HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-22, Page 6AN ITALIAN MIJRDERED
Stabbing Affray at Collingwood
Results Fatally.
A despatch from (:oflingwoexl says :
An Italian and a knife are responsible
for one mares death, the victim being
Antonio Ferri, a inen11►er of a gang et
Italians engaged on the sewerage work
herr-. The alleged murderer is Libretto
13uzzi, one of the same gang. The IrY)u-
h'e occurred on Monday afternoon, un41
arose over the payment of a shape 111 the
purrhase of some liquor, t(iizzi, it is
bund, refusing to ray his share. As far
u, can be leru•ned, rhes twee nleu Ixe-
Ca1110 engaged 111 11 St'1•i(eU:i quarrel, when
Perri threw a glass al Rizzi, sir(, rushed
at hint "nth a jnek-knife, stubbing Tina.
Ferri '.' removed 1 , the hospital, wher•ce
upon exatnIinntioli 1)r•. elettroonw found
two very deep gashes and four smalk'r
wounds, one of the former being over
the heart :old shoo otlu'is in Ihe 111)(lornen.
alt:zzi immediately nude off, met Inas
not yet been captured. 11 i-; believed that
h.• is hiding in rho wcxxts a few mules
Toronto, Aug. 20.--Onktu'ie \\'heat --
1\c 010181; No. : %vItite, 8Ic to Kee new
%% teed. about sic to 82c.
Manitoba Wheat --Ealy; No. 1 north-
ern. 934: to t)JXc; No. .2 northern, (Jac.
Cora -Steady; No. 2 yellow, 63%C to
l'►ic Toronto.
Barley -No. 2 Nominal at 50c outside.
Oats -Nominal; No. 2 while, 42c out-
s`de; new oats, 38c to 39e. Chatham
heights. Manitoba -No. 2 white, 133 e
:o 44c on truck at elevator.
-Peas-Nominal tit 75e for No. 2
Flour -Ontario -90 per cent. potenLs,
:33.e5 bid. $3.1) asked; 11ew wheat flour,
out of th.e t(,wn. Perri lingeie,l until
e3.10, Manitoba first p►atrmte, $5 to 85.2');
early on Friday 1nor1►ing, 130 toile hi, seconds, $1.40 to $4.50; strong bakers'
death he made hi, wi11, leaving s,►ute 4'4.2') to S1.:30.
8bi)4) nit a Iucul btutk to a hi••,thor, l gun- ligan- $fel. 511 to 517, hulk outside;
111:110 Ferri, vho live; uL �uult. :tit('. sttw•ts, $211 to a20,5O outside.
Alarie. Ile) uL;O made an ante -:,torten::
stalentel►L before' John Nettleton, Police
M+igintrate, in which he gave the cause
of iti•e gt.urr•el. ns already stated, and
admitted fine he was the first offender,
throwing a drinking -gloss at Buzzi, who
rushee1 at Mini, stabbing Irian six tittles
\vitlt his knife.
'three Million Feel of Lumber and Dock
A despatch !nun Sault Ste. Marie,
Ore., says: A destructive fire at Blind
River, at all early hour on Thursday
morning. did $I50,(0) damage to the
Wails of the Dominion Lumber Co.,
Al.+ore and McDonald, Moulthrop i.u,n-
t ee (:o., Hope lumber tee, Morgan
Lt•niber Co., While Pine Lumber Co.
'11:c fire started from an unknown cause
at the extreme end of the tramway, on
the water feint, and before being no-
ticed had gained considerable headway.
The firemen at Blind River were unable
lc cope with the conflagration and the
services of the "Sow" brigade were re-
m:csled by wire. The docks held about
7.000,000 feet of lumber. nearly half of
which was destroyed. The firemen were
c(anlpelled to remove a portion of the
trrnlway with dynamite, and throw
the lumber into the river before the
fire, could be stopped.
Caused Panic at Performance at Meri-
den, Connecticut.
cle.spotch from Meriden, conn.,
sans : A skunk wandered into the audi-
'(ei i14nt of rho Hanover i'atrk Summer
Theatre on 'Tuesday night, a woman
screamed and the eight hundr ei pversone
:'i the audience leaped from their seats.
