Exeter Advocate, 1907-08-22, Page 1ti
'We print in%itation- on
the newest of paper, wit h
the newest of type, at. to
reasonable price. Von
%Vallt something nice.
Real Estate Changes
i u• e have u11-
eipi.,11e•,1 facilities to rent,
sell or buy either farm or
will:lg•• prep• -ray. Try it.
`.tN1iK.Rs & ('lti Ecll.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Paid Up Capital: $3,000,000.
. iii.ics JAkVis, Esq., - - - President
RANnol.rn MACDONALD, Esq., Firs! f •ice-lsrtsidenl
A. A. Ai.i.AN, Esq., - - Second Vice-I'residenl
Iio:r. D. SfcMIIL.r.AN,
A. E. DVateNT, Esq., M.P.
P. G. JKala1RTT,
W. K. McN.tco;itr, Esq., M.P.
ALFA.. Biter•:, Esq., K.C.
.4ss1. Ge•,:eral-Afana; el .
DISASTROUS FIRE.- The roost dis-
tlstt•uus tire that has ever visited our
village occurred here on Satnt it ty
night last and as a result a lat ge por-
t 1 'nes business a ds •s
'u o f our fineststands 1
n w a heap of ruins. The tire origin -
d in Mr. Jonas Hltrtleib'8 block :at
rear of Mr. Win. Shruntuls' dry -
rods store about 11.13 o'clock, and
spreading rapidly the whole block was
soon enveloped in flames, comprising
the dry -goods store of Mr. \V.Shrutnw,
the shoe store of Mr. Geo. Edighoffer,
the tailor shop of Mark Brokenshire
and the hardware conducted by Mr.
David Tiernan. There was also des-
troyed a small building and a large
dwelling west of the Klock, together
with Mr.Hartleib s stable at therear of
the block,this being filled with hay and
other material. Willing workers were
soon on the scene and by their heroic
efforts succeeded in saving the build-
ings in the immediate vicinity. Luck-
ily there was not much wind blowing
at the time but the little there was
Savings Bank Department.
Interest at best current rates paid quarterly.
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
H. ARNOLD, Manager Hensall Branch
The Old Reliable
We beg to announce that we have more
than we can carry over, consequently will reduce the price:
$1.00 to 75 1.75 to 1.25 2.50 to 2.00 1.25 to 1,00
2.00 to 1.50 3.00 to 2.50 1.50 to 125 2.25 to 1.75
These goods go quickly. Come early and get your choice
We still carry a fine range in Astoria Shoe -nobby goods
Highest Price paid for produce
Professional Cards.
Da. O.1. ROUL8TON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Ontarioand Honor
D. S.
C. U of
the R.
graduate of Toronto Cnisersitc.
OVVICE: Over Dickson & Carling', Law °tike, in
Dr. Anderton s former Dental Parlors.
dibDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.'
Honor graduate of Toronto Unlreristr.
?Nth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
(Keo over Oladman & Stanbury's otitce, Main street
P. MALLOY, M. 11. (Tor. t'niv.l MEMBERA• College of Fhyslciaas and surgeons, Ontario.
termer Muse Surgeon Toronto Western hospital.
ftaeceeaor to Dr. J. A. Rollins Residence: East on
Ent street north of office, Exeter. Ontario.
ton, Notarie=, (•nnceyan. ccs, Commissioners.
