HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-25, Page 2Mar
(au Best Ile Itanished to Dr. Williams'
!'ilii, Pill, ter 1':'I4. Peep's.
In summer your lost gets titin and
watery. You feel heliply wretched
t.rcd, worn oil, dull, your nerves are
imitable, your whole system is out ot
war. 'There is just hale nese:fine can
Lettish this summer feeling,!- Juni ouc
r;'4dicwe that will give you strength
411141 v:11 to endure the tog of even the
tattiest days-t)t', \VilUums' fink ['111s.
9'l:ey have helped thousands. Perhaps
your neighbors have already told you
they have hetpnl then}. 'ftteyre the
nuslicine that makes that pure, rich,
4•rtl blood That everyone needs for gout:
health -they never fact to du that. Mrs.
I. A. (:nrl'ierc, th, popular stewardess
of the Jacques Cartier (:Iub, \lonlrenl,
Que., says: "For Iwo years 1 was a Con-
arshalt sufferer from general debility.
The lens! work fatigued ate and some-
times I could not work at all. 1 could
not raise silty Hand above my head w•illt•
out feeling pains in all my muscles. 1
was very weak and sometimes become
su dizzy that I would talc unless 1 could
lean against something for support.
while in Ibis condition 1 was advised
to try Ur. \\'t,..arns' ['ink ['ills. t did
so and by the time 1 had taken ten
taxes I was in perfect health and am
new able to look after all my duties
vvali.,ut the least fatigue. when I be-
gan laking the fills 1 was n great sut-
feier-to-day 1 feet ns it 1 never was
-thanks to Dr. Williams' ['ink ('ills."
Dr. \\'illimns' 1'ink fills strike right
at the root of anaemia, debility, rheu-
matism, indigestion, the secret ills of
women and growing girls, etc., when
they snake new blood -they do just that
one Thing, but` they do it vv'cll-good
basal always brings good health. Sold
Ly an medicine dealers or by Inuit r t
Sot cents a box or six taxes for *2.50,
iron] The Dr. Williams' Aledicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Queen Victoria Laid foundation Slone
of New \luteum Seven
Veers .ego.
!F one may prophecy from the build -
nags and streets begun, completed and
contemplated in the NIA, seven years,
Me twentieth century will effect a great-
er alteration in the txtt rant aspect ct of
Lembo] Than any other similar period.
save that whet was marked by the great
lire of London. That swept most of
Gatlin: London off the clap. As com-
pensating advantage it is pointed out
that the lire cleansed the city of the bac-
teria of ages, putting an end to the
rogue and giving London a fresh sani-
tary start in life.
The.. rebilding Ihnt followed did not,
however, make for beauty. Grant Al -
'(n has de,eribed London es a "squalid
village," .lax Iteerl:ohm has compared
it with a "Nlurch(stcr through which
Apollo has passed."
Over 20,000 Varieties of Stamps Issued
In the World.
One of the pastimes very popular with
the younger generation at the present
day is that of stump collecting; and in
tl cusands of homes, after school hours,
youngsters may be seen pasting the
entail slips of water -marked pager into
alliums with solemn cure.
This hobby is, at the same time, ono
which lends to promote a thoughtful
turn of mind; and no doubt numbers
s}t juvenile and other philatelic enlhusl-
ssts will be interested[ in the following
Information on the world's postage
The total number of nil known varie-
ties of postage stumps issued by all Iho
Governments of the world up to the
present limo is 20,496, of which 6,153
ors apportioned to the British -Empire,
mut 14,313 to the rest ot the world.
littrupe has issued 4,361, Asin . 3,856,
Africa 4,469, America 4,683, the West
Indies 1,637, nod Oceania 1.4.`+5.
These figures comprise only standard
varieties of postage -stamps, and do not
nicliide enslcards, tetter -cards, stamped
'envelopes, ur wrappers.
