HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 4The ideal Bevertige
.t Pars Ate,
palatable, full of
the %ittae5 4,1 malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, i, the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further.
e1 I'
Fail 'and Winter Goods.
\\re have just opened up ari itte
tnense import order of Scotch and
English goods in all the LATEST
tills I it. •. Our suet. ire the past
ha, , •• ' lo' to our k :.)'rlgc that
Honest Coods and
Honest Prices
Inti til in;.;arments which al,i,.•-:!
to;tiu I. stet. class of trade.
CALL c:Al(Ll
J. -H. Holtzmann
t , etet iuocate,
Sanders et Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Oct. 3, 1907
Voting men of New fork have a fair
chance to get married now, since 1000
young ladies inclined toward marriage
landed there front England Sunday.
The ;mottle Of London are never
happy except when having a heated
discussion. The Water Supplv and
'dunday street cars are troubling theist
n w. 50011 another election will be
on, and that is where they get in the
mud -slinging. `.
Estimates of the cost of living in
Toronto > how that during the last ten
years the cost has increased about 711
per rent. Since 1896 pork has increas-
ed from to 9 cents. beef 42 to8cents,
lamb from . and 7 to 5 and 12 cents,
butter 20 to 31) cents, eggs 14 and 10 to
30 and 35 cents, potatoes 40 to $1.00,
chicken 0 to 12 and 14 cents, turkeys 9
and 12 to 141 and IS cents. A state-
ment has also been prepared showing
that for a fancily of six it is necessary
that a than have an income of $12110 a
year to provide simply the necessities,
the rate been reckoned per month:
rent $15, fuel $1.54). food $13, furnish-
ings $:3, clothing ;+12, schooling $,3,
medical expense $2, church $2, recrea-
tion 113. ineutance $1.50. retiring fund
$2.80, light rind gas $2, help $4. Total
Standing oh a corner of a city
watching the everlasting 1 ush for busi-
ness one day, i remarked to the friend
beside nae: "Give tis this day our daily
bread." "These people are after cake,"
he tersely ruts %eyed. There was
point to the 1eniark; tho+e late -goers
to store and ofltee represented the
great hast of people who think that
luxuries .0 a necessities. Almost every
one of them was probably desirous of
some prize which he did not need. It
is because;the twentieth century is
covetous of houses equal to a neigh-
bor's, of raiment surpassing that of
other people, and of the accessories of
social position possessed by the few,
that it we rs soula it wrinkled, care-
worn fare. Covetousness, which the
New 'reit:menu calls idolatry, is the
century's sin.
\‘'t• are in receipt of Munirip.1 Bulle-
tin No. 1, from the Ontario 1) •4' •t 1-
tnent of Agriculture givinr' statistics
o[ lhttario Municipalities. This h.l'le
tin shows the populatt0n, assessed
valves and taxation imposed for 1114Ni,
also the amount of llebentie debt
ottt•t:ulding for all purposes. together
with sinking funds as they Itttnd at
that state. For comparison we give
below t he debenture debt of the Towns
Ain' Villages in Huron County: -Bay-
11 13, $1231, no Sinking Fund, $2t1,j5..
S. Fund $25:4:3: iBrtc.sels, $53,120, s f.
$19,1152: Exeter, $10,375. no s. 1. Hen•
SAIL, 3tt312M. f., $1,N11; Wroxeter.
$9,1417, n, a. R (Tilton *Kq,1Ilk v. 1.,
$24,.(:3; tioderirh, 831',\'4'3,s, f.. $I4),.
807 Staforth, 438:),4117, s. f. $25,:310:
Wingharn, $118,516, s. 1., $120111. it
may be added that some of the above
places have increased the arnmints
while others have decreased.
13E.11t 1N 111'12ON ('Oi'NTY
Meaforth.Oct. 1.--W. J. Wel•h of
SVtnthtop, McKillop township, shot :t
bear near his own farm yesterday af-
ternoon. 1'he hear wits met with in a
piece of woods. The CarTa8x is now on
exhibition in Kennedy's butcher shop.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100.000 times each day.