Women joined 11)4'n in clambering over
I thigh railing. Policeman \1. J. Kelly,
unfamiliar with skunks, attempted lo
''r.(,'h the animal, but retreated and,
slainoling; at a -ate distance, opened tiro
'with his revolver. Ile cemptied it. but
114 .10' of the shots took effect. Frank
\!,:Nath. one of the spectators, cornered
'0e' skunk nlid killed it with 1t club.
'Viten he went home by n Cul:1rilous
ir►ute. The management announced to
vacant chair; that rho performance was
called off.
ONLV 111111' A PACK.
Salmon Canneries lla.e Ilad a Rad Sea-
son- .l1) (HI fear.
A despatch from Ottawa says : lie-
pperts of the 1•'i.teeriee Department show
that the salmon pack 'hi; yenr will be
en exceptionally poor one. The 13ritish
1:clunlhia Packers' Association estimate
the pack at 225.11110 closet of 18 round.
each as ngainst 473.674 cases in 1003 the
corresponding "tiff year. The season on
1';. Fraser Inver ck)s t on August 25.
rind before that dato the deficiency can -
riot poxlibly be ntnde up.
IN)ISON I\ 1:1N\H:1► I1l:1NS.
New fork Woman Nearly Med al
A despatch from Brockville says : \h•;.
i:i'tsetnnii. of Nev York 1:ity, a h.) has
l•l'en camping up the river flour ih wl:-
:Ilio, nitnost lost her life on \Weolne.:day
frau' L'cingl poi;tdNsd by eating canne'(I
beans. Iter condition t'ralnc v) alarm -
leg that she was tmught herb' and
'laced in nn hospital. She is now re.
perked to iMe 'noel) better. Intl is tad yet
:nit of (anger, although she Is eeepc'tctI
to recover.
11111IO\I SI:I1111'1: 1'011 C1N‘D1.
1i''o,:►i�ed for Seplrnihe'r Next al Noel -
era ie ((ole', 1'' cape Breton.
A despatch feoun i.nndon says: elan. -
Cent ann•cunces n wireless service for
Canada In September from (:lifton. Ire-
land, to rape Breton. 'i'h(e ordinary
tde will be 511.. and the press rale Sid.,
pplu, land charges. A large volume of
bt:sinesa is expected.
Remarkable Exhibition of Strength and
A despatch from Moncton, N. B., says:
A shocking accident occurred at Beres-
ford, near Bathurst, on Friday morn-
ing, by which William O'Brien was
corking in his sawmill when Itis right
:teal was caught by the belt. Quickly
the arm was drawn around the pulley,
end there seemed no possible way : t
O'Brien saving his life with the deadly
r.eachinery drawing hint to certain death.
O'Brien, who is a powerful man, resist -
c•1 with all his strength, with the re-
sult that he saved clans life at the expense
of his right arm, which was literally
tern irnl its socket al the shoulder. The
mill hands were horrified at the ter-
rible sight. O'Brien, \who exhibited
:each great nerve, was perfectly- con-
scious, but suffered excruciating pain.
The accident happened just before the
arrival of the east -bound Campbellkm
express, and the Injured man was ',lac -
cc: aboard of this and hurried to Bath-
urst for medical attention.
Two Others injured at IniranI(:w 11
Quarry, N. Iii.
A despatch from Newcastle, N. B..
says: A triple fatality was the result of Floor --Choice spring wheat patents,
the collapse of a steam derrick in the $5.10 to $5.2+); seconds. $1.51) to $5.61);
lediantown stone quarry on Friday winter• wheat Patents. $165 to $4.'15;
morning. The derrick was lifting a straight rollers $125 to $135; do.. in
la. 81.;15 to
g.', $2.10; extras, $1.65 to
Ilolled Oats -Remain quiet at 82.25 per
Ileg; cornmeal is steady at 81.15 to
i1.5►5per bag.
Millfecd-\lanitiba bran in bags,
t.ged 46; Herman O'Brien. of Indian- 82+►; shorts, 52:3 to g25 a ton; Ontario
kiwi', single, aged el. Two others wero 1 rite it, bogs, $19 to 819.50; shorts
sert)usly injured. $2:.5t) to $23: milled mouille, $24 to $28
per toll; straight grain, 830 to $32.
Ilay--No. 1. $17 to $17.50; No. 2, 815
to $16; clover, $1:3.50 to $11. and clover
mixed. $12.50 to $1:t peer ten in car lots.
