HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-08, Page 71 ► ASK QUESTIONS. Culifwate the Useful An of .eekintg Ques- tions It 11111 Be•Iii You, Here is tine of the most valuable :litter you will ever learn : You can cavo yourself years of effort by utilizing the kitowkdge and experience of other's. Whet it lakes a mitt len yeurs to learn may take hint only n minute to tell. 1f you ask him a question that will draw out his convielions, you can get the sante thought you would p•robnbly trach if you went over the same ground he del. You can, as it were, begin where 'he left off. A man spent thirty years perfecting !chs telephone, but anyone can pis it up 01141 testi it in an instant. 1f you had Ile invent one yourself before you could itis it you would lose valuable time to- fng souie!hing that has already been adlti not ask stupid or impertinent ques- tiefLS, as that will cost you the confi- dence of the person you ask, and shut on the help lie might be twilling to ven- dee you. The kind of gt.estions that bring out Iht• nw,l information are specific ques- tiens. thoughtfully asked, and some- times involving fundamentals. It is u goom praclico to try the different kinds of questions until you learn which are the best. Always remember that asking inlell'gible questions is an art—a walu- ablo accomplishment. AIL WEAK WOMEN. Will Find New Ilealth and Strength in • Dr. Williams' Plnk (tills. The tweak woninn can depend upon ft that her blood is out of order, for if her blood is rich and pure she will be strong, healthy and happy. Bad blood is the cause of nearly all the aches and pains from which %%omen suffer. keep the blood rich rind red by the use of 1)r. Williams' l'ink ('ills and suffer - nig will not exist. Mrs. James It. Ki atz, Of Jordan Station, Ont., has test- er: the value of these Pills and strong- ly advises other women to use them. She says: "For more Than a year 1 was a great sufferer from weakness. 1 was cc:nlpletely worn out. 1 lost flesh; could not rest at night, and in the morning 1 arost' more tired than on going to tied. 1 had taken doctors treatment with no benefit. 1 grew worse day by day and was beginning to look upon Irt•y' CisC n, hopeless when I was ad- iviscd to try 1)r. \\'illian's' Pink fills. ,Ti; my great joy before i had taken the pills a month they began to help and by the time 1 had taken eight 'boxes every symptom of buy trouble I. art le ft nuc and 1 was once more en- jcying perfect health and strength. 1 kok upon Dr. \Willie a's' l'uik ('ills as n veritable life saver and never lose a chance to recommend them to my .friends." The success of Dr. Williams' Pink fills is due lo their pi ver to Rinke •nett•, rich red blood. This new blood •str(Jilsthens the nerves and gives ' I.curshurent to --nil the organs of the bendy, thus curing anaemia, indigestion, oeuralgin, rl&$umatistn, nervous debil- ity, headache and 'backache, and all talc secret ailments of girlhood and wo• , wnfllu ed. The Pills are sold by all )medicine dealers or may be had direct at 50 cents a lox or six loxes for $2.50 from The Dr. \Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. —. •1 1WE:ALTH OF TURKEY. Said to be the Most Fertile Spot in the World. "Turkey, 1 believe, is the richest e unlry on the globe for its size," says Ernest A. Magnifico, . 'There are copper mines, zinc mines, ' i (rad mines. and gold and silver mines ' Ic'be found in nbundnnce in Turkey, bit They remnin undeveloped beeause ro one cnn get n concession from the ' g ,verntnent to work Iheni. Foreign capitol is ofrnid to enter Turkey, and ,the industry of the country and the po- pt.latton, 1 hclieve, are decreasing year - Iv. But this cnnnot last forever. The ioople, for centuries wider the yoke (.1 restraint. are beginning to Throw oft !their burden rind are awaking to the ;pessibilities of the future. I 'Tt n year., age ninety per cent. of the p'cople were ignorant of the utility et public schools. end parents were con - .lent to allow (heir children to grow up with .art ethical:on. ns they had (lone be. fere Ihenn. Now, schools are spring- ing up everywhere, even in the rural cletricl*, rind the People are becoming olive to their true interests. They are l.king nn interest to ;wellies and gov- ernment affair , and it is not a far step trent (.lieeitien nl-1 zeal in politics, to Stops —and ell tensed and bowel diadem Makes puny babies plume and rosy. ('roved se u Colic y . 