HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-05, Page 4•• jGrand Bend t•eceutly.-Miss M. Hold
p ent Labr Day nt her home near
Parkhill -Si !dilly Foster enter-
tained a number of her friends to a
birthday party on Friday. All report
Goods For now and the agod'tune,-Willto'o eward.on left
rest of the season. vott`l y Esther
att�nd Falt•st visitingModel.--
.Uiss Esther• Mcl herson is in
West McGillivray.- Mr. Lovey and
wife of Grand Bend called on A. M.
Wilson and wife this week.
These worsteds are in blues and
fancy tulxturea, excel in quality,
beauty and finish anything of their
kind we have ever shown. lVe are
offering some beautiful
SUMMER SUITS for $10 and upwards
If a pant hunter limitless
Is panting for pants
He panteth pantless
Until he implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
J. H. Boltzmann
A beautiful assortment to
from. If there is a taste we
suit, we have yet to know it.
(ester Advocate,
Sanders tt Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Sept. 5, 1907
The present digging equipment on
the Panama canal consists of 63 steam
shovels, 32 of 05 tons, 28 of 70 tons,
and 3 of 45 tons each, while 15 further
95.ton and 7 45 -ton steam shovels are
to be delivered this year. There are
also 181 locomotives in service, 228
steam or pneumatic drills and 7'3
machine or well drills. While there
was a falling off in the rate of digging
in May and June, due to the rain sea-
son, it is expected that 1,000,000 cubic
yards a month will be reached later in
the year. The total excavation necess-
ary to dig the canal was flgured at
111,280,000 cubic yards. To July the
amount taken out was 8,651,802 cubic
yards. At 1,000,000 cubic yards a
month the channeling would be com-
pleted in 1915.
Misses Tillie and Nettie Well have
gone to Toronto. -Mr. Lindenfelt of
Hensel) le assisting John Deichert in
his shop. -Miss Eva Williams has gone
to Kenhptville where she intends tak-
ing up a High School course. -Mrs.
Chas. Fritz and sister Mrs. J. Keller-
man of Dashwood have returned from
their visit to Toronto. -Henry Eber-
har't of St. Louis, Mo., visited friends
here last week. -George McKay has
started laying cement walks in town.
-Misses Emma and Freda Thiel have
returned from their visit to Bruce
County. -Wm. Kalbfleisch and wife
of Ottawa are visitors in town. -Louts
Simon of Elmira, III., was in town last
week. -At a recent meeting of the
Evangelical church choir the following
officers were elected: fres., Elizabeth
Rannie; Secy-Treas., Anna Hess; Lea-
der. Milne Rannie.-Chas. Weber and
wife and Miss Tillie Johnston have
gone on an extended visit to friends
in Philadelphia. -Arthur Kellerman
of Napierville, 111., occupied the pul-
pit in the Evangelical church Sunday.
J..1. :Verner was in Toronto last week
on business. -Miss Webster of
Lucknow visited her sister Mrs. Jas.
Turner, Parr Line.during the holidays.
She also visited her twice Mrs. Frank
Colennin at Exeter. Mrs. Coleman re-
cently underwent an opernti•n1 and
her many friends will be plea -ed to
know that she is daily improving and
will soon return to her home in Hills -
green. Mrs. ltobt. Stephenson of Hills -
green who is also at Exeter,having un-
dergone an operation, is getting along
nicely. -During the severe thunder
storm on Sunday the new barn of Jas.
Turner's, Parr Line, was struck by
lighting but Luckily slid not take fire,
the only damage being done was the
shattering of three posts.
Mrs. Shank of Pal khill spent last
week with her sister Mrs. 11. It. 1Vil-
son.-Ed. McPherson left this week
for Port Huron. -Mrs. J.tmes of Chi-
cago visited her brother Walter Eng-
land recently. --James flicks has gone
to Loudon where he will receive treat-
ment In the hospital. -Among those
who left for the West Friday were
Henry Wickert, Chas. (iodsave, Chas.