SeDdtora for Molsona Dank, et,
Mossy to 1.0a11 at )owe.% rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. R. OasuPG, B.A., I. II. Dickson
Mohave a targe amount of private funds to loan
• Harm sod %ilia to properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, Solleitori.M►In St.. Exeter On
William Brown
Peel. Diploma of Royal Incc,rporated S 'Iety of
leaseaans, Rngl*nd; Organist of Truitt Memorial
Oharch,Exete►. Piano. Organ, ilarmony and Theory
al Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
Two Farms for Sale or Rent
The undersigned is offering for sale or rent. Lot
12, N 11 , Itiddulph, containing 112 acres, and the
arae farm on the opposite 4411 of the road, ( 'sine
Tp.. IKing F.j i.ot 12. 4)n the former there is a goat
brick house, 2 barns (one bank):dritin,c horse and
mans- other improvements. There an no buildings
on the 54,4 res. This is an earllent property and
will i e sold separate or rnmbino1 at a ten- reason-
able price. FAr 1.artirllen app, 10
111*»' KEN.E:i.A. Whalen
4)r to hl('KSON A e' \ItI.IND, Exeter
rip WI11.11r1U'Illr 'War d
OPENM SEI'•r. 2nd
This management during the
{��Makeet year trained over Two Hun -
red young ladies and
gentlemen 00 as tatenog-
raphees, bookkeepers
and telegrap err, and placed
then) to excellent situations in
leading Canadian and American
individual instruction.
Write for catalogue
(}EO. `POTTON, Principal.
Lig....,a.t.ilk ilk it! lit :. J
1110 acres more or less in the Township of Stephen
being Lot 12, Coo, 12. There is on the premises a
good frame house, 2 gond hank barns, and other
outbuildings; gx„1 orchard and other couvenlences.
This is a first slamlawn and will be sold reasonable.
For particulars apple on the premises or be mail to
RWFI_R, hhita
Farm for Sale
The undersigned is offering for sole that v1 a,•res
4)t land, being arts of lots t and 5 In the 1st con. of
the Village of Exeter, also the fine brick dwelling
and three lots on William street, adja,•ent to the
farm. There is on the faroo a frame barn and all is
well underdrained. Farm will be sold without house
if desired. Terns easy?. For particulars apply to
electrical treatment of diseases of
women a specialty.
House and Lot for Sale.
a= acre, being part of lot 15. Con. 12, Caborne.
On this ',ripen) there Is a gar.) brick cottage and
stable, 11 not sold skill be rented. Apply to
T. CAMERON, Auet., Farquhar
Store Property for Sale
In the 1 itlx,e o1 Exeter, composed of north part
of lot 11 on the west .isle of !lain AL, consisting of
one good store and the building now used for • lost -
office, known as the Johns hla k. If not sold price
ately on Or )adore the 1 th day of August will be
sola by ruble Am tion nn the 11.1 dal• of August.
For terms and parts 'Oar., apply to 'rhos Cameron,
Am tloneer, Farquhar.
Farm for Sale or Rent.
The undersig„id is offering for sale or rent, Lot 5,
North Boundary. Biddalph, containing It) acres,
Their i. on the premises concrete hour, brick kit -
hen and n nodal -led; 2 lank barns, Itnnd nrehard, 2•
good wells, slant 5 area hush. All seedM down \� t•dt1ehday.
but about lo acres. 'Win be sold or rented at Mr. Ed, Piper. of Forest end Mise
reasonable figure. For particulars apple to. Ethe1 Piper of London spent Sunday
RICH. LCREII. CINTRALIA. with their mother here.
- Mr. W. J. Beer, Misses (iertie
Farm for Sale Sheers and Miss Ruby Treble spent
swept the immense volume of flame
towards Mr. Kellerman's store and Mr.
Ezra Tienlnn's butcher shop at the op-
posite side of the street and it was with
the greatest difficulty the buildings
were saved. The fire communicated
several time with the store. and at
times it looked as though it, would be
impossible to save the buildiog but the
bucket lir igade slid noble work and it
is to those who formed it that great
credit is due, for had they not kept
the adjacent buildings from burning
there is no telling where the fire would
have ended. The heaviest losers are
those who occupied the block. all the
stocks being consumed and Mr. Hart-
leib, tvho had his dwelling above the
hardware lost his entire household ef-
fects, including a valuable piano and
the family had barely time to escape
in their night clothing. A telephone
message was sent to Exeter for assist-
ance and an (engine was immediately
despatched but arrived too late to he
of any assistance, the flames being
completely in check by the time the
engine arrived. The loss caused is in-
deed r► heavy blow to the town as the
stores destroyed were among the beat
in the village. The loss is partly cov-
ered by insurance and is spread over
seven different mutual companies,
Economical, Waterloo, London, Mon•
arch, Standard, Perth and Wellington,
the following being carried: J. Hart-
leih$4000; D. Tiernan $3000; G. Edig-
hoffer $3000; W. Shrumm $00110.
