HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 2MOST REVOLTING CRUELTY A Young German Ship Apprentice Bru- tally Treated. A despatch frim Canpbellton, N. 11., Fay.': From Ik,tawenture comes a lett of cruelty Ilial would seem incredi'•Ie I:ut for the test No iy of eyewitnesses. The v:c:tint is u y` ung German, and i.ie oppressors were, 11 is alleged, Ci1t- tahn K. S. KtIstiansen of the Norwegian barque Agat and the first mute of the s,:nte vessel. The Agut arrived at tlun- tr•enture vn S& p'enther 1, find finished heeling on September 18. The cruel ties cutin under the 01 SerVatl(►n e 1 SI(•w4•drer•.' Gallagher and his turn a day 4.t• Iwo after they tx'gan loading. On., r.:orating they [.rand the lwy lied to n ring bolt on deck. Both his hands and feel were tiro, and he tumid scarcely 4):.•w•' ha:f a foot. Ile twits kept in this de slain fur (lays, it is alleged, and Ore 4Inly fool handed hint ceitsisted 41 horned crusts and water. Ile told the stevedore dant the male had thumped his head against the deck until it had thriven hint mud. The boy was taken. Ie.und as he was, a ropy atinched to hint, and lowered over Ilse side 4:f the vessel, then dipped severe,' times into the wailer, and at length brought out, 1 :•.•re dead thou alive. On mealier occasion the Iringshore- n.en saw the 'mite with an 144411 bur chase Ihc 1oily up through the rigging. the boy all the while screaming in i► t• trifled manner. Baring his neck and shoulders. the goy sliowed Oswald Smith of Camphelllon and others marks which he said had been Inflicted by the mete wail n rett-hot iron. \lie Small rcnlonstruted will) the cap- tain feu treating the boy as he did, LEADING MARKETS '1'• Tonto, Cita. 1. -Bran --$25 bid \l- rcal. 52-1 bid •'bulk Toronto. Wheat -\u. 2 while, JS* bid, G. T. It, V. est. Oats --No. 2 mixed, 51)+: Lid &tdC to Toronto. Ol lt('r price; ut•t` : -- \1"int''t Wheat --No. 2 whit'. 91e; \. 2 red 0t• mixed. 93c. Manitoba \\'h. at -- No. 1 northern, 4,1.12% to $1.13; N.,. i', st.1tt, lake Whets. l lu rley- No. 2, 650; No. 3 extra, 02c; N. 3. t;+k•. Oats -No. 2 white, isle to 49c; mixed, 47'• to 48c a utside. Cern - N. 3 yeti :\v American, 73c, T. rank freights; mixed, 72c. F tour-l►ttau u►, au per cent, paIeit, sawing that the boy could not tinder-, $3.85 bill for expx,rl; \lanitobn patent, stand his orders. The second mate. a I soceiul brand, e5.80; second patent, $5.- is said. was nbnut the only member .t1, str:;l}}yy► bakers', $5.15. Wall- 21.59 to S22.5ib in bulk out - slue; shorts, 824.50 to $S5. of ttte craw who sympathized the Loy. Ile told Second Stevedore Gar - lull that if he was treated the way the boy was he would kill every man oil boord and then himself. COUNTRY PRODUCE. The stories of the cruelties were putter -Deliveries at preeent ore brought ashore by leen loading the Yee- hardly equal to the demand. Eel, and they reached the local auth (;•:•t'atuery .... .... 24•'to2t'r' lies, with the result !tint °Ince" vett ".. "" Ito (►:1 board !he vest�el and 1(wk the boy mire prints.. ..� ts........ 2:Ct•�z:l:' . CONDENSED NEWS 1TDISICYCLONE SWEEPS EUROPE HAPPENINGS t'R(►\I Al.l. 0\ 1st 1•lIF: GLOBE. TtIeflrnpta Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries o! Recent 1-2‘ eiits. CANADA. An epidemic of diphtheria is raging at '1'ing4in, Que. The enlargement of Rideau !tall may cost over $300.1100. ti•n0\V is reported in Lake St. John 4::strict, Quebec. \till: is to be increased to 8 cents a (part from 7 cents in Ottawa. A. E. 'I Ui gcon has been sworn in tis Attorney -General of Saskatchewan. The \lunitubn Legislature will be call- ed on the second 't hur•sday in January. Cinada's total imports for the year ending July 1st total $3t 5,380,3t,'J, Prince Rupert is to be etude one e f ti'(• Incest seaports on the continent. \tarry section` of Government tele- phones in Alba'r1u have ;),•en completed. Retailers propose to advance the price of Mille in Toronto to uiue cents a quart a-t:ote. They also wired some of 114 ... itie , atter Nov. 1. ' � ecu solids 1 k. to • t1C .... 