D.. es it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health ;
bad flood, had health. And
you know precisely what to
take for had blood - Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
(Aad ftrttqpuerd rants ,t haft 1.)n..,1 to a eh,xgish
Ilio Tie, I , doer. enn.ttpsttnn. Potennnuo
t,Mta.fea If.. 4/ ft st•s, ttv.t int.. the btood
K 'e
010 bolt e • pen with Aye' 's 1.111
• :.eer+• • • lt,awrade
''•'"'17.1.•:.!'Z',''..!::71'.' e..r ..
MAlI ►1005,
Affil E CL It.
w• away a• es•.•.• 1 w• psaltaa
tat► fermatas ars alt •v madman..
:its. Claude I3lurtt ,has retuantd
home after it brit( visit with her par
encs in Forest. Thomas Appleton hate
moved into the dwelling lately occup•
ied by Mr.. \Visite! t. 'Phos. Lawson
.pent a (SW days in Detroit last week.
- While threshing at (1.tthew• Fink-
beiner's a few days ago. Jahn F.Sulith
was severely bitten in the leg by a dog.
He is now obliged to use a cane to
walk arnnnd.----Humor Motz of Detroit
lits parent; for a few days.
--J. Lewis 'I'honcas, C. E., of London
was in 1 Village Monday and Tues-
day in connection with the final in-
spection of the Mud Creek Dtain. The
Contractor Jos. Lawson 1x44 made 1141
excellent job of the contract. it Ii,•ing
8 miles in length arid required 2 years
to constt•uet.--\V*0'1' McMurray is
leaving for Winnipeg this week, where
he lads )'r. 01. d it tier naive III/Ott ion.
\\'e wish him every success.- Mts.
Atom'a's has r••4ur111'd 1lotlte after viS-
itiog her slaughter in :11ht'rta.
dao) htct' Pearl accompanied her
Inane. -Our citizen.; appreciate the
town light at the corner these dark
evenings. The weather of the p est
week has been very unfavorable. The
warmer spell of this week is certainly
welcomed, ---The funeral of August
Hills Mother of 'Zurich took place last
\Vednes-daty. We convey our sytn-
pilIiy to Mr. Hill and family.- Dr.
M*('ue has moved his stock of drugs
rind office furniture into the building
formerly occupied by Wes. Finkbeiu-
er. The Dr. is busy getting things in
shape and will, no doubt, be ready for
business in a few days. -Fred Young
has returned home after spending a
few days in Wyoming. -We are pleas-
ed to see \\'nl, Lewis ,wound again
after the accident he met in J. Holtz-
uian's tailor shop some time ago. Ile
fortunately escaped serious injury.
While in the act of walking out of the
back entrance he stepped back into
the cellar way and fell down to the
floor bruising himself very touch and
receiying a severe shaking up. -A bus
load of our young girls went to Exeter
on Monday evening and had a pleas-
ant time at the James st. church Fes-
tival. Our boys did not receive an in-
vitation. How sad!
KENNIsoh--MITc1IELL.--A quiet
wedding took place itt the Methodist
parsonage on Tuesday. October 1st,
when Addie, daughter of Mr. and Jars.
Jno. A. Mitchell, south of the village,
was united in marriage to Fred Ken-
nings of South River. Rev. J. \V.
Andrews tied the knot in the presence
of the immediate relatives of the con-
tracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
nings will make their future home in
South River. \\'e extend congratula-
tions and wish theist every joy in their
married life.
LOST His Hasn.-Word has been
received hereof the unfortunate accid-
ent that betel Percy, the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Chatnbers. of
Sanilac Centre, Mich., formerly of
Crediton, which occurred last week.
