HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-29, Page 6i
Copi d:it Dn. by 1'be Ma— nalta CO.
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation.
There are many ailments
directly dependent upon con-
stipation, such as biliousness,
discolored and pimpled skin,
inactive liver, dyspepsia, over-
worked kidneys and headache.
Remove constipation and
all of these ailments dis-
MAN -A -LIN can be relied upon
to produce a gentle action of
the bowels, snaking pills and
drastic cathartics entirely un-
A dose or two of Man -a -lin
Is advisable In slight febrile
attacks, la grippe, colds and
COLUMBUS, 01110, U. S. A.
ONE s it U.1. C\NNEttY 11 \\ULES
10,0110 FISH 1► tlLV.
flow They Are Put 1'p and
\la(Ie heady
for Market -Attie,' tiers ails
Are Scarce.
Nobody unfamiliar with the Pacific
Coast eon realize in what enormous
numbers salmon are there caught. One
dismisses with an incredulous laugh
travellers' tales of the salmon jostling
ens another ot.t of the crowded Fraser
!fiver In their haste to get up strewn, an
Englishman all Uto lime thinking of Iso
Fraser as like Scotch salmon river.
Though it would lake a good many
fish to fill a Scotch river so full, yet even
then it could not accommodate enough
to keep one of the smaller Canadiun
Cwineries at work for a season.
Al one of the=se smaller ennneries 10,-
O.M► to 12.1100 fish can be dealt with in a
day in busy season. and there are can-
neries. some of enormous capacity, all
nleng the coast, itt the Stales as well as Baby's Own Tablets cost 25 cents n
in Canada. lex. x. A box bought Fnve your
Yet, in spite of Iso multitudes of fish k now may
tsken, there does not seem to be tiny baby's life. Summer complaints come
diminution In the numbers left. The often without warning, and thousands
of little ones (tie from them every sum-
mer. If children: stomach and bol -
cis are kept in order there is little dan-
ger of these troubles, and that is just
what Baby's Own Tablets do. They
Isere of being welcomed back again when
the ealnwn has gone down to the sea
and the works ure, shut till next year.
When the fishing seals huv.• taken in
Itaeir haul they set buil for the Steveston
wharves and the salmon is flung ot,l in
great txnps--hundreds, thousands of
them, on the wide floor, men wading in
them knee deep, heaping then up con-
veniently for the machines and the men
and women to begin work.
Several kinds of .snlmon there are and
Iwo aro easily pointed out. The spring
salmon is best In flavor and is the only
sort ss rvel on British Columbia tnbtes,
lett it is pale colored and the ignorant
public will not buy it. so it is not used
for canning. The /sockeye i; what is
tinned ; it is more abundnut, %silk deep
rod flesh. and all the fish are of a size.
Some of the spring i s anon lure larger
than others and most of them are larger
than the sockeye, but then spring
salmon vary in age and sockeyes aro
After four years of ocean life they go
up the river to spew!' and, having
spnwnd, they direr -die all along the
river banks, or, if they are prevented
from getting tar stream, die in heaps be-
neath the barrier.
Every four years there is n ghat, when
fish have to be thrown into the sea
again (Lecause the canneries enrolee dis-
pose of all that the fishermen bring),
when wasted salmon lie all about the
Steveston wharves, and when suimon
are sold lisVancouver for a cent a piece,
which is less even than it sounds, be-
cause a cent is not a recognized coin in
British .Columbia ; nothing casts less
than five cents; there are no ooppet:s in
circulation, and, as for the salmon, the
housekeeper would have to take five for
iter nickel, inasmuch as there is no such
thing as change. Fortunately the glt.t
did not come this year. for there was a
shortage of labor as it was, and spring
salmon were selling at 35 to 40 cents
A long row of Indian women working
at a board seize trio ILsh from the heap
and gut thein, Use next worker cutting
off the heads, tails and fins. Then they
are washed and sliced by machinery (by
means of circular knives, similar to those
used for culling plunks of wood), so that
the slices are all of one thickness, and
fit exactly,. into the Sins; these also,
with their lids, are cut out and soldered
by inachincry and hold just a pound of
fish each.
The slices of fists have to be fitted
into the tins by hand. This woinen do;
but once this is clone there is
The processses through which each tin
goes are elaborate, but machines have
been gradually perfected to accomplish
them all. All that the men have to do
is to keep the machinery in order, to
lift and shift the trays full of tins and
1 ; watch for the defects revealed by care-
fully devised processes.