Ed. Barrows was in London Tues-
day. -
Mr. Wm. Barrows spent Saturday
in London.
011ie Kelly has returned to her home
at Stratford.
Mr. Tumble of Montreal is a guest
at Mr. D. Mack's.
Mr. Nelson Sbeeres leaves for Fort
William on Friday.
Master Willie Birney is visiting
friends in Belgrave.
Mr. Richard Atkinson of London is
visiting at his home here.
Mr. Art. Wood of London is holi-
daying at his home here.
Mrs. Vale left last week to visit her
son Wes. at Niagara Falls.
Miss Annie Hicks left last week for
Toronto where she will remain.
Mrs. Marshall and son Gordon are
t-isiting in London and Toronto.
Mrs. Geo. Knight of Ilderton is vis-
iting relatives and friends in town.
Miss Emma Hall, Exeter North, is
confined to her bed through illness.
Miss Verse Witwer of Zurich is vis-
iting at Mr. I. Hall's, Exeter North.
Mrs. John Gould and daughter Ed-
ith of Detroit are visiting relatives in
Miss Alice Dawe of London is the
guest of Mrs. E. Treble and Mrs. F. W.
Mr. Fred L. Collins of Columbus,
Ohio, is the guest of his stunt, Mrs. F.
W. Collins.
Mr. Wm. Mellott and wife who have
been visiting here returned to Sarnia
Miss Stella li'enhale leaves to- mcr-
row (Friday) to visither sister in
Miss 011ie Quante is at London and
Toronto preparing for the millinery
Miss Eva Carlin telurned to her
duties in the hospital in New York
125 acres of roil land, tieing Lot 10, and 1V tsl`a,
Con. 1:, ilibbert. toad p►nrenv - -" h.liu wen Ur. and U. St•anbury and little The regular monthly meeting of the
situated and must 1
• • in I' -1
Grand R('na
H. J. Jones pal ing :ul wldition t..
his stttnit er hoose eta the London -i
-A grand oast-y:av,+de hill was heli
at Maple Grove on Tuesday evening.
u er ;. here alsoattend-itthe
nab tl u ► , Lt
A n from t
dance there 5%tutday night. -Mi. and
Mrs. Newton of Parkhill trete c.,llrr.
at the manse Thursday. --The ,Ilse.
Green of Bay City, Mich., spent a few
days herr last week. -Mrs. Samuel
Preszcator and sons of Steepen spelt
Sunday with Mrs. E. Gill.- Mr. and
Mrs. G►•avelle, Mr. Smith and E. Gill
spent Sunday at Port Frank. --E. 1)is-
Jardine has gone to Port F(•+ank wleie
he intends remaining. -Mrs. 1.11ie' and
son of Sebringville stteut Sunday al.
Jos. ltavelle's.-Miry. 11. Follicle has re-
turned to Exeter. -School re ,:p •red
Monday after the holidays. 111 is. Mills
sta,•umo)1- hale th.rt cout,Ie. have here
kn,"vr 10 rent lin o11th!• h.,:,e tt watch -
lag the tv.,ve- noun 10 n. u. 4,1 7% p.11 ,
dining, i•ti.iently. r4) sand. But that is
only one page otic of Cupid's note hook.
,. 1.mstint . .isr , .
H !! I 1 t
1y iecnveret1 from the recent upset
from a e il,ue, has 4.1unne,l to London.
