iwo
: • ring(; ore separate merely by A Ohm
•.1 crustaceous flintier.
In British (:nlumhia. In the (:Iayo•
quid lumber district. epr10114812 Have
rl.tirely ceased owing to the raspg;es ..t
Vic 'cedes, The eeornn• have ruiner(
al the ycnr's cart of ender rr in the W.tter,
had 111•o bt ( SuCon (i.n►pany bits "c.
perks! 0 lows of over 11,(.11.(11, 1, et,
1Iuttdred% . f Imel.ln►en have been
(•,recd into idleness until the w Intel s
55. rk i11 the wood?, begins.
'I le re seems to be no w•ny to prevent
the 4IOranee e:f ti.e b're,l.e+ 11,14• the
logs, thong) Ih' 1). r prbne„I orf \:11-111.
.1 •111 -
lure 01:41 lite Forrslr, Bureau trier 1', n
eatw'rhnel,(ng I r ses.Int tents. 1:1411:
year 11 . dnn►ng(e gtr•.ss' I tiger . n
55Ye.l P'+t Isf(•nll•e .•f 1„e 1'n1 Agjl'll mit
t!: ship e• 1111 on the roe;lag lugs ref
limber oulnp meta.