On each fillet tin a lid is fixed and
soldered, a hole axing left in the middle.
This hole has to be soldered by hand
(and so also has another hole pierced at
the side, 10 lel off the steam after the
first heating), which is done in huge
iron ovens, tho process lasting an how'.
No plan has yet been discovered by
which salmon can be tinned and yet not
cooked more than one would like to have
it. The germs must be killed and the
air in the tins must be completely steri-
lized ; and in order to effect this great
heat and considerable length of time are
I lecessa ry.
Finally when the tins hnve been sol-
dered for the last time they are lowered
By trnyfuls into tanks of boiling wales,
men standing over them with great pin-
cers to remove any tin Thal emits bub-
bles. After this, they ore cooled and
sta^kc('1 and left not less than a inoofh,
(.n the chance of further leakage ets..w•-
ing itself by the bulging of the lin owing
t -t the formation of g1Ls inside. Then
they are labelled and are put upon lite
RABY:S 11011) ON LIEF..
I►••n►inion Government enforce close
limes strictly. says the Quern, and tnuch
ads.. is (lone in fish hatcheries to protect
the ysit.ngt fish till they' grew sizeable;
snlnlon 'tiny be only netted for n few
:• re EWA for the new born baby or the
weeks in July and August. 6
Even then there Is n close time from yell grown child -and they are fibso.
fs eelew1, es. l y Snturdny morning 1111 G Is.lely safe. Give your child lin occn-
o'clock on Sunday night. It is a pretty stens! dose of Tablets and yeti will keep
sight on a 'unday. when the sun hegins it well. If you have not got a box of
fedi!). to sty the gleet of fishing tools all Tahtets in the house now, send for
nut on the bread. smooth Fraser 'liver teem at once. and you may feel that
uniting to cast their nets the moment your little ones are sate. Mrs. \\'m.
Ih, G o lewk gun i.s fired at New \Vest- I'hrrott. Myrtle. Ont„ says: "sly little
!Minster. The fishermen are mostly 1•,y suffered gr.011y from colic. and riled
lap/mese.almost continuously. A few doses of
This ns only one Melting ground out of the Tablets cured Mtn, find now 1 {rive
matey„ and the Sleveston canneries on I'4' Tablets occnsionnity 10 prevent the
1't:gtet Sound. a few miles trans ride out trouble returning." Sold by medicine
of Vancouver City, though dealers or by mail at 25 cents n trot
1'111: LARGEST IN CANADA.(remThe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
ore By no means the Drily flnurishing
Bs'inesses of the kind. Sleveslon is
quite n large leen. a Chinatown in great
part. for Chinamen and native Indians "is John Jones one of those men who
do most of the canning work. The Irl- thank every Jack must have his Jill:!"
(hon settlements are quite deserted in "Iles one of Iliose oleo who thinks
the summer time, ezcepl for a few old every Jack must have his pint."
woolen and children ; for every mon, ---
woman or girl who can held n knife is Are you a sufferer with earns. 1f you
sure of employment at the salmon can -
In Vancouver in the (*tinning season
it Is tamest insros'ible 141 get se'rv'ants,
'they like the change et einpk,yn►enl , be- f
nre, get n Wile of 11o114 wa 's ('.,ret
Ctrs. 1t has never been known to fail.
for cook" oro ggenernily 1:hines4s. and The vest I•(rlin of the earth's sur -
hoes, they corn high wngr._i and ore nce that is covsredl with water, and
n:e vast mass Ihnl covers h.make a
Fairly severe -train on one's heed when
Ise trig mentally to grasp them. The
ocean sea. and lake surface ef our pinto
; let esltnssticd at suamctliing like 115,-
15;Ga11,() .quare mile?, with an averngge
depth ef 12,000 feet. and is calculated
to c,.ntnin not less than 3.270,Gasii,t0,.
flss,rnif tons of water. The risers of the
earth ort' estinsnlcd to have n fklw suf-
fu.ient lu unser 36 cubic smiles of the
nl,.s, siren each day. New. if all the
is were suddenly dried up. anti
ths : ,s 15 could mainlnin their present
10'. of fbsw. which. ef eohrse they
,: 1 n- 1 esiee'ut °scan evaporation.
