HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-15, Page 30
The summer months are a time est
tanxlety for nother•b, because they are
tats- most dangerous months in the year
Mt• babies end young children. Stomach
4ind bowel tn.uhles come quickly during
{the: but acether and almost before the
imether realizes that there is danger
;th,. little one may be beyond aid. Baby's
Own '1'ublets will prevent summer com-
plaints if given occnsioially because
they keep the stomach and bowels free
from offending mutter. And the Tub -
tete will cure (hese troubles if they
come suddenly. The wise mother should
keep these Tablets always at hand and
give Them occusionnily to her children.
The Tablets can be given with equal
,UC' "s M the new torn babe or the
well green child. They always du
w,, el---tht'y cannot pa`sibly do harm—
Nei the mother has the gunranke of a
G nernnlent analyst that this medicine
d es not contain one particle of opiate
u harmful drug. Sold by all medicine
(haters or by moil at 25 cents a box
fr'.nm The Dr. Williams' \tedicino Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
(By A. Banker.)
Extending for several miles in mid-
eLnnnel, off the south eastern const of
England, is one of (hose death-traps c 1
the sea which, all down the centuries,
hae from time to time with never abat-
ing, inexorable ruthlessness• claimed r.s
its prey and engorged in its unsatiable
maw, many a gallant ship, many a
h':nie-coming bark laden with the pro-
duce of tropic climes, or many a coast-
ing craft making for port. here is one,
a very thing of fair beauty and grace,
a fairy of the seas, proudly ploughing
.the foaming waves. and endowed :s
it wee.' with sentient life. But in a mo-
tuent. le, tocsin knell to warn her of
her danger, no flashing light to pre-
ntunish her, uo breaker ahead
with their forewarning menace,
she strikes a great submerged bank if
these ever shifting, ever treacherous,
quicksands; and in u moment the benu-
t,ful gazelle of tate seas is gripped hard
in a deadly embrace; every spasmodic
tl.rob only engulfing her yet deeper and
deeper in the rapacious clasp of her
raptor; every lurch, as the buffeting
waves cruelly strike her, and strike her,
4.11 her quarter, only forcing her yet
heftier down and down into the sun -
Ion dandle abysm.
Now her deck is submerged, soon 'o
be swal'owtd up in lite yielding quick -
wind; now. slowly but surely, ns her
weight, with the falling tide. prees'es
n.ore heavily down into the sands. her
bulwark:, then her masts, thew her
yards, one after the other disappear;
until perhaps nothing is left visible but
her topmasts, which act as a warning
,to other ships uglil the shift of the sands
is indicated by a buoy with clanging
bell, w-Weh mournfully, as it rises and
fulls with the waves. sounds a dolorous,
Iticanln)f knell over the sepultured
'I,; auly' of the ocean inhumed beneath
in (hut \eatery charnel house.
And there in that fatal and hidden
s'in'e of the sea tie also hundreds. aye,
pt chaps thousands of Erhllanl barks;
nunle driven there by storm and temp-
est; some fogbound and helpless; snare
twisted 1.y (he .lifting of the sands.
And. alas. loo. ns many of these victims
41 the qui e:sands carried down with
them into n watery grave (hose who
had node them for a time their home,
Pie low len miles 4,f Banti -bank must
1 e a wast necropolis: the last resting
place el thousands suddenly arrested in
(1,e very prime of lite without warning,
F41netanles, it nus! Le feared. wholly
unprepared for the dread summons.
And there must those whitened bones
;lee until. al the sound of the Archnngel's
trunlp, the sen shall give up her dead.
Then shall they all appear before iho
Great Judge; they who in their earth-
lifc served and obeyed their God, and
wh•,se evil deeds were obliterated from
the !leered in virtue of the Redeemer's
atonement. reeei%ing a joyful welcome
into the realms of glory; they who wil-
fully forgot Ilial. or refused to obey
Ilan, reef lying the dread sentence ('f
w nI.' IV I10 NEVER Slit: e .
The Silent 1'errnn Bride --Wonsan "Thal
kept Iter Oath.