Stewardson.--Thos. Brophey and wife
left for their home in Aurora Friday.
accompanied by hie father, .las. Rue
pltey,-- \piss t'pshall left for her home
in London after spending a couple of
weeks with her friend Miss Zenith Eng-
lish. --Miss Myrtle Wickert visited at
For Thin,
Poor Blood
l _•. •-•-•:•. - tor• nasaw..a.. --
11 )Cad.lys.n.as•rc•,y law,
♦..o man..:.,,:, rera •If
P ntla
�• p c maw.
-� v/ �V snot, PPCTotAL•
We beim se sestets, W. p•bIlaS
,r ratu;lia of all cur teadeliSs.
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar-
saparilla; the original Sarsa-
parilla; the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility,
But even IMS grand n14 medicine rei.n. t do
Its teat work It the liver It Inactive end th•
howela a .nttirated. For tate neat ,oa.Ihie re
sutra. yon •).' '4 tat• tatailre doses of £Ter's
r.••• white tak:nr the c,rt.; It :as
Sate l'oelker and Norman Winer of
Detroit are visiting tinder the parental
roof for a few days. ---Miss Estella
Andrews is visiting friends in Toronto
this week. --Our Township Council
have purchased some concrete tile
moulds and will have some practical
man II)a 11(1 fitct ti it the Tile for them. --
Elmer Gower was in Forest Sunday
and Chas. Stock in Tavistock•--ltev.
Bean of the Evangelical church con-
ducted the Quartetly services in Dash-
wood last Sunday. Rev. Eidt, the
Dashwood pastor, occupied the pulpit
here and delivered two eloquent ser-
mons.- Miss 1Villiams of Wyoming
spent a few days in town last week. -
Wm. T. England, a former resident of
our burg, was married in Ailsa Craig
last Wednesday to Miss Minnie Taylor
of Exeter. They will reside in Sarnia
where Mr, England has secured the
general agency of The Dominion Life
Assurance Co. Congratulations and
success! -Jim Lawson is practicing
his horse and makes things hunt when
he goes through town. He says he'll
win first money at the fall faire in our
neighborhood. -An Silber Picnic was
held at Grand Bend last Saturday.
All had a very pleasant time. -Mrs.
Claude and Mrs. Fred Bluett have re-
turned home after spending a few
days in Toronto and Niagara Falls. -
Labor Day passed off quietly here.
Some of our horsemen attended the
races in Zurich while the baseball fano
went to Exeter. Our boys gave the
Wortman & Ward team of London a
trimming for their life. Their feath-
ers and even the wings are gone. They
must bave bad an off day. The score
stood 18-1 in our favor. This was an
8 inning game. The Stars then play-
ed the Exeter team a 0 inning game
and won. Score I0 -2. -Willie Paul of
Loring, Parry Sound, is spending a
few days here. -Our butcher Chas.
Stock has bought a fine delivery wag-
gon for his trade. -Win. Sambrook,
Art. Zwicker, Fred Young, Chris.
Beaver and Albert Morlock are attend-
ing the Exhibition in Toronto. -Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Silber, of Columbus,
Ohio, Misses Myrtle Johnson and Tillie
Bertrand, and Ben Bertrand of De-
troit, have returned home after a few
days pleasant visit. with relatives in
our midst. -Three of our young ladies
left this week to take a six months'
course in the Business Colleges, Miss
Waffle Hill went to Berlin, Mies Ma.
linda Trick to Stratford and Miss Car-
rie Kuhn to London. We wish them
every success in their studies. -The
High School Department of our school
commenced on Tuesday. Mrs. Claude
Bluett is taking charge of Miss Robin-
son's roots in the meantime until her
return from the North -west. -John
Klumpp had his arm severely cut
while cutting straw at Wm. Witzel's
one day last week. Fortunately the
injuries are not as serious as at first
thought. -Mr. and Mrs. Ward of Bal-
timore and Mr. Flannery of Detroit
aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. James
Hodgins. Mr. Ward sang a beautiful
solo to the Methodist church last Sun-
day evening. -Mrs. (Dr.) Orate of Cen.
retie is spending a few days here this
eek. --Bert Clark and Wes. Finkbein-
•r spent last Sunday at the Bend.-
irn Ryan teller of the Sovereign Bank
s enjoying his two week's vacation.-
iernet Amy of Brantford is visiting
is parents here. -John Hall, an In -
bin, who works in the flax -mill was
rought before Squires Toung, Swelt-
er and Hit-tzel, for common assault
n Gottfried Manglers. He was let
if on suspended sentence anti ori pay -
ng the costs.