1 ss.:, .1 Inks 3,500 years to refill the
t s •1.
I.•1 1 \fl. a; „07.
1 , ,. funnels of the Greed Eastern were
Bk1 1, et in length.
The think of England five -pound
IP lir h;'. never 14'(*n worth less then 11!4
(see value Since 1520.
According to advertisements all sum-
mer resorts are alike. They are :be
test ever -but if fishing is better 'Iny-
where else than it is in "Geergi,in
Ruy" we do not know where it is. There
i; u greater variety of fish in This water
than anywhere else, and they are al-
ways hungry. No one ever counted the
fish in tis' Gcorgien Bay, but th•-s:
That have been caught there have bees
counted and eaten, and if you read the
(k vernment reports on fisheries, you
know that Georgian Bay supplies more
Ilsh then any (eller equal body of water
the world. The only place you can
afford to fish Es where the fish sur nlnn-
er.;us, big and delicious in flavor, and
that place is Georgian Bay -sol the fish-
ermen say. Suppose you send for book-
let. issued by Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem, free, telling about the home of the
Lass, pickerel, pike and the noble (rout
family. Address J. D. McDonald, Un-
ita. Station, Toronto, Ont.
A novel departure has just been made
In the cookery department of lire Bir-
mingham (England) elementary schools.
Orsce a week lite pupils, whose ages
range frons eleven upwards, are token
out by the cooking mistress on a mar-
keting expedition. Various shops are
visited, and the girls instructed (in front
of the window) which articles to buy
and which to avoid, and those most
adaptable to certain dishes.
Cucumbers and melons are -"forbid-
den fruit," to many persons so consti-
tuted that tyle least indulgence Ls fol-
lewed by attacks of cholera, dysentery,
griping, etc. These persons are not
aware that they can indulge to their
heart's content if they have on hand a
bottle of Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordite, n medicine that will give irn-
me:isle relief, and is a sure cure for
alis summer complaints.
There is n great deal in putting a
thing nicely. A prisoner was being sen-
tenced the other any. "You have a plea-
sant home and a bright fireside, with
!nippy children sluing around it, haven't
you?" said the judge. "Yes, sir," said
tete prisoner. who thought he saw a
way out of the difficulty. "Well,"said the
judge. "if the happy children sit around
h.4' cheerful fireside until you return.
they will slay there just forty-two
rent ones, at Singer stores. iluy hero
and deal with lite manufacturers. The
Singer Company is permanent and re-
f-iwn-ible; its representatives are always
at hand to care for Singer and Wheeler
k Wilson machines. Look for the Red
S Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write
us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, tar
set of gird Cards tree.
After a fire which recently occurred in
South Wales an assessor sent in Isis re-
port to the insurance corporation, a por-
lkan of which ran as follows : "The jun-
ior partner informed me that rho fire
was caused by an arc light on the first
floor; the senior partner told Inc that the
lire was caused by an incandescent light
ort the second floor; but my own opin-
ion is that it was caused by (It Israelite
in the basement."
There cnn be a difference of opinion
cq most subjects, but there is only one
opinion as to the reliability of Mettler
Graves' Worm Exterminator. 1t is safe,
sure and effectual.
After a man gels to be about so old
nil the romance has oozed out of his
Puts you on Your feet and keep+you there
11 tt + whit "Ferrorins ,I,e4 for all tho-n re
to'e,ina form w,tdin,; disea.ns. it is the hest
tonic in eti.tonee, It stimulates, nourishes and
builds up the system.
For perfect irrigation of meadow land
1.700 tolls of water are needed per acre
per month.
Impurities In the Blood. -When the
oetintt of the kidneys becomes impatr-
ct: impurities in the bled are almost
sure to fellow, and general derange-
ment of the system ensues. I'nrmelee's
Vcg,,e'nble fills will regulate the kidneys,
so that they will ruaintain healthy ac-
tion and present the oomplicntions
wls ch certainly corse when there is de-
rengement of these delicate organs. As
a rc.storative these Pills are in the first
r nnk.
KEEP 1'I.\Itl . iN USE.
11 They are forked Assay They Lose
ftenuliful Sheen.
Pearls should be worn frequently to
preserve them. If you take a pearl
necklace and lock it up you will find
thud in the cosine 'of yenrs the pearls
'become dull and lose the shorn that
tnnkes them so valuable.
