HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-12, Page 6ALL NAIL PE -RU -NA.
A Care of
\1 ss Mary O'Brien, Me Myrtle
Ave.. Brooklyn, N. V., tt rites:
'•Peruiia cured me in file weeks of
catarrh of the stomach. after suffer-
ing fur four years and doctoring
without effect. In common with
other grateful ones who have been
benefited by your discovery, 1 say,
All hall Perugia."
Mr. 11. J. i lennernon. Oakland, Neb.
writes: "I waited before (writing :o you
about my sickness, catarrh of the stogie
acts, which 1 had over a year ago.
'Thera were people who elk! me i
would not Stay cured, but 1 am sure
It:at I am cured, for 1 do rot feel any
wore ill effects, have good appetite and
tau getting tat. So I 'Lain, and will say
tc all. I am cured for good.
"1 thank you for your kindness.
"Perugia will be our house medicine
Catarrh of the stomach is also known
in common parlance as dyspepsia,
gastritis and indigestion. No Medicine
will be of any permanent benefit ex-
cept it removes the catarrhal condi-
Gained Strength and Flesh.
Miss Julia Butler, R. It. 4, Appleton,
,Wis., writes she had catarrh of the
s'ornaeh, causing loss of sleep and ap•
'petite, with frequent severe pains atter
'eating- She took Perugia, her appetite
returned. she gained strength, flesh and
•pt r(e:t heatth.
1.011D B\lU)N 1'ROSED TIi%T IT MAS
[Ionian/h. Story of the 11t'llestisonl- --
Only linfll:ish Alle npled to
Duplicate Feat.
The hi';ory of aquatics abound in ac -
remits of long distance swims, but two
ice ser-to•1:e-furgetten ore those of Le.
JO d: r across file Hellespont and i.ord
Merin, who emulated hire several cen-
turies afterward. Leander, as the story
Les it, was smitten by a young and
Leuuliful priestess named Ilene. She
lived at restos, upon the llellespont, -'n
(tie European shore, while Leander
dwelt at Abydos, on the opposite side,
or Asiatic coast. In order to see his
k.ve and converse with her Leander
Chihli the Hellespont every evening.
spent a while with Hero and then SWUM
Lick again. Every night Ilero would
kindle rt beacon light on the summit
of her lower as a guiding star for her
lever. and if she wind happened to Le
violent site %You'd shelter the flickering
light with her robe. This was done
Psi li night without fail, for she knew
WO Leander felt no fear so long as the
flume invited him onward.
But one fatal night, however, she for -
g 1 to flesh her 4pnrk and she was
leeelly punished for her Iheughtless-
,4•ss, tier lover. losing sight of the
Lanigan ..n the tower. mad rumble to
e. mend ii. iinst the chillness and the
e •4141: cols. ieldcd up his lost breath to
Ib. wave,. On the following morning
'leen tine the white limbs of Leander
:lining on the shore. and In horror
despair jumped into the sen. in-
viting the fide to which her lover had
e I,ccunlbed.
11 is by no interns necessary (hal the
1 . irolivcs of poets and other r)nnanc-
1 I. 1 t' token atrict!y ns articles of faith,
each may decide as lie pleases cs
• nteiiti of the fine old +•tory. 13u1
-ems that the important pint his -
1 : ' ((1 was whether th•' feat n as prs•
..!1/14'. anti 1no1 whether Leander really
-rd the Ilellespemt by awinnuning.
I i,, distance from Abyd's 10 Sestos
was thirty stades. or in Tnglish tsintule
o ensure alxwt three miles and three.
minsters. Fee Leander '() swim this
elistancc twice n night 1s n hard Thing
let believe, and in view of (hese henrys
t.,:e ly 01 the leen sceptical hoe., cele-
, • d the perforutnnce to the denntlin <f
others, there err who go n 1'ng \any
1.• •ry to prove that the tale is no myth.
ruling M them it was only natural
Leander should seek to s!torten the
t. \
e, mite!' as poRsible. so be
.(pale 10 a lKoint Op-
t t:. Iv L. (iced. Ily good buck
the widlh . 1 • !. • >li.nul is utuch Jo-
1)01.i - died at to - • :ne. going only seven
etedes. er alai; 1.31410 yanks.