Grand Bend
Mt s. Malcolm ,McGregor of Detroit
eutertoined a number of her friends to
a card party Tuesday afternoon. All
speak highly of her kind hospitality
anti the appetizing refreshments pre-
pared for the occasion; makingit one
of the special social events of the sea-
son. -After spending the summer very
Mpleasantly hero Attorney Malcolm
cGregor and family and Miss Ida
Brown, will return to their home in
Detroit to -morrow. -Mrs. E. (sill and
Mrs. Schaefer spent Wednesday in Ex-
eter. --Quite a Initnher from here spent
Monday itt Zurich. --Those who left
here on the excursion to the West
were D. 1Vilson, Wtn. f ovie and Lloyd
Taylor. -Mr. Pollock, who has been
visiting his brother here, returned to
the West Tuesday. --Mrs, Musser is
visiting at Mrs. M. Gill's.-Adellert
Mollard is all smiles, n girl. -Mr. Shep-
herd and wife ani J. liravelit. of Tiled -
ford spent Sunday end Monday at A.
(iravelle.- Mr. Stubs, near Medford
spent Sunday with Mr. Baird. The lat-
ter tetut•ne(1 with him. -Mr, Smith
and wife spent Sun lay in Clinton. -
Mrs. Amos spent a few days in London
last week. --James BropFhey of Green
way was in our burgh Thursday.
The many friends of Mts. W. A. Mol -
lard (nee Miss Delia Sherritt will be
Pleased to know that she arrived safe
at her hence in Duluth after a two
months' visit with her parents here. --
The Misses Tennis and Etta McDonald
of Fast 1Vllliatns visited at the Post
Office last week. ---R. Stone and wife
spent Sunday with Mr. Dixon and
wife, 7th con., McGillivray, -Miss May
Hodgins, teacher in No. 15. spent Le-
bo!, 1)ay} in iondon.-A group from
the Molland. A. 11. and Soluble Lines
took a Bee line for Rayfield Perk La•
bei 1)av and picnicked there. Wouldn't
8 mingling of the lines he funny.- -Jas.
11. Love and Mansel Hudgins left Fri-
day for Moo•tejaw to help with the har-
vest. -Miss Lydia Shetritt left Mon•
day to attend Clinton Model School. -
A. C. Love left Saturday for Granton
to spend a day with his schoolmate, E.
Ilollgir,., prior to going to London
Model School 00 Sept. 3.
>F den
AxSt'st. l't(tIr- The Eden -Hunter
annual picnic to (irand Bend took sl,
Once on Saturday lest. There were q„
upwards of three hundred people in th
attendance and all seemed hent on Ih
hevingt 8 giiod time. so much so that au
V, ,
the 10U7 picnic will go on recortl as he-
ing the most enjoyable affair ever hell
under similar auspices. The weather
was ideal for such an occasion and
there ryasust swell enough on the
grand old lakeito make the r.quatics a
most gratifying and pleasurable fea-
ture of the noting. 1leur•y Either, M.
1'. P.. of Crediton, was a special guest
and contributed notch tower& mak-
ing the affair the success it attained.
Mr. Either, having his camera along,
secured many snap shots of the beauti-
ful views to be obtained at this excel-
lent sunttuer resort which will serve as
mementos in yeats to come of this
memorable event. All returned at
night carrying with them the most
pleasant recollections of the 1007 pic•
Mrs. Thos, Ilindnlarsh has returned
after a pleasant trip through the
West. She visiten Brandon, Edmon-
ton and other places. Miss Ella Bell,
teacher of Denfteld, who accompanied
her, also returned. Miss Noyes, of
London township, is remaining for a
tittle. -Lloyd Cassidy, teacher. left
Monday to resume his duties at Thorn -
dale. -Wedding belle will soon ring on
17th. -Mrs. Ambrose Prest and little
daughter, who have been holidaying
with her parents for some time, have
returned to their home at Toronto.