Ileirletems which hnve been carefully
treasured will sometimes he found to
have deteriorated in this way. They
lr so their glow and in some instances
become almost black. Pearl neeklncee
r.cver keep so well es ellen they are
c:.ns ably nn the necks of their owners.
11 has been suggested that personal
h:tlucnces finds Fomenting te do with
lie matter. but 11 is toorc likely tent the
effect to due to light and air. You con
wear pearls practically its long( as you
111,e -certainly for fifty yenrs-ond they
%%mild give nn indication ef Change. Lund
v - r: might leek penrla up and perhaps
in twenty yenrs they would show signs
o; ".lying." Vete ares howewer. snys
of re'useilnline pear! but the fact Ihnt
they die is quite clear.
WOOD AS S'1-IIONe i 1s 1110N.
Recent official tests of the many va.
h:olde hard woods nnthe to Wcslcrn
Alistrnlin have n►nde known the cstrn-
ordinary properties of pile. believed to
tie the strongest of all known wands.
Its average tensile strength Is ::4,(P0
pe lends to the square in -h. equalling
ibal et geed east iron. Mil many speer
►nems are much stronger. ond one was
tested up to 17% tons to the square
inch. which Is equal In the Icnsi;e
strength of wromght iron. The sawn
Umber of y'nte 1s prohnl ly 1t,:e str'ng.
(sl in the world. 'lite free gums to n
tuaximun► height .:f -.1(11) feel. noel 1154
e.nnelitne. n diaiccter of ;'s; f -yl, t.r
even 3 feet.
This cold -water starch
gets ironing -day over
quicker, with less wear on
the ironer'a enuaclea and far
less on tho starched pieces.
Gives a beautiful {;lose,
Needn't beboilod..yet cannot
stick. It's a starch you'll lik e_
T r :j It fete
+r tif..1mm.a1
Professor Berg, in Buenos Ayres, tuts
discovered a spider which practises flsh-
ing, at tunes. In shallow places it spins
it tween stones a two -winged, conical
eel, on which it runs in the water mei
captures sinal! fish, tadpoles, etc. That
is understands it work web is shown
ty the numerous shrivelled skins t f
little creatures (hat lie about in the web
No Alcohol in IL -Alcohol or any
other volatile matter which would im-
pair strength by evaporation does not
in any shape enter into this manufac-
ture of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Nor
dei climatic changes effect it. 11 is as
serviceable in the Arctic Circle as in
the 'Ferrel Zone, perhaps m ore useful
itt the higher latitudes, where mat is
more subject to colds from exposure to
the elements,
"Here," said the clerk at the Skinnew
Ilotcl, "\V4' have boo servants." "Well,"
said the departing guest, "I must have
overlooked four or five. I'm quite sure
1 haven't tipped so many as that"
Do not give up In despair,on who wafter.
!won obstinate di+llgurement4of 153ekin. Anuofnt
;he sore spots with \S•earer'e Comte and purify
Inc,blood with Weaver's Syrup. All druggists
teen theta.
When n man's popularity begins to
wane his neighbors usually get busy
and assist.
A Cure for Rheumatism. -The intru-
, uric ACid into the blbloods
is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains.
This irregularity is owing to a deranged
and unhealthy condition of trite liver.
Anyone subject to this painful affection
will find a remedy in Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills. Their notion upon the kid-
neys js pronounced anti most beneficial,
and by restoring healthy action, they
correct iinpuritics in the bloo(je
"Oh, madam," said the French maid,.
"lido will not cat se bon -bons." "The
dear intelligent little doggie!" exclaimed
Mrs. Rich. ''there must be something
wrong with those bon -bons, Ckoe. wive
them to the children."
ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scratches end
every form of contagious Itch in human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol-
fcrd's Sanitary lotion. It never faits.
Sold by all druggists.
That you label your own work.
That few men succeed tuslll they try.
That work is only a Inwalns ; character
is 011(1.
'l'thehal sincerity is the foundation of all
toast work•
Thal every. mon Ls destined to do
something vc,rUh white.
Thal it is easier to do good work than
pe.or, if you once learn how.
1'I►at the only way to keep your credit
credit good is by paying yew. debts.
Thnt no ono can hold you down if you
are determined to sueseed.
