HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-15, Page 7O+O+O+O+O+O#O +1+044 w � DARE HE? R, A SAD LIFE STORY +0+0y040♦0i0+04oloiu+40404.04 -+0+0+0+.o+o+oio+ ell 1I'll•;It XXXIX.--(Con[iuutd). flee ngem they kneel on either side the preen.' figure. 1Iow dreadfully (tend and It extravagantly king it lc.oks ! (1114.' again he sees that 1)ke,41- tsmear en her fare. 11 is just above her one dimple, and stack out in ghastly incongruity over that Mlle pitfall for lice and laughter. clow passionately he aisles Hint he might ask her to go and w71411 It lift i 11 he did she %voted not hear hien. she ias no cuts left, no eyes, 1141 .ens.'. save for That livid twee, sl,ln.ti %%alit the wn1tr )V 4ich has not In, light him back 141 life, and whit the reel dr• q/5 still sk,w•I)• Irickling (roti the W,,111141 on tris be,w, and which 1111)4) sluuu'd here and there this dump ten- dril, of his hair -for that livid face and fer 1110 8.4)' •1.1 hands, which site rubs be- tt e'en her 41) 11 With nit ever more veri- fied energ) , as hi' still gives no sign of r0111ni tg 4411154 io14'14', • Illy -and -bye 1►e Ls taken out of her ruse tidy. She is lobbed even of the wretch - et! satisfaction of chafing 1114 poor sense- less lingers. On the arrival of the doc- tor he is c•arri,el off, and laid upon the 1x)1 ilial hits !eon made ready for him. Silo follows then) miserably as they iear hire staggeringly across the hall -it the right the d,lt,liug tittle snowy dime j•ow•erfully-built young man of over six er a mosque, slowing like a Iratisliguree moonshine's keen knife on the terrace. %slivering and shaking to, as if cies vt*Led by Laughter. The porch II of the holel-Mere whitewash and Fluster, tri n lr!)4414)' and reaseui tell one Ileal 11 is- sttiitb out in glorified ivory like the por hale of such a palace as we se) it. vision, wizen "(local dreams possess our fancy'.,, "I can't have you talking seal note sense," says Jim. i11 an exceedingly kind and not very stead)' voice, for 1114 out: !r. hag, are horribly hal:envoi ; and et. lleiekug over the seem' afterwards, ha camel That, ul phis point, he die' tat' piss a most brotherly arm for lint moment round the pxeir little heavinn. sIIlider. which is slaking islnu,st as much as the pale-1ie'..shadow. "Iia Is not going to die; he is not lhinlcinn of dying. NoL'dy has killed hint -leas of all yju." 5114 makes hint no answer, nor lifts her stricken heat!, over which he twee - out, while the ghostly mirth shakes the landscape; at his w•i1s emd, in sc'arcl of c:,nsolttliott. Below waves a sea o' fclinge, out of which the strong elliii light has stolen all the vilest-. From lha cclorlt'ss dark ocean rises fur away t. Leet high, in the perfect inertness of syncope, is no light weight -and looks Ilnnlgrily over the threshold of the bed - retail ; but when she attempts to cross is Jinn puts her gently back. "No, dear. no !" he sag's. (Ile is m- enus, sure aflerwani that for That once in Itis life he calls her "their."). "You hail better lots \\'e Think lie Is coming Irruld. and 1f you are the first person he sats )when Ito 0111l0:: 14) himself, it might be bed for hien-might hurt hits. You would not hurl hint, would you?" "No, 1 would not hurt hien," she an- swers slowly. And se) turns in her utter tractableness, and goes away meekly without a word. it is evening main new.nlmnst the salve lour 111 which Jin) and Elizabeth were beheading photographs twenty - hair hours ago, 'I•wenly-four lu,urs 1 It feels more like twenty-four years. This Is what he says to himself as he once again opens the door of the f.e aftir- chanl's apartment. It is the first lime during the whole day. except to snatch a c41upte of nioutheils of food, that he Las left Ityng's side; and it is only due to the fact that ales. I. Merchant is sup- plying his place, and has sent him on a message to tier daughter. that he has quintet his post. Ile know's Ihat she has meant to do hint a kiu41l14'-in d4),p111ch- Ing hila upon 1111,4 011•nlnl ; but he is nut sur4' That it is one. Elizabeth i4 not in the 5,1:111, but the screen that masks the darn' sei•nralitg flint 1)vmn from the little alt 1)e. 1x'ytind is Peeled 1•nek. Over the doorway is n hanging of Eask rii enmbroldety-its Io the meaning of the strange gold scrolls that 14)014 like .drab tellies, on whose red ground Elizabeth and ho have often idly speculated. Ile pushes it aside,.aid seee her standing with her back to- ward., Ida, the flimsy muslin w•indow:- cm•tains drew') Lack a'i 8110 100ks ofd 41'1 the night. The alcove Ls on (Inhu e- oCCn5k,n4 scarcely ewer occupied, and there is something tm4acy 8114) 1inCunt- fortnble that matches the wretchedness et! her ether circunl,timees In Muting her standing there akin( and ill'. The eIenenls have king Ilnishiel their raging, and 11111ert to 1.144islerous play. 11 has been 11 tine tiny, end though the sun 1►as long laid 4141)w1 Itis .. epine, le 11.0i 148144141 it on 11 ith ,w'11lroly 1..114 11. 