HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-08, Page 2STRANGLED BY INDIANS Sick Squaw Was Slain by Indian Medicine, Mail, Ottawa, Aug. 1: -Joseph and Jack Fidler, the chief and the medicine plan cf the Sandy Lake (:rtes, are under ertest at Norway Clouse on the charge of murdering a squaw. The woman, who is of the same Waite and biased as the two prisoners, fell sick in the. Spring and became deliri cos, The Indians of this district be- lieve that when a sick person becomes delirious a 5piii1 or "\\.•ndigo" has en - tele' therm, and that if the person dies r:rturally the Wendigo escapes to the woods, pursues and frightens away the game, and famine folkws. Theiteforc, tee band assembled, and, according to the custom, appointed their chief and medicine roan to the high honor cf cl okiug the sick squaw, that the spirit in,get not escape with the passing of Lr. nth, but alight remain imprisoned :it the dead body. In the presence cf the band, the chief tine med eine man c•t.rried out the instructions. A piece ! canvas was placed about the squaw's 1.,.•k and then the noose of a roes'. This sing tightened by the two leaders cf 1ht band, tate ravings of the woman %sere stopped, tha evil spirit was impels- . tied and the game prcsservcd. this piece of herb:wism was execu'' 1 within two hundred miles of Lenora. \\'ore ct it reached the uulheritiis, and the arrests followed. The Fidlers asked the officials not (c bo tco severe with them, as They had no idea that they were doing wring. They were merely doing their uuly by the 1 and, and following the custom of es. r fathers. The execu- Icon of this duty vas a high honor, teed, according to custom, the mete (letters were handsomely ted by the parents of the victim. The Justice Department is to decide whether it will be better to send a judge is Norway House to try the cure c r bring the prisoners and witnesses to Edmonton fur trial. S11OCK KILLED FIREMAN. Crossed Wires Caused Bad Blare al Woodstock. N. 11. A despatch from Woodstock, N. 13.. says: One man killed, the town's !erg - Set wholesale house temporarily out of business, and half a dozen smell fires, is the net result of the catastrophe which beset Woodstock between seven and eight o'clock on Wednesday even- ing. Just at seven o'clock the alarm of fire was rung in from Toy's restau- rant, on Main Street. The lire com- pany quickly responded and discovered that a short circuit, caused by the tele- elono and electric light wires becom- ing; crossed end set the back shop on tire. One fireman cut the light wires, and just at That moment Charles Me - Kenney caught hold of the wire, no d: uht thinking it dead. Without ut- e ring a w, rel he fell to the Ikoor, the whole current of 2.300 volts passing tlmngh his body. Robert Welch. stand- ing just beside hint, also received a mewls, but not a serious one. Doctors were quickly on the scene, but could (to nothing. The man was dead. Scarcely had the shock of his death leen noised about, when dense black c('lunuls of smoke were seen coaling frau the Van wart Brick Blook on King Street, occupied on the ground floor by the Baird Company, wholesale drug- } s-ts: D. McLeod Wince, law office, and ih(. 1) unin#pn Express Company. and Bit wit ,le of the second floor by the Baird Company. Fire companies sure ceed.