HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-12, Page 4The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness —of daintiness and deli- ciousness — is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas —held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. "There is a best in everything. In Biscuits, it's MOONEY'S. toe , Popular Coods For now and the Peet of the season. FAVORED \WORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel in quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. \Ve are otferiug some beautiful Sumet SU1T8 tor *10 and upwards TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUM \1 ER If a pant hunter limitless Is panting for pants Ile p.utteth pantless Unlit he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered from J. C. Holtzmann CREDITON A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we cannot suit, we have yet to know it. V stet Ai uoi ate, Sanders e& Creech, Propo. THURSDAY, Sept. 12, '07 NOTE AND COMMENTS Mr. Hyman went abroad in Novem- ber of lest year. 1fe began to resign his seat at the sante time and kept at it during several months, finally suc- ceeding about the first of April. Was his salary as Minister of Public Works at $7,(00 a year paid down to the ap• pointnient of Mr. Pugsley a few days ago? Mr. Borden has reached Ontario af- ter a remarkably successful series of meetings in Quebec and has began his Onrii in tour. The most exacting Con- servative could not fail to be satisfied with the attendance of these meetings and their enthusiasm. Everywhere the leader has been heard with profound attention by itnniense audiences, and has discussed frankly the principles laid down in the Halifax platform. While the Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wickmeetings endorsed these doctrines by strong manifestations of approval, the French Canadians have not been less cordial. There is no doubt that the Government is losing its hold in the Province where it has been the strong- est, and that Sir Wilfred's personality is no longer sufficient to atone for the errors and offences of his administra- tion and of his colleagues. So far the Province of Ontario has realized $1,407,850 from the Cobalt mines and ealpects to have as much more by this time next yeatr. Here are the amounts: Department of Dt Mines - Royalties M i Royalties from O'Brien Min- ing On. 4 170,852 Sale of Cobalt Lake property 1,083,000 Sale of Kerr Lake property 178,500 Tiiiniskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission - Royalties from Cobalt town - site) Mining Co . $ 3,i80 I{oynities from Right -of -Way �Iiiallg Co 30,3110 81,107,850 In addition, the Government has re- . ceite i . considerable suns front the Khiva (t 1, a te.t for last n ee k. John Ratz and daughter ate speed- ing a fete days this week attending the Old Hoye' Reunion at 11:uuhurg.- Miss Kiel.. Currie is visiting Mitis Har- tle tet Greenway this weak.-Mes. John Mcisaac and fancily of Detroit, Mrs. Treenien and fancily and John Collins, after a pleasant nionlli's visit with Mr. Collins, returned house Saturday. -Ezra Witzel and Thomas McCann left Friday for the West. \Ve wish the boys every success and a safe re- turn,-\Vhile engaged in cutting straw at Win. \Vitzel's last week John Kliimpp of Crediton had the misfor- tune to get his hand badly cut in the cutting Lox, but under the treatment of Dr. McLaughlin of Dashwood the injured member is getting along quite nicely.Quite a number of our sports attended the races at Zurich Labor Day and report a good bate. Ilent4all Mrs. C•. \Vilson of Pigeon, Mich„ is here looking after some preperty.