22e to 24c _ faits to the German (%orison at \lout- (,geese -targe art' gtlotcd at 13c, and nee, 1), Sparling, of \\'intliyxg;, iii nn 1 ell1-The emus"' wired 1 ack to have nildr•ess said Ori. Will labor \\ as indi- tht. mete and captain arrested, on in- to its at 1J3„ '40 in 14.b Tuts here, l•.g1;s--:.'Ue: to 21c, mita the bigger pro- sl'eusable. ueintr u ► . [ i�n lid 1 y the boy. Both the J (•rL<:n of clic sates ut 2t)c. An organized band of housebreakers captain 41Ne tante were arrested and J►e,ullry-.1 1(k' to 12c for choice is h elievetl to be at cork in Hamilton t:,hln their Nev Carlisle and kith p' chi'•kcns and eteec to IOc for hen; live \tri Charles D )111 \vas run "ver by :► tinct their• examination began on 'Tues tw(il;hl. Du(ks �at•e gaoled at t3yc '0 traction engine lt.itt• Welland and kill - day before \la gistrnle' Tremblay. '!'he a, (41 0.11 Friday. captain was flied 81(10 and the male` "Potato:s--Ontario; are steady at eic United Stales buyer., are in the Pro - fined finc'd $100 and sent to jail fur three to 70c per bag. 1)elewares, 75e per ban; t';t,,e pur(l►rtsing uppks for export ecloss the fine. Thomas Burke of North Bay commit- ted suicide at I la;lcy hairy on Saturday by swatllotving cal•bulic acid. Jahn \i -Pherson dropped sixty feet Irian a seamed en the Regina taty ilall months. Another German goy, who was also the fiCtinr of ill-treahnent on board the Agat, ran away. Ile was located by Ib. authorities, and tons one of the wit- l.esscs against the mate. 11 \Vas brought (slit that while the boy was tied hand and toot a cut was tied to him, and that he was subjected to either 'lorrl- f : ng cruelties. MADE SCCCESSF1'i. F1.1(:IIT. TREASURES FOR TIIE SURGEON. Haldain Airship \lanoeutred at Ilalifac Ward Family of Gladstone, Man., Itetel Nair Grounds. in Broken Limbs. A despatch from Halifax. N.S.. say's: The feature of the provin,-I.il e'xlnt,ition gr,.nd stance shote obi 'Thursday \\a• the llig!!►t. ci[ L'alkl\\in's air;i►ip. Just ()efore sundown the breeze diet away and made it possible for Baldwin to set out on his V•.yage. which was ncconiplishcel most successfully. The nirship rose grace- fully, pointing into the \\ int. and 1man- oenvred for several minutes in different directions over the grounds. A sccuud flight was made 10 show the teudene3 of the airship to constantly turn to the right mikes guided I,y the rudder. Thi': the airship diel automatically, leaking a ct:niplete circuit over the grounds. Then the full descent was made, the airship caning I a. k to the exact 'spirt fror:l which it had risen. 1101.11 1111) FOR I.I1tl•:It1 v. Prisoners al Port:rtpr la Prairie (»lutpht After Breaking Out. *A despatch from I'e,rlage ii Prairie, Ataii., says: Joseph \Wynn, Dauphin, A1n11., who Is ntvt1iting his trial ill the 1e►ert1 jail on a charge of having alletup- le 4 lo murder Joseph Storey, at (.rand view. made 41 1)01(1 1►itl for IIhcr•ty on \\ rtie,11ay afternoon. In the absence of the guard he 1►y main strength forced nl'art two iron hags guarding Ilio tVin- tlt w. Tearing some sheets into strips n serviceable rope was n)8n1frielured, and 11 this means he lowered himself within tweet.' fret of the patinal. dre►pping the remainder of the distance. His absence Vas quickly noticed. however. mid the ollirinls Aerie(' off in hot pursuit, and awre succeseft,l in capturing the nutn %% Man an hour. This is \Wynn's second 0'•411 J'e, as he gut away. after lois arrest itt 1►uupliin. T(111 \S S\-. la'I .e1\ \v. 4eta al 1►e'lt eeti„11 of Life and Property In Spain. A deepnb'h frotil Ninth -ill say- 1•npr.'