HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-15, Page 1Selala9lorllallogs We print invitatiuus oft the newest of paper, with the newest Of type, at a reasonable price. You want something nice. The ADVOCATE Offlt:e YEAR. ithot EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST i:). 1907. Real Estate Changes NI ..41t' f .•t, tt.: I • nbL ti•ilt,. \4t•lin VIP ,,n- eytinlltxl f,•eilities to rent, sell or btiy either farad or villa;;.. property. Try it. SANIr1:R5.( CHtit{cH. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. itill •. Paid Up Capital: $.5,000,000. SAM OF 1$MILIos jamas, Esq., RANnOI.PH( MACDONALD, A. A. ALLAN, Req., HON. D. Mc3Iti.i.. x, ARCH. CAMPBELr., Esq., M.P. A. E. DesteNT, Esq., M.P. P. G. Jammer., General -Manager. DIRECTORS: - - - President Esq., First I •kr-Poisidrnl - Second fife -President Iiox. PETER McI;.tkgN, W. K. MCNAUr,ur, Esq., M.P. AL1;x. Reece, Esq., K.C. R. CAss::LS, Ass/. General -Manage,. Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, H. ARNOLD, Manager Henault Branch The Old Reliable We beg to announce that we have more L6DIE3 WE I TE WAIST$ than we can carry over, consequently will reduce the price: $1.00 to 75 1.75 to 1.25 2.50 to 2.00 1.25 to 1.00 2.00 to 1.50 3.00 to 2.50 1.50 to 125 2.25 to 1.75 These goods go quickly. Come early and get your choice 1'- 1 We still carry a fine range in Astoria Shoe -nobby goods Highest Price paid for produce tgRLIN4 BROS. Irrat emiloosl Cards. `1111 O. r. RouIATON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DIINTIST gbet of the S. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor lienuote of Toronto University. ArrlCI: Over Dickson k ratlines Law Office, In 10r. Audition's former Dental Parlors. iii.DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto univeriste. DENTIST, Eirextracted without any pain, or any bat effects over Olalmao & atauburya ofltce, Bain street ` Medical IF. YALLOY, M. R. (tor. Univ.) MEMBER A. Cothige of Physlcians and Surgeons, theater. ltiepMr Uc.use Burgeon Toronto Western Hospital. 11]11eosMor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on IBM street north of omee, Exeter, Ontario. I theist 'EIOKI ON k °ARMED, RARRISTiCILA, SOLICI. tom, Notaries, Cnnseyaneer.. Commissioners. toes for Mown. Rank, etc. La_ t. Loa■ at lowest rat., or hornet, Offices, Main street, Euler, t. Cauca., R. A., L_ H. Dirnoa ONET TO LOAN. Ws lean a large amount of pri• ate fund,' to loan • bra sod village properties at low rates of inter set, OLADMAN k STANItt•i:T, Barristers, 8olicltors,Main st., F.eeter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal IncorporatedSociety of tans, England; Organist of Trtvitt Memorial h,lheter. Plano, Omen, Ifarmnny and Theory 41 1191110, Terms on appli atton. Exeter, Ont, Tenders for School. /Imbed ten.lers will le rcc,i,e•I at the Patton Davi. ('•i s. offi.-e up to 1 .i, to lip on 1a!unlar Atte r• 1tOon. August lath 191C, for the erection of a Public *boor in the Villaag, of Centralia. Flans and spec I/cations can to seen at the Tarsen D.• is Co's office is (ventralis. The Trustees do not land themselves to crept the lowest or any tender 8AM14:1. DAt1S Chairman Trustee Board. Dated at Cent nits this Holliday of July 191.17. J'ALL +� TERM Tbls management during the past year trained over Two Hun- dred young ladies and gentlemen oo AS stenog- raphers. bookkeepers and telegrap ere, and placed them in excellent situations in leading Canadian and American cities. individual Instruction. Write for catalogue OPENS SEPT. 2nd CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GRO, MPOTTON, Principal. 