50 Aearsyour successfusl l sk tirtappyi for ie - Nurses' a•+ Stalkers' Treasure —25e.-•6 l ce u. $1.25. Dna & Chemical Ce , Lamed Montreal. The Rideau Lake Route. 44sr THE FINEST TRIP ON THB CONTINENT. A Lail' ani! bland Paradise. This trip is e t • '. nbl one of the moo eujeyalee ,n „11.u111. The cele- trnte'tl B dent Las. •. netted for their frond se nery. and p,:eso,1 by dna light. ' Tek' e, mnkw1l ii rtcnusers "It dcail Kong" end "ival'an Qur(n, li'iiVC k ng. e'en (very \I.'nelny, \\'edne.elny, Thurs- dny owl Selnhlny at 6 a.m.. (cave (i1- I::Wa every M•uytlny, Tuesday. Tours aa} nn.l Frelny nl Y p.m. r•.nneetcn= nt K nggstort with Gren.1 Trrnk. Knii,x!erl n'id 1'.'mnr,ke lia away 1r.I II clic i•.:t and On'arwi Nnvignti. t Cu., a1 (1!!'es a w','11 lis T. It., C. P. It. fl. nn 1 \ 1 hal• . O. R. Nev. fel.. and (t. F. c • t • r ohde 1.. 6 w r,l.' 11. hnutsi\V. V. 1'. ash' (net, • L11 What you spend for under. wear buys mod real value in fit. comfort, service— only when each gar- ment boars the trade mark in red that guarantees you satisfaction or your money back. Made'ia many fab- rics and styles. at various pncea, is form -fitting sizes for women, men and children. See %Let the PEN -ANGLE is there- - -it insures you money's worth. 1► active partieop:ntion iu the running of the government. "Agriculturally, Turkey is the most fertile spot in the world. Anything can l,e grown there. The principal producls are wheat and barley^, nearly all cf %thick is shipped to England. Smyrna is a city of 40+),000 population and is the largest export city on the ltediterran- Frn, which is saying a great deal when one remembers that Genoa and Naples art on that sea. There are few manu- facturing establishments (here and no machinery is used. What manufactur- ing is done, is done by hand. Smyrna rugs, of course, are famous the world over, and many of the people are (•n - gaged in making there." Welbeck, the I)uk� a of Portland's place, has a perk ten miles in circum- ference, will 41 lodges. Woman's sphere isn't as large as it used to be before the hoopskirt went out. They Advertise Themselves. — lin- mediately they were offered to the pub- lic, I'nrmelces Vegetable Pills became popular because of the good report they ►.aide for themselves. That reputation has grown, and they now rank among the first medicines for use in attacks of dyspepsia and biliousness, corn- p:nints of the liver and kidneys, rheu- matism, fever and ague and the innum- erable complications to which these ail- ments give rise. The wild rnsp'berry is said to have the greatest vitality of any English seed. Melon -seed has been known to grow after keeping for forty years. Like I:tile releasers of disease, the eruption. of eczema pour out discharges. But blood causes the trouble. The local remedy le Weaver's Cerate, Mid Weaver's syrup will drive the poison from the Every Servinn subject may claim live acres from the Slate, and this cannot be alienated for debt. DON'T USE POOR OIL. For use on sewing innctlines, bi- eyclew and all purposes requiring tt fine lubricant, the best is cheapest in the erd. Genuine Singer oil can only L'e ("bind at Singer stores. Look for the pee S. s:n.er Sewing \lachine G). Write us at Manning Chambers, Toron- to, for set of ilird Cards free. Nearly all fee -thinking men are in the bachelor class. ' CONCLUSIVE AliG('\IEN'T. They Cleanse the System Thorough- ly. l'armelee's Vegetable rills clear ins stomach nod bowels of bilious natter. cutins the excretory vessels to throw al impurities from the blood into the beweis and expel tete deleterious mess horn the body. They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patient. who speedily realizes their good offires as they begin to take effect. They have strong recommendations from all kinds of people. Every year there are lost by fire In 1h: United Stales building and properly of a v(tluc of 8500,000,0W. There Is no such thin`` av a harmless en The trouble goes from ha.I t ' warn, unless check- ed Allen'. Lone Balsam cures the worst colds. It allays inflammation and clears the at passages. Our kkn of n smart salesman is one olio cnn sell n fountain pen to a man who cannot write. Cnrns cause intolerable pnin. Iloilo - way's Corn Cure removes tlee trouble. Try it. and see what amount of pain is saved. \\'TIEN A1.1. siii':\is BLUE. "Life is n failure," said the tired-lnok- ing passenger in a grove and far -away voice. "Man is n fraud, woman n IN.re, Nip! he ss n dclwion, mnrriage n nes- 'eke. n \\ lie n trial, a child n nuisance; • •d is merely hypocrisy. evil is detec- t n. The whole system of existcn.