HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 7MONTHS OF .\(:U\Y.a 'III t:. (.111A- % BI:('1,1 Wit:.1111111111111111MINIO' TRE 151'BE ROUSES OF 1) 7..
Underwear made to
A Retere 1 ase of Rheumatism Cured
by Dr. %1 ilii:rnis' !link Pills.
P. ".nr� Ic
c) koh
u• I a r n
r' T.
uiuu► t tells Fur lu:.ny u.�,ry months 1 suffered
Sir d-
�.� al 1 Secretary \ r
Si. t �C
,. t about r ► Y
t 'o walk. 1 I-
utold age ny'. t could not �� y
aerate beast.. ly raise 'nisei! to u sitting ward Grey, • al las paper. Grey is the
a ►ik51. 11/41St •hent and reserved man
in the House ti Commons. Ile never
:speaks and rarely appears in the chitin -
Orr unless compelled to. Few know
•!.here he spends bis lime when not at
tin Foreign Office.
Always a recluse, since the lrngii
(truth u1 his wife (% 0 years alto,, Ssl•
Edward tins cut hinise'f off almost en-
tirely frost the world.
"1 ant told," says ("Connor, "that
thin man, who is Prolllsly the roost
p( %%vent figure in the world, wicldug
more influence cites. desliii s than any
other Minister in any other land, front
Friday or Saturday to Moseley every
week as lost to the world.
"Ile tins a little collage, really a zinc
Int, by the banks of Itre Itilr: Ilchin,
ir', a corner of Hampshire, where at
011CP nature is beautifully s( ft Eng-
lish fnshion, and where solitude 's not
profound. The dine but is within 4 few
feel of the streilm, Grey retires there
without a friend, without et en 11 1-!rv-
arl, ultra a few lin boxes of food; end
spends his hours either listing, or ly-
itrg down in his hut, with despatch
Ret'.' beside hire.
"Wine does not puss his lips. 7l it
a weird and lonely existence, but what
reserve strength such periods of un-
broken solitude and sell-communings
give to the elan, especially in so 1•i -
g dly' easing and drinking. It is no
wonder as he passes fitfully through
lee !louse this man of solitude and self -
banishment should appear a s though
his thoughts were far away."
older, fete you ccrlin'S
(atiatet Isieiign Mi -ester If rand, possibly excel in 6t nor equal
Glo4uuy and i ileal. in value
I,t,slure. 1 was under medical care,
1 tit in vain. Filially 1 tried in. \\ ib
Bums' fink !'ills and they have Fe-
stered me to my for.Ler healthy condi-
' This strung statement was made to
a rely i to recently by Mr. Charles S.
Kedd•) . t rint riy of Kingston, N. S.,
but Ib \\ ll►,ng at !lust ataiUand, \l:.
liedd.. i; a carpenter by trade. anal
s, w•i•. Itble lo work every day. Ile
se'ds• "1 cermet speak tow highly s t
It \t. !lams' !'ink fills, as they cured
tie ! r tidier Medicare failed. \\'hl!e
+t . ' •, se et Kingston, N. S., 1 was
54 '1 " : , 1 hcuniali.;!i in its 111051
r ' 1.. i was compelled to take
141 !tr. I .I f r months was an 111 -
Valhi. 1 vat: that it vas dif-
ficult f•,,• a r: i myself to a sit-
ting sepessible 10 telt
hew' 11 1 :!Ib reef day and night,
week :. i ..•, k out. The pains were
1.14e pe rcimg ,words. 1 had medical
attendance, hill it failed. Then 1 tried
medicines advertised to cure rhelmnu-
t:set. but wilh the carne result -money
te.e 'e I. One day when hope had
ir . s t : • ne n Mend advised ale to try
\\ Shams' !'ink Pills. I told dial
. 'xgu•rienee, with other n)cdiclncs,
1 ut he as -011'441 me that these pills
vs uld cure rho umatisnr, so i sent 'or
n supply. Aller using a few loxes 1
w as elle to leave my bed, and from
that on my restoration to health was
rapid. 1 ani now ns well as ever i
v. as. and have not had the slightest
l.e:,. h of rheumatism since. The change
tilt y have wrought in my case is sinigr
;y miraculous, and 1 can strongly re-
commend Dr. Williams' fink fills to
en) one suffering Iman any form of
Rheumatism is rooted in the blood.
