HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-11-04, Page 3Septerrlber 401, l91.5
The Joh of Good Health
Is Now Experienced
"1011.11=1.01116. Dhow Spells and Sleeph»ess Are New. a
'Ming of the Past.
Veda es a oheertul •tetter from Mrs.
lad It should bring joy to
heart d many a reader of this
Dixey ancilla
1�eale p eeataledta
aymptome of
rFhaueted • nerves,
cad are the bug-
bear of many wo-
mea, who do not
know just what
areatment to use,
Tou can read
Kre. Peacock's let-
ter and take cour- .
aloe„ for she has
Pervert that Dr.
Chas e' a- Nerve NM. PEACOCK.
Food is a complete cure for these
troubles. So pleased was she with the
results obtained that she wants other
women to know about this food cure.
Mrs. Thomas Peacock, 23 Iiiawetha
street, St, Thomas, Ont., and whose
husband Is conductor on the Wabash
Beltway, s at a :-"I was quite run
down in health, was very nervous, did.
not sleep well, and had frequent dixz!
epella, Believing this to be the result
of an exhausted nervous system T bee
gan using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and
can say that this medicine did me a
world of good, It entirely freed me of
the symptoms stated above, built up
my health generally, so that to -day 1
feel that I am quite well again."
In a more recent letter Mrs. Peacock
writes:- "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has
done me a world of good, and I would
be pleased to tell everybody so."
In nearly every issue of this paper
you will find letters about Dr. Chaeo'e
medicines, It this one does not de-
scribe your case watch for others or
write to us. Dr. Chase's Nerve. Food,
50c a box, 6 for $2,50, all dealers, or
2ldmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, To -
The Grand Trunk Railway System
issue round-trip Homeseekers' excur-
sion tickets atvery low fares from
stations in Canada to points in Manito-
ba, Alberta and Saskatchewan), each
Tuesday until O'ctob'er 26th, inclusive.
Take the new Transcontinental line,
short route between Eastern and West-
ern Canada.' The "National" leaves
Toronto 10.45 p. m. via Grand Trunk
Railway to North Bay, Temiskamfng
and Northern Ontario Railway to Coch-
rane, thence Transcontinental Railway
to Winnipeg. Equipment the finest in -
eluding Colonist Sleeping cars, Tourist
Sleeping cars, Dining oar and electric -
lighted first-class coaches operated
through without change between Tor-
onto and Winnipeg, Connection is
made at Winnipeg with the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway for Saskatoon,
Regina, Edmonton and other points in
Western Canada. Costs no, more than
by other routes. Get tickets and full
particulars from II_ B. Elliott, Town
Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES
o•a.,a•►oeoQ.00.......•w• t'.,..,. 4„YN;;,>0000a.000md.ao•....4,,•:
mes s
• ?
o a
•4. ............... .
o w
Times and Saturday Globe 1.90
Times and Daily Globe 3.75
Times and Daily World. .. 3.10
Times and Family Herald and Weele.ly Star1.85 ,,
: San . 1,85 Times and Toronto Weekly ... .
• Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.80 -
• Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.80
••Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 3.76 4
• Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.60 4.
• Times and Farmers' Advocate 2,35 •o
� Times and Canadian Countryman 1,50 e
Times and Farm and Dair•y •1.80 ;?
• Times and Winnipeg Weekly !Free Press. 1.60 ^-
e Times and Daily Advertiser (morning) ... , 2.85 r.t.
