HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-05, Page 1YYcddiggMitalio4s We print invitations on the newest of peeper, with the newest of type, at a reasonable price. You want something nice. The ADVOCATE Ottico tfr flot at Real Estate Changes M 1. i oil reason- abb. I • I n.,. V e have nu - equalled facilities to tent, sell of Lily either farm or village property. Try it. SANilIilts & ('ii-. it. TWENTIETH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1907. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: $3,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 21:S111,1US JARVIS, Esq., - - - !resident RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq., First i'iee-President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., - . Second I'i,r-President IdoN. U. MCMILLAN, ARCI[. CAMPB,CI.t., Esq., M.P. A. E. DyatENT, Esq., M.P. 1'. G. Jeatatart, General -Manager. If0N. PETER MCLAREN, W. K. McNAI'GIIT, Esq., M.P. At,r;x. DRU'CY., Esq., K.C. R. CASSELS, Asst. General -Manage,. Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, II. ARNOLD, Manager Henson Branch The Old Reliable A few days more and Fall will be here. We beg to announce that OUR FALL GOODS ARE COMING TO HAND DAILY And when completed we will have as fine a display as we have ever shown. This week we are snaking A SPECIAL SALE IN 'immoisillEADY-NIADE CLOTHINC In Mens' Boys' and Youths. Latest styles and patters. If you wish to have a snit made to order we can please you with the stock as we carry a fine line of Tweeds and Worsteds. New Sats, New Ties, Collars, Braces, Etc. Everything in Gents' Furnishing line that yon require. Highest Price paid for produce iCARLING BROS. Protlesolossi Cards. Da. 0. F. ROL'LATON, L. D. 8.. D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. C. I). 8. of Ontario and honor Graduate of Toronto University. OPYICF: oyer Dickson & ('arling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. gibiDR. A. It. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.• Honor graduate of Toronto universes. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Once ober Olwlman & Stanbury's office. Main street iss W r. Medical AT. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. t'nhy.) MEMIIER • College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. newer Muse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. aollins. Residence: East on SM street north of oMce, Exeter, Ontario. Leis'. DIOKSON t CARLiNO, BARRISTERS, 8OLIC1- tors, Notaries, ('oreevancers, Commissioners. Solleitots for Molsons (tank. etc. Mouoy to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter. 1. R. OARLt'o, B.A., L H. Diessos MONEY TO LOAN. W. have a large amount of prh ate funds to loan in tum and village properties at low rates of Inter est. (MADMAN & STA inuRY, Barristers, 8oliciton,Main et., Exeter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal In•orp.nrated itocletr of Must ions, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Chur•h,Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music. Terms on alpplication. Exeter, Ont, Two Farms for Sale or Rent The undersigned is oft.rin: for sale or rent. Lot 12, N It., Itiddulph, roataininx 111 sores, and the i. , are faro, on the opposite side of the road, Ushorne Pp' , being I Lot 1.2. on the former there is *good tri' k house, 2 barns (one t.ankl: driving house and many other improvements. There are no buildings on the it' a%re.. Thi. 1. an excellent property and will t'e sold separate or combined at a very reasnu• able pnoe. For perticulan apply to THOS. KENSF.LA, Whalen or to DICKSON t CARi.INO, Earter Ivry, gym, Iti'lfrIlF11, 'Ur 'IF Mr CLINTON 'BUSINESS COLLEGE Educates to inert the living demands of a progressive Age, Most exact ing, modern city offlees delighted with our graduates. Our manage - merit trains more young peo- ple annually than any other in Western Ontni ie. 11•e have