Rubbing the aching limbs n•ilh iini
nlenls acid oulvard remedies cannot
ces_sibly cure it. You must get the
rheumatic acid out of the blood and
i)r Williuins' fink fills is the one
sure medicine to do this, because they
aclually make new blood. That is
why 'hes • pills core aniemin. hendaches
nnee hackaches, neuralgia. indigestion
and the secret ailments that make nils•
ei able the lives of so many women anal
growing girls. Sold by all medicine
deniers or by mail al 50 cents n box
or six loves sur $2.50, from The Dr.
\\ Stratus' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Seven-year-old Tommy hnd so greet
a capacity for buckwheat cakes That he
At as a marvel to the family.
"hate you ever in your life had nil
‘..11e.,uld cut?" asked his grandfather
ono day.
"Yes, sir," bait' Temony. "Lots of
"flow (10 you
"\VIly. I eat 81111 eat until 1 feel n
pain, and then 1 cul one more to make
know when that time
Jennie's mistress, (wailing ten, heard
a loud crash in the next swim '1 he
leislsees .Sivero.d and rang the beU
le eat! Jennie in.
"What was Ilial?" she risked.
"I tripped iii Ihu' carpel and the len-
things fell, !imams."
"Did you manage to rave anything!"
%%Yes, ma'am►. I kept hold on the
tray alt right."
Nearly all 18181)15 are more or less
subject lo diarrhtrn and such corn -
hauls while teething and as this period
of Ihlir lives is 11,0 rn.rs1 CI'iliCal, mo-
thers sh ,aid not be w 11110111 0 tattle
of 1)r. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cor-
dial. This medicine is a specie,: for
Fitch complaints told is highly spoken
ut by those who have used i1. The
pr4lerietnra clnhu it will cure any cane
cl cholera or summer complaint.
owing to the constantly increasing
st t wily of the ignition problem, the
N:\'I'IONM. CARBON CO\Il':\X1', Cle-
veland, Ohio, deemed it advisable to de-
sign n battery cspe••ialtp for This class
of work. The Columbia Ignitor "Iced
Top' Dry Cell which is the result of
their experiments is without question
the highest type of ignition battery en
Ila' snorkel Io -day. !'hese cells give a
tr(.1 snappy spark, rcc11perale rapidly
end have long life. They are !mode !n
three sizes. Thi; company will be
).'eased tot sued their booklet "Kinks,'
wheat (rents on all Gns Engine trou-
bles, free to owners of ,automobiles,
1-r.unchts, Gas Engines, etc.
Al the close of n wedding -breakfast
n gentleman noted for his blunders
le, to his feet, causing keen nn\iely
e•. 1111 w'110 knew hill). "I.ndit'S and gen-
tlemen;" he cried. genially, "1 drink to
health of the bridegroom! May he
see many days like this!'
To Those of •eedentnry Occupnti•m.-
sien who follow sedentary occupntinns.
which deprive them of fresh nir and
C'(1. is•'. ere more prune to disorders
of the tics r and kidneys Ilion Ihote
wh• Iced Relit'('. outdoor lives. 1110
to Ether UPI find in 1'ornielee's Vt'g''-
1n1.1. tills a rc.'(Irnlivc without ilii• -
lon 1110 insist ells':nrtous on the 111e1
e easily
i;1. They Hire (ashy pl•ocurnbl
'alien. net e\p,'dili0lsl%. and Ilaey air
snrprisillg1) cheep ccneidering (heir
II failed to pass in s•l$ Ot. he failed
'1'n held n int in tater ilnys;
11 failed to loin the girl lie toted.
Can't shrink ,:or stretch nor bind nor bulge; out.
lasts other triads ; and is sold with a guarantee
thr.t insures you against any possible fault.
1 rade-marked like this
in red as use sign cf
value. Made in many
fabrics and :tyles, at
various prices, in form.
fitting sizes for women,
men and children.