Times and Daily Advertiser (el ening) 2.85 •
Times and London Daily Free Press Morning `i'
'Edition •3.50 e°r
Evening Edition 2.90 a
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.85 a
: Times and World Wide 2.25 •
: Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg, 1.60 n
o• Times and Presbyterian 2.25 6
• Times and Westminster 2.25
• Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 el,
•Times and Toronto Saturday Night , . 3.35 :
• Times and McLean's Magazine. , . , ..,. 2.50 :
• Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.75 •
• Times and Youth's Companion .... 2.90 4>
•Times and Northern Messenger 1.35
• Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 0
Times and Canadian Pictorial 1,60 e
: Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 0
•e Times and Woman's Home Companion . 2.70
• : Times and Delineator .. 2.60
. o Times and Cosmopolitan2,65 •
• Times and Strand - 2•.45 0
• Times and Saecess . 2,45 •
eTimes and McClure's Magazine............... , 2.10 c
• Times and Mnnsey's Magazine 2,85 •
• Times and Designer 1.85 •
•• Times and Everybody's •2.20 d
o These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great:
:Britain. • •
• The above publications. may be obtained by Times:
:subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-:
:tion being the figure given above less $I.00 representing
the price of The Times. For instance :
• The Times and Saturday GIobe
The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00).
:making the price of the three papers $ ,25.
The Times and the Weekly Sun...,
• The Toronto Daily Star ($2,30 less $1.00).,•
• The Saturday Globe ($1.90 less $1.00) •
♦ •
.$3,90 ••
• ::the four papers for $3.9o. •
If •the publication you want is not in above list let<
:us know. We • ,n supply almost any well-known Cana -4
:dean or American publication, These .prices are strictly'
:cash in advance•
• Send subscriptions by post office or express order tow
TheT� �s �����e „,ea
Geeeeee eteeSeaeta*A:s.,.se e n.w,mealar..AraC4:',•00110t ::,,4n•?�v�'?
ample Scientific Explanation of
How They Occur,
Maeby Whin the h Weems of
Unequally Charged Vapor Are
limited, the Lightning Fla;hes Gen.
anted end the Downpour Started.
Lightning is the result of electric dis-
charges from the clouds, says the Elec-
trical Experimenter in .printing what
It calls "a thunderstorm primer."
Every cloud, like every other object,
contains electricity, This makes no
disturbance so long as the quantity
contained Is normal. When the quail.
tity becomes greater than normal the
object Is positively charged; when it
becomes less than normal the object is
negatively charged. The equilibrium
of the electric force in the clouds le
disturbed by evaporations from the
surface of the earth, by changes of
temperature in the atmospheric vapor,
by chemical action on the earth's sur-
face and by the friction of volumes of
air of different densities against each
When clouds charged with the oppo-
site eleetricities approach, the forces
rush toward each otber and combine to
restore the state of equilibrium, for all
bodies charged with opposite electric!.
ties attract each other. Between the
clouds Is air, an excellent nonconduc-
tor, through which the electricity has
to force a passage. Tbe violence with
which it does this produces the light-
ning and the accompanying crash of
Clouds are good conductors, white the
ale about them is a nonconductor;
therefore tbe electricity accumulates in
the clouds. It is probably this elec-
tricity which prevents the particles of
water from uniting together and falling
down In the form of rain.
Imagine two clouds near to each oth-
er in the sky, one positively and the
other negatively electrified, for there
cannot in all nature be such a condi-
tion as that of one body positively ex-
cited without the coexistence of an-
other body negatively excited. If the
positively charged cloud were all alone
in the sky the circumjncent atmos-
phere would assume the negative func-
tion. But as the other cloud is near by
it becomes negative, and both are Mu-
tually attracted. They approach each
other until the space of air between
them can no longer resist their electric
tension, when the discharge takes
The equilibrium of the clouds being
thus restored, there is nothing to keep
the particles of water apart; they coa-
lesce into drops and fall as rain.
When only tbe clouds are involved
the equilibrium is quickly restored by
a few flashes and tile storm is over.
When the nir alsd is involved it con-
tinues to charge the clouds with elec-
tricity; and the discharges continue un-
til the various strata of air are brought
into their normal state.
Sometimes, when the clouds are
charged with an opposite electricity to
that of the earth, a discharge takes
Mace from clouds to earth or from
earth to clouds It Is only when there
is a great disturbance of the electrical
forces that the lightning hashes to the
earth or vice versa.
The flash and the thunder peal are
simultaneous. and we see the one be-
fore we hear the other because light
waves move far more swiftly than
sound waves. The peal of thunder is
instantaneous, but comes to us as a
roll through being echoed from clouds
or mountains. Tbe noise is caused by
the vibrations of the air rushing to fill
up the spaces where the electrical dis-
charge has rarefied it and condensed
its vapors.
