HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 7If
tulillalor of Daring Plot, Ittvult-
ego P;oo. rater of holy .synod
Forced to Flee.
The life story of Nu.uliti I)e Rapist, the
*'eallatl who ler eighteen years posed as
Jt titan, and who for twelve years was
secretary of the liussian Consulate in
Chicago. k laid bare ut a diary left by
110 Itaylan in Phoenix, Arizona, where
,the died several months ago. This diary
and other data have been taken by
Michael Feinberg, who was sent to
Arizona to prove the sex of De Baylan.
investigation in Russia has led to the
discovery that De Itoylan's mother is
still m Kiev, Russia, and is the
rightful heir to the $6,000 left by ltie
De Ilaylan's real name was Talelsky.
Ilei Christian name is unknown. \Vho
her father was site did not know, and
in the diary he is referred to as "the do -
known." It is surmised that he was
i'I:Its;ONAI. P \n el:n SPIN.
% I''s InlerC ting earl. About Iaenu
Nell -Knott n People.
lord Ampthill, who btunds 6 feet 5
inches high tied weighs 233 pounds, has
begun rowing practice to reduce his
weight. He is an old rotting blue, haw-
ing appeared for Oxford three times
;lsic9-911 ugaunet the sister university of
t:ainbridge. At that period he weight •► < y One kind of
1'J'1 pounds. Though under fiotty, Lee, underwear. .nd
Ampthill has held the high position i l l one, fits right,
Governor of Madras, front which ho re- y
nd satis-
fies went out slowest. e
lire) last year.
fies ou from the day you
Lady Dorothy Walpole, an eighteen• , ?
year -Old debutante, is the only child of buy u. -That Lind it trade.
the Icurl and Countess of Orford. i.Ord marked (at above) in reJ, and guaranteed to you
Orford owns two historic seals in \ : - by stores that tell it and the peek who make it.
folk–\1'ulter•ton hall and ,tla74uii10.,11 Made io many fabrics and styles, at vancus
111111, the latter hat ing been built ul paces, in form -fitting sues for women,
men and children. look lot the
1450, It has a close Fridge and a moil, ! PEN-ANed . taris bile the ghost atta••hed to the place is
a Jesuit priest of Elizalwihan times ! A
When she was sixteen, attending n
Government eechool for girls at Kiev,
to mother, who had been well to do be-
fore. suddenly acquired 250,000 rubles In
(1 tn)nlel•iens manner.
When the girl, about to graduate,
pound the existence of this wealth, she
derttandel to know the mystery which
st.rrounded her origin. but her mother
would not fell her. She IhereulrOn con-
ceived a plot- to obtain a shale of the
money. She would insist that her mo -
Ther Lad been parading her as n girl in
oiler to avoid military service for her
"son," and she also would make the
Mune charge so that her mother might
I* punished for hating' enrolled a boy
its a girl's school, an offence punishable
t.y imprisonment under the Russian
she laid her plans carefully. Iler mo-
ther was arrested. 'i'he girl hail n pri-
vate personal interview with \I. Con-
slanlini Petrovitch, Procurator 'of the
Holy Synod, and such were her wiles
Met she convinced the statesman that
%tit was in reality a boy. \Vhen the case
came to trial the Procurator was chief
witness for the Government. The mo-
ther's attorney produced the doctor who
had assisted a1 (he birth of Nicolai and
also the priest who had christened her.
They tolls positively testified that they
knew Nicolai Was a girl. The Procura-
tor Ilew into a rage and
M. l'abtedonoslseff now found himself
in an embarrassing and delicate posi-
tion. Ile had stood sponsor for Nieolni
,ind personally supervised the proceed-
ings and sworn that she was a boy. Ile
was in the position of having to con-
fess he had been fooled.
The story twos hushed ur quickly, but
t'i • secret police of !tussle were pletced
lipron the trait of lite fleeing girl aid they
tried for years le track her.
She lived a short time in Ifelsingfer'.
and then with stoney borrowed (rem a
gut sweetheart she fled to Belgium and
Mier to America.
After a stay in Worcester, Mass., for
time she went to Chicago. where she
look out naturalization papers, got an
Introduction to Baron von Schlippen-
bath, and became his secrelary.