Fi;RIOIse Co\, l Q1'1•:\CI;S WERE
. WIt'11:1) Al KINGSTON 131'
z \1t-IICK.
Blood poison might hnvc proved seri-
ous in the ease of \Ir. '!'tins. Foster t f
K!ngston, had it not been for %ata -Bak.
Mr. Foster says: -
"Last fall i had n nasty sore on my
Ifo( caused by the irritation from a pro-
jecting eyelet in ray 5114)0. Before f
was ow•nre of it the colored sock f wee e
hod poisoned the flesh and I suffered
much in consequence. I Tried a gond
many selves and oint,nent4 yet there
was no improvement until I began with
%ant-Ilnk. This ointment drew out ill
the inflammation and poisonous mat-
ter and heeled the sore in several days
after applying."
All skin dismscs quirkly yield to
%.nn-ituk• Sold by all stores and meds -
eine vendor. at 545-. a lax, or post free
trent Zan►-Ruk Co., Toronto, 3 boxes
"Don't you have considerable !rou-
te-. In keeping your wife dressed 111 the
height of fa5hi ti?" "Not al 111. 111
trouble would come if I didn't:"
Weak and seemly People envy shoe In robust
hesllh. Xo mood 1r, stay sick when by the u.e 01
the 1Se'l lonir. " "'err ,in, ' lou can got rich bind
and nenawe.l strength end vigor
('nllecter fd hithiling his curios) --"I'd
give you this figure, only it's so ugly
1 hlnt•ttly like 111:' Young Lady -"I'd
1. ve
141 have it. It would always re -
'hind ale of ynu."
very Woman
is V.-toreace 4 and should know
at,uut the w uedtrtui
TLe Geo Vaginal Syrlose.
1.•.1. 11 cicar:KJ
•testi y
Yeti cannot be happy while you have
cures. Then do not delay in gelling n
tee We of llidlotvnys Corn Imre. I1 re.
11.uves all kinds of corns without pain.
Failure with it is unknown.
"1 want something for my husbarul
/i.nl will surttris.' him-Ittat will lake
hi • brenlh away'," "Fourth floor to the
, ght for 0114,ker coll8r "
ITCH. Mange. Pralrta Scratches and
every term of contagious 11cs on human
rr animals roma in 30 minute.. by Wol-
lonl's S1+citary !action. 11 triter tails.
Sold by all druggists.
"Ethel," he w•1►. -g. yard. "wilt you mer•
ry me?" "l slum I ., . tt (:hnrtit'. Mw
rd Plied. a(l)1y "\\ . 11111'11 you find
••1.1." he said. rising. "send ,me word,
will you? I shall he al Mattel Dick's un-
til len o'clock. 1f I don't hear from you
by len, 1 mm going to ask iter."
holed to gain n turf! ••t praise Ildp your children to grow strong
tr failed In show That he tw,ssessed sod robust by munleracting anything
1 that causes ill -health. One great cause
suet' brains as they must have who ( 1 disease in chittrtn is %wrnte. the
think; 1114 ye them with \iolhcr Graves' Worm
11 :` Ile never tidied to nr5w('r )ss vlermillator. 11 Never falls.
" 11 hi' was neVII le have a drink.
I .t • n it a slings men does acquire
411111 . 1 real mora y, what's the use?
l$St'E 41-17
Luc y on r • ra; : t It for 1 t. 'I
.9rtr t,.
A It V C L- accept no
ott:•r, h.tt a,.cd stamp ildfor
ttlesirated boot -m. 1t gives
feu pnrticalars and direcmam' in-
vsinahle to IAdIp.
General Agents r Canada.
Gives Perfect
The Most Economical
High Grade Oil
Ever Sold in Canada.
Nowhere are Fuel. better p(tilcclo'41
Item u, (ferment.. 1) is /t(,1 only a sub-
ject of law There. but of (vlurilti•en cul•
5v, fair children are laug.'bt in the sOiords
115' u',etuhiess of -birds in pr•.decling
ulcera, wants, crops and swab ns. Rigid'
leo 5, 81t1 ett•►► 1i11'e1-l'efe''te'1)t , 0151
s. en ht every park. On the ether hand.
the• «will es of useful bird+, such ns
1.1••x, l'uwsrd+. h:,htke. magpies, kes-
leels and jays. are 1. nrorselesaly killer!
muter the emeouragaenit'nt of local gee.
orument+, w
HAI offer rewards fur their
dr•lnr. titan,
One c(.mtquence is that
tit 11),s -est -fields nett gardens of Gcr-
r'any suffer r:lntively tittle damage
from noxious insect*.