4 4 AlkilL>tel J& ALAI j FARM FOR SALE iOU acus more or less In the Township of Stephen being Lot 12, Con. 12. There is on the premises a Rood frame house, 2 goal bank hams, and other outbuildings; good orchard, aril other conyenieneee. This is a first class fans and w iii 110 Bold reasonable. For particulars apply on the premises or by mail to WM. HOOPER, Kith.. Farm for Sale The ur:dersi,;ned is (,ffrrir. for Pale that '111 a.•re+ of land, being tarts of bots t and in the 1st con. of the Village of Exeter, also the ane brick dwelling and the.( I..t. on William street, adJiv'ent to the fano. There is on the farm a frame ham and all is well unde•ntrained. Farm will le Pohl without house if rfesirtd. Terms easy. For particulars apply to JOHN GA It KA11AW, Easter A Ane pasture farm inn. Township of Hay, near Sarept.; one hundred acro 8S acres seeded, trams house and goal stable, good water, etc., Apply to SAND13R8 & CRKKcn, Exeter. House and Lot tor Sale. 'i, acre, being part of lot 1 ('on. 12, Csbornr. On this pngerty there is a i;(4-.1 brick cottage ■ id stable, 11 not told w ,II be rented. Apply to T. CAMERON, Auct., Farquhar Store Property for Sale In the Village of Exeter, nmi.owd of north part of lot 11 on the west side of Main et., consisting of one p 1.11 store and the building now used for a p• se- oR.., kn,.wn a. the Johns 12o. A 1f not sold {civ. sten on nr before the both day of August will he ..l,1 to estate Auction on the Mat day] of Angina. For terms and partl. elan apply to nos Cameron, Au•tioneer, Farquhar. Two Farms for Sale or Rent The nnd.nigne.i is offering for sale or trot. Lot It . Itiddulph. containing 112 a. If.. and the 50 acre farm on the opposite side of the road, (.home TP . being F) 1.ot 12. •'n the h.rmer there is a good brie A house. 2 barns lone bank is dei• ing house and many other improvements There are nn buildings on the .'tai sere*. This k an ,tcellent property and will be sold separate or comhin,.l at a yen Masnn- al.le price. For particulars apply to Tilos KF:N'Et..S. Whalen or to niesS44N t 1'.t111.IN.;, F:t, t•. Farm for Sale 12S acres of goad 4nd, ging Lot 1'1, and W1,1*. Con. 12Ilitbert 1;onl property, well built, well simmer, and must be sold. Tern.. easy. apply to T. CAMERON, .turf., F$rqu ha Farm Wanted to Rent. One or two hundred acres. Apply at this office. Executors' Auction Sale • Auction Rale of valuable property in the Village of Exeter. The Faecutors of the Estate of the late iara i'.r• ling have authorised Thomas emperor'. Ew1 , to sell ly t'ubli, Auction. upon the property. on MATUIt1)AY, AU'GUMT 24TH, 11107 at 2 n'. to k p m , same 11* choke kidding lots, These lots art situate on either .al. of Wellington Street (Moline' Rood) Itrx•k, Altera, Nelson. Marr borotgh, ('ailing and Victoria streets, are all in centre of Village and u, miit*ble for t -nth 'nano. fscturing or resident& purposes. This lent will he offered for Rale in either Iota or blocks to milt the par• haver 1., on!er to Simi ap the above estate this land has to be soli and tp, re will p osit'sels 4., no restate. Plans of this property mal- he aeon at env lime at the law oath of heir N. Dickson and Carling For farther part kMare, terms and (. relit ions of sale we paster* or apply t•, TIlOM. CAMERON, F.u.3nhar Auctioneer. or to 1)iCKSON k ('ARLiNG, Solicitors for Executors. Exeter Council A special meeting of the Council. called by the Reeve. was held Wednes- day evening. Aug. 7. Johns -Heitman that A. E. Fake act as Secretary in absence of the Clerk. -Carried. Coun- cillor Knight absent. Heitman -Johns -that the offer of Messrs. Stanbury & Gladman for the debentures as advertised namely, $f)500 being the highest offer received, be ac- cepted. Councillor Knight then took his chair. A By Law was foraged and read for the first time on motion of W. Johns, seconded by W. J. Hemmen, pray iding for the levying and raising by general tax from all the rateable property of the village of Exeter the sum of $178.12, the same being fully explained in the Hy -Law. Johns- Adjournment. Council met Aug. 13. Councillor Heanran absent. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. Knight -Johne -the following ac- counts were ordered to be paid: C. B. Snell, street lighting, $107.28; Do., Town Hall lighting. $3.80; Queen City Oil Co., gasoline, $18.81; Wru. M. Bell, Hensall, cedar, $12.91; Treble A Baker, erecting wire fence.$1298, Henry Jen- nings labor at cemetery, 89; G Cud - more labor, $1; J Creech, sr., $12.110; \V \Vestcott. $17.33; T Jones, $11.83; F Gillespie, $10.50; R Davis, $3.5(1; W Neil $5.225; Jno Weiner, $8.75; S Hand- ford. $7; F Jones, 75c.; W Sutton, 22c. J McDonald, $L50; W J Bissett, part salary $33; C W Cross, do., $27; W Neil, street watering to Aug. 5, $50. Fuke-Johns-that as heretofore the public have been in the habit of taking tanks of water from the water supply of the municipality without permis- sion, be it resolved that in future no person or persons shall he allowed to take any water without the street com- missioner's permission or the roan in charge of the street sprinkling; and that a charge of 50 cents be made for each and every load so taken. Any person or persons found taking water from any of the water tanks or water supply or in any .canner using or dam- aging the same the corporation to take action against such person or persons. Carried. Knight -Johns -that the street com- missioner be hereby instructed to gra- vel Victoria street from the corner of Carling street to the railway property. -Carried. Knight-Fuke-Bylaw No. 8 1007 as rend a first time, be now read a sec- ond and third time and finally passed, the seal of the Co ration be affixed and the Ree've signing the same. The street commissioner reported having applied gravel to the roadway approaching the bridge, amounting to $12, the stone being chargeable to the County. Adjournment per A. E. Enke. J. Senior, Clerk. Junior Teachers' Exam. Below are given the Huron Co. re- sults of the recent junior teachers' ex• aulint►tions, which qualifies for en- trance to the model or normal school, and is the academic test of fitness to take alp the work of a public school teacher. The requirements are 40 per cent. on each paper and 00 per cent. of the total. This higher standard has caused a larger number of failures than when the requirement was 50 per cent. "h" following the name means that the person took honors. For Huron County: \' A Ross h, T E Robinson h, A: C Robinson h, A J E Strotbers, N R Sperling h. R Shaw, It C Sterling, M Sullivan, J M Smith, M i Stevens. E 1' Stevens, M E Scott h, C C Sheriff b, E J Taylor, E V l aylor, M (i Thome eon, W 1 Triebner, 0 E Tees b, R N Welsh. 1 i MacKay. 11 W McKenzie, 4 M Mali/iffy h, K Mair h. Wm. Man- ning h. F A May b, M T Murray h, 11 W A Matheson, R McKe'rizie h, 11 Mc- Kenzie. A McKenzie h. M A Macleod h, It it MacKay h, I) C McLachlan h, 14 li Mason. \\ 0 Morrow h. B H Mc- Burney- h, W McBurney h. A 13 Mc. Laughlin, H J Nethery h. E 1 O'Keef, \V Olive, E M Phillips,(' Pendergast h J J Purcell h, A L Posliff, (1 A Elliot, M E Fear b. D R Finlayson, V J Extensive Auction Sale of Horses. Mr. Thos. Cameron will sell by Public Auction for C. E. Hackney, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th next at ('OMMERCiAie H(YFEi., EXETER a choice lot of Brood Mare., Wolk Horsell, Driver., Colts and Fillies. These horses 'teen young and in good condition, and will positively be sold without reserve. See Posters. DR. PINGEL, LONDON, ONTARIO tlsctrloat tre)atmnant ef dtsaasaa of woman a specialty. Farm for Sale or Rent. The undersigned is offering for sale or rent, Lot 5, North Rn'ndur. Ri.ldnlph, containing 1n4 ..res. There'. on the premiers concrete hours", Miele kat- , hen and w nlrlehed, 2 tank barna, gond orchard, 2 gavel well., shout 5 servo bi.h All seeded down but shout 1•1 scree. Will be sold nr rented at a reasonable AVG". For particulsn apply to. RIC/1. l.l'NEN. f'SNTRAI,IA. Glenn. 