HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 11 C. TWENTIETH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1907. 4111141/11/111/ SANDERS & CREECH APPLES WANTED i►` We wish to inform the farm- ers and others that we have Evaporator completed and will be ready to receive ap- ples Oct. 4th, for which the highest price will be paid. The Exeter Evaporator Co. Station Street J. EARL, Manager. The Old Reliable FALL IS HERE and Winter will soon be upon Us. Underwear %Ve beg to announce that we have put in a full line of Standfleld's un - shrinkable underwear, both in Ladies' and Gent's. The ladies' vests are the best we have ever shown. They are made to shape, having no seams, at $1.50 each, very fine. Furs We are carrying a choice line of furs this season in Ladies' and Gent's. We will sell ladies' coats by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call be- fore making your purchases, as we can save you from $2.00 to $3.00 on a gar- ment mi account of not having to carry there in stuck. Millinery When in need of millinery we can please you as we have a first-class mill- iner in connection with the store, in the person of Miss Morlock. Highest Price paid for produce "^CARLING BROS. rreresst.mal Cards. DLO. r. ROUI.BTON, L. D. 8., D. D. Il. DENTIST Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor graduate of Toronto Col%ersitX OTTICE: Over Dickson t ('arling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. iaDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., 1). D. 8.• Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST. Teak extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Odes oyer Oladman t !Banbury's office, Main street Easter. Msdlcal AF. MALi.OY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER a College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. turner Muse Surgeon Ttrontu Western Hogltal. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on Ant street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. Least, DIOKSON R CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOI.ICI• tors, Notaries, Con%eyancers, Commiwioner'. aollcltors for Molsons Bank. etc. Ro .y to Loo111 at lowest stool laterast. Offices, Main street, Exeter. 1. R. OAattso. B.A., L, H. Dia soli MONEY TO LOAN. Ws have a large amount of private fund, to loan • tares and village properties at low rates of Inter (MADMAN is STANIII'RY, Marrteten, Sollciton,Maln et., Exeter On W lliam Brown Prof. Diplon of Royal Incorporated Society of Mwicians, Englund; Organist of Truitt Memorial Chnrrh,Exetcr. Piano, Organ. Harmony and Theory Of Musk, Terms on appli. at ion. Exeter, Ont, Farm for Sale The undersigned i. offering for sale that 90 acres 01 land being parte of lots 4 and 5 in the Id con. Of the Village of F vet. r, oleo the fine Krick dwelling and t1Kce lots on William street, adjacent to the farm. 'There is on the farm a frame turn and all Is well underdrained. Farm will he sold without house if desired. Terms tag's. For part i, ours apply to JOIIN IiA 'KSHAW, Eyster 4 1 • IAA A A le S fid atadltard,•a and CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Educates to meet the living demands of a progress' yr. age. Moat exacting, modem1 city offices delighted with our graduates. Out aianege- nu'nt trains more yoftng Deo. Die ,annually than any other in Western Onhitiu. We have incorporated t he noun• sets of our TEN 1 KA('IIEKS into one grand unexcelled whole. 130th courses for price of one. Day students may attend night classes free Fall Torte Opo Sept. Zed Enter any time. Individual Instruction. Write for handsome catalogue GEO. MI'OTTON, Principal. 111 DR. PINGEL, LONDON, ileatrlowomenma speolalty saes of Sale Registers. SATURDAY. OCT. 6 -On Lot 1:,, 8 Thanks Road t'aborne, Village of Farquhar, cIrarin•• sale of chattels, the property of John Riley. Bale at one o'clock TILOS. CAMERON, Auct. SATURDAY, OCT. 5.