Hitting Machines
Tlere are Thiamin to Contain
I reasures.
There is a smull tut not unimpolt-
n►t class of men whoore following
event. in Morocco with the keenest in-
terest. 13y these it is hoped that the
French occupation of Casablanca will
prove to be the prelude to a real open-
ing up of Morocco, by which the road
to Fez will be made free to the stu-
dent as well as to the merchant.
Al Fez there is a library which is
he lieved to contain numberless manu-
sc.ript-a of the highest value, together
with copies of Greek and Latin clas-
sic;, which have been lost to European',
Chief among these latter are said to
be the lust books of the historian '1'n^i-
lus. Ever since the revival of learn -
al g in Europe scholars have looked for-
ward lo the lime when these Ircnsures
wilt be brought to lite light of day.
But even should the elopes that are
now entertuined of a French advance
ill Morocco be borne out, and the It-
,blary at Fes be pinced within reach
r.)f the delver after historical and elms•
sical lore, (here is too great n possi-
•irlity that the passage of time and the
neglect which has undoubtedly peen
(heir portion may have caused ir►epar-
oI'Ie damage to the documental.
A schoolmaster was trying to explain
the meaning of the word "conceited."
"Now, boys,' he said, "suppose that 1
was always boasting of my learning -
that 1 knew a good dent of Latin, for
instance -or 1 said that t was a hand-
s'ane man, what should you say 1 was?"
"A liar, sir!" was the too ready re-
sj onse.
"Freddy. you shouldn't laugh out null
the schoolroom," exclaimed the t.:ach-
el didn't mean 10 do it," apologiz-
. d Freddy. "1 was smiling, when all
a sudden the smile busted."
a a c Noils
A Sure (:arc for He d ch . R
h, attache, to which women are more
subject Than men, becomes so acute in
54010 subjeo!s that they are utterly pros-
trated. 'The stomach refuses total, and
dere is a constant and distressing O-
h it to free the staninck flour bile which
become unduly secreted Iliere. Par -
lilt lee's Vegetable fills are t► speedy
iterative, and in neutralizing the effects
of the intruding bile relieves tite pees -
:seven the le Eves wtllch Cause the hems!.
ache. 'I t) them.
1r Imo .1
MACHiWERC i00 Alt.
800 Ug;lt!s, hrst•class order. sant he 8011
cheap and must be gotten out id the way
-1 uuc
e to
kin t•,
woe to
600 -light tht r
o b K
place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide
Street West, Toronto.
Buffalo make, number four, J-dueli ver-
tical discharge, 24 unties high; perfect
condition. Superintendent, 'truth ltt.tttt.
1' g, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
Laughter is the sound a roan hears
','. hell his lint blows orf.
The Horseman's Friend
-Sale aad Sure.
If you have a lame hors, get Kendall'( Spavin Cure. If you
have a horse that you can't work en eccortat of a SI.tain, Sttain or
Bruise, get Kendall's Sparin Cure. If you have a )",:se, that even the
veterinary can't cure of Spavin -or any Soft Bunches or Swellings -get
Kendall's P;Cure.
Be rareure you get
KLNUALI.•S. Two generations -throughout Canada and the
United States -have turd it and pptnvcd it.
TRAVELERS' REST, r.E.l., Dee. 11,'05.
1 have Leen using Kendall's Spavin Cute for the last 30 years,
and always find it sate and sure." ticiwa(T P. Mc N14.1
81. a bottle --8 for 0. Write fora copy
of our great book "Treatise On Tlie
Horse." 1t'e a mine of iufosnration for
farnrersand iwrarmen, who want to keep
lhrir stock in prime condition.
