HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-25, Page 4• NOISE DEGORRTOR PltIIIlDER au,ti (`old PII[EIt llllNEM �'•,• ""' ('ar,iadi- au, ani Ameri- c.w satuples. SION WHITER t Nil 01101)1E11 Creditalt BIG CLEARING SALE OF GROC- ERY STOCK Water/ Having decided to give up business we will dispose of the balance of our stuck at greatly reduced prices --in fact below cost. Do not buy before you see us as you will never get better lit, gains. A call solicited. W. A. Finkbeiner, Crediton Mi. George Bedford has sold his 22i acres of land anddwelling thereon to Mr. Jos. 1Vooden of Detroit, former•l • of this place, for $2050. Possession will be given on Jan. 1st. Mr. Bedford ex- pects to leave Crediton for a time at least. (With R 1)innev last year) ear - Estimates 1:stint.ites furnished on application. A 'trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis 1'XEI'EIt RESIDENCE: Corner James acid An- drew Streets. Popular GoodsFor now and the rest of the season. .. FAVORED WORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel in quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful SUMMER SUITS for $10 and upwards TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUMMER if a pant hunter pantless 1s panting for pants He panteth pantless Unlil he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered from J. H. Holtzmann CREDITON A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we cannot suit, we have yet to know it. exetex Abvocati , Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY JULY 25 1907 NOTE AND CO.1131E:rN'TS The Government has received as royalty on the output of the O'Brien mine for the past three months *110, 540. The royalty is 25 per cent. This is the result of a proper mining law, by which the whole people obtain some benefit from the province's wealth. The total immigration into Canada for the month of May was 45,677. as compared with 37,191 for May of last year, an increase of 8,480, or 23 per cent. The immigration through ocean ports was 38,755 and from the United States 0,922. The total immigration into Canada from July 1, 1906, to May 31, 1907. was 214,305, and for the same period of the fiscal year 1905.11 it was 1(31,711, all increase of 52,651. The irn- migratien into Canada for the five menthe of this calendar year was 131,• 770, as compared with 106,133 for the same inonths of 1906 an increase of 25- 61:1. One of the drawbacks with which the Church has to contend is the tend- ency to endeavor to raise money as a contribution to religious or benevolent causes by questionable means. This re .fly deadens the nerve of true Christ- ian benevolence, and places giving ein at wrong basis, while it taints the en- terprise thus supported. Far better to give:). smaller team outright, as a willing and thankful offering, than to bring discredit upon the entire matter of Christian charity by ministering to frivolity or the passion of any dues• tion thle auutseutents in the name of religio.i brneeolence. Give t f trotter a good to on of horses and +ill the newest and latest 111 (chin- ery for nit* on the farm and he doesn't need very many hired men. On 100 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sweitzer have returned (rear South River where they spent a few weeks with the latter's aster, Mrs. Wm. Lewis. --M. Y. Mc- Lean of Seafol•th, the Reform Candi- date of this riding for the Dominion Parliament, was in the village last Friday looking over the political sit- uation. -The concrete sidewalk at our schoolhouse has been completed. Conrad Kuhn, who had the contract, ,tide an excellent job of the same. -- Flax pulling starts this week:owing to the scarcity of laborers several Indians from the Muncey reserve are being brought here to pull the crop and work in the mill -Chas. Stock spent last Sunday in Tavistock. These vis- its are becoming quite regular Charlie! -Jno. Smith, our thresher, has bought a new Goodison separator and will now be able to thresh the grain better than ever. -Fred Jones of London sang two beautiful solos in the Evan- gelical church last Sunday morning and evening. -Fred Eilber has been appointed pound keeper for the village. Our citizens have been greatly annoy- ed of late by cattle entering their gar- dens during the night and destroying the good vegetables. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grob of Zurich spent last Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. August Hill. -Mrs. Jno. Trevethick of London is visiting her son Thomas for a few weeks. -We are pleased to see Geo. Eilber on the streets again after his illness. We trust his recovery will be rapid. -Sam Eilber of Ubly, Mich., is visiting relatives in our midst. He moved from here about 3 years ago and we are pleased to learn that he has a good mercantile business. - Christian Trick succeeded in catching an 8 Ib pike on Friday evening. It was a beauty, -Our burg has had its share of ball games the past week. Last Friday evening the married risen went to Exeter and played a return match. A large number of young people went out. The game was a close one throughout. At the 6 and 7 innings our boys pulled themselves to- gether and won by a score of 11 -10. - On Monday evening a combination Ailsa Craig team carne up here. They certainly had our boys going the first four innings, but by close playing and the pitcher's work the score stood 6.5 in the 7th innings in our favor, when the game was called on account of darkness. Lucan intends playing our boys some time next week. Ample notice will be given. -AMP- Centralia, For an account of the baseball genie see front page. skin Mrs. Young and daughter Maggie of London are visiting at the home of Mre. Cochrane. -Mrs. Brown of Lon- don is home for a month's holiday with her ,pother, Mrs. Boyle. The School Act, To EDITORS: o1 EXh'TBIt A Dvoe•.'.T1c About July ist, t► copy of an act to amend the public school act, 11)07, cir- cular 15 A., Changes in the High and Public Schools acts, and instructions No. 12, explaining the "Distribution of the Legisleti.•e Grant" were sent to the Secretary of each Public School Board in West Huron. As Trustees are still asking "What Grants are we likely to get this year:" please publish this letter for the ben- efit of all interested parties. 1. Each school section will receive from the Township general fund, a grant of $300 for each principal and $200 for each assistant employed. 2. The Education Department will pay 40 pe, cent of each principal's sal- ary over $.300 and up to $0110 and 40 per cent of each aeeistant's salary over $200 also $20 for each teacher holding a professional Second Class or First Class certificate. This will be paid Slept. 1st. 3. A grant for equipment and RC- ennlntodations of each school in the aures of land the farmer. with et g..od township. it. is expected that this boy who esti put on as lead 11f hay or grant. will :average ..hunt $:4) for pad)grain. fix a hay fork And drive a tenni principal end $15 for each assistant. of horsecan manage very well with It will be paid alDec. 1st. s, out an additional help. With the 4. A special Library grant for all manure' spreader, two -furrow plows, hooks purchasedbetween July 1st 1900, disc harrows, wide mower and rakes, and July let 1907. No school is to re - hay -loader, sheaf -carrier, hay forks eeive more than $5. and slings farming is nothinglike it By reading carefully "instructions used to he in the "gond old days." No. 12" each School Hoard should be And, it is a good thing t he farm rna• chinery has been vastly improved, as the "farm help" is a serious problem. even in this nsnally well•fevored dis- t riot. For that Dandruff There is one thing that will cure it—Ayer's Hair Vigor. it is a regular scalp -medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you---hcal:hy hair, no !:4l- drn if, no pimples, no eruptiuns. T ^ "est kind of a testimtient )1.1 for over sista years .•' A)a..'. nr J (' Ayer r' 1,111111, )rasa. A.:•0 r..aafactar.rs et ceaSiPtkiLLl. \cPii ; a. .� eV CHEW f'tCTORaL able to estimate very nearly what grants they should receive for 1907. The new Reguhitione for ('ontinu•tt- inn ('buses provide for increased grants. A copy will he sent to each secretary as anon as received from the 1:dncation Depart merit. J. Elgin 'Tont, inspector for V. Hur01). -sow- Exeter Council The Council net in the 'Town Hall on Monday, July '_Sal, at Seel o'clock. All menrl.ers present except the Reeve. On motion of A. E. Fake and seconded by W. Johns. W. J. Heanian was elected chairman. The minutes of sleeting held Judy Sith were read and appro. ed. The folle.viog lettets were read and errlere,l to he Med. nem \V. Line, C.am! y e1.,k. 1t ('oenty rate fit the year. $4)7.30. From .1. Grigg, •eeretrery ei th•• I'11hlir Srh(1ol Board. r.' -ti, r l rate ler ens11ing v.':ar, *Lest). The Reeve renting 'n took his seat. N'. J. Ilea man --.1..1. Itriatht-•that the Reeve ant Treasurer :ere hereby Itnpiweri'ti to borrow ti ib.