(1 in saving the building. but prac- tically the whole of the big drug stock was dest•oy(rl by lire and water. Total kss about 850,000. y►- I;l'lLTY OF COWARDICE. :E. I'nlrnlntatt Expelled from New fork City !'olive Force. A despatch from N• w fork says: For the first time in thirty years one et NI w York's patrolmen was on Wed- feesday adjudged guilty of cowardice tired was expelled from the force. Ile was Stephen (;. Walsh, who, accord. in), to the charge made ngninst hint last week. fled front an armed man w110 lad shot and killed n woman. The Leen interest with which the unu;unl case was followed rose to point e t drematic inti 'mil)* when Police Com- m s.:oner 13:nghnin. who had presided p. r •molly it the trial, announced in n melee choke) with emotion that the c'.arge ngninst the unfortunate man had Leen proven. The commissioner turned to Inspector Richard \\'nosh, in whose dirtrict Stephen Walsh was a patrol- men. and ('reefed the inspector to strip Welsh of his shicld and uniform hoe lens. so that he might net leave the prim remit wah the emblems of his kern er p>'ssilion as a policeman in good standing on his person. Walsh object - cd to having his buttons torn oft before hes former comrades, and was escorted to the door and ejected by his inspee- kr. The speeiflc charge against Walsh wits that he fed from Frank Warner Intl week and permitted the latter 14e iv.ip, 91er killing Esther Stirling ;n 42nd street. 1N11 K1101IO11' NI *'f 17.1'. Ai parent!) Their Only Chance of Itearli- Int, ♦fnnlre,I. A d•'spa k !.111 \\ i 11 'g: r; y ,: Th., ,ukli et,eor pilgrims are shit camped • n th, outskirts of the city in a quandry ni to where to go. sir whet to do. They site nlmost staggered by the prospeels n tramp le \kentreal, new that i1 lies leen carefully explained, and United Slates o(Iicinls have positively deelard That tui y will not be permitted 10 ernes Pie boundary. The C. P. It. nisei will not 'Mew them to Iras.1 over their le ', - 1-•! %een here and lite lakes. n i V•.' rh makes the journey on fool e• ..•t impassible. The company tr t ‘.. 11►.•►n nrreslel for trrspess :f br,Apt is made to disiegnis! this erre --'�- (ntl: PI 111111.17s It %II.Ie) \11. CI'ccipls and I)i•hnr•enl.nis of !is mis- k:lnring 1 onlnli••iem. A despatch from •lel.nnto ... - Hie seipls 4.1 the T'cnirsknrning \ N. ,o,,.rn Ontario ha'le's) for \lay were s : dlsl ur-car. its, t1.4!M; ; not r, , • l: -'...t:.. Ties diseursenl' tits eishule R'.51:' paid f' r insurance. elect) might have leen sp'e'nd n% er the w 14. 1e year. I'n•scng-•er 1rnglic 1Ie.veseesl f.er Rt11.027, 11 1N1 freight. W.812 of the 141191 receipts. Inning \l;.y 1:18,9 mile: were 111 epeEr9- tion. as compare) with 1t2 miles in May. 1916. The passenger Irnfiir sttoe t II Targe Increase ower the sore -s snilhng ,tenth el tr.•. year. AR\1V TRAINING AT M'GILL. Teaching of Miiilary Subjects to be Instituted Next Session. A despnlch from Montreal says: An- nouncement wax made on 'Tuesday at a meeting of \lcGill's Board of Governors, that at the coining session, McGill would c<. -operate with the Militia Department to institute teaching military subjects. '1'hc proposal is to provide instruction to qualify candidates for conunissions Will in the Imperial army and in the Ccnadian forces. The idea is to have !s.lh in the Imperial army and in the short courses of lectures, averaging 24 let lures in each course, on such sub- jr cls as military history, tactics, mili- tary law and administration, military eoguncering, military topography. It is believed That C:anada's universities may be a source of supply of officers. he War Office has for several years offered commissions to university offi- cers in Great Britain and Ireland, the idea being to obtain officers with n genuine university education, as well as poetical training in military subjects. Stveral British universities have adopt- ed the Systehl. THE BELFAST MUTINY. Mr Rirrell Defends the Sending of Troops to Ireland. A despoil' from London says: De- fending lite action of the Government in rushing 7,000 troops into Belfast for strike duty, Chief Secretary for Ireland Rirrell declared in the house of Com- mons on Thursday that the mutinous aclien of a portion of the rnnslahulary and the continuation of the strike neces- sitated decided measures. Mr. Birrell