. tedentedl ruins in Andalusia cae: „1 me nu'n•r dcfitt•ttclk)►1 of life and proper -O. The (iuidnlntn(liltn River has i4 -en esnl• tt ' l• d into n raging torrent Ihrts' miles aide, and bridges. h'tuses and even en. tad \ Magee have been swept away. The 'heel; 011 the lower part (:1 \Inlagn have 1,•' n inundated and teeny fai►tilies 4 e) - e:( 1(•.1 Itomclt ss: Thirty persons 1\ ere d•••wne41 tit \Inlagn. 2:1 4)l Velez d•' Itt natnarggert, 13 at 1.*1lenlnr, 01141 r►1M►ut be. in other illness in the tnllcy. in ear lots on truck. Baled Hay -816.50 to $17 in cur lots on track. Bated Straw -$9.50 to $10.50 on track here. PROVISIONS. Dressed (logs ---$8.75 for lightweights and 88.25 for heat irs. Pork -Shout cul, S22.75 to 823 for bar - leis; Mess, 320 to 821. Lard -Firm; tierces, 12Xc; tubs, 12.3e.e; pails, 12%0. Smoked and Dry Salted \teate--Long A des ateh from Gladstone \fanclear bacon, Ile to 1131,c for tones and p ' cases; has, tnerliunl and light, 15c ti) says: 1;e0. Ward was struck on en., ng tire- ihyc; heaavv. 1.04c 0 15e; backs. 10x0 day by a tell on a gasoline soloing( to 17c; shoulders, 1O'/,c to Ile; rolls, mae'hins . Ile was thrown to the gr0un11 11X0; out of pickle, 1c less titan rooked. and his right nrin and kg broken. This .s the fifth linty he has had his legs bro- ken. His father, James S. Ward, has \1A1tleE l'S. three limes had itis log broken. his son Icahn both legs unit an arta broken, and Montle 4)l. 011. h. ,New crop No. 1 another son, Jim. has had an arm bro- hay, $I1 le 814.50; N'). 2. 81:1 to $13. - ken. The family came from tate Stales seven years ago. CROSSING Till: 11"II):.tT. Prof. Nleltrielc of McGill Reports ('.nm- bridgµ' Eeperinlents Successful. :\ dispatch from \lorilreai say's: Prn- f,,s;ur McBride 4,1 McGill University has just returned from Cambridge Univer- sity, where hr inveeligated tete new pt•o- eess of wheal crossing. Ile relieves that the question has been solved. Ile claims that t1►.' qualities of certain kinds of 54''; clover. mixed, tower and was killed. on Saturday. .\ilei• November 1 the retail p.riee ell niilk in 'i'orollfo Will be 9 cents ii quart [s•, Io►Itled and 8 cents for k-o=e milk. \h•. Jahn Donald, an old resident of Se.ttthantplon. was killed at fort Elgin lam- eel Vi-aiaty by a horse that Lotted. Prance Fushilni has written exprees- ibig his thanks for kindnesses shown hint in Canada. During August Canada had 20 labor 41,spute•s and 99,680 days were last Ly tabun men. i)r. R. A. Falconer was formally in - stencil as President of the University of Toronto on Thursday Strutter -41's assessment returns show a r<,p►ufation of 11.ti 2, and an assessed valuation of $5,7t1.1t;5. . $12 to *12*12'511' ;ilii! • ) 111 tee tweet are 1.22t elevators and (lover tit $11.50 to 812 per t•12. tit cur '' ;v; r. house',, with s tonal Capacity of kits. ..►.22.,200 bushcLs. Oats-\taniloba, NO. 2 twhile, sold 4)t A. (;aele)n., while hinting !war Lake 545•. \<). 3 alt 53e, Quebec No. 2 4)t 5,: 1:'l\wnrd. (tut li• c. was tttislari,w•n for a and N •. :1 at 51c per bushel, ex Blore, t'io"se an11 shot dead. 1 Ilurulel Christopherson, the London Ft0u1•--i:l►e,0ee ~!,ring wheat patents, lad who stt•u11411a•ed a pin was operated 5.11); seconds. 55.30; \wlnter \wheal ► upon, ant! the pin removed.. ) tints, $5 to $5.10; straight roller's I t 1 Tee Government will probably send af.711; do., In bags, $2.15 to $2.2:►; ex- ;1 spectra [Weill 1e0 i i „ „ 14) endeavor to etas. $1.90 to $2.. 0!iz g:e' the immigration difficulty.( aleese--Finest western 12"e to 1 , 12'/5; lotwn hips al 12V!