HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-15, Page 4HOOSE IIEGDLATOH
t ie(IiLUti
Having decided to give up hn,i1)e
we will dispose of the balance of o
stock at greatly reduced prices --
fact below cost. I)o not buy befit
You see 11811S you will ue%ea' get brit
bargains. A call solicited.
W. A. Finkbeiner, Crediton
Ell (Hot and (`old 1Vatet•)
PBPEN llllNEll��
can samples.
$ION iHITER ,•1)
(With R Dinney last year)
Estint ate, furnished on application.
A Trial Solicited
Arthur D. Davis
RESIDENCE: Corner Jrunes :old An-
drew Streets.
For now and the
rest of the season.
These worsteds are in blues and
fancy mixtures, excel in quality,
beauty and finish anything of their
kind we have ever shown. \Ve are
offering some beautiful
St:MMKR SUITS for $10 and upwards
FOR 8U3131ER
If a pant hunter pantless
Is panting for pants
He panteth pantless
Unlit he implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
J. H. Holtzmann
A beautiful ;tssortruen:, to
from. If there is a taste we
suit, we have yet to know it.
Q etex Annotate,
Sanders & Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, AUi.15,1007
inland revenue returns for the
t months ending .lune 3)th last
show that the consumption of cigar-
ettes in Canada is growing nt an alarm-
ing rate. For the twelve months the
total number entered for consumption
was 3:31.972,137, as compared with 2,00,_
3I-1,937 for the corresponding period of
1905•06, an increase of nearly one-third.
In 1901, the number ref cigarettes en•
tered for consumption was 250,860,387.
Ten years ago it was only tK3,79$,(0K).
The cnnsumption of cigars for the
twelve months ending Jnne :30 last
WAS I93,1310,575, practically the same
as the preceding twelve months.
The Ontario Government are offer-
ing special prizes in the Natural His.
tory Depart went at thee Canadian
National Esiota( on for the best coll-
ection of insects injurious to horticul-
ture: for a► collection illustrating the
effects .•tf fungoid disease upon cultiv-
ated plants, and for the best exhibit
of tv. ods and leaves from the forest
trees in Canada. Prizes of $30 will
be given in each section.
reen way
Mr,. 1V. McGregnt' of Dutton spent
last week at P. (landings. -- \Villiam
Brown is all stniles. It's a boy. --Mies
Tufts of Kirkton is visiting at Mrs.
1Vnt. Brown's. -Mist Swe'itr.er of
Thortidale spent the past week with
Mist Mae 11 ileo,:, --Mts. W. A. Wit -
son is visiting her father -in -Law W. J.
%Vilson. Jas. Brnphey went to Grand
Bend Saturday and brought home a
at,,rgenrt w•eighialg fifteen pounds._
Mrs. A. McIntosh was visiting her sis-
ter Mrs. It. English. -Jos. %V. Hibbert
of Thrn tebtle pie tolled 0 very 1111N -est -
jug "Pt mon in 11 ••ton Met realist c)lorcls
Sunday, --.tits nem. U(Kenrie it vis•
Ring het- friend \list Maggie Hotton.
Ed Cook of Stratford is spending bis
holidays with friends near here.- -Miss
Maggie Hutson spent the past week
with friends at Shipka. -Mise Eva Eg-
gert of Parkhill is spending the vaca-
tion at her home here, --Miss Eath••r
arephe(,.in it visiting at the Bend. --
Mist 1'. •t Ilarve,t calle,l on friends here
mouthy. 1\'. J. Wilson left this week
cn n t wo tirrotht' visit to his d inghter
Mrs. It. %V. Ilaltte•II of ' ,I1kton, Sask. I
Miss Lou•.► Armstrong of Detroit is
visiting her cousin, Miss Milly Foster.
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi-
ment ! You want to safe your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
cry minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
.Aycr's Hair Vigor. It makes
the s;alp healthy. The hair
.�� : in. It cannot do any-
thini else. it's nature's way.
