The Wingham Times, 1915-10-28, Page 41 1 1 Special odd lot offering of "-'n! ipa Debentures Those who have money availit • for investment in small or large s s and to whom safety is first a d p •. .• ount 'can- not do batter lata - ect municipal debentures. They are available in various remounts crnd yield from 5% :o 7%. A copy of the Odd Lot List and our leaflet, "What is a Municipal Debenture?” will .be sent to you on request and without obligation an your part. A E. AMES 84 CO. r g lipid Bank Bulb& TorontoEsfelithezt 53 Kin= St. West 4 THE WINGHAM TIMES C7cteber z8th•ls r$ neatAlFatelealle tete TOMO OLD TOO SOON To Ja wiry 1st 1916 Tit WINO1111 DNB. 81,rarrt rrsExotsa aan 1•'iaD1"aFT`" 11 The Condition ot Too Many W4- . TO ADVERTISERS mien and Too Many Olds. THE TIMES will be sent fen the remaining months if 1a.la to any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for 15 Cents. To netted States address far l•''erty-sine Cents. Notice of changes must be left et this u office not inter then aaturdgyp noon. N The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. 1i Too many women and too many girls took old long before they should. Their fares become pale and drawn; wrinkles appear end their eyes lack brightness. Casual advertmements accepted uP l CIAO this be wondered at when they so to noon Weduesdav of each weer, frequently Iowa beaeacbees beeeseeee -- cud a ,general feeling of wretchedness TH%9RSDAY, eanee ante `ms, luta and weal nese en most cases it is the I Mood that is to blame. From one THE ONTARIO RED CRASS FUND, { cause or another the blood has become linin and watery and it is a fact that ----. t anaemia tbloodlessuess) more than any It will be a splendid sum of money ,,oturetherlr causea. gives women this ema-+ age p. pr that the Lieutenant-t.overnor, of On- *tent; t':at flanapbloodearancesupplyIt of girlsiszmpor and,. il bale, will have in hand, when the I women be regularly replenished-^im collection.4 are all in, to transmit to Portant not only on the score of looks, England as a voluntary contribution but to restore robust health. which is of greater value. Dr, Williams Pine: from tbe people of this OUe Province of Pills actually make new blood and re- .,.emeim..r• Canada totheBritisbRedCrass,Society. store the system shattered by overwork R In all the amount subscribed will son- tar worry. These pills give a glove of siderAbly exceed a million dollars. It health to pale faces snd lite tired. is a substantial gift, heartily given by & newy w With and girls fees Pink acid } happy. With Dr. Williams Pink Pills the people of Ontario. and 2)0,000 is a ti at hand there is no need for any wo- sum of money tbat will have real effect man or any girl to look in or feel ill, in furthering the admirable and aim iast I Ion stly believe Dr Will m's Pini; limitless work: that the British Red Pills saved my life. Some years ago I Cress has undertaken. bad anaemia, and es I did not realize Toronto, as capital of the Province the seriousness of tbe trouble I soon be- came a complete wreck. I got so weak sled the leading business and financial I could hardly walk, 1 neither ate no centre. contributed is gely. bur the slept well. and could not go upstairs 'movement was a general one, and many! without al most -cubes rest. b.e At times 1 of the smaller places made, accenting pain in m y to their means, an equally t reditabi z bawl; and would have to remain in bed. g I suffered almost constantly from a dull showing.The press of the Province. f headache, and when sweeping if I !las a * . g- would stoop to pick up anything I would get so dizzy that I would have to catch hold of something to keep from falling. At times my heart would beat so fast that I would have a smothering sensation. My eyes were sunken and my bands and limbs would he swollen in q the mornings. I tried several kinds of specially prepared far the purpose, p $ medicine without benefit and ass friends three hundred complied either by the thenght I would not