That a sensible employer is more enx-
k,us to push you attend than to hold you
Uses to \\hull they Welt. Pal b) People
a Fess Centuries .\p•,•
\\'e are familiar nowadays with spoons
et many shapes intended for every
variety of purpose, but some old fash-
ioned styles arc now merely curiosities.
There is the old-fashioned marrow
s141011, for instancy, whisk was used for
extracting marrow from hones. 1t was
rondo doulte, , (1114' end bring used for
snlnll bones and the other fur those of
15. rger bore
Another example is the mulberry
sie,011. This has a perforated tosyl and
n y ikcd and pointed handle, says the
I not. ss Globe. 'tile implements were
inuelc for use in a day when uu.Ibcrries
were mrd' more commnuly Catera than
lhcy are . the present time. \\ illi the
performed bowl a little sugar was
sprinkled on the berry, whish was thin
ojnveycd to the mouth on the spiked end
of the handle.
'fisc intro ductkln of t: n led to the mak-
ing of u variety of new kinds of spoons,
including the necessary benspeon itself,
Edirne of which still remain in use. while
others have disappeared. At South Ken-
sington may be seen, for example, a
curious collection of the line scoops so
well known to our great-grandmothers
as "caddy spoons." Tea caddies of the
old-fashioned kind have long been super-
seded, and when the caddy with its two -
lidded and metal tined end compartments
and the sugar bowl in the cavity Between
went out oef rase Ilse caddy spoon or :.'cop
disnfpeared also,
Another obsolete curiosity is lite snuff
spoon, svheit, in the days when nearly
eservbody look snuff, and took it every-
where, was used for conveying the
scented powder from the box to the
hand, or in some cases direct to the
nose. Coq.dle spoons and pap spoons
also are out of dote. A Llangollen gen-
tleman a few months ago, wrote in a
Shropshire paper that he laud in his pos-
session a silver pap spoors which hod
been originally given by the !Marquis of
Exeter to n member of the lloggins
family of Bolas. The possessor of this
sl:oo5 remarked that it had been given
to him by his father, with the wish that
it should be handed over to the first mar-
ried in each succeeding generation, for
as such it had come to him through the
internanrriage of the two families in
years gone by.
Three hundred years ago (here was
Tyne at Ilford, in Essex, which held more
than a quart. Others of more legitimate
make were such as the curious combine -
lion implement with which folk of That
date were familiar. \Vhe► most people
stilt dipped their fingers into the general
dish to help themselves to meat, more
(minty diners carried about with them
all implement which was n combination
of spoon and fork and toothpick.
The fork was at the back of the spoon,
while the handle of the double article
was finished off with a little figure ter-
minal, svh(cit served ns handle for lite
toothpick. 'The terminal figure was a
very favorite tomo of spoon ornautentu-
1t is most familiar in the . Apostle
spoons, of which original sets fetch
such high prices and of which. Inilerday
imitations are so abundant; but the
figures were by no meats confined to
the Apostles. In some cases the srooits
were curiously finished with double
hands, which con hardly have conduced,
one would think, to convenience of
handling. A curious but decidedly un-
pleasant form of ornament gave its
Hume to the "death's head" spoon, which
wiz- made for commc►norotivc purposes
-a very unattractive kind of "memento
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
-safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest
-cures diarrhoea without t!tc harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. 4s
Cures 26c. -et drug -atoms.
National Drug t Chem•
ry int Co., Unsited,
1Jl�rrhoea Montreal.
Underwear made-to-order. for you couldn't
possibly sacci w fit nor oval
in 'cake
Can't shrink : or stretch not bind nor bulge; out-
lasts other kinds ; and is sold with a eutrateatee
that insures you againrt asy possii le fault.
'1'tade-inarked lake this
In red as ure sign of
value. Made in many
fabrics and tyles, at
various prices, in form-
fitting sizes for women.
men and children.
Buy Direot From Manufacturers
and Pare money. F:n,tlish agent i. open L. tiny
f r t'aua.11an atnrekeepers or others N risk.
*rite for p+rllcuiare. ts'. a. iNSLF7w, rs Waif.
ick It w, Stratford, London, England.
Kilt thea* all.
No dead Aloe
rate, weed as
-- leOLO elf ---
1Oo. per paok*t, or $ paQliette for 250.
will last a whole Moon.
tie cath est Pei!