'''. l'e't kind of a testimonial -
" y 1 for over sixty years "
4z,ers[aa• a J. t'. Aber t70., IAR•11, Y +e,
Also fan n!►ctur•r• or
3 PH I t,
I Mk -
C-1 Mrs. G. Walken of Guelph is spend
ing a few weeks here with her mother y�
Mrs. Sutallacoutbe.- James Moore re- I *
ss turned from Doti oit Monday accom-1
lir tanied by Mrs, T. li ('ar•den, ,bier of, •
In! i1r,. Moore, who will visit here tor• a i ��
re • tine.. -The '.V. M.S. islet at the home of
er Mrs. James MOM t• 1Vednrerday. A
Mrs. Dantbra, daughter and son
London have been visiting her tooth
Mrs, Henry Motz the past week. -
Art. Zwicker was in London Friday. -
Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Kerr and son of
Chicago, III., are spending a few days
with ft lends here. --Miss Ella Marshall
of Forest is visiting friends in nor
midst. -Miss Dina `Vood of Lon Jon
spent a few days during the week
with her cousin Miss Evelyn Kerr. -
Several of our citizens took in the I.O.
O. F. Excursion to Detroit on Satur-
day and returned howa Monday. ---
Victor Bertrand of London gave our
town people a brief visit one day last
week. -Mrs. Boland and sons of Wood-
stock are visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Mathew Wein.-Garfield Law-
son left for Glenfield, Penna„ last
week where he has secured a situation.
%Ve wish hint euccess.-Fred Jones of
London sang a beautiful solo in the
Methodist church last Sunday evening.
-The Directors of the Hay Tp. Farm-
ers' Ins, Co. met in the Town Hall,
last Saturday and transacted consider-
able important business, -A large
number front here took in the Gala
Day at the Bend last Friday. The
majority returned borne disappoint-
ed as the sports were not as good as
expected. Quite a number felt sore
that they had to pay their quarter on
the King's Highway. -Mrs. (Rev.)
Bean and family have returned Isom e
after ra pleasant visit with relatives in
Michigan. -Mrs. Ab. Cunningham
and family are visiting friends in Lon-
don. -Miss Ila Johnson of Exeter
spent a few dans the past week with
her aunt Mrs. Wm. Baker of Crediton
East. -E. Simpson, Principal of the
High School at Midland, was in the
village last Friday night. Mr. Simp-
son taught here several years ago and
has many friends here who are always
glad to see him, -The Misses Kuhn
and Miss Della Brown have returned
home after visiting friends in Sebe-
waing and Detroit. -Miss Aline Hill
spent last Sunday in Zurich the guest
of her aunt Mrs. Chas. Greh,-Chas.
Stock and Otto Brown drove to Tavi-
stock on Saturday, where they spent.
a few pleasant days with friends. -
John Dyer has been visiting friends
in Mitchell the past week.-Threshin
has commenced and the whistle
heard every day in this neighborhood
-August Kubn spent a few days a
the Bend last week. -Root. \Villian
spent 'net Sunday in Zurich with h
parents. -Dr. and Mrs. Orme of Cen
tialia-were in the village last Sunday
-Quite a number of our people are
taking in the services given daily at
the Bend in connection with the Sun).
mer School this week.- Miss Nona
Coughlin is spending a few days here
'with ber cousin Mrs. (Dr.) McCue.-
Miss Ida Ewald of Elimville spent
Sunday here with her parents. -Last
Friday everting the Centralia lads
came• back here to play a return match
will our I3rownies. They returned
h eine a wiser :and a sorry lot of boys.
having been defeated by is score of 13-
2. -The Exeter team didn't show up
for the game called for Monday even-
ing. The return snatch will be held
in the near future and considerable
fun is expected.
The public school re -opens on Mon
day, Angutt loth, and the continua
tion classes on Tuesday. Sept. 3rd
%Viii those t.. Io intend joining the con
tinaatinu classes notify Mr. Billet
who will Ire at the school after August
10th, so that each one may get the
books required for their course before
the classes open. Kindly bear this in
tnind and save lose of time. Miss Rob-
inson has been granted leave of ab-
sence by the trustees for two or three
weeks, as she is visiting in the West
and will therefore not be hack in time
for the re -opening. The room will be
in charge off the principal until her re.
tut n.