One \.n% They Are Sent In Russia to
Avoid F:wcessite Freight.
envious tradition says that every l•:itrl of
Orford should be driven in his hearse! – —
three times round the local church before I
being buried.
An interesting announcement is that
earl of Albemarle has finished a Isle
sized bronze statue of ti bugler and a
drummer boy. illustrative of one of Itt.<I-
yard Kipline's poem.. Ilio grandfather,
the sixth tees 1, who died in Ise! a gene-
ral, took part in the (tattle of Waterloo
es an ensign of the lith Foot, now the
\Vest Yorkshire Regiment. Ile was only rooters on flow to Assure
sixteen years old at the time, and had \'car. teeing 1e111U in the
charge of one of the drums. Coining un-
scathed out of the battle, two iived to the
age of ninety -Iwo.
One of the delegates to the Carnegie
Pittsburg Instituto was \Ir. Maarten
\taarlens. the Dutch novelist. whose real
name is Jtosl \farius Willem Wan der
Peorlen Srhwvariz. Though he was edu-
cated in Germany end lives in holland,
Mr. Maartens writes his novels in Eng-
lish, which he speaks tike a native. fie
is a wealthy landowner. and lives in the
picturesghe castle of 'luylestein, which
is several centuries old. One of \Ir.
Maartens' finest epigrams is: "(cod,
what cuuti;assioll must be. Thine, when
even we brutes feel pity !"
Ur, Jameson. the Premier r o[ Cape
Colony, like the late Cecil Rhodes, is a
bachelor. Everyone knows of the
famous raid into the '1'rnnstanl in 1895,
when Dr. Jameson. upset Cecil's apple -
curt, and handed himself in a Boer pri-
son. "1 made it mess," the Doctor frnnk-
if said afterwards, "and 1 got fifteen
months. That is all No ; 1 may add
one thing: 1 deserved fifteen years–for
failing." It is not everyone who be -
cones a Prime Minister, however, so
Dr. Jameson need not talk any more
about "failure."
The Lord \layer of London, Sir 'Wil-
liam 'freloar. "the carpet knight,' has
been telling some stories of his school
days. Ile went to King's College School,
and one (lay he admitted to a master
that he was ignorant of the meaning of
the word "abdomen." The plaster, "0
brawny Yorkshireman," at once struck
hint with his list, snying : "There, that's
your abdomen, and don't forget. it-." "I
have never forgotten it," added Sir \Vil-
Itnni, "and 1 lied that some knowledge
of anatomy is useful to a I.ord Mayor."
This remark, needless to say, was
greeted with loud laughter.
The ('rinse of \\'ales, who has just
been promoted to the rank of admiral,
entered the Navy in 1877. As a midship-
man he served for a time tinder the
present Admiral Sir Frederick Medford,
who tells a good story. While the Flip
was coaling in a Turkish port a pasha
Caine off to pay his respects to Queen
Valerie's' grandson. "1 am in com-
mand," said Sir Frederick, "and the
Prince is an ollicer ; but here he comes.'
A' that moment Prince George. who was
in charge of a coaling party, came up.
The Turkish pasha refused to believe
that the youth. black iron head to font,
was the t'rin• e, and he left the ship
under the unprrssion that he had been
hoaxed. Like all Orientals, he did not
realize lite English word–duty,
..1VEIJ TO A 0001) AGE.
Russian exporters, to avoid an execs-
t:vt• (right on eggs as well as to avoid
kiss iron breakage and from spoiling by
heal, ship them w•rlloul the eteh. i. e..
Inuken and the contents ped up in air-
hght block lin taxes, welt or without
salt, Recording to the taste of the cl.s-
Erich, t'ox contains several eggs. and is
told 1n• weight, the sire running from
half a k'legr•asn up to pod some 16
hilogrouIs), The prr•e of the latter is
live rubles. For use In cooking and for
limited lithe 1tiesi• tinned or preserved
reg'. scents In answer eery well; that is.
s]7 the Continent, kr England doesn't
isike kindly to then. London. for in-
stance, whirls buys large quantities of
Russian eggs. pays eight rubles n pod
for them sugains% ill' for the preserwei
tees/. t,eseles the weight of the shells
turd the salts freight lard! on eggs.