1114tugh uttered, radiance to Isis white umlaute. 11 ie trend moonlig111- tslunlhngly bn4ad. 'late 11)4,0n hangs overhead. with newer a ekn14l-ki1•ehkf /11•11111 her great disk. The t%inds that, loudly sporting. 111)' up aril abroad, have cha'.d (eery vapor loan Ile sky. which is full of theibldng while stors, Before he reaches her side she line lteaei him, and Turned 141 newt hint, trill► a mixed hunger eel pitiful elope in her wan Ince. She thinks that tie hate 0.41111' to fetch her. Ile must kill that peer I1.1pe, and lite quicklier the nese n1'r01(114. 1..' elarehent sent me. 1 ennui to lett you that 1►e tins trco)end con• resi4,It' n''is. You see. ye0 were wrong" -with 1111 1111011/0 al 8 reasuring; smite - "he is not deed. alter all. Ile is con - 14 1,411.; Mat is Ill s0j,- he is not Meets - ems, : hal I am afraid he is net quite lttmeelf yet. null yeti meet lust --must lest mind- owed. nal be frigldemel. 1 11.1111 If h( 1x'gias. 10 4110111 0111 11114 talk 11onsen,e by -rind -bye: the doctor says tl is w hitt %s a rtn1'1 exp ,1 1." 4.511d Ilia) 1 1111111 1 1 -will 114)1 y„u 101 111.' \\lint n qui)Ning stele' the hops' 11414. and yet hen) Mee it is! However rime: sity. and %sallt etre...sec bitter ecarniuge over, the [rain he Le 1.11 sing her, he mu -1 knock it on the henl1 a1 once, "(wn to him !--i►nposeible! guile out of the question ! The great ',bjt•cl is 10 keep hens perfectly quiet. and if nnec he caught sight of you -- "ttul if h,' ie net himself.' inl.'ri opt. rhe, with a P111l elle jxerlinnei1y• "11.' w. 11141 not know ate. 1 roul,t not de Minn any harem .f he did not knew me, find 1 might 414) eomeliling- -41h, e1t'S 51141) n little thing for him f if you knew avant 11 ea: Ise eland here and do 110- Ihing nellting Indeed !'-lvilh a change of lone IO ane: of ngoniztd s.•lf• rept, el h ;- "have tet 1 done enough • fit %10111.1 nl) nir 'ewe 14'- licvet that it would to l That should kill rim Thr }urns Imre to the window again. reel dnsh.s her for.l,end )with vinMhCe signets! the triune. ()Ideate the tall (Ial0•pnlu4 is :shaken Through 1111 114 plhrnos by the 1401,1 breve; it is sway• ins and eevent and hewing. mid not let►+ IS tis solid shadow cut taut by lho muster«,m ; and down below the sound ing bay is seen laying its foaling hp: ice white glory on the land. "Dr. Stephens feels sure that Ito mus have had al sunstroke. You 1:114))) 1Ii:1 ht. las been in the East. Ile was : month in (.air.) ; the sun has grea tweet. there, este' in winter. net he i asses' to have 051,41.491 hinted( ret'klessly 11. was on bits way 1►onie-had got u far lis Paris, it s,'ents--W11011 110 1100 dentally heard that you were 1101.0 Since Ilton, 110 doubt, 110 has 0011110. (elen nor slept : se you see how• 11111, you aro to blame. You 14.441) that 1 101. you how odd he was l,efor0 you eve) saw him. D4) )nut you renten1tOl --try ing to recall every circumstance Ilia' )lay tend to reassure Iter -"I ware) you that you w•otpld have to be carets,' %%hat you said to him?" His words have a very different efhec _fsetn that intended by hint. "Opt. that is why 1 cannot forgive my self !" says slue, wil)). what sounds al 11141st like a cry of physeal pain. "Yoe did went me; I had no excuses. In !te- state I ought newer --it was nnn•dering hien to Zell I)i111----" • She breaks tiff. To tell him what' Jive bites his lips hard to lender him self from putting this (10:5114,1►. as h4 again, in mere)' to her, looks assay teen iter out into the night. The moon itis swum over the hour. ley' by now : bet one can see her 11a1141i work as plainly as ever in the ketal :)-gent fringe, like the border of cloak, that marks.where the waves los Lreeking nn the beach. (►e' often talks al it fringe withnu really meening that thee. i5 touch like Hess to one: but to -night the moon wa511(41 breakers really do weer limit ars p eel --a fringe of silver with long eil)ct lugs and ends. "Bet 1 1)1(4 so deceived," she muslin me. with that wail still in her voice -se ens mit wi4ltent. After elicit ye! have 141141 rue. I expected Ilial to he vie lent : but he was n)t ; he wen, quad gentle and quiet. aid he did i•eg s, huc'41, and 11)as so glad 10 see hhn ugnin. that 1 fell I was giving in --tile ! sheath] give way till,.gether if I die 11.4 Ill hint -tell him al (111-0, einem: gin ing myself line 10 think : mist sr, 4 del- ;vow•in},r very bt'i'alhless and in colweenl-"111:41 in it sero11d ; and Ilea all hl n minute. a inhoul any warning just us if 1 had shot Ithu through Ila h. 11.1, he 11.