The Corenn wenian who speaks or
even nods on her \ending day immedi-
ately loonies an 4lycel of ridicule and
loses cftste. Nettie r threat nor prnyer
must move her. ter (hi' w114ne household
r' r a
1 n1 1►
the alert ,K
is ever on th
unuttered syllable. Iler perio41 of silence
oPen lasts fur a week ur inure end when
complete silence is broken she only uses
her tongue for the most necessary uses.
Some sixty years ago a native of
1'ennsylvnnin undertook. for a wager of
$150. to remain mule for the first month
.411 tier nlan•iagc. Iler husband not being
in the secret. lilt her. only to return
inter when lie was nppt'tsed of the real
mason 4f her silence.
A Brussels couple named Dupont
quarrelled ser bitterly on their wedding
Clay h ill the wife vowed that her hue
bund should never hear her voice again.
entrenti4c went for nulling and I,•
h' r dying day she kept to the letter of
Ise; ('nth.
A Bonin woman whose hul.lumd was
In hiding from the authorities inadver-
tently betrayed his w hereabouts to n
police spy. As, a result the loan was
token ani receited n term of imprison-
ment. S0 much did she Inks to heart
111is nlislorlunc, tlrnoghl ahenit by her
greeefp, that she n'otved to remain mule
the int of her life.
4tr -ewe
Ytlt'll F1'\I11CIt l)1"TING.
1f you ar.' fond et fishing. cn►tteinut.
camping or the study of wild animals,
look up the Alg nquin Notional fork of
Ontario for your summer ruling. A
Itsh and grime pre`erye of 2.000.000
aCr('n Interspersed with 1.200 lakes and
riser+ is awaiting yl,n, offering all the
etllrartiowl that Na lure can bestow.
1P1l gnitlrcnt came trip+. Altitude 4.000
fief above sen level. Pure and exhilnr-
' &Unit almusphcre. Just the place for a
,young min to put in his summer holi-
daye. An interesting and profusely 11-
lestrale'1 dieeriptire publlealktn tell-
ing yon all ate est it sent free on tipple
CrtN n to 3. 1). AI:1)onald, Union Station,
)'4 1\41.14), Una.
\antes ul Three Eierish Officers on
Japanese hull 111 Paine.
In the groat national shrine of Ya-
sukunf, in '1-' kin, the animal c•rreuuon)'
,.f formally worshipping the spirit gua•-
di16ns of the Japanese empire has just
taken place.
There are enshrined in this national
pantheon the spirits of all who have
rendered nt,llfble servicers to Macri/
ceutitry, the latest additions Icing 4.1
tt.ose who laid down their- iives in lee
ufte war wins Kussin.'
Anteng these future gods of the
Japanese rico are to be found the
netnes of three Englishmen, the cotn-
nuander and two officers of the ill-fated
h ansporl ship Hitachi Marti, which,
with more than 1,100 soldiers, was sunk
in the Jlapnn Sea by n Russian cruiser
di:ring the early part of the war. The
efltcinl tablets deifying lite spirits 1,1
these three Englislii nen have now been
fermalIy set up among the illustrious
names 4.n the roll of fame.
The elikadc, the Crown Prince, and
1e!( the greatest persoonges of the coun-
try were pre. est, and it was curious
to sec nus Imperial Majesty in an atti-
nti•t de of worship before an invisible ar-
rn; of divinities, including the spirits
of an alien race.
It is satisfactory and significant that
the first race to be so honored should
b.' our own, and the distinction should
strengthen the lenids between us and
our Far Eastern allies.
Even the Japanese themselves ap-
peared to realize at the event stood
for a new inter -racial feeling. '"that
a Japanese should die for his country,"
says one of the leading editors of the
1:alive .r press, "is in the nature . f
things, but that foreigners should have
sacrificed themselves for Japan's sake
is deserving of the profoundest recog-
Boron : "Tate De Robinsons are giv-
ire.! a big dance next month. 1 wish
they'd invite me."
K nowilt : "1)0 you? Then i'll tell you
n s.'tieine that generally works. You
droe in sorne night and tell Mrs.- i)e
Robinson that you'll be out of town all
next munth. See if they don't invite you
Querulous Quincy : "Is old Parsimon-
ious as stingy as they say he is?"