TIIE 11-0\i►ERS OF 1'\li\iI\t: Bl'
\\liile Wall Street has- Leen busy
watering stocks and breaking its clients,
i11:•: West has been busy watering lend
and making farmers rich. Water is ft
nighty bad thing in stocks, and a
ileiglily good Thing in irrigation ditches,
it•ndy to lin on and oft al will.
The average man who has never
Easier Ironing gives
better finish on things
starched with Celluloid
Starch, the only no -
boil cold -water starch
that can't stick. You
will like it best, once
you try it. Buy it by
name. Any good dealer.
S a
V e t1
L abor-)
T i tm e
L inen, Too
Such partial truths serve only to sug-
gest lite faults of London as she really
k "Condon," says a writer of to -they,
"has never yicldtd any delight to the
ntllnirrrs of the .Classic in cities. It
bus sprawled about the banks of the
'themes, in formless fashion ever since
lite (lest bridge thrown across determin-
e,- the site of our capital. lis appeal
has always Ixen to the humanity in us.
is a city, 85 an arrangement of build -
legs, it cannot even enter into compe-
tition, they tell us, with Vienna or with
Paris. ll lc, they declare, put to shame
by Brussels, Antwerp, Turin, Alilan,
'Venice, \lunich and Boston, \lass. Utah
anti Edinburgh can look down upon it."
'fhe twentieth century seems deter-
mined to change all this. What Baron
1laussmfnn did for Paris the municipal
ahU►orilies, combined with private en-
terprise, are doing for London. 1 he
work is going on steadily, if slowly,
all over London.
In Whitehall, neer building:, which
would be notable in any city, have
been and are being erected. The fam-
ous crescent of Regent street has at last
had its regularity broken. The builder
is busy in Piccadilly, while the Strand,
the most famous and cosmopolitan
',Thusly in Great Bream], can already
hardly l'(cagnize itself.
lint the most imposing of the new
I:u1klings which will ;mirk the present
ei och in London's rebuilding is one
which is now nearing its completion in
a modern part of the city. This is the
new Victoria and Albert Museum in
70') FliE1' FRONTAGE.
Seven years ago Quern Victoria laid
its foundation stone, the last that she
was ever to lay. 'lo -day the great bold-
ing is almost complete. All but the
great celest t archway is now to be
seen, and That is only partly obscured
by the scaffolding for sculptors 011(1 car-
vers perfecting a statute or finishing a
frit ze.
The great building mels you suddenly
ns you sw:ng around the corner of the
Bru►uplon road. Ila magnificent propor-
tions, its harmony of scale and effect,
nllract the attention at once. '!'here 's
►t0lhing weak or unimposing in its great
frontage of 700 feel.
'h'te principal facade overlooks Crom-
well Guldens and Tlurrloe Square. Ncm'
studied the subject thinks that the ,,,,. 1h . Brompton Oratory is one of Site live
411 irrigation is a misfortune. The fact ,buds which rise tip pitlmesrpicly at
is. that the country where irrigation is the various corners, and near this donne
pws:iblr 1' fortunate. Wherever irrig,i• i; a spire of simple design. There. art'
1'(n 1. i.ossiblc it is proliteblc. The
u ! gales "fertilizes" his land. 'l'I►e
Vi,,u n farmer could irrigate he would Beneath each dome are windows ( f
two of Ilx:Le spin's, the other being
close to another dome neat' Exhibition
\\ r -1t i u farmer "irr'igates" his. 1f the Trend.
'!'rout, salmon, goldfish, and pike are
believed never to sleep, but only to
rest periodically.
Tis Well to Know a Good Thing, said
Mrs. Surface 10 Sirs. Knowwell, wlien
they stet in the street. "Why, where
have you been for a week back?" "Oh.
just down to the store for a bottle <.t
Dr. 'll'}omas (:electric Oil," and St's.
Surface, who hates puns, walked on.
But site ro enibercd, and when she
contracted a weak back there was an -
ether customer for Ectect•ic Oil.