1' H Glenn, (1 E Goble h, A (,;oble h, J %V Hogg. 1•: 13 Hodgson, 11 Henderson b, F. A holland h, J (' Horan h. A H Henry, F F Mornuth It, A A Isbister, A W ,Johnston h. M 13 Johnston b, E R Keys ll, A D Lamont h, J L Lamont h, M 1' Laidlaw, H Larkin h. 0 l.eshruan h, A L Arm- strong, I Arinstrong,AV Archibald h. E E Anderson h, P C Barker h, J I) Buchanan h, W 0 Breen,E C Chollow 1': L Coward, D. 31. Clark h, J Carter, 0 H Copeland, G. Cruikshanks h, 0 It Cruikshanks h, A R Diehl h, T U Dur- nin, A A Dalton, C Dean h, U C Dur- nin, J A Dickinson h, L H Dodds h, G 0 Duncan, M Duncan h, W D Elliott, L Wellwood h, J L Wilson h, 1 H Young. T Simmer. The Exeter school made a very cred- itable showing: 11 tried the junior teachers' examination and 8 passed: Edna V. Taylor, E. 1. Coward, D. B. Hodgson, Ida Armstrong, %V L Trieb- ner, M. G. Thompson, F. A. May (honors), M. i. Murray (honors). One out of four passed matriculation: H. Stoneman. Jailor Matric. Exams. The list contains those who tried for full matriculation and those who wrote on one or more subjects. 33% of each subject was required to pass. The successful ones are few in number compared with last year. HURON. -C. C. Alexander, A. %V. Archibald, W. C. Adams, J. A. Argo, D. Allison, E. W. Berry, J. D. Buch- anan, D. M. Clark, 0. Dean, G. 0. Durnin. T. O. Durnin, J. A. Dickson, T. M. Dodds, A. V. Dorrance, W. S. Elliott, M. E. Fear, W. G. Farquhar- son, 13. Henderson, E. A. Holland, i. C. Horan, A. W. Johnson, M.E. John- ston, I. L Lamont, 13. W. Long, M. P. Laidlaw, 11. F. Lankin, J. F. Mc- Craken, R. W. McKenzie, W. M. Mc- Queen, R, Mair, W. Manning, M. A. MacLeod, W. A. Matheson, J. F. Mc- Donagh, E. H. McGalein, D. C. Mc- Laughlin. H. R. Mason. W. 0. Mor- row, E. T. O'Keefe, W. Oliver, V. A. Ross, T. E. Robinson, J. T. Strachan, H. F. Swann, W. D. Swan, J. Smillie, E. Sparling, E. C. R. Stoneman, J. H. A. Stoneman, F. R. Scan drett, It. H. Tye, C. Wilson. Grand Bend's Gala Day One of tbe Iftrgest crowds Grand Bend bas efet been waa there on Aug- ust 8th tosee the summer carnival, which was held under the auspices of the campers headed by A. W. Smith of London. The campers must be giv- en credit fur the excellent manner in which the whole affair was conducted. The proce('ds are in aid of the Chinese Famine Fund. Besides decorated arches, the stores and cottages had a holiday appearance and campers and visitors entered heartily into the sport. The events of the morning took place at 10 o'clock. The judges were: Messrs. Taylor, A. Robinson, Lees, Griffith, McCallum and Grieve. The events and winners are asfollows: Ladies' boat race, 4 entries -1 Miss Jean Mc('rinlmon, London; 2 Miss Me - Callum. Exeter. Men's boat race, 3 entries -1 Ram- say Rankin, Stratford; 2 Will David- son, Stratford. Boys' boat race, 3 entries --1 Walter Page, Grand Bend; 2 Gordon Morri- son, London. Boys' swimming race, 50 yards, 6 entries- 1 Bod McDonald, London; 2 Roy Clinger. London. Ladies' diving contest. 2 entries -I Elsie McCrimmon, London; 2 Jean McCrimmon, London. Reye' diving contest, 5 entries -1 Bob McDonell, London; 2 Ernie Tay- lor, Exeter, Duck hunt, 5 entries -Joe Hickey, London. (Joe is fond of ducks.) Ladies' swimming race, :111 yards, :i entries -1 Elms Herrman, London; 2 nth. McCrimmon, London. Men's swimming race, 200 yards, :3 entries -1 Reimer Rankin, Stretford; 2 Bob McDonald, London. Men's diving. 