Butter --Townships are quoted at 22c
lo 223 ei Quebec at 21Xe to 21%e. Ite-
ccipls to -day were 2,477 packages.
Cheese -Ontario, I1 yc to 11%c; east -
erns, I Ic to 3 L3'c.
Eggs ---Sales of selected in single cas-
es were made at 20e to 21e. and round
k.ts of straight receipts at Iii'/,e. No.
1 candled at 17e to lac, No. 2 candled
at 12c to Ile. and No. 2 straight al 12j;c
re! dozen.
Previsions -Barrels short cul tress,
$.2 to 5:2.54); half bl(rre's. 511.25 to 811.-
7,e clear fat back, 823.50 to $21.50; long
cut heavy mess, $20.51) to $21.50; half
barrels slo., $10.75 Io $11.50; dry malted
l.ng clear bacon, 10c to 11, o; barrels
p•:at' beef. 814 to 5,6; half barrels (lo..
57.51 to $4.25; barrels heavy mess beef,
$10; half barrels do.. $5.50; compound
Inc.]. l(l3'o to 10%e; pure lard, 11%c le)
1.1''c; kettle rt'Ildered, 1:te• t•1 I3yc,
harm. 12Xc to 15%e, according In size;
bt eaktast bacon, tic to 15%e; Windsor
(U,co 1. 15.: lo 15"4e; fres!' killed abat-
toir dressed hog,, .x'l.75 to 510; alive,
86.75 to 57.65.
Gutter -Prices are (inner all round.
Co. ame•ry prints .,., ,.,. ,. 22ctoetc
do eolids .... .... .... .... 20c to 22c
Dairy prints .... ........ 19c to 21c
de solids ....19c to 20e
Cheese -Firm at • 1.23;c to 1251 c fur
large and 12%c for twins in job lots
Eggs -Firm at 18yc to 19c; selects
quoted from 19c to 19%c.
Beans -$1.65 to $1.70 for hand-picked
and $1.50 to $1.55 for princes.
Potatoes -Eastern, dull at FOc to :)Oc
per bag; new potatoes, firm at $3.25 to
a:1.50 per barrel in car lots on track.
Baled flay -Olid hay Is practically
nominal at $11.50 to $15. New hay is
steady at $12.50 in car lots on truck
Baled Straw -$7.25 to $7.50 per ton in
cur lots 011 track here,
Dressed (logs -$9.75 for lightweights
and $0.25 for heavies.
Pork -Short cut, $22.75 to $23 for bar-
rels; mess, 820 to $21.
Smoked and Dry Sa!'ed Meats -Long
clear bacon. 1Ic to 11%c for tons au41
ewes; hares, medium and light, 15%c
to 1Gc; heavy. 14%c to 15c; bucks, 16%e
:o 17c; shoulders, 10%c to Ile; rolls,
11'/.,c out of pickle lc les titan smoked.
Lard -Steady; tierces, .12c; tubs, 12%c;
pails, 12'/,c.
MONTRE.11. MA1RKI-:'I''4.
Montreal. Aug. 20 --Outs continue first
and n steady business is being done.
Sales of round lots of Manitoba No. 2
while were trade et i>(%r and car lots
at 49e per bushel ex -store.
stone. the weight was great and the der-
rick fell. \tanager Ilood had a very
narrow escape; feri'4' enipkeyes were
killed and two were. hurt. The killed
'ire: --Jos. Czornv, a foreigner. single;
1:harles \W. seminal. t,f Indianlo�wn.
(.Iassuare, Bottles and a
Wooden Partition.
A despatch from Sydney Mines. N.S..
says: 5.11 explos:on in \Weddlelon's candy
kitchen occurred on Wednesday after-
noon. Miss Josephine Oranl was stand-
ing behind Ihe counter. within two feet
of a soda fountain cylinder charged !o
one hundred and fifty pounds' pressure,
which suddenly exploded, sending glass-
ware. candy. bottles and other para-
phernalia flying to all directions, and
(aestroying 0 wooden partition. Miss
Orani's escape was miraculous. 0111-
s:de a bad fright she escaped without
Destroying Oats and Barley in Vicinity
of Sun(lrioh(e.
1 despatch from Toronto says: Grass -
1:e ppers are destroying oats and barley
in the vicinity of Sandridge, Parry
Bund, says Mr. Anderson Elliott. who
ens been judging standing crops for the
Provincial Department of Agriculture.
