HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-15, Page 6BIG WATER TOMER FEbL!LEADINLIIARKETS
Caused About $50,000 Damage in Montreal
A despatch from \lelntrcnl says : k
peet,ltar accident, resulting in heavy
shoe:we, occurred early on 'Thursday
n,.,rning, w hem u huge water lower at
Roe btuk of the I,uildin[,e occupied by
Messrs. Ilernnann Wolff k Co., general
importers, 170 McGill Street, fell with a
terrific crash. Fort iintely few people
were about tied no one wits to the
icinity at the tele. There was tacti-
no warning that anything unto-
ward was likely to occur, for after a
tea seconds of grinding noises, the
crush told of an accident. As the tower
fell to the westward the !urge supply
piperwas severed at the top of the build-
ing, ,and In a few minutes the water bad
burst through on the Live storeys like a
broken darn, and every room was soon
As Ihc tower fell across the narrow
lane at the back of the building it
struck Ole npp(eaile Guildiug, 18 St.
Maurice Street, occupied 1,y the Tantil-
ketnde Tea Co_ with great force, the
true pillars end support; crashing
through the roof and smashing it like so
much nititchw0od. The crash was SO
Severe (hat all the people in the neigh -
tiering buildings ran out into the street.
Much of the water from the tank fell in
through the broken roof and very many
chests of tett were ruined. fht,nding oft
the 'I'aumilkande Company's building, the
debris of the wreaked tower fell into the
lane beneath, breaking windows and
woodwork in its descent, another loud
crash being heard as it reached the
I'lu' force oak the fall is shown in the
twisted and hent ironwork of the sup-
perts and the triangular base on which
tit. tower rested. Must of the wood-
work that fell vias splintered into kind-
ling wood. The damage is estimated at
Cauadinus Smoked Oyer Three ilun-
dtcd Million.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The In-
land Revenue returns for the twelve
n:cnlhs ending June 30 last show that
tho consumption of cigarettes in Can-
ada is growing at an alarming rule.
For the twelve months the total number
entered for consumplllon was 331,972,-
13a, a, compared with 269,331, 137 for
Pe.' corresponding period of 1905-00, an
itecrease of nearly one-third. In 1974
the number of cigarettes entered fur
consumption was 250,860.3$7, and ten
yeas ago it was only 93,738.000.
The consumption of cigars for the
twelve months ending June 30 last was
193,816,575, practically the sane as for
Pa. preceding twelve months. Cigars
reade from Canadian tobacco numbered
2,826, 21. a: compared with 3,172,466
f..r the fiscal year 1005.06. The total
consumption of tobacco of all kinds for
the twelve months is estimated at 2.953
pounds per head of the population,, the
it.eg(st on record.
In regard to spirituous liquor, the
consumption of beer show's the largest
increase. For the twelve mouths, it
was 5.585 gallons per herd, as coil -
pared with 5.255 gallons per head in
110-06. The consumption of spirits
wits .917 gallons per c•npitn, and e f
wines .092 gallons per head, both prac-
tically the sane as for 1:10 previous
NOItTI!WEST \\.\\T5 N0011
Fuel "'amine tiny be Ruch More Serious
1111111 Expected.
A despatch from Winnipeg says: The
expected fuel famine in the torthw<'st
next winter may be made much more
serious by n sheertage of wood. A let
<,t the coal produced in western Cott-
rell* cannot be stored and it is doubt -
fn' if the hundred thousand torns which
will be aveilaide along the line of the
C. I'. 13. when winter sols in will toe
sufficient . f' r oll needs. Along the
Canadian Northern line little or ne
coal is being nccumululcd.
During the winter Winnipeg burns n
tl ou'uud cords of wood per day. 'There
(.1' only 41.950 lens nIkt later '11
nicht. 11 is explained that last year
II a .!e ep snow greatly hampered the
w1,•e1- alter: in the bush. 'At the sante
time Iva re is wend along the line .if
the C. N. 11. for Winnipeg dealers, but
they complain that there ate no cors
to move 0.
,W 1'1:1'1 1.1 Wlt 1'1\i►.