•c'-- V. rnlily. society, Itunlnnity' and all a hollow sham. Our kinslld n k egulism: genernsily is Unite - 'There is nothing of nay impnr- money. Money is evcry- eg. .undo rt>jter all, whet is everything. • thing. Ar -r -r -r -r 1•' "(and in nk'et you. sir:' snid the thin ill,. mart with the ginger -Meet whisk- - extending linin hand coo -ally to t , r speaker. "I have the dy'p isin pretty had at tunes myself." 1'L'Ill.l: 11O11SE 1L:1TI IS. In G,,n ialnjaro, M:'xico, there nre pubs (tors.' loathes, where the animals iIiei.aughly enjoy swimming after the dew's hent and dint. After the bath the Misses ere given n fleeting!' scrubbing and rueeloo n in the shallow, shady port of the pool. THE K11.I.1I(NE1' OF ANEf11C.A. Nestling in n tone, of Itennlibilly eeee') shoes lies a a'ril's of 1,• l:.kee its miles teeth of the (, • Toronto. Onitario. a1141 known ns I h "Lake of (Lays Ilegnen:" .\ elinin of tee en lakee studd.til with lovely telnnde, with hotels thmng{hnul the district and a good steamboat nt service to all points ,.tincts the tourist. angler and sIsirls- man. Just the oul..f-the-way sort nt Ilee( to visit during the SIIIn11141' nrt•nths, I'nr nil particulars and free illustrated publication apply 10 J. D. I j11kBouald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. At a Fennell! meeting the chairman tsked al the end of the candidutee, speech whether "unny ginlll•ruun Ilt1.5 envy question to ask?" someone nesse and propounded an in- quiry mildly critical of the prevailing to lilical relief. \\•In•t•eulx,n tt pol.lictan t ehind a rni..crl club arid struck him to 111 11..nr. Then the chairman kx,kcd ,.roun41 ante ',skid quietly : "tinny other gii tleutuu a question to eels?' �t SIIE WOULD RE A DOCTOR. I:ruulein Maier, daughter of a stone- mason in \\"urlc►nburg, Germany, after eielying medicine for some time at ti:nue, went to England, where s110 Ob. taints! Work as huust nani41 in a wealthy family. In Ibis position she wrest .•neigh money to pay for a cxntrse in Edinburgh univesity, where she passed rill her (5auunutions with distinction. Now a full-fledged M.D.. s11e has sailed fee China, where she will act as medical adviser for a largeemission, tF ZA11-IttK CI'RtS PILES. "1 thought 1 must go on suffering from piles until I died," says Mrs. E. (teed, of Steeubu'g, (Ont.), "but Zane Birk Iris cured me! For years 1 en- dured agony. could hardly walk about, end lost all nay strength. Everything tried seemni useless. Then Zane. But; was receinuientled, and I bless the day! It has cured me completely." 'tarn-Buk is the finest household Latin known. not only for piles, but al! skin troubles and diseases—^.arts. bruises, sore feet, insect stings, su1- tern. eczema, etc. 50c., all stores, er Zara-Buk Co., Toronto. 3 Inc $Lea. IRRIGATED LANDS. During the next :ewe months a great many of our readers will be looking around for changes s in location, some desiring n change of climate, others wishing to go where they can obtain more land for themselves and their stens. The attention of those intent on leaking a change is directed to the ad- vertisement in this issue of the Land Department of the Union Trust Com - Petty, Toronto, who are offering irri- gated land.s in Southern Alberta and British Columbia. head their advertise- ment and if you write them, kindly mention this paper. The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by es g•od effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. Just over 11 per cent. of the petiole - lien of the United States aro foreign bor B. A Soothing OU.—To throw oil upon the (troubled waters menus to subdue to en!nlness the most boisterous sen. To ripply Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil to the troubled body when it is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of the most refractory elements. It cures pain, tents bruises, takes the fire from burns, and as n general household me- dicine is useful in many ailments. It is worth much. The Wesleyan are numerically much the Mringeet of the various Free Churches of England. lees. ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scratches sad ovary form of contagious itch on human er animals cured In 30 minutes by Wel- ford's ordford's Sanitary Lotion. 1t DOM fella Celluloid EE just send as your name and address on a post -card and we'll mail you a fainting Book for the little folks and a quarter -pound pack- age of Celluloid Starch. That means fury for the children and satisfactory starching for you. Celluloid Starch requires no boiling, gives a perfect finish to the clothes and never makes the irons stick. Write to -day for this free book and sample. The Brantford Starch Wets, "Molted WasU.rd. Oatarls sod WILSON'S FLY PAD — aOLO ■Y — DIRICCt11T$, CEOCOS ups WHIM SUMO Hairnet packet, .r a paak.t a for tic. will fault a whets emaston. ORIGIN OF KLSSING. English Maidens in Olden Days indulged Freely in Kissing Habil. \Vho were the first "kisser" and "kissee?" The query is very difficult of solution, for the origin of kissing Is shrouded in mystery, although kissing has been practised by civilized nations In every era of the world. Riblicnl records do not enlighten us ns to whether our first parents indulged in the habit. The first kiss on record was the one given by Jacob to Rachel, when he niet her at the well. In the New Testament St. Paul admonishes his followers to greet one (mother with a holy kiss. Aad in the lime of the Ro- mans kissing the hand to a god was a sign of adoration. From all accounts extant, English people—unemotional and prosaic as they ale characterized—appear to have been among the first to have exploited the joys of kissing, and to render it a uni- versal habil. And then, again, in no other country but England has the mis- tletoe plant attained such popularity. Even Erasmus %%v to to an friend, the (.llo wing : "Englishwomen are divinely ;'Telly and good- natured. They have an excellentcustom, that wherever you find yourself the girls kiss you. They kiss you when you come they kiss you when you go; (hey kiss you at every opportunity between whiles." Numerous other allusions to the practice prove that Erasmus was riot guilty of any ex- aggeration. although the habit became n thence of gossip all over Europe. Regret is the feeling you have when you fully realize [hut foresight missed i's train. Sold by all druggists. "is it Wrong to cheat n lawyer?" asks a correspondent. Not wrong, but tun' difficult to pay for the trouble. Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Corded is a speedy cure for dysentery, dine, flora, cholera.' summer complaint, sea sickness and complaints Incidental to children lathing. It gi\eS inunediale relief to (hose suffering (Nen tee (elects (f indiscretion ill eating unripe fruit. cucumbers, etc. It nets with \wnn41c•rlul rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if trey have a bottle•of this medicine con- venient. A fool doesn't envy wise men. A fool never meets a mann who is wiser than .himself, A girl does not care to see a man she likes squander his money --on nitier girls. .ar - 11,4,4 Avg/ 0111.11.. els coal wt ewer NEWHOUAE TRAP. .ti..-- v..... —.. .w r r OMNI ..w 0*.....,—._ 0100 ewe ..— _ _.. •-. • - aw. .b n. -.• r•••••• IOW .n ti . ttv.u... r..: - 41000 .rue+ ' &.clot CorUlMv. tea ...pm •••• r. T N V ISA'''. NO. 32 07. QUEEN 0 I L CITY WATER WHITE Gives Perfect Light. The Most Economical High Grade 011 Ever Sold In Canada. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. a. BETTER buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE- WRiTER 110W than be sorry afterwards. Every useful device In- built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT 11. r.1:5 CAT/Cll./01'r TRrr L. C. SMiTH TYPEWRITER CO. TIN Minn MARNINM. NEWSOME & GILBER I, MEM, SOLE DEA LI_R3, 9 Jordan St., Toronto HALIFAX, V. S. MONTREAL.. 'Tat :..•••. .11011•MMIle - ANNUAL YEARLING THOROUGHBRED SALE ---AT THE Saratoga Racecourse. Saratoga, N.Y.. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF FA5IU-TIPTON COMPANY, OF NEW YORK AUGUST JOHN E. MAIDEN, 11ANt111tl: PLACE, VE.ARLLNGS. F. R. NITCII(:O(:K (NEW VORKI THOMAS 11ITC.IICO(:K hN1'% YORK) M. 11. TIl III'NOIt & CO. (NEW %OHIO 11. S. PAGE, (NEIL' YORK) AUGUST 17 as r E. S. GARDNER. AVON Ml.E STUD, 1'I•: %RUNGS. PAIIMERSTONI: & CO., EI"".WOLD STUD, .. Tho Annual Fall We of thoroughbred Yearlings WILL BEUI.N " FUTURITY DAY," SATURDYA, AUC. 31 A"a '11"1"" SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 al the Company's Paddocks, Sheep sl►ead Bay, New York. CATALOGS MAILED ON APPUCA TION TO Ire. [Alt.% Nom, FASIG-TIPTON CO., amaltnE'tiliirLaARasl4 She : "Olt, n woman's thoughts are something above dress." Ile: "Yes, when they aro on hats." I _ ROOF for t e Years to Came jut one roof is OVAR*RTTIW in writing to good for 25 years and is really good for • buodreJ. That's a roof of "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Put them on yourself—common sense and a hammer and snips does it. The building they cover is proof against lightning, bre, wind, rain and snow. They cost less because they're made better, and of better material. Wnte us and learn about ROOFING RIGH T. Address •os The PEDLAR People ;N,1 papaw I4..tr.al Ottawa Teroeto London Winnipeg QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. Biyer and Gulf of St. lawrenca Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes swta �tw llles. ,alod etria 1ta, ertebesandl mrn eoutlert. SAILS PROM MONTREAL ONMONDAYSMONDAYS 4 p.m, erased let► June 141, l e1i lfl15 sad �16ta August, 9th said thereafter for Iylara Mg at fiaebec, Gaspe Mat Bay. Fere**, Cage Comte Great Elver, aa=merdae, PALL, sad (*ar1W biawa, P.IL1 BERMUDA $.essar Sieeret.IL, Ml. by 55e sew Twin Screw SS. "lermadlea", 1,M0 Ione. Sailing:41 and 1955 Jane, Yd. Mb and Slat Self, lath ysytjj tkh August Mk, 1415 and lits September. pith and loth Ootolter, Mb, 1115 sad 0T15 Woven• bor. Temperature cooled by sea kerne e.tdosl rites above 60 &arena. Tse taut tripe of the "antis ter health ,.AI **Wort ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec" A. E. OUTERBRIDGE S CO., Agent; Ip Broadway, New York. Where all else fails I.) s E Kendall's Spavin Cure Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, Blood and Bog Spavin, Thoroughpin, Curb, Capped (bock, especially if of long standing and obstinate—will not yield to ordinary liniments or blisters. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is an extraordinary remedy that gives extraordinary results. It cures old, stubborn cases that many times veterinaries have given tip—takes away every sign of lameness—does not scar or kill the hair—and leaves the horse sound and smooth. BENITO. Man, sept. 'c6 "I have used Kendall's Stavin Cure for so years— and it swore failed nae tort." JOHN McKENNA. Write for noted book "Treatise On The horse"—something worth knowing on every are. Sent ftee. Kendall', Spavin Cure 1s sold by dealets everywhere at Il. a bottle -6 for t6. 33 Da. •. J. KENDALL CO., • - ENOSIWRO FALLl, VERMONT. U S A. "` LENOX HOTEL IN BUFFALO NOMMME "IaaisT Sa*oa 11111A001s Ul'f1 OWN RAPID ELF.CiRI(: 4:A11- RIAGIs EXCLUSIVELY Eon PA- TRONS operate c1.nlinu.)uAy every few inini.tts from liehe tieireligh t nsi- ness district and to all de (,'s /if wharves for elite -jest train., rind steamer:. EUROPEAN PLAN Rates 81.60 per day and es. I0R4$ Oi1CN$CNtRLR, • Proprtstsl IRRIGATED FARMS • D BLOOK8AN�F LAND FOR SALE In size In sult purchasers, front 10 acres upwnrd., eiluated on er near railways in the famous wheat, rout and vegetable growing and stock raising districts of ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA Price.. with water right. perp ehial and unfniling, lower than 11ose ever placed upon irrigfnled lands in the adjoining Stales. The quality of ttie land the lined. An acre of irrignted Intel in Southern Aib"rtn rnLses Twice the crop of the best unirrigated Intel elsewhere—AND TIIE (:l10I'S NEVER FAIL. This magnificent irrigation tract of 3.000,0n0 acme Ls without doule tete finest land pr,opceeils,n on the market to-dny. ltnnitgrntion is pouring in; vnlues wfli soon be on the r' -i.1% \\ rite us for interesting and full printed information. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, 174 Bay St., Toronto f:xehlsive .Aernt in On'r.r ic. \i ui 'nt l And the Mnriitlr: • Pro. vin fer the CANeltleN PACII'IC lltltt(..vnoN COWAIZATION 1.11•119 ANA'S irrigated lands.