They were accompanied by her sister,
Miss Mae Sceli,--J. D. Drummond re-
ceived word a few days ago of the
death at Eau Clare,\Vis., of his cousin,
Duncan Drummond. Mr. Drummond
was formerly a resident of this town-
ship, living on the farm now owned by
Geo. Hindntarsh.
Harvesting operations are well un-
der way. Several farmers will finish
harvesting this week. -Frederick
Marshall, 13. A., left Saturday to oc-
cupy the position of science master in
the Ridgetown High School. -Miss
Weisman is spending a few days with
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson at Hensall.-Mrs.
Campbell and daughter of Toronto are
visiting friends here. -W, H. Mar-
shall and daughters have returned
from Brockville, where they were at-
tending High Court of the I.O.F.-
Mrs. White has returned to Brantford
after a pleaaant visit with her brother
J. Williams.
Thos. Elliott, who resides near Kirk'
ton, underwent a critical operation on
Saturday last by having a portion of
one of her legs amputated between
the knee and ankle. For sometime
Mrs. Ellfott has been Buffering from
gangrene in the limb, and some weeks
ago had a part of the foot removed to
prevent the spread of the disease, but
this did not seem to have the desired
effect, hence it was deemed advisable
to remove another portion of the limb.
Three doctors were in attendance at
the operation which was successful,
and the patient is doing nicely.
A quiet wedding took place Wed-
nesday at the residence of the bride,
the contracting parties being Miss
Charlotte Robinson, of Kirkton, and
Wm. Geo. Hart, Seaforth. The cere-
mony was performed by the rector of
St. Paul's church Rev. W. Races, in
the presence of the immediate relatives
of the bride and groom. The bride
was the recipient of many costly pre-
sents. At the conclusion of the cere-
mony the invited guests repaired to
the lawn where it dainty repast was
served and all joined in wishing the
newly married couple many years of
happiness and prosperity. The bride
was gowned in white organdie and
valenciennes trimming. Her travel-
ling suit was blue Indies' cloth and
duchesse satin.
Mrs. James 1llooro very pleasantly
entertained a number of friends to a
five o'clock tea in honor of her sister
Mrs. F. 13. Carden from Detroit. -Mrs.
A. Brandt was in Ailsa Craig Friday
attending the sale of her mother's
household effects. Her neither return-
ed with her and will reside here in fu-
ture. -Mi .. Ynngbin •'s father and sis-
ter spent Sunday with her. -Geo. Mc-
Ewen, grain buyer, is making a ship-
ment of peas to Bermuda, ---Miss %Veil.
man of Kirkton is visiting Mrs. (Dr.)
Ferguson. -Quite a number from here
attended the sports at Zurich Monday.
-The following took in Toronto Ex-
hibition during the week: Miss Nes-
bitt, Ned Shaeffer, Miss Alp tle llen-
gongh, Will Weismiller, Douglas Nee -
lands, C. Cook and wife. -Chas. Mc.
Done!!has returned from his visit to
Forest. -Miss Rawles has returned
to Clinton after a pleasant visit in
town, -Mrs. Stiles left last week for
Racine, Wis.--Mise Alice Petty has
gone on a trip to New York. -John
%tulle has 1eeovered from his recent
illness. -Mrs. McAllister has returned
from the West, where she visited with
her sons for some weeks.-- Percy Simp-
son of Centralia assisted in the barber
shop (tering the absence of Fred Manns
at the exhibition. -Mr. Johnston of
St. Louis, Mo., is here visiting his
wife's soother, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs, John-
ston and children hive been here for
some time. -James Reid. wife and
daughter, who have been visiting Hen -
sell relatives left for their home in
Toledo. Ohio, last week, -W. Hart,
divinity student. and Mr. Knight of
Lambeth are visiting the parents of
the. former, Klippen (circuit parstmege.