recover. Then I A free pablteatton of al or some of he began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. aean laud by giving the suppnrt of their --The-- ;a ; I editorial and news columns to the cam- paign. The three hundred ziewspapers throughout Ontario which published these Red Crass advertisements free of charge. as didTbeTimes, and supported the eempaign in their editorial andnews columns, had, we think, a proper view of the pace of the press in the 'com- munity. They utilire3 tbe Le:tint/es they were fertaiiaate mete i to poeeess :tub- with the Ontario Provincial De - in furthering a cause in which every- pertinent of Agriculture, but also bean was called upon to do his part, during the last two years with the tom - great or small, acazreling to his oppor- unereial and marketing end of the work tunity. 'The press could reneer a undertaken by the live Stock Branch, service in this ease that eonnd be ac- bas been given general supervision of emanated ated by no other agency, and the Egg Circle work being conducted three b :coned newsp seers throughout by the Branch. Mr. Hare is now in the Western Provinces and will devote the greater part of his time for the next year to directing operations there. For the nresent be will confine his activities principaiiy to the Province of Saskat- chewan. askatchewan. BUYER! Da pre want to bur ;a. home in WWho:amine If yen cre:aie to me I will show you some s well Haat values its proper- ties r acging from $dnts to tateeteat I will be p ez e.'. to show you around the Town. J. G. STEWART Real Estate Agfa orA>tit0 WINGttAM ' AUCTION SALE The 200.acre farm, farm stock and implements of the late John E. Swarts will be sold at autkm on the premises (•ts bots 2 and 3. CAn. 3. Morrish on Thurseue the 4th ot November, 1915, Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. noon. For particulars see Mitts. I the cause the publicity requisite to its success. Of four hundred newspapers that were requested to publish free of charge. one or more of the large Red Cross advertisez.eatts that bad been aSel London Advertiser r'l'•HRB:E EDITIONS) Mutn ngt Nunn, Evening Western Ontario's -Greatest Daily At] the News all the Time Rate be crul..r,:- Edition. 'a2 'a per year. C- *elation Department. London Advertiser OCEAN TICKETS :\ Via se steamship iee^es, vet- weed ,r prepaid frere the O]d it'v.".ntree leeriest qunntatiiiSas Z.Zrr nt fetrate.sor t eiets by any name. A.=lea's' H. 1t. :�L-+O'T •ir Times Office, ZWTinghaint an before long could see and feel that they were belpieg me. I gladly con- tinued the use of the piles until I was t:oaapetely cured and I cannot say enough in their praise, snd 1 strongly recommend theca to an run-down girls said women." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills front any dealer in .medicines or by avail at d cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams 'medicine Co., Brork-ville, Ont. AUCTION SALES There will be sold by public ,suction at the National Hotel. Wingbam, oa Saturday, Nov. eth, thirty bead of yearlings. ten cows in ealf. Terris, six months' Crediton furnishing approv- ed joint notes. Sia per cent. per annum off for -cash. Sale at 2 o'clock. D. E. MacDonald proprietor. John Purses auctioneer. The estate of the late John E. Swarts will be offered for sale by public auction on lot 3, con. a, 'Morris Township. by John Purvis. auctioneer, consistiugof farm, farm stock. and v c :be Province, dailies and weeklies, repudiated the theary dist s rewspaper las selely' a business devoted to the mamufactur of ecinuans of spaee to be U anal to any e<mer ane with to obligation ''to rer.Jer service ter the general good even in time of crisis, when evert: man Mr. R. J. Allen, B. S. A., bas been is eallea npnn to de what he can for the aprointed to take immediate charge of letpt ennan;ca welfare of all. Three hua:ared+ the organization of co-operative Egg tf�' newapspers took the view that the' ami Ponitry Marketing seociatien's in it i press is