The insects eat the beards of barley and
(►Ie leaves of oats, consequently. ns the
(.ate may no1 average resole than Iwo
Misfit is an acre, and the barley 10. Mr.
Elliott advised that the crops be cut at
once, even though unripe.
(:11011:111 IN POLAND.
A Serious Outbreak in the leek!' Quar-
ter of Brest.
A despntch from Brest. Tilouvsk, Po-
land, ay.: An epidermic. supe esed In
b:• cholera. tins broken out in the Jewish
quartet' of this town. Forty patients
Igoe been reported. rind Iwo of them
have ditd. The sick nee .011 Jew?. sani-
tary experts frnn \\'arsaw ars' inweslf•
wiling the matter.
It Escaped From Box in a Car at
A despatch from Montreal sad.. \ten
al out levet the Canadian Pacific de -
pies are sti11 talking of the JM" ulcer c011-
Is1gll.nlenl That came through Montreal
('11 Wednesday (en its way to Tomtit).
1! should have been transferred al
North Rey, but come ene plundered, met
so f1 cause 11.4 far ns Montreal.:A cotnpie
of Cxpressmcn stepped into the car in
♦%heti the consignment lay, mad pto-
c(',v1(ed to ('scar it out. Suddenly one
fit them gave a yell, rind. with his hair
(.h end and his e)es popping mut,
jumped for the door. Ilia companion
shouted a question niter him and turn -
<.1 to do the work alone. when he. too.
stared intently for n brief and fleeting
second into a corner of the car, after
which he emitted n yell worse than
the other one rind tried to climb up
1'.e .elide of the car in his !emir. 7 he
tart tet the matter is, the men arm n
snake. The snake had escaped from
Ihe box to the eotrrse of its trip to
Toronto, where it is to bo used for
e' hil►illon purposes.
NEW YOI(K \\ 111"U \I \It10ET.
New York. \Lig 211.-\Vheat-Spot
film; No. 2 red. 91c in elevator and 9234c
f.o.h. afield; No. 1 northern Duluth.
* L.01; No. 2 hard winter, No.
1.1\'1: STOCK \IAIliETS.
Toronto. Allg. 20. -Export trade con -
lamed quiet. I'rices quoted for top riu:t.
Irl ranged between 85 and $5.25. Geed
average quality sold from $1.75 to 81-
1*), and bull. iron $3.75 to 81.50.
Choice steers sold up to $3, with 11+e
ra•oge from 54.10. hoots medium to
cieoice sold from $1.23 to 51.50. Or•Jin-
r.ry to medium. $:3.54) to 81. \Well-(ln-
i,ticil .Yews would have sold at :33.50 :o
8t. and one or Iwo buyers professed
to:knee-Ives willing to bill 10 10 15 cents
L:gther for the right quality. A lot of
tree very roughest stock sold as canners
al 51.50 to 82.
There was no inquiry for stockers.
('nonce nominally 83 to $3.75; common.
'25 to 82.75.
Offerings of tni:kers were n little heay-
1er to -day. Choice were quoted from
535 to $30, and common to medium
from $20 lo 830.
\'rel chive were steady at 3c 10 Gc
(1(0 pt.tln.l.
Ewe: ctoli fern $1.:4) to 84.75. Bucks
and coils from $:1.5>') 10 Si. Lambs sold
from $5.50 to $6.20.
Inst week's decline in hog priers
steadies the market. Selects we're quot-
s e,1 at $6.75.
1)1 \ 1111 fl: F' 11:TOlil' 1:�I'L1)DI:�.
Niece killed anal 'I %%ertls Injure.: al
Itii. n►il,.
A despatch from Berlin, Germany,
•'�s: :A dynamite factory at lkx'inilz.
(rand Duchy of Mecklenburg.► -Schwerin,
exploded nn Tlrursdaly. One life 's
kroa'n to have been t.►.l. eight permit's
me missing. and nre regarded as kitleel,
!went) perenna sclte sl,nngere,lsty M-
ite ed and six were slightly hurt.
11.111E\INGS F'JU)%I ALL OVER 'lilt:
Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and
Other Countries of Recent
Fa eats.
7'he� SCielt Act has been repealed in
(ujti' Breton.
The Penman Co., of Paris, are open-
ing 41 factory in Brantford.