Itrfrineralur stoked with fret ricins
des!. h front k eSays '
J; u.e. G. Moines made ee , r are us find
111 the.1al., fronting 111.5 stn •.•e'r rrsi-
den 'e on Ree 11'1'111 trail nn 11111r'sdny.
Ile saw nn ubje't t Ikvnting down from
Sehnert Island. and thinking 11 Was an
uplernerl skiff. went out in Iris bout 1.,
lntedigotte 0n 4'0111lltg up wait the oh-
jest he wns greatly sur eri•e'd In find that
ni was an American reIrigrrat lr of Infest
(lestgn. The finder timed his prize lu
Pie .hare. and pulled it cul on the
leer eh. Ilis surprise was still greater
to fine) the case well filled with provl-
Fien.. canned meals, Lacon fuel Is 11108
o! milk. all, in tlrsl-class anter. \\ 114
Pee refrigerator carne from is n mys-
An Unusual
Law Complied Willi in
A despatch from Winnipeg says: The
knowing notice is to •be found on the
bt Iletin board in the City Clark's offi:e.
"Take notice that the marriage is in-
tended to be solemnized tit the English
Church Cathedral, ut 'Shanghai, in
China, on or about' the. 8th or 9th day
of October, 1007, do arrival of the
steamship Minnesota, sailing from Se -
tittle on September 10 next, between
George Herbert Cole of Tientsin, North
China, missionary, and Jessie \Vinnifcd
Singleton of the city of Winnipeg. in
the Province of Manitoba, spinster. Dat-
ed this 7111 day of August, 1907."
'fhis Is the first lime that the City
Cierk has been called on to post such
a notice, and it is being done as a re-
sult of advice from the British Consu-
lrte in China. The notice will remain
posted for two weeks, when the bride
to be will secure_ a certificate from the
(:ily Clerk to the effect That the notice
was posted, and that she has been tor
Lwe: weeks a resident in Winnipeg.
1'11!7'\' l'EtItS IN PRISON.,
Heavy Sentence for the
A despatch from New track says :
August Van Fahrig, the convicted leader
of a gang of burglars, who terrorized
Nnsenu county residents for nearly six
months, was on Wednesday sent to
Sing Sing Prison for a term of forty
yenta at hard labor, by (:county Judge
iaceeen at \lineti,la, Long island.
Christian Sehlang, another member of
ttie gang, who turned Shute eviden'e,
wns sent to Sing Sing for lweuty-Il'e
years. and his mother, airs. Alma
sehlnng, \who pleaded guilty of receiv-
ing stolen goods, was sent to Auburn
Prison for five years. Christinnrrid Wil-
is only nineteen years old. IngNo. 2, $15 to $15.50; clover, 813.60 4)
Icnits, twenty years of age. the sweet- $11, and clover mixed, 812.50 to 813 per
heart of young Schlang. who was also too in car tote.
arrested, and who gave vnit,able infor- Butter Is firmer nt higher pri,:es.
uention convicting the robbers, will be 'townships were quoted at 21%c to 23c.
given her liberty. She says she will Qtellec at 21)4c to 21%c. Beceipls 10 -
return to her home in Virginia, and be- any were 3.181 packages.
gin life Cheese shows no changer. Ontario.
11%e to 1I e; casterns. Ile to 1 l jtc.
Eggs were first. Sale; tit selected) in
single casts were made at 20c. and
round lots of straight receipts nt 16e;
No. 1 ctndlcd at 17e. No. 2 carolled at
Ile, and No. 2 straight at 12%e per
Provisions -Barrels short cut mess,
822 to $22.50: half -barrels. 811.25 to
3,1.7a; clear fat back, $23.',0 to 24.!10;
f ng cul heavy mess. $20.511 to $21.51;
lealf•l:a•rels do.. $10.75 to 811.50; dry
Fall k.ng clear bncen. IOe to 11 yar: bar-
rels pails. beef, 814 to 816; half -barrels
e4).. 87.50 to ER.25; barrels heavy meas
Net. $10; hell -laurels do., $5.511; com-
onnpxnd lord. lit';• to lu;;e; pure lard.