• credit of the ('nrperation, two lh •11 -:,ed dollars fir rotten) aernnnt.- ('-arrie.& The following neeetente were eider - ed to se p:iid:- (4ln•en ('ity Gil $t).11:., less for hid. . feint tied .11. 10. er $5 16: Jae. ('reeeh, Sr., labor. lin see Welter \\'edente labor, $11 60: Rd. Q 1 ,are, labor, $1.50: Thos. Snell. I -.Ler. $1 a.`t: emounting to $:111:et, 1V..1 Ilr'aninn --- A. E. Fake. --Car r .\,lj•'nrtiment by 1..1. Knight, .10*. Senior, Clerk. Clandeboye, Miss Marsh of (ninth,) is visiting her cousin, Miss Frances Jell. Miss Siwp• son of Ailsa Craig is visiting friends In the village. --Mr. S. ,.0. Chowen has bought the store property of Mr. F. 1 Kest le, which in future will be used by Mr. Geo. Simpson as a machine shop. Mr. Kestle intends going into tho store business with his uncle at Ildei ton. We are very sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Kestlr• from our nutlet. They have made many warm friends during their stay bere.-Miss Marie Mellhargey and little Miss ltena of Hamilton are spending a few weeks here. -Mrs. Watt and sou Harold are visiting friends in the village. --Mrs. Win. Cunningham spent a few days in Sarnia withte friends. -Miss Legg of London spent Sunday here. -Miss Til- lie Yager left Saturday for two weeks' outing at Grand Bend. -Mr. 13. Seale was taken to London hospital Friday for treatment. -Mr. and Mrs. Holt of Parkhill spent Sunday here. -Mr. Wnt. Jones, who left here several years ago for the West, is at present visiting his nephews, Mr. E. O. and Dr. Jones. Mr. Jones is now one of the prosperous farmers of Whitewater Manitoba, he having control of eleven hundred acres of fine land. --Mrs. Jos. Flynn is in a very low state of health. We hope for a speedy recovery. -Miss Lizzie Patton, after a week's visit in Parkhill, returned bonze Saturday. - Dr. J. Downing of London is spending a few weeks with his parents here.- NitiL-At Clandeboye, on July .`33rd, to Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Neil, a son. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. -Andrew Pat- ton, constable for this section, met with a painful accident, Friday, while hauling in bay. While unloading with the horse fork the horse started suddenly and Mr. Patton's fingers were caught between the rope and the pulley. The top of one finger to the bottom of the nail was torn off and the finger laid open from the bone down to the hand. Khiva Patrick Sullivan lost a valuable colt last week. -Mrs. Tiernan and family, John Collins and Hubert Melsaac of Detroit are visiting Dennis Collins. - Miss Ethel Holt of Sarnia is at present visiting at B. Cunningham. -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cunningham of Crediton were visiting their brother, Bernard, on Sunday.- We are glad • to see Dr. McLaughlin's smiling face once more in our tnidst.-Mrs. B. Cunninghatu spent Sunday with Mrs. Heitznlan.- Mt•. Collins received the sad news from his daughter, Mrs.11. Mulligan of Dub- lin, of the death of their little daughter 1Ve extend our sympathy to the be- reaved parents. Dashwood Miss 011ie McLaughlin of Exeter is visiting here this week. -Miss Ethel Kellerman of Napierville, il1., is visit- ing her (parents here. -Dr. McLaugh- lin arrived hotne this week from a lengthy stay at the different inedicai school of Europe. He is looking the picture of health and says he thor- ougly enjoyed bis work and his pleas- ures while away. -H. Guenther has purchased another fine horse. -Chats. Schrader of Cavalier, N. D., is visiting friends here. -Mr. and Mrs. Shrumin visited the former's parents in Glen- coe last week. -Miss Minnie Ehlers of Napierville is visiting at her home here. -Miss Willett and Mrs. Hilde- brant are 111 this week. -Mrs. Klein - giver returned from a visit in Sarnia and Port Huron last week. -Mr. Wam- bold visited his brother in Blyth (1181 week. -Our bowlers are hard at prac- tice these days. Greenway Last Sunday was a red-letter day for the children in the Boston Methodist church. The singing was delightful, the address by Mrs. Sutcliffe and the illustrations by Mr.Sutcliffe were very interesting and instructive.- Mr. Hail of St. Marys completed the long dis- tance Bell telephone system, and is a great improvement, and cost one local manager $7.