- ilouse•hold et. ts, the proyerty of Mr'. F. Cortins, North street, Exeter. Sale at 1 o'clock, JOHN GILL, Auctioner. For Sale or To Rent. lot No. 15, ('ori. 2, Tp. of Stephen, County of Huron, containing 100 acres of land, well fenced and drained; with good orchard, about twenty arcs of good bash, modern buildings, convenient to school, church and market, and is situate about two nolle. from the Village of Exeter. If not sold before Nov. 15th, will lie rented. For Butner particulars apply to Robert Leathern, or to Messrs Dickson is Carlin;[ thkt Wellington et. Barrister, Ac, London. (int. Fleeter, flint Exeter School Report, Following is the report for Sept. Jr. 'teachers. -Honors, I Ferguson 91.7, V Welsh 811, G 'Thompson 7t). Jr. Matriculation -E Going (U.7, T Sandets 53, B Mat tin 51. No. on toll 18, average 16.-L. C. Fleming. teacher. Form 1-1.. Sr. -13 Mack 80, K Collins 78, (honors). L Antos 70. Jr. A Mc- Mahon 76 (honors); I Marchand 74, L Snell 70, R Hooper 69, W Birney 69, E Copeland 67, L Uiieywood iii, D Stew- art 61. No. on roll 31, average 29.3. S L Gregory, Teacher. Forel L, Commercial, Sr. --S McCoy 80 (honors), E Oestreicher 73, 11 Du- alan 71. Jr. -L Birney 82 (honors), F Beaver 62, 0 Wood 61, 0 Bissett 60. Regular -L Ehlers 81, V Sweet 79, 0 Ford 79, L Kellerman 77, A Surerus 76 (honors), 0 Kestle 72, 11 Tribuer 71, E Luxton 70. W Monteith 99, 11 Carling 68, H Jones 60. No on roll total 44. A. M. Johnston, Teacher. Sr. IV. -C Harvey 69, H Sweet 00, I. Grieve 60, L Rowe 62, R Knight, A Jackson 60. Jr. IV, -R Dearing 77, W Stewart 76 (honors), L Boyle 71, 0 Pickard 71, 0 Heywood 69, L MI Frayne 68, R Bissett 05, B McKay 63, C Wood 03. No. on roll 31, average 27. C. Vosper, Teacher. Sr, III. -R Wood 89, SSouthcott87, M Carling 80. I Hardy 80, M Acheson 8:3, I Rivers 84, L Snell 82, 0 Hurdon 82, L Treble 78, V Easterbrook 77, %V Heideman 75 (honors), M Bagsbaw 72, R Balkwill 71, 0 Hodgert 09, F Dinne3y 06, H Snell 63, SHector 02, V Rowe6'. Jr. IIL -J Seldon 83, E Balkwill 79, N Jones 79, A Beverley 79, R Fleming 78, B Quante 76, I Sweet 75 (honors), M Jones 74, M Blatchford 74, A MacKay 73, E Hurdon 71, E Harvey 68, 0 An• derson 08. L Taylor 00, E Welsh 65; It Rowe 63, 1' Fear 61, L Harvey (31, It Flynn 61. No. on roll 50, average 41,5. Elsie A McCallum, Teacher Sr. II. --F Rowe 87, J Follick 85, E Davis 80, E Day 68. H Rowcliffe 76 (honors), II Rivers 74, H Neil 72, A Mack 69,W Manson 68. Jr. II. -L Handfod 95, M Hicks 93, M Senior 91, J Craig 88, M Heywood 88, M Carse 80, B Hodgert 81, W Mitchell 83, E Horn- ey 80, J Brickwood 79. M Smallaeombe 79, G Richardson 78, W Kidd 75 (bon - ors), 11 Parsons 71, N Hockey 71. No. on roli 40, average 35. H. M. Kinsman, Teacher Jr. 11.-1 Delve 84 O Ortwein 80, P Jackson 75, F Wood 75, D Holden 65, 5 McFall@ 60. Sr. Pt, IL -D Kuntz 85, G Fitton 84, G Wells 80, A Carter 79, G Ford 74, A Johns 70. Mid. Part II. J Bagshaw 76, A Mitchell 75, F Fan - son 70, W Davis 65. Jr. Part 1I. -M Russell 73, I Easterbrook 70. Sr. Pt. L -W Jacobi 85, V Welsh 8I, M Wal- ker 82, L Walker 82, M Morlock 78, L Dearing 68, 0 Mellott 65. No. on roll 46, average 4L -M. V. Martin teacher. .Tr. 11.---F Neil 97, P Gardiner 91, M Ruston 88, J Ferguson 87, M Elliott 74, E Roweliffe 00. Sr. Pt, l I. -M Vincent 87, M Harness 85, D White 79, J Ford 73, M Madman 09, R Marshall 67. No. on roll 41, average 38. F %V Howard, Teacher. Cantin Talks of St. Joe. Goderich, Sept. 28.-Narcisse M. Cantin, the wizard of St. Joseph, the embryo French-Canadian city on the ,bores of Lake Huron, down in the township of flay, is in town today, brimful of enthusiasm as to the future of the so-called city which has been the puzzle and wonder of residents of the neighborhood for the past ten years. At present Mr. Cantin is working up a canning factory for St. Joseph. He states that he has secured D. Gardiner, manager the past season of the Exeter canning factory, as manager for the proposed canning factory at St.Joseph, and that he is giving hint what amounts to a straight bonus of $10,000. Auction Sale This consists of the factory building, uY Farm Stock, Implements on LOT 18. CON. 5, STEl' II EN on TUESDA t', 0(7011E11 8th, 1907. No reserve as everything must