•111 &)\n with n crash. 414 1 11 al see it. for 1 1)11' 114)1 tnc►khtlt 11 ti 110. 1 (01114 nal bear le look nt fin %)111:41 tubi) lent. 1 lad bill 11 11/11114 4)14 1 i,. (1! 0, lu1•l 1IICI l-111141 1en-1 head( 1.1111 [1111 1" \\'hal cnn Jim say l0 her' leer les' 111,y dastardly unchi0nlruus curiosity 111:1y 5('4111 141 pierce 11111014111 whole. s) nnpalhelic (111 .lion lie might pill 14 Ise: keeps him 4luluh and stupidly slat te! el the bossing ironkully merry palm. "And now-" she gores on lifting 1.04 Nee and he is 81oeked to see hew llici 11 is hi the m xmlight, "lie will go out of the world thsul1ng lee much worst num I really ail, fer 1 had no tittle 1. 1,•Il him all. 11e heard only the lino tad ; Ire did net hear what 0x4115.' I hid-lhal 1 was not really so a irked le -ns --le will die thinking me." The sob welt which she ends edam• g„! a decent sick nurse! l (toped w' might have caught the one who nurse. General Smith before---" Ile stops abruptly. with a 14e) tans) recellectem that the 11.411)514)1 e4 nut happy 41.40. 51114.' I110 (em'ra1 died t)• days agee t'nfu'tutehely, bile ale, re members, as is evidenced by 111)' ble'r.n; ,hhdder t11.a1 passes over her. "If he died, 1t'ill he 1)0 butted in Ills seep Harr.)), reel grave 111,1 they -hew'4dd u. in 11x• Ptr.testant reneger) end 1)140 11 they said That Ih. y ul1•ay. 1.• pt open fur English visitors'! 11 11• dt.•, ! of he 4114., ! 011, if I vow.' but have lestd hint'. if he would but have w44214 ft r 1110 (o tell hint how it really )\ a, !" t.I1.11'I.Elt Xt.. 7-1,oug1 "1'rl•rulu'}' Fi14-dyke \eta /It ver 111141 11 .a li i'r Iruer k, her 111111• 111411 this year, :mil in Algiers--cc:mem laden with wet eats 141 make the greet Sahel, if possible, grerier than it wie Itefore; yet the inhabitants of the (aI1IIl Hotel el) not again, Ger a matter of Cuts weeks, retie)) 111011 ennui or let oft their energies in far fnn11 I)utub 1:ra111- '..ct, ut' Glue! charade. 'lite voice of 111• 1 attledore i, silent in the entrance -hall. 1.441 the sluittle••.•k sharps. M. l:11.1.1,(.4: as scarcely had to do alone Than 111011. !L'441 11.4 request Witt they 11401ld lay ,skit their more noisy pastime:s, fol they Oro, 111;1 of them. rather good nalure.1 px'r:41114 than otherwise, 41 nee :1 14 11 Is quile 114 uncuint1lon to b )4r)• 111-na1urtel us Iv be very settles-. ,c very [41oliele or very wise. Those ni Item 111141 1111)4' been tertututtc 0nougl, !44 be present at the calnstophe 1111)1 i:,fell`) away 5111.11 It 1141)111g image it: '1 wounded Adonis, apparently 5c)era1 ycerd. long, slt't'kh,.1 upon ?lis. 1.1 \larche:it'-t Persian +eels t, that they oa)0 1111(010,1 Mose less happy person:. ,01141 know of him only by hearsay will - .1 (llIipassN,llale interest scarcely infer- their, iifer- their 4)511. The only person in Ilio hostel w•[4 makes 11114014 11411,.• is pool' 1lyng him- eelf, and for awhile het fills it with chi - him ity its kinship to a convel'eon. "I do not know ahnl In soy to you.' le .says. deererntely making 11 snatch a' ler two hands. as if by the violence O. his grip he (egad oon)cy to her sent, tette portion of 1151' deep rontpci14ka. Mat 1, swelling up in his heart for her 1 aunt so 111(1(11 eft the tilirk. ?41. 11' nn r' with n return of that !erne' leo 11115 Cj(14111011•.11 shield seem the out rntlte of any (nq,iieititeness; "i do nee wnnt yon to tell ale anything 1 \\'het es mere. i will not 114141n 10 3014 if you attempt it ; but what there is not the least manner of douLt +doonit is that his feeding hnd n' sort of reference 1• 11 hal yeti said (41 111111: he would have Mulled whnte)0r you had said In him. oe if you hail said nothing nt nil. Ile w•as 114 111)1.1 114 8 halter when he went is to you. 1t 15 alt part of the 8,101 thing -over -fatigue, sunstroke. Hut le oa not }.ming t0 dee-with n hurried Irlp bnek to his fernier strain of censolnhon i_ lut thinking of ft • I pmr►' . yeti. I give Sent nq• w„nl of hence-- t•oie,ming perfectly reckless and cone pl'tely insensate ---"that he shall not r But she 14 ext strangled t1lilt AO 14 14. nines any rejoinder. "Ile shall have Ilia best of nursing." g.:4'• on lam. "I have telegraphed for a 11111.0 to 3 iel\ 1144))' nstunisliing it IR diet in a place of this ilio eoU cannot 1114)1' cn41ueh to furnish 11).1 or three 44 11,4144? bnl1lp sofq er5 of wfiic1.1131 01 : • 1..IIg ago, he \)its a1 conspicuous Ortni nient. 