Lightning i; zigzag when it travels
through a long distance, because It
compresses the air, which interferes
with its direct course. It is straight
when it passes through only a short
distance. It is forked when. being re-
sisted by the air, it divides into two or
three points. It is sheet when the flash
is too distant to be visible, and its re-
flection alone is seen.
By remembering that sound travels
a quarter of a mile in a second. while
light travels so swiftly that we see It
Instantaneously, we can tell how far
off a thunder clap is. If we hear a
thunder clap four seconds after seeing
the flash we know it is a mile away.
For such calculations our own pulse is
4 sufficiently accurate measure of time,
for the pulse of an adult beats about
ante a second. .A person under forty
should count five bents to the mite; a
person under twenty should count six
beats to the mile.
A Rough Criticism.
Lord Houghton's epigram on "Sor-
dello," probably the most obscure of
13rowning's poems, though it has often
gone the rounds, is worth recalling.
Said Lord Houghton, then only
Dicky Milnes, "There are but two lines
In 'Sordello' I can understand -the first
and last -'Who will may hear Sordel-
lo's story told' and 'Who would hath
heard Sordello's story told,' and both
aro false."
Finger Print Love.
"Why do you think you'll be happy if
yon marry that young man, daughter?"
asked the father.
"Because, father, we've had our fin.
ger prints examined and they almost
match," 'dues the sweet young thing's
reply. -Yonkers Statesman.
Let us remc•nber that justice must
yil observed even to the lowest -Cicero.
Mra Wm Isbister........
Mrs R D Alaimo
Dr Txmlyn
AJ Rare, ...,.
Milton Whie, ,,, ,,,
R 8 104
A. MCumming ... ,.,.,,
Gly. R,oae
Annie Bat her
Minnie Bdrber
Mra Walker
Re' a Welker ..........
Mr G Bailey,. , .........
JM Father . ...,....,.
Mr Brooke.,. ,.,,,
Mra Out re
Mrs J Oaaemare 50
W 13 Haines 2 00
Mrs 11 Cummings 1 00
Edgar Pattison 5 00
Ethel Beckwith 60
Rich Casemore ...... ,2 00
Mies Dandy 1 00
Mr Hooey ... .. 1 00
Master Gibson Rintoul1 00
3 M Graham 8 09
T 0 Graham, 200
Jo.a•k Mason 2 00
E R Harrison 2 00
Walter Paterson 2 00
Tony Nichol 5 00
Wim Gannett 4 00
Mrs E Boman 5 00
.1 Johon 2 00
Milbpr Johnson . 2 00
Ernest G Dymond 5 00
W Taylor 25
Mr' Dear 50
R N Williams 1 00
W F Van$tone 10 00
Joseph Hemingway5 00
8 E Farquharson 1 00
W J Pattison. ..., 1 00
J F Mitchell 1 00
I J Paulson 2 00
M W •.Armstrong 5 00
Mrs Alderson , 50
Mrs R Browne 50
C J Fai qubareon 4 00
EBWaiker 500
Mies 0 Taylor 500
Perth Butler ...... 5 00
Mrs E13Water 200
J G Carter 50
John McCallum 5 00
Mrs S T Butler , 5 00
Miss Conacber 5 00
C Swanson 3 00
Mise McCracken 2 00
O Ludwig 50
Robert Id Burgess 1 00
Dire Bataan 2 00
Miss Maggie Flenderson 5 00
Miss Emma Henderson, 5 00
Arthur Adams 1 00
MI* Gilchrist ...... .... 2 00
Mise Gilchrist .,.. 5 00
Writ Moore 1 00
alias Stewart 3 00
Allan Mills 25 00
A E Smith 25 00
Wm Taylor 4 00
A R Musgrove 10 00
a no
6 0
10 00
10 00
5 CO
100 00
3 00
2 00
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh that contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do is ten fold
to the good you caq possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is
taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi-
monials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
(1livPr Thompbon 5 0
J S bard5
J A Haugh 5 00
Frank 3 Mooney 1 00
Wrn Robertson 3 00
Wm McPherson 11555
5 00
John Quirk 1 00
L Walton 1 00
Herb Jobb 2 00
Thos L Jobb 2 00
R Mooney 5 00
13 D Griffin 25 00
Jla[o Currie 5 00
:los Cornyu 5 00
James Robinson 1 00
Fred Scott 1 UO
alien Saint 50
Teene Isbister . 2 00
Bob King 25 00
R A Currie 25 00
T C King ..... .... 2222551551
5 00
Error in list 2 00
L Binkley ... 10 00
Peter McLaren 20 00.