incorporated the coun- sels of our TEN 1 EACH ERS into one grand unexcelled whole. Both courses for price of one. ilay students may attend night classes free 1 1 1 1 4 •1t Term Opeen Sept. led 4 Enter ally that'. individual Instruction. Write far h tndsonte eat liEO, St'(►'iTON, Print ipal. i else A rte: Aid! Jai Aka Farm for Sale The undersigned is offering for sale that so sere, of land, being parts of lots r and t. in the ht con. of the tillage of Eceter, also the line brick dwelling and three lots on William street, adjacent to the farm. There is on the farm a frame barn and all ix well underdrainol. Farm will he sold without house if desired. Tenus easy. For particulars apply to JOHN IIAWKSIIAW, Fatter House and Lot for Sale. 'i acre, being part of lot 15, Con. 12, l-ehorne. On this property there is a good brick cottage and stable, if riot sold will be rented. Apply to T. CAMERON, Auet, Farquhar Farm for Sale or Rent. The undersigned is offering for pale or rent, 1.t I., North Boundary, Biddulph, . ontalning 1e° terra. There is on the premises concrete house, brick kit . hen and woodahtd; bank barns, gnat orehani, 2 good wells, about 5 acres bush. All seeded down but about to acres. Will be sold or rented at • reasonable figure. For particular• apply to. 111C11. 1.I'KEIt, ('F'NTR.IL.IA. Farm for Sale I2.5 a' res of goes! land, being i.nt 19, and W to 1s. Con. 1.1, Ilibbert. noes' property, well built, well situatet end mast be sold. Terms eaoy. apply to T. ('AIIERON, .tact., Fargnha DR. PINGEL LONDON, ONTARIO O GIectrlcal treatment of ellseaaes of women a specialty. Extensive Auction Sale of Horses. Mr. C. E. Hackney will offer for sale by Public Auction ori FRIDAY, S E i'T.20t h at ('OM1t1'.R('L1I. tl(►TEL, EXETER a choice lot of Work Horses. Oo1N and Drivers. Ml in first class condition. C. Pe Re Wreck at Caledon, :.n excursicn train jumped the rails at 4'aledon, near Toronto, on Tuesday morning tet i► o'clock, and six people were killed and twenty•two more or less badly insured. Five rats followed the engine down the embankment, ani were Pm/milled beyond repair. The train was running ata high rate of epecd and did not slow down when roll riding the "horseshoe" curve. it is not customary to slew down although the cur we i. one .+f the most decided in the country. Four calla did not go over the ern- yy anknlent. the injury. t Sunday with y Andr w Labor Day at Exeter.More Firebugs at Seaforth A Ltrgt• nataaller ftnilt hart• pietierd tet e (i„uui Bend on Saturday and report a splendid tinct. -Rey, H. Hazelwood Seaforth, Sept. 3 -Last night the to ftlrulcr jinni)). pastor of this circuit, Baseball Games tuwit was ecce more thrown into a supplied ter Hey. Fair last Sunday, state of consternation by a series of Iter•, 1•'ttit'tieing away for a few weeks fires, the first of which occurred about holidays. %Vel tutnn & %Vard vs Exeter IJ it WortmanAt Weed vs Crediton Is 1 Creditor) vs Exeter -- 10•'2 Labor Day was an unusually active one in Exeter this year. Hitherto the day has been allowed to pass otT with- out any attempt at any kind of sports, but this year the baseball club took advantage of the day to secure three games of ball, and the result was many people, who would otherwise have gone away, remained in town and large numbers came in from the surrounding villages and country. Exeter beat 1Vortnian & Ward in the morning by a score of 0-t3. The club expected that the spectators would see a first-class exhibition of ball when 1Vortrnan & Waris of London and the Crediton Stars played in the after- noon but the green or something else did not seem to suit London in the afternoon with the result that Credi- ton made five in the fitst innings and kept on piling up the score until the eighth when the game was called to allow London to catch the train, the score then standing 18-1 in favor of Crediton. Whether that first inning broke London's heart or whether that