The young plan woe working at the
brick yard and in some manner got
his hand drawn into the crusher, com-
pletely smashing it and as a result the
hand had to be amputated. The many
friends of the family will extend their
syntpathy. _
annual harvest home dinner of the
Corbett Presbyterian church was held
on Thursday evening last. The ladies
have long bad the reputation of get-
ting up good suppers, lett on Thursday
evening they an trivalled themselves,
the spread being among the best ever
held at Corbett. Tea commenced at (1
but it was long after 8 before all were
served and the bevy of active waiters
were kept busy waiting on the im-
mense crowd. At the conclusion of
the tea an interesting program was in-
troduced, with Rev. F. G. Newton in
the chair. Addresses were delivered
by the neighboring ministers insp.ersed
with instrumental tand vocal music.
readinKs and recitations. The Green•
way) Male goat tette was pteseut and
added much to the 1'teoing's entertain -
maid. The evening's program was
bt ought to a close by singing AM Nave
the King and 1111 went home feeling
that !bey had spent an enjoyable ev-
ening. The affair throughout Was a
flu ,nri,al success.
Net Mall
Miss Anna McArthur has returned
from her visit to Ailsa Craig. -Chris.
Kau of (7reliton has accepted a posi-
tion with John %uetle.-Dave Canter
Inn. apple parker, left for the 11111 catn-
te,ign on \Vrdneedaty morning. --Mira.
Short is/pending some weeks visiting
friends in tavistuck,Nespeler,Galtend
Bet lin.-Mrs. R. Honthron has return-
ed from Barrie, She was accompan-
ied by her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Simp-
son of Erin. -We regret to learn that
James A. Bell who went to the Gunn
Hospital, Clinton, Inst week, is not
progressing as favorably as could he
desired. --Albert Whiteside and Misr
Jessie Hobkirk, were the only Hensal-
lites to take advantage of the excor-
sinn rate to visit relatives in Chicago.
- S. T. Hopper has disposed of his
Drug and Stationery business to Mr.
Hemphill of Torontc, formerly of
Wroxeter. The latter takes posses-
sion in [our or five weeks.- Henna!!
Foundry has been so rushed with work
that it is t.tctnd necessary to pot nn
(0reeaddi4'oriel moulders. A big con-
tract was recently made with an
American for supply of two tons of
casting per week, besides the regular
work of the institution. --A.T1 root
received a telegram Tuesday last in-
forming him of the death of his brnth-
er.John. at Algoma. The body wa.
brought here for interment. The de-
ceased sold his farm at Blake in the
sipring, am1 hoarded for •onle time at
the rot ll,nercia), He went to Algoma
.ohne time sago. The funeral took
place Thursday.
No ACTION. - Crown Attorney Mea-
ger of (baler -telt bast Thursday stated
that he would (4(Jte no artinn in the
death of James Stewart, whose death
followed an altercation wtillh another
.iti,.n. The doctors efefi'nre allowed
tit rt the disease, erysipelas, could not
have developed so seam and deceased
111 ,st have suffered from the den. tap
b -fore the alleged trouble.
Mr. John ('ollingwood and :family
le ave this week to resile in Port Hur-
Mr••. G. Flintoff, after spending twee
weeks with her daughter, Mee.
Snell, i's)s,rne. returned to Stratford
Tuesday. a
Jo,huat Jlillrr, elle-ter ,i1 diet.. wife
child, .>f Iowa vi.•iu•d ft rends here
dot iiig the least week.-.1nu1e8 Situp -
son of Iiensall visited leve on Sunday
last. --Frank Ryan had .4 successful
sale last week. Ile intend; going to
the Northwest.--(iiotyhtu Bloomfield
is all smiles these days, a► 1 -on. con.
gt•attilattions.-- Miss 1'r.►rl Simpson
spent a few days in Exeter last week.
t2uitr :t ntimlier froth here attended
the Menlo') 0 fair on Frid ty. Mrs
Drummond of London is visiting
friend-, here.- _11het•t O'Niel of Birr
visited friends here last week. --Mr.
and Mrs. \V. J. 1Iodguls spent Sunday
in Bier.--Etucet• Mostly and Miss Lillie
Fraser spent Sunday in Lucien.
Word reached here Tuesday an-
nouncing the death of John Thomp-
son. which took place in Muskoka
whither lie had gone to spend a short
thine visiting friends. His remains
were brought Ilona. and laid to rest in
Bayfield CI'IIl('t ('1 ,' on Wednesday.-- It
is our sad duty this week to report the
death Of Alvin, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs, 1'. llrennertuan, of this vill-
age. The little fellow had been ailing
for some weeks from an attack of dia-
betes. Alt that medical aid could do
was done but he passed away on Wed-
nesday. The deceased was tlit•ee years
old, bright, cheerful and a -general
favorite among the children. His re-
mains were laid to rest in the Bronson
line cetnetery on Friday. The sym-
pathy of a wide circle of ft lends goes
out to the bereaved friends in this
their hour of bereavement.