be Bold, sine, the proprietor iv giving up farming. ED. IIO01SEN13F.itltY, Auct. ABRAHAM DKAi{INO, Sr., Prop. EXTENSIVE *NOTION SALE; FARM, FARM STOCK AND TMi'f.E M F NTt9 The undersigned auctirmeer will sell by Public Auction, at 1.0T 12, CON. 12, STEPHEN TP. ()N THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 11107 AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP. The following property: STOCK 1 team of gond working horses, 1 filly, 3 yeah old, In foal; 1 oldins 3 years, h t'cstakte; 3 rows, supposed to he In calfy ; 5 2 tr-oII steer', 2 year• ling steer 7 calves; number of hens. IMPLEMENTS 2 wagons. carriage, road cart. pair foteleighe, cutter, 2 seta double heroes*, straw cut- ter. fanning mill, turnip `ulpee, weigh scales, hind. er, mower, wed drill, «•uffler, ,Pring toothcnitivator, tilde harrow,gang plow, 3 walking plows, hay rake, iron harrow.. 2 wagon rack., disc harrows, wheel barrow, grindstone, neskyok s. whtfietreek rakes. forks. chains of all kind.. graa s•,, thee, ch,trn, lmtter worker and other articles too numerou( to mention. FARM.-- Alen at the same time and place, the farm containing 1rt, acre•, more or lee,. It Ie .•on• Hdered to be one of the hest in the Town.hip, hag a goat fent barn and stables, also good pig and hen house, water in and outside of stalk. pumped in by windmill pump. Also hand and soft water in the houve, which ie a rramedweltin,r, with frame 50. h• en sat woodshed atta,he.1. Also an ne bar•l on the farm. It is w ell underdralned and in Brit r1a,1. r,n. dition. TERMS ('hatters - $. and nater rash; ogee that amount 12 months trend will 1* glen on furnishing apps' ed joint notes. 5 per sent off for ca.h on r red It antenna. Farm Term. of sale merle known on day of sale. ED. BOACIENBRRRY, WM. HOOPER Auctioneer Proprietors which was at fleet used Rs a flour trill and later as a wine factory, and also of (he sawmill. Mr. Gaurdiner's idea is to forst a joint stock company, and Mr. Cantin be- lieves the location is an ideal one for such en industry. .1r. Cant in hats in hi.' pocket pet i• tions to the government for the com- pletion of the dock at St. Joseph, both from Mr. Gardiner and from a large number of Chicago capitalists who are interested financially in St. Joseph. At present he says the dock ends in water five feet in depth and the peti- tions :are for the government to con- nect it with the I uad. Mr. Cnntin's errand to town ons in cornier, ion with a sale by the sherrift of his inter- est in the hotel meter an execution, Mr. Cantin states that the sale was a a mere formality. that the judgment was only for $I4111 rind that his reason in allowing the pi oceedings to go on was simply for the purpose of hating the title to the property made per- fectly clear. Mr, ('ant in denies the reports that the hotel is falling into ruins and says it is in first-class shape. AUCTION SA LE oar FA I1 M STOC K Theuntereigned auctioneer has been instructed to .1 11 by pantie auction nn Lo'1' 11. ('I IN. 11, Bi.ANSHARD, on Tti ESf i:1 Y. OCT. 15, at 1 o'clock, The following: (.1TTLE II good dairy rows, 1 row dile to ralye In November. A caws due to calve in April, 1 farrow on. 2.teerg 2 year, old; 2 steer., 1-yrold; 2 heifer', I-yr-oM: 7 calve.. tt;8 9 stole hens, R ,hosts, 7 pies e. ady to wean at time of sale, 1 Berkshire hrond sow, 1 York broad sow. Also 1 gap Pan, 15e) sap buckets and cpilee, 1 50•ral. ked boiler, 1 Maxwell churn No. 3, 1 milk can. I get farm truck., 1 hog doge. TERM% - $5 and tinder rash; over that am0.mt 12 months credit on fornishin_g approved Joint nae., ne a discount of 8 per cent.' 1i for cash in lie,[ rf antes, JOS. WHiTE, E. Hi•:%vE.rr, Auct. Prop. OlidiWOOVVVOliOrine11110.1Paillerini IlldiaadiaaalieSidni$14111111•11481114. 