� to l2 yr; Que•- eldaan; are Irving; circulated in Brit - !4. Columbia asking Sir Wilfrid Emi- lieitl 12X,e 1') 12%e, eut11 tntdrrgruc[t s , i4 r to pass iegtishltion immediately 10 alt 2711%7e t"11'•40. Receipts 14 - IHy were exclude Lite Orientals. l•)\CS, wheal are due' to) heredity and are not •1 Canadian furniture will sell better in 11:e result of the climate. By n process Buller-25�e: to 26c for finest cream- Ihc \lanche-t;'r district if better p►olish- tI cross -bre 111 ' he has got n product ery'• ed, se •s the Canadian Government's f I F • _ -_Sales of selected : t•' k \w, r(, y trade agent. A sleeting of the shareholders of the rte funcl Ontario Batik will le held 4)t Ue•cemnrr, tt•hen an inlernu report may Ivy prt'!i riled, '1'Ile 1).•Ininion Deportment of Agricul- ture has issued a parn,phlel ceiling the which c(m►bines the good qualities of n:r.41(� 4)t 235 to 24c; �o. 1 at tat t., :Ilei • \Innitobn hard with those of English st('c)n(Is at 16c to 10y,c. wheat. 'Elio large, soft heads of F.ng- I'r•:visk►ns-Ilarr•els short cul nte;s, list, wheat n11o1 the hard muddies of t -'2 1.• x(22.5(1; half barrels. $11.:5 10 Manitoba No. 1 make nn ideal productgl t.;:.; cle ur fat i ack::. $-:1..A1 to 824.- e t and one which will choline the yield of ,11; km); cut heavy mese. *2(4.54) 1.) $21.- the Canadian \\ heat liel:ls, !,i; half barrels do., 810.75 to 811.4'50; '*.__-""' et y call nun • cleair ha4 o•4). Ilk• 10) 11 !!c; attention of turnlrrs to the flied of care. 111 ST 1111 E 1'.\Stil't)Ill'S. 1 aliens plate 1 cif, 811 10 $16; half heir- fully testing the yields of their dairy t. 1•' d.t., $7.5l) to $$.:5: barrel: henry to gds• Plan iI' Slop Japanese immigration II. beef, $11l: heti barrels do.. *5.511; 114,11. Rodolphe Lemieux slnJe11 of iront Hawaii. 1•-itipon 1.1 lard. 10%e to 10%e; pint•:' lard \11 111 1*l on Friday Ifrnl he i. perp+tringl live 1+) 12yr: kettle rendered. me hi a hill le, give a One -C(81 raffle on dr�oi►- A despatch [runt \anceuver sits: The letters in cies and towns where free larani a nn immigcratirm agent. lir. \ton- 1:►yc; halos. 12%e to l5% 8CC1)reting; to I delivery p•re ails. •c).` has notified n11 steamship and size; I•r.11kfasl art 110 1(► 1%, -': Ilon. D. 11. E. Young. Minister (►f roe. h I \\ $door harou. 1,',-14-711:, . • , fro •h k111.•.1 Irnnsporttrtion companies carrying 1n- ul,uiloit• dr. -s -ed h+►gs, ts3 1e $.►.35; mile, inti 4)t:on mid Provincial Secretary in pnncse to This city that 110 Jniumese' twill 80.2:5 to 80..'►I►. the British (olurnliit Government, stab r' a.lrniltiel to (.nnntin unless They curry -,1.,.I1- made out spe'ei(Ieally to Can- ed,. This slops the dumping of Japs In ih tli-h Columbia from the ilawaiian island:. T1) %TT \('k ('% \It's•+ PALACE. 1111-T11.0 \1 \11117I'. Buffalo. (a•1. 1. \\ 14, :it -- Spring. drill; N... 1 Northern. 51.1 t',; to 51.16!;; ee tiler linen: \o. 2 VIA Wheat, $1.01%. (: I n -Fit 111: N 1. 2 yellow. 69!4c: No. white, 06yyc. 1)ats--\\'eak; No. 2 mix - Armed 11rn 1'nitnd in 11 oo.Is r.1, 4934e . Balky_ Steady. Rye--Firin. \ear Peterhof. A despatch from Cologne sa}; : The NEW 1"oflK \\ 1 !FAT \t tni i•: t'. ct 1'elenslurgg corr(';p otalent of the Magdeburg '/.citing slates Utnl the cos- New 1''►rk. Oet. 1.- Spot easy: No. 2 larks tin guard over the Peterhof 1'aince led. 81.05X elevator; No. 2 re•et. A1.41•4y surprised on 'i'llesday baht Twenty t •).1 5110111; No. 1 11o0-therrl Duluth. aimed ruffians-. twelve of them wearing $1.211% 1.•'.1►. 4)11 *at; N•'. 2 1u1r11 tt liner, 14 ilitnry unif0rn'1, in the woods near Pelerhaf. 11 1, st.pI'ose.l Dial they in- 1'•n.lerl to attack the imperial palace. A REMARKABLE OPERATIO. Doctors Saved the Life of a Moil Almost et.07', t.••.b, afloat. sPOCK M%lIkElS. Tat ,Ito. Ort. 1. ----There was prnetienl- ly nothings doing in the exp•irler (nasi;. (line " r• 11141 load; of hgtil esport steers 544141 fr414)1 $4 1e) $4.40. Put'•ltrr trade \tn• fairly netive. The Ileal o1 the cattle soli fls►n1 $1.25 to $4.:,0. with tueditertr 10 1;604 from 5.1.65 h' $1.111. choice cows sold from S't to ga.titi, 'amulet!) stuff. 