large number weir present and an i
teresting prow an: was tt'udered.-O
of Wednesday a reception was given 0
e1. the manse grounds itt honor of Re
Mr. Henderson, a former minister
Hensel!. --Friday evening H.J.D.Cook
entertained about seventy-five frien
to a pleasure drive to8t.Joseph.-Mt•
T. Murray of Owen Sound is visitin
her father-in-law, who is very poor'
--Chas. Chapman and wife of %Vood-
stock are visiting their parents. -Mi
Ida Prest of London is visiting b
parents. -Monday evening the Leagu
is giving an entertainment in the ska
ing rink. Cake and tea will also
served. Zurich Band has been enga
ed for the occasion and a good time
expected. -Sunday evening Rev. M
Doherty held a tlorial service, the su
ject being the Rose, Shanintrock an
bistle. The church was decorat
for the occasion and the service wa
much enjoyed. -Some from here a
attending the Sumpter School at th
Bend. -Mrs. J. McArthur left th
week for Lions Head where she wi
visit her sister Mrs. (Rev.) Shaw. -M1%'
Hemphill ofroxeter Is visiting h
sister Mrs. C. Cook. -A few days ag
the News contained a portrait of J. 8
Wren, B.A., who baa been offered th
position of mathematical master o
the Riverside High School. -At a
cent meeting of the Kippen Circus
Quarterly Board the salary of the pit
tor, Rev. J. Hart, was raised $50. -Mr
and Mrs. H. Arnold are on a visit
friends in Windsor and Detroit. -Jac
Horton of Indian Head is here visiting
-Mrs. 0. McDonell and children hay
gone to Forest where they will visi
for a few weeks. -Mrs. T. Neeland
has returned from a trip to Toronto
Buffalo and Niagara Falls. -T. Kelly
who has been ill, is recovering.- Thos
Wood and daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Gem
reel, after a pleasant stay here bay
returned to Stratford. -Mr. Carlisle o
Windsor is relieving the manager o
the Sovereign Bank, H. Arnold. wh
is away on his holidays. -The Mis
Frances and 011ie Cox worth, are bow
from London for holidays. -Mrs. Day
id Thompson and little daughter wh
have been spending a few weeks wit
relatives here left last week for Toron
to. -Alex. Murdock, has recovere
from his attack of quinsy. -Miss
Thompson is on a visit to Mance
friends. -Doc. Pulcher of Forest visit
ed here last week. -W. L. Rowen-Le
of Montreal is the new accountant i
the Mnlsons Bank.- Miss Lizzie Har
vey is renewing acquaintances, prior
to her trip to the west. -Fay McDon
ell has gone to Detroit. where she will
spend her holidays. -Wm. McDougall
is improving the appearance of his
dwelling by a fresh coat of paint.-
Arthur I3latchford has also recently
very much unproved his dwelling at
the west end of our village by the ad
dition of a neat verandah and also
having the whole dwelling nicely re
painted. -Petitions are being freely
presented to the council for new ce
inept walks in different parts of our
village. --Mrs. Chas. Hawke has rented
and moved into R. Bullard's dwelling.
-Jaynes Murray, passed the 110th mile-
stone of his life on Aug. 5. We regret
to say. however, that Mr. Murray has
been, for a number of months, confin-
ed to his room, owing to a general
wearing out of a fine, strong constitu-
tion, which stood hint in good steed
until a Writ) the past year, when,
throng!'weakness in his limbs, he wns
obliged to rest in bed. although not
seriously ill. His mind continues veru
good on the whole. and he enjoys both
reading and conversing with his many
friends. --M. A. 8. Berry, after a pleas-
ant visit here, has returned to his
home in Lansing, Mich. --Mrs. Wm.
Lee, of North Dakota, accompanied
by her daughter. is visiting her sister,
Mrs. D. 13. McLean, of Tuckersrnith.-
We regret to learn that Arthur Cald-
well, D. 13. McLean and H. Horton
bad considerable standing grain injur•
ed by the late hail storm. -S. J. Lattaformerly principal of the Colborne
street school, London, but who has
been in the west on a year's leave of
absence on account of ill•health, has
tendered his resignation to the board
of education. He intends making his
home in the west and is at present
teaching in Regina. Mr. Latta is a
!limonite!limoniteend hes relatives in this vi-
At -em s:NT --The army relatives and
friends of Duncan 11eEtven, sun of
Alex. McEwen. of the township of
Nay, will regret tery much to learn
of a sad accident that recently betel
hire, Mr. McEwan is an engineer on
the C. P. It. in the Crow's Nest section,
and was on duty assisting with a very
heavy and powerful engine running
trains of stock up the mountain and
while waiting for a train at the Kase
of the mountain, he was explaining to
his fireman, who was only recently in
the service, the working of the enterg•
ency air brake, and was under the ten-
der of+ertating it tap connected with
the air brake when, unfortnnettly,
some steam still remaining in the cy•
finder was allowed to escape and corn.