I'lte t\ C. I'V I'll t,("l.jl si TM,
ft e+ .t l- i ", etk:'Llt• that ►:use of the
v d.seits•cd the pro-
• f the (+'rfurmance
I 1ncln,a;,on 1.1 Ilnd out
• possible to swim the
r •Olett,1,ling to duplicate
I . Alter. st'e•inll it we% Ina
- 1,1:114 ..t r reeving all el add eg to the
,..1 1. xides. it would Mr Once
et a long disputed qu• -
t . : I Hier rnenrtt when 1
i ,: d the t ,'sl'ont aperioa, whtete
t: ,1114' ' \a',I1 ill lirllit.
sity e•! the ancients emuln'4.1 1''-
(7 elinee It is not it -sordid.
t,l,•a !nese of ccnhtries telly
new1t1 \\iii successful. ''hal \\a.1
Lord Byo n; and his bare object in risk-
ing; his life Was to find out whether Ilii
Leander tale was a myth or a reality.
'l'ht English pod's attempt took place
on May 3, 1810, and he was attended
by only one ratan -his friend 1.itut. Ek -
enticed. It took the swimmer exactly
e ne hour, and a line drawn sirisigint
acres.•+ from where he started to where
tee finished would measure a mile and
l f1 yards. According to the accounts
13:.1.011 \ws driven u lot out of his way
by the force of the currents. so that ne
actually swain twice the distance.
S\1111MI:Its IN 'fellable
Small Children Perfectly at Hunte In
A visitor to Tahitian waters describes
a picture he saw there one morning.
It was the dawn of a day of one of those
beautiful mornings which more conn -
fit< my inspire poets thus sailors. A
waft of wind from shore brought a'de-
W anus perfume and trade the surface
of the water wrinkle. The mountains,
covered with forests, reared their gi-
gantic heads, upon which was already
visible the faint beams of the rising
S1111. Nearer to the shorn was a line
of gently sloping hills and wooded like
the mountains, and the plain below'
vas adorned with bread fruit trees and
prams. Half a utile from the shore the
billows sounded against a reef of rocks,
but within it was all calm and still as
Soon, however, the daylight began !o
creep over the sky, and one by one the
islanders began to conte out. At the
sight of the vessel in the bay (hey
quickly launched their boats and in a
jiffy were circling about the ship.
11 was not with the intention of in-
ducing there to show of( their powers
as swimmers that in the first instance
tiie ornaments were flung to them. One
of the officers in handing some trifling
articles to a child about six years of
age happened to let them full into the
sea, when the youngster at once, leap-
;t;e out of the canoe, dived for them and
re appeared with them in a few seconds.
Observing these feats with astonish-
ment and wishing to see further proofs
of the expertness of -the natives more
(inaments were thrown into the water.
Not only did the Wren and women easily
cutch the objects thrown in but big
rruils were brought up, although they
must have sunk a considerable depth
before being caught by the divers.
- 4•
Most liquid medicines advertised to
clue stomach and Lowe! 'troubles and
",notes complaints contnin opiates
i,nd are dangerous. When the mother
gives Baby's Own 'Tablets to her little
(,re she has the guarantee of a govern-
ment analyst that this medicate d(x's
bol contain one particle of opiate ( r
eareolic. 'Therefore, she can feel that
beet little ones are safe, There is no
ether medicine can equal itaby's Own
Tablets in preventing summer coat -
plaints or curing them if they come cn
suddenly. Keep a box of Tablets nl-
wny's at Aland --'they may sttvc your
child's life. Mrs. C. E. ilancock, flay -
mend, Alla., says: "1 have used Baby's
Own Tablets for sununer complaints,
conslipnlion and sleeplessness, and al-
wiIVS with the best results." Sold by
e , medicine floaters or by mail at 25
cents a box from The t)r. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Judge -")lave you formed any previ-
eels opinion of the case?"
llenp(ckt-"No your honor, but Ma-
ria has."
If attacked with cholera or summer
cennplaint of any kind send at once
kr a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy-
sentery Cordial end use i1 according !o
directions. 1t nets with wonderful r't-
p'di1y in subduing that dreadful disease
that weakens the strongest Om and
that destroys Use young and delicate.
Those who have used this cholera me•
dte.ne, say it acts promptly and never
faits to effect n thorougR cure.
Ono shouldn't gel discouraged be-
cause one is unable to answer 0 child's
questions. There are others.
The healthy glow disappearing from
the check and in. -inning and restlless-
ncas al night are sure symptoms of
worms in children. 1)o net !tail to get
bottle .of Mosher Graves' Worm Ex-
ltrnfnillur; it is 011 effectunl medicine.
Mrs. Talkwordc-"henry, you were
laking in your sleep Inst night."
Ileary-"Pardon me for interrupting
Are your evens herder to remove than
those that other: have had? Have they
not hnd the inure kind? Have they not
Lien cured by using llulleway's Cern
Cute? Try n bottle.