R A Hutchison 5 00
3. P. Kennedy . 5 00
M C Calder 5 00.
R Scott 2 00
Harry Williams 1 UO
Albert Gregory 120155
0 00
Ed Heins �..........1 00
R H Way 5 00
Allan P Knechtel 2 00
A E Coling 2 50
Wm. Saunders 5 00
Mrs Jno Monk 1 00
Mrs Walter Doubledee1 0
Mr 0 Gotts..., ... ° 1 00
A M Crawford 50 00
C M Walker........... 25 00
Mrs Fisk 1 00
A JClegg Irwin ... 50 00
50 00
J W McKibbon ........ 25 00
Geo Mason ... 25 00
H A Hunter 2 00
Miss Struthers .... 1 00
Cameron Geddes 2 00
E S Graham 3 00
?' Graham 4 00
Maude Fleuty.. 2 flu
Miss Clow 1 00
Mrs John Coulter , 25
Mrs Baptist .. .. 2 p0
Bert Vansickle ........2 Ou
Aitcheson .... 1 50
John Stephenson .. 1 1)0
W R Dyer ........., .t 10 00
John Ritchie .. ..., . 10 01)
A J Nichol .. .. 11) 00
Mrs Peter Fisher....... 5 00
M E Fisher... 5 00
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Iliower. Heals the ulcers,
clears the Air rassages, slin) +drop.
'n tho tit .at and mr[ , neat+
> t ,, n ,d n1 '
prop I
!,w cures Catarrh and Hay F••ta•e.
21c. nbox; [dower free. Arerr•a r!.•
44't&Loapc`arscne>eeCo., .MI
Page 3
Healing Powers of Fruit Proved
by "Frui9•a•iires"
The simple juices of apples, oranges,
figs and prunes, when transformed into
"Fruit-a-tives' will relieve diseases of
the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin.
The truth of this statement has been
provedin thousands of cases of
Indigestion) Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver,
Constipation, Kidney and, Bladder
Troubles, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Chronic. Headaches.
The enormous sales of "Fruit-a•tives,'
are the best proofs of the value of
thisfruit medicine..
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa.
Mrs Geo C Hanna 5 00
Fred Carter... , ....... 5 00
R A Graham ............500 .
Sam Seborn ... , . .. 15 00
Wm Holmes ........ ... 10 00
Mrs A J Irwin ,. 5 00
A G Smith
H Davis G .... .. 10 00
W J Gould, .Patterson5 00
Henry Ross .. 10 005 00
John Morgan .. , . .. . 10 00
J A Fox5 00
Frank Angus 1 00
Edwin Lewis 1 00
Mr Fothergiil.... ..... 25 00
J B Menne..