1 Mr. I. Armstrong is in Paris on a visit. Mr. W. If. Lovett was in London Frida sfr. y - .V. W. Taman was i14. Laudon Tuda y Mesr. 1111.51 Mrs. Selden visited in Inger- soll last week. Mrs. Chas. Lindenfelt Is visiting her mother at. Goderich. Miss Lilly Clark of London is visit - her parents in Stephen. Mr. Sid Clark of London visited in town during the week. Mr. Edgar Westcott left Tuesday for Hamilton to teside, Mr. P. Bawden of ltidgetown is spending a few days here. Misr. P. Frayne entertained Mrs. Smith Baker while in town. Mr. Robert Leatboro of London is spending a few days in town. Mr. A. Moore has taken a position in a large dry goods store in Berlin. Mr. Clarence Atkinson of Bay City is visiting bis uncle, Mr. Robt. Mc• Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John Charlton and Miss Pumphrey were in Parkhill yes- terdaa. Mr. yFred Gillespie returned from few weeks' visit in different parts of the west. Mrs. Janes Dignan and son, E. M.. are attending the wedding of P. B. Dignan in Hamilton today. Messrs. Roy Farmer and Elmore Senior returned to their studies at the University, Toronto, Saturday. Mrs. Frank Hill and son of Pott Huron visited during the week with her father, Mr. Valentine Mitchell. Mr. John Elliott of Vancouver, B. C., arrived here last week to visit his mother. Mrs. B. V. Elliot. Mrs. Johnston and daughter, Miss Mary of Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs. Halls, Exeter North, Tuesday. Mr. W. J. Carling accompanied his son Toni to Kingston Friday, where the latter enters the School of Mining. Mrs. Dale, who has been the guest of MissJean Hawksbaw, returns to her home in Chicago today (Thurs. day.) Dr. and Mrs. Trebilcock of Toronto, who are on their wav to Europe, were guests of Dr. and hire. Amos over Sunday. Messrs. J. and C. Miller of Otonlwa, Iowa, were guests of Mrs. E. Treble and Mrs. F. W. Collins, Wednesday last. Mr._ and Mrs. Oehm of Shakespeare spent pall of the past week visiting the latter's father, Mr. D. Cobhledick, Exeter North. Miss Mabel Walters, who for some time has been clerking for Messrs. Snell & Rowe, left last week to accept a similar position in London. Mr. Ed. Fowell, who has been visit- ing in Exeter and at Grand Bend with Mrs. Fowell and Mies Cora for some time, has returned to New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe and three children of Flushing, Mich., arrived Monday evening to spend a week the guest of Mr. John Kerslake and fam- ily. Detective Raeburn of Toronto was here one day last week attempting to find out who set the evaporator at Exeter North on fire, but no clue to the offender was fount. Mr. E. J. Eacrett returned to Toron- to Monday to rereim8 bis studies at the Medical School. He is now on his third year. Mr. Buswell of Eden and Mr. Hamilton of Brinsley have alto returned, after spending the summer- at ummerat practical work. UMborne Sii vita tVEnnINo.--A pleasant eve- ning was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cann of Bethany on Friday evening last when they cele- brated their silver wedding by invit- ing a number of relatives and friends to their hone. The evening was spent i sociallistening i in genies, chat and in list nu g to a varied program of music, etc. Many beautiful presents were receiv- ed by the worthy couple. Mr. John Hind and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Homey and Mr. and Mrs. EIizer Will. laths of Exeter. and Mr. Sid Clarke of London were among the guests. PERSONAI Sad Result of Fire. Parkhill, Sept. 30. --A fire occurred today with most sad results, when the house of George Lavery, con. 7, Mc- Gillivray, was burned to the ground and the two-yeatr•o1d child of Mrs. Martie, of Niagara Falls, perished in the flames. Mr. Lavery i -s an tinnler- rird man, and his old mother, aged 71, lives with hint. 