Brantford's water supply is low, and
lawn -watering is disconlin'itt1.
'1'It,. gaits$ of Uto wrecked l:ry,tul 1'al.
UCO, London, are betrug reu,vud,
The (iovei oumc'r,t will receive $24,G15
from the e',luk of the tato John Waddle.
They G.T.11. ask for a sito near Major's
11:1: Park for it. ueN �I4111011 in Otl:►wn.
The .Mart Line i; building Iwo new
slt•atners fur the* Ahotltrt'uI-(la guw ser-
The available output (if the Tilbury gas
field is placed at forty million feet I'er
Il,amillon aldermen have discharged
captain and crew of Ihe• sand pump
fear loafing.
The l:.1'.11. has lel contracts for a high
bridge over the Belly sliver that will be
u utile long.
The harvesthats commenced in Ros-
thern district, Sask., and the yieid is
reported gos,d.
A Government Inspector will be asked
te• rep oil't on the coed+'tion of several
hIlildiIlg, at London, Onl.
The 1uittreul Street Railway Company
has acquired tho right to 1111111 and de-
liver freight cars in the city limits.
\\Isoonsin paper trills have formed a
merger to secure about 100,000 acres of
I►i1p:wood in Quebec.
Leading Atlantic liners running 111
Canada are catering more and more to
second-class passengers.
Mr. Collingwood Schreiber stales that
the Grand Trunk Pacific rails will be
laic: from Winnipeg to Saskatoon this
Tho passeng,►c'r rate of five cents a mile
of the Alberta Irrigation & Caul Co. has
been ordered redu,csl to four cents by
the Railway Commission.
Bernadette Brossard, o sixteen -year-
old girl, at Montreal, swallowed car-
tx.lic acid after u dispute :with her em-
ployer, and is dead.
Canadian steamstep agents at. Mont-
real are considering the question of
meeting the cut in steerage passenger
rates made by several continental lines.
M. H. AleL cod, the new general mana-
ger of the C.N.(1.., is al Edmonton con-
ferring with Messrs. Mot,ntuin and Dil-
lil:g,aer rrgardillg the entrance of the new
lines into the city.
A lockout in ilritish shipyards threa-
tens Io fitly thousand men out of
'I'hs third reading of the deceased
wife's sister', 1)111 has passed the British
A race from Qucensloewn to New Ye►rk
will Ix'gin on Sept. 7 betweeii the Luse
tau►ia and the I.ucania.
Lord Rnseloery made a brilliant attack
on the Scottish .small landowner: bill of
the British Liberal Government.
John Redmond, in 011 address .al \\*ee-
ft.rrl, de11ouIueoel the uil'nit) rs of the `inn
Fein 114 actuated by jealousy.
George Bernard Shaw, the dramatist,
wae nearly drowned while swimming
oft the Welsh coast the other day.
The British Beard of Agriculture sta-
liaic� .how tent Britons are eating Twice'
u; much aunt Per head as tweet) years
The body of Principal Gibbins of
Bishop's (:c►Ilege, Lennoeville, was found
in the \hdland Railroad tunnel, near
Bradford, Eng.
UNrri:D s r,+,'rl: .
Four foreigners are .tears of bubonic
plig,►tie at 54111 Frandsen.
A bulldog at 1hicknway Clench has
83551 live bathers from drowning.
(contagious d&sen es, especially scar-
let fever, are increasing in Chicago.
The Georgi:( Legislature passed n hill
4i:sfriinchising all negroes in the Slate.
!'resident Roosevelt will take 10) :07.
tion personally regarding the tcleegraph-
cr,' strike.
Miss Roca 'Lipp, of Egansvine. incl.,
died of typhoid fever, brought art by ex•
cee;sive dancing.
The New fork and Bei/nude.„ ('n. has
been fined $5.S400,000 for heeling rebel-
lion ill Wenezujeln,
The tented States Treasury will l4onn
g,. veminent funds this fall to aid Ihe
nee -omen! of caps.
Fivo persons were killer) and eleven
injured by the collapse of n bearding
hobs.) 01 Chiengo on Friday.
The Secretary of the Ilunchnkist, a
(+reek organization in New fork. has
confessed to directing a number ( t
The great printing paper merger in
Hie North Central States is being organ-
ized by Ihe International Paper Com-
pany of New York.