'There had never. even when be was +a Its \sill. 1)44•)) much disguise 1.1 the ,tate 411 its feelings; now that he is out tr them, the whole house rings wall 1is frantic callings upon the mune o' Seztibellt, utlered in every k.'y of rage 5l►aslulation, tenderness, and appeal. Mee. cries reach Elizabeth [crest( to ,he ells 4.4)1'aling in that one of the lillle elite of rooms which is nearest the loon if entrance ----sits there cowering, and vet with the door, though which ih•,.,1 leeadful sounds penetrate to her, :.;214• a order the better to hear then- row. ('ring. 81141 for several days 11144114. Owing to 1ar141us ucrideite. ,Outltu• i1 heir restate, though differing in char- acter. almost a week el+tps-w from Mr 'lest breaking out of Ity11g's malady be - fere Ifo arrival of either the h ospelal nurse or of \h•,. Ityn1!. When the litt- ler event oa•curs, \Ir'.. Le N1nrt11111111 re- tires from her post at tlse sick m1n'e bedside with the 811111e 111 ,slenlatiuur nallcr- of-faelness wilt, which she had :ussunietl it. and Elizabeth is no lunger 314.110. Ind to std against this titivate 'lige- is the counterbalancing et a that. alter the arrival of Ityal„:: mother, she ..an 1)41 longer steal out. as she had be- fore done it hundred lieu's a day, 14) his leer. 14) gleam fragments elf tiding (rau) .2 1 iy 0uteoler (hence. `lie es neer able • 1 repeat those little surreptitious ex. -)irsi )115 11ft4r that occasion when alis. Ity nes 04nting shddenly out upon her. nesses her with such speaking. if silent. he,,Iilily and sewn iii her tired mid _rie(-slrielten eyes, that the luckless spy slinks back 84)bb111g t•, for own lender mother; and then' Jim. flying out tweak. after be -carry them a crumb of reassurance. finds then), 14) his ietig- n11ton. mingling their biller tears. Whatever else his faults may be, \Ir, lisrgoyne is a man of his word: he rininly keels his plo.m lee le Elizabeth ileal Ityng shall be well nursed. Ile :.et ps Itis other pr1e1-e, to .--though ;hal is more Ity good luck than }next 1141nagemenl-- thin 1tyng shall Hol (lie. Whether to heeler it's friend front being made it liar. or h -nose fie Iiiln'elf is. loth to leave n \t'urld w -hied) ht' has found 411 pretty, Cruel. and amusing. 1lyl)e l„•.s not div--Ifyng lives. Ity lice 25111 day February has dried -ser lenrs. though they still h.4111) 0n her etec11 lashes, end n great gallon of al -un deer* through a tremendous )sen of :)due, as Jim persuades ityng's neither to Co out fie' her lire! delicl41us drive in that fresh and 481heetift nir of the Ai- gerinn February, 1) Iticdl matches our lest poets' lay 1I.. takes her along the Houle des Aquecluques. That lovely route which rants high along the hillside :tutting the villas above 1110 town, so high its to be on a level with the roofs of the Idly -standing Continental and Oriental I14)1014. 11 Is s) most twisting road, which in curves and loops winds til0111 the head of narrow deep gorges, ail. of pale olive -trees, cnrunbiers, and ilex. Below Iles the red -roofed white town. Slowly they trot past the cam- )agle• of the "English \tiler." "L'Epici(r \1tgla15; and many other::. over whose Sigh walls Iouugaintllluls light their now %tailing purple fires, and big tushes of noire de \iarb' stoop their milky sats. Mrs. I;yng's eyes, sunk and diminishes) by watching and weariness. have leen lying restfully on lho delightful spying efreta^.lc-4111 the great yellow sorrels by tee anyside : she now turns theta fear - ',Himmel to her 4: empnnien. "1 could lump' out of any skim r she says, shakily. "\\'hal a elm 1 what 11 ,ea 1 and 1e thunk that, after all, we have pulled hitt) thro ;gh," Jim's only answer is a teerpnllielic pressure of the oxlrs .ncly w'. II -filling satire nearest him. 1f \\"lily had died e1.1tead of lived, her gloves would have tilted all the same. "Dud 110 I11.0 001 nut of 1110 wood yet." -Bunter 1rIrk10 of runeing outer at the nwine bottom. "I do net see why, if he goes on as •wlmmutgly as he is now doings" says \hes. iiyng in a restless voice --"why wo •1.4111141 not get him off in a week, even .3 he were carried 011 tented the ".t week? Le not that rather sane .