The wise man looks before he leaps
--then instead of jumping into the lire
he remains in the frying pan.
n, ed to fertilize much less mit irrig•t• Iwo different shapes. those on the up -
icor, is possible only in cemlparali.'' . m pet floors beiiig rectangular and those
iI w favored localities. 'There are large an the lower door arch((. Ilse distance
irliguted tracts in California, Utah. ou e facade (,onione done to another
\\ ;Islington, Colorado and some other 'say be described as n hay. This bny
' stele.:. In Canada irrigation is success- is 11111 of windows with cusped mullions.
fully practised in the Petite valley's of A'ollg.i'Ie tilts new Albert and sae-
lirIti.h Columbia, and over n Targe arra loris \luseimi, also fncing (lnanwell
!In Southern Alberts. where we has,. rand, is the melt known Ni,tural Ilislory
Pie greatest irrigation proposition (t SSu'cnm. Just behind the new museum
'modern limes. . is the Muth Kensington A! e, Building.
The peculiar feature of our (:nnadinii Directly opposite Ls the great bui11-
'.rignlinn operation is that the sun fur- ing of the linprrial Institute. (:omplct-
fAlmm the main range 01 the Pocky s1':red by realty:ons worsts, "Raise a
i, As the season advances. stalely memorial. Make it really ger-
Antsnow melts nigher and higher up wowswowsSome imperial institute. rich in
,144 Inount:1ms. 1111(1 thus n conslnnl. 1111• 5,'1111,01, ill urnnutl'nl, which may speak
Iniing siiiq,ly o1 water 14 furnisht,l 1., i ) Ill' tenturi('s.''
thv tiv.i- \\hist% fill lite irrigation -Willi thethebuildings nlrcndy menlion-
slarhe< doling the spring and summer (' t, it ',•,ems a groupgroupwhist►, in a sinmi-
l(,sm")ns, at the very lime moisture is 1/.1. space. it would be dill cult to mulch
I.redt41 for the crops. Owing to the in. in any a y'-eumprnring Item, of course,
4•'1:nu'hble supply of water coming onlywith modern buildings -and, with
►horn the mountains it is unnecessary 111111 smile pm "iso. it is %%1111014 doubt
lolo1,1111$1 1'lornge (linins or rrser1-oira. 1h silliest group of buildings in London.
'rhe farmer on irrigalisl land is Ilius ns.
sowed Ilial in the very dryest season he
will have all the water he cares to use,
slid as Ute ground i4 rich and the cli-
mate favorable he has no anxiety about
his Folios
Irrigal:ort is most favorable to inlen•
Sive farming opernliuns --gelling the
,fnaxinnun of crops from the minimum
4 1 acreage. Alllr,ugh large irrigated
farms. from n quarter seclien upwards.
amt' WAS' flits order' of 11101110day. the ten -
Wiley will doubtless be townrdmore
bested holdings. As Innd net -limes
.more valunblr' fernier(' will sell off
part of their twldntgs al goys) mins
rind confine (heir off girls on a mote 111-
,1.11.41(Asale to smeller acreage. Such,
of any rale. tins been the hlttory of tr-
y gated fainting in the United Stales,
v here them have sprung up clt,eely' set -
1,e''1 and poiispcnus dairying. frutt-
gmtl.n'' 0101 mi%cd thrilling 00111n11114-
t es, 'these hate benanme the nal ure;
evnlyes f•,r• cheese, butler an:1 condesee.1
11!,4114,11!,4114,in, 14.4 i4 •. 1.e1.1 •iigilr tai 0.'ilt1 all
Alper ktndr.ti ushi'tries, which minus
l ur-
-a'leciite wts're the populnlr,n it
de11 's1 find ttte pneductle capacity et
1'tl land the greatest
Marriage isn't nlwny's 8 failure; !here
2 usually a aghting chance.
11 the /neon shook) pee gifkvf n ills the
1.(.tlef e.f spaet','h lbw W011ld 1e a 101
t.f te•1•tltnna tioAwned.
n,shes BM Whirr. The supply' is drawn ''-' ill 1893. i1 is :Mill 10 11810 been in -
1 rim co 11111e and so weak
hour eery breeze whist► blows
May pick me up al any pinrc
:11141 Inke 11111 where 11 i.klcs.