- John Hamacher and wife of ()Aherne, Kansas, are visiting friends in and around town. -Mr. and Mrs. Pope of British Columbia, who have been vis- iting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Taylor in Kippen, called on some friends in town during the week. - Rev. 1). Wren, who has been preach- ing in Stratford. has returned brume accompanied by his sister Miss Annie who met hint at Toronto. -Dave Ross and wife, who have been residents of town for some time, have nidved to London. -A Bible contest is being held in t he Met hodist ch mph under the aus- pices of the Epworth League which is both interesting and instructive. --An Indian, engaged with the flax here, was arrested Sunday night for prowl- ing around some residences at a late hour. He did not have the money to pay the fine so he was sent to: Goder- ich )ail, --Quito a number front here are attending London Fair. -Miss 0. Drainage of Toronto is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. Hop et --The W.M.S. met \Vednesday afternoon in the basement of the Methodist church. The District Organizer, Mrs. Marshall of Kirkton, was present and gave an interesting talk, after which a dainty lunch was served. --The following are attending high school at Exeter: Jas. Bullard. W McEwen, W. McDean, H. Horton, Harold and Edith White, Flossie Foss, Gladys Brandt, Grace Thompson, Vera Welsh. -Miss Ethel Caldwell has gone to Regina to visit -J. Chesney, Hugh McDonald, Alex. Smith. Mrs. 0. Gei- ger and son, Rory. are home from To- ronto. -Miss Flo Cudniore bas accept- ed it position in Walkerville.-Our forme townsman, Alex. Taylor, was recently married at Saskatoon to Miss Acheson. --Milton Ortwein has gone to London where he will take at course in the Business College. -John Johnston and wife have returned from a two months; trip to the West. -Bert Elder of Kanihaops, B.C., is visiting friends in this vicinity. --Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Mattie are helve from Forest. - Mr. Johnston. wife and children, after en extended stay in this section, have returned to their home in St. Louis._ The following from this district are at- tending Clinton (collegiate: Marjorie Hopper, Bert and Curtis Stoneninn, the Misses Mulholland. Bertha Rey- nolds. e•-nolds, filly 51eKay, Jim and Garry Maeart bur, l;ertie Thomson. -Alex. and Peter Mucin of Ilay received word n few days ago from Michigan of the death of their sister. Mrs. Wal- ter Ilvslop.-The exterior of Carmel church has been freshened up with a coat of paint. The Oddfellows hall i8 also being int prated in the same way, Alex. Smith has returned from Miele igan where he spent the sunniness,- Mos. uliin r.>Mrs. A. 1'. Ketchew of Regina is on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs., Jno. Bell of Hay. sale of Lind in the ordinary way tinder Mertut %OK, -A very pretty wedding the Mines Act. was celebrated in our ettllege on \Ved. l'he'-Tenriskauning and Northern On- nesility when one of our most. popnlnr tarin 1{ailwny Conunission )•eased tet'- young latdiee, Miss Annie, daughter• twin of its lands to vat•ioes mining of \V, 1Velaer, was made the happy cotnpeniesand under the egoeemelits bride of ('. Hudson of Wnndstoek. the companies pay from fifteen h' Ilfty The intelesting rel•ent„tty was per - per cent. of the value of the ore•, ra0• formed by Rev. Mr. Smith and was costing to the result of the essay. , natio-zed by n huge number of itIat- 11 it •s of the contracting parties. The IG is strange that mien,g all the; bride and groom are both well-known members of the liuuae of C..eimen, it .tad ase very highly esteemed, acid is not possible for Sir \Vilft ed Limier to choose Cabinet Ministers but he needs Ilin51 go to the Provincial Legis- lature'if New Brunswick for Premier Pugsley and the Provincial Legisla- ture of Ontario fur the leader of the opposition, Mr. Graham. This has been a contemn (+cell' Pence since Sir Wilfred got hotel of the reins of gnv- erntnent. On the tither t► .nal the To - when we wish ?1r. and Dlrs. Hudson all Joy end prosperity through their journey of life, we are only voicing the sentiments of the entire commun- ity. The young couple will reside rat \Voodstock where Mr. Hudson 1101(18 3 gond position. Dv.tT1i.