Ike Grouch : "Stingy? Why, man,
he won't even give advice."
by week or month, al low rules. The
!'zinger, and Wheeler & Nelsen are
acknowledged the lightest -running and
most convenient of any. Try one an'l
II- convinced. Only at tho Singer
s!..res. Look for the iced S. Singer
S. tying Machine Co. Write us at Man-
' (1 Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird
Cards are..
Miss Eller: "Well, i maintain that
women can 410 anything Hint men cnn."
\Ir. Gnzzam : "Oh, no. The auctioneers
business is one u woman cannot go
into." Miss Elder : "Nonsense. She'd
make every bit ns good an auctioneer
as a num." Mr. Gnzzam : 'Just imagine
an unmarried woman getting up before
n crowd and erxelaiming. 'Now, gentle-
men, all 1 want is an offer T "
Where cnn 1 get some of Holloway's
Cern Cure? 1 was entirely cured of
res) (01•ns by this remedy find 1 w ish
seine more of it for my friends. So
writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago.
She (indignantly) : "1 don't think you
give girls reedit for thinking of any-
thing else but dress." He (suavely) :
"Ole you wrong me. 1 do give you
credit for thinking of something more
1111111 Ill's$." She : "Of whet else,
then Ile : "Betinels." •
ITCH, Mnnge, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Ilei in human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \\'ole
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Scut by all druggists.
\inrks : "Say, old man. did 1 ever tell
you about the n\ fol fright I got all my
welding -day?" Parks : "S-sh ! No man
should speak like tint ab eut his wife.'
Very many pera,ns die annually from
cholera and kindred summer complaint:,
t ,• saved i n t
v: might been ( t
K P 1
remedies had been used. If ntlncked
do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr.
J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. the
nhcda•ine that neser falls lo effect n
ever. 'Phase who line, used it say 11
mels promptly, and thoroughly subelues
the pain and disease.
11,14 "1 tv 01141 like lo visit
-tame lime." She: "If you
within n mile 41 our place 1
slop there."
your town
ever come
hope you'll
A (latter of Impertence to an those who etre
run down an l , rbilit,tie.' is the fart the)
" Vert ,tan ' k the M1nt funic ever c .mpounded.
It gives strength and builds up the system.
" ttoike !' " \\ bat is il, I'at ?"
"Revisin Oi was to hate a lit ?" "Yis."
"And yt'z 11041 a pint of whisky?' "leis"
"M4,11141 ycz kneel down and put the
14,1(10 to 1110 tip+ :"Oi \•tole! mol."
"1'rz n 011dn'1? "Nie tl( could bring
sees to ser fate quicker by shtondin' up
in front of ye z and dhrinkin 11 me.elf."
Thr' wood is Full of Pains. --Tile
aches nett pains that ailliel humanity
me ninny and etnstnnt, nrising from
a multitude of indisthnguislal.le causes.
tut in the renin twins to ninn's ncgia-
genre in taking carr of his health. Dr.
'I'homnx' 1.14..1 :iric Oil was on, (adenine
oI n universal cry for some specific
with would speedily retie\ e pain. and
It 11:14 tilled its mission to a remarkable
(14 give.
A man wax seen coming nut Of a
Texas nea•sr aper oMee will' ohm eye
elc.sett up. his nose spread all over bus
face like a piece of raw beef. end one
et his rums chawed off. To a policeman
Who interviewee) him he I-epiittl : "1
(lIIln1 hk, an article That 'peered in the
paper lea wick. an' i went in ter see
the man alto web iia Ind ;a: Were.
August is the month of Internal
catarrh. The mucous mem-
branes, especially of the bowels,
are very liable to congestion,
causing summer complaint, and
catarrh of the bowels and other
Internal organs. Pe-ru-na Is as
excellent remedy for all these
"I'he frith cure theory hes nothing in
conl111(11 with 11041(al s(•ie11Ce."
"Oh yes it has."
hat is it '1'
"The bills for treatment."
Parents buy Meller Graves' \\orin
Exterminator because they know it is
a safe medicine for their children and
an effectual expeller of worms.
She iso beggar) : "It's n voetler you
dont use soap and wider once or St, in
11 month." Ile: "1 have thought of il.
mum; bol there's so inany kinds of
.se op• and it's so hard to tell which is,
and Willett is not, injur'us to the skin,
that i don't like to lake any risks."