(X) extra per year. The rate should be raised oc. to non -sub- scribers. -Miss Bright of Detroit is visiting ber aunt Mrs. Hy. Eggert. - Miss Myrtle \Vichert, who has been visiting in Sarnia and Port Huron, re- turned home Monday. -.John McGreg- or delivered 16 tons of pressed hay ,to Mr, Colwillat Parkhill last week.--1Ve note with pleasure the improvement of the fronts of a number nt our enter- prising farmers' farms west of bete. Che'y have levelled efY the hold, seeded it, cut the grass and weeds, and raked it up, leaving it beautiful lawn. clean and free of weeds. - Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mae Wilson and Myrtle Stineon visited the hitter's old home and attended the Lawn Party in Hayfield last Tuesday. -Mrs. Martha Hayter, who has been visiting her daughter in Hamilton for several weeks, returnee( home last week. --\V..1. Wilson & Co. are mak- ing a specialty of supplying harvester s and campers with bread, etc. -James Br•ophey got a load of line white flsh last Mond,ey.- Rev. .1. 1:. Helmet( of Lucan paid oar town a flying visit nn Monday. --A. W. Humphries and i-:tn- est Humphries and wife called on friends here last week. ases-- Condition of Masonry. The tepee of the condition of Ma• sentry presented by Aubrey %Vhite, 1,1 Toronto, at the Grand Lodge in Ot- tawa last week, shower( a1 total (4f :*tq lodges, 6 of which ate under dispensa- tion. At the l.ewinning of the year there were 37,618 ntenhla, and since then thele have been 2.4141 irritations, 512,tflilietions. 153 restorations, it a gross gain or 3.1117. 'Three were 593 resignations, :Oki suspensions for non- payment of dines, and 1111 deaths. show- ing a net gain of 2,1110. 'The amount sponf for here-y•'lenee by the (:rand Lodge was $2.1,655, acid by privets' lodges. $l $,+ctrl- The report concludes: "1 sur hoard congratulates the Grand Lodge upon the splendid condition of the craft, sound growth, good nritet lnl, ,tlsnlute 11711 111o11 aural p••1 f. el mot L. financial presp , it t• .and More all t hr 14'. ing r• t(,• of the helpless and sot tow -laden h the I e• n, 111,der• grid• once of :\l,nighly tio,l. the chauacter- i•ti.•s of the Ila•nnly of (hoer den ing Ilse it:ast year. At 1111' final sitting of Kt rod lodge. .Ie.ige M.,, 1\' it r et v u 111:1 AV/IS elected depoi y grand ntas• tet. ('ol. While of sr. Maty• mass ed rusted D. 1). G. M. fol Smith Hut un 1)istt:et. Grand Rend (:rand Bend Summer School Aug. 11th to Pith. Suuuuer (sautpers have only nicely started to conte to_ Nye -- are pleased to learn of the improve- ,tent in the 'ondition of Mrs. Maurice Brenner. --Mrs. (1)r,) Bothwell and ; children of Stratford are holidaying here. - -Miss Islet trf Sebringville is vis- iting her sister, Airs, Jos. Havclle.-- Mrs. Melutan has returned to Tttedford after spending a week with her moth- er here. -Asaph Gravelle is spending a couple of weeks with his father at Bad Axe, Mich. -Mrs. Eddy has re- turned to her home at St. Marys after spending a week with her [parents here, -Messrs. Pollock and Thos. Frauds were Detroit visitors on Sunday. --Mr. Sweitzer, of Shipka, is erecting a new cottage in Mr. Brenner's park here. -- Sin) Dewey has returned hotne after spending a couple of weeks at Blue Point. -Miss Etnma Geak, of Toronto, I is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Gill, - Mise Pickering of Shipka is working with Mr. Antos. -Attorney Malcolm McGregor. wife and family, and Miss Ida Brown of Detroit, formerly Last of Dashwood, are among the sojourn- ers at Grand I3end Park. Miss Edith Grey spent the past week with tbenl. -Asaph Gravelie has returned home from his visit in Michigan. -Mrs. Burnford and son of L'sborne spent Sunday with friends here. -Henry Hamilton has bought Mr. Dearing s farm near Exeter and intends moving on it in the tall. -Miss Margaret Car- rier gave a birthday party to her friends Friday.--S.Green,who has been spending a week in Port Huron, re- turned home Sunday.