-'1'his week we are called upon to record the death of a tt•e11- ronto News claims that the opposition k t n aand highly l•aeenu d resident at Ottawa is seeking niuforcelIIents fn the person of Junes Stewart, who In a similar way, looking to the taking n of Premier Roblin of Manitoba, ale - Bride of British Columbia, \Vhitney of Ontalr)o :and Mr. llanitain. There is litt1 i ha:lce of thy' Premiers making n than: .• but Mr. Haultain is a prated - y. This scheme of drawin from the pew -mein! legislatut•es woulds indi• cute t h ' o t he men sent. 10 Ottawas are true fi fend and neighbor. Ilis wife net ,af the brainy 41,(48. if not it i4 predeceased him twenty -live yeas -s. time rtes mea of u►otepower and toter The remains were taken to the home chosen as randidatea' of his brother, east of Hensel!, where was cabled away Saturday after a few days' illness. at the good age of 711 years. Deceased htls tilnde his home at the Hudgins House for many years and it was there that his death took place. His demise has caused wide- spread tegtet as he was a gentleman to know wits to honer and respect and to•dnv we feel that WP have lost it gond - the funeral will take plaice to the il,•n- snll feint] cemetery. far Coughs and Colds Ther, is a remedy over sixty }ears old -Ayer's Cherry Pce:toral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the cher. Ask yourdoctor about it Th•• I est hind rat a testimonial tor over sixty years.- VOOMMOIIMMOMINI :Y. ,,5f1 r a..,a--,t-w.::uses. i a..,: C tiers' +PtRatt,. tuna. rnsIR MOIL 1 W• hat.. a secreta' W. p biusb the formulas of all oar asdi,t.ss. Ayer's Pills Inanalil1a tho eat of the liver, and thus aid recovery. *1-T1 ATED RN' GAS Toronto, 't'p . I Mrs, Janet Mc - Ewing. raged 22. and Mrs. John Shan - tura, her mother. eget) are, of Itarlock, Huton ('omity, weir found dead in their room at (sgood) house, Queen street west. this 1nu1ning. The deed women had route to Toronto with Alex. mel wing. husband of the young tvnnaan, ane) John Watts to see theex• hlhitinn. They retired last night shout 12 1'vlock, and the women were shown how to tura. off the gas. Two matches were left in case n light wits needed through the night. This mornintt Mr Ewing rose rat rix Aril went fot•a w elk. Returning he could get 00 answer from the women's mom, auad as chert' wars• :1 .[hell of gait nn Pat fain'. way forced. The old lady was kneeling lay the bed en with It 1 it th,' younger we- nan. ilot h h.td been dead for tome lime. Only one [Hutch was fnr1nd. St. Marys: Margaret, daughter of ,i:unes B. Finnie of town tote nierried to Thetncss\'punct of Emilio on \Vcd- nPwdity. Sept. 4. Mitchell: The news of the death of Koenig. n former resident of town which t,..k p1ar1 in Berlin Friday has can•+'d Ilea regret. HP wee in his :lath y.• .r, Lu('tt 11 Wesley Guilfoyle has gone to Strat- ford to attend the Mode. -The con- gregation of St. iamb etvs church, Mer- riam), has tendered ., unanimous call to ;{et•, 'Phos. Paton of this place. who was formerly nlnaster for several year's of the cow negation to which he is now being recalled. M►•. Paton is a cousin to the late Dr. Jno. 0. Paton, the famous missionary to the New Hebrides. Usborue Council, Council met at Township Hall, Sept. 7111. All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following rates were levied to tweet expenditures for the cutt•ent veer: county rate 1.7 mills on the dol- lar; township rate 2.0 and general school rate 1.7. As the s :howl trustees can now draw on the council whenever they need Money the genera) school rate levied will raise the amounts due to the several school sections for this year and a► considerable surplus to inset the deulasds of next year. The petition of John Miners and others for drainage work to improve Minets' creek and a portion of Pyre's creek, under the Municipal Drainage Act and amendments, was approved by