Reenrdhs of fake weights and mea.
side's used in New York city show that
Pe people are cheated out of 813.000.-
0'.o n yenr by (heir use,
Chancellor Day, in nn interview et
Lake I'laci.l. N. 1'.. declares That Ilii'
Standard Oil Company is mote saintly
than the politicians who are fighting if.
The business of printing and publish-
ing in the I:ni1(',1 Slates shote; a big
increase during{ the last five years, ac.
ccreling to the reports at the census of-
AH the saw mills but one have been
compelled to shut (Hewn owing to low
s.'.ter in Ihe Chippewa !liver. Wis. The
5hut(Hewn will last probably till the
fa!+ rains.
Fred Sehmont, of Tomah, Wis., %% (tile
kering down on old frame hr►tlse..Iis.
cc•vo red a tin box which conlained 815.-
(.(41 in Government bonds. notes, and
Noah ('z)ffee and Fon Frasier, t►r)y.s
whe were in jail at Mayfield. Ky..
charge+1 with hurgInry, while in Ihe
poi yard locked the keeper in jail and
made their escape aver the high wall,
B,s'an,e of ninny recent nuterrobil,'
,.. ci,enls in Milwaukee, nn (,relientice
well be introduced before_ the Council
nI its next meeting providing that all
pM r::004 must pats nn examination and
granted n city license before drit ing
a machine.
Fatal End to Drunken Quarrel at
Sault Ste. Marie.
A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie,
O.;I,, says: As the result of what is said
to have been a drunken vow teal start-
ed in the \Windsor Hotel at nine o'clock
011 'Thursday night, Edward Ilynes, a
barber employed at the hotel, is dead,
and Thomas Ryan, a baa"ksntith, who
!1n; lived in the "Solo" for years, rind
is respected by all, is in the cells, and
wit probahly he compelled to answer'
Li a charge of murder.
-'i'he row started in the barber shop
fit connection \e•itll the hotel. 11 ap-
pears that !Van had had his hair cut
the shop .501)0' days ago, and while
in the shop on Thursday night quizzed
llyttes ah out it, sayhhwno
sl'IistleJ. \\'cards (411lo ing veet,at ande theas sleeet-
taetors say that Ryan asked 1Ivites to
go out into the yard and settle the mat-
ter. Hynes complied, and the two 'nen
left the shop. Hynes locking it.
Neil Mcl)uugail, proprietor of the lio-
l� wrist to the front door of the place
to call a p olirernan. and not seeing
cite in sight. returned to the rear (•f the+
house, presumably to put a slop tgr;,lr
fight. As lie reached the yard. Inti:tn
was mounting his steps to leave. and
Ilynes was ;ging,jtpon..Ute ground, ap-
Ieierently unconscious. McDougall se-
(t►1•ed assistance and Hynes was curled
irtlo the hotel, where it was found t(1►tt
t+e was dead. Dr. \i'Crae was hurried-
ly summoned, but life was etinet lung
le•fore he arrived.
'I'Ihe police were notified and Ryan
was found at his itonle on Albert
Street. It is said he expressed surprise
that Idyne; was dead, having no idea
Ilial the fight had terminated fatally.
il�nes was 3'( years of age, and came
1 ► the "Soo" from the American si.ie in
June, formerly conducting the Grant
S:,loon in the American "Son." Ile
was single, and had always been ••e-
ge:trded as quiet and inoffensive. ltyart
is about 40 years of age, 'married, and
has a family of three children.
N. Store Mattson, son of ex -Gov. GAGGED. 1301:ND %Nt) 11i:1'I1:N.
flans Mattison of \linnesota, after
.uultndering an inhcritatn,e of $1.000. -
Alan Found on :Montreal '5tr•'e' in Pili -
000, turned Irarnp kir years, but is now f Intl Condition.
earning an holiest living with a steam
si:ovel gang in New fork and likes it. A despatch 1tunl Montreal says. Gag-
ged, hound, and beaten almost into un-
consciousness, David Cadieux was
found early on Saturday 111oruiig on
11(1:" Lafontaine by passers-by, who
beheld his pitiful plight and heard his
groans. When th' two people WIto
picked hire tip and reproved the gag
from his mouth unbound his limbs. and
gyve hien time to explain the details • f
what had happened to hien, he told a
strange story- a story that speaks wol-
notes fee Ihe daring and brutality of
the "thugs" that haunt Montreal's
slrcels, highways, byways, and public
peck; in the hours of the evening.