1 1101 sat little amt so weak,
Thal really 1 can't lee
Why goinn up men. aml women, too,
shout) want le pimp nn nie.
Me11R ?t0. $-•-i1.
Week .ad Pale Woisie toolishty keep this
way when by the toss ot " F.rroyim, " the but
Conic, they could very quickly recover their health
and strength. Try it.
And many a Iran would talk less
about justice it there wus a remote pos-
sibility of his getting it.
Also sewing machine oil of absolute
purity, and the best needles and parts
for all machines at Singer stores. hook
f'r the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine
Co. \\'rite us at Manning Chambers,
Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. ..
'i'11e railway which crosses Siberia Is
l'y far the longest h1 the world. The
h'emendoils (ILstances (ravelled and the
religious diameter of the people have
given rise Io the chapel railway carri-
ages for Divine service. These are lit -
tea up inside like a church, and they
serve not only for travellers by rail,
tin for periodical worship by the inha-
bitants of remota villages on the great
Teething Babi
are saved suffering -and mothers
given rest -when one uses
Nurses'snd Mother.,' Treasure
Quickly relieves -regulates the
bowels - prevents convulsions.
Used so years. Absolutely safe.
At drug -stores, 25c. a b otties, $t.TS-
National Drug & Chernh-at Co.. Limited,
Sole Proprietors, Montt eat. .t
'f1►o country bull looked askance at
the group of city girls meandering
1 &'runs the field.
"1 don't like the cut of that reit dress,'
he muttered, pawing the ground. "I
think 1'11 put a few gores in it and then
it will be just ripping."
If your children are troubled with
tvc,rnts, give them Mother 1;raves'
worm Exterminator; safe, sure and 41-
fret11141. Try it, and mark the improve-
ment in your child.
\'o land so broad, no sen so wide,
Thal, passing o'er, I lose ray thought
of thee;
\o day so long, or ever slow the tide,
But quicker is my pulse-
! know thou loves! enc. _
No darkness deur, no day so bright
But, passing by, suggests a thought of
Though deep the sea, (hough high the
stars at night;
Each indieales the ktvc
1 know Zhou hast for me.
A good guesser nlway:s prides him-
self o1 his superior judgment.
Some people rise in the social scale,
and others become unbulnna tl.
Giro] dies move slowly. The truth
never 11.14ls as fast as n lie.
74 v'4 hen a ratan get. the worst cf
;t, he should try and make the best ct
The lofty ideals of some men aro re-
stricted to high living. -
Biliousness Burdens tate.-The bilious
man is never a c011tpnllionnble 10811 1 •
reuse his ailment renders him Imo
and gloomy. 'I'I►e complaintsis not
dangerous as it is disagreeable. l' 1
no one need suffer from it who can
procure I'ar'melee's Vegetable ('ills. R)
regulating the liver and obviating 11.
effects of bile h1 the stomach they t' -
store turn to cheerfulness and full s,
gor of action.
The value of all the standing timber
in Engltaid is estimated to be just under
millions sterling.
flCl1. Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious iters en human
cr animals cured In 30 minutes by \Vol -
ford's Sanitary Lotion. 1t never Huls.
Sold by all druggists.
Life is too brief --eternity
Will scarce give space,
shouldsl list to me;
For word and look -no, these may
never tell
(low`deep the longing that
Sty heart aye holds for thee!
Ser.tcaling Is foolish ; it only maker a had
matter wane. weaver's Cerate allays the pain,
deans the skin of eruptions and other sons:
Why not buy a bottle today*
Europe hag 4 active volcanoes, Asia
IS. America 56, and the Asiatic Islands
do fewer than 114).
111 filling boots and shoes cause
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure (s the
article to use. Get a bottle at once and
cure your corns.
lfieradall's Spavin Cure
N.It., March 5 ',a.
"I am using your
Spavin Cure and can
say there is nothing
to be compared with
it." Gelbep Afusl.all.