lidded there was good reason 4, believe that the strike woukl soon end. A drr:witch from Dublin says : The inrd-Lieutenant of Ireland, the Ear•! of Als rdeen, replying to it petition from members of the Belfast constubulnry, has declared that it is imrossible for 1110 l;o V,rnureut to entertain a petition pre- �eat, 41 under such circumstances, 0n(1 the 1a-1 paragraph of which is threaten- ing in character-. (,astable Barrett. a lender of the dis- affection among the police of Belfast, has been diemis';ed, and five other con- stables who have Ia1:en n prominent part in the agitation haws; been sus- pended. itATll OF BURNING ,ti t:01101,. Boiler o1 the Spirit I:Vpindel and En- velops illoalreal Chemist. .\ despatch from \Mntrenl says : En - vi loped i11 a ba1111 of burning aleehel, William Lyons. an expert employe of the drug mn11111n.luring firm of Evans and Co., was frightfully burned in tib -11.1 a quarter of a minute Lefore aid could match him in the exam in which lie %Vele workings 91(44)4' on Thursday. Ile is new lying nt the General hospital in a pre- cnr:ous stale. Lyons was working neer e. toiler containing some len gallons of nkelv,l •undergoing treatment, end sup- pe.sesl to be kept (exit by the contact of running wooer. For nn unexplained ren - see the lank became overheated and the 4)kohea took lire. In the combustion, Mining itheiteel was Thrown all over the room. and 1.)ens' clothes were salt,r- nlef with i1. Felle w -workmen hernieally leek mint cul 81141 rolled hint in wet ck the to extinguish the blaze. Several of !!leen experience) severe burns and ncrrow escapes. 11, 1'L \1 EI► ‘11111 MATCHES. Lithe Girl Burned 1,, Death Near Indian Iliad. 'ask. \ d.--istgejg (vent Indian Itend. Sask.. leo,: .\ fatality oecnrreel et ICnlepw'', nen the farm of Ernest Skinner. Lill!e \lag.la'.en. Rrahnnt. the Iwo-year•ohl duughler of Mr. Skinner's hired men. war playing with matches on Tuesday esening and set fire to her clothing. lie- f. r• the (lames could be extinguished. 11, 1111le girl %ns 114111l•ly burred, She only lived till 2 o'clock the next after. le on. \I11.1.Il1N I,\ ('I'(11111 (WHIN. (one, lions al Terme() for fitly Show Increase. 1 lb sivilcl ;r el 'resent() .says: For- eign imp rrts at Temnlo still continue (.ti 1114' inerrate. The 10101 elutes col - l. clot al Itis lest during July were el.n55.e53.27. For July last year the total esfi.elions were $766.339.97. and Iherelote IhisrJuty Wits greater then the s.um' neadli IPA! sear by the substan- 1 al aura of it/M.523.30. LEADING MARKETS Toronto, Aug. 6. --Ontario Wheat -- 1'racticully !Nauman; No. 2 White, $7%e to Me. Manitot:a Wheal --Steady; No. 1 north- ern, 7ike No. 2 norther -n, 95c. Corn -No. 2 yellow, 61%c to 62c. Barley -Nominal. Oats -Ontario, dull; No. 2 white, 43' e to 44e, outside. \lunik,ba-No. 2 white. 41%c on truck at elevator. 1'':,, Numival. Ity..- \urninal. Flour--Ontario-90 per cent. patents, 23.35 bid. $3.44.1 asked; elalitoba first patents, $5 to $5.20; seconds, $1.40 l0 *'4.50; strong beakers', $1.20 to $4,30, Bran -816 to 817, bulk, outside; shorts, in demand, ai•.ut 819 to 820, outside. COL'\ 1'Itl' I'RODUCE. Butter -There is a Brod supply c t beth creamery and dairy. but the form- er is in better demand. ('rices are steady. Creamery prints .. , . .... .. 21c to 230 do solids .... .... .... .... locto2tc Dairy prints .... .... .... .. I7c to 19c do solids ... , , . .. . .. 17c to 1$e Cheese -Quiet al 12c to 12j;c for large and 12%c for twins. in job lots here. Eggs -Prices continue very firm at 17jfc to 18c, with the bulk selling :it 18c. Beans -81.65 l0 81.70 for hand-picked and 81.50 to 81.55 for prinks. Potatoes -Eastern dull and almost neer-quoted at 80c to 9Oc per brig; new potatoes lirnl al $3 to 83.25 per barrel, in car lots on track. Baled Hay -Quiet al 2'1.1 to 815 for No. 1 timothy; new hay, uncertain, $12.