00111105:. etc., sold al' the sway Irian $1.2:) to $2.:►0. Stockers and !•'cele', w. -re offered nt..re !tee }'. mid teed al steady prices. (1 +► . 1JeCiC� )1tatEd. Slt'('1,e r�tng;l'11 fr•nr :c .4:) 1:► �1:1.,'>It�-an11 /.t►lif�tn0r1, an and th. Lille nee 01 dettiattd at S2.2 i to $2.51►. :\ while tin) anti thirteen neg;re►t'4 were 'There tta:.-e a muaera:e nutlike- of drowned in the '1ont)igbee ltite'r. A1r1- ntllket'+ offered and trade was steady at tatlaa. by Itte cnpsizing of n ferry -boat oat ttli le. $;,o fur Atoka: and $20 10 $:25 for 'II4urc.l0y, cunur)(►n. I1. v. J. 1). 11 .1 ger, of cring7ton. Kw., (:ahr� a•ct-.' r'!0t olfelt'(l !rc'rty. t'ric('s 1►a; t,eic°lnr, tiolently insau(' nf�e•r \ 'lrspelrh f 4)i New fork sny-: I The ph}+:clans worked ower the pallrl+inkin * n lnrgte IY►Itic of n1(•tlicinc to►r 1,•:)►1 al :t1' 1.► i;o• pe'r Ili. F '1t stlrg••.'ns tel `t, (;rc';(013s ik)spi- t'r•1 lrtr 84811) !hire Ili4ltl4 act111)1 lShe"' (11)11 1,111)14 w.'t•'' •11(1411• al alt- 100)1)1* 41(11111 141111)1nl. 1.: h ..i a hind struggle at: '1'114•54)ny 10 Sher 1)104 (1 tessele mien \mrleens straw., 1 1 I;twr: r•ang;tr) 114111)-i'\w•n 1►•►y••. e)ne fifteen. the Mho' 1• 11)ir- f, 4. ie. Irf ' +.f a ittan tell,. was nlni•►sl 1t:r11e4 of the nea'k. '1'I:e n'ular 1't'Irt ; cht►4)g:c, )ri' a •. leen. al Paducah, K}., meted red fret!. t:t'11 Ihc wind ►t j g l►4,�►:) te) �S.tlr. 51141 hick, E•; x11. culls i(.\\e r • 1.• :t.t.• t t 1 4).t a IrwaltOr in a kidding ' pig 1v' re n,►f srriou!ily in• til lei.:►+► to l!t5.a11, pct i111n the cyee, t)f n pinymnle null 11 :1 despatch fre'n) \ ic,tori(1. h. C., says: u? \ 21:1 1 5,•141 street. Tit•' petiole lured. The ne') was rut front ear lo a •s tt•14) uute11 unrtlan e•l tit lie, is Iltc►ugihl hi> cyo'+ig 111 t:. intpn'red fir More thaat 64)1 Iit•es, ante' 1;e'en ko t ill 11, ; hi 1111;0. twh111 l,ihutg; a 1e•a.t e,f (4.t n• t•!. an!). as Monett it was 11ou0 11 g cl - g lif • hi' 4,d4 in the Inst week in Japan. n r b 11'' ! ' t' a rnzer. te•r' selool' atilt :Z:,,!le fj fr.r 10ght- 4114(1 t•. th.• t:: -t 1' e -cre;n'i Il ;,11:', .►•. The ',+)goer Anil stork book of the tag* in advices reeeiwe.I iters'. The ItiV- ' .1 :,►I I () ('ate. '1 11'4'i1\ •'•'4) n flan; • Standar.' Oil ((,! t ,flay, wattled h the a 1' 00i)J3-1tl ;et\' t, limning through t,i. 1 .t t • ain't tt)'' ,i;1t:, 1 , ,.; 1:c tttin1 '*, Ilk pet} cicians, more `g Iii.. 14 Ulf, (1,'1;.1'1. than twenty-lWo 1'notl vessel,, nerves, �r 1"ril.tl stoics nlh)rncy in present t4)- 1 own of F'ukurl►i cortin, Hent Ki ', . '1 i ,• . , ', t' 11 s1 , ,l u,) hl► 111010 II) 1.,ris' 's 4, wrhte; 11'11 arteries had lo t'U TllltF-5111 13 1!'l 1:l:�K!Iti,. (pity, haw(' di npt►•'ar('(1 rind 001) 101 ►.e 4'*ct fi,e d•Yl ins bunks. res ' to 8 11r.t• soil. hi-. I.e:4 1 fr.'ru t • ng torn fr►i11 4th' st.Itulai. The r:peeeti' n 1was a tedious nr.t' of more than 5t► fret nlrtt•e 11i;_.' futtnd. 11,81 :t r.. Al the h I , sten it was t •11!:'1 env, soma er ghc• vowels being sO Antall t:cops in the West Are Turning Out A Sc'rionsly injured by nn autOIttotale al leaner 'Perks pre vamsly a etnbliy ti al Ana 1101 :'1 a.ttli1 • n 1 4 1 'e it)rgdt' 411)1 = , Tre'nl(,n. N. J•. 'amnia ituperi, a small cense.' intuit tee' dn:l:rig;(' 1.11 properly • Ilsit the fees! catgut had to be ivied. ti N'atr 1'i:hl. lily. refaced 1.1 )1f1 borne 01 the police :ate! !(4�s of Me. ▪ 1 lh• ttr t 1, )„ i►) •r\' i.•11, � wcr�+i •',,:,,, : era'` and wrill' were scp►+ir1l(••1, 11, 'I`it'' ph}'sicinns 4ni ! that 100 only \ tir•pa?e!r ft' :41 \\ i411►lpn'gg gay =1 '1110 nn►1 1.10nee lest ler; another should be The c1isn.ttt• tons an e"cepti(,nttl!