II%e to I2!;•; kitl'e rendered, 13c to
13%e; hang-. 12yc 1, 15%,o according
to size; 1.1, iikfiet bacon. plc to 15%c;
\\ tnd•4.1' L;t cone 15e to 15Xe: fresh killed
al,allo r dressed hogs, 89.75 to 810;
CAC, $7.10 to 87.25.
Leader of a Bad
Toronto, Aug. 13. -Ontario Vheat-
N<nulnal; No. 2 white, 87c to 87%e. New
ahem, abate 83c to Mc.
Ma ite.ba Wheat -Easy; No. 1 north-
ern, 96e; No. 2 northern; 930.
(urn -Steady; Nu. 2 yellow, 63e to
Gaaee, Toronto.
Barley-Nuntinal at 51c fur No. 2.
Oats -Ontario, dull; No. 2 white,
43,'•ce outside; new oats, 39c, Chalfant
freights, Septentlter shipment, Manito-
ba -No. 2 white, 43%c to 44c on track
at elevator. "
Peas -Nominal at 79c for No. 2.
Itje--l'i1c to 65c.
Flout--Ontario-90 per cent. patents,
as.35 bid, $3.4't asked; Manitoba that
patents, $5 to $5.20; seconds, 81.40 to
64.50; strong Laker,', $1.20 to $1.39.
Brun -$16 to $17. bulk outside; shorts,
in demand, al out $10 to 820, outside.
Butter - Market continues steady,
with little change In prices.
C1 cautery prints .... .. .... 21e to 23e
do solids .... .... .... .... lac to 21c
Dairy prints .... .... .... .. 17e to 19c
du solids .... .. .. ...... 17' to 18c
Cheese -Quiet and unchanged at 12e
lc 12%e for large and 1214e for twins,
int job lots here.
Iagts-First at 1Rs to 18X; selects
qi:o'e:1 from 19e to lOyc:
Beats -$1.65 to 81.70 for hand-picked
and $1.50 to 51.55 for primes.
Potatoes -Eastern. dull et 80c lo- 90c
per long; new potatoes, firm al $3.25
to $3.50 per Larrel, in car lots on track.
Baled play --Quiet at 813.50_10 814.50
ter No. 1 timothy. New hay, 812.50, ;It
tar lots on track here.
Baled Straw -$7.25 to $7.50 per ton,
in car lots on truck here.
Dressed Ilogs-89,75 for liglitweights
and $9.25 for heavies.
Pork -Short cul. 822.75 to 823 per
barrel; mess, 320 to $21.
Smoked and Dry Sailed Meals -Long
clear bacon, plc to 11%e for Ions and
case,; hates, medium rind light, I5yle
to 16e; heavy, 1.4%,c to 15c; backs, 16%e
to 17c; shoulders, 10%c to 11c; rolls,
11%e; out of pickle, lc Jess than
lead -Steady, tierces, 12c; tubs, 12%c;
pails, 12%e.
:lfentreal, Aug 13. -Oats continue
flint, and sales of round lets of Mani-
toba No. 2 white were made at 4831,c,
and cur -lots nt 49e per bushel, ex -store,
The tone of the nem' nnrket is strong.
Choice spring wheat patents, fair tone,
81.10 to $5.20: seconds, $1.50 to $4.60;
w;nter wheat patents, $4.65 to 84.75;
straight rollers, $-4.25 to 54.35; do.. in
Lags, $195 to $2.10; extras, 81.65 to
Bulled oats are still quiet at 81.25 per
Leg. Cornmeal is steady at 81.45 to
Minlitnta bran in bags, $20; shorts,
823 to $25 per ton; Ontario bran in
Lags, 819 to 819.50; shorts, $22.50 to
823; milled mouille, $24 to $28 per ton;
straight grain, 830 to $32.
Billed hay remains steady. with fairly
active demand. N. 1. $16 to $16.50;
lae%eland Man Died 4n .t11(',nptintl to
Sate Another.