Thorough pin
and alt
di a bottle--'. (,r 55. aur great book-
'Treatise on the }corse "-tree from
dealers or as
Dr. 1. I. EE10ill CO,. tnorbu4E Felts. ranas"i. U.S.A
T111:\ nI:Ut:DI' DI5t: ,I:.
Certain Occupations Practically Cure
Some kinds of Disease.
"It Is a curious thud;," Said a scien-
tist to the writer recently, "but certain
occupations are practically ilia t'en►Cdiea
of certain diseases.
"Shepherds enjoy remarkable h<'n1th.
The peculiar odor noticeable sissit
sheep seems to drive array disease.
"The men and women who work
among lavender, gathering it or dis-
tilling it. seldom have neuralgia or ner-
vous headache. Luvrtder, moreover, is
good for giving tone to Iho system.
"Employes in breweries, tanneries and
printing -ink factories are immune from
consumption. 'Turpentine works and
rope works are a protection from rheu-
matism. And, in conehlsioo, workers
in copper mines nerd not fear typhoid."
Smithson "\\'ohad a ease of kid-
napping in oyr house lately." Wilson .
"Benlly ! Dow did it happen T' Smith-
son : "The baby slept the whole night."
Seery packet
will kill
more thee than
SOO sheets
.1 sticky paper
- SOLD env -
tOo. per packet, or 3 packets for 2So.
will last a whole season.
reNI tttllMlr
U derwear made -to -atter, for you coulda'1
possibly escort in it .o( oval
in value
Have yon on sonic part of your body a sure,
or eruption. or cocoons patch, which. hidden
trout the gaze of others. yet acuses you hour*
and hours of pain and inconvenlenc • r Have
you tries} this and that and the other remedy in
vain, and arc you feeling disheartened and
discouraged 1
If so, don't overlook this comforting fact -that
'Lam-nuk is daily curing just such chronic
cases as yours! It heals skin diseases, ulcers,
faatrring .urea, ringworlu and eorea due to
blood poison. Write 7.aut-Iluk (o., Toronto,
for free trial box, sending lc. stamp. All stores
and druggists s.11 at 5o cents a box.
),lox Gilmour. of Princess Street- Kingston
Ont.), awe.: --"i had all ulcerated leg for several
years 1 he ulcers spread all round the }loth,
wtiuh was swollen to twice 113 normal size.and
nothing would heal them till got '/.,uu-}}uk. i
That rasa
And there isn't anything that (realesQ UEBEC STEAMSHIP f OMPANI
some people more. than looking for
timedo and not finding il. li\IITLD
Useful at all 'rimes. -In winter or in
sununcr 1'arnIclee's \'egellble 1'ills
will cope with and overcome any tric-
gu'nrilies of the digestive organs which
change of diel, clung. of residence. cr
variation of temperature may bring
about, 'l'ttey should be always kept al
Maul, and once their 1'eneftcia1 action
It-ev,mes known. no one will be with-
roll them. There is Mooting nausenling
in their structure, nod the :net:t deli
cafe can use them confidently.
The man who has been acquitted is
(.sells certain to believe in the present
jury system.
(Intern and all summer conpininis
aro 1 qun•k in their action that the
(.•1d tined 41 dealt is upr:n the victims
Were they are awa'O That danger 's
near. If attacked do not delny iii get-
ting the proper medicine. Try n dose
of I)r. J. 1). K, Bogies Dysentery I', ,r -
dial, 111141 y'i11 tt:II get iruttte(katt' who!.
11 nets will: \tundartil rapidity unit
1(4 vee fails b: effect n eines
Swear worols lire what men use to
f:,t in the waste places in their argu-
Ii•'w-ever long a Oy may live, it neer
grows nhcr it hos re:teh(,1 its ;,er(rcl
[lnren't you ellen wished your run-
ning expenses would slow down to :a
Many a merrit4l man acquir(s-1 a will
M his own by hiring a lawyer to %%rite
it for him.
Lego di Garda. largeM rf Italian
lakes. is 33 mils king and tO miles
Side, and has a (depth of 1.900 feet.