"N'." said K.
'with my ;area:.
"Really. 1 Cr
Sharpe. "I it 1.
•11 y.Ur infe(i' l
A thick head
�i thin ideas.
ri'. t, "1 never associate
• -. do you?'
1 I say," replied tis
think 1 ever met any
generates n Inultitude
7 1 U
ISS( E NO. 37 -07.
Teething Sable
are saved suffering-aad mothers
given Crest -when one uses
Hllrses'aad !tethers' Treasure
Quickly relieves -regulates the
bowels - prevents convulsions.
Used 5o years. Absolutely sate.
At drug.tores• 25c. a bottles. 111 1rS
Natiuual Drug at Cheml:at Co , Limited.
bole t?ro#slaters. Montreal. t►1
11-.444.0 ere,
'eel •&UW.114rwo2 4'alat o
a r 4141, •.-.., 4.44
. ►-..,a
•.•,w ...i 4141 ma= p.m... •-•.
..41.....4.0 --..x.14.4
M- -1- wi.-.• 4M..m, see--. e..•r4 4 -••.
• r...t
Mae tea 1ss pl .•
41,41 .r
One packet
has actually
killed a bushel
enf fllesa,
10o. Mr packet, or 3 packets for UO.
will last a whole season.
"Look here," shouted the irate neigh-
bor over the fence, 'your youngest son
ties been shirting my cats and pilfering
DIY apple trees. Ile is a scamp!"
talk that way about e.ny son,"
'Hurled the fond parent. "Why, he is
'ee nsidercd the crenrn of our family."
"The cream, eh? Weil, I'd like to see
"tem w'hi!lpcd!"
Its Power Grows With Age. -How
many medicines loudly blazoned as pa-
nacets for all human ills have mole
and gone since Dr. 'Thomas Eclectric
Oi. was first put upon the ntark?t? Yet
it remains, doing more good to Mumm-
ify than runny a preparation more
h•ghly vaunted and extending its vir-
tues wider and wider and in a larger
cede every year. It is the medicine
of the masses.
Ilusband-"i wish I had some e.f
(hose good, old-fashioned. biscuits like
mother used to n:nke for me." Wife -
"And 1 wish 1 hnd come of those nice,
new -fashioned clothes like father used
Io Luy for me."
IrfC1i, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every Corm of contagious lion on human
cr animals cured In 30 minutes by Wel-
ford'. Sanitary Lotion. It haver foils(
Sok( by all druggists.
Grandul (.liths: "Wha1are you doing
i►1 111e punh'y, '1'onlmy ?" Tommy; "Oh,
Ent just putting a few things away,
gran'nta !"
Spots sad blotches on the face and neck are
often merely signs of foul blond. Apply w'eaver's
Cerate to obtain Immo liate relief and take
Weaver's Syrup to rid the blood of pollution.
Myrtle: "Look what a lovely engage-
ment dinrwind ring (ktnrge has given
tree.•' bstelle: "Yes; it's lovely. It near-
ly broke my heart when i sent It back
to hint."
Suffer no More. -There are thousands
ache, live miserable lives because dys-
pepsia dulls the faculties and shadows
existence with the cloud of depretssion.
one way to dLspel the vapors that hie-
! 111 • victims of this disorder is to or-
der there ei course of I'armelee's Vege-
table fills. whir'h rare among the best
vegetable pills known. Irina easy to
hike and ore most cflicacious in their
action. A Trial of them will prove this.
"Willie," said his mother. "are you
reeking the baby cry?' "Nene." replied
the tory. "I'm holding nay hand over her
!eolith to :mike her slop !"
Chemists Wave Trouble In 'elfin, Iron Into
such a Otte that the system will AVIA db. and
bene. tt by It, 1n " rerr.ritn." tha bis( tonib
pert",•tl"n has been achieved. It builds and
Dentist: "Eve 011.41 all of your teeth
ilial have cnvities. sir." Mnhenney :
"\\'ell. thin, 011 Ih' risl no thins, loo ;
thin whin Ili cavities come they'll be al-
ready nucd, b'gobs !"
A Recognized Regulator. -To bring
the digestive orfrans into symmetrical
working is the atm o! physicians \wh 'n
Rey find n patient suffering (loin
e'en:oche: irregularities. rand for this
purpose they can prescribe nul•hing bet-
s t-
1' - than I'a•rnele 's Vegetable ('ills,
which will le found a pleasant welt-
(eie of surprising virtue In bringing
1' .r refrae!ory organs into subjection
1,11,1 restoring Iheni to normal action,
!n which conditipn-only can they per -
f• I'm (heir duties properly.