the council, and passed on to the Engineer to prepare report, assess- tuents, plans, etc., for the drainage of the area described in the petition. Accounts amounting to $51.05 were passed and orders issued in payment. Council then adjourned to meet Cct. 5th, at one o'clock, F. Morley, Clerk. Grand Bend John Spackman of Exeter spent Friday, in our burg. -E. and J. Gill were in Zurich Friday. -Mrs. Baird and A. Athos, who have been on the sick list, have ssufllciently recovered as to be around again. -Mr. Smith and Felsie and Nelson Rayelle and wife spent Sunday at Port Frank. -Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz. Lou Ravelle, Rev. Carr iere and wife and Rd. Ham- ilton and wife are attending London Fair, -Mrs. H. Bossenberry hats gone to Brucefield to visit her son, -N. D. Horden and son of Exeter were here Monday on their way to Port Frank. -Fred Page and son received an Ideal concrete machine from London the other day. -Ad. Bossenberry is now wine clerk at the Hastings house Park- hill, in the place of his mother Sidney who left Thursday for Toronto and Cobalt, -Miss Mester Campbell who has been spending some time hero has returned to her home in Woodstock, accompanied by her grandmother Mrs. Campbell. -W. 11. Smith and wife have returned from their visit to Clin- ton. -The campers are beginning to be scarce on our grounds and at Maple Grove. Cool nights will soon drive them to their winter quarters. -Ern- est Ford has gone to Toronto where he has secured a position as traveller for drugs. Success Ern.-- We are pleased to note the success Of Eatery Oatrrlere, he having passed his Seniot Matricula- tion and is now preparing to enter Queen's University on Oct. 1. Emery is to be congratulated on his faithful- ness to his studies and may he meet with continued success. -The Lord's Supper was dispensed with In Grand Bend and Corbett church on Sunday. Preparatory services were held the previous Friday. -After a few weeks' visit with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Stebbins and wife have returned to their home in Bad Axe, Mich.- Mr. Glass has completed the rustic bridge. It has been admired by many wind is a beautiful piece of handierork and adds touch to the Pict ueesqueness of Maple Grove 1 anti, and will he of great cnn- t•0nienee to the tempers. -Owing to the several degre(lalions on the cottag- es at Maple Grove of 1 rte, the eyndi- cate is Wei ing a reward of 400 for information that will lead to the de- tection of the culprits. The cottagers Inst nearly all the household effects in the cottages last spring and the syndi- cate is determined if possible to bring theguilty ones to jn-tire. ADDITIONAL LOCALS 1118. li.,nrialc 53131, 1 • :wad \lisv Nora have returned from Toronto. On Weducsday afternoon Mr. John (that lton's buggy lost n wht'd by the horse making a sudden bolt dimwit the doorway of T. llrndfor•d's sale stable. 13 iLitetI: 31i-. Jas. Scott of the 10th con, met with a very painful and un- fortunate accident one day last week. Ile was engaged in feeding a thresh- ieg netchiue :1101 in route manner step. p, d , If the feeding stand, (t•tth the re- sult that he broke his left arm near the wrist. ile will be laid off work for several weeks. Among th rn•-splits says The P•teex • Vee'''y Wars. at :''t'•'t\rest hi Ll, Gray.• to wit:1e s the '1i,:tribution of prizes to the Shaftesbury buys were two brnth- ers of the cloth. who, though differing in denenrinatinn, got on well together as clerics should. At length, as the tout of a fine Havana was wafted to e . -: rips• one ►ul'ed out a well -sea- ' ;pipe. "Ail, brother." said Iris `when ,hail 1 cure you of that h ' '• t of smnkiti ?" With a twinkle 2,e • • co the other replied through a smoke, "There are two places t., - ;e, you know. One it this wort t ; the (ober is th- next. f'm t;oina to get mine atone in this. YOU can e'o as yo(1 like." Diacrtsing the dii'iculty