'rhe old lady has i,e'en trite ill of late, and her daughter, Mrs. Harris, was assisting in caring for her. it Srenrs that last night the family had been up for several hours waiting on the aged lady, and early in the morning the kitchen fire had been lighted with coal oil, the can being left near by. The family then went back to led, and in some way the fire caught the coal oil, setting the house on fire. tVm. Purnfrey, who was driving past. sew the house lnrntng, and aroused the inmates, who escaped as they were. MIrs.li:+r1is Was very bad- ly burned, but the baby could not be saved, notwithstanding Heroic efforts on the part of those who had conte to Assist. John Emery, a neighbor, had his hand badly burned. All the con- tents of the house were destroyed. Ailsa Craig: Ft 151*) O+car til DBMS, was charged by inspretor Thon ,.S Mc. Madders, with selling liquor in great- er gnantities than is allowed under the tavern license act. The act limit, the amount to be sold to one person to one quart, and Mt. Grimm. was found guilty of selling larger amounts. and fined $2/) by Magistrate K B. Smith. Edward Glavin, charged with selling liquor to `persons for hidden l.y the act, WAR found not guilty a11(1 the CASs WAS dismiosed. I)aslawood Ibliss Maty Koch is learning dress making with the plisses Tiernan of town. -Mrs. Miller and daughter are this week visiting Mrs. Witmer of the Goshen line, Miss Eulila l'allfae is this week visiting friends in Creditor]. -Several young men from ('uediton were in the village Sunday evening. - Henry Kraft is running his cider still every day, except Saturdays and :eetns to be kept busy. -Peter .Uclsaatc re- ports to us of the habit of several childten who come to the post office long before the mail time Making en- quiries after mail. In some instances two or three of a family will call. Par- ents are requested to instruct their children of the time they ought to call and ,also see that no more than one child in a family call. which effort on the part of the parents will be much appreciated by those in charge of the post office. -Iter. Eidt was in Listo- wel last week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law, the late Rev. G. H. Wagner, who was buried Thursday at Lisbon. -The Dashwood Pilning Co. have decided to move their factory equipment to Goderich. This most valuable institution if not replaced will be quite a serious loss to the vil- lage. -Fred and Jacob Gossnan with their wives and families, Adam Stein, of Port Huron; Daniel Hartleib, wife and family, John Collingwood, wife and child and Will Schroeder of Exe- ter and the Misses Webb of Lucan were here Last week attending the Sander- cock-Gosstuan nuptials. -Fred Goss - man took a load of househould effects to London Wednesday for his son-in- law, W. Sandercock. MAHRIAUE.-On Thursday evening of last week the Evangelical church of this place was the scene of one of those pleasing events it being the HIRr- riage of Mr. Wellington Sandercock of London to Miss Riccka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossman of this place. The interesting ceremony was performed by Rev. E.H. Bean of Cred- 180n, in the absence of Itev. Eidt. The church was packed to the doors, it be- ing the first wedding held in the sac- red edifice for nearly fifty years. The winsome bride wore a handsome gown of white silk and carried a beautiful shower bouquet, thus presenting a charming appearance. She was at- tended by her sister, Miss Lizzie, who was prettily attired in a rube of errant silk and carrying a shower bouquet. The groom was supported by Norman !Why of town. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party, with over one hundred guests repaired to the home of the bride's parents where jbe wedded couple received the hearty congratulations, after which all par- took of a sumptuous supper, the room being tastefully. decorated with flow- ers and evergreens. The array of brid- al gifts were simply magnificent, corn - prising substantial cheques, china, silverware, linen, and glassware, an indication of the popularity held for the young bride. A novel feature in connection with the event was the re- moval of the bride's slipper which was auctioned off among the guests, and the proceeds devided among the young ladies who so gracefully acted as wait- ers. Mr. Sandercock left Wednesday for London where lie holds a responsi- ble position with the McCormick Bis- cuitCo.,while Mrs. Sandercock,intends remaining until next Tuesday when she will join her husband and there stake their future home. The best wishes of all are extended to them for a long, useful and happy married life. Centralia Men are busy working at the new school and if the fine weather contin- ues will be finished by the new year. -- Frank Boyle and mother spent Sun- day in Exeter. -Miss Olive Dempsey is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dobbs, Den- field. Miss Mable Butt is visiting at her home at the parsonage. -Messrs. Edgar !Newell and IV. 11. Butt. JP., loft Monday to attend the Medical College, Toronto.