\\'hile passing through the park on Fri-
day night, 11e was attacked by thugs,
who, after rohhing, gagged and bound
leinl. For several hairs after the held -
up (:adieux lay struggling 011 the
ground. in vain trying to rid himself
of the gag that scarcely allowed hint
13 breathe. and to free himself of lite
ropes that bit into the flesh of his arms
and legs. Al length the pedestrians,
who happened nearby, attracted by the
s( and cif the unfortunate man's gron115,
approached to where he lay met releas-
ed him.
The Germans are threatened with an-
other insurrection in their colony in
Southwest Africa.
Thirty Bulgarians and their leader
were killed in battle with Turkish troops
in European Turkey.
The Spanish (luwermmellt has t►gtnoved
this exc(s tux on importations of Ameri-
can flot,r,
A leading Parisian journalist stakes
that conditions in :Morocco indicete that
llle French are there to slay.
Pekin despatches forecast at gloomy
future for China owing to the unsettled
stat.) of Ix►liiics in the country.
Prince Firma, of Persia, will himself
pay the cost of an exixedition against the
Turkish invaders of his eountry.
Fourteen passenger,, alkl four sailors
lost their lives in the wreck of the
American bark Prussia ill \ingelinn
Catharines Man Was Supposed to
'lase Been Drowned.
A (It -spatia from SI. eettharint's says :
After being mourned for (is (1'1141 Ger the
Fast eight years Harry Shelters returned
tee the city on Thursday. 11 1:t.. thought
1,y his relatives that he went down with
the 111 -fated .steamer Bannockburn when
she sank in Lake Steelier. Ile had
shipped on the Bannockbul n but missed
the steamer. at Fart methane th114 eq..
caping n watery grave. Ho has since
wandered all around the West and down
into the Southern Stales. No word was
received hour him ley his relatives dur-
ing his \wanderings, Itis Ilomeooming
was not as happy ac could he evishcvl.
for his mother died Incl tv'cettlly and her
son knew nothing of the sad occurrence.
MAK 'rla.l.Lius 5llsT.tk1•:.
Ile Paid Out Five Hundred Dollars
A despatch from Winnipeg says: The
tel of the Bank of Montreal here paid
..til five hundred dollars too ►nueh un.)
(nay lash week. and as a result `inn I',e-
trukos, a Greek. is under urre,t. charg-
( 0. wilh having obtained the n!. eney.
1'itlrakos presented a cheek ter six him -
tired and fifty dollars, signed by M. 1.
Neville, local druggist. len oliscov.ey
that the cash was five hundred short,
Teller \\'. J. !Lipsey cluirus that 1 e
positively t':'menlbnered that he gavel
SHOT TWO. THEN iiiAiSF.Li'. ( l'atrak'►.` ten 011C hundred dollar sees
and thirty fives, thinking -.at ' ens
lialian Killed Sweetheart, Wounded Her giving him fifties instead of him 'rots.
i utrakos denied that be had the e.s11Q
Friend, (onimilfrd Suicide. 'merry. and the hunk placed I,in' udder
A (Iee•:patch from Chicago says:
\ir(•hael Drl'rain. an Italian, on \1'eednes•
day night shot 111141 instantly killed Al.
wino \'ullnlnnn, seriously wounded tier
(•('115,311, .1Iwe,n :15+,111, 1111(1 111(1) killed
himself. l)o'Train and \lie; Wtrltinann
were sold 1,1 have ts'eit engaged at ono
time, but the girl had recently refused
t' 'ninny. because of his wild conduct.
The Winn blamed the girl's cousin for hie
dismissal. Miss Award received n eevere
sent') weeetenil. , ut will rr.^over. 'rho buil-
1•e was detleeted t►y n comb she wore) in
eel hair.
1\'1)I NI)1•:1) IIIS SISTER.
'3lnessalon Lad teridentally Dim -feinted
ilifle 11 elle Loadint, 11.
A despatch fermi TIN'+•:e ,11. 1)nl..
says : What might have pr %ed :0 fatal
nccttlent occurred at the home ref \Ir•.