A despatch from t .!evcland, Ohio,
St;y -: In n vain endeavor to save John
la sack (mat burning to death on the
•.1 of the Cenlnl blast furnace e n
'fee. stlay night Nicholas Thomas stied -
6e ed his own life. Thomas died in nn
ambulance (n route to n hospital. Ile -
(le Ink' n to the hospital. expired n
few hours afterwards. Sparks ignited
13t zick's clothing when he wns repnir-
hie a chimney. 'Thomas in attempting
to extinguish the flumes was fearfully
Mimed himself.
_ -__-
1'r.F:\ 1:\ ht1.1.1;1► t\ i 1:( h.
7lirce Paso neer Cara ih•nu,lished
:rnn:111 113i111:1.
A 41es1'n10h from Berlin sit) - : A pas -
svelter (rain was derailed on Tuesday
night between Posen and 'thorn. The
Iwo engines were overturned and thrro
cars were deunolishel. The nfticinl re-
tort Stiys that eleven persona were killed
nnel torn injured. Among the dead are
Prince Aleiander I3egsotoff. two sons of
(i i,ttt heye.erling of \Menu, Russia,
nett a itussi;en captain who was nocotn•
11.uying there.
How a Lost [Diamond Ring Led to
a \\'edding.
A desp::t,•h1 f' 111 \i i tr4'f! sa). \r.
interesting story is 1061 ley \Ir. Cooper
(•t the lost article det.nrlln•nt of the
Canndinn terrific Midway. Mr. Cooper's
duly ie lo hook after countless Article!'
Ihnt are p,ekcel up Md Willed 111 by px.r-
1(1:+, •.,+ndud•tora and waiters on dining
c:u+. Slate fret' ng, n New- lark (k►c-
tet bniiglel lu the department n very
ptclly diamond ring, whit tt he had
p.tekc,l up nn n car on a 11,p from the
\\ eel. In the entree of time Ibe ling
wee .lnmied by Its owner, \she pretal
1 e l e a fealty and altrnctite pi I firm
(•:n of the email Intent nn the lee !e-
inem \kulrenl and 'Toronto. she was
ttaturnlly overjeyed to get her ring.
wit. I• rin lard pmL•ally ►:wer asiaalcd
to ser again, and in her gratitude a.krd
ter the ih lor's address. in cyder that
she nitgltt thunk turn for his kintirees in
tramming the article to the department.
Mr. Cooper c(1nnol tell just what hap-
tane51 after the yot.ng lady left the
office with the &scleras nddre.s, and he
hoe only n very ht4zy idea ns to how the
whole thing might have happened, but
what 1n' does know is that Some dnye
age (1 happy couple celled in 10 ,tee ht,n
on their welding j..urne•y. and he was
naloutshed to rctr,grrize in them the (lec-
ke nne1 the young Intl who had lost the
rirg. The meeting was naturally a very
veto -ant one. And -Mr. Cooper er 15 very
proud of his work as a niatch-ig►aket.
RUFF -11.0 \h\I1K1 I'S.
iluffelo. Aug. 13. -- Flour --- Quiet.
Winat--.Spring quiet; Ne. 1 Northern.
51.10%: Winter easier; No. 2 real. Ole.
Cern-Easier; Ni.e2 yel'ow. 61e; N.,. 2
white. 59e. 1 talc- QuleI; No. 2 white.
5.3c: No. 3 white, 523 e. Canal freights
N, a lurk, Aug. t3.-\W'heat--No. 2
re 1 t':13kc ektater; Na. 2 reel. 95c f.o.b.
el. at; \ ,. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.06
Lt .1. ant AI: Ne. 2 harp Whiter, 95%e.
1.1\ E STOCK \l.\I11CF:T.
Tor, nto. Aug 1:3.-1..111e business wns
1rinancled in exporter; cnitle. '1'I:•'
Git.,lntkns t•nnged from $5.15 to 83.50
to r cwt. for fair to pod. and 81.90 to
a'• I • for rndrlhnn exporters',
I: ;'• hers' cattle. choice. 41)1181 in qua-
experters cattle. 81.80 Ire $5 per
rooted butchers' cattle. 5.1.40 to
a; • nemon rows, 82.50 to 513: good
s 1,, 1ti 83.60.
e , i -• Oars sold at 82.75 lo $3,25.