municated its power, with ttheresnit
that the engine began to move, and
while getting from under it Mr. Me
Ewen got, his leg caught under the
wheel. nearly cutting it nit. Withgreat presence of mind and genuine
pluck Mr. M(Eiven boundtip hit in-
jured lea at (best he (amid moil hr
could each the hospital at Lethbridge,
where the injure.) part of Ito. Ir•g w•ar
amputated and we are pleased to feat, n
Rio that his fine constution in standing
hits in goodstead and that he is itrt
proving rapidly. Thnenews carte
Kteat shock to h s home, as heI.
ler for a numberof yeses, anti t' ,•
never suffered n cut or bruise. H•
had at,seemed his pass to
bouts in a few tlitys to visit hit ratPots.
Sea fotth; An•le :1r•hitrald, of 11
firm of Chesney & ?ttelilaald, wha,
helping to nnlo..d a heavy toms,.
n halt he haul just brought from thedepot. the !WI t••. k fright Et sooe•.
thong tad started to rim :,way. 11.•
was thtu•tn out ,end t he fin mop fell
on hint. For !Itn:.t:•'y something PIP-
s (-ain't]
tP•sentct) the full tv. inlet • f the furna(e
t -
R -
Grand 'lend
Mr. Harmon (sill moved to Port
Franks Monday. --Miss E. Schaefer
arrived here Saturday and will spend
some time with her sister, Mrs. E. OW. --Mrs. Pedler of Ailsa Craig is spend-
ing it week here with her brothers. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bitlkwill of Exeter
spent Sunday at Mr. Ed. Gill's, Jr.-
Mr. Wilson of StafTa arrived here
Ntinday to ,:pend a week. --1V. Grieves
has returnednereturnedto i',etkhill after a few
days' visit with FEmery('arriere. --The
Exeter District Slimmer School open-
ed on Sunday last when service was
held in the large tent which has been
erected on the Exeter side for the doe
of the school during its stay here. The
meeting throughout was very interest•
ing. Meetings will be conducted all
this week.
Tomato Pest
Alarm is felt in this neighborhood
r the tomato crop owing to thedev-
astations of the cuts t in, which has
Appeared in large nurne
~ra in some
fields. The woe m is about two inches
lung, with a yellowish stripe on each
side of the tiled black and white or
grey lad-. with it row of yellow or
white spots nn the trick. it finally
turns into a truth of a dark Mown
color. The worm Het concealed in theloose earth during the day and feeds
at nightIt bores holes right through
e tomato besides devouring the vine,
1e r1Terli%e remedy for these
•ctntnal marauders is the pnison•cl
an mash, which 15 made by mixing
if .a p.,nnd of 1':it it I'teett it1 sat lbs of
.(14 .rh•• proportion for hlargerlargeror
aallea Il,r.tntittes is 1 to Aral: the pois.
A1011111, r111 I.added to the dry bran lit=
ile Ly little:and stitted ail t titneti11
the whole is Bowed with th'• gi een col
at. then .ofd 15 4t.•i errs .•tele, rl a ith
sugar 11 ntul:tssr•s till the mixture 18
sitIliri.•ntiv moistened to etntuhl•' nice
ly thronglt the fingers. If bran ca la.
not be prou•u r, d, shorts tt flail! 111 1 c
he ost'd and for field work may be di•
tiibnted dry 1•y means a f a seed dr. 1!.
The plash 18 spI inklyd about the piaol
at sun dnw0.nnd after dark thewog ncs
rue cut and eat in preference to the
ve etatlon and then go off and die. uta.
itt their places of concealment.
Pit is green, half a portnd to 10 gallons
of water neat- em used nn m Iuy plants
with tnar-h advantage.
•' n
s -to
phi the fine paying pnsi1ion of rna•
(voter (otnnlg on hat 1.,•1110• and 11) this
fact he owes his life. Ile was tender••
ed um -once -Iona for sortie time. The
furnace was completely destroyed.