Ilenry Shoultz. \\ hale .lir. G,.►rge
Green. steep -son of Mr. Shoultz, was In
pad net of lending a rifle, II was dis.
chal'ged, the 1,1il1,4 pneeing through
both the wrists of his ten -year-old sister,
Matilda, and koiging in her left shoul-
der. She 55115 at once move eel to the
hosp-ital. Where Ilk' ball w,as extracted.
The lithe patient will rxover.
1'111"/)N IN 1•'O1.i1 ON1.1',
Tr,1s of %Mined Ceirnrls Not l:noi, ha
to be Dangerous.
A despatch (min Ottawa says : nes ing
Ir. rr^('nt cn,.c4 4►f apparent poisoning
fn m the Ilse of almond extracts surp-
f,e.,441 to contain pries+-: add, an analy-
,e; way made in the Deportment of In-
land Revenue of 1,5 sample:: ooll'ctel
throughout the Dominion. 'l'lle tests
show.vi 61 rrnnp lei of eeeenee r.f tetter
nllrl!►INI. t., 1,' free fty,nl prussic acid.
i10 four there' wa•t mete:' a pleasurable
weedily, Insullicient to 1'e dangerous.
arrest. 1)n Saturday in court fairs' u.t<
Wended reit guilty, and was remanded
for eight days.
Welland Girl Victim of Terrible Accident
In a Laundry.
A despatch front Welland says
1')..eho I.01hnry1, n fourtmn-year.t►Id
girl. not long out feet the 0141 Country,
u, e•1 with a frightful nceident in the
n.vla Laundry on Salur 1iiv morning.
Iter hand was caught in n mangle and
ran Ihe ough to 11r. wrist before Iles
machine a as reversed. The under r)ller
is kept title 11-;ely Beet, rued the stns.)
lintel of the howl was horribly burned.
Besides this, all the bones were crushed,
.t ring on one linger being driw.'n right
through the borne. The girl was inken
a'I the General Hospital. Niagara Faits,
nn! LII' (hcl(►rs fear that it may be
necessary to amputate the hand; (1t ary
rale 11 will 1►e permanently disabled.
1)11:1) 11 111 NI►Itt:I) 1ND 1(110:1:
Cenl.en,arian of ''.iii t e.. F:n,iegralyd tri
I:an:ue1:i 111 1s17.
deah +cn aar. i a.ia-
nrk (:orsprorantc,1rof St\\t utlt,::e ss- shl'adt,
at the home of this wide es , Malt (:or-
ceernn. Ile was a hundred and three
years of age on Februnry 21141 last, In
P.17 hr• emigrated to Canada rind has
'once HMI at Slro►ur,e.s. Ilis young-
est brother. Micthael, resides al St, (:1)l'
nr1nc4, Ile \vats a bachelor. n total ;fie'
stainer, and neer u'e(1 tobnr•c(► in any
form. Though a great r•ee.n.e•r, he newer
were gtas-.cs. 1)(nth resulted !nun a
s're,k.e of peraiy,is. tt hi:h he suffered
tlV , weeks 111.0.
1 11:1lt's 1111111.11%110N.
111:1:111u)I\l. 1 \D1:•IIt 11N.t:s. it turns Shnts on Increase of 3 hirty-
three Per Gent.
Imnritgrastiun Dvparinlenl 1.1.. Inlnrn►n•
lion irum Police. :1 despatch from OttasvA says: T!,o
t(.Ial immigration to Canada for the
:\ despatch from Ottawa says : The tuelye months ending June 30 %sr% 252. -
Superintendent of Immigration has ad- O:($. F(,r the twelve months previoug ar•
dressers a circular to pollee departments risals numb -red im9.rkit, a gain of 62, -
and eoeoners Throughout the eountry (74, or 33 per cent. lin ocean port
asking information on any immigrants the number was I9s,:40, as agalm:l
who nppenr before, police niaglstrales i:r1.11:g for fhe previous y.ar, n gain
and coroners as criminate. \\',tli melt cf 14.152. nearly 49 per rent. FMnt
inf•►rnlntkln supplied, the) depot Imam the IJnil•st Stales 111(' number was
r• call be mete lo keep ek►eter cheek on 5(11. as compared with 37,7.)t', for lel
tm,M;trnble immigrant. ani.1 d•por•1 pia -ceding )-Or, or, a loss O( 1,278, •tcJI
lliteur• 1 pet °cut.