\I,. I,••vet1 bas turned lli.. howling
green into a tennis co:trt. This 1s a
boort Whi••l) trill hr ta•eler,uted t v tilt'
campers. --51r.. S. Green h e• gime to
S.u•nia to spent) a week twit b friends.
-(it•irve fi L'••lie III Ailsa ('r:iig have
moved :heir shanty frons the (.fillies'
farm in hast Williams to the lo,land
hash at Grand {lend, where they ex.
Peet to wink f,m some time.-- As the
Parkhill stage ryas m tkitog its daily
trio r„ (i -,n 113 •4),l Tu:'.dav, a s -'cion.
it •cident was oat• 1),vly :avert.•.). Oa)
were eoluPlet, d. sortie enlarged and
utitrt� redc,•�,r.•tea1, .chile a few new
one- trent ul, t -,is. •.,.on. The sport
day thi. year ora. the hest 4)110 yet,and
the 4)l til igollu'nt +,r'• already planning
(or next a ear': gal.% day. wlticit they
1 e•
will e Wade wore for the benefit
of the campers 111,11 it previous years.
` i io8L. --The \\•t•altlt•sday evening
session of the sunooer school took en-
tirely the fot'tu oI :til entertainment of
views. Bev. Mr. ('op,•1 and of Watford
showed still pictures fest an hour and
moving pictures for throe quarters of
an bout; with the Holy iatnd as the
subject of the uta j.,i it y of the views.
A small admission fee was charged
but a good sized crowd .attended. The
views were not only interesting lltit
instructive an,l 51r Copeland very
nicely itttet•aperq,•d them with explan-
is again in charge. -Mrs. Baird spent
a few days with her mother nearThed-
ford.-Mr. Teidetnan .tad son left
Thursday for Cobalt. -Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas of Dashwood spent Sunday
last here with Mr. and Mrs. Page. -
The many friends of Asep Gravelle
who met with an accident recently,
will be pleased to know that be is get-
ting along as well as can be expected.
--Percy Mollard who met with an He-
cident a few days ago is doing nicely.
He was working at some machinery
when he received a nasty gash over
the eye. -The farriers ere all busy.
The sound of the whistle reminds us
again that tl,e threshing season has
again arrived. -A vet yenjatyable little
dance was given Friday evenin by
the young men of the camp in igen•
ner's hall. -El. Gill and Mr. Brophey
spent Monday in Exeter. -Love is so
reaching the flats: just north of the
town a load of flax was met. The road
is quite tt trroty at this pot it :uul one
of the horses became frightened at the
flax :and succeeded in trot& ling the rig
off the toad, upsetting the passengers
and co•Ite•ntg. Fortunately beyond a
little fright, no one was injured,
though considerable damage was done
the vehicle :and the driver found it
necessary to rot Orli t(1 towll and pro-
cure a hits to take his passengers the
rein under of the journey. -Only a
couple more weeks ,and the season of
Naughty Seven at Grand Bend will be
over. In fact already that are more
going than coiling. Taking it alto-
gether it hag haat a prosperous season
in spite of the Lite arrival of summer.
Not until about the middle of July did
the cottages fill up, but front then on
they were well filled. Several cottages
tory remarks. On Thursday evening
the session took the form of a temper-
ance meeting. On Friday night a con-
cert was given at which vocal and in-
strumental music added to the enjoy-
ment of the evening. Saturday even-
ing Rev. Dr. Livingstone of London
gave a lecture in the tent 00 "The
Human Voice." A large crowd heard
Dr. Livingstone and %very delighted
with hint, Miss Arlin of Parkhill sang
a solo, and the Misses Mct fills of 1,u -
can ga ve :t(1 instrumental duet. On
Sunday Dr. Livingstone preached at
both services and in the eveninv Mr.
Beach, soloist of the First Methodist
church. London, rendered a beautiful
solo. One of the large crowd that has
ever visited the Bend was hereSunday
there being about 1700 people on the
grounds. On Monday night the school
closed with a concert given almost en-
tirely by camp talent.