11, t '. r st•;•-kers were worth $3.23 to
-;1.344 per cwt. (;o•,tl feeders, 1.(''60 lo
1111 Tbs.. vyere worth $1.50 to 81.75 per
Spring lambs were easy nt 5 , to
rive, per i?. Export ewes were worth
54.50 to R4.:s, per cwt.
Dog. were 15 cents lower. Selects
seal al '6.75, and lights and Dila at
:eau) per cwt,
t. - -
J1hr...hne, tit famous Ilailan arise
end. serving a life sentence, Is going
in Nnrthweslent Italy nnll-clerical
rtt lers are pillaging churches and itl-
tnaling placate.
Telegraph nrirrs From Our Own and
Other Countries of Recent
1St eats.
A \Irxi�an consulate Is to be eslab-
h.'hcd at \Vinnipeg•
Two new postal divisions, Ednton-
te n and Moo,ejaw, have been created.
When the new Canadian Mint opens
a nickel penny may be inh•uduced.
The Ontario Government is about to
commence the survey of the $oo-Sud-
Lur-y trunk highway.
'1'he'ecn1•uil for the C. P. It. exten-
sion from Moose Jaw to Edmonton hus
been let.
C. N. II. cars in \\'innipeg are being
systematically robbed, and detectives
have been at work for months.
The car shortage in the Crow's Nest
country points to mother fuel famine
et the west this winter.
The T. & N. 0. itailway Commission
have let a contract for six new engines
to the Kingston locomotive \\corks.
Ss,1Iples of western whiskey have been
analyzed by lite Inland Itevrnue Depart-
ment and found unaduiteraled.
Claims for South African war medals
will not be entertained after December
3181 next.
S. \V. Smythe, formerly n traveller for
McMinn -at & Co., has been arrested til
Brantford on a charge of swindling
with loos cheques.
Brantford will have an automatic tele-
phone system working by the end 4.f
ttw year, according to General \lanager
Henry l3. \Villiams, a colored porter
41i the lntcreeionial Railway, was ar-
rested at Montreal on a charge of rob -
Lang passengers.
"Canadians are spending too much
money on cigars and pianos," said a
Montreal banker in accounting for the
money stringency.
The Dominion Government has re-
queeted American fishermen who intend
selling trap nets in the Gulf of Sl. Law-
rence to apply fur special licenses.
Out of 30 samples of ginger from
venous ports of Canada analyzed 1'y
the Inland Revenue Department, 29 were
found to be genuine.
Thanksgiving Day this year will I e
the last Thursday in October, unless
the commercial travellers induce the
Government to appoint a Monday.
J S. 1-arke, Canadian agent in Syd-
ney, N.S.\V.. says the new Australian
tariff will be higher with a resultant
disadvantage to Canada.
President 'William '.Mckenzie ot• the
(3 ttndlat Northern has signified his as-
sent to the Saskatchewan Government's
terms to build the bridge at Prince
A lberl.
Stafford Murphy of Mount Forest,
teller of the Bank of Montreal, was
drowned at Alliston while bathing on
The British Government has urged
Turkey to withdraw her troops from
The Irish evicted tenants. bill has been
so drastically amended by the !louse of
Lords as to destroy its value.
John D. Roekefeiler will live to be 91,
says his physician, Dr. 11. F. iliggar.
A w'idesl.read strike of telegraph oper-
ators has been culled in the tattled
Mr. I. 11. tleGuigan has resigned from
the Vice -Presidency of the Greet North-
ern Itnllroatt.
The survey hos been completed for a
new canal trent I.nke Erie to the Ohio
' Chicago's Health Commissioner says
the men nI the city are living 30 per
cent. faster than the women.
Dr. Leonard 5. Taylor of Elgin, 111,
died from poisoning received front a
needles prick during an operation.