a pubis institution as well as a , Manitoba. Mr, Alien bas bad an ex- ` business, and that it bas obligations es a tenure experience not only in Depart rte?i as aeteeieges. They ;,ouzel in the. mental work but also in the commercial gen, al pubiie vane! ent, enntribnting• field and goes to Manit a well fitted to freely the publicity. requisite to its carry on this work e'feetive]y. eezess, and which they only mid fur- air. Wm. Herr, B. S. A.. who was in lasEsh., They toe -n this view of the ;'t trict representative wars in Ontario el.ilig atizn resting open the press in! for sere time previens tz ?eining tbe>i tceetee.`,timi with a great pub'.ie vena-aStaf. of the Live Steak Bramen, and who I •.Seat, awJ we thee+ thee took the right{ has ten asseziatea'n. with Mr. Benin in ,r view, h Pri a Edware Island !Luring the past' s:a n era is nnnt in charge c. the work i r ' lin that rrevnt<ee. Bath during hie EGG CI,.C9.;:. ,t*.:3i,'EILIENi: e .e vee re later. during active', �. ; we e e :,1.. herr has. made ase . Whae the az:a -Wet+ of the Live : sw at: � t �e of the tlerry sea p'ractizei�. Steej Br -r .:.e De inir`n' D..: o arta! e f 'ne oe— eratlre Mat -seting of farm. ii =eat ca Alec e.a -4 ,z hath regard to the , pr`..'�leete. is enters, the work. .n ;:..g.*e+.».izet i.o e:i Cz._;:..,:trative 1LL" or:h l':: re E ewari fa.3^_i. t^sref'ere, well'' .4 tiers T2earia. �Sei3_.rrs Itn,}F,? c `« s :3 take C:y,'' tee g rr:` enee tee' _Jun 4ar`.e�ire r.�.e ned to Bete to the Leave ... ae:z=,ea in en neat:e t with the„ •' i r�.»:"e t -a Fine% of the Ti a: > 4 ', e oe3 mato:$^ o _ae Tis`e:O. ut 'tsar 11j1 t 3. teed cma a n: '."..`rally fi: i' T.'+:.r` of {..:,.a 1 Ola ;a3f1:sT E i tale xMel sae; Western Pr, s have . f it en ever c' Leave Teen e C e .l."m.. S.tae 1•<.a:3.,1 5'r.._.. the .s.:... t._�1 :.til' - _ -•..reel: '.'=.A.'• FALL i cR i PE.\S S.' -'.TIS AC - e:. i :Lee l <1.7.. h :'d]y l noel • of neeatee ream s nee TORlee'. E eeileezeru .u. anee: en ;a: eeea se •ne_ d ww'.tieee e. ♦ woe .a.. ori _... n_eeln te-t.:.__ .: u'- . _ a .... LL.._ . ur.'... .. r....., �.�1 _ .«c rete..ts ?.w". .,-e-�:a� cat: " .. ti':: ;_ =...Leer _ _ . - +el'e ..___al e.<. - 4 t e : S. .__. eeeee Zest atraege .:t to 0Jt ___ eve;.? C: .:;.1..: . .._. -.7.1-::: .._. .. • 1t...a .. ..� .L.;S•1s:.-..e.:.a...1 S'An 1:1"::"' esteee t°': .,...,:.!.-..it to . +„i= :1� . at !nee: ..a .._,..e"r- ` :Fee , es. . e e8. .._e a• at �. .2' "+�"u ,- le�s+ ,i az:� eatkean '"'tea ii' .. to et ": e`,.. w_.. Ve ... E„,:. +L:. S ' ....�. levet ) e 1'o-, S e'r.s_a13ti . S»• teen' CONA'' GURLE TRACK All THE tJ Y TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO elelly plements. Sale at twel a o' lock, noon. The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instreetions from Chas. Garaiss to sell by public auetion at south half lot 10, con. 3, Morris, on Tuesday. November 9th, a number of farm stock and implements. Sale at ane o'clock, sharp. Terms ten months' credit on approved joint notes, 4 per cent off for cash. --Jas Taylor, auctioneer. feillealeleilefealelebefrelkaillelefeWeeetenee JOUN P• GROVES ISt, tER OF MARRIAGC LICCN8DS Towia Ha'H, Wiagbarn P$ONESt•-Oflice 214 Restdrtica i6S I PLEASANT VIEW FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, 100 acres cleared, 20 acres hard wood bush; well fenced; good state cultivation; windmill; good water; banit barn 6'462; good out -buildings; two storey brick cottage, 11 rooms. ROBERT LEATHORN, tf Bluevale, FARM FOR SALE Lot S. ?_,15,15, Con. 1, Morris, 100 acres; well watered; good buildings; large bearing orchard; 15 acres bush suitable for stock or grain farming 314 miles from Wingbatn, owner retir- ing. Apply to W. CLEGG, t' onrietor. PANAMA PACIFIC EXPOSITION .__ eeeer.neete ea er._. a sa.ae z. tenee ,'... ',nee •-:_• zeseeeee eene ten. e.eet. :nen ener atee treeeen reeeres l:',. ane Wee ef. tut •. eei._...- ete.O ._�I-nee leen _ ze_relec_ • nee '`.ub �_e Inc 47,2 u • • f:.