�1NI111' 1 do not think „0, the 511(11101' til•' bIt- :e. ; and during that meek I :duel,' ihitk she coukl hardly take tiny al - tempt 111 see hits." "lla4 she shown any signs of making lime 11t114 :6e !•, (l'o be continued), Stirring NARROW ESCAPES. Incidents in the Life of an Animal 'Trainer. 5Iadaml Velvet, the animal -trainer, )las recently ))ri1leti an entertaining book, "Delete! the Scenes with Wild Animal:," at which she (ells of Numerous escapes from 1445.01 danger. Along with her own 0x(4eriences stte gives others which she krm)s 141 be absolutely true. '1'11ey will help the reader to understand what may le the char:veer of the trainers life. \hss.Claite Dello'. lite limn -trainer who made such a sensation 111 Leipzig some right years ago, and who has lately been performing at the New fork Ilip- p cdrome, was going through her per- formance one day, when a lion caught ti;, claw in the lace of her sleeve. The; was a little platter, but whin he could not get his claws disentangled prompt - ;y, he lust his temper, struck iiercely al 1♦+++4f,+.+.9,4++++-++$9+.+++ • l t,!e by the slew but sure I,roces1 et/ Nntue•. one. can but admire the el -a Peres of Netu'e tea restore the fertetty 144 the soil by reclothingg the worn-out. uplands and the naked, gull:l',1 hillsides with the green verdure of almost uu,u• Esrless varieties of treee, plants Mkt grussees. Nature his her own slow, but s1.re way of restoring to the earth whale tee improvident lw4bandwau las taken from it. 111 many 8ec•Iltns of the country tho e.nIr means 441 ventilation the 14441)5"4 leve is through the window, and doors,. Atm0st always these are bhut light, s.umm4r and winter. In the morning. 31:ee atr of such houses is heavy with 14 ul matter exhaled during the night. (,pen the windows and the doors. !Valhi, yes, life itself, demands :t. Isurglare are not so much 10 be feared tie impure air, Cover the windows - with screens, hook the screen chew on the inside and sleep soundly all night, rising refreshed in the dawn. If any - 1.1111 carries )'4111 off 111 the night, he will t:n1g you back in the morning. • • • H♦+♦+♦++4+4++4+iii! NEW \Ill'I101J OF PIG FEEDING. \f'. \\'illiant t)ielrieh of the l'niver- 411y of 1110144)4 \vho gives his whole time tel ew'ine instruction and cxpet'i• ntc-n14, relates the following interest- ing and valuable results of his work: A six months feeding( eeperimenl was conducted with nine lots of pig. During the second half of This experi- ment the pigs in lot two gained eu (xAuuts live weight, \elite the pigs :a :lit dine gained 120 pounds and yet the Iwe: lots were fed exactly the saute kit►,l of food sed in the salve manger. These widely different results were produced by the way the pigs had been fed dur- ing; the fleet halt of the experiment. Protein food is aleseautety necessary 1 r the healthful growth of young pigs, 1.11' zt previous experiment has shown that when the pigs cat too much pne- ken that titch more of i1 is excreted wilhetit being used in the body. After e5 days of reduction in feeding the amount of protein excreted decreased until it was kiss than the amount fed. In the early part of the feeding period the pig makes lean meat out of mutein. so protein should be fed at first when her arm awe lie three times, and iufieted the animal needs it for snaking growth. s.)ute terrible w'ouittls. Finally he caught L'ut at tate close of the swine feeding lit: clan) again in lie skirt of her dress, Period when you want to put the fat en the animal this may be done more (4'nomically by feeding carbohydrates. But if too much protein food (such -.4 we gel in oil meal or tankage) is fed to the young pig the excess of protein is not only wastd, but actually pee settle 1110 animal from making the mo- rel' gains for a long time afterward'. About the Farm ♦+ and it required all her presence of mind. strength and courage to prevent herself being dragged to the lklor. And all liis limo the audience was vastly amused. as they thought it all a part of the }xrfornuur_e. Another limo she was playing with l0'r lions in their stable at the close of the performance, and stretch')) out her (sot. 111 un instant n lion caught hold or her slipper, and had she not been tr.tnvnely dexerotrs. the animal would surely have torn her foot terribly. Playing with lions is a dangerous sport at any lime. 1 .saw a fenny but almost fnlnl inci- dent once in an animal show, when lime of the teen was sent to wash out the ;wove As it happened, two new tigers were to be turned in to be exercised. As the )tan got just inside (ho little door of the arena a tiger walked in from lltn bark. For a second 1117111 and tiger gazed al one another, both about equal- ly surprised. 