5 entries -Joe hickey, London:2 Will Davidson, Stratford. CALITHU'MPiAN PARADE, The afternoon sports were started by a calithumpian procession, which caused much fun. Following that came the field sports. The judges for the afternoon were Messrs. Taylor, H. J. Jones, F. Griffith, Grieve, A. W. Smith, Brenner and Finch. The win- ners and events were: Fat men's race, 5 entries --1 Mr, Serenean, Mt.. Joseph; 2 Mr. Boehmer, Berlin. Men's race, open, 13 entries- Will Davidson, Stratford; 2 Jack Rose, Stratford. Boys' ace. 15 entries- 1 Mr. Han- lan, Centralia:2 Mr. Coughlin, Credi- ton. Lady campers' race, 13 entries -1 Miss Ilertzel, Crediton; 2 Mrs. Boeh- mer. Berlinac. ladies' re, open, 12 entries --1 Miss Maggie Scotl,Moray: 2 Mrs. J Towson, Creton. Farmers' race, 1 entries -1 Mr.Kraft, Dashwood: 2 Mr. Campbell, Brewster. Jockey race, 5 entries -1 Will Day. idson and Jack Ross, Stratford; 2 Mel- ville 13outhcott and Herb. Southcott, Exeter. Boot and shoe race, 5 entries --1 Will Davidson,Stratford; 2 Jack Ross, Stratford. Sack Lace, :3 entries --1 Will David- son. Stratford: 2 3. M. Montheott, Exe- ter. After a short game of baseball a game of football was played between Grand Bend village team and all•com- ers, resulting in favor of the latter 1 A. A display of fireworks was given in the evening. See inside page for a graphic acct tint of the dynamite explosion at Essex, ADDITIONAL LOCALS -3I4e`. Frank Jackson of 1 Dundas street, is suffering from a severe attack of diphtheria at her niotllet's Route in Elitnville. Mrs. Jackson lift Monday to visit her mother. At that time she was in perfect health, but she contract- ed the disease while on a visit to Elim- ville, Mr. Jackson left for that place to -day." -London Advertiser. Settling up time is drawing near, and if you wish to collect your bilis easily get your bill heads printed. This class of work is neatly and cheaply executed at this office. We have in stock different sizes and shapes of bill heads and statements. Our commercial printing is neat, cor- rect and in accordance with the pre- vailing styles. "The best is the cheapest." That the wheat crop in this district is far from a failure is shown by the fact that W. D. Sanders of Stephen who threshed on Tuesday got 212 bush- els off six acres, which is a little over 40 bushels to the acre. Few fields will equal this yield, however. Metairie Chalet. The person who borrowed Dickson & Carling's chain fcr measuring land will kindly return sauce to them at once and oblige. No More P11... To rid the kitchen of flies, take a small stove shovel; just heat it red but. and pour over it a few drops of carbo- lic acid, having closed the doors and windows. In a few minutes open the room and the flies will be found to have disappeared entirely. Only a faint. odor of the fumes of the carbolic aeid will remain, which will serve to prevent the flies from again congrega- ting. You are to alaea.. Do you ever kick when names of your visitors do not appear in the per- sonal column of the Advocate and wonder what's the .natter with the Editor? Well, say, in the majority of cases the neglect is due to the host or hostess failing to let tis know who their friends are. We catch on to a great many strangers but often, no doubt, miss some one of them. Local news is always welcome at the Advo- cate and we will he glad to do the ar- ranging if you will supply us with the correct date. Wort. Destroytu* Trees - Everybody should have a close look at their orchard and ornamental tires. A worm half an inch long is attacking apple trees, pear trees. plum