Ft SeHer
The House Cold -Tire Setter
It is our motto to keep up-to-date in
all lines of our business.
Reasons Whyte.
this tire setter does its work better
than the old way.
The tires stay tight longer.
There is no charing or burning
the wood.
No danger of over dishing the
The paint is not scratched oe in-
Can get your job done in one-quar-
ter the time.
We Will Guarantee •11 Work Done
by Thfa Machine.
We are also prepared to cut down
wheels or any other repairs
that your rig may deed
R. Robinson
Miss Barnes after a pleasant stay
with her friend Miss May McLean, has
returned to her home to Petrolea.-
Mrs. A. McIntosh and daughter Miss
Olive, arrived Tuesday from Port Hu-
ron to spend a month with theformer's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Pollock.
-Moses Carruthers bas returned front
a few months stay in Detroit. -King
Bloomfield bas rented the farm owned
by the late A.E. Corbett. He will take
possession in the fall. -Miss Zillah Eng -
al et visited Mrs. James Pollock last
week. -Wm. Sherritt has the contract
of putting a cement wall under the
Presbyterian shed and also to build as
new shed 21x95 which will be to great
convenience to the congregation.
Rev. Mr. Abrey,who has been enjoy-
ing his holidaysat Hamilton, has re-
turned and occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church Sunday morning.
-Misses Florence and Nettie Brooks
are spending a few weeks in London.
--Adelbert Stanley is visiting his par-
ents here. ---Miss Cora Carson of Lon-
don visited Mrs, C. %Vestrnan last week.
-Cornelius Westman and daughter
Anna of Illinois are visiting in and
around Granton. -Miss Lillian Morley
bas returned to Milverton. -Harry
Ward has sold out bis shoe business
here. -Mrs. Geo. Gowan of New York
is visiting Mrs. Geo. Westman.-W.
McRoberts has purchased E. Lang -
ford's house and lot, while the latter
bas rented John Lankin's residence.
Mr, and Mrs. Lankin have moved to
London where they intend retraining.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dann are enjoying a
few weeks' visit with friends ftp north.
Miss Myrtle Murray has returned front
a holiday trip to Lucknow and Clin-
ton. -C. M. Webb and wife of Toronto
are here visiting their son Oscar. -
Harvesting is well under way. A great
deal of wheat is cut. likewisesomelhar-
ley. Oats are ripening and will he a
Netter yield than at first anticipated.
Miss Mooney, of London, is visiting
her grandfather. Mr, Fitzgerald and
other friends. -A very severe electri-
cal storm, accompanied by hail, pass-
ed over here tbe other evening. About
as mile west of here it took the roof off
11. Horton's barn and tore up one
•-tu'ner of J. McLean's metal roof. it
also blew down trees and fences. The
storm was very fierce hitt only lasted
about two minutes. D. McLean, J.
Mclean and Wm. :Maven were badly
hailed out, The storm swerved to the
north and jumping about two utiles
lighted down again on the 8th conces•
cion bailing Wtn. Elgie and S Cleft
pretty nearly out. -The quarterly
ioard of the Kippen Methodist circuit
to which the Methodist church here
belongs met in the parsonage at Hen
sail on Monday everting last for the
transaction of business. Among other
things they again raised the minister's
salary $:p(1 ranking it POO. This is the
second raise Mr. Hart has received
since he cause here and which speaks
for itself in reeard to the success of
his pastorate.
Mfitchelt: The remains of Miss Beat-
rice Basal of Chicago, arrived Sunday
and were taken in eherge by her
prandfalher, who look the body to his
residence where the funeral took place
Tuesday. She was the eldest daughter
of Wm. Boy l formerly of town and
was in her 11th year,
Suffered Terribly
22 Years
Bu -Ju
The Gentle KidncyPill
Cured him.
It will cure you.
11...d John (i; eenwoo.l'• letter.
-tet I't1.-lit lee :dr,..•e all i11tg Stoats
Undoubtedly the best o.'ewed on
the continent. Peeved to be so by
analysis of four chemists, and by
swards of the world's great Exhi-
bitions, especially Curers t8yj,
where it receited ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter itt the
United States or Canada.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 3
�� This School by being the best hss t,e.•on,e the lira -
Highest Price paid f'or Grain a est business training School in the Nest. We have
three departments: Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy, if interestt'<t In obtaining a emetics!
education, write (arose nes catalogue. Graduates
---- --- - i assisted to positions.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE 1101.11S 10 a. m. t03 p. in. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
acing Bank Department: t ntil further notice Interest on Satinlre accounts mill be
credited yuartetly instead c f half yearlt as torn,erly.