Mailed free. 25
£,IO.SUad FALLS, - VEataoST, U.S.A.
a :1
11 Ye Olde Firmeof Heintzman
front head to fool on our
Money Makers.
Fele Illustrated Catalogues, L.M.N.O.
Aditus' r
Riper and Gulf of St, Lawrenca
Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin Screw Iron 55 "('ampa.ia.•' with 116 .104
lights, electric hells and all modern comforts
55114 Elt0'l 4141N1ItE,kl.0N MONO A1'ri at
6 p.m , tarsi September. ;th and gut Ortr.bet
and fortnightly there suer for i'i too. N S...•al`
Ins At pusher. (inapt, )181 Hay. 1'erce, Oran,
)tner. tturomeraid.. 1'.1'-.1., an.1 ('harlot► •% '.r
Cs'd fortune nearly n!way's finds n
man In n respective Aped,
No. : Iknse. the greedy 1nn.1 cane:
;slot ie'cessarily 8 grump! hog.
An attempt to prove an alibi Is a
cast ill self-denial.
!trimmer 1 e F t r n. 8
et the new Twit,
�crew 4 "►ternudbn," S,Y+i'tens. catling
Sth $mptemt,er. Sth, lath and 2Rth 1rJ .i..r. Rth.
lith a•nl 1;th 5,rere'.er 1emperaturece,le.l
se ► ?wastes seldom rite. -ab .ve el• degrees.
Thr finest trips of the season for 15,0115 and
& Co:, Limited. Established so Years.
Wonderful Bargains
Act on the Motto, " Do It Nov"
Tho stutement is plain and bold, because absolutely correct, that here we
ofl'e,t bargains in fine well -made, good condition upright dianos that cannot bo
matched anywhere else.
& RISCH-Upright Plano, with 7 octaves, hand -
carved panels in top door with nicely turned trusses, a
very nice piano in first -clasp condition. having been
thoroughly overhauled in our factory, fully guaranteed.
Regular price 8375.00. speelal at ... . 8225.55
K1LCOUR -- Cabinet (brand, 3 panels in top door, swing
music rack, full scale, rosewood case. Thla piano is in
A 1 condition and is en instrument that will give every
possible satisfaction, and is particularly gond vague at
....... _.. 8211.11
STANDARD - Toronto, full sire Cabinet Orand, in wal.
nut ease. Roston fall, beautifully decorated lop door, 71-3
ec(avrs 3 pedals, praetirally as good an new and thor-
oughly gnarabteed. This Is an elegant instrument, and
one that will give every possible satisfaction. Regular
rifler. 8375.00, special at 8131.11
PRINCE Beautiful walnut case.- with full-length
music rack, nicely de,ora1ad ten door. with 7 1.3 octaves,
Roston fall. 3 medals, thoroughly overhauls -1 and In
flrst.elns. condition. fully raaranteed, special at 8235.80
MENDELSSOHN. Toronto -Beautiful uorlght walnut ense,
with full-length music rack. nicely decorated top d• nr.
hand-nme trns=rs sed pilasters. 3 pedals, elutant Diann
and while ativertier,1 ns second-hand is practically new,
bring only slightly shnnwnrn. Fully guaranteed. Reeu•
lar price Al,a*.°.0sneefal at ..... 813!.11
MENDEL5SOHR. Toronto -T.-anti/0 upright mahogany
case. with fall -length music rack. nicely decorated top
door, handsome trusses and pilasters, 3 pedals: an ele-
gant piano, and while advertised as second-hand is
practically new, being only slightly shop-worn. Regu-
lar price $375-00, special at ... 8241.55
UXIRIDCE -- Upright Cabinet (brand, beautiful mahog-
any case, with Boston fall. handsomely carved music
rack. three panels, 7 1.3 nrtaves, 3 pedals. One of their
hest instruments, in first-class condition. thoroughly
overhauled and fully guaranteed. Special at . 8215.55
CO'!RLAY - Upright Cabinet Grand. wit(i 7 1.3 octaves.
