HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-08, Page 8-r fl2ade To Order D ressin; well is an art anti the man who has his clothing made to mea- sur(M iias found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. You Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE too New Saitirtts to Bard At Prices Away Down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them The., inert lot of fancy Jardineres we lucre erer seen, 25c to $2.75. Stewart's. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Stewart's for best ralue in choice groceries. A handsome brick house for sale fo $10:;0 in town, apply at this office. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate office. 12ie piney ,tress ntteslins reduced to 8c. .itewari's. $1.50 white horn waists, beautifully trimmed with insertion and eyelet em - brae!, ey, reduced to $1.13. Stewart's. Property For sale. We have at present a handsome piece of property consisting of fine two storey residence and two lots, with good stable; :ill in first-class condition; conveniently situated; all modern im- provement. Price is a snap. Call or write The Advocate Office. il'hite wine rineyar, the kind that keel,. pickles. Stewart's. Non 9Liprsent. Willert and Jones hereafter will ship hogs every Tuesday, when up -to. date prices will be paid. ,'leetsl rnlues in dinnersets during Au.lu+t. .'tewart's. Coat Lost. R •tween Exeter and Eden, a tweed co it. Finder will confer a favor by lea wing sante at this office. The Sumner School starts at Grand Bead next Sunday and lasts during the week. To Our Readers. Recently we placed a number of names in the hands of the Canadian Puhli'hett: Collection Agency, who are owing us for hack subscriptions. These names include subscribers in United ratites, Northwest, Ontario (ex- cept vest l,y post•offices). As We wish to save expense we will leave this list open so as the people in this locality can settle et the office instead of hav- ing extra fees with the agency. All subset ipt ion money can be forwarded to the .\di, rate office as well as to the collect ton aget.ey. We hope our friends will itttend to this at once and get a receipt showing they are paid a year in ndv.olee. Nicks' Forecast,* for Asaast. A it. guhtr Storm Period extends irons the int h to the 11th. It is cen- tral ,,,, the 12th and will come to a crisis, centrally between east and west ext, o,es of the county)'. on Tuesday and Wednesd,y, the kith and Iltb. If pal :tie far west yon will get your storm+ a day or two earlier; you who are fir to th' east will read of the storms before 1 hey reach you. Bide lout tits• ar,d watch things grow. The nett Moon is on the Iltlt, hence r hot. threatening weather nifty hold thrmigh the Mercury brace. Take seven ,Lir-. :told you frit e A period of great .eisin;r probabil'ty. Read re- ports frunr the world generally. 4r1IP WW1.' IIPF WA. NF 191 MP' It LOCAL DOINGS. 4 �iali ." JAE s l4 Alit AL ALA flax•pulling is the occupation of the buys now.John Vickers of Seatoi th is the lat- est addition to the House of Refuge. Dyer Burdon gave a pleasant party to a number of his friends Thursday evening. The Main street Sunday School had a pleasaut picnic at A. Hooper's rove last Friday. Mr. Albert Ford has rented his 150 acre farm in Stephen to Mr. NVm. Snell of Usborne for1008. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag' Chewing Tobae. coes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. Mrs. (Geo. Rook has purchased a lot on the corner of Elizabeth and Sitncoe streets and is making preparations to erect a residence thereon. The following names were omitted from the Entrance list as sent to us re- cently: Herbert Mitchell, No. 2, Step- hen, 4(12 marks; Lucy Denomy, No. 4, Stanley, 401 marks; Joseph De La Franier, No. 1, Stanley, 3g'4 marks. Goderich College Institute is having an ex -students' reunion on August 22nd and 23rd. A testimonal fund is being raised among the ex -students in order to make a presentation to Mr. Strang, the principal. Reduced rail- way fares are provided. Don't knock. Help yourself along by becoming popular, and push your friends with you. It's very easy. Be a good fellow and soon you'll have a procession of followers. No man ever helped himself knocking other people down in character and business. I \ fir• V OOr►IIIMPtw IP Messrs. Ed. Treble and Geo. Ander- son took in the Forest City Quoiting Club's match on Monday. Two series were pitched. In the first Treble beat Robson 21-14, then drew a bye, then was beaten by Bell 21-11. In the sec- ond be was beaten by Nickell 21-16. Anderson in the first was beaten by Nickell 21-15; and in the 2nd he beat Scott 21--14, then drew a bye, then was beaten by Storey 21--14. Miss Mabel Senior, daughter of W. C. Senior of Toronto, won a scholar- ship founded by the pupils, past and present, and teachers of Wellesley school, for obtaining the highest mark in the entrance examination, The scholarship entitles her to three years' tuition at any of the city collegiate institutes. She also won the prize given by the Daughters of the Empire for the best essayon the Empire. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Simpson, Guelph, on Saturday last, when Mrs. Emma Saunders was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Ben Mesten of Elora. Mr. and Mrs. Mesten are now enjoying their honeymoon trip at To- ronto, Barrie and elsewhere. Mrs. Neaten was a former resident of this place and her many friends here join Inwishing herself and worthy hus- band a long, peaceful and prosperous journey through life, They will re- side in Elora. To place your umbrella in a rack in- dicates that it is about to change own- ers; an umbrella carried over a wo- man, the man getting nothing but the drippings of the rain, signifies court- ship; when the man has the umbrella and the woman the drippings, it indi- cates marriage; to carry it at an eagle under the arm signifies that an eye is to be lost by the man who follows you; to put ft rotten umbrella by the side of a silk one means "exchange is no rob- bery;" to lend an umbrella may be interpreted, "I am a fool;" to carry an umbrella just high enough to tear out men's eyes and knock off men's hats signifies, "I an a woman." On Thursday afternoon last the furniture warerooms of Messrs. Rowe & Atkinson narrowly escaped destruc- tion by flre. A pot of glue was placed on a coal oil stove which in some way allowed the oil to flow down onto the floor where some shavings and other combustibles were scattered. The fire apparently followed the oil down and soon the contents of the work shop were in a blaze. Mr. Howe was in the front shop and noticing the smoke quickly gave the alarm. A number of men, who were employed construct- ing the house adjoining went to Mr. Rowe's assistance with pails of water and soon the fire was under control; not, however, until several chairs which had been just shipped in were damaged. 1n the meantime the fire alarm bad been sounded, and the engine taken half -way to the scene of the fire, when word was given that it had been extinguished. The firemen took advantage of the opportunity to have it practice. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Robe" "Stag" and "Currency' (:hewing To - bermes. Accidents. Mr..Tos. Davis and his cousin, Mrs. Mins of London, Eng., had an un asant experience Sunday when tak- g a drive along the second concess. n of Stephen. They were driving rth in front of Mr. Stephen Hog. ti's when an automobile was seen proaching. Mr. Davis drove into e ditch to allow it to pass, but when out 100 yards away the horse became ghtened and commenced to run ng the ditch. When passing the to the horse swerved into the fence 1 as the ditch was becoming rough - and steeper Mr. Davis thought it visable to get onto the road. in do - so the horse turned too quickly, rig was overturned and the ncrup- s were thrown to the ground. Mr. vis hang on t0the• lines and stopped horse, when it was found that h heated Mrs. Collins had sustained her severe cuts and bruises. The o had been stopkied in the mean - !.anti Mr. 11. E.ilbet and others were (• o r in it,did l all they could to ht matters. Mr. Sid. Davis happen. along, the unfortunate ones drove horse in his rig, while he brought Ile the other rig• the top and dash• +4 ++++++++++++++++++++44Co F,le in in no art Ap th eh fri alo an A n( er ed Lag the ant 1),t the not rat ant tiui iv h fig You Need a Spring Suit ing OUR CLOTHES FIT The three things that dis- tihg 44.11 the clothes we ti •k•• tie FASHION, FIT aw1 WORKMANSHIP. We are j prim] of (sir re- e„rd and will sustain it with goad garments. The sluing things are rtady and we are getting plenty of orders. One of these days you will appreciate hots' vitally 0 -` 1101 hoard of whirl) were badly damaged. .1 Previously the sante Auto when near Mr. James Shapton's railed ,t horse Mr. Hilton 131+sett was driving, to be. emit frightened, with the remit that a shaft was broken. lie And the other occupants. Mr. and Yrs. Thos. Ib sett, O it line is ready for your kind inspection. ,1 - (1 Call and Get our Prices W. JOHNS ---- . 