'then the eta) dropped hi; pail with a c171511 and/1111'1441 for the door in terror. Almost simultaneously the tiger, sclr441 at the niece, started and dashed off in the opposite direction. There was a great laugh over this, but for all that it was a very narrow es- cape. Perhaps a more amusing tole is that 4)1 n man who thought to stent a ride on :a freight -train. and then discovered that he was travelling with weld annuals. 11' was almost paralyzed with terror, and sal without moving all night long, hearing with agony the movements of mane wild beast in the some compart- ment wills hint, and preying with till Itis heart that he eight be spared until Ifo 11 n bunch of hogs were eating nine pounds of corn per tray and making one pound 4f• gain. and it were desired to double the gain, the usual method would be to double the feed, or at least to Increase it, But at one point in the experiment the pigs were eating eight pounds of feed per day and l%%'o pounds of skimmed milk. They were fed the sane for lite days and gained one- tout'lh pound. Later when this feed was cut down to four pounds of meal land L5 pounds of skinmted milk, they gained one-half pound, One-half of the [tel was taken away and they rade twice the gain. In this experiment the pigs bad all been fed as soon as they learned to eat. at about one month old. 'I'ney wore a1!owed to rum with their mothers u[- 10 three months of nee, when they wY r, weaned and placed immediately •:r this experiment. After these piee i'ad been fed for six mouths those in 1 i one weighed 73 pwunds and had gained just 23 pounds during the : ex 104 nlhs of feeding. They were fat in ti dry lot of about one-eighth acre and hid no grass whatever. They were feu twice a day on corn meal and water and given as much ns they would eul. Lot two was [ed exactly the same en 0(18m4 41 and water, but in addition 51'85 4(11011 11 nti\lure of charcoal wood morning. ashes. time and snit and a little cop - And when the morning came he found peens. ami by the teldilion of these ma - that he had been shut in with n',cretins- 11 rials Ilu'y made three time's as much eui; mule, and that the wild beasts were gain as the pigs in lot one. let two goie'.I 70 (rounds and weeghed 120 pounds ul 1110 close. Pias in a wild natural slate have ac- cess 13 weeds. herbs, grasses, roots. Lugs and insects, of which they eel freely. Under nrlihciat conditions. hog feed does not contain all the nec- essary materinis that are in these ml - 1:1a1 feeds. and better health has leen secured by giving the hogs free accese lo the substances nailed. - The third lot had access to a clover pustule (the experiment started in Au- }ru41) end enormous results were receir• e,i tem (Itis clover. which furnished pr:lteln. They made a gain of 1110. }x ands where lot two glinted only 10 pi untie. Lot three averaged 241 ,itou1d5 r,c'r head et the close, Lots five and six were fed corn steal. bran. middlings and tankage. They gained 81•out 210 pounds and al the close weighed 270 pounds, A pig under Iwo in the next comportment, strongly walled off. \\'ltat makes This story still hornier is that this inn repeatedly tells this 115 being one of Ike ttnrenvest ex'nfes he ever had in his life. 1\TEUESTINI. TO Cll:.tlt SI101a:ItS ONLY. Tho tobacco situation is it very mi- ters one for the cigar manufacturers al 11►e present time. Havana tobacco Is scarce and very high. Even the large mnnufnclurers who usually carry loo 14) Three years' stock ahead are 11011' paying the price, :)1111 losing money. 'I'ite 1901 !layette filler crop teeming ap:'proxinately 25c. per pound; the )tlu5 Havana filler crop brought appre,xininle- ly 40' per pound; the GNMi Havana 111. ler clop brought npprexiinatety 00e. per LIVE STOCK NOTES. About twelve \)eek, is generally qui!o sulllcient in which In fallen pigs, anti it is wasteful t.1 begin Iwe '1,4et11 fat - 14 ung peace ss earlier, though the slack 1111141 be kcy►L in good condition, for when un 811111101 has once beets in good (kelt and has lost ))eight, it costs much more per pound of increase to bring it up into condition again than it origin- 81ty did, \\'Rile the kerosene enutlsion is con' s4lerecd excellent :Ind 011(0!) G,1. 