trees and some ornamental trees, with serious results. The woi ens appear io small numbers on a tree at first, but in a few days they are a wrigling mass of thousands. Their work commences at the bottom of a branch, and in a few hours not a leaf is left and the limb soon becomes dead. Their pre- sence is noted by a web, and if not checked at once the whole tree is soon destroyed. Some use a smudge to burn the pests out, while others re- move the branch entirely and burn it and the tormentors. There are many who have not given the best attention and it Is spreading ruin with great rapidity. Mes;rs. Rows & At kite -on wish to e xl)re" their think, t,. the %Vater 100 Mutual Fite 1Ilenlanct' Co. for the prompt settlement t.hro'tgh their agent, bfr. (7'. '1'. Brooks, of t heir claim in the recent damage sort.tined by fire. -_ Baseball. The married and single men of totvu had a game of ball on Friday evening when a fairly good exhibition of the game was witnessed. Five innings were played resulting in favor of the bachelors 7-4. The single fellows con- nected with the ball readily in the first and second innings when they made 4 and 3, but failed to reach home plate afterwards. The benedicts were blanked in the first four innings but scored four runs in the fifth. Carling and Hawkshaw pitched while Hoskins for the singles and W. Knight for the married men received. The teams were: Married -Stewart, Manns, Hea- man, Hawkshaw, Hartlieb, Boyle, Antos, Knight, White. Single - Spackman, f3ne11, Eacrett, Powell, Carling, Creech, Bissett, Hoskins, Mc- Connell. Frank is night umpired and did it. well. BIRTHS 11I'srhat -111 l'aburne, on July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Shertvooci. Hunter, a daughter. LlulaT1 oo'r-In McGillivray, Aug. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lightfoot, a daughter. Sirourr--At Parkhill, Aug. 6, to 31r' and Mrs, A. (4. Shortt, a son. 13O8i3ENI1ERKY -- In Brucelield, on Aug. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Brace Bossen- berry, twin daughters. MARRIAOHS. 1.11•Lr.EN-M(•FA1'L-At Los Angeles, Cal., oo July 30th, James G. Mullen of San Francisco to Miss Grace E. MCFaul, only daughter of L. L. Mc- Faul, of Seaforth. DBATMS DOWNING-iu Claudeboye, August 8, William B. Downing, aged 07 years and 10 months. Bicke i. --At Egtnondville, Aug. 0, Wm. Bickel!, aged S7 years. Township of Stephen Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that a Court will le held {pursuant to The Ontario Vanes' Lists Act. by Ilia Ilonour the Judge of the County 1'ourt of the Coun- ty of !furor), at the TowCrediton, on Tuesday the Twenty-seventh day of August, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. ni., to hear and determine complaints and errors and ommissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Towta.bii' of St. phcn for 191i7. Dated at Crediton this 13th day of August A. D. 1084; HENRY EILRI:R, Clerk of the Township of tephen igh Grade Spiess ABSOLUTELY PURE HIGHEST QUALITY GREATEST STRENGTH Our special selection of whole and ground spices is complete and will insure perfect success. Cloves, Cinnamon, Clinger, Nutmegs, Allspice, Mace, Black and White Pepper Curry and Tumrio Powder. Sold in bulk or 10 Cents a Package Gole's Drug Store DISPENSING • A SPECIALITY Cole's Baking Powder is the Best. Doul Use Any Other Twice Plymouth is the best. Ply. Special, Silver Sheaf, Gold Medal Prices Guaranteed. • Everything in Fencing Material Coiled Spring Wire No. 9 and 12 Soft Galv. Wire and Barb Also Staples, Fence Hooks, Pulleys COW EASE If a cow eats more she gives more Milk. Cow Ease ceeps the flies away and gives the cows a chance to eat. 35c and $1.00 per tin HEAIA'S HARDWARE b STOVE STORE