Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 491104. ORATOR P[UJUR ER(plot and Cold Water, PIPER IIIINCEO y° upC4etueri• S1N WHITEII • OH�JNER (With it 1)iroey last year) Estimates furei,hed on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis E\ETFU RESIDENCE: Corner James and An- drew Streets. PopularGoods Miss Pickerin of near Shlpka has ac- . -E. t bar - t ing- . Ita- tched night ence. utan- tcan, inter Sot h- ewed eeks. has ce. - been earn, hcox road end, the are tice, nily, kson, -Ex- eter District Epworth League Sum- mer school, will be opened at Grand Bend, Sunday, Aug. 11th and close on Sunday, Aug. 17t1. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Dent of Mitchell have attired to spend the summer. -Tho James street S.S. For now and the of Exeter pickicked here on Wednes- rest of the season. day. Private picnics are being held daily but the campers are not very plentiful as yet. cepted a position with Mr. Athos II. nob of Exeter basopened up a ! l.er shop here. --Miss Ishii of Seb ville is visiting her sister Ctrs. Joe velle.--Mrs. iRev.. Sutcliffe pit • an excellent sermon on senilityon the Parkhill side ton fair audi -Mrs. F. B. Holtby, wit. of the ' ager of the Merchant's Bank, Lt and fatuit • are spending the sun at Grand )lend.- JL s. (Dr.) J. A. I well and children of Stratford at here last week to spend a few w - Wm. WIND, near tbis place. placed s telephone in his tesiden Mrs. Maurice Brenner, who has very ill, is, we are pleased to 1 improving. -On Sunday Mr. Hite of Sarnia put an auto bus on the between Parkhill and Grand B two ti ips daily to he made during sunnier. -•Among those whocamping here fromParkhill we no MiFR Mary Smith. R. Harvey's fat J. J. Hawkey's family, Miss Jac Urs. Hastings and Mrs. Buckley.- - uckley.- FAVORED 1VORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel itt quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful SUMMER Sums for $IO and upwards TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUMMER If a pant hunter pantless Is panting for pants Ile panteth pantless U►ilil he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered front J. H. Boltzmann CREDITON A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we cannot suit, we have yet to know it. exeter Abutnate, Sanders ec Creech. Props, THURSDAYJULY 11 1907 NOTE. A N1) CO.1f3fh;NTS Regarding the Liberal nominees for the Dominion House in Huron County the Toronto News says: "It is remark- able that in Huron County three edi- tors have been nominated for seats in Parliament. All are representatives of the Liberal party. In South Ifurnn Mr. M. Y. MacLean. of the Seaforth Expositor, is the Liberal candidate for the Commons. Mr. Root. Holmes of the Clinton New Era, is the Liberal candidate for the Cornmona for West Huron. In East Intron Mr. W.H. Kerr of the Brussels Post, is the Liberal can- clida,e for the Legislature. Mr Mac- Lean and Mr. Holmes have had a long experience in municipal affairs. Each has been Mayor of his town, and each has sat in many Councils. Mr. Mac- Lean has also served in the Legislature and Mr. Holmes in the Federal Parlia- ment. Mr. Kerr is entering ti on his first parliamentary contest. but for many years he has been one of the leaders of the Liberal party in Huron. In other days law and medicine were the training school -4 for public life. but in Huron at least journalism bas become the chief avenue to political preferment." And then the News goes on to say that it will be well when in parliament that they show an inde- pendent spirit. We hope so too if they ere elected hut the News takes a little too mach for granted, seeing that at present the three Hurons are Conserv- ative and likely to tetnein so. (Grand Bend Mrs. Jenereau and daughter who have been visiting a week with Mrs. Jos. K (veils., returned to their home near St. Joseph Saturday, -Bos. Dib• jerdine k all smile+ •-( girl. -Mrs. Eddy who has been .pending a week with her )trent+, 11 is r••'t)iro..1 to her hue in SL Marys. -Asaph Oravelle has gone on a two weeks' visit to his fath- erat Bid Axe, Mich. -.Mr. and Mrs. J. 0111 and Mr. and Mts. 1). Wilson spent Sunday and Monday at Ailsa Craig and elsewhere.-MIre. Neiman who has been here for a week with her mother returned to The(Ifoi•d Saturday. -The frost done a lot of damage in this vi. cinity.