Ear)t Heck lin box of "conserved'
g.ggs, whether of hall kilo (a kilo is n
one tiler(' dean Iwo pound') or two purl
tire. must hear the cele and hour of its
ekeing. nibs guarding ugniust getting
elide eggs. 'f he nennunl if eggs put up
ii i4I'rs and annually exported is
enormous and Constantly growing.
rel.— _-
Poverty is the went of much. avarice
tis • wnnt of everything.
Mese ss travels very leisbrely, 811(1
!Nivel 1 s•+,n overtakes her.
No tyranny of circumstance% cnn per-
nanenllyS impriw.n a deteemin(d will.
Alone men fail through ignorance of
their strength phos Through knowiedgo
(,( 11(11• wcnknr...
1, a may succeed when otters do not
p.. %e Ui you, but never when you d•,
no! believe in yourself.
Man is not merely the architect of his
own fortune. but he must also lay the
feel, oneself.
p,11i rpt a ItAI'l l \� n \\•rTNeee.
tie w t ui tns;.,n•-rc I„ i r recently oc•
ct;i 1, (rhif tis, adoresn • ! ph,rtogrnphie
redx.r•rl•c as legat eve i(I 11ee. An interest- tt n, ulligeseon. St. \'flus dance, par-
tial paralysis, helnev troubles, and
hose epee;nl ailments that render the
lives of so ninny women and growing
Eer• n burden. nut you must get the
it, mune pilin with the full nettle, "Br.
\\ 'mew' fink fills for Pale People,
els the wrapper around ench box. Sold
1.y all medicine deniers or by mall at
Dente n how or sit Mlles kr $2.50
trout The 11r. \\"ilUarns' \kdicine Co.,
Pnxkviile, Ont.
Tact Is the quality a woman disj lays
'.t hen she makes a man feel that he can•
nut live without her.
A Meters taus Cured by Dr. ,‘,4 Humus.
Pink fills.
"I suffered so much from nervous
eyspep ;a that b feared f would he-
ro Boys Mrs. Alfred Austin,
( 1 Volley. Oust. "For months,' 58ys
NM, Austin. "I was prostrated with
Ili. tried/Ie. 1 got so bad 1 could not
tat 8 mt.uthful of food without it near-
ly choking Inc. 1 was affected with
sects terrible feelings of dizziness and
moveil that i had to leave the table
5 Intelinl05 with just Iwo er three noulh•
fins of fond for a meal. • My nervine
were n11 unstrung. and 1 grew so weak
It.nt 1 could not even sweep the lkor.
In fact• my nerves nffeeled ase to such
a:1 extent that I feared to be heft alone.
1 could not sleep nl nights. and used
le lie awake until 1 feared my reason
we 1114 leave me. 1 \errs taking medi-
cine coestnnlly, but 11 did not do me a
1•.1 of g•41.1. 1 had used Dr. \Williams'
I' m:, 1' u: on n former occasion with
►• 1 r su11 and at lust 1 determined
14 try them again. 1 cnn say nothing
vette, then that these pills have been
a blessing to me. ns they have made
nu n well woman. Every (race of the
indig• slion is gone, 80(1 my nerves ire
its %Irving and mind its they were in
girlhood. Now 1 cnn eat nnyttting that
is on the table, and 1 get sound refresh-
ing sleep at nights. AU this I owe to
the faithful use of Dr. Williams' fink
PIIlt. tilde!' I shall newer cease to
I)r. \Williams' Pink Pills fill Rte veins
v ills ne tv. rich, red blood. That is why
Is ey strengthen the nerves nett ctery
argon in tete body. Ttinl is why they
eras: all 11v411•10s rile Io bad b1.•nd ur
wwe'uk, shattered ncrv,'c, such as nnae-
temin, with it grinding, \veiningr back-
aches. headaches and fideadies. rhea.
uahsnn 87,1 neuralgia, heart pnlpita-
prig (sample is that ut a hxlger in rented
rooms al I'ari%, who sited his Inndk'rd
to sit press as nn intol4'rnble nuteance
tee proecevings of n coppersmith on the
ground floor. ile employed a pheno-
ls aph lo record the mind% eempinincel
sit. and no sooner wits the instrument set
going teh,re the judges Rine Ihey he'gan
to slop their cors in destiny. The com-
plainant an" true 'long In old/ening the
lief which he sought.