An Insane n►oliter in Balllns,re. \Id.,
strangled her two hatless, then Legged
the police not to nwnken them.
(:harles Ilunl, n Philadelphia boy, has
been adopted by it Chinese' laundryman,
and has assumed the 11111114', Boy Soo
The Luke Shore, Michignn remind.
\Vnbastt and Big Four tt;ul'ays will
comply with the two -cent rale bt Michi-
Iter. Dr. C. Campbell \Inrgnn of Ion -
den, suggests martial law ns n remedy
for use by New York in its battle against
the cringe write.
The United Slate's has r'ceeived per•
mission front the (:nttnd,nn lk,s4 r:uncut
to take n ginbnnt up the SI. 1.awrence
On use as n naval training ship.
Jefferson Scott. 11:3 sear: old, un-
doulledly the oldest tiuut in Ohio. is
dead at the Sentra county Infirmary,
where he had been for Rarer years.
The world has entered on n period of
dery money. according 10 C. A. Pugsley,
n member of the executive of the Atticri-
can hankers' Asso ion.
The euterl-ntnrlinntrl al the \lichignn
"Soo." investigating the death of \liss
(:adcnhend. n t analinn, whit tong cleat
by a sentry, has forwarded its finding
to Washington.
'three eepnrnl1 sults. oggregating
$120.000, have kern filed against four
saloonkeepers and four properly own -
tri in Morrls•ul, III., because, it is nl•
leievd. \Willlatil ikeler se^uR'd drinks nl
the .moons and wns killed in an acei•
dent nfterwads 011 Dec. 12 last.
A monument to Victor lingo is to be
erected on the Lnitlelield of Waterloo.
The opium dens of Conlon, Chinn,
were closed on Friday by Imperial de-
The King of Sinal has purchnsed jew-
el.; and plate valued et $3,000,010 Since
Ina arrival in Europe.
A !tenting dock of 4,000 lona. built
in F.nglnn'1, hfis arrived at fort <f
Stain, 'Trinidad, icor use there.
Fighting continue.' ouleide (31 an.
glans, the French horse and artillery
driving the \h,o:-s nark to the hills.
The German Goternmcnt has rai-
n( unccd flint it is selislicd with the
terms of the ntw Angk;-Itussian agree -
Death and Havoc in the Town of
Essex Centre.
SL Thomas, Aug. 11. -Two killed cut -
right, one dead front shoat(, six ori st:.-
:y- injured, one fatally, tied lleirly-Ihtee
others tvall minor injuries. scVO. tl tall
and many buildings completely demo-
lished and fully 75 per cent. of the
liaise: in town damaged, causing wenc-
hes* loss of at least $200.000. Such Ls
the r. still of the eapkieen of a car of
nem -gip -critic in front of the \I. C. 11.
et pet at Essex Centre at 9.10 un Salur-
day morning. The cur of dynnniile had
itched Essex Centre on Friday night,
and was placed on a side track to he
token to Anthersthurg ley n plug Irwin
in lite morning. This train in charge
(.f Conductor Tom Barry, Engineer
favid (:otIrcll, Fireman James \ludi-
gen. and Brakemen George Coulon and
Jcscph M: Narry, had picked up the car,
and was hacking 10 the depot to await
the arrival of 111e mail train front 5t.
Thomas. Conductor Burry noticed that
Ute nitro-glycerine was leaking from the
car, and as the chops fell on the rails
they popped. Barry drew- the talen-
on of Depot Agent Stine:Ts to the con-
dition of affairs, and these two, with
brakemen end others, went into lite car
and readjusted the luxes to try and
stop the leakage. Dalt all hour later
the explosion occurred. Mc\ur►•y and
Conlon were helping to Make up the
train. The former was on the ground
giving the engine crew the signal to
slack up ns they backed up to the pas-
senger coach, which constitutes part of
their (rain, while Conlon ons hanging
on lite rear end of the dynamite car.