-_-. e IIre_sa.i_ .e`e,. .n.:'eYie eneer3 S• .. ^..._:.e ._ _.:':_.....3 _a __.5-7.1.it J4.. .. . .. zezaene e: tee _. Afi . f '- _ Feete . _ .. :: ,� _I efe .; ."J' . __. ate`ee: - . r` $� .zb oast Tours _ � _ �. _._... en, tee a -.• . ��. c rss ..,.,tale Ci.:a. e. .-e.w ee ea, the rear: C . nee 't,la VIE SC.E.4i.I« sum,._PIreM,s e. ..:a :- Cdnatilan fltckies .f oja irf lV ,{� ,� w' _+_.... �.1 t. c"_ J ._ t� Vite, ett:_ :t i,,, p:n :eta-, tee teeeza N'.e�i:�'�, CK'.+e-.:ay e in he a sheat e e y i d Seirexa kaapt re eh and k -g c.1r'nr: A7:N.ADIAN Ik.&' FI&.. 'l .eMtib;t#, a oLi e,kr`:'h .rte:: ..1itt atte'zo txlp..wiitiwa heel :ii sad setive tk .b the siren Oa ?aa am " µ a 4-.11 l`u e ot,..st.i:.g areal.* leek area teetelizeree te keep rade -T . rs �.f x+r^a'"•� 3s..,.::_:t � �c�,z, : a� a eear,'tiet t eve t place iaiecd re=ds, aIlteitte tateriitta* as r yleyW ; ' 4 xxaaiKi aickabelie, At sanycil.-arg Wee ea•rk - Y .n. � .atettaisarmira l�lhlelab e veal or*. * .t ienplea' +.'arae • alter +r AT ATTRACTIVE PARES, Thetics Tti nt--bio Claseere. 4c that eater ticket trawls • u 1- 2 Acts _ ° srto zee s; Y 3tt_•:St:"g bar ri-SFJ St ,• Aehi.t;et— le etre a 'Sea _es.c`s mites wy az a 3i'S »alta • •4, s 100001001111111000.11 7v. k 1 tr.G: kt17'r e:.: • -4T A til,zhr::ie, tLti. 14-2,21 '44.at you en::: a ctn. L•znts a Lrn`k arld it 11• y,.J :rake ,�•4'�4j:�'_�=+.:ams t. «' : tx,`e`:>7fire: a;:.c?a`t fter S Eat.`? 1t: +^...^.$:s r says " n :raen. Le sloe I Eve n: i rad .mac qy a"'.r.a. 3w true r..I:,ril t` all bylace i:1i'.z ti ze 'zsu'lete. is an ar,. van i wing. 't 1 '.'.+iS` Ti_.:" 4«",,. k' (.✓ ,�'r; It is tot ...,,-`.�q .y.r.. �+•• =o. �, rn sr w s'i e d X4..1( �w�.�l L,� .w'r: � 7 � a�..'i�.� - . w4aw� vv -.M -e4iG11ir i� iG11i♦�wC r. a Lee eee gene a Staliart -,< le en , .ere R a -.a �: SVin.w .ot -- - a ka o fir.. - :y _ : e.*.'. ie.e re! - �,t Fda. 4r 91 Mr. R.T. Cowell, :A.I,.s'.M. 1 Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church I Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Winghazn, - Ont. Watches, Diamonds, • Yof �1I • Clocks Etc. \V/ V V V V ✓ Opposite National Hotel, Phone 65. <<<<<<<<<<<<e+ • REPAIRING A SPECIALTY A. M. KNOX Alma Flarity Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Toranta Conserva- tory Examinations. Studio - McDonald Block WinAharn r AUCTIONEERS McConnell aZ Vandrick Ancenaeets for the Cenntiei, ©: Buren aa3 frcr., are prepared. tate all kinds et .s:. We are certain we ean uta se. 're= can have either e e er b5'.hwithantextra charge- Otters eat be .e% with. F. YeConnell, er with t'. F Vasiri k at the IterelrlaW Bic'.xrage C.c.'s Stare. Wrngbran, V..ar axte:a:a It SPRING! COAL If you want to secure the lowest price of the year, buy your winter coal now. If you want good service along with the hest coal mined, let us fill you bin with genuine D. L. & W. Scranton, which has no equal. Call at our office and get our prices for everything in the fuel line. J. A. McLEAAN DEALER L! LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. Pnoxns Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b DRESS GOODS This year fashion says blues, blacks, plaids, and solid colors. We were fortun- ate enough to secure cur Dress Goods be- fore the last sharp advance, and can save you nyr-ney on your new Fall Dress. We have a splendid range of these cloths suit- able uitable fr,r Fail and Winter Suits You T'a is sure rind a color and weave that \ill meet your fancy for that Fara Suit of yours. alzd the wuua it is unsurpassed. Cr :n c:".', i'ei us show you the s'ki`s and ,:.-eaves, but 'romp earl- while our as- sortment s-sor tmen: is still C,". ] . Y `:ee. Don't xtut cf getting your Winter Coat any :•n,er.. The CC's n;s k. r are sho :w, in now will be '- c -:z .nater as well as this. They are t'-� � wst ,, stylesthe.. aur Z.-a`skics are y'L'.sitiv4 y ur ra'.a..t,.'�`�av:.ea Ilia you aet your neve- r ..,-e iHere i"will surelygt- .* the `'._JL un iii hCG. y. i Successor to T. A. Mills . t t3. NV I.NGHAM, OIN T OUR MOTTO; More Sales with Lets Profits. •