organ was "busted" before they came on the ground is a question. They early lost interest in the game and so did the spectators. To give the latter• something more for their money a game was arranged on the spot be- tween Crediton and Exeter in which the former won 10-3. A good crowd was on the ground in the morning when AVortrnan & Ward played Exeter and the game proved to the best of the day. Henley and Reynolds were pitcher and catcher' respectively for London, while Catling and Hoskins did sirniliar duty for the hornesters. London went to bat first and made 1 run. Exeter blanked. In the second both teams failed to score. London made 1 in the third and Exe- ter three, The visitors failed to reach house in the 4th and 5th while Exeter made 3 in the 5th. Frequent connec- tions with the ball and a bad throw in the sixth gave London 4, while Exeter made :3. Landon failed to score in the seventh and Exeter had no need to go to hat in this inning the score standing 0.0 in their favor. Carling played a fine gauge and had all kinds of strike outs to his credit while Hoskins be- hind the bat is a wonderful boy, afraid of nothing and plays all the time. The other Exeter players were at them- selves throughout and showed great improvement. The following is the line tip and score: LONDON %fc('onnell 0 1 Shannon 1 Sherritt 0 U Reynolds 0 Quick 0 Flynn 0 Rowe t) Carrothers 0 Henley 0 EXETER 0 0-1 1 -2 1 -I O 0 -0 O 1 -1 0 1 -1 O 0 -0 O 0-0 O 0-0 Harding f) 0 1 0 -1 Powell nevelt 1 -1 U McConnell 0 0 1 -1 Carling 0 0 0 1 -.1 Heitman 0 0 (I 0 -0 Creech 0 (1 -0 Hoskins 1 u O -1 Ilttwkeluaw 1 I -2 Knight 1 0 1 -2 The biggest crowd seen on the recre- ation ground for many years witnessed the afternoon game a goodly number coming out from Crediton. The Stars were at themselves all through the gator' and piled up 18 runs, while Lon - den, as has been mentioned, only touched op Rau for a few hits and played ragged ball in nearly every in- nings. Even when playing up to the mark it is doubtful if they could trim Crediton, as that village has its fine a lot of players as one would wish to see on the diamond. Steell, the catcher, enfettenately gut a badly smashed third finger on the right hand in the seventh by being hit with the ball and his place was (ilk ell by Wolfe. ft is Piot necessary to individualize as every Maly knows t hat earn ('redibon player plays his place in pretty good style', while London's !test playing was done in the nut field whet they gathered in many goad flies that looked like two or three baggers. The players and scores were: McConnell Shannon iherritt Reynolds Quick Flynn Rowe McConnell Ell vva rd s Rail Brawn young Kerr Brown Beaver Fahner Mc('ue Snell a quarter to nine and the last at half ----- -....m..-- past one. The firs[ was at the Grand StC1)11('ll Council Trunk ft eight sheds, but was noticed Council met at thehl'„wn Hall, ('red• before it had made Innen headway. itun, Monday, Sept. 2, at 1 p.m. All Handfuls of waste cotton saturated Members present except Councillor with oil were found in different {,arts Sanders. Minutes of previous meeting of the building. read and adopted. Resolved that Step - tatter a !umbet' pile was on fire, also hen Webb attend to the settlement of it kitchen adjoining 1'. ,Veleh's house. gravel. taken fro,u the pit owned by Special constables were. appointed Mrs. Elliott and that the Clerk procure but even then the fiend succeeded in the services of good practical men for destroying Wen. Fortune's barn and the purpose of manufacturing con - contents. trete tile and to instruct them to keep a proper record of the actual cost of the respective sizes manufactured, for ADDITIONAL LOCALS the information of the Council and further that the Clerk notify the de- liquent gravel contractors, that if their contl'actsare not completed by the 20th hero visiting. inst., the council will re -let and {told Mr. A Marchand spent Monday in