Mr Slinters, station agent. wns stnnd-
tnge nem' the engine, evidently watching
to see how much dynamite the car was
When the dumfounded townspeople
came to their senses and realized that
the place had not L'ecn visited by an
turthquake a rush was (ntnde to the de-
p.ol. There the car of dynamite had dis-
appeared, and in its place was a Mule
fully six feel deep and ten feet in dia-
meter, two cars adjoining were reduced
to debris, the passenger coach wns shat-
tered, the engine was n heap of twist-
ed iron and steel, and lite once hand-
some stone depot was knocked out of
shape. Search was made for the bodies
('f the dead and injured. Barry, Shin-
ers, Cottrell and Madigan were Osumi
ruing the track near the ruins of the de-
pot, and all we re living. but uoconsci-
c us. 'the bodies of McNarry and (:on -
toe could not le found for some. lisle,
Lul they were L rated rifler a Icing
search.. The f 11:,1 - est rait Ix,dy was,
underneath a lac of , .i: ring e,nl,•.Slil t
one hand was c'uulp!, 1.13 gone. liatfirla
titan Conlon was blown to pieces, and
sections of his body were gathered 1111
in different plac'e's. Portions of the
head were picked up about two hundred
3-i,rds away. The concussion caused hyj
t''( explosion wrought great havoc for,
a considerable dielance on either side of
the track and Ilio_ rails were torn up(
far a hundred feet or more. Pieces (tj
track and car wheels were blown dis-
tances as far as live blocks.
GEO. CONLON, brakeman, A►nherst-,
burg (rain ; leaves wife and child ini
SI. 'Thomas.
JOSEPI I McNAltIIY, Amherelburge
brakeman; leaves wife and child.
D:. JA\IES 1311IEN, aged resklent of
Essex, lying note Wall of death at!
home, passed away from shock of ea-)
.1. 0. STIMERS, station agent, in neigh-,
boyhood of two hundred cuts from fly-
ing glass on right side of body ; re-'
eovery will be slow. Ile is totally deaf'
frown _cxpinsien.
DAVID COTIILI.l., engineer, St. Thome
as, cuts and I,rtti es, rib broken and!
kidney punctured; recovery doubtful.l
JAMES MADIGAN, fireman, Sl. 'Thomas,;
cuts on forehead and right side, and
arm badly injured; recovery will be
'11105. BARRY, conductor, of Amherst-,
burg, cuts on tread autd body.
JAMES. BROWN, Anthersthurg, gt•tthnt
merchant, struck by portions of do
pot ; internal Injuries.
J A. A131.10T1, telegraph operator,i
DAVii) IIESS, fourteen cuts.
MICIL\EI. 1'A13itAUGII, mill hand, cut
on head.
) hand, •:Irl' L•` . LLL1N1:, mill 1 cut on
head and 1nc1y.
\tats. JOSEPH BAILEY, cuts on head.
NIBS. \IAItTIN, of Ypsilanti, Michigan,
1 11. CLEEVE.S, opernier. cola.
MISS \IABP (:OCICBC:liN. telephone'
operator, (suffering front stir•:k.
111115. A. 0. S1'1\MEBS; cut by collaps-t
ing of her home.
JAMES FOS'fE.II, boggageman, ren-
dered partially deaf.
About n score of others cut. by falling
glass and limbers.
Leon Maille. the naval reservist, who
shut at President Fallleres, has been
declared insane.
The Pope a few drys since received
a pilgrininge of over 100 Americans
Prem all parts of the United Stales.
Over 6,000 Turkish Troops with nr-
thL•ery crossed into Persin, drove owl
n Persist force and killed 78 Inhabi-
A society has been formed in France
to restrict molar sports in view of the
frequency of fatal accidents:
A (;nlutnbia iNe\\• York) student has
tern sent to jail for three Months for
killing n woman with nn nuto►nol ile in
%lamelfl Albert, the lender in the
one -grower: riots in s euRu ern France,
wns hooted by his (ellow-citizens on re-
turning to his nnlle ctlinge.
Britain. • Frnncc, Cita-runny (1,141 the
United Stales have definitely ngreed on
as scheme for the e+lnblishmertt of a p'er-
ntancnt court of 0ibitl'aliun.