Known to Thousands. — Parnlelee's
Vegetable fills regulate the Relief' 41'
Iho secretions, purify the blood and
Leep the stomach and bowels free from
deleterious matter. '1'nken according (n
direction they will overcome dyspepsia,
eradicate bilousncss, and leave the di-
gestive organs healthy fund strong to
perform their functions. Their merits
are well-known to Thousands who know
by experience hon' beneficial they are
in giving tone to the system.
Al the meeting of tie kirk sesslon
t.., minister went utvhy and forgot his
umbrella. (hl his tiny horse to the
manse he remembered, met went bark.
"Oh, I ray, John. lie said Io the Beadle,
who was lust locking the ekxor, "did yeti
See my umbrella ?" "I did That. sir," said
John. "Ilere it is. Sure. sir. it's n guid
thing 1 saw it afore tiny of ale elders
go! their ern oil."
Like little vokaeoes of dlsea'e, the eroptrnnt
of eczema pour out discharges. 114.1 hb"Mi causes
the trouble. lb, IN -el remedy Is W ' ('erste,
and Weaver's Syrup will drive the poison from the
"Sir,- 1n t • rn�•aK' f an aggrieved
inether to tier IM,y's leerier. "if yaw are
tired of my I oy send hien hem he as
m4'or handy le Inc 1111611 IIP is to yew
and his heti is like Paine thick he is old
ennef to earn Inc something now he
cant cit !woks."
A wound Stomach Means a Clenr
Bend.—The high pressmr of n Mer'ous
life which business nen of the present
clay nre ectistrained to live snake
(uuughis upon their vitality highly deb
rime lila) to their health. 1t is only by
th4 1114.1 careful treatment that they nre
able to keep themselves alert and rte.
live in their tnrieus callings. many 4 f
leen) know the value ('f I'nr,nelee's Ve-
getable 1'1114 in regulating the stomach
and c.,nsegncntly keeping the hetet
els nr.
Intl I Ir111:Itti ARE (:Its 1\\ 1N(:.
lin}s Iti(Iiu•'r and Ili , Thicker Ileal.
than rennet -1y.
Thal the British Read is shrinking
inn thellritish meek .% nre degenerating
n.. ardently charged by certain S4 i0n-
lists, oras refuted b)' eviat'nCe introduced
at the meeting of the British Associn•
bon 4f Lei' ester. Ilivertla for the Inst
twenty years at Marlborough (Allege
'how that the fourteen year old buys
there average five pounds heavier and
nearly an inch taller than those of
A holler \ho furnishes hits f r sic
s,h4:r,l+. towhee !lint lints of 21% (tithes
cit'umA•lenee formerly were rarely de-
n ended. w bile now hots 443. inehes in
circumference nre needed continuously.
Sir eider Ilerslev pngweeed n motk:n
al the meeting. wiring the Government
to institute In c,mnertkm with the me -
(heal inspecla.n 1,f sltnol children, a
WW1 of per:ed.c Measurements.
One kind of
underwear. a n d
oaly one. fats right.
wean out slowest, and salsi-
fies You froo the day you
buy It. That kind u trade.
marked (as above) in red, and guaranteed to you
by stores that sell u and the people oho make it.
Made in many fabrici and styles, at various
prices. in form -fining sires for wow*.
men and child:ea- Look for the
int un•t ret away
11•••=*, ••••••••1 r.... .__ _ s.1.. ..s
Qom. 4mal 1. W. ,
•r1. .r• r... --w - ,
. Y M- 1.1110e.
......o.. r...ems .Waft • Mar aar.
Tsar. r.r
ONE,OA COal*Ueere. Ltd.
.....• Per. a
cannot revoke Ins decision, etcn if such
an act on his part endanger 1110 peace
of the country. And. more important
sell, h0 has the pewee 41 enter into a
treaty-, commercial or otherwise, with
y couul•y without seeking the advice I
4.fanhis selumturs.