Boston fall, nicely decorated top door, used about one
year, in flrst•elass condition, and special at .... _8285.110
WORMWITH • CO.-('abinet Orend, 7 1.3 octaves. 3 pe-
dals, including orchestral attachment. susceptible to
banjo. mandolin and harp efeets, nicely decorated top
door, in elegant condition, practically brand new• flve-
year guarantee. Special at *267.00
NEWCOMBE A CO. -Parlor Grand Piano, In elegant con•
lition and a piano that will gilt. every satisfaction. 71-3
octave.. very suitable for a musician or concert hall.
Thoroughly guaranteed- Regular price !800.00• special
nt 8150.8
STEINWAY & SON, New York Grand Piano, with beau-
tiful rosewood ease. handsomely carved legs and lyre,
,verstrung scale, rte. The make of this piano is in O-
pel( a guaranis^ that the article is first-t•ln•s. Has hien
thoroughly ovcrhsuled, and is In A 1 condition. fully
guaranteed. Regular price 81,200, special at . _.. SS80.M
Pianos under 525000 51000 cash and 86.00 per month. Grand pianos. 825.00 cash and 110.00 per month. Quar-
terly or halt -yearly payments can be arranged if desired. It 8)401al terror' are required wire your selection, at
aur expense, and the piano will he held until arrangements can ht. made by letter. A handsome stood accom-
panies each instrument. Freight prepaid to any point in Ontario, and reasonable arrangements to other points.
Heintzman & Co. Limited
115.117 King St. West, Toronto, Canada.
ARTHUR AiIERN. Secretory. Quebec.
A. E. OUTERRRIDOE & (0. Agents.
29 Broadway, New York.
But, h 1'- -"Crime. John. be lively now:
Freak 1h•' Ion.. in \ir. Simpson's Chia'cs
end put \h'. 5111111 ribs in your bas-
ked." "All right sit; es es sum .is
11e snared aft \ire qlu•phey's leg."
A G.ssI \taurine requires little : 1
vo rti-itig. Dr. Thomas' Ecicclri,: t t
poled the geed name it now enp >
not Ihraeugh elaborate nstv'crtisusg. Iiia
( n its great merit 114 n remedy for bod-
ily pains and ailments of the res )ira•
tory organs. 11 has carried its Innte
with It wherever it has gone. and it i.
prized O1 the anlipodes as well as ;11
home. Dose summit, effect sure.
"Joolin." -nit% a wife to !ter 5etflsh hue -
land. "1 have just r one (rein the due -
1• 1.5. and be Rays 1 nee ri change of
rl:matc--so iewhere more bracing."
"All r ghl, dear," w15 the unfeeling re-
j•eind, 1: "the weather forecast slates
t tt i 1 tnw h colder lo-►norre-,w."
Yoe are r(Sht to regarding eryslpotaa Aa a
danxerou' ,(fre:a10. Annu(nt the swollen. itcb!nq
skin with W ' Cerste; And oak. Weaver's
syrup Internally.
No, ma1104 ite.ss badly %,111 1118}• het''
the rhetmAG.nr >oetl well M sure t.,
1,te(•t some ane at Ito declares he had t
Roofing Is Easy
Right Work
Put them on with no tools but a
hammer and tinner's shears, -can't
go wrong. They lock on all four
sides, are self -draining and water -
shedding on any roof with three or
more inches pitch to the foot. Make
buildings fire.proof, weatherproof
and proof against lightning. Cost
leas in the long run. Made of 28 -
gauge toughened sheet steel -only
one quality used and that the hest -
bent cold and double -galvanized.
Last longer with no painting than
any other metal shingles heavily -
AMrese Our
Nearest Warehouse:
painted. Guaranteed in every way
until 1932. Ought to last a century.
Cheap as wood shingles in first
cost ; far cheaper in the long run.
" Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin-
gles cost only 54.50 a s q u n r e,
10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the
area of any roof and hear our
tempting offer for covering it
with the cheapest roof you
can really afford to buy. Le t
us send you FREE booklet
about this roofing question - tells
some things you may not know.
Oshawa Galvanized Steel
Shingles are GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
Send for FRP Book "Roofing Right"
Get Our Otter Retort You Root a Thing
S91.3 f ralg AL W. 11 Cot',v!-t * Rt
) Tlardps St.
IT Lombard Ft- rt Inter-