}• lo. ':eat tw•8r r' l)''1<_,m„ throtict4(4ut lir.' thief( that $8%(vt ill' 4);4141'5 life tw44* float a .l'.Il. ((4)) 10t ort. v trill ea: kelp,' on Itigt111rrted. 11. 1)vy ['Pay lo Japnn. ',cause 11 caret.' • reboil. t\hl. 0 1c: ; performed t1 oh. the heat! was fe;rc'cll 1►nckwar11. 11 it 'I ,91.418) shot\ . 11,:,1 thr''.hiug i• gent• \\ ng.+l ringg that it' ••rtul.l ranch ant! intl(1 1'. 41 Clirta'i 0) tt 5)I0' '- i tt of ric':::'it:- . )i ntmstheetl.'. 4'f 81,y klt•,I. Ito:h \wa4 1:' i 1 ''n thrown I+•rtw'ard 11 tv0u''; t: • .,;;1 thr•'tieat ell 1!,:• \\ t -1. end the .•r(►;)e n 1 ear whish wag roaming Mired the f 11''lle1,* to renew'' his h -a'1 t'•'cniett' 10.' 1'Ioke rt the RJ11na) (h►rrtl nnel s' w,•1:• • t 111''ct .lt.t1 t'1. alt.` tll•il'I1y; 'o.i a lair 1114 e( .1 111uSeles of the neck here stint)- !hr %il'tci,rtte. Causing rerfn'it d; ). y .1 1. "11.•' \\4:►'1. hot, let n at 10111.• r'e- t1.rd tel iwto. .file matt is expected to n.e,►et. t..t1. c1 by the w.1 ct•;ittter, e.1 that the situntle►n regarding the un- rnigjrati-o)t of Asiatics was u very grave line (.IiE.Wl' 11111'1:11V. An I:ngglish workman wits fatally poi- c4.ncil by' abs(,rbing carbolic acid, which spilled ower his hotly. 11 is shied by the British Foreign (ghee that the Isxu/' between Japan and Canada Ittis not yet become alt Imperial gi.e,lie'n. 10ritish railway sto'ks have depreciated i t value n rnilli.irt pounds sterling on account of the fear of a general strike of rrtilway servants. . UNITED STATE. At Kccwnner. 111., 1:(Idly \\"ntsh• ngte d f1 ycart. to plziy slot (111(1 instantly killed his brother, nged 4. ilt,rglars look cut glass and !(3.(x10 e\..rtlr of Silverware frr►nl the he►nte of \tie. Winfield in Scroll!). (inn, f leeau'a of an incurable throat mai. Ady. Jeremiah 11. '4 (111110, aged 21. of Yer•k. 1'a.. literally starved to (kWh. '1'tn.u115 harry, nine years old.billet) by n 11)811 (hog in New York cit; . flat has develop(ti 5y'mplome 0f rnhil''. i;'g'al Greeks were kille.l In the wreck southern l'ar;lic stork train '4) Whole Towns U'nder Water in the South of France. A despatch from London says: Eng- land. which has suffered throughout September from lite 'exaggerated 410- ti•It'°c 4,1 the weather, Is new receiv- i1t! rtp. it- of a test cyclone, chiefly et. 1• . 11;4 \\ eslern Eur.114. :\tliintie ste rru�h:t, 1its'cnl.'e'r; brin6 ncc.,uuls : f 11•trlt \w. r..' e\) t't l i1('l'.; !Hall tlt!,se alt•' W.10 1) the Lu.;:tillun's passenr.... r'. L,si,ult 1t a- uwci•ntwc');t by t1 inti rain 114)41 1114iut1t'r lyra 'i'uesttay. The te)tn:t- (ho 11411 •ll,•;1 4,ultta°5541, s'rikittg Malaga unit even ext.ntttL to Casablanca. 011 the \i , i 1S!t c•+osis twl:et•e the French came w.'.; aor, e!,..4 Thursday. 'I'It0 1111101 1. ,tv of the eyelone mean - tontine \went fut•,1: r cast and s!tga►t:y n'.rtlt and burst •'wcr the s +11th *-1 Ft mice Friday u'orning unheralded by 81. 1,tt signs. "There the centre of the disturbance seems 1, hawse hatted. grid the downpour our t•(titinued on Sunday. The (liming-'.' to the whtt•)r'e in 11:e' 1)• - pd Omen, 4 1 I I. result roe.- e►40r411(Ir:. '!'I►c wal'cy. i r • !loo 14 1 acid \w;:.,t ' town; 1111 1111(0't' \wate'r. `• ,lie of ilii' it\►`1'� have risen twelve fel 1, Mid W!!1.14' tire have receded human 1'adies leo been f(,und in the brandies 4)1 (rtes. Presi- dent Fallieres is Visiting the str:cketl districts. Rein and thunder continue iuceesently. On the plain of i'lorcusac. near \ient- pc flier, where President Fullieres a1•t•iv• t 11 on Suinday night, over' q ':{til vita - loses, neat women, and children, r.' 1.:iiltl••1'ein! grrtJ445, when punting; gendarmes rushed t1113n them crying; `•titin tor your lir►'s,.. :\11 dashed for high ground, and in less Than ien men- t utas a swirling' 11111'8 of water swept flet••.