•"•.w rib•
t,..r.� r,. P, .-,.... w r......r ...
p.n.hr•.r. M...r. a....., .,.•
a., r, .q,., `--.Y J,.� I,Yr..--
W ... W M
TM — -.o.+ —. owl •r.r •.S.Kam,
T•••-•• ••••••••••••P
oncr0A eo'ureT,rv, tss
P,.,,,, r..,, •r
Ricer and Gulf of St, lair ai
Bummer Ornisss in Cool Latitudes
Twin Screw Ian Ha. "('.,rnpana," with electric
tights, electric hells and all modern c,mfort•.
1 p.m., Dth and 23rd iieptember, and fortnightly
thereafter for Melon, N.54.. calling at Quebec,
Gaspe, Me' Fray, Noce, Cape Core, (irand Ricer,
aumtner.tIe, 1'.E.1., and Charlottetown, P.14 1.
Summer k,nursltn'. 555 by rho new Twin
Sere, YP. "nermudLn,' 5.ifn ton+ Sailing 4th,
14th and 25th September. Uth. loth a, i 4nsh O ••
tuber, 6th, loth and ::7th November. 'tempera
tuft, cooled by to.. breeze+ eeld•,m rise.. eburs 61
de res'.
rhe fluent trips of the season for health and
ARTHUR AIiEi1N. Secretary, Quebec
A. F. OU'1'F.IIItHIDGF. & CO., Agents\
ft) itrotdsvay, New York,
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind of a roof every
minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof
that will probably leak after the first rain
hits it, and keep leaking till it is rotted away.
Either roof will cost
you about the same in
money at the start.
But the " Oshawa" -
shingled roof will be
ally; and wind -proof —
actually ; and lightning -
proof —positively. That's the hundred -year roof!
And that "Oshawa" hin;Jed roof will be
weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN-
TEE in every way for a quarter-century—from
now till Nineteen -
A -P1
Thirty -Two.
Guaranteed in writing
for 25 years ---and you
needn't ever paint it,
even ! That's saying
something, isn't it ?
What would your
mill -ratan say if you
asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even
ten years ? He certainly would make remarks!
And even the best cedar -shingled roof will bo
leaking badly inside of ten years.
Seven out of ten of them leak the
first time it rains. No wood -
shingled roof is fire -proof for a
minute, and the first high wind
that catches a loose shingle --
whoosh 1 goes half your shingl.'d roof
over into the next township.
Yet cedar shingles coat you just
about the Arise of these guaranteed
"Oshawa8hfts(yles---2l5-guage tough-
ened steel, double galvanized -good
for a century, gguuasrtanteed in writing till .1932, -fire -
and -wind -and- there
9.42,-fire.and-wind-and-wether- and lightning -proof.
Four -dollars -and -s -hall a square buys "Oshawa"
Galvanized Steel Shingles
-tem feet by ten feet.
Compare that with the
present price of cedar
shingles - how does it
strike you
And you canput on these
"Oshawa" Galvanized
Steel Shingles yourself,
easily, --- with no tools but a claw -hammer and
snips. Simplest thing you know -can't get 'em oa
"Oshawa" Shingles lock on all four skis,- whole roof
is practically one sheet of double -galvanized steel, that
never needs sainting.
"Osha Galvanized Steel
Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
w a "
don't overlook thst. Guar-
anteed in writing, over the
seal of a company with a
quarter-milli•n capital
guaranteed in pin'in
English, without any ifs
or buts, for 25 long
That's the argument in
a nutshell cost the terse
as wood - shingles ; fire -proof, water -proof, rust -
proof, lightning - proof ; easier to (tut on ; and
CUARANTEEU. That's the "Oshawa ' proposition 1
Tell us the measurement of any roof, aed we'll tell
you exactly what it will cost to roof
It with less work and for ices money.
Plenty of facts that concern your
pocket -book come to you as soon as
you ask for our free hook, "Roofing
Right." A post card will do to
�� ask on,
f' Why don't you ask now?
,,,��. The Pedlar People • • • . - .
5:1.3 Preis; -r. w. 11 t'. 1! pose tit. 1,5 Nowt Of Oa.7Iia
en llnadu Si.
;5 L.n:,in-d Ff. 615l e 'ler ` L