Miss Elsie McCallum is visiting in
Mr. F, W. Tool of Toledo, Ohio, at' -
rived Wednesday morning to visit
with his parents here.
Miss Flot•ie DTlney, after a two
weeks' visit with her aunt in ,o ,
returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wal. Gillespie and son
Bert, and Miss Lizzie Gillespie of De-
troit are guests of Mr. John Gillespie.
Miss Stella Gregory left Tuesday
evening to be present at the Ite•t'nion
of the ex -students of Goderich Colleg-
iate institute',
Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Fitton and son
Gerald and Mr. Toni Carling took a
driving trip to Owen Sound this week,
leaving here Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Mallard, son and [laughter of
Duluth, who have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Handford, left Tues-
day un their return to their home.
Mrs. Oakes and children of Chicago
have returned from visiting friends in
Clinton and will visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Gregory. for a few
days tx'fote retail ning to Chicago.
Mrs. Dagg, who has been visiting
her brother, M►'. Wil. Rollins south of
here, left Wednesday, accompanied
by Mr. Rollins for Byron, where they
will visit their brother. Mr. A. J. Rnl-
I)r. Atntr+. Mr. and Mre. J. A. Stew-
art, Miss Edith Sanders, Miss Leavitt
and Mrs. Rendre left Wedne'day eve•
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Gootlison and
Miss Lila Johns on a trip to Muskoka
for ten days.
Mr. Wm. Bawdy') arrived home
from England last week bringing with
hire six fine heavy entire horses for
the Rawden & McDnnrll stables. Mr.
Bowden had a pleasant trip loth ways,
experiencing no mishap whatever.
Farrow cow for sale; apply to Thos.
Snell. Huron street.
be sold. Tertnsea,' A t•piy to von returned Tuesdaay from Muskoka 1 !'.S. Board was held in the office of S.
T. CAMERON, Auet . Faquha 1
Farm Wanted to Rent.
One or two hundred acres. Apply
at (hip office.
Executors' Auction Sale
Auction Sale of valuable property in
the Village of Exeter.
The Executors or the Estate of the late Isaac ('are
ling have autheriu-d Thoma Cameron, Kat.. to Fell
by Public Auction. upon the property, on
.12 o'r10 k p m , *Ante 114 ehoiee tauilding Ints.
Thee 1os are situate on either side of Wellington
street ((`ration Roadl Brnrk, Albert, Neilson, Marl.
borough, Carling and Victoria streets: are all in
centre 01 Village incl are artahie Me %nth mann
factoring or residental purposes. This land will 1.
offered for sale In either Iota or Mo. 4. to suit the
purchaser nu order to wind up the 'lose estate
this land has to besot., and there will positive() Ice
DO reserve.
r-ans of this property may be seen at any time at
o -e law oAtces of Megan, tri. kw,n and Carling.
F•r bather particulars, terns and conditions of
sale w posters or apply to
THOS. CAb:BON, 1',uelehar
le-Honeer. or to
Solicitors for Executors.
and l)rillin whete they enjoyed a Martin Monday evening, abseat H.
pleasant (11nroll's outing.
Mr. John (Vood was in Toronto
Monday with two loads of cattle. one
shippers and one butchers. He states
that the market ie somewhat oft at
present. There wore 100 loads in the
city that day.
Mr. and Sirs. Cook of the Mansion
House were on a holiday trip to De-
troit and Cleveland from Friday to
Tuesday. They took in the National
League ball gatne between New York
and Detroit. Mr. Cook says they play
nearly as good tall as Exeter's busi-
ness men.
Township of Stephen
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby risen that a Court will he held
1pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lilts Act, by. His
lonour the Judge of the ('aunty Court of the ('nun•
tr et Intron, at the Township Hail. ('reelitnn, on
•)nes.lay the Twenty -.,',nth day of August, 1914, at
lo. -k a. m , to hear and determine onenplainta
and errors and ornmi..inns in the 1 n(ers' List of the
Muni, ip*b(r of the TAw,,.hlp 4)1 Stephen for 1507.