the contractor responsible for any loss Preston and other plaices. the Council may be put to. Dr. Harry Browning of Caledonia, The wafter of appointing a Collec- llMinn., is borne on a visit. tor of Taxes was laid over until next Mies Annie Easterbrook has return- meeting when the Council will he ed from her visit to Seaforth, pleased to accept applications for the Mr. E. Senior of Toronto spent the positions. holiday with his parents here. Following orders were passed: G.T. Mr. �':d. Fowell of New York is visit- R•, freight on concrete tile moulds, ingMrs. Fowell at Grand Bend. $'1.:31; J L Thomas, et al, drainage taa'arde 7S5,i o ' Mr. Geo. Cudmore is spending a felt Sr Ross. Taylor Co., hint- Mr. in Kipper.' with his brother. bee, $75.35; W White, plank on cul - Mr. and -Mrs. John Pedler left Tues. vert 50c. day to visit friends in Fraserville. Council adjourned to Oct. 7, at 1 Mr. Mark Mitchell of London visited P.nl, -11• Either, ('lark• his parents here during the week. - Mrs. Jos. Lanrbrook and father Mr. t.Clltr:lliA Robert Fanson are visiting in Oshawa. Mrs. Geo. Burney with three child - Mrs. Townsend of Toronto is the ren of Brockville is the guest of her guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mal. cousin Mrs. Thos. W. Neil -Air. and loy. Mrs. D. Maguire of Lcntdon and Mrs, Miss Gladys Ford, after a pleasant Braunton of Lucan visited at the home visit in London, returned home Tues- of T. Neil last week. --Miss Lillian Sal - day. ton returned to her home Monday ev- Mt•. and Mrs. E. J. Shapton are ening after visiting her sister, Mrs. spending a week in Hamilton and To. Colwill,-Miss C. Bell of Boston is v'is- ronto. iting her aunt,Mrs. Cochrane. -Luther Mrs. Lowe of �Varroad, Minn„ is Pymm spent Monday with his mother visiting her daughter, Mrs. Richard and sister.-Ethelhurt Butt and wife Davis. of Detroit are visitors atthe parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart arrived -Austin Duplan is attending High home from Muskoka and Toronto School at Cocain -Mrs. George Bxyn- Wednesday. hang has gone to visit with her daugh- Mrs. Jas. Creech, Jr„ and daughter tees in Manitoba. --Miss 121:7,2 Nevins Laura, left Wednesday to visit friends of London is visiting her aunt Mrs. at Ithaca, N. Y. McCoy. -The Epworth League. will Miss Edith Ranney of Milverton take the services in the Methodist visited her cousin, Mrs. G. F. Holliston church Sunday, Rev. Butt being away over the holiday. on his holidays. -Miss Blanche Smith Dr. Arnos, who has been holidaying is visiting friends in Port Perry. -Mrs. at Muskoka tor a couple of weeks, re- Andrew !licks returned Saturday ev- turned home last evening. ening after visiting friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, of Grand -After a two months stay with Gor- Rapids, Mich., are guests of the forst- don Wilson, Lloyd Rosenberger has er's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, returned to London. -.Miss harsh Neil Miss Lillian Butt, after spending a has returned from her visit to Sea - few days with Miss Olive Westcott, forth. -Miss Evelyn Simpson has re - returned to Clinton Tuesday. turned from a very pleasant visit in Miss Blanche Atkinson returned Woodham. -A number front this vi - home this wt'ek front a few weeks' cinity are attending Toronto exhibi- visit in Owen Sound and London. tion while a number' intend taking in Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Follick arrived London fair next week. ---Labor Day horse to -day from an extended trip to passed oft very quietly here. --Misses Wester n Canada and United States. Mattie and Lydia }landlord are visit - Misses Carrie Dyer, Addie Morlock, ing their sister Mrs. Will Foster at Merril Gould and Miss Itickt..eil, mill- Tot•onto.-Miss Allis Wilson is visiting iners, returned horse from Toronto her sister at Strathroy.-Owing to the this week. inclement weather Sunday thecongre- Mr. 