n .. ......,. 2 (10
H Alien ..... 1 00
Geo Oliver ............. 1 50
D B Porter .... .... 5 00
J F Groves 120511
0 00
F McConnell 2 00
A E Porter . , 10 Ou
G A Phippen 1 00
H If McAllister 1 00
Miss Rutledge 15 00
Arthur E Angus 3 00
Harry Angus .. 1 00
Mr J Imlay 1 00
Wm Murray 1 00
John D McLean 1 00
Mr W Sutton 1 00
Robert Leggatt I 35
Robert Deyell . , . .. 2 00
Ezra MPrkley.... ... 2 00
Miss Verna Guest 50
Arnold Same .,...... 1 00
Mr L Beirne .... .. ,25
S Mitchell . 3 00
L Harding ...... .... 2 00
A M Scully ... .... .. 10 00
Dudley Holmes .... ... 10 00
Maria Putland...... ... 10 00
R M Lindsay . .. 25 e0
J S Dobbie 5 00
Mr Telfer . . , 5 00
G H Mp. 5 00
His last tindollar 1 00
A E Disney 1 00
Sherman ... 100
Mrs Carson 50
Otto Pollen .... ..... . 3 00
GTruax ... 2 1,0
Miss Marie Maxwell.... 1 0()
L Kennedy 10 OU
Miss Galloway 5 00
Mr snd Mrs F S Bailagh 10 00
Jas Gannett .. 1 00
Miss Mulvey ....... 2 00
Miss Densmore....., .. , 2 00
Mrs Pocock .... .... . 2 00
R T Cowell ..... . . 3 00
David Galloway .. 15 00
Robert McGee .. 10 t,()
Frank Hill .... 10 00
Jas Hall 2 00
Thos Gregory ... 50 00
Mrs Shortts , ......... , 2 00
Mrs James 1 00
Miss Ethel King .... 10 Ou
John Helm , 1 00
W A Fryfogle ... 1 00
Mrs J Davidson . ... 50
Mrs E J McGavin .. 5 00
Alexander Dey 1 00
D Perrie .. 25 00
Janisa Perrie ., 10 00
L,iila B Isbister .... 5 00
Wm Davidson 2 00
Mrs Wm Davidson 1 00
Mrs C J Reading .. ... 1 00
Peter H Deans 1 00
Harry Brown...... 10 00
Clair Crawford,.. 1 00
Letitia Robinson... 2 00
C C Munro.... 10 00
Chas Knechtel .... 5 00
Mrs. Dennis . 25
Mrs Wm Armour .... 2 00
Albert Rintoul 2 00
JJ Davis 1000
C Walmsley .. .-...... 10 OU
W A tiler ....... 1000
D BellFells .. 1015 0000
O C B 1 00
Lee Jim 1 00
Ruth Lewis .... 52 00 00
Francis Lewis..., .. , 5
Frank Lewis .. ... 5 00
R Beattie ... 5 00
E Corbett 2 00
George Boulden 2 00
Jas Williamson 1 OU
N K McLeod 2 00
Chas Bondi 1 50
Mrs Thompson 1 0')
R S McGee .. ... 10 00
Mrs Swarts 5 00
W C Lepard ..... ... 2 00 .
J .1 Crandall 5 00
Alex Reid.. , .... 5 00
Alma Flarity . 1 00
Mrs SIcPherson,1 :00000
R Dunlop.. 1 Eugene McDonald1 RoderusA ll Knox .. , ..... 5 0
Hanna .... :> e
.1 Weirli
Norma Dinsley :3 00
Ahnie McLean ....... :, 011
C E McLean . •, 01)
Agnes McLean.- . 1 00
H C McLean 00
Gordon McLean 5 00
Sarah McLean .... 100
Nellie McLean ...... 1 00
Mrs J A McLean ... . 5 00
Margaret McLean .. .. 5 00
Frank McLean .. ... 5 (5)
J J Mitchell ... 5 00