Deposits of 41 and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dicxsos & CARLING, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Western Fair ;
The Exhibition the People all Like toAttend
KNAI3ENSHUES AIRSHIP daily, and a full list of
Attractions, with plenty of Music. Fireworks
after programme each night, concludingwith
that grand display, "The Siege of Gibralter"
Send to Secretary for Prize Lists, Progiatns and all information.
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
London Sept.6-14
Hallett: Fred Ycntnghlut rnet, on'
Monday, a heavy loss by the death of
his stallion Royal Token, Ile was!
just starting out for the last trip of
the season, when he ruptured a blood
vessel. Royal Token was a fine horse,'
and was worth at least $lax).
Mullett: Though the death of Miss,
Eva Ilosella, only daughter of W. J.I
Miller. of the 3rd, was not unexpected,!
nt was very sad, resulting front a pro-;
trncted illness and leaves r► vacancy in!
the home thatcan never he refilled.'
She was a bright. clever ,and popular
yn,tng person just budding into;
'ertfottb: A Lely pretty t ctor tied.
ding took place on 7 nubility at noon,
at the residence of Mrs. James Will.
iams, when her second dangling. Miss
Lillie M.. was quietly married to Rob-
ert C. Lennox, Toronto. Rev. D.
Rogers, pastor of tbe Methodist ()lurch
formed the cenlemony.
St. Marys: A very old resident of
the town passed quietly away on Tues-
day in the person of Mrs. John San-
derson. She had been practically an
invalid for ten years. Mts. Sanderson
Med in St. Marys for neatly sixty
years and was one of the nlde't living
members of the First Presbyterian
Mitchell, Ont., Mayl:3, ItN,7
The ('laflin Chemical Co.
Windsor, (Int.
Dear Friends,-
A great shinty has been won by the Ilse of "Htt•Jt", after 22 yearrof
terrible suffering film) Sciatica and 11114-411»ati-m.
f have been a great sufferer ft nm this 1.4-11 Ode disease for 22 years hack
at times i would have backache and fel vitae pains in illy hip hip joints and
also down my legs to the bottom of my fret. 1 have surfeits] untold agony
and only fraise who have hail the di -case know that the tett )1,1e pains au e,
i tried eyet'.thiog I could hink ••f, bot got rat,,.-Ii.•f nodi I rate "Bo -
Jit", the Kenlle hide • y fall, adyerri-)d in the. 11:•/0.1, ;and 1 t1).01 ht 1 ecouid
give it a trial antl 1 dal .o. 1 hoitght 0t;e hoe of "Mi -Ju" ;Intl Kiat grunt t lief.
then 1 got five more b x• - ••f Them, ;and afar, Il -in¢ six boxes 1 ata (orepl•tely
cored id the nrhe, and p.,•nsawl ran 1erornnacn.1 111.•1,4 1,• sins prt•nnsnlTeting
as 1 dol.
Led whoa. 1 thnnght 1 would have to give tip :altogether as 1 ro11(1
hardly get artun•l oat my leg.. i atm mot than thinkfiil, mute that: tongue
can tell fat getting tial o1 int ,ii -ease i.y the ma. of "it.a .lu". and rnntiy others
1 hare toll of it have been getting Ielie..e.l of their i•an s. 1 0l11 111.5)1 to
without ihern in th) hoarse, 1 have he -.n dais and i/.. ks rh it 1 ..,111.1 hardly
• r.twl to th•• barn to do my chores. 1 h:vl to shop elitT(•I• rt tin,..:•nd tial nay
kw:. 1 t'laugh,. in int' a time 1 -h•• tld 1.e a • r it,plr• f, r Ft,. 1 •1e 11 ..;,k G. d
got s utething at Iasi to knock it oat, when 1 got hold of "I1n•J11 ; and 1 can
recommend it highly to others snfTeting front the same rlis,asp.
Yours very truly, 1
JOHN (nKRNwoon
Mitchell. Logan Township, Ont.