'ef G, Handford of Dowsman, , gatiols was small in the Methodist R'is., arrived here Saturday to visit i church, but those who were. present in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hated-) the evening thoroughly enjoyed the ford, for ten days. sermon by Rev. Batt. his subject being Miss I(osy Finkbeiner of Ilier•lin "Early Pioneer.” spent Sunday and Monday with her (Intended for lust week) sister Mrs. Esli Heywood, returning Ppt:sENTATtox--On Tuesday even - to Berlin on Tuesday morning. ing of last week more than 50 persons Mrs. (Dr.) Browning, who has been assembled at the residence of Mr'. S. on a six weeks' visit with her son, Dr. Davis to bid farewell Miss I,.Anderson, W. E. Browning at Caledonia, Minn., one of our popular young ladies. who returned home Tuesday. has left for Vancouver. A general Mr, and Mrs. 1Vm.Wilsun of ('opies• good time was spent though there ton intend stowing to Exeter. They was a spirit of sadness at the prospec- will reside on Mimeo', street. Mr•s, tiye departure of so estimable a young Wilson is at present visiting at the woman from our midst. During the home of her father, Mr. C. 11. Horsey, evening a beautiful and valuable siI- herP• ver tea service was presented to her by her many admiring friends. Miss Free Steamboat Excursion to Detroit istura Britt read the address and Mies Ida Abbott matte the presentation. Several short speeches of rongratulx- tion on the one hand and regret on the other were trade by the guests present, as Miss Anderson has gone to the Pacific Coast to wed tier bethroth- I al, who is a railhead ►nail. She took her departure on Wednesday evening, troit and return, en the first-class, ,t large number gathered at the rail - steamer King Edward, leaving (lode- 1 way station to hid her good-bye. Bich at 1► a. tn. 11'ednestlays. Sept. 18th - - rand 'Sit h, returning leave Detroit O a. iss }erid 1 and of Ph1svh. All tickets Builders' 111. Fr on and after and1 Ph will be good LONDON on last trip up. (" 7th1 o _ Regtllor season round-trip rate is $3, 0 u 0 0 0_0 Only a limited eumbet' of tickets will u 0 0-0 be apportioned. therefore applicants O 0 0 -0 should immediately advise us dates of O -O their expected arrival, and price of 1 0 __i rooms desired. (guests may remain a 1) 0 0 _-0 few :lays, then take their trip and 0 0 0 -0 complete their week on retnrn,ot they 14 0 -0 may arrive' just in time for boat trip ('Itl•:DITON and stay whole week on return. Ho- tel rates. $0 to $12 weekly. include 1 0 (► (I (1 -1 comfortable rooms and first-class 0 0 1 0 1 1 -3 tneals. Do not arrive before afternoon 1 0 1 0 1 -3 of Saturday, lath, as all morns are be - 0 0 0 1-1 ing engaged until then by (1 xicrich 1 0 1 0 n 0-2 "Old Boys and Girls" and railway, 1 1 0 0 (1 1-3 and steamboat and municipal repre- 1 1 0 1 0 0-3 sentatives coming to official celebra• O 1 0-1 tion of C. 1'. i3. entrance into (lode - 1 0 0 -1 rich. The Summer Hotel is beautifully sit - Mrs. Ed. Treble and Leon are home from London. Miss Mabel Follick of St. Marys is An Ideal Autumn Holiday. The Goderich Summer Hotel hereby offers, free to each guest paying for one week's entertainment on or after Sept. !Rh, a special round trip ticket. good for an all day bake and river ride of 130 miles each way, Goderich to De - A six innings game was played be- tween Crediton and Exeter at the con- (Well on the hill•crest, over'ooking elusion of the London Crediton game, Lake Huron, its broad, covered veron- ica!) the players slightly changed, doh (Z41 feet longi being 122.1 feet above Powell. Harding and Mc('onnell'splac- the Lathing beach. interesting, illus - es being taken by I'Alwards, Spack• nian and ('rocker. The result was in favor of Crediton 10 3. Hee. McI'hee of Loddon umpired the first and second gamete and did it well. in fact he was the whole life of the second game. Geo. Anderson umpired the last game satisfactorily. Sea forth: Alex Gordon, a prominent (.,rater of McKillop, carne nearly Ins• ing his life by the breaking of the 1.111111('x' Its. A. E. titetval t :ung children of somet(11 have returned horse after visiting tel.ttiwex here' for the past week or so. --Hiss Vera Glenn is at- tending Clinton yodel. --'.Hiss Step- henson of Listowel is the guest of her sister Mt o. sessplt Vance. -Francis Kyelima l returned home this week floul'l'oronto.