- Miss Mabel Batt, one of the nurses of Victoria Hospital, London, is home at the parsonage, re- cuperating from a serious attack of diphtheria, contracted while she was on duty in the contagious ward. -Rev. A. H, Going of Exeter is announced to preach in the Methodist church here on Sunday next. --The trustees of the Methodist church are seeking a new janitor to take the place of Maw. Pynl who goes to the Northwest in a couple of weeks.-- Mr. George Essery has sold out his extensive livery busi- ness to Mr. Sawyer of W00(111444111. Mr. Essery is one of .air most successful business men and we shall be sorry to lose him. Ile has sold his home also, everything going in the deal. --- Mr. W. L. Talbot of Seaforth spent Thursday night with friends in town. BIRTHS SC/111.11E-At 14(41 Con., Hay, Se t.10, to Mr, and Mrs. Conrad Scbilbe, a daughter. MELICK-At Bronson Line, Pry. on 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Melick, a daughter. BLOOJIFIEI.I),--At Moorset'ille, on Sept. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield, a son. HARNESS -in Exeter,Sept. 26, to John Harness and wife, a daughter. MARRIAGES. SJIITH-SNEI.L--In Exeter, on October 1, Clarence H. Smith of Ingersoll, to Miss Mae M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell of Exeter. DAVIS-HOLSIEs-At Acton, on Sept. 21st, by Rev, J. C. Wilson, Harold Dent Davis. of Mitchell, to Helen R., eldest daughter of Joseph Holmes, Acton. KENNINOS-MITCHELL.-At the Meth- odist parsonage, Crediton, on Oct. 1, Mr. Fred Kennings of South ltit'er, to Miss Addie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, Crediton. CAM1'I1ELL-STE1y:VitT- In Usborne, Oct. 2nd. Arthur U, Campbell, to Miss Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, all of Uaborn % DISJARDINE - DISJARDINE - At the Manse, Grand Bend, on Sept. 25, by Rev. Carriere, Lea Disjardine, son of Andrew Disjardine. to Miss Athel- ia, daughter of Lonis Disjardine, all of Grand Bend. SANDER('ocK--Go$sa1AN--At Dash- wood, Sept. 25, by Rev. Bean, Wel- lington Sandercock of London to Miss Iticcka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gosstnan of Dashwood. FARWELL-SMITH-At St. Boniface Catholic Church, Zurich, by Rev. Father Stroeder, George Farwell of Detroit. to Cecelia, daughter of WVendel:'mith, Goshen Line, Hay Township. - - DEATHS KEMI' --in Hibbert, Sept. 21th. John Kemp, aged 77 years and 4 months. PeouDvooT-At Ftillartoir, Sept. 23, Alathea, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Proudfoot, aged 3 years and 2 months. A Mistake it's a great mistake to expect to get the wear and satisfaction out of a FACTORY MADE HAR- NESS that you will from a good up-to-date Hand fade Article exen though it costs it trifle less at the time. One is always sorry when they have to pay out the difference, and More, in repairs in a very short time, with a gond chance of more shortly. Whereas if you buy the hand -made work you may depend on everything in it being strong and solid as well as neat and well finished. Our lines of PLUSH RUGS and of WATERPROOFS ere unequalled. Give els a ('all J. Beer, Exeter Sioves, Ranges and Fllrllaces. We invite you to inspect oiii' stock (►t Stoves and Ranges, Garlands, Souvenirs and Nationals The leading ranges made in Canada. fl'olll ..S3r) 11p to .Cr'.50 Special Prices on Wire Gates All sizes in stock. Ideal Wire Fencing 40 in. high. all No. 9, regular 35e for 32e, 41 38c for 35e 9 30 hog fencing 35c for 32c . A stretcher loaned for putting 111). 7 wires, 8 Barb Wire. ('leveland ('oiled Spring Wire, 0. and A. Wire and Plain (;a1V, Wire at lowest prices. SEAMAN'S HARDWARE I STOVE STORE