- The men arrived here Monday to build the bridge. -Walter Statten spent a few days in Sarnia. -T. Ravelle was in London Thursday on business. -Aug- ust Oth is claimed here for a great day of sport. There will be horse races, foot ball match and other sports and in the evening there will be fire works. Everybody welcome, Whale(( Miss Ella Brooks is at present home from London on a visit. -Thos. Gun- ning and wife visited at David Johns - ton's Granton on Sunday last. -Mrs. John Tales of London is visiting at her home here this week. -Roland Jeckel and wife of Hamilton are visit- ing at the latter's home here this week. -Miss Minnie Morley visited at Gran- ton Sunday. -John Hodgison and wife spent Sunday at B.Skinner's,Elimville. -Sunday services will be preached at the home of Mr Jabez Millson on Sunday next. --Mr. George Millson, our new merchant here is doing a rushing business. -Mr. Downing of St. Mary's is visiting at Mr. Charles 1looper's. Winchelsea (intender( for last week./ Mr. Thornes Coward and Leslie Hob. inson were in Loudon on business. Mr. Robinson brought home a new buggy for Mr. Charles Godbolt, jr. - Mrs. A. 11. Owen of Toronto is visit- ing at the home of Mr. Wesley Hey- wood. -Our farmers have started hay- ing. -Miss Alrnen» Heywood has re- turned bonze from a visit at Plugtown. -Mr. Thos Bell has purchased the Winchelsea threshing machine from the Company. -Mrs. M. Heywood and her daughter Emma were visiting itt Fullerton last week. Kirkton Robert Murray of Gorrie, accompan- ied by his daughter, Marie, are renew- ing acquaintances here. -Tho firm of Balfour & Caldwell have commenced ft restaurant, and will sell ice cream and lemonade Tuesday and Saturday evenings. -James Robertson boasts of finding a stalk of timothy measuring 5 ft. 2 inches long. Harvey McLean says he can beat that, having found one 5 ft. 4 inches long, but Wni. Me. Grefor sayshe can still beat that, having one 5 ft. 9 inches long. -Sandy Sinclair, who has been on a trip to the west, returned home looking bale and hearty. --Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Balfour, accompanied by Wm. Gould and fam- ily, are expected home any day. -The farmers here are busy haying now. A few more days will see most of thetn through for another season. - Hee. Urquhart preached in Cook's Church. Toronto, last Sabbath (largest church in ('anada1. itis place here was filled by Mr. Walter McLean of Goderich.- Mrs.MacKenzte and little daughter of Hayfield, accompanied by the Misses Kate and Annie of Michigan, visited at the home of A.Mew Kenzir' flu' past week. Mrs. Reber_ Bell, ace9olpeniecd Iry her daughter Ann), her ,nether Mrs. Jas. Sproat, and her niece Agnes, are camping at Hayfield. McGillivray Mrs. Thee. Itindn►arsh left T.iesdav morning far the ►Vest, where she will visit relatives at Brandon, Stra1henna and Elliuunten. -A. L. Cassidy, torn- metive engineer, of Harvie, N. i)., is home for a few holidays. --Andrew (mete,, teacher, of Newbore, is spend - India Pale Ale Brewed front se - 1100.1 hop-, choice barley malt and pur0 spr ing .."a ter, with the utmost tr. It..ttle.l at the brewers' depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt'-. :11c is equal to the fire. est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods. WAREHOUSES -AT- EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RIC1+. SELDOM (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) Fall Term Opens Sept.. 3 This School which is an old and well established one stands to the forefront as thereatest C'orunaer- clal and Shorthand School in the Fest. Our teach ern are experienced instructora, courses thorough and practical. We assist ourgraduates to positions. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over SIXTY-T\VO BRANCHES IN $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER BRANCH al OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department Until further notice interest on Savings accounts will be credited quarterly instead cf half yearly as formerly. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLINO, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, We teach the " Gregg!: System of Shorthand because we know it is the best. It is written in one straight line and based on the movement required to write ordinary longhand. It re- quires no shadings, back slants or vertical strokes which are " hard to remember» and require "slackening up i3 to make correctly. The Gregg is thus easier to learn, write and read. A speedy, accurate stenographer is the result. The Principal of our Shorthand School graduated under the author of the "Gregg " system, and her two assistants are graduates of (he Busi- ness Educators: Association. You are assured of the very best tuition here. More information in our large Illustrated catalogue, which