- 50 to 813. Baled Straw -$7.25 to 87.50 per ton, in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Dressed (logs -80.75 for lightweights and 89.25 for I'ork-Short cul, 822.75 to 823 per bar- rel, mess, $21 to $21.50. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long clear bacon, I Ic to I I jec for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 15%c to 16e; heavy, 14j%c to 15e; backs, 16%c 10 17e; shoulders, 10%c to 11c; polls, 1134e; out of pickle, lc less than smelted. i.arl-Steady; tierces, 12c; tubs, 1$%c; pairs, 12yc. MO\ fRE.\i, MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. 6.-Oals-Business in eats remains sow and sales of car lots of !Manitoba NO. 2 white were made at 40c per bushel ex -store. Fkom'-Choice spring wheat ,patents, $5.10 to 85.20; seconds, 84.50 to 8160; .minter when! patents, 4.65 $o $1.75; "shiers. 81.25 to $1.35; do., in log-. $I.95 to *2.10; extras, 81.65 to s1.75. \lillfced-Manitoba bran in baps, $20; shorts, 823 to 825 per ton; Ontario bran in bags. 19 to $19.50; shorts, 822.- 50 22:50 to $23; milled muouille, $24 14) 828 1(r ton; straight grain, $30 14) $32. Rolled Oais--Continuo quiet at $2.25 per bag. lbrnmeal-Is steady al 81.15 to 81.50. Hay -Baled hay is steady under a fair local demand: No. 1. 816 to 816.50; No. 2, 815 lo 515.50; clever. •13.50 to 1514, and clover nixed, *12.50 to $13 per ton in car lots. Butter -Townships, 21%c 10 22c; Que- bec, 20; Li 21c. Receipts were 3,408 packages. Cheese-Onlnrio, 10;c to 103;e; east - erns, 10%c to 10;c. Eggs -Sales of selected in single cas- es were made at 20c. and rgnnd lots of straight receipts nt 16s; No. I candled at 17c: No. 2 candled et 14c. and No. 2 straight at 12%c per dozen. Provisions -Barrels short cut mess, s,' to $22.50; half -barrels, 511.25 to 511.75; clear fat backs. 823.50 to 821.5a; long cut heavy mess, 820.50 to *21.514; Calf barrels do., 810,75 to 811.50; dry s:,lled long clear Lacon, 10c to 11;c; I arrels plate beef, 814 to $16; half bar - Ids Is (to., $7.50 In 88.25; barrels heavy :n. 's bad, $10; half barrels do„ 85.59; ('- in;pound lard, 10ye to 10%c; pure lard 1!'; • to 12 ;c; kettle rendered, 13c to 1.,,'•,e; hangs. 12Xe to 15%e, according 14) size; breakfast bacon. 13Xc to Ile; Windsor bacon, 15e to 15%c; fie. -h klllcd nballotr dressed hogs, $9.75 to *10, alive, 87.25 to 87.10. BUFFALO \L\RPw T. . Buffalo, Aug. G.--Flour-Dull. \\'heat -Spring quiet; No. 1 Northern, 81.03%; Winter gieel: N.,. 2 red, 115c. (brl- Sleady: No. 2 yellow, 59%c: No. 2 mix- ed, 57'/, to 5$%C. Orals -Strong; No. e %while. l9';c; No. 2 mixers, 47c. Bar- ley -Nominal. Canal freights--tnchang- eel. NEW 1'0111: WHEAT MAIIKI•:1. New York. Aug. 6. -Spat easy; No. 2 red. ;NW," elevator; No. 2 net. 98/c Lest). tame No. 1 northern Duluth. SI,00/ f.o.b. nik.nt; No. 2 hard winter, 0STse f.o.b. nik,at. 1.1\T•. STOCK MARKET. Toronto. Aug. 6. -- '!'here were lar• elle ice exporters offerisl, and grintntions Were nominal, Top O.Wkly. R,,2:► to $3.50; medium heavy. 81.75 to $5; bulls nm41 cows, $3.75 Io $1.75. ilutcher rattle were not offered very freely. C.1.ie^ stock ens 1)1N.led fermi s;.75 In 849; meditate $1.25 to $1.50. Cows were nboul lil(sonly grade lo show any imprnvernent, choice selling up to $1.11). with the range from 83.50. A 1,1.1 of $:3 on n bunch of slackers of $rgf, lo (10(1 ft.s. w8, rcfue.sl. and buyers were nol willing to go higher. Choice ries worth Prem 81.25 to $3.75. old com- mon to medium from $2.50 In $3, se1li coW 4 cnnhmlcd dull. Quotations nrrhungnsl al R1:► 14) $540 for choice and $2:) to KM for common. Wen) cakes were steady and slightly higher el 3c to fie per ie. Ewes send nt 51.25 to $1.50: tucks mad calls nt 83 In 83.50; lambs sold from A6.50 In 87.50. hogs held slen.ly on 9 cnmpnrnlively heavy run. Selects were quoted nt $6.90. Five lepteese Chander-. of C nlineree Mame s.1n1 t1 pretest 14) Seattle. Intimat- ing that riles the pestle of the I'ncific es,esl cense tee -Thuile -diem ngninst Jn• p:.neee a Ise et ll of United Slates goods is likely to result. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS' HOLY WAR IN MOROCCO n\PPENINGS FROM ALI. OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Our Ott n Other Countries of Recent Etents. and CANADA. 1larvesling has started in Lethbridge district. The army cut worm is ravaging the gardens in London district. \lontr'al's customs collections kr Jet)* were 81,1139,012, the highest yet. '1 he harbor Commissioners' elevator a! Montreal has been pronounced dan- gerous. - A Judges' squabble has caused a small deadlock in the British Columbia Su- p:erno Court. Joseph Grau fell off the Quebec bridge into the water, a distance of 180 feet, and escaped with a broken rib. Tho Ontario Government may estab- lish a number of permanent emigration (likes in Great Britain and Ireland. The C. P. It. engineers have asked for a conference with the company to deal with questions of wages and hours. A 111811 named Galley climbed on the rail of a boat at Chatham, N. R., while Intoxicated, fell overboard and we); drowned. Hon. \V. T. Finlay, Minister of Agri- culture in Alberta, hos just inherited 870.000 through the death of a brother i i Ire'and. A Montreal carter has been charged with revolting cruelty to a horse. Ile drove the anitnnl into a ditch and then attacked it with a pitchfork. Only eighteen hundred miles of the National Transecnttinental Railway re- rilains to be contracted for, and work en the big undertaking is being vig- orously pushed. Robert Thompson, a lending fruit grower of St. Catharines, denies the statement of tho City Clerk Pay that two-thirds of the peach trees are Win- ter killed. On behalf of Mrs. Lillian M. Smith, widow of C. F. Smith. killed in the (:ryslnl Hall disaster in London. a writ bus been issued claiming 815,000 dans- ages from \V. J. Reid. UNITED STATES. Judge \\'red of Heise, Idaho, hits 'c - fused to grant bail to Pettibone. Burglars at Chester, V. Y., stole a ccw, killed it at a slaughter house and carried off the meat in bags. James If. \envy. aged 74, of Bing- hamton. N. Y., was drowned in the Susquchana River, in six in_hes cf water. The body of an eight-year-old girl who I:ad been strangled to death was found on Thursday in an cast, side tenement ;n New -yell:. Charles llogge, who has confessed to Laving practised forgery for fifteen years, has Leen sent to the penitenli- nry for a long terra in Colorado. Orchnrl's wife. \Irs. Albert E. Ilors- ley, of Northumberland County, Ont., chums an interest in the Hercules mine, is the story nowtold in Boise. GREAT Bi3ITAiN. Tho British Medical Association has suggested that sick persons be treated al the date's expense. Britain and Itussin have nmicahly rid- jlisted all outstanding differences regard- ing the Indian and Persian frontiers. The British House of Commons has passel the third reading of the bill es- tablishing a Court of Criminal Appeal. (.CNERAL. Eight Europeans have been killed in ne Arab rising at Crlsfhlenca, Moro -zee. Germany's grain fields have been dr0unged by floods for hundreds of miles. --.._.q.s INSANE, Itl'RNF:D FATHER'S BARN. Serious Loss Through the Act of n Wel- land Woman. A despatch from Wellaid says : star - panel Houovcr, a demented woman. aged thirty-four years, on Wednesday set lire to her father's earn. which Wns Cunt• ptdely destroyed, including the contents. 