13ut though hr can make lessee with a
hostile country on his oetn terms, the
President cannot declare war, a preroga-
tive mind rulers, King Edward among
them, can exercise if they diocese. And
if the President gets inks financial dilli-
cullics the laws of his country will not
render him immune from the risk of be-
ing arrested for debt.
LONDONS 191 P.t11KS.
Cover 5,000 Acres-- An Ouldnor Stuff of
$13 Nen and Women.
One of the most useful activities of
the London County Council has been the
extension of the park system of the
lueh•opotis, which now includes, under
the management of Iho council, nearly
5,000 0 acres.
'I'Ito acquirement and development has
cost about $8.511),4X1, and the 1111111M I
charge for maintenance conies to $?65,-
(00, which adds about half a penny in
the pound to the rates, or about two-
tenths of 1 per cent. The cost includes
1te, salaries of an outdoor staff of 843
e'en and women.
The council 4.8100 into existence in
Ise!.). and succeeded to the metropolitan
beard of public works in the care of the
perks, taut of course with larger rowers.
I in all fifty-seven new perks have been
0(1(11(1 since then out of the total of 101
that comp under the council's manage-
nient. ,
Tommy : "'"the- teacher wanted to
`box my ears this morning." Grandma :
1 row do you know he did ?" Tommy :
""Cause) he wouldn't have boxed 'ent
if he hadn't wanted to."
Strange Rules and Regulations Which
Accrue to Hie Posi-
in the first place he Le forbidden, dur-
ing his tenure of late Presidency, to
leave the Stales even for an hour, and
this rule has been observed by every
one of America's Presidents. Moreover,
a: foreign soil is barred to hint he can-
not set foot in any one of the Embassies
at Washington. for an Embassy in any
country' is foreign soil, and belongs to
Iho pinion represented there. For the
sflute reason, loo, he cannot board a
foreign warship paying a visit to an
American port.
Some years ago this gave rise to a
very awkward incident, for a newly -ap-
pointed Austrian Ambassador, ignorant
of the regulation in questun, invited
the. President to a banquet at the Em-
hnssy, and took his refusal as a per -
,amid slight and tendered his resigna-
beal. The 1111pletm'alttness which resulted
was only overcome by a detailed ex-
plannlion from the While 114mee.
But the social laws surrounding the
(";silion of President are very strict.
The holder of this office is forbidden to
pay the first call to any visitor to the
Slates, however exulted he may be. un-
less he wears hue ctawn of n Enmpean
country, the reason being That the Presi-
dent is considered superior to every Ivan
As for Mrs. Iloosevelt, she is prohi-
bited frons paying any calls, but eti-
quette permits her to hold a weekly
"At Ilorne," imitations to which aro sent
cat on 8 snidl card bearing "The While
House" 111 the left hand corner in silver.
and announcing the date and time of the
Another peculiar restriction imposed
upon the President is that he roust net
ploy games of chance on Sunday, 0
regulation for which \\'nshinglnn was i
responsible, neither must he Indulge in
any sport on that dry. lint, unlike most I
monarchs. who regard Sunday ns n I
day of rest from all Slate business, the
President is fretlurnty required to at-
tend some public function on the Ilrsl
clay of the week.
It is an unbroken rule (lint the presi-
dent shall not ride on the left-hand skle
of his carriage. \\ Iten n new President
i.: elected it is usual for the 11111 0110 10
ge. to the (.811101 silting on the right-
hend side of his carringe, but en 11►e re-
turn Journey he yields 1.1) his piece to
Itis successor. Ile is only allowed lo
break this rule should lie desire 10 when
Ise dcnn of Ile Dipkrniahie Corps is in
the carriage with hum, this post being
held in 1904 by the Russian Ambnssa-
dcr, Count Cassini.
the President. possesses many powers
which crowned bends do not share.
Should his eounlry be al war. it is not
the War Office whieh guides the (elm -
prelim but the President from the White
House in the capacity of lemnannder-tn-
Chief. Moreover, In' can interfere in
Chore!' miners, which no European
mnnnrch dnre do, and he can appoint
Pie humblest individual to 0 post of •
hennr. Iim%ever irnportnnl, without oh -
tinning the ennelion of Congress. .As
master of all !forts of the United Stile-
1' • cnm on nnv pretext, prevent n ship'
entering either of them, and Congress
1 N U
ISSUE NO. 33 - 07.
roosts' & Mere' Treasure
—most pliable medicine for baby.