we would like to mail you free. First lesson on Gregg sent free on application. A greater demand for our gradu- ates than we can supply. FOREST c1TY BUSINESS COLLEGE' Mashers M &Weiss Gleufws' J. W. WESTERVELT. wMKWiglr Pried's). Loads& ing the vacation with his mother and sister, 7th con. -The remains of the late Edward Wyatt were brought here on Saturday from Victoria hospital, London, where he was undergoing treatment. Deceased who was work- ing for John Williams, Oth con., was severely kicked by rt horse on May 24 last and was taken to the hnspititl at London for treatment, where he pass- ed away on Friday night. Ile wits an English lad and very highly esteemed by Mr. Williams and their neighbors. The hospital and funeral expenses were borne by his etnirioyer. The fnn- ereel tied( plate on Sunday from the \Villiaois home to %Vests cemetery, conducted by Rev. 8. linker, Ailsa Craig. It wits very largely attended by young and old. Moorertville Mrs. Jamey Miller tvhn hies been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Neil, the last six enmities and who met with an 1 accident which delayed her returning for three nninths, returned to her home in the West last Monday. -Mr. \\'m, 11. Simpson lost a valuable colt last week, through death. ---Mr. and Mrs. Neil of Lobo visited with 11r. and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield Sunday. - Mr. and Miss Thompson of West Mc- Oillivary also visited Mr, and Mrs. Bloonifield's on :Sunday.-- 51re. Robert Clark, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Yates in Deti oil return- ed home on Saturday. -Mrs. Jas. Neil visited friends in London last week. --Miss Annie Neil visited friends in London last week.-- Miss Clara Fun• ger of Hamilton is visiting friends in this vicinity. --Miss Edna Gilmour who has been Visiting fi fends in Sart 11114 and Port Horon the last few weeks return- ed home on Friday. --Mr. Percy Sitnp- , son of !await spent .M turday and Sun- ' day render the parental roof. Mr, and Mrs. Iticherd Blackwell visited in London last week. -The many friends of lir. Thomas Kelly of Lucan are sor- ry to learn of the accident that befell hind on Saturday by a horse kicking him and breaking his leg. Mips Eliza- beth Taylor of iondon is visiting Mr. 1 and Mrs. Richard 131arkwell- Jfastet Burgess Bloomfield of i,ondon is visit- ing his vranditther, Mr. John lilooni- field. Suffered Terribly 22 Years From Rheumatism. Bu -Ju Ttic Gentle KidneyPill ;Al Cured him. It will cure you. He'd John (Ure,'nwnnd's letter. fills Pr ice :;or. at all 1)n,g Stores. Mitch,•Il, Ont., Ms y13, liw 7 The ('baud, Cite/hies! ('e. %Vind-er, Ont. Dear Friends, - .\ great 'thale has Leen won by the use of "Thu-Jn", after 22 Seats of - terrible sulir•ianit (tons Sciaatir'a and Itheurnatism. I have {leen a great sufferer (torn this terrible disease fit 22 years hack at Bines 1 w011111 have I..,eknehe 4111 terrible p,eins in rely hips. )tip ,deiinti. and nl: , rl.,cvr, my le,., to the lea teen of 1114 fret. 1 have sriITeied mould agony u ,1 only those whe hate iota the disease knew what the ter ri)le pains are. 1 tried( Je", the wool, giv.' it a trial a then 1 got Il1.- cored 11f the au a. I did. "v.13'061114 1 ,•, ,ilr1 think of. Lnt got no 1l lief moil i sate " Jln- • IC idoey fill, ad ver lis. ti 111 t lie iri tort , anil 1 1 in night 1 410111(1 1111 i did so, 1 bought one 1u•8 of "i1•, Jo- and got great tenet. 1)0,re boxes 141 them, +,1111 after .isit+g'is hexes 1 at►n eeiepletely hes and pains and C411 recommend thr'n to any petsot1 suite: ing Last winter 1 !freight 1 wergild have logiv•- up..11og.ther as i could i. •r•Ilt gel :u•inndnn 1114• leg.. 1 /1111 1111••• thin 111 ink ful, more that. tongue esti [ell fel getting lid of lily disr.r.se I., ,h•' r,.r• 111 "1111 .111", Clad uuer.y etlrr•ts i have t..ld of it h„vr' Le.•n getting r(lie%Cd of thei► pairs. i shall 111.411 i e Wit 11.1o1 1h• nb in tit.' hose. 1 h:at(• been clays 01,11 sleeks that i fo lid baldly 1'raw•1 to the her n to de ley , b1,1'.. 1 had tee stop difT.►en.t limes stir( rest Ili) Ings. 1 tb sign) no.ov n I,nn• 1 rbenid lee :1 etipple 11., hf. , 1,:1t thank (St d 1 g•.t s'nu•thing :,t I, -t to knock it 11111. %%11011 1 got held ,11 "ifn•Ju"; and I ran 1-1"''ti' ,,"n(1 11 highly le '(hers sn1Teiing from 11).• we110 di*ears. Pour, very t1lily. .11,11S GREEN Niro!) 510, hon. iA,gan 'Tot. o -hip. Ont.