50 Ions of hay. n gunnel). of grain and a hull. On Sunday she tried to burn the house, 11111 ens prevented. Wednesday she took ndvalinge of the absence of the men In the fields and set fire lo the barn. 13y the time the alarm ens given it ens in►pxossiblo 10 save anything. While nth:mina was directed to the burning barn she again tried to set fire to ttie house. Lot her effort was frus- trated. Local authorities pine.rl Noise Neusser in custody and she will be rc- mo'•ed to an nsyhtnI. 87,030.000 ItOl.l.f\f; STOCK. Grand Trunk \\i11 blase Nen Cars Ready for the :\ (I• .patch from \lontlea1 says: The ('rand Trunk on \Vednesday announced that it will have ready In September fel. Fall IratiI $7.(00,000 worth of rull- im., sleek, which has been 'elder con- slsuction for some time. So far 4,.500 freight cars. out of 5.200, have been de- liver(d. which nt $"50 makes 81.12000. 01 the sixty pt.ssenger conches. thirty hnve ts'en delivered. a tole! of 4720.(01, rind of 100 engines. sixty here been re- ceived, amounting to $1.500.000.% G%MCI\N TR\GI:n1. SreIiun 'Foreman nt Se k:ll..on ';hot by \IcI roi' sh:a rep('. A detapnt••h front Sasknlonn. Stsk.. says: Another Gnit'inn Irngedy ()ours red herr on Tuesday mottling rn whlrb \elrroe Stinnpe•. in a ill of j4'nk1usy. shot J. A. \hehnlehuk through the blend. in• fiicting,• n Intal weun.1, \IOlchnlrhnk ens Ih^ (:.N.it, s. rlion foreman eery'. 911(1 Seempe nc 'sed him of undue intimnr'y with the roller wife, slinmp4' is under atir•51. 441.1 hi. V9:tl1n 1s in etich a reit'. cal condition 111411 his death is c?ipecled any tole. Europeans Are Warned Not to Leave the Towns. A despatch from 'rangier says: \In- 111unn1e-el-Torres, Ccrumissiollcr 'ur Fe reign Affairs, has notified the foreign representatives here that the %air and Meer tribes ruse in a stale of unreel ow- ing to the intervention of the French Comptroller in the Moorish custom.. Ile warns• Europeans not to quit the lawn, mentioning especially habit. The steamer (libel Musa, from Casa- b'anea, reports that when she left that pert the Europeans there were held es hostages by the natives, who feared Ix:i nbardmenl. It is reixu'ted that the natives at Snell are preparing to emulate those at Csisablanca. There are many rumors of an Im- pending pending holy war and a general mas- sacre of all Christians in \lorooeo, t,ut there is no confirmation of these alarm - :41 stories, which are of a kind trequeat here. itl'*111NG A despatch from Mndrid says: As on.' and perhaps two Spaniards were moo dere(' at Casablanca. Spain bus de(•;de1 to c -9 -operate with France in exuctin f satisfaction. This Ls .in accordttly� with the agreement covering such ll rt The cruiser Infanta Isabel, lust been ordered to join the French cruise! Galilee at Casablanca. The Govern 'tient hes sent a strung note to McMinn Leel -el -Torres asking that immediate at lention be paid to it. FRANCE SENDS WARSHIPS. A deipatch from Paris says: The war. ship Conde Duchayln has been ordered to sail from Toulon and to join tht (Wiles) al Casablanca as scam as pos. sole. The Desaix. Cassini and l.a Hire have been ordered it be in ready mess to sail if they are needed. CAN SEE INTO 'IDE EYE. French Optician Uses Light Front Mer- cury Vapor Lamp. A despatch from Paris says : A new contrivance likely to be of great ser- vice 10 eve diagnosis is reported by the Academy of Science. Dr. Fortin has discovered that light front a mercury vapor hump, [a_esing through two sheets of blue glass and reflected into the eye b, a large lens, reveals the internal con- dition infinitely better than ordinary white light. By placing a screen with a pinhole between the light and the eye n magnified image of vessels at the back Di' the retina, which have been hitherto almost Invisible, has been obtained. Capillary veins, the diameter of which !s only two -thousandths of n millimeter. are seen to distend with each heart beat, and it is even possible 10 count the blood globules. HEADLESS BODY