The Rioter occupied hie father's pub.
pit on Sunday evening. Ile preached
a very Able sermon and is cut lsinly n
very promising young elan. - Mr. Con-
tin visited here Monday with itis nu•
tonlobile. - Mr. Miners, who has been
clerking in J. Weistniller's store for
some time lies gene to Alviston where
he lies accepted It good position. His
wife and family- will remain here till.
spring.--Itet'.yniitli has returned ft•oni
his vacation end is again occupying
his pulpit. His congregation wei•
ppleatse•d to see hlni hack agnin.--Thr
`hisses Mc('iary of London visited at
Mr. Rushesdoting the holidays. -
Hugh Buchanan is home _Iron) Tor-
onto suffering from an attack of rhrn-
ntatis111.-13et t lVhitemsn, who has
been a student in 1)r. McDiermid's
drug store for the past two years has
taken n position with a leading drug.
gist of London a
nd left for r the shove
place Tuesday. He is 8 g0o(1 arcnmo-
dating clerk and n very 11831) stndent
RIM will do well in hi. chosen profes-
)n.---('(or onion kings, Ortwein and
talleeorttbe, are hn+y these days at
Mir• onions. -Thr Indians are using
e skating rink SS a 1t
his week
d ail' busy spreading 31
may eat a biscuit
it, but when you
There is
all the diff-
erence in
the world
eating bis-
cuits a n d
biscuit eat-
and not taste
think of bis-
cuit eating you think instantly of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Crisp, delicious and tasty.
Absolutely and distin fly
superior to any other make.
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer.
Mrs. Ferguson of Toronto is visiting
her sister Mrs. Wm. Stewart. -Alfred
Ford, after ,pleasant visit here with
his father, bas gone to Thorndale to
visit his brother, prior to leaving for
the West. -Michael Brethour, our
grain king is busy preparing his grain
for the fall fairs.-Itev. T. E. Sawyer
and wife have returned to Lucknow,
after spending a few days in our midst.
Miss Kirkwood was this week visit-
ing at the manse. -We are pleased to
learn that Evelyn, the little daughter
of Eric McKay, is somewhat improved.
-Mise Carrie MacKenzie is visiting
her sister in Toronto this week, -Mrs.
A. Sproat is also visiting in Toronto.
Miss Marjorie Mclvor 18 spending a
few days in Hamilton. -Miss Edna
Strong is visiting in Seaforth.-The
Misses Grace and Edna Edmonds have
returned from London. -L. Davis of
London is visiting at Chas. Edmonds.
-Miss Genetta Murray of Corrie is re-
newing acquaintances bere.-The har-
vest is almost finished here now and
threshing has commenced in earnest.
-Mrs. (Rev.) Johnston and family,
who have been visiting at the manse,
returned to their home in Toronto
Monday. -Mr. Balfour left last week
for the West. -Mrs. Wm. Moore, Mrs.
James Chesney and Miss Marjorie Mc -
Ivor are attending Toronto fair. -Alex
Dolg of Michigan spent a few days
here last week among his old friends.
Mr. Doig though still quite a young
man is rapidly climbing to the top in
the law business. -Miss Barbara Mc -
Ivor has returned to Clinton. -Harvey
McLean called on Seaforth friend
Saturday.-Will Hay and Will Mc-
Gregor left for Manitoba Friday. -A
number from here spent Labor Day at
Bayfield. -Miss Ethel Caldwill has
gone to Regina to visit her brother. -
Rev. D. Urquhart spent a few days at
Carleton last week.- The many old
friends of Malcolm Fisher, 3rd conces-
sion of Stanley, will be sorry to bear
of his ill health.-ltev. and Mrs. Barn-
aby of Belmont visited here last week.
-Wm. Johnston, wife and family of
St. Louis, are here on a visit. -David
Blair, who has farts property at Hunh-
bolt left for the west last week. -Many
in this vicinity were deeply pained on
learning of the death of Jas. Canning
of Dublin. Deceased, previous to go-
ing to Dublin, was for many years a
merchant of this village and few were
better known or more highly esteem-
ed. He leaves a wife and family.
/r. ,
99.90 Pure
Th:rt'. what makes
S. George's
Lly Powder
so satisfactory. 1t is the purest
(.ream of Ta:'. r faking l'uwilcr
that Science can make.