D McPherson.... . .. . 2 Ittl
A Runstedler 1 the
Mrs Ruestedler .... 1 00
Alice Mann
(• R Wilkinson .... .> (
Mra Jos Weir.......,,. 1 00
1 Johnston ..... .. , ... 2 00
V11 Vannorrnan....,,,25 00
R C Redmond 25 00
Mrs Jno Banns ... 25 00
Amos '1'i ling 25 1)0
Edwards. 25 00
J A Mct.eau 50 00
RVanstone,..,,,,,..,60 00
A E Louttit ... ... 15 00
Mrs John Wilson .,....... 5 00
Geo Jacques .. ........... 3 00
E Dennis ,.,, 2 00
James Murray.., ,..... 500
Mr L o d bey. .......5 :..... 1 00
Miss el A Scott .,.. 1 00
Joseph Wilson .......... 3 00
Arthur pilon 2 00
Can. Furniture Co...... 20 00
Geo T Robertson . 5 00
Geo Turner .. .... 1 00
Miss M Fisher 5 00
John Lockeridge..... ... 2 00
John Agnew.. .. .. 2 00
Aliso M L Brock2 00
Miss 'Turner 2 00
Arch Paterson, . ... ......... 2 00
W Il Gurney 10 00
Mrs Andrew Linklater.,2 00
Mrs W J Kew 600
Mrs Frank Bowden .. 3 00
Mrs R G Cantelon 5 00
Mr A Carson.,.. 3 00
Miss Carson .. 1 00
Jno McLeod ,.. 1 00
Wm Field .... 10 00
Wm Stokes....... 2 00
R Sturdy „ 2 (10
Geo Wraith . 2 00
Geo Woods 2 00
B T Brooks ... 2 00
WJBeII ........,. 200
A M Forbes .,. 2 00
Newton Black 2 00
G Tervit ,.. • 2 00
R C Mann 2 00
Cliff Garrett... ......., 2 00
Mrs Murch.... 1 00
Maggie alurch ., 1 00
Georgie Burgess ....... 1 00
Mable Campbell .... .. 1 00
Luella Campbell 1 00
Edith Campbell,- 1 00
Annie Robertson ... 1 00
Annie Cunningham 1 00
Mable Butcher 1 00
Ethel Findlay 1 00
Mary E Casemore 1 00
Ethel Casemore .. .... 1 00
Mary Lamont . ,. 1 00
Evelyn Garrett 100
Edith kiughes 1 00
Bertha Chandler , 1 00
Martha Baird 1 00
Pearlie Morden . , 1 00
P G1 00
E Dodddy 2 00
J Glousher 1 00
I Osten.... ....... .. 50
A Gray .. 1 00
M Douse 1 00
E Fallis 1 00
P Fallis .. 1 00
A Buttery 50
L Glousher .. 1 00
Mrs Manuel 1 00
Mrs Woods .. 1 00
E Smith ........ 50
R Forsyth .... 50
E Bayles 50
N Bennermen .... .... 1 00
Gro Fallis 50
M Boardman . 50
M Lockridge 50
()an tet 1 00
E Rogers 50
E Davidson 1 00
P Bloomfield .. ... 1 85
Bal from ba+ebell fund 55
W D Pringo4..,... . 28 00
R Groves 2 50
W Franku u 300
R Manuel,... 1 25
B Holland • ....... , , , 1 50
A Bloomfield.... 75
P Cook.... 50
H Weis.,.,.. '75
H Walton 2 00
G Cruickshanks, 50
M Mercer 1 50
T Lutton 200
A Lockridge.. 2 00
E Small 1 00
J Ruddie 3 00
A Green 150
A Groves 1 50
M Beckwith 1 80
Alex Young .... 30 00
Alex Forsyth 2 00
H Dennis 2 00
Thos E Graham 2 00
John Cameron.. 2 00
Alex Forsyth 2 00
J Wells 2 00
Less Young.. .