Dated a' eft titre thi. 1fth day a Angrut A. D
11 EN. RV EII.nER.
Cleft of the Township of Stephen
Huston. The following are the items
of business discussed nod passed.
Flooring oils to he tested on the two
junior• rooms. Carling--Wood-that
Connor Bros.' account, $2, repairs; T.
Brock RIZ'', labor; T, $male $27,45 for
new well, be paid. Carling-ltowe-
new well to he completed and present
pputop cleaned and used. ('arling-
Woo1---Minntes of last tneeting pass-
ed. The Board have pleasure in Ad-
vising the ratepayers that a satisfac-
tory quality and flow of water appears
to have been secured. --J. Grigg. Secy.
BKNNKrf-in St. Marys, Aug. 12,
Thoma. B. Bennett, aged 02 years.
HAY Ktl- In lilanshard, Aug, 12, Mary
1(1* Minnie) Hayes. aired 32 years.
NtcHots-in Fullerton, on Aug. 13th,
Robert Nichols, aged 71 years.
MCN RiOIIT-- In Blanchard, Aug. 11,
Elizabeth McNeight, in her 00th
STRw'ART--in Mitchell, on Aug 14th,
Dougald Stewart, Aged 71) year?.
MARTYN- in Fullarton. on Aug. 12'
Mary Sims, relict of the late Wnl.
Martyn. axed all) years, 3 months.
CHARLTONInExeter. on Aug. 17th.
to Mr. and Mrs. John Charlton, a
M.'4THxlis--In McGillivray, Aug. Oth,
to 5f r. and Mrs. Wesley a
PREETKIt-At Zurich 4)11 Aug. 14th, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter, a daugh-
IttnLKv-At Greenway, Aug. Stb, to
Mr. and Mrs, Rohl. Ridley, a son.
SCIlIOEnFIt -At the Town Line, Step-
hen, Aug. 10th, to Mr. and Mre.
Peter Schroeder, a daughter.
WEnu--in Stephen, Aug. 12, to MI.
and Mrs. Humphry Webb a son.
WKIN--in Stephen, on August 10, to
Mr. and Mrs. Godfried Nein a son.
DRUM! l) IK-BAI.K1vi11.-In Toronto.
on 'Saturday, August 17th, Mr.
Frank Delbridge, manager of the
Farmers Bank at Cheltenham, and
tarn of Mr. John Delbridge, I',borne,
to Miss Eva, daughter of Mr. Wnl.
Balkwill of Exeter.
1l A(UIIT-C.%RRiCK-On Aug. 14, at
St. Paul's Rectory, by Rev. C. R.
Gonne, Miss hose Carrick of Clinton
to Thomas 0. Ilaggit of Blyth.
-A swell new line of -
These cool svenings make you
think of theta. if you need one
our stock is complete and we
can show tliern to you at all
prices; also shawl rngv, rubber
rugs and dusters.
Factory Harness
Ilan a very poor chance of sell-
ing when rontpared with our
u-to•date handmade work.
Neatness combined with dura-
bility is what you cannot get
in any but n first-class hand•
made harness.
W.J. Beer, Exeter
To Marc Room for Fall Goods
330 Rods Ideal Fencing, 8 Wires, 37e.
270 " " 7 35e.
60 " " 9 " 35c.
• 6-t tons best Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire
1200 " " " Barb W 1 rye,
1 only Gates 3x31 feet $2.50
3 " " 31x4 w 82.75
1 " 10x4 " 65.25
1 " 12x4 " $5.75
1 only Hammock, regular $2.00 for $1.75
1 " " 8-1.75 " $3.90
1 " Ice Cream Freezer, reg. $3.00 for $2.75
600 lbs. Plymouth Twine to clear 10ic.
Screen Windows and Screen Doors