of young and unk:'oe.. n playwri;;hts in getting man- uscript read, David ltelasco said the other day : 'in a majority of cases the plays are I not read, nor even looked at. But the • managers like to stake a man think his play has been read. even if they have to reject it. When ) was a ynung mall I went with manuscripts to a man- ager to ;whom 1 afterwards scold see- cral phys. My copy was tied up in a neat roll, with a knot of pink tape. ) knew that knot. and I knew that the manager or his reader couldn't tie $nether one like it if he tried. "'Come in two weeks,' he said, "i went, and the play was handed hack. "'Ila.e you read it?' 1 inquired. "'Sure; said the manager. Read it myself. Sorry it won't do.' "I untied the knot, unrolled the maw- useript and laid on the ntanager't desk si•ty-four pages of white paper w111 out a mark on it." --New York Timlr$ K@CalM/5 PERFErTIN :NIR -f ., f ta`dPatc�-;ira "t MOONEY BISCUIT .& CANDY 51 HAT8ORD CANADA C0 $Lipka Wedding bells will soon be ringing in our midst. -Thomas Lynch and J. I). Hanna have returned from Toronto and report a pleasant outing. -Mrs. Sadler was in our burg last week. -- Miss Mabel Mason of Petrolea is the guest of her mother. -Ezra Fahner has gone to London where lie intends taking a course in bookkeeping at a Business College. Success Ezra. -Miss Josie McPhee of Detroit is here visit- ing his grandmother. --Mrs. Wing and fancily have returned from New Hain - burg where they attended the Old Boys' Reunion. -Wm. Paul of Loring was a recent visitor at S. Sweitzer's.- Jos. Little has gone to Sarnia where he has accepted a position on the Sir- onic, one of the lake liners. -The flax mill finished threshing last week. - In a few days8.Sweitzer will be ready to receive all kinds of apples for apple butter and cider.) -Angus McIntosh of London visited here a few days ago. -- Among the number who left on the harvest excursion were: S. J. and W. Sweitzer, J. Smith, 0. MCCann,J. 31c- Phee, J. Campbell and Ezra \Vitzel of Khiva. Whalen The brickwork at our church has been completed and the carpenters are now busy. --Miss Lottie Sgniresreturn- ed Saturday from a visit to London. - Harvest is now finished nod the fruit and root crops will receive attention. Edgar Williams has resumed work with Jabez Millson.-Chas. Hooper, who recently purchased a line home in Exeter from A. E. Fake, will have a sale in October and move to Exeter. -Thos. Kennels has rented his farm to Michael Egan. -Jabez Millson experi- enced an unpleasant runaway the lat- ter part of last week. He was on his way to Kirkton when his horse be- came frightened and he was thrown out of the cart, receiving some inf cries to his Lace, The horse turned around end went home. No severe damage was; done to the horse or cart. -Quite rt nunll►er around here are attending the Western fair this week. -.Jabez Millson and wife spent Sunday at Lu - can. -Newt. Millson and some friends spent Friday at his henna -Miss Edna (binning returned home Thursday af- ter spending a week in London. --Mrs. Earnest Parkinson, after ,► pleasant visit with her mot hee, left Monday for her home in Bry $tee en. -- • Mie(i1(11Wt•ley Mrs. T. E. `lack, who 1198 been quite ill, Is convalescing. -Jas. Harrison of Moray has gone not West. --Mrs. Pat- ton lun�kreturned to London after a p10as41T',i,it with her father 1). Dor- man.-- Mrs. Mc1'enk, Erle and Cecelia have returned to 1',craen(1, Mich., after at fete week" visit here. -Geo. and Leo Marks have gone to Carlingford to re- sent(' their dude. at the school.-- Miss- es Brownlee, (Ima ell, and 1{obinsen and A. Love are attending the Lon- don Madel. -Miss Maud Um•rtten and Ii. feels of London attended the Dor- man -McMillen miptinl on Wednesday, Andrew Patterson has gone to Cobalt. - Miss 1other 31e ['hereon hart ret tweed to Greenway. -Win. Fraser hod the misfortune to lose his truhhet•-tire bug- gy in the Parkhill fire the other day. -G. E. Seridere, wife and family ore on en extended visit to relatives in Ileffallo.