-h.trmers have commenced haying. -Win. Dewey and S. Green spent n fe•days in Pett /furore -Sun- day should have been automobile day judging by the number seen here. - I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- Ct', with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this mcdicine completely destroys these germs. Then the heaithy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. Tia test kind of a teettmone.' - • et Co. over stair years " A,,.d.57 J. cAy+r (•, , 1 .,a..n. rents. A.w menu r.etar.r. of z,erc:.. Crediton BIG CLEARING SALE OF GROC- ERY STOCK Having decided to give rip business we will dispose of the balance of our stock at greatly reduced prices -in fact below cost. Do not buy before yott see us as you will never get better bargains. A call solicited. W. A. Finkbeiner, Crediton Ed. Bertrand, wife and daughter Thelma of Detroit are visiting the former's mother Urs. Sarah Bertrand fora few weeks, -Fred Smith return- ed to his home in Hamilton on Satur- day, after a pleasant week's visit here with fr•ien(1..--The Soverign Bank re- ceived an Underwood Typewriter on Monday. -Christian Trick and Bert Clark have been fishing quite often of late. We never hear what success they had. Why? -Art ').wicker was in London on Tuesday. --Bristol Essery of the Sovereign Bank staff is enjoy- ing a well-earned rest with friends in Indianal.-3liss Martha Eilber of Buff- alo is visiting her parents, -Our farm- ers are busy haying. This season snakes business dull in our burg. - Claude Blnett was in Forest a few days this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall of Detroit are visiting rela- tives in our midst. -The League of the Methodist church drove to Exeter on Monday evening and paid a visit to the James St. Methodist church. They furnished the program for the evening nd all enjoyed themselves. -Miss nezAndrews, who has been attending igh School at Parkhill is home for he summer holidays.- -Miss Rose oeszler is on the sick list. Her lends hope for a speedy recovery. - y. Eicher, 31. P. P., attended the dir- etors meeting of the Hay Ins. Co. at rand Bend last Saturday. -Chas. tock spent last Sunday in Tavistock ith his parents. -E. M. Tracksell of egina, Sask., was here the past week the interests of the Real Estate lets - esti in the west. -Urs. Harry Wind nd family of Detroit is visiting her Ther Chas. Wolf. -Mrs. Harry Dyer turned to her hone in Detroit last eek. She was accompanied by Mrs. ora Walker who will visit friends in e city for some tine. -Mrs. Dora nk and daughter Ella, spent a few ys this week in Exeter the guests of rs. Win. Kuntz. --Mr. and Mrs. in. Sambrook and fatuity were in oodharn Sunday visiting. Their o sons Arthur and Nathan will re- ain there with their uncle for a few eke. -Mr. and Mrs. Knetchel of rlin ate the guests of JIr. and Mrs. in Brown. -Miss Calvin, who has d charge of C. %wicker's millinery pertinent the past season, retuned her home in Brussels on Monday. {KMteatttt:ltt:n.-The following wil read with much interest by man r, the recipients being former es rued citizens of this place: "A ver asant social gathering was held a home of Samuel Baker, Thursday wing, when the members of the larton W.M.S. and choir met in tar of Itev. R. %V. and Mrs. Knowles o left this week for their new field abor. The first pati of the evening gamesspent in games and social inter. rse. A very dainty and elaborate ch was titre served, followed by an n-on►pan progtniu. A nicely welal. 111J1t•ss was then lead and firs. 'tales wee s.krd to accept a present isisting of it cut glass water bottle. e mirror and celery dish) indica• of the esteem its which she is held hose present. Mr. Knowles te• 'd in a very able and felling man - the leg their three years at Fel. on they have won the hearts of and vonng and our best wishes go 1 themto their new home." a I H ft H �e -w I{ in in a fa re FI th Li dot W tw 111 we Be Se ha e (1 d he her tee ple the eve Ful hot wb of l was con len hull ed : K ria Icor tab) tire by t plit net. tart old w•itl y Y t An ing,T,--3Ira. Limpet of town and Mrs. Marshall of Exeter went to London Monday and Ti eeday. respee- tiyely,owing to an accident tc the for- naet's daughter and the li'ter's si-ter. The Advertiser has the following to say of the accident: "By the explrs• ion of it gasoline stove at noon Monday Miss Melly Leiper t ,i(s1 Wil.on Ave - nae. Weal London, %vas probably fat- ally hurled. Mete Lampert resides with her brother-in-law Ralph O'Neil, grocer, and she was preparing the din• net en the sieve when it exploded. The burning gasoline was scattered in every direction. a quantity of it ignit- ing Miss Lampnrt's clothing. She c.til- ed feral(' and in a very- short time the 11 emuo were extingetished. However, the young Indy was badly burned and th •te is considerable doubt as to her recovery. Her hands and' arms. in'ad- ditinn to her homy. from the waist op, ire very set!we-1y hurried. i)r. .1. 