Send for our free Cook•itook -
fe:11 of choice new recipe&
Nosiest nun sr Che•miral en.
to Of Cr.t:,,,y.. 1.n..::. -•I 1.1 nocol.
in Tour spare time at horse, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all to learn tic teach on
cash or instalment plan. We also teach a
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of ca(1)
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest ..hitt waist suit, to the most elabor-
ate dress. The thole family can learn front
one course. We have taught over seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollars to any one that
cannot earn between the age of 14 and
40. 1'oa cannot learn drt ss -making a•
thorough as this course teaches if you
work in shops for years. Beware of imita-
tions we employ 1
tl. ns a i en k no one outside t
g y he
school. This i• the only experienced Dress
Cutting S. hoot n Canada and excelled by
none in any ether country. 11 rite at on. c
for particulars, as wehave cut out rate one-
third for a short time. Address :-
31 Erre St , sirattnrd, Ont , Caned*
Brewed from se -
AS K , FOCI • I tested hop., choice
barley malt and
pure spring water,
with the utmost
care. Bottled at
the brewery depots
to snore proper
handling. That is
why Labatt', Ale
is equal to the fin-
est, surpassed by
none, though it
costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods.
India Pale Ale
Term Opens Sept. 3
Highest Price paid for Grain!This &chcol being the Leat has become the parr;•
est business training School in the West. We hap e
three departments: Commercial, Shorthand and
ITelegraphy. If interested in obtaining a practical
education, write for our ire% catalogue. Graduate,
assisted to positions.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655)
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to s p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department
Until further notice Interest on fist Inge accounts will be
credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly.
• Deposits of si and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Western Fair
The Exhibition the People all LiketoAttend
KNABENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of
Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks
after programme each night, concludingwith
that grand display, "The Siege of Gibralter"
Send to Secretary for Prize Lists, Programs and all information.
W. J. REiD, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
London Sept.6-14
Mr. Evan Dew and family left Sat-
urday to spend a few days et the Tor-
0uto fair. -A large bus land from here
attended the Duron picnic at (irand
Bend Saturday. A good day is re-
ported.- Mrs. W. 11. Keddy and two
children, of Detroit, are visiting at.
Mr. Walter Keddy's.
St. Joseph
Miss Pauline Plante has gone to
London. --Miss Mabel Charrette is vis-
iting her sister, Mi'. Luke Nigh at
Seaforth.-The Trustees of the School
iloard have engaged the service of
Miss Katie Gunohoner of }Hamilton
for this term of the year. --Fred E.
Dllcharme has gone to Seaforth, where
he has secured a ftood situation.- The
Misses Sadie and Josie Masse, who
had been working at (irand Bend for
the intperiel House, have returned
home. - John Geffroi, who has been
spending about ten days itt Windsor
and Detroit, has returned home. Mr.
%Vetherspoon of AIlse ('isig. contrac-
tor who WAS awarded t he contract for
the cement abutment on the bridge
smith of the village, has started work
and is pushing it rapidly. after all
the trouble he had too haul his gravel
from the lake, but however he suc-
ceeded in moving a road to the lake at
Held on Suspicion For Parkhill
Parkhill, August 8). --Fire complete.
Iv destroyed the barn of the Hat.tings
Aconite here this evening. For some
time it WAS feared that the blaze would
spread to the hotel and destroy it. The
Hater supply was poor and the brigade
war a long time in getting to work.
The fire is supposed to he of incen-
diary origin and a elan manes] Murray
WAS arrested at Thedfot.•1 this evening
and is teeing held in connection with
the affair. Murray is (aid to have been
turned nut of the hotel during the af•
terno(n and was seen :o take theeven-
ing express just a fee minutes before
the blaze was discovered.
The lose will be $3,000, on which
there is $1,000 insttrance,
Are rots Courting Trouble
1)o not neglect your Kidneys and thus
court the return of your old friend Rheu-
matism for the Winter, start at once taking
and by Winter your Kr.ltleys and System
will be fortified against Rheumatism of
any other Kidney trouble.
SOB. a bow at Drug Store, or by Ma.i 91
I .
• s)
firings the
clothes line
to you. You can
stnrtd on your
own hack steps
in winter time
and hang out a
whale washing
without having to
drag the basket a foot.
We believe the "Davis" is the
hest reel made and we want to
. .
t r ,. c It to you. Sunil us your
name and address and we will
send you one on Trial without it
costing you • cent. 4oa
LONDON (sox 165) on.