• ('ongratuletions are extend- ed to cur young friend. Miss \Vinnle i)orman. daughter of Ex -councillor Dorman, who became the happy bride of Alex. McMillan of Muncey. The pleating event took place Wednesday at the beim. of the In ides parent';. "There's nothing Ilke SI George's Baking Powder "it hops it< strength ---the last spoonful is as good as the first." "Anil it gives such a fine flavour to the baking, once people use it, they want it every tirue." Write us for our new Cook•Iionk. Natmeiel ►•r..g R Chemical en. of it Camels, fornetr•t Montreal. India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may .,1 a est others, but compare it ass way you w,11 ---purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness--Labatt's .211 is surpass- ed by non,. equalled by few -at about hall the price of beat imported brands. WAREHOUSES , To Teach Telegraph -AT- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE CENTRAL STRATfORD, ONT. We have three departments: Commercial, Short• Highest Price paid for Grain hand and Telegraphy. We employ the bol Teach. I sin ers that money can hire Our courses are thorough and practical and we assist worthy student) 10n}o- sitious. Those oho wish to get a money -making education should get the best, write for our nee catalogue and get particulanl. This is the best time i of year to enter our classes. RICH. S E L D O N, ELLIOTT & McLACIILAN, (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) ` Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1815) Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over SIXTY-TWO BJ{ANCHES IN Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFiCE IIOURS 10 a, in. to 3 p. m. SATI•Itna'S, Ui a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. I)EPOSi'I' Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department Until further notice Interest on Savings accounts will be credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly. s Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON it CARLINO, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, Ilillsgreen The tunny friends of Mrs. Frank Coleman will be pleased to learn that she has sufficiently from the effects of her operation, which was perforne•d at Exeter a few weeks ago, as to be able to return home.--W.'I'. Farquhar and T. Consitt are rapidly pushing along their new residences and when completed will make a( great improve- ment to our line. -Walter C. Troyer, who has made his home for the past five years with his grandfather Chas. Troyer, left a few days ago for Cree- man, Sask., whets his father resides. .lIc(ililli(\'ray Connell Council tnet rat Town 11ae11 on Sept. 5. All present. Minutes of previous meeting rend and signed. Mut-gan-- 3lurdy-that the several accounts be paid. -Carried. ('lens-31u7dy that By-law No 5 of 1(107 levying taxes as follows: County purposes 2 mills on the $; township purposes, 2 mills; gen- eral School grant for public school sup- porters. 2 twill:; and the accounts re- quited by the trustees of Public and Separate Schools ns read It (cert end second thee, be now read ae third time And passed.-Carr'i (1. Morgan-Uletis that the t•esignnti(+n of Wni. L. Bice, 'I'otwnship Engineer, be accepted. -- Carried. t'lens----Morgan--that By - Law No. 7 of 1007, appoieting Andrew (hieve, Collector for the West. Divis- hie, as read a first and second time, be now rend a third time and passed. also that Neil McAlpine be reappointed t'ollector for the East Division. -Car - tied. Alertly - Morgnn--that 13y•L,tw No. (I of 1907 appointing Jno. Lewis Thomas as Township Engineer as read a first and second time I,e now read 11 third time rind 1)3580(1.