`-. the plain. Thirty waent'n a' twenty torn took refuge in 0540 st ; It:1111 house, \wlie:e they r. tiaifletl 'or 1501a --pix hours without food. \li►i.lary 01)1;11100.5 in pontoons and boater aro seaming the distri,•t r4 s -•wing pxoplo who have been i►ul:l 0841'41 lest' days. The diver 11: ruult. which hes fl oded lite entire plain of Agile, is still riff• hug. MANY DE.1'TINS. Touk)n has also suffuse), rind com- municate))) is :broken. 'I'hc re have Igen many deaths. but 1110 pre, 10 number cannot be ascertained y• 1. 'There were t&,rrenliul rains in lis'. n 0'11 the oc- c4!sion of the reiuri of lee Crown 1't•ines from les African tofu•. Nevertheless !lie Qu.011 tan out [rola a patwiliion and embraced !tint under the deluge. (me - quarter of 'Lisbon is inundated. i.ight- n,ng struck 0 e operaliIIg 10 111 cif St. Jfix'ph's ll' �g ilul, and Ltwo pat0ents (lied of high'. Al the theatres, where rehearsals were proceeding. the artists (e li on their knee's and offered wild l)•nye1:;. Many of them were in such a condition that the p:erk,rutance had to be canceled. The damage at Malaga is placed et 51,000.00. 1'r-rties of immigrants. who \•ere w\'alti)lg.► to embark, have dist:►- peared. and there is no trace of them. Fred \Wariner, nn electric lineman itt Ithaca. N. Y., sawed the life of a fellow worker elloww(►rker by wresting front his hands a lit•'• wire currying 2,200 volts. Wart - 11, r's hand.; we're cuwt:red \with a fell hart. Figure: 14':,Iluced at the inveetiga11(11) into the Standard Oil (:4,4)1pany showed that in 1913 the Indiana Pipe Line cont. pally, n subsidiary of the S andard, mode a profit of 811,001,022 on an in- vestment of 81.22:1.758. Mrs. Matilda \Varje, of Pnradise, N y., \vas walking to her home late at bight. when three masked men slopped her and stole from her S('►t), n pair of diamond earrings, a \'atuuble brooch and two gold rings. GENKI1.11.. Rich Ands of radium 1144 1 a been inatle 11• borings tuia:n (1 -11) Ile Simplon tunnel. Peace ha: been dcehnMd in \lar4)CCo, 01111 the hostilities at Casablanca have ceased. Three Cuban Generals have been ar- rested at Havana par plotting against the public order. I1 is reported til Berlin that n maw be- !•.tecn ilondurnc and Guatemala Ls likely to begin immediately. An Imperial reset ipt has been issued in h•'\wfouncltnnd sttJ►rn(ling all coloni- al statutes which authorize colonial of- Iieinls to seize AnIceican vessels for .al - i0(0(1 fishery offences. J.�PA\F:SF: PASSPORTS. Arrivals al Vancouver %hest have Them Direct From Japan. A despatch from \ ancouwer says: I)r. \loam, laminate' immigration officer a1 Ilii:: port. slated on Saturday evening,; that he had rcceite,t lush -tit -tame from (04 seal 01 government not 14) 111.►tw tiny more Japa11c.e 1e► 1111111 here W0tIv,ut hay- ing passports direct from Japan 14) I;trn- nila. further than that. he staled) that be Dad floated the steer 11e►+►1 n11tt U•nrts- (Yelation c''nit)ntics to that creel, lir•. Mihir) received his instructions on Sat. 14!tlny. ._._4.' --- \111'1'l)it\1 a\ KILLED. 111)913 (114)0s ut (41(811:1 Rhin His (oar Into One Ahead. :\ dos)'nt^h from (111riwn set's: 1111g;h 1Inycs, h44 rk Street, (Slime. last his life 4) 1 Sulur,lay night l.y n rear -end 04)111• siOn 141110(11 Iwo) Ilritnnnia Street cars. Wye, was it motorman 4.11 tine of the cars and was nal of long experience. By. 54'111e ina(IVe '1enre he flitted 141 slop his retro in lime. and It crashed into the ear .tlacud. which was 11114til with pnsea•n- giers. 