Tells Now to Mix it
A well-known authority on Rheuma-
tism gives the readers of a large New
Yolk daily paper, the following valu-
able, yet simple and harmless prescrip-
tion which one can easily prepare at
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Mix by shaking well in a bottle and
take a teaspoonful after each meal and
at bedtime.
He states that the ingredientscan be
obtained from any good prescription
pharmacy at small cost: and being of
vegetable extraction are harmless to
This pleasant mixture if taken regu-
larly for a few days is said to overcome
almost any case of Rheumatism. The
pain and swelling, if any, diminishes
with each dose, until permanent results
are obtained, and without injuring the
atomacb. While there are many so-
called Rheumatism remedies, patent
medicines, etc.; some of which do give
relief, few really give permanent re-
sults, and the above will, no doubt. be
greatly appreciated by many sufferers
here at this time.
Inquiry at the drug stores of this
neighborhood elicits the infortnation
that these drugs are harmless and can
he bought separately, or the druggists
hero will mix the prescription for our
readers if asked to.
Grand Bend
Sid Bossenberrv, who has been wine
clerk at the Hastings Mouse, Parkhill,
for the past three years. has gone to
Winnipeg where he will remain. -Miss
Hattie !Mond has asstinied the posi-
tion of rnillinet in Mr. Athos store. -
Miss Laura Gertnette intense leaving
for Exeter to learn the art of dress-
making. --The new millinery opening
will soon take place In Mr. Ravelle's
store.- Lewis llavelle i.a having a fine
cement brick house built which adds
greatly to the appearance of 0444' vit.
loge. The brick walls have been coni•
pleted.--Emery ('art iere left Saturday
for Kingston to resume his studies. -
1. Green of Pt. Franks spent Sunday
and Monday here. -J. Sanderson('W}
Cross of Exeter visited at E. Gill's
Sunday. --E. Disjardine returned to
Port Huron Saturday. -Wilbur Dew-
ey has arrived home from Blue Point.
- ('has. Morrish is erecting a new
dwelling --James Stubbs of Thedford
visited his sister, Mrs. Baird Saturday.
--Malcolm Ferguson, who has been
absent from lure a number of yearn,
is here renew R acg11aintaces.-Wel-
lington, son of L. !layette was run over
by a horse and rig Monday evening
and received painful injuries.
Wenneo--On Wednesday, Sept. 2..5,
Lea Disjardine, son of Andrew Dis)'ar-
dinP, was united in .marriage to Miss
Amelia, daughter of Look+ Disjardine,
at the nl.nse.et three o'clock in the
afternoon, by Rev. S. A. Corriere. The
bride Was attended by her roister. Mrs.
Disjardine, while the groom was sup•
ported by his brother. Jeremiah. The
bride was attired in a cream lustre,
with hat to snatch.
_ r
A number from here attended the
tea meeting at Jaynes St. Methodist
church, Exeter, Monday. The tea and
program were thoroughly enjoyed by
all, --R. J. Hamilton of Toronto Medi-
cal College, who has been holidaying
at Brinsley, paid a flying visit to his
ninny friends fete on Tuesday. --Mrs.
Hicks end daughter Eva of Exeter
spent Tueday at the home of Fred
!Alston.- Rich. Coates and wife Son•
Bayed at Exeter. - Miss Lily Hunter of
Ridgetown who has been visiting rela•
Lives and friends around here, Was
called (1011)4' Monday owing to the
loath of her uncle Mr. Bottler. 1:c1-
gnr Buswell, who has been out West
for some time. spent bast week under
the parental roof, Miss Addie Caves
spent last week with her sister Mrs.