1110 spraying of the poultry -house, In order to keep down lice, it docs not always peeve eflieacious. as 501110 renders hive it,und it lacking in accomplishing the cbjeet desired. (letter results Have been 'Attained )then a gill of crude cnrlohic Pelt, was added 14) each gallon of the mixture before diluting with water. 11 will probably be cheaper and better to use the advertised lice killers, net they are reedy prepared and never fail. The crossing of a superior breed- upon cne that Ls inferior cannot succeed in producing marked impr.ivenicnt unless accompanied by better management and 1(4'ro liberal reeding. The also of urates of superior quality upon inferior 4? - conies is advocated by most breeders, h ing, of course, the least expensive. 1'• *0 of improvement. 1t is denied by u. ,s1 snrcessful and experienced breed - .1, That there is preponderance of the inlluen"e of either parent on account 441 sex. The Iles) -bred animal. however, 14 believed to have the greatest inle- (uce in determining the peculiarites 411 the offspring. The cases in which the 'resitting resembles the orale nre un- d•:ubledly more numerous than the car' es of resemblance to the female, for the etelotts 1'e115011 that the mates selected. fee breeding are, as n rule, amore high- ly breve than the females wall wnnlch !111)• are coupled. p,un,l. 'rhe 1907. now being packed ', teeutths on corn or middlings \sell el - (lying to the prevailing druulh last win- wnys eat leo nuteh. Ile inn end and ter. only halt n co»p, :ea there Ls no d:gt st n certain nntount of feud, bol af- proeptrl of lower prices for another tor the food Is digested he tuns to build year. Sumatra lobncco, used for wrap- -7 into tissue 8114) he inn build alp into bee purposes, is these, higher than an 10.1)' 1(44)1e ns ,such food as lie inn 1(4)1. Cenneeticul and \\'isconsin eat. We limited the amount of food battlers are 50'16 higher, fen' to the pigs in kit eight of food ted le In face of nil this, the price of IOr. the last half of the experiment, with the cigars 184 not advanced to the denier. Weft of reducing this factor of waste. simply because the Innnutaclurers are Lois eight and nine were giver) less .n pack of tools, each one afraid of the Venn they w.tuld eat. other. In In! nine when Ifo eggs were nix It Payne rn:sea )tLs price $5.00 per months 411.1 nil the protein feeds, that 7.01)11. the other manufacturers rush in Is. Lineage. bran. end middlings, were b.. 401)11? Ravin s customer. or vice- !alert away and they were fed nothing verse,. The pubhr, they stand fee most but cern meal. Lot nine punct the nitro - anything. When did you ever see n };.'mous fends one month longer. hitt meeker walk out of a store un441)er1 is, they were taken lovely at seven because he called for n "Pharaoh." or months. Lot eight n0er84(11 299 pounds any other braid, and !wC8 offered end lot nine, 305 pounds al the close ";nmething.just as good." of the experiment. There 1111)0 been n few small failures The pigs in lot eight nnd nine gnin- nntmteat the manufacturers. and more will likely follow, depending on how 1'1ng their reserve will hold nal. A gond 1(e'. eignr . actually costs the manufacturer 118.00 per thousand more than in 1901 r,l tell per rent. more by waling 5.1 ter cent, bi ss feed tnnn Io1s five and six, Lot Ihrce wane 1110 0n1y 101 that land clover during the last three months. where I.1 nine was fed 1110 481110 ns tot 1w••). The fernier made 120 pounds Payne. of Granby. who have always while the totter nnn(Ie 20 ponnd.s of gain. approprinled about $3.00 per thousand The difference 10118 Crnrsed entirely by nnnlnHy for ntiverlising purposes, ere the w•ny they had been feed during Ih^ culling out all their newspaper ads tar the present. These people have never cut the (ma- tte of their celebrated "Pharaoh" cigar, and are now cutting their hest friends -tho newspapers -rather than sacrifice gtnlily. 'fi:o "Plaine-It" dirty is on snle pretty ..,nlinuc. she, with n awake of !110 )need. muOli all 4)181' the D'nnlnton, nt any rate "114• is cltl'cd, or nearly curd, of one disease, but what [shout the other!" "\\'hat other?" Ingniree he oMtnntely ,lapid, and with somewhat of a heart - sinking at the prospect of the engage- ment which he sees ahem] of hint. ll ow many elbows vs Ite road makes! 