14111114110A•gaisaftaitakft seaa tiaaaa Mr. Ed. Treble was in Loddon Mo day. Mrs. Geo. Anderson is visiting Fingal. Mr. Art. %Vood of London was he over Sunday. Mr. James Sanders of London spent Monday in town. Mr. R. S. Lang of Toronto was in town last week. Mrs. G. Satnwell left Saturday to visit in Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bennett of Lon- don are visiting in town. Miss Gerrie Kemp of Toronto is vis- iting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe were in London Saturday. David Hall, Exeter North, is visit- ing in Seaforth. Mrs. P. McDonald and son of Forest are visiting here. Miss Ellis of London is the guest of Miss Netta Frayne. Miss Jennet Brown is visitiug friends in Seaforth and Brussels. Mr. R. S. Croaker of Toronto is spending a week here. Myrtle O'Neil of London is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Marshall. Misses Pearl Ford and Emma Hall are visiting here from London. Mr. Frank Bawden of London visit- ed his parents bare this week. Dr. L. I.. Fotlick of St. Marys is hol- idaying here and at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mre. W. Mellott of Sarnia are visiting at Mr. Frank Mellott's. Miss Charlotte Dearing is visiting her sister Mrs. Charles Isaac at Lucan. Mrs. Richard Bissett and Mies Ila of London are visiting here this week. Miss Muriel Evans has returned to Craig. Mies 011ie Quance accompanied her. P -I--- o - in re Miss P. Fisher and Mr. E. Buswell are visiting in North Manchester, Ind- iana.. Mrs. Moncur has returned after a visit in Hamilton, Guelph, and other places. Mrs. D. Johne and Miss Lila left yesterday to visit Mrs. Goodison in Sarnia. The Misses Down of London are vis- iting at the home of Mr. Chas. Keddy, Usborne. Mr. arid Mrs. Wilson of London vis- ited their daughter Mrs. W. D. Clarke on Monday. Mr. W. H. Moncur and family are among the many who are sojourning at Grand Bend. Miss Lily Morley of Stratford is spending this week with her cousin, Mr. (Dr.) Rouleton. Mr. an Mrs. Thomas Werty of Lon- don spent a few days during the week with friends in town. Dr. Clinton McCallum of Buffalo is the guest of his parents who are camp- ing at Grand Bend. The Misses Dickson and Lockhart of Seafortb, Mrs. Whimeter of Aurora, and Miss Coulter of Ottawa visited Mise Lila Johns on Friday. Miss E.Harding left Wednesday for South Bend, Indiana, for a visit, hop- ing to improve her health. Mr. Hilton Bissett of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with his grand- father, Mr. Thomas Bissett, Sr. Miss Lottie Hyndman of Becton, who bas been in Muskoka for some weeks, is here visiting her father. Miss Stella Gregory has been visit- ing friends in Mount Forest and other points for the last four weeks. Miss Smith of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthvon of Hensall visited at Mrs. R. H. Collins' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barton are expected home from Chicago Satur- dayy, where they spent three weeks. Mrs. Wu1.Prodgers and two children of London spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in and around Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood of Lon- don spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. S. Sanders, Main street. Miss Stella Spackman returned to Toronto Monday, accompanied by Mies Edna Dow, who will visit in Tor- "Mo ors.. Mrs. McKinley and family of Cleve- land, Ohio, arrived here yesterday to Pvisitiper.Mrs. McKinley's mother, Mrs. Willie Barney spent a few days in Belgrave during the week. Normau Stonehouse of the above place teturn- ed with him. Mre. Robert McFalle is visiting in London with her daughter, .Mrs. Bird, while her son, Stanley is visiting in Centralia. Messrs. John and Arthur Balkwill, sons of the late Silas Balkwill of Kingsville, are renewing old acquaint- ances here. Mies Vera Jamieson of Battle Creek' Mich., is the guest at Mrs. Horney's. Mr. Jamieson of Dublin, also called on old friends in town this week. Miss Eva Carting arrived home from New York on Thursday evening to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carling. for two weeks. Misses Mary Mack and Vera Itowe left Saturday morning for London where they enter on a course in the Forest. City Business College. Miss Liyingstone of Blyth visited in town over Sunday. Miss Livingstone will have charge of Mr. J. A. Stewart's millinery department next season. Miss Neva Snell. after a month's vis- it here, returned to London Tuesday accompanied by Miss Gladys Ford, who intends remaining there for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Salter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Salter, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Salter and John Hal- ter of London were here over Sunday with relatives. Miss Cora 1.. Ftike is visiting Mrs, Jos. Senior and other friends. She with Mrs. Senior and children leaves Saturday for Toronto and for a boat trip down the lakes. Mrs, Dan. O'Neil and Mrs. Wilson of Lucas visited at Mr. 1). Mill's on S.turday. Miss Irene O'Neil of Toron. Ito and Miss Thomas of London are at present the guests of Miss Annie dill. Vietor Sanders. who has been Tears. ing the drug h•Isiness with :Mr. W. S ('ole during the past year, has accept• - ed a position in Loddon and went there Friday. Maurire BoLier has taken his glare at Mr. ('ole'., Mr. Norman Keddy and bride, of Detroit. who have jiwt returned frnm a hnneymmin trip In the Soo, are sr., were nninjored. Both riga belong-tpener1'ngaewdecsnt th 1 f e tome of • 1 to Mr. %'� (i 1 Mer�hart Tailor Exeteriissett. a bite the the for met 'c pvrents in 1•sborne, prior ,stn belonged to gantkm:,n from to tkit ing 11sthilt.) and then tr. ('hentist and 1)4,4iriah -- - ♦+++++++++++++}. I)i•trott who is visiting in Crediton. tnr•,ing In Detroit. tar Eyes tested (ter. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH \V'l•:DNESDAY Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family .. Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40 Butter Eggs al) 45 40 41 00 70 75 75 1100 250 1 45 17 15 Ltvehogs, per cwt 6 65 Shorts per tun 24 00 Bran per ton 21) 00 Wool, unwashed 12-13, washed 20-23 50 Highest price paid for any quantity honey -wholesale; also FOR SALE-onegood driving horse and general purpose mare in foal. W. F. ABBOTT, Centralia FARMERS' ATTENTION Keep flies oft your cows and horses with KRESO---DIP Used as a spray will positively de- stroy and keep flies off your stock KEEPS STOCK IN THE PINK OF CONDITION KILLS -Lice, Ticks, Nites and Fleas CURES- Mange, Scab, Ringworm and other skin diseases. NOTHING BETTER TRY IT SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Gole's Drug Store EXETER Dispensing a Specialty. Mise Flossie Snell is spending a week with St. Thomas friends. Miss Emma Hydenran of Ingersoll is visiting her parents here. Misses Brownlee and Wood are via- iting at the home of Mr. D. Wood. Mr. Alf. Bowey of London spent Sunday and Monday at his home here. Mr. Robt. Leathorn, of London, is again visiting among old friends in town. Mr. Geo. Eacrett of Gladstone, Man., is spending a few weeks at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snell of London spent Sunday and Monday with relat- ives in town. Miss Mabel, Fred and Glenn Flintoft of Stratford are visiting their sister Mre. J. C. Snell, Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. James Bissett and daughter, Lovie, of London spent the week end with relatives in Exeter and Dash wood. Avoid Competition There is a tuarket for the BEST, and the surest way, we think. to get away from competition is to make a lit- tle better flour than the oth- er fellow. Our motto is: 1 4 "Not how cheap but how good" ASK FOR STAR FLOUR IT STANDS ALONE I, Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO a)0I It t1 WITHOUT SIGIIT you are not touch Ilse in chis world. \nd yet you ate on the toad to that condition every day you riegb•ot the CARE 01' YOI'it EYES. 1f yon have nev•'r 110, 11 glas=es or your old ones have been outgrown, come and have us examine your .. (5. 1Ve can aid you and preserve• your most precious possesion---your eye- . sight. W. S. HOWEY, Phm.B. T. 1-111wE=rTs & SON Jobbers and Dealers in Builders' Hardware Nails Glass Cement Plaster Paris Galvanized Shingles Corrugated IronRoo$ng T. HAWKINS & SON. Grca1 Reduction Sale 51111 Ou Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 GREAT CLEARING SALE OF ALL SUMMER GOODS During the next two weeks we are going to sell all our summer wear regardless of price. They must go to make room for our immense fall stock, which has already begun to arrive. SEE OUIt NORTH WINDOW. WHITE WAISTS Below is a summary of what we have left 8 only $1.2; waists for 75c each11 only $1.50 waists for $1.00 each 4 only $2 waists for $1.2; each I 2 only $2.50 waists for $1.65 each WHITE LINEN SKIRTS 2 only Misses Skirts $2.50 for $1.50 each FANCY PARASOLS 2 only $1.10 parasols for 75c. each 2 only $1,50 parasols $1.00 each COLORED MUSLIMS Prices no ol,ject on these goods. They must go at any price. if you want a cheap dress come quick as our prices will soon sell them. Lots of time to wear them between now and Xmas. POULTRY The following will be paid in trade for the next week: Chicks 10c, live. 12c. dressed; Ducks 8c. live, 10c. dressed; Old Hens 41e. live, 8c, dressed` JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing SNELL & ROWE Money Sam Bargains BA11GAINS iN LACE CURTAINS gnality for $2.04) 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.10 BOYS STRONG %VE:AHiN(. SHIRTS guaranteed fast colors -- Sits quality for '314 IN BOYS LEATHER BEi:rS 25,- quality for lar IN LADIES LEATHER (BELTS :ire duality for 2 c. 13ARO A iNS IN JAPANESE MATTING 2(k quality for 12 1-2 c IN ME:N'y FANCY VESTS for summer, Tight or dark colors - $1.25 quality for 8Iie. iN UMBRELLAS $1.21 quality for Il1ic iN LADIES' CASHMERE HOsi, Black or tan shades -35c for tic. SNELL & ROWE