1). 1\'rl�en w -:as e. tiled and he hail the p i• tient retn'yee1 11) Victoria Hovel% He stated that it is itnp...sil.le to %title at present if Nis. 1:an)part will reeov• er. later. -The death ocrerred at Vie:er is Hospital. Tn'.•sd ty night ..1 Mi.. Lamport. Deceased, who was 21 an d c yeara a f age tbie ninth, was the (h,, e .1:anghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jetties iiia Tut Port o1 this pt.t ,•. and i. survived by the gi foursisters and three bro'here as f. 1- tiered lows: Mas. Ethel. ('relit 1.n: Mrs. Mar- shall. Exeter; Mrs. R. J. O'Neil. Iain• don: Mrs. MrKittrirk. Wet.akiwan, ARA; J. J. Litnport, Flint, Mich ; Cherie, of HC'nley, Mask.: And Wesley home Dominion Day and little d ft lends think that she would be in a week. The funeral takes pia day (Thursday) fromthe family deuce at 2:30 o'clock to the ('re cemetery. The bereaved family the deepest sympathy of the community. Pit sits -On Wednesday. July 3rd, the Evangelical church of Creditonheld their. alumni S.S. picnic at Grand Bend. No Less than seven large busses were required, besides a large nu of private rigs to convey the cru the famous summer resort. Commit- tees had been hard at work for a week snaking arrangements and they are to be congratulated on the orderly wan- ner in which every -thing was carried out. Especial mention should be made of the business -like methods of John Roeszlet• in carrying out his arduous tasks and the ladies were loud in their praises of his abilities. At 0::30 a.m.nearly everybody bad aril t-edand were soon wending their way to the ball ground to see the baseball niatch be- tween the "Has-beens" and "Maybes." Captains Feist and Fraser Brown were leaders. The game began well for the Has-beens and at the end of the 3rd innings stood 4-0. in the lib innings the Maybes scored a run and thinking the pitcher was losing control, the Captain hauled himout of the box and went in to pitch himself. For the 1st innings the combination of spit -ball and action puzzled the Maybes, never- theless 2 runs were scored, as the Cap- tain had poor support from the field. The next innings were disastrous for the Hasbeens, three, including thecap- tain, went to bat and three bit the at- i mos here hard. In the lith innings the Maybes pounded the leather and when rho smoke cleared four more runs had beenadded, but this would not have happened if the pitcher's arta had been itt good shape. Pitchers Brown and Blnett finished the game with as addition of 3 more runs to the Maybes, the final score being 10--1 in favor of the Maybes. The Captain was unfortunate but any spectator in the large crowd of onlookers could scarcely help noticing the cleverwork of the Captain at short and the cool mannerin whicb be issued his direc- tions to bis players, and the courage he displayed in issuing a challenge for a return game immediately the contest was over. It is now up to the Maybes to play a returnlgane:or acknowledge they won by luck. After dinner •the crowd dispersed for a while, but at 2 p.m. gathered again on the grounds to witness the sports. Prizes were given for the various contests, including a sppecial race for prizes donated by Mr. NVampole. Result of the sports: Girls' race, undetjl3, A. Wein, G. Bluett, E. Oestreicher; boys' race, under 0, E. Sweitzer, W. Bean, E. Scbwartz;girls' race, under S, L. Smith, G. Lamport,T.;F.ilber; boys' race, under 8,M Brown, E. Geiser, J. Schwartz; girls' race, un- der 10, E. Williams, M. Heist, L. Oes- treicher; boys' race, under 10, E. Bea- ver, E. Ewald. E. Geiser; girls' race, under 15, S. Mot -lock, I. Brown, P. Hoist; boys' race, under 15, E. Feltner,M. Either. G. Beaver; bun race, open to all, J. Williams, A. Holtzman, H. Either; ladies' race, Eva Hirtzel, Clara Kienzle, Miss Wein; men's race, C. Blnett, F. Brown, Art Holtzman; la- dies throwing hall, M. Brown; men throwing ball, Feed -Smith; special race. P. Holtzman. I., Wolf. A second ball game between the "Pine -knots" and "Tow -heads" resulted in favor of the former by 7-.5. This was due to the excellent pitching of Wm. Geiser and thee atcning of C. Fahner. The excellent fielding stunts brought off by J. Heist and C. Eilber shouldn't be overlooked. A beantiftlevening and a grand time in the boats ended an en- joyable day. id her, Greenway gone ! Wm. «'ick•ett ha purchased a new (*etc,-%Vhire & Son threshingmachine, one rest-, of the latest inaprosed.