Ne+tuhntel. in Switrerland, nruutae-
ps a mullion wniclhes n ye•nr, of an
-age value 4,1 810 apiece.
Mine. Patti has given as. her recipe
for retaining youth: "Eut frugally and
te scrupulously clean." It may bo in-
teresting to celled other testimonies
from those who have successfully emu-
lated ttie ravages of tinge."
General Booth, a grand old man of
'J, bus given a lengthy explanation of
the methods by which he has retained
his activity. here is his advice:–
dvice:Eat as little as possible. The aver-
age mein eats too much. Instead (.f
nourishing his body he overtaxes a,
compelling his stomach to digest more
food than it has capacity for.
Drink pt-enl • of water in preference
to adulterated concoctions. Water is
wholesome nourishment.
Take exercise. It is just ns foolish
to develop the mind and not the body
as it is to develop the body and not
Mc mind. Perforin some manual labor;
dig, wnik, chop wood, or, if you can
talk with your whole body. why, then
talk, but do it with all your might.
T i rtto
Celluloid Starch needs
no cook ing --jus
cold water and 'tis
ready. 'Twon't stick,
yet gives a better
gloss, with leas iron-
you know.
Its price is little.
Your dealer sells it.
Try it this week. 24
j Stat.rcX
over y
Ile: "So Smythe has
an automobile, eh! Dow did it happen?
Sho : "The poor fellow was stooping
over to pick up a horseshoe for luck."
1 .r all makes of machines al Five Cents'
\\ illi ,EDIU ION.
Artane nienl. Known to Authorities of
all tanneries and Precautions\\ ill be 'Taken.
Amin I,i't groups all over Europe
!':11'11is5)1(d 11 s('cre( summons to their
titrades in different countries to send
tltlegales 10 an international congress
to be held at Anl.terdnln hem August
26 to August 31, to promote the attain- -
went of anarchismalnong all civilized
Great importance is attributed in an-
archist circles to the congress. John
'rimier, of London, and Mfonatte, c•f
(I,C1s, will speak on the necessity of
pet ideating trade unions wills anar-
chist doctrines. Dr. Friedberg, of Ber-
lin. and Malatesta, the Ilaliun annrchist.
will present reports on the organiza-
tion of a simultaneous general •
its all trades of all European countries.
'rem other foreign delegates, Dunios.
of Paris, and '1'honar, of Liege, will pre-
sent reports oil the internutional organ-
irnt:,.n of anarchists. with a view to
per package, 8841 everything etre per- bringing about simultaneous revolu-
taining to sewing mistimes at }malty liens in different European countries.
reduced p•est's. look ter the lied s. Peter Bantus, of London, and Mar -
Se % g Miichine (:o. \\dile us
at Nlannin(a Chanlberst Toronto, fur set
01 Bird Cards free.
Stops and bowel disM k.* p babies
ump aoi .y. Proved
C oIlc by
use. A.i your drtre,pet
for a–
Nurses' aw Mothers' Treasure
–25c.-6 Beales $1.25.
Natuna, Dive tr CLemocal Ca, ls.d
At.en a.t
STARTIINC "° si�'t A:er,ta
colitis airier with
HOUEEHOLO Bradkialarly-ciaor �rslsoan(:o..
INVENTION Ltd . tluk,J.Brutlordr
Do not fill your life with a lot of sil-
ly and sordid pleasures, so that when
you come to die you will find you have
tool really lived.
(lave a purpose in life that predom-
inotes above nll else, that is beneficent
lit those about you, and not to your
e wn greedy self alone. If there is one
thing for which I nm glad it is that 1
have found a purpose which involves
hot me alone, but all humanity.
Lord Roberts, now in his 75th year,
I have kept myself young on pur-
pose. 1 have not drunk nor smoked,
and I am really not a day older than
Wier Majuba in 1880.
"Strict teetotalism, no medicine, and
no doctor," is the prescription of Mrs.
[tenor Qllernan, whi is now 107. \Irs.
Coleman. who lives in Somersetshire,
belongs to a remarkably long-lived fam-
ily. iktlh her mother and her grand-
mother were centenarians, and her
daughter Ls nearly 80.