,...., ., 2 00
Alex Dixon. 2 00
James Moon 2 00
13 Smith 2 00
J A Morton and wife20 00
Wm Dore.. 20 00
m Tompkins 10 00
Mrs J E Bradwin 2 00
E W Bradwin 5 00
-ts Thomson 2 00
E C White5 00
J Galbraith 5 00
J Homer .... . 5 00
Jas A Cuwmsign 5 00
Mies M Currie 1 00
l•leo Moir 1 00
Mrs Morgan 1 00
J Hawke 5 00
0 V Elayden 1 00
ly Butcher . . . 1 00
R H Saint 1 00
S Dennie.... ...... . • 1 00
Mr Bowden.-.. 50
Mrs Butcher 1 00
Mrs Vanaletine 1 00
Eureka Bihle Class of
Methodist church10 00
Luella McOoo1.... 2 00
Jho McOonl 3 00
A E Lloyd 1a5 00
Laura Martin 2 00
Mrs Johne 2 00
Robt 1) Cunningham2 00
Mrs G H Walton :3 00
Os Walters 2 00
W A John 2 00
J W Hibbert 5 00
J Sleeman 2 00
James Carr...... ..... 1 01)
Mies Johns 100
Miss Weir 1 00
M 0 Sutton. , 5 01)
Mrs Geo Wraith.. .... 2 00
Mrs 3 J Elliott........ 1 00
Mrs A Fort -yah 1 01)
Mrs Wells and family.. 1 (10
m Bradley 1 (4)
Mrs Wm 2lit chel l 1 00
L Lett 1 00
A Weal.: n:enrt
When the heart is treats or irregular
in action, when the blood is thin and
1 watery, remember the blood -forming
Iqualities of Dr. Chase's Nerve food,
and by its use flood the system with
rich, red, vitalizing blood. 'Phis is
Nature's way of curing weakness and
distals.>. P is the only war t`+ cruse
' falcine; benelits.
A. complete line r>f Patriotic
Writing Paper, Scribbling
Books, Exercise Bonk:a, Play-
ing Caz•ds, triage, Perini' at, etc.
A new stock of Initialed
Stationery in Panes papeter.
les and carnation dome cards,
Our line of general station-
ery including ~titin( paper,
envelopes, eta.•, is complete.
Try us with your next
Magazines and newspapers
on sale and subscriptions
taken for any magazine or
newspaper you may desire.
Opposite Queen's Hotel
Sale dates earn he arranged at
TIMES office.
Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted/anywhere in Ontario
Write or Mime 81, Wingham
Having an up-to•date Creamery in
full operation, we solicit yourcreaxa
we are prepared to pay the highest
market prices for good cream and give
you an honest butinese, weighing,
sampling and testing each can of cream
received carefully and returning a
full statement of tame to each patron.
We famish two cava to rash patron
pay all express char gts and pay every
two weeks
Write for further particulars or
send for cans and give us a trial.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of•! t:i
J Campbell 50
Bert Hliiott 1 00
Mrs Denois,er 25
B Hicks 50
tinction Sales 70 77
Lady police from arrests 25 72
'Frend Roon
chancollectbinions 4 U1
Chas A VanNorman
Hamilton 2 00
A T Sbieli "" 100
Peter 0 Fowler, Bluevale
Mies Ainsley 55
Miss Bentley 2 00
Sacred Cantata under
the direction of Mr.
Cowell 50 5l
Wingham High School 150'00
Western Foundry and
emilloyees.. 500 00
D Anderson Bluevale le 2 00
I. 0. 0. 1' 2„i 00
X. 0. T. M........ 1O 00
L. O. L. 704....... 25 00
0. 0. F 25 00
Wm Davies Co 101)01)
Glanannon School 17 (i()
S 8 No 5 Turnhr•r•ry1 (1')
Advance (free advert'g) 25 00
Times (free advertising) 25 1.0
Japan has an organization composed
of 10,000 women, whose object is to
force men to treat wives as equals and
to vote for laws protecting women.
It is probable that the whole shell
and munitions manufacturing in Canada
will be reorganized, cutting out entirely
middlemen and political pail.
Eastern Ontario Women's Institutes
have contributed about $85,000 for pat-
riotic purposes, one group of forty
women raising d2,:36
The one really short crop in the 1.7r:it-
ed States this year.is cotton, the Estim-
ated output being 11,snn,r1,,ao t a:: -s
against an actual ,yield of bent e'er)
bales a year ago.
livery soldier in the 3apenese army
is provided with a ketose mode ee et;:
of the ordinary Japanoso vane' . 1
fore hinging his kettle ''.or th:' tie'
the Jap soldier fills it with .t_r al
over it. When placed over the are eie
water boils in ten minute, '1"i Let
C09t9 sixpence sl¢:' °a es , ,