-The Orange- diton in, of 1'atkhiil a ndjMoi ay met 1..0. 1- have 219 at theirlodge room :and matchedentire to the Poston Methodist church Sun- day where Rev. Sutcliffe preached it very interesting and instructive pat- riotic sermon. They will celebrate the 12th at St. \Iatys and Forest.-Tbe crop prospects in this vicinity tare bet - tither ter than was at first expected.-- E 1. wd to McPherson, John McGregor and J. J. Neilgall .hiss Flora, eldest daughter of Ro- land Cudmore, of town, wbo bas been attending Chatham Business College, at the recent examination carried off both the gold and silver medals, which is a most excellent showing. -Jars. R. Speare, who is 111 at the Hospital Lon- don, is, we are pleased to learn, recov- ering. -Miss Maud Petty, who has been attending Forest City Business College, London, is home on a nisi She leaves shortly for Winnipeg- Th Carruthers are improving their barns, by placing new roofs on them, while the latter has raised his and is building cement stahis underneath it. Omen/let for 158 week.) Miss %ilia English spent the 1st at Port Huron, with her aunt, Mrs. Mc- Intosh. --Mr. and Mrs. %V. A. Nilson, of London, arrived here on Saturday, spending the 1st with his parents. - Misses Sadie and Bertha Ilayter are spending the holidays at their old home. -Master Russell McIntosh, of Port Huron, is spending the holidays with his cousin, Selborne English. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheller, of Buffalo, N. Y., visited last week with her fath- er, Ed. UcPherson,-Mt•. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson spent last week at London with their sun, W. A. Wilson. They took iu the excursion to Toronto, re- turning via Hamilton and Paris. -Miss My rtle Stinson, of Bayfield, has been engaged as clerk to assist Post Ulster Wilson. -Miss Becky Sherritt, of Tor- onto, accompanied by Mr. and blrs. James Trimness, spent the past week at her, home here. -NV. J. Nilson & Co. have improved their store by put- ting in more shelving at the sides and back to hold samples of the many lines of goods they are handling. -Frank McEwan, of Parkhill, is spending a couple of mouths at Mr. Stone's, Ilar- pley. Centralia Miss Laura Fox and the Misses R inson and Quarry, aftera pleasant it with Mrs. D. L. O'Brien, have turned to their respective homes Lucan and Parkhill. -Mrs. Arth Brooks and family are spending a f days at Belgrave.-Writ. Colwill los valuable tnareone day last week. - number from here attended the stra berry festival at Clandebo}•e Tuesd evening, and also the one at Brinsl Monday. -Crops through the count continue to look well and promise abundant yield. No material damn by the late frosts has been report frotn any part of the country. -M Kate Elliott was in Ailsa Craig assi ing in the program at the lawn soci She also took part at the strawber festival in that town Tuesday nig and at Ilderton Wednesday night. Mrs. J. A. McNaughton of London spending afew days with Mrs. C. D plan. -Mrs. Frank Hicks spent Mo day in London. -Dr. and Mrs. Orm were in London Tuesday. -Mrs. Lew of London is spending a few days wit her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Neil. The Centralia Junior baseball tea played with the Brinsle team at th place Monday night anti were by at score of 20 -10. -Mrs. W. R. E liott leaves Monday for Winnipeg an Dakota for a two months;visit.-Pere Simpson has disposed of his barberit 1 business to Melville Harness of Woo barn, who takes immediate possession The Dominion Day proceeds netted balance of about le100, which showe that the affair was also a financial su cess. -Our Orangemen Inc practisin every night for the celebration at 8 Mary on Friday. N,t it ow Esc .amt. -Mr. Byron Hick met with an accident on Thursday i which he miraculously escaped serion if nor fatal injury. His brother Leo waa jest leaving the farm with bushels of oats on a wagon when th horses became unmanageable, an Byron noticing the trouble ran an caught the lines. Together they at tempted to stop the team but wer only successful in turning them into a wire fence. They were dragged along it for a number of rods until Byron who had first hold on the lines fell nn• derneath the wagon and the wheel passed over his left shoulder, bruising hitt considerably and rendering it nee• , essery for him to carry his left arra in oh- -is- re - in ur ew to A w- ay ey ry an ge ed iss st- al. ry ht is u- n- e is 11 m - at d a d c- g t. a n s n (JO e d d e foundation is being laid for new ce- ment walks on the west side of