The flee. Thomas Lord, who is n him -
tired, and is the oldest living preacher,
hits said:–
"I have too secret par long life. 1
only see the duly of a Christian 111811
t , his own comrnon sense, and the way
clear to moderation in all .Things. With
that influence, and the influence of lo•
la1 abstinence, i have progressed from
mintiest -hi to one hundred."
Another preacher, i)r. Clifford, has a
special prescription. The famous Bap-
tist is seventy -cone, and n tremendous
worker. Ile says: --"The more you work,
the longer you live."
Lord Gwydyr, aged ninety-seven,
finds the reason for his age in the fee
lew'ing: –
Not smoking. plenty of outdoor exer-
cise. and moderation) In eating and
drinking. 1 am not a vegetarian. and
do not exclude any form of flesh. As
to sleep, 1 used formerly lo rase al
about six o'ckeck In the morning, but
titicrly I have been a little later: my
usual nllow•nnce is about ten hours a
Sir Lauder Brunson sp erifes as ene-
mies to continued youthfulness impro-
per masliratlon of food and chills.
Largely open windows are cornpnra-
lively cnfe. but a chink through which
the air blows is to lie carefully avoided.
The practice el gabbling food may, to
n certain extent. be respwensible for the
lr,rger proportion of cnnccr in the slo•
tench. which occurs in inters more than
ii1 worsen.
Sir James Crichton-Browne has strong
theories on the subject. Copybook rules
he denounces.
Almost as ninny men hate hien killed
1 y Ilse maxim. "Early to bed and enrty
te rise;" as by over -eating. instead of
making n Ivan healthy. wealthy and
wise, early ris`.ng lowers his vitality, and
resuUs 111 brain -fig and early decay.
Sir Jaines lays drown the following
principles for those who would preserve
their youth: -
Be tnodernh,
Do not worry.
Take plenty of sleep.
Take plenty of rwcrciu,
Ent plenty of sugar rice, peas, fruit.
pt.tatoes. bread 814(1 ►»ilk.
Ent sparingly of fish and meat.
Fro'n these many witness.e5 tele ga-
thers that Crisp' was right 111 finding
111r secret of long life in "regularity
anti abstinence." The mine view can
he gntherel from the life of the great
German dolt -marshal. Von Moltke,
title, at the age of ninety when still
px sarses1 et flue inteiteetisa1 power and
remarkable vitality. mid That he had
managed to live sr) long and in suet
excellent heaith "by great mcderntson
in all things 87441 by regular out-of-door
exercise." -
"See here," sold the lady, "you told me
that work would cost ngc only $13, and
here you've sent in a bill for 8(4.'
"Yes'm;" replied the carpenter; "you
see, when 1 carte lo think the thing
over afterward I was afraid maybe you'd
Le superstitious about that thirteen.'
For the Overworked.–\\••liar are the
causes of despondency and melancholy'
A disordered liver i-. one cause and a
prime one. A disordered liver means
n disordered stongnch. and a disordered
sttnineh means disturbance of the nerv-
ous system. This brings the whole
body into subjection and the victim
feels sick all over. l'armelee's Vege-
Icble Pills are a recognized remedy in
this state and relief will follow their
Man is the only animal who possesses
the projection of the lower jaw -lone,
known as tate chin.
The never failing medicine, Hollo-
way's Cern Cure, removes all kinds of
corns, warts, etc.; even the most diffi-
cult to remove cannot withstand this
wonderful remedy.
As late as 18.11 an unhappy little ind
of nine was hung at Ctielnnsfurd, Eng-
land, for setting a barn on lire at Wit -
The Greatest Tonle is " Ferro,♦*." It to
pleasant In taste and contains just the nourish•
trent mot by those whotare'ving sick aandlweaklsat ars need-
TIIE iirsT OF I'1'.
'Do you Think it in the nature of any
;irl to object to a fellow's being spoons
on her?'
"Not if lie forks out."
choleim, dysentery. ele., In the nlnrkd.
II Ilas Many Offices.–Before the Ger-
man soldier starts on a long ninrch he
tubs his feel with tallow, for his first
care is to keep his feet in good condi-
lien. If he knew that Dr. 'Thomas'
Ec'eclric Oil would be of nuieh tetter
service he would throw away his 1a11'w
and park n few bottles of the Oil in his
knapsack. There is nothing like it.
The area of India is one million end 11
half squnre miles, that of the United
Mates 3% millions, and of Russia fight
millions of square miles.