-0r tied. Coun- cil ,adjourned t( Oct. 7, at 1 p.m. .1. D. Druwrnoud, Clerk. Zurich — The rain •-f last week was Winch needed and 1)94 done couch gruel. - Mr. Pearson of Granton visited Dr. Stosknpf riming the week. --Miss (',•lia) He.. has gone to Seeforth to attend High Selmer-el/tide! )Smith of St. Joseph, 0. Hnitznian, E. Seitn 1+11d wife at (traded f he Old Boy's teuninn at New Hamburg last week. -Miss Emma Schnell after 1a month's visit at her home hes returned to Detroit. - \ii -s Roxie Hillier has gone to Lender). The Zurich Gun Club will hold a shoot- ing tout nat►tent the beginning of (h• toper. -Ont• new cement walks have been completed. ---Miss I1'•ln'n Knt'h- ler is home from Toronto tet a visit, Rohr. Williams of the 80v, reign ilea{. staff i. enjoying his holida,s'sat Term,. to and el-,-where.---Miss,Utunic Ehlets of Napierville is here on it visit. She rendered an excellent solo in the Es;in. Keliral church Snotty evening. -Sate. Faust. (Geo. Hess and Egl•rr t Heiale' 11111 hawe tetra tied from at d•-lightti It ie to Termite, Niagara Falls and Brif- fide. .-Ed. Appel. wife and son, Ile.), are home, after ;t pleasant visit in '1'0- tontn, Sitittle' d and Berlin. -Miss NI at Wintael has returned to Orel - Oen after a visit at the home of 0. halter. - - \\'m. M2 ('linehey has rem - tamed a 1e►netit a/ eh on 2nd eon., foe the town -hip. - flay C.emeil met at Town Hall, Wrdnes.i9y. \11 present The contract for paaintuag the 11.+11 was let to If. Ren(.111 and a nnnib••r of ar-- remnts trete pa9)3(1. Adjeititome et to October 2n(1.-i),avid Spencer has re- turned to his hone in St. Joseph ,+f - ter a delightful t1ip to his ()Id hone in England. Mt. Cratll('i, H. !typo) has returned to ('tii,•.+go. F.4. Hall, niter a jtlr8s,anl vi.it here has retnl n. d 111 11,•tfott, - John Mr- Leltan who bas been ill, is daily grow- ing stronger, -After a very pleasant visit at their home here the Misses Johanna and Maggie Regan have re- turned to Detroit. Wlttenso.-A pretty wedding took place in Mt. Carmel eh tit eh 'Tuesday tnorning, Sept. 3, when Miss Mary An- gelic Quarry became the happy bride of Matthew Doyle, the interesting cer- enemy being solemnized by Rev. ('r. Forester, P.P., after which follow n Rn hnl Grandend high Nlitsn celebrate t me 1►y Fathers Foresters, Dunn and Bar- ry. The winsome bride looked the pic- ture of lovliness, being attired in a beautiful creation of white silk, while n handsome veil and wre.tth rested on her graceful head. Her sister, Miss Matgnret, who acted as bridesmaid, presented at bewitching appearance, her robe being of pale blue with hat to match. The little flower girls, Ruth and Marjorie Coughlin. looked like little fairies. Philip Doyle of London. the gronrn's brother, did the duties of best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party. with their guests iepaired to the home of the br ids where a most sumptuous and nppetitizing feast was partaken of. Donned in a hawds eme travelling cos- tume the pride left with her husband on the evening train on a► honeymoon trip to Tot onto, Niagara a Falle send oth- er points. The wedding gifts were taunt /our, dainty and costly and are eve) last ing tokens of the high esteem in which the bride is held. Your scribe joins n it li the host of friends in wish- ing Mr. and 31,'.. Doyle nli the pleas- ures 01111 this world affords. MAKE OTHERS HAPPY Do not compel sons - e- t , rah your aching back or litnb.this aic::r, hut start tight in :teal take It tci':1 clear yens ac<t,.np of Itliseivetisn' and all other la idnry'liseaecs, making you • happy, conaequcntly others. ISoe • bort at Drug Stores or 1,y r.' act 92 The ctAFUN cu13XICi1L CO. Ltaldte', It ir,' •'•R, Oat THEDAVIS CL THE I REEL never lets the clothes drop in the fund; -ita Iona hard. wood nems nre well braced for carrying heavy loads. J. The "Davis" will rut down the work of a heavy wash• ing one-third. 4..i If you will try a "Davis" for yourself. we will serol you one (n trial. It won't cost you n rent. Send name and address to -day. THE DAVIS REEL CO. LoaDoa (nos 965) on. •