11 seems to have kern cut In pla(•e., right through the wet red rock, new over- hung by such a torrent of vegetation. At the head of ore of the deep e!ef!s that run up tram the sea they petisc, and look dawn upon a seeoml sen of gieencry Ihnt wnuid seen) to letting to no month less leafy hien June. '1'o June, toot belong the murmur and hum and (he smoker can have tuts dealer secure 11,011 through the jobber or the 114111 deteet 11 he insists, This "Pharaoh' will be pretty good cigar In "tie lo" during the Havana tee Lacca scarcity. The following is from a feminine 'an• tribute'. : "Palk ntlnut w•nienn s cirri• osity ; ICA nil eine-sided. I.et one men (stop in the airs-) to spellout a sign on the top 01 a high building. and every mother's een That goes by %sill stand still and stare for ten ennui"•, trying In make out what the first ,diet is looking •le pfr":'ding three nontlts. This series of experiments line Allow,' thnl nh.ul (eget-tenths of a pound of prof"in l5 let much as a pig can make 1'4 Od toe of. FA11\t NOTES. \\'o cannot live and thrive 4,n n "lite}; and h enliny" diel, and it is just 14 1111- pc.rliutl, or more so. that the lei 1114 end his faintly be fed en well-sOl:ur.,1 rati',n, c f fruits end segelabics along with their treat. . You di not nh)ays base• 141 ask e Linn of l Is losing a geld time on 11►e fared. It he shoes )4,11 ntaund the t:nm, visiting the alstek and the crop. 81 1 4! C 4n'rl►ard wi h 11 proud (rend net a • ; rfnl ring m Isis 1011.0. you may Lc • eI!1n1 i3O is as Iiarpoy nis a 11!1111 (1,7, t ... 11 Ie on this earth. 11' 14. 4.- • Int.'ineee •111 • meets e:( plant f,oa in the 4011 Can unit be topeseed and made aya:t- 4 \L►BK T\\'.•llN THE PI1tl.OSOPIIEB. N) humorist has e001 won pertnnn- rnt fame by virtue of his humor alone. The jokes of Arlstophattee were excruci- atingly funny in their day. but if our eppn•,•cwlion of this old settle comedy deprnd.41 un its 1100'01' to keep -.5 laughing now. the shelves whoreen 't rep ;see 104,111d ix even dustier than They are. dark 'Twain holds his place Because tie bus tlto,ighl, deeply and seriously, about mankind and its needs. Thee thought has Leen colored, of course, 1 y hie 4)1011 situation and experiences. Once, when ho wits young, and the (•1010, of life were fresh and sweet. and tee road from success to success strelch- 411 invitingly ah4ad, mid the Great Di - side seemed n king way off. his feel- irgs were optimistic. Ile looked on the t right side of c)4 rylhing. If eft ry;hing• was not for the Lest in the Lest of all: p4 4411)14' world., things \sere at least tieing )'4 ry welt. and this was a pretty plod world. Later, when bereavements (erne. and disappointments. .4.441 the rough edges of life Intrude where their touch seemed a profanation, and fine seemed to have leas enchantment In the possessing than had glowed about tl in the winning- and the snow 14111 upon the hair of friends, and life of- fered little more l0 look forward to. Ilei thoughts 1,0(•111114' mone sombre, Ilul the character of his phllesnphy has r.(%4r changed. Fran) the llrsl lo Una list he hos (ought the poet tight. \\'ins. then he lute fought in the buoyant cel - lenity e( %X1411•)' or in the resigneil es• pcctnl14,n of defeat, he has 1lway.e been on the same side'. He has always Tried to lighten the worlds ills, to abolish in- justk'es, end to help the wickets of op - pi ession. -- - -+ fECIStl "Charles. who gave you 1hn1 cigar) is he n friend of yours :'' Charles; "1 (l,u t knot) yet. 1 haven't Ill it." Illi rosrrION. "You say the 111)nl•le arose over an argument you hod will) r',ltr wile!' "Ye,. ses•• mold) replied the pri- soner. "\\'het pet..iliun did y4.11 auk( 111 the matte)'!" "Ono jo,t ineide Me woodshed, sir." THE "14(514111." said \Irv. (:hhg t alev. wit). ing lee speetieslee, "Infected' 1111141 1• • an nwfol cruet }len1e- 'i'his Paper 'eats it man named Smith was founded all user the 10). And 1 guises it Inds) wise) worn true, for et say), thil in the ne%t inning we died on '(,rend brute." Fnrrner% mike a lot of money for 1.:11.4 4, (rulnl•,ts, SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make a O hump back straight• neither will 1t make a short Itg long. bet it fetes soft bene i (home n eed 's ,nen has naldho t , I and t e 3 lit' few genuine means of recovery in rl,keti and bone consumption. 4'1 1,, het ,emr4. '44,4'1 A R4)WYF., CioWsti, Torn,•o• /Earls fee 0,48f oo.s :Aroea..•