The length of the sale of the toot
second be equnl to one-sixth of the
t,(ight of a perfectly -formed mean.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
(leek not require the help of nny pur-
gative medicine lo complete the cure.
Gate it a trial and be convinced.
mends]. of Pani, will rend papers on
the methods which.ought to be employ-
ed to propagate anarchism alnong the
standing armies of Great Britain, Ger-
rtany and other great powers.
The Russian revolutionary party has
teen invited to scud a delegate 10 tete
Ants'erdanr congress to leach the anar-
eeists of other semidries such lessons
as may be learned from the experiences
of the Nihilists in the Czar's domin-
The Russian delegate's report will be
followed by a discussion on the prnc-
birobilily of intrt.41uring the blood-
thirsty nietl►ods widely and systemati-
cal)• practised in Russia into other
countries. and the debates on this ques-
lilon are likely to be one of the most
interesting features of lite congress.
In spite of the secrecy which the an-
archists have attempted to nronintatn
ire making the arrangements for the con-
gress, their plans are (illy known to
the nuthorities in this country. and the
necessary measures will Ise taken, ,n
cooperation with the Dutch police, to
supervise the doings of the internation-
al revolutionists at Amsterdam, where
the political police of most European
ccuntries will also be represented.
The louder n man complains the
more certain you cnn be that he got
just whet was due hint.
lost women live on the hope that
men will not judge them as strictly as
Ihelr own mirrors du.
The principal largo towns of Europe
hove one policeman to every 500 inhabi-
Something More than n t'urgntive.-
1'o purge is the only effect of many
rills now on the market.- 1'arrnelce's
Vegetable Pills are more Ihnn n purine
1,tt•. They strengthen the stomach,
v: here other pills weaken i1. They
elehnse the blood by regulating the
liver and kidneys, and they stimulate
where other pill compounds depress.
Nothing of an injurious nature, used
for meetly purgative powers, enders in-
to their comosition.
11 Is hard to conceive of hnrmeny in
heaven unless some mortals lake n
cebrse in voice culture.
ITCn. Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every Ione of contagious itch on human
er animals cured in 30 minutes by \Wol-
foril's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls.
Sold by all druggists.
In bol countries meat exposed It, the
el.iect rays: of the nioen ;nitrifies mush
store rapidly Ruin it kept in lite dark.
Jost • Word of mutton; Whore the .kin Is
►•t• � + TYearar's
Unto Immediately : ---.Dune- the better.
In 1(.41 thcrc were 11' nwrc Ilion
0' J Jews in Palestine; to -day there sit'
40,0(M) in Jerusalem alone.
A squirrel nlwnys comes down n tree
bend foremost, and clings to the bark
with his hind legs.Ei.E('1'ittCI'1'1' IN SPAiN.
The r•creM increase in the 1154' of elre-
tricily in Spain tins been et) rapid Mel
ne °MT1"inl repine stales that to -day very
few loenlilies exist where the electric
light is not employed. This is parte uter-
i) true of places situated near
1111111111g1111111111g111g streams. The consunq't f
electric temps, even to the smallcsl t.'.
loges, is describeddescribedns being enornl,,
Everywhere electric motors nm found
Inking the place of stenm-power. 1•el the
c, n(treelion of electric nrpnralus in ;
Spain fins not kept step wills the gleewlh
in Ns employment, 141 per rent. of the
dynamo,: and rotors tieing imported
from Germany. Meet of the remainder
corse from France and Switzerland.
i'sl F. NO. 20 07.
daetroy -e1 bT butte or ren. 1`r 7
No one need tear cholera or nny
slimmer complaint 1f Ihry trite n Ml-
Ile of Dr. J. 1). Kelt( gC s Dysentery
Cerdinl ready for use. 11 corrects all
loo . mess of the hnwels promptly cruel
CHIIM•s a healthy natural toeless This
is a rmt(lu•ine u<Inplcd for the yeang nn(1
old. rich 111111 poor. and is rapidly be•
cerningr the Most popular mediene for
A pure,
•Soar for baktirs and otb.rs d00124-
iJtg stredigth, colps a++d unlit
DLALla1 Cv%JI,YVNle( ayPPL)�apt
noun' AMO Jllet ;