11.1 which fortunately was little dlnnnged. lInye's' cur twits 1a411y smashed and Iinyes himself was eel sri't- (11451y 01)111151 Ilial he flied in the 1)4':1►i- letl at 114,410 on Sunday. Luckily there wag no t.4)•' on the car but himself nn41 Ili• condu _ ••r. FIF"1'F:l:N 1'i:ltlill IN 'T1111\ \\ Ill:I:K. And Alai»• Also Injured un the Balti- more and Ohio It:inroad. A despatch from Wheeling, West sate ginin. says: Fifteen people were killed end fifteen injured in a wreck one mile trent 8eltair Junction, Ohio. on Satur- day. caused by the head-on ce,lli<ie'41 1)e- 11104 l Chicago Express No. 14 of the 114411inlore acid (that line and a freight train that had been given a siding to allow n delle track for Ute passenger (rain. The Chicago express. \wtach was 3' flours lupe. and was due here ut 11.:10 11.111.. twos running al about forty utiles an hour, under sig!na1.s fur a clear track ahead, when i1 centered the Ilellnir J11nc. tion yards at Shiek's Station, a mile from the Rellnir tk'pot. A west -hound freight_ had licca given a siding at -hick's Station to await the expreee, bet through negligence the operator itt the signal tower had failed to close the tracks between the cn.d-(salad track. on which the e\l,res, \vas !ravelling, and the Ira -.-k on which the freight twos Handing. The engine 01 the espre hollowing the line of the open mei), st.dtenly veered lift. and before in*.1 ()rakes 45)1101 1►(' applied the engines 4i1 the passenger and the freight came to- gether. _,4. --. _ k 11.1.1:1► IIY FALLEN Wi11F:. 1),11111:ls Man Struck. Demi 1l bile i119 un tgle 541401. A despatch Ir.,tli i)undns says : Sam- uel Sutton vac killed by an e'leelrie light wire which had fallen, while walking (1(111) the main street about 7.15 on Fri- day evening. Mr. Sultan was a ail- kn't1wn resi41ent. canting 10 I01t1113 (11.111 F11.•4'04111. l -tilt., where he was ie)rn. 11.• was an employee of the Canada \lullinjt Company. and was about sixty years of age. 11e leaves n twitlom\ and gponwieup funnily. 'The light rain falling rt the evening mndc the wire more 11;,ng eroure. Ile aria Iriken to tite town hrlll, a few garde from where he ons stricken, and ntavlierd aid was sum- moned ()linos) immediately. but the flim MIS past aid. 11 is alleged that the f:►nelt ton'.'. which was a service wire of the Dundee Electric Company, was insuffi- ciently insulated. rind for that reason largely (V►nh'ibule'd 14) the (nlnlity, (AUGHT (.IIT IN I4:111. %lef:Winer Succumb.. In t, 01.1.'81 11 hilt, N141%1111' 1 hrt•.hin;t theta. h1. .� despn:ch from 1.a Itrerit,erie. \Ian., tiny'►: (:nniille llniley. while nl4vuag a threshing outfit. attempted le oil a pnrt 4.1 the engine. and his knee was caught in 1110 (living gear. crushing 11 to pieces. The eltgitie hail to 1e revers' 1 14) remove the limb. \1r. Bailey .l: - cutnl,ecl Ole►nt an t1)14r afiertt arils from loss of blood. IHT110118 [LOON IN MIN Over Six Hundred Perished, With Muclmii Damage to Property. sire. )s of ltirhnt• 11'1. i'e\(1c. $un(Iny, A1nn1 Knulf.r laid held of tl►t• animal olid was kitivd. 10.'« len hail 141)11 sen. The trouble 1. • ¢an with s InminO in 100 northern b°' of the empire. when thnusnuils 1 ,• -1 atatw alt ,n atad many p(rrrina di \\ 011' the colvernmenl ‘‘r, l.• 'r•• 'q tl;lrrr¢t In 4101 0 the sulk :r, i1 A.G. .:ate torts I.,ll::• 41. \wh(1 t('w of 1(1) 110'. 811'1 nenI'ly 1(R1.tile ) 1"•`ing 'ell 1,• nit'iess. 1tr•'rala''lle effort" 1} tete 1;•:ternntcnt etre e\eri.,1 1•, .uc,NA' 1110 ,I Vitv.rs, Thr► f{•►• .t; then 1'_'roll in eexeral Idris %'f the erlg•)re. With grant .le. '.11901 0:l elf p►n•'erly 1141,1 ler a of II% Vs. ('t:clic UV tuning; 14,11.0.,wi'igg the 41ivar. t. r� !MI 11•4 ('•are 1 nn 1:.'n twee reticle •) Ihc ct,: 0'11! o.1 111'• •Ir-lwniug (,f the 1► in tlhr int• •1 11• , 41. 8, spite its is'ing alrrn11y taxed 011114.-1 , ('tr taunt, 11►• Geverltn('nt 12 relie.ittg 114•'••' st•h • ♦urwiw('(I itle dello'. 1111 fest .•-: 111.11 i►r1,i.ert). il: it. 1 1 I