Bich. Snell, Exeter. - Paul Coates and
wife spent Sunday at Sharon. --The
farmers arotind here are busy taking
up their pot '*toes and marigolds.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 4.
l'nts)rne, for A,Ig. and Sept.. basad 0n
regularity of attendance, conduct and
weekly exancinations. Sr. 1 V. -V
Kerslake, It Dtvi•. Jr. 1V. --11 Mny,
(' Mty, A Skinner, A McCurdy. T
('oate+, (1 Davis and \V \Volker. Sr.
E Kellet, .1 Hunter, 1, ('nates, M
.fc('nrdy, 1, Hauling, V Coates. Sr.
i1- T Skinner, 1 Ford. F \Vehber, S
Mi('I►rdy, 1: Coates.. M May. Jr. 11. -
1t Webber, V Flieks. I( Thompson,
1't. if. G Winter. V Pif►ronutp, H
Hunter, C Thomp.on. Part 1. S
('oaten, W Thompson. A Hackney,
Davie, i) Hackney, E Magee, W Me.
Curdy. Average attendance 31.
.1. K'. Hogarth, Teneber.
better f o r
you -- noth-
ing more
than a
meal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
halanced, wholesome, nourishing
food, equally good for young and
old. Made from Canada's finest
wheat flour, rich cream and pure
butter. Baked by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way.
Sav ' Mooney's 'to your grocer.
The banns of marriage were anounc-
ed Sunday by Fr. Foster at Mt. Car-
mel church of Miss Mary Josephine,
daughter of Mrs. J. Glavin, McGilliv-
ray to Corrie Regan of Mt. Carmel.
The event takes place October 15th.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ellis, townline,
won the prize, a handsome sofa at
Thedford Fair on Tuesday for the
heaviest couple at the fair. The • tip-
ped the bean. at 422 lbs. -It. J..Ilarnil-
ton has returned to Toronto to pursue
his medical studies. --J. Trevetbick's
new shed is about completed which
will be much appreciated by his many
customers. -Miss Annie Buckley has
returned to Durand, Mich. -The many
friends of \V. L. O'Neil will be sorry
to learn of bis continued illness. -Wes
Pierce is home from Toronto. -Miss
Lovell of Watford has charge of J.
Trevethick'e millinery rooms. -Wes.
White,who has been i11 is convalescent.
-Elmer Atnos has returned to Toron-
to to resume his studies in the Dental
College. -Don't forget the big fair at
West McGillivray on Friday, Oct. 4. -
Geo. Young.was sentenced to seven
days hard labor in default of the pay-
ment of a fine of $2 and b4.35 costs im
posed on hint by P.M. Smith for being
drunk and disorderly at Ailsa Craig. -
Wm. Carter, 7th con., has returned
from the West.
nual services in connection with the
Mare's Hill Methodist church was held
on Sunday and were conducted by
Rev. S. J. Allan of Parkhill at 2.30 and
7.30 p.m. The weather was delightful
the roads goods and everything was as
favorable as could be desired. Rev.
AIIin is no stranger in this vicinity and
the congregations which greeted hien
on both occasions was an indication
that he is much esteemed. We are
sure that all felt well repaid for hav-
ing conte nut as the services were of a
nature to be profitable and pleasant to
all. I(ev. Alain makes no special pre-
tentious to oratory, but the earnest-
ness and the excellence of his matter
makes him a popular preacher. The
excellent choir also pleased and de-
lighted all with their music. On the
following Thesdrty evening a grand
noisiest' entertainment was given. Be-
side local talent the Ailsa Craig l,:uliea'
Quartette, a mixed Quartette and tal-
ent from Brantford, Crediton, Park-
hill, and Ailsa Craig trade the program
one of interest and pleasure. Address-
es were delivered by the neighboring
ministers ar1(1 the services o11 hath OC-
casions were a decided success.
WI•:Dna)--A pretty wedding took
place at the manse, Nairn, by Rev.
Rennie, when Emma Adelina, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc-
Lean, Beechwood, was united in guar•
Hoge to Bruce Lockhart, son of Z. A.