_. --__,1.
'OE -1'. S(►itR(1\V!'
Se,reeiw• wants to mme along,
'1 ;ling s'llemn knells;
11.,•, 1 you listen to her song -
Bear the (nappy bells!
Frighten ugly Cam at r.% -
In the elntl: she etwel.•.
Get out in tt►c light of day--
Ilear the happy bells!
vie eItall Se.rr:Iry mann "Cinod•byer
while an anthem rw't.11�.
And tete Mir fields of (he sky
Hear tete happy bells!
. ti
What you spend lor under-
wear buys most real value
in tit, comfort.*mice -
only when each gar-
ment bears the
trade mark in red
flat guarantees
you sati.tlactiun
or your
Made in many fab-
rics and styles, al
various pates. it
form -Suing sires fon
woolen, men tett
children. See that
is there-- it insures
your money's worth,
NEW USE FOR pos.1'.\t.F S'1' \\les.
Turk(.h tin% eminent is 10 build It hail•
way ilirtin l's Their Sade.
The Turkish Government, in anruune-
ing the intended sale of seventeen mil-
lion postage stamps to collectors, Inc
eroceeds to be devoted to building a
railway between Damascus and ttei-
ru1, is merely following an old-cstab-
Lshcd precedent.
Long ago Spain found the sale ('f
surplus stamps so profitable that site
changed her deigns every few years,
reali:e.niseenough upon one occasion to
construct a cruiser and several tor-
ped-) beats.
St. Ilelena has up till now kept her-
self from bankruptcy after a siunilur
fashion. Paraguay provided new uni-
ternns for its by no means iiosigniticant
army, upon one ocelision, and upon au -
e -Ater it added over live million rounds
of small -arra) nneinunitieti to its reser\e.
Ran Merino built itself a hall of jus-
1:re in 1889. and Roumania a new pri-
ses in 1891, the cost in cacti instance
Lt ing defrayed by what are known in
ibilatelic circles as "commemoration is -
s ees."
The It.'guin of Bhopal appointed an
official whose special duly it w•as to
push the sale of local stamps wrong
dealers and collectors, and invested the
JtOce ds in pearls.
In French Guinea dhey have, within
tt.e last twenty years. sold to outsiders
.'tough stasis, ile•stly surcharged ve-
rso4$, to pay for the Letilding of two
h.seitals. n fort, and a gaol. British
II• uduras cleared $50.000 a year !to
It airy years in succcrk)n atter a sinn-
ed' 'fashion, and invested it in attempt-
ing do improve the quality of the ba-
keries grown the r'.
"I have f,{\•en Toinny n dre!n for his
t„rthday present." said \!. Itruwfl to
her husband. "\Vhat are yin gang to
sive hint?•' "A drum?" repealed her
i:nsband. "1 see; thin I'll give hila 'a
Sore, bot, aching or blist-
ered feet are cooled and
healed by Zatn-Bak. Store
gifiarls, postmen, policemen
wall a lit should testand st itta, lue!
7.aru•Buk also cures channfi
sorer. Insect b:tee, sunburn.
ulcera. eczema. heat for and
all akin diseases and t lutes.
Gives ease in cases of a.
a boa at all ,tons, or Lm -
But Ca, Toronto.
Saves time, because it
makes ironing easier.
Saves linen, because it
gives a better gloss with
half the iron -rubbing.
Saves bother, because It
needs no cooking,.. just
cold water. And it
CAN'T stick. Buy it
awesby name.
1 �
very Woman
11 tuurested and should know
&toot 1Li wonderful
The new vaginal r► ago
hest -ll evt conven-
ient. It cleanse*
Itsawont drueetet for It.
If to
it t ca°•••h�of au',/,' the
KV ISL &evert n0
other, but se.:d stamp fur
illustrated (Met -se& ed. It fuel
fall pa,4tel!la s aad directions tu-
ealual,'e to 1
WINDSOR General !PPAgents fur Lunettes'
Young Wife -"To -day is the nnniveis
ssry of our wedding. 1 shall have one
of the chickens killed in !tenor of the
occasion." 1ler Ilusband-"Oh, leave-
eaveit alone; it wasn't the chicken's fault!"
Tommy-"Isoes your stn hit your foot
under the table when you've hnd
enough?" Johnny -"No; that's when 1
hriwen't had enough. When i have she
sends for the doctor!"
Ve Olde Firme of Heintzman & Co., Limited. Established 5o Years.
Early Fall bargains In
it \rill be the early response that will make sure of securing ono of these
bargains. The values are very unusual.