Used ore 50 years. First compotcded
by Dr. P. E. Yicauk in 1855.
Makes Baby Strong
Restores the little organs to perfect
heakh. Lives sound sleep. without
resort to opium or Aker injurious drugs.
as At ceues see 25 c. 6 boS1n / 1.2 5.
Nali.aal a Chernid Co. L. h • . 1
(10F5 - '1
That StayRoofed
The strongest wind that ever blew can't
rip away a roof covered with .elf-kskiug
Rain can't get through 0 in 2S years
(guaranteed in writing for that bang—gond
for a century, really)—fire can't bother such
a roof—proof against all the elementa--the
cheapest 0001) roof there ,s.
Write us and we II show you why it
costs least to roof right. Just address
The PEDLAR People
Oshawa Yotttr al Ottawa Toronto Loudun wla.lpea
leery packet
will kill
Isere flies than
400 *heete
of estiekp paper
--- SOLD BY —
10e. per packet, or a packet* for 230.
will hart a whole **aeon.
1 Saves A Lot
tot Bother
The starch that needn't
ba cooked.. that won't
stick.. that gives a bril-
liant gloss with almost
no iron -effort .. i s n' t
that the starch you
ought to have them
use on your clothes?
Buy it by name..
your dealer sells it.
troy hunting or target practice. Ibis kink sir n r f. Pure
death to "mail frame We 1.111 give this gun to any ho
who 1.111 411 twenty-four jewelry no,eltfee for u... -Send
!or the i�eewetry tndat. We trnst von When you .011.1the 21 ph.,w at 10 rent,. each. return our ar. W. and we
1.W Immediately Bead you the rale. ...1.p.. c _ y.s..,t
Co.. P. U. t8.x u, London, Lint.
River and Gulf Gf Si. Lawrence
Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana,•• with oilseeds
tights, etacti le bells and all modern comforts.
p.m., 3rd and 17th June, 1st, 16th and 29th July,
12th and 46th August, 9th and gird September,
and fortnightly thereafter fur Vinton, N.B., call.
tag at Quebec, Oaspe, Mal Day. Perces Cape ('ova,
Grand Rivir, 4ummeraide, Y.B.I., and chariot.
tetowu, 1'. /4.
Summer Ercurstons, 136, by the new Twin
Screw `4'.". "Isermudian". S,5c•7 tens. 4 i ig 6th
and :Pah June. 3rd, 17th and 314t July, 14th and
241ih August, 4th, 14th and 'lath September, Sts
lith and 2606 e..tober, 6th. lath an•1 (711, N.>vea.•
bar. Temperature cooled by sea breezes ,eldoss
rhes ab 441 tt, degrees.
The finest trips of the seaann for health and
Alt'i IlUll AHERN, Secretary, Quebec,
A. E. OUTERBRiDGE t CO., Agents,
19 Broadway, New York.
BEER buy an L. C.
SMITH iTHWRITER now than be
sorry afterwards.
Every useful device In-
built not patched on.
9 Jordan St., Toronto
in size to salt purrhnsr'rs, from 10 n.•res uptvnrds. Athlete -41 on or
near rnllvnvs in the famous wheat, root tied vegetable growing
and stet; raising districts of
Price& with water right, perpetual and unfailing, lower than
those ever placed 11(on irrigated lands in the adjoining Stakes.
The quality of the land the finest.
An acre of irrigated lend to Southern Allerin rinses twice
the crop of the be=st un,trignled land el ewhert'---AND THE
Thi= ningnifire nl irrigation tract of 3.000,000 acres is without
doubt the Wiest land proposition on the market k, -day.
lrnmigrnlien is pouring in; vniues will 'non be on the rise.
Write us for Inlereating and full printed information.
The Land Department,
Union Trust Co., Limited,
174 Bay St., Toronto
Exclusive Agent in fin'nr.e. \1 in'c'h', and the \plc P. -
♦In"e' for the CANADIAN 5'lfaIh. 11t11IG%IU)N CO1Arslt%TION
COMPANY'S irrigated lands.