Poetry of love is transformed into
prose when matrt,n.,ny reaches ttie pears.
River and Gulf of Stl licence
Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
TwIn ticrew iron Me "Campana.- with eleetrie
lights, •lectrlo bells sod all modem c.,mforts.
NAiL'S 71101 Mt,VTttttAL ON MONDAY,' at I
4n, . Std aid 1715 June. 111. 11th and 294? July,
Ilih and Seth Aug ist. 9th and lard neptembsr„
and fortnightly theuatter b,r Ylctoa. 5 5
11j at tius!'er, tia.ps. Mal nay. Fere*. Car* core,
(hand Rivet. Numta•rslde, 1' E.1., and Chsrlo.e
Wows, P.14.!.
Summer luardon., q$, by the nsw Tw111
Screw 44. '1U/trill AtA,11,100 t'ns. Nalllaj lots
sad :4th Jun*, Std. 7th and Stet Judy, 14th and
A 14u.h (4(ht. S'i(irl. l hn,4 ti2t,?thu9dsptttshmSo.ee'n(r5
Issr Temperature cools! by Pia brestss seld--rr
rise ab ns 1, Lies tees
The Amid trips or the season for health and
ARTHUiI AIIEiIN, Secretary, Q irises,
A. E. OUTEIIlIIi1DGE A CO., Agents,
*0 Broadway, New York.
Cfl[AM- w'EtiT
A pure, hard
Mr fee bakers sad ethers demigod -
Wag Streel(tk coffer Md esiihroity.
K4t.uI eveatironat s*, , tss .I1M
,iive A po eato►,• SISITS 11l.
K Arse Rafal RPM ailska f eusa• nese
fitAT %NI ENING MAIM., a1 A ee101,At
PIP011estall ',Ira IMINACP ,tl(*
' `i1�IR1t.L 911 (.116(9
1 ureas (9 '1I4ti1 l 111
Can't shrink :or stretch nor bind nor bulge; out.
lasts 01601 kinds: and is sold with s guarantee
that insures you against any possible fault.
1 rade-marked like this
is red as ure sign of
value. Made in many
fabrics and [tyles, at
various prices. 10 form-
fitting sites for warier,
men and children.
Gives Perfect
The Most Economical
High Grade 011
Ever Sold In Canada.
0('11 OWN B\PII► I:LI:E.TRW t:Alt
IMONS operate continuously every,
few minutes from hotel through busi-
ness district and to all del:ots and
wharves for principal trains and
Rates 41.50 per day sad op.
The Land Derarlment of the Union Trust Company, Limited.
has been nppoinled exclusive. agent'1n Ontnrio. Manitoba, and
the Maritime Provinces for the sale of the t:,l'.I(, irrigated lands
In the \Vast.
Are You Satisfied
Where You Are ?
1f not. and you think of citnnging your location, you will
,make a nuelnke if you do not investigate the opportunity for
money -making offered in farming on irriguted land.
SOME 1'EOi'LE who have not gone into the merits rout ad-
vantnges of Irrigation imagine That the farmer on an irrigated
farm deserves sympathy. Ile doesn't. His Irrigated land, in a
country where conddk,ns for plant grottth are otherwise ideal,
ensures him good crops EVERY 1'EAll. Owing to climatic con -
(2 111 0s he never suffers they drawback of n wet season, and irri-
l:atiun pn'vents the possibility of a dry season, Modern irrigation
transfern's (tinning from an uncertainty into u certainty.
The average price of litigated land in fhe United dales is
about three times the price of non-irrignted lands. in Southern
Aits'rla the difference Ls at present very slight. but as seltletner►l
proceeds these irrigation lands will increase very rapidly in value.
A careful study of Its advantages will convince any pracliral
agr'icultur'ist that fanning by means of Irrigation is thn most at-
Iractive proposition ever pot upon the Canadian market.
Fu11 information, prices and terms (which are very favorable[
sent free to any address on application to
The Land Department,
Union Trust Co., Limited,
Temple Building,
174 Bay St., Toronto