-- 1(.1(. Glenn and J. E. McDonnelIlensall spent Sunday in yitchell. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart lutnounc•e the Mal 'lags. of their d:ulgh- ter Lett to Arthur N. Campbell, to tteke•plaeo early in October. Bitl(lull)L The severe A -4•0111(:t( storm which crossed 1Vesteru Ontario Tate Sunday {tight did considerable damage espec- ially by the destruction of barns,tuany of them filled with freshly -harvested crops. The storm Which in many cases was accompanied by wind and hail, was quite general, and despite its darn - aging nature tt':t • greeted as :t results Godsend by the fanners. For weeks the distress caused by lack of rain has been considerable, crops being dam- aged, pastul'es ailing Land trouble even being experienced in getting water for stock. Mr. Perrin, w•lu lives on the boundary line, lost all his cro os, which were stored in his bard, and several head of cattle. Dian, -The death occurred at Vic- toria Hospital, London, 011 Sunday morning when ,Ii -s. Ellen Blackwell passed away as the result of Bl'ight's disease. Deceased was (13 years of age and bad been ailing for over two years. She was the fourth daughter of the late Frank Neil, of Ottawa. She was a former resident of this township and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. About twelve years ago the fam- ily moved to London where they have since resided. Five dauughters and three sons survive. — + — BiRTHS MoLLAIID--At Grand Bend, Sept. 2, to Adelhert Jlollard and wife, a daugh- ter. FORHEST-At Parr Line, Hay, Aug. 27, to Jno. Forrest and wife a daughter. VEAL -•At Ailsa Craig, Ana, 25, to F. Veal and wife, a daughter. STS(•KI.E-At Bronson bine, Stanley, Aug. 28, to H. Steckle and wife, a daughter. MARRIAGES. C'ASAI':LI' -Crum-In Clinton, Sept. 1, Samuel G. Cassels to Miss Libbie Crich, both of Clinton. HAItT-ROBINSON--At Kirkton, on Wednesday, Aug. 21st, by Rev. Mr. }Lacey, Wm. George hart, of Win- throp, to Miss Charlotte I(obieson, of Kirkton, ORATHIS CAIttasl.R-in Seaforth, on Aug. 28th, Sarah Carlisle, aged 0t) years. FALL FAIRS if you are going to exhibit at the Fall Fairs this season the smallest details should not he neglected. A little thing may go tt long way toward the showing to ad- vantage of your teats, horse or outfit. Not Only in Harness Do We Excel but also in Light Open Bridles, Tan Halters, Bt idle Checks, Collar Tops, Whips and Rugs. It Would be Wise to purchase now ()Heave your order, thus insuring satisfaction and no dis- appointment. W.J. Beer, Exeter Hardware No old shop-worn stock, clean, new, up-to-date Hardware for houses, barns and buildings of all kinds at close prices, bought last fall before the rise. GLASS Just received an important shipment from Euro1-e. All sizes in stock. Barn glass 11 specialty. trated. eduontienal folders tnai ed free - -s on reg0Pat immediately. BARN DOOR HANGERS Elimville The harvesting is nearly finished and already the fall wheat seeding hos comaler+ced.--D. itowclifTe and family of Exeter spent the holiday with friends herr.-Mrs. Root. 13irlch rind Miss Florence B. ,end Mrs. .1. Crone of M. Marts visited at the home •ling rope allowing the lift of hay to of Mrs. W. s the first of the IEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STO'YE STORE fall on him, He ahoy not recover frsem .week. I. Andrew and tamil • of ('rom• The reliable Round Track Hangers, two sizes, $1.00 and $1.25 per pair, also Myers. Loud( ns and �V deux Hangers. The best Bangers and at the best prices h arty spentun ay a .—