RE.t(;lI - Rosewood Squnre Piano, with 6% octave's.
In good condit.on; good practice piano, $65.00
Ger 4141 4141 4141 ...... 4141.. ...... $
BACON & RA VI:N-Rosewood Case Squore Pinna.
with Octagon kgs. Gj, octaves. in first-class condi-
tion for a practice piano. Special prick' $75.00
EDWAR• i►S - Rosewood Case, carved legs, 6 0_-
tnves, a u.ce practice pinno, in first-class
condition. Kiegant value at .... ...... $ 9 00
NITSCHKE, London -Very handsome rosewood ens',
square Piano, with 7% octaves. overstrung scat..
in Al condition; n piano that will give good sittI -
taction, and a first-class bargain at
1. C. FOX-Beunliful Rosewood Case. with handsome
carved legs and lyre. 7 octaves, overstrung scale, ser-
pentine base, in elegant condition, and
a first-class i.lano at $115.00
1►i:CKEIt & C0.-ll'autKul Rosewood Crese, w;I'tcare
cd legs and tyre, overstrung scale in first-
ila-s condi 1 n Special at ..... ........ $119.00
1:ItE1,'I INION. -Carved 1.egged Square Pinno. cos+
wood ease. overstrung scale, serpentine base, 7 oc-
taves, in elegoe•t condition. This piano trill
give excellent satisfaction. Special at .. $121'00
75 cents n week, $125 and un der, and $I et tw•ek
tario. 011ier tennis if desired.
DECKER BROS., New York. -Made by one of the
test American manufacturers; rosewood case, with i
octave, uverst:•ung scale, thoroughly guaranteed,
curved legs and lyre, a first-class piano in every
way. Regular pricer 6+10.00. Special at.
IIE[V)'Z\IAN•�& CO. -Square Piano. rosewood case,
7t octaves, overstrung scale, carved legs and lyre,
in cl.•gnnt condition. This is one of our own well -
knew -el make and a piano that will give salisfao-
tion to any musician. Regular price 8500.(3. Spe-
cial at (thoroughly ovcrhauld) .... $145.00
KRANICII & R:LCII-Extra handsome rase'.voi d case
with four round corners. carved legs and lyres, over'.
strung scale, top and bottom mouldings, a very nice
toned piano end one That would satisfy the most ex-
erting. Regular prke 8700.00, and we consider it ex-
tra good value al
Ti 411' uglily guaranteed..... $147:00
11F;INTZMAN & Co. -Square Piano, with (cur round
corners, 7% octaves, tut extra fire piano. with lrtcirJ
treble top and bottom mouldings, serpentine base,
carved legs and lyre. One of our best $600.00 square
pianos, in elegant condition, and n pinno that will give
setlisfnet on toe yenns to come. Special at
Thoeoughly guaranteed. .... .. .. ...... $165.00
etre thee price. Fieight paid t0 any point in OD
Ye Olde Firma of
Heintzman & Co., Limited,
II5-11T King St- Wost, Toronto, Canada.
Roofins Is Easy
Ri,ht Work
Put them on with no tools but a
hammer and tinner's shears,- can't
go wrong. They lock on all four
shies, are self -draining and water -
shedding on any roof with three or
more inches pitch to the foot. Make
buildings fire -proof, weatherproof
and proof against lightning. Cost
least in the Jong stip Made of 28 -
kluge toughened sheet steel -only
one quality used and that the best -
bent cold and double -galvanized.
Last longer with no painting than
any other metal shingles heavily -
Pen l e
Address o r MOIITIIIAL
Nearest Warehouse: fri-t Craig 8t. W.
painted. Guaranteed in every way
until 1932. Ought to last a century.
Cheap as wood shingles in first
cost ; far cheaper in the long run.
" Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin-
gles cost only $4.50 a s q u a r e,
10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the
area of any roof and heat' our
tempting offer for covering it
with the cheapest roof you
can really afford to buy. L e t
us send you FREE booklet
about this roofing question -tells
some things you may not know.
Seed tot FMB Book "Rooting 1R1ght"
Get Our Otter before You hoot a Thing
11 Colborne 81.
Mt Roams 8t, FP Dundee qt.
18 Urnbe.rd Pt.. ::t 1' prier i,e.
Oshawa Galvanized Steel
Shingles are GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
Seed tot FMB Book "Rooting 1R1ght"
Get Our Otter before You hoot a Thing
11 Colborne 81.
Mt Roams 8t, FP Dundee qt.
18 Urnbe.rd Pt.. ::t 1' prier i,e.