Lockhart, of East Williams, and NIc-
(lillivray townline. The wedding din-
ner was served at 6 o'clock on the re•
turn of the wedding party and wits n
11toet mould units character. The table
WAR benntiftilly decorated by lamp•
light, with bouquets of flowers, cut
glass and silwerseeteere- 11.4►e4w4aie-iatsk-
ed chat ening and beautiful being dress-
ed in a gown of changeable color silk,
while the bridesmaid, Mist Margaret
Ellen, wore a dress of blue crepe de
chene. The. presents consisted of
hend•painted china and silver and
were chaete and beautiful. The
groom's gift to the bride was a hand•
some gold watch and chain, to the
bridesmaid a sterling silver pen and to
the groomsman, Archy Campbell,
cousin of the bride, a set of eufT links.
After supper an enjoyable evening
was spent and the happy couple left
for their home on the townline of
East Willism.. Her travelling salt
was navy flue ladies'cloth.
Mitchell: John Quante while put-
ting a second storey to his house in
morn• way fell off the ladder, breaking
his collar Ilene.
Seaforlh: Isabel Wilson, beloved
wife of James Sr•ntt, ;dosed peacefully
away Friday. The deceased has been
a patient sufferer for many months.
Mrs. Scott was a wormer tf t
amiable dispnsit ion and her t isa will
is' very keenly felt. She leaves a f.un•
ily of three sons and one du'ghtet
besides het (seesawed hnehsod.
Ar roe Courting Trouble
Do not neglr-et v. or Knl:lees dost thus
court the return 011 your o;.i it:, it 1 imam for for the %Vioter. start at once taking
and by Winter your Kidneys and System
will be fortified against Rheumatism ter
any other Kidney trouble.
leea be■ st DwR starts or by Mall. 91
(be Clan* CRLftteIt (0. tlsolled, wl►IatII sal
To Teach Telegraphy
Vie have three departments: Commercial, Sliort•
hand and Tele raphy. We employ- the I.. st Teaeh•
Highest Price paid 1101' Grain ere that money can hireour courses are thorough
and practical and we assist worthy atudcnts l0 pO•
bit ions. Those who wish to get a oboes lnal.mg
education ehould get the test, write for our net%
catalor ne and get particular.. This is the test time
of year to enter our Adders.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbtedick)
(Incorporated l,y Act 01 Parliament 155)
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fuld
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURhAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p..,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
acing Bank Department. 4..101 further Donee interest on Sa early accounts will be
credited qusrterly instead of halt yearly ae formerly.
Deposits of s1 and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IHURDON, Manager,
Take Care of the Dollars
And Me Pennies quill iahe care of themselves.
It's all very well to save the pennies, but get into the way of
saving the dollars. They count up faster. Consistent saving will
place you beyond the grasp of need.
Interest is paid quarterly upon deposits, and Huron & Erie
Debentures earn 4 per cent. per annum.
Cash Value of Mortgages $10,050,973 25
To al Assets 11,103,214 92
Paid-up C'tpital .. 1,900,000 CO
Reser+e Fund 1,60J,0?) 04)
There is no stronger Company with which to da busines.t in
Canai.e. Correspondence gladly entered into.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second -
Hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
1 am the only authorizea
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.
A. MARCHAND, the Jeweller,
131anaharl: James II. Atkinson,
passed to his rew•rud on Tuesday
morning, in his righty•thir•d year.
Deveaaed who was one of the most es-
teemed of the old residents of the
township. settled on the Third Line as
early as 105:3 and resided on the name
farm up to the time of his death. Thr
drreosell was horn in Kenninghan,,
Yorkshire, Eng.. and carne 14) Canada
in 1'411). living at 1Vhite Church, in
Brock Township, Ontario Fjountyy for
four yearn before settling in Blan-
Parkhill: After months of au
\its. Jabez Mason died at her It
Tuesday. aged 71 years. 1 t
Her maiden name sax .1 .0
Ho/t.p. she being a (Laughter
Hortop, who lived a1 1 h till/
birth at Picketing Village.
she was quite ,moll the (atoll
ed to Kinsale nod tb"te. in
matTied .ighr7. Maxon. Tha
year, the newly married eompler%
to Parkhill, ebony tbev have shieo
sided with the •xeeptinn of a ft.
yPals+pent at Syl'•sn,