'1'hc Allurney-General al Melilla ha -
received Instruct -lens from Washington
to enter suit against lite Standard oil
Company for $10,000 unpaid dot).
- e((a
NO\TILE I. 5i1(4131 OF WATER.
One of the Rig Pump. Ilas Broken
i)k,w n.
A despnteh from Ntonlrenl says: An.
other of the big Worthington punlpa,
el 1114' wheel hewn. in Point SI. (:hnrlcs,
ie !woken don't and the greatest diffi-
culty is being experienced in trying to
keep sufficient water in the ueservo rs
on the, rnonntnin. II is admitted in the
Water Department that (here cony h'
se.ntcthing el n water Innline again, and
that the water pressure Wray be very
pier in some districts of the city.
Wonsan and Children Drugged Out and
A despatch ft am Winnipeg says:
Word received fto:n Fort Chippewyan,
under dale of July I, indicates that
w•clves are becoming a positive scourge,
in the far iterate An Indian woman
and tw•-, children had been dragged out
of their tepee and devoured. Deer,
anti other emilials are being deplete,
lw the packs. The Indians refuse to
1::11 Them. even under the inducement'
of the $10 lx,unty, owing to supersti-
tion and a belief in the transmigration-
ransmigrationof souls.
The same despatch snys That the po•
Ike are close on the (rail of Fi.schry,
the half-breed swindler, wonted on a
ehnrge of forgery and embezzling
C \Tf.11l\(; WI \\W' NII le'S.
Quebec C pang is Drone, a Sue eea-
lul Season.
A dcspat h from Ottawa says. Mr.
T. J. Cuda. accountant of the Depart•
Ment of Trade and Commerce. returned
on Wednesday from a vigil to 11►e prin-
cipal points along the North Shore, -
which nre touched at by the steamer
ftestigeouehe. 'three dnys wire spent
a: Seven Islands. where the Quclee
Stearn Whaling (av, has its principn)
p:anl. 'Iwo whales pint) just been
brought in, the larger of which weigh-
ed cover one hundred pons. The tout
of the company up 10 a week !ego was
37 whnles for this sencnn. A total el
66 was ebtalned for the whole of last
Many Guests of Regina Restaurant
Are Poisoned
A dcspnIch from ileginn .ny4: \
Sensation was cuu•eel in the city on Fri-
day I y the nese. 11,81 a number of
e nr 1..rs at Steele's restaurant en Lorne
Steen had been poisnne'd by n uelulir,n
of nrsenie in the porridge pnrinken of
by therm (1t breakfast. It nppear5 that
the proprietors of the rest:l .rust lent a
quantity of oalnienl on Thursday to Ihc
Chinese proprietor of the adjacent eat -
Ing. !reuse'. The ontnenl wns duly re-
turned and Steele card se,rne of it 10
cook the morning steal. \Irs. Steele rind
eight or nine guest+ ate of Ihc• porridge
and almost immediately nflet wards were
seized with severe internal paine ne-
compankd by vomiting. Inel irs Thorntt-
son rind Nies* were summoned and Ly
natural means and Ak,mnelr pump s the
greater part of the kiod was elected.
'three of the Aufferer!. Ilnrry Stu w'ni 1,
Cyrus Welfare mrd John Forton,', arra
0.1150,01 Is Valeria Ilospll11. when!
Meir condtiion soused grows, anxiety,
There Is. However, some gmmul for h•,p•.
big that till those 'Mocked will recover.
The unused oatmeal wns conli•ealcd
and a portion of it submitted le Dr.
(lowlier). Provincial fhieler'k,k.gist. who
certified) to the presence of nreenie. The
Chlnmmun who returned the oatmeal,
rine) generally k114,w►1 herr as Hine. has
leen to -reeled. .\ hart a hick. unless (lie-
pievevl, nppenrs to wog,' against him 15
That an Invoke salons ilint he purchased
Ina weeks age, n qunnllly of nnlment,
alt of which had not been used. Whet
tidal rcr,aon lie hn.l to brans oatmeal
oil!, n Mork already in his possees,eot
rcnlufnt a mystery.