IN BUSH. Gruesome Discovery Near Blind River in Algoma. A -despatch from Sault Ste. Marie. Ont., says : The body of nn unknown Dian was found 011 \\'r'dnesday in the bush. 20 miles north of Blind River, on the Tole Bond, near Eddy's lumber camp. Every indication points to foul play, its the tend Wi1S missing, and it is said the pockets of the clothes 'worn by the enrol Were turned inside out. The stead was later discovered buried near by. but owing to the fact that the body had lain in the bush for n considerable time identification was rendered imi:o.o- sible. The hands were also missing, and hove not been found. The Ixody was found by a lumberman while passing through the bush. The ixsly was that of a young man of small size, wearing a dark suit and tat shoes. NO CHEAP ItATES VET. Grand Trunk Railway Gies Notice of Appeal. A despatch from Ottawa says : The Grand Trunk Beltway Company has lost no time in notifying the Itnilw:iy Coln. mission that it is its intention to appeal 1., the Supreme Gert against the judg- ment of Ito board compelling it to issue penny -a -mile tickets and nitnch cnr- riage4 for third-class passengers on one train cacti day between Montreal and Toronto. The arpeal will bo taken at once. 11 will come before the Supreme. Court at iIs next sitting. No doubt the case will 1..' Inken to the Imperial Ihisy Coi,nril, should the division be against 1Ii. company. Thi. 111eans 111111 the order 01 the board well not go into effect for some lime to conk. cum, oITIOOK IMPROVED. I). Weather in the West Ideal for the Growing Grain. A despatch horn \Vinnipeg says . The weekly crop report which was handed out 1p' the C.I'.lt. on Thursday shows that the outlook is far more, favorable than ens exp eclel three weeks ago. The weather has been ideal for the growing grain, nn,l the prospects ere now !righter than was ever dreamed of a shert l lune Dego. There have been timely shower in southern Mandolin, with It►e rerult lent the retorts from flint district (We greatly hnprroVcrl. The wheal is now rapidly heeding out. In n number of districts, in Snsknlchewnn particularly, there has been heavy duningo from hail. hal in noel sections the damage has been light from storms. TO KEEP '411G1%INI a Britain \\ ill Install It •Irep.ratinq Ma- chinery in Naty. A dcspateh train London says : As n result of the explosions on warships of Various nnwiee of 11►e world, attributed It. tho overheating of magazines. the British Admiralty has deciders to equip the mngnzin(-s of ell ships in the British navy With refrigerating machinery to keep down the Ie;nl»•rature. The t<dnl rest of 1110 in.stae11Gon 01 this device !s estimated nt $1.50/,00). 1111: 1.1 X11 \\1\' 11(1\1,.4. • \rw 1:111)9(1141 \Vke• \scrape speed 4,1 O er 15', Mee.. .\ despair); front 1.15(.1)001 says : The new rimer,) Line steamer I.'silanin nn Tlulr,ay completed 0 forty-eight hew continuous run over a NO mile e4eiree, et xering 111(' course four limes, on aver - rig.. speed of mere Ilam 2.S kinds nn Nair for• the entire 1.2(11 miles. The wind and the Isle were partly In Fater and partly against the steamer. NOT MANY OF IIIM, IIE THINKS Mr. Grisllelon on the Mnn Who Is Sweet Abroad and Sour at Ilonte. "You know," said Mr. Grisllelon. "when 1 hear it said of a elan that het good as pie to everybcxiy else, but yotl ought to see how he treats his folks, i don't set it down right away that the man so described roust be necessarily a brute or n sneak. You ser, if )ie is going to show peevishness anywhere, home is the proper place for it ; there it can do his family and himself the least harm. It is essential to his sues cess in lite that be should put up a good front and show a smiling face to the we rid. "As a platter of fact the terms are cc•ntrndictory, for a man can scarcely be eernlnnently ill tempered at home and yct present even a veneer of grace suffi- cient to deceive abroad. A mum is likely lo reveal himself al all times for what he really is; to be, in the main, either good or bad everywhere; but it he fume a streak of weakness in him, why, that 1 would prefer he should keep for hone, 1 c i WOW(' hisfamily. ant ,.o, 1 Ih nk, � d h s "They want hien to make a good im- pression in the world, to n[pea• e-ery- w here Io advantage, and they are ready to put hp with his shortoonlings, to make allowances, and after all they e:on't have to make so many, and they know his ways and they can chaste, away his crossness easily enough. "The Truth is that while there nnny bo Ween who are saints abroad and savages .. r at home tunee are not many such ; most men are pretty decent, and Rime stories. w•c hear about Ines who arc so goon to other people and so mean to their own a:. likely to be without any real foy& dalton or greatly exaggerated or bora: out of a chance disclosure. "Jones's family, for instpnce, knots, him for whet he is, a strong, vigoisnus, Mile man who keeps his temper 91141 be- haves himself adn►irubly in the world, though there he has much to contend with; and they are swilling, more than willing, thnt 1►e should forget his trou- bles and even lose his temper occasin- ally at hone if he wants to. 1t gimes them an opportunity to soothe end com- fort hint and bo gout to him and strengthen him- 'they not only don't mind, but they really like hint to bo natural and human; they are not dis- turbed because he has some failings like the rest of us, and they know he'll be sereno and slrong again in a minute. "So I !eke little s lock in the stories wo hear (yleasiounlly of this man or that who Ls said to be good as pie to stran- gers but a NOM' chi[ with his own. You can set it down for a fact that the num who has the strength nail courage and self-control to bear himself liken man abroad through the day, is, as a rule, rind (!(!spite any transient pettiness Ihnt I.e may there reveal, pretty sure to to a man tw114n1 they are right glad to see at night tat home." .} TE\iPF:RING OF STEEL. Process for Staking Fine Tool Metal Is n Delicate One. The tempering of special steels for modern tools requires very high tem- peratures. with abseme of carbon, air ale gases likely to niter the hot metal and to ensure exclusion of active chemi- cal agents an Impro%ssd electric temper - Ing furnace has leen cel t•uclrrl in Berlin. The steel is heated in a fusr+l still. t nrimn chloride having proven most suilnhk', The furnace is n square lux of iron, asbestos and firebricks and Ise interior is filled Wilk still and ng Ito. Nile iron plates serving es electrodes fear the 81terlating current, the temperature helmg accurately controlled by n gyro meter and rheostats. I1 a chamber nlsait 6; inches square and 7 inches deep a three pxn.nd piece of eleel 554)4 healed l0 1,310 degrees C. i1) 62 cr•(xonds. Working ten hours n day al the maxi- mum of 1.300 degrees 1:.. the furnnee re: quires two pounds of 1 r,rium ehlortdA each day, n new lining ()lice a year, and iron t'lectIude.'s snmetwhat oftener. Ti.11 fu•(tl salt scales Orf tit the slat 11 plunged in the c.x,ling ----- NF:\111.1' 1'i\'1: \Ilt.l.IO\•r. lucrense In the Gusto',,'. 11(•5rrllle Pnrir Mutates A de -patch tr..111 °linen Fan': 1'• !89 1..rsl four muenthss r.f 11.e present Ilccnl r ye nr to July 31 the C114!O1T15 revenue s • .s s an increase ed almost thirty per (• 1 t. ('„lkcll,ns during the four months r ,: • nn14'd M 821).54si.601. In Ihr' annne f. r•s•ulths(Dn th4' ye0r pMwi•,ns Ihq (f; ! . n; tolnit•'d 41:,,721.(14(1, The in' ri. a.•, amounted to $1,411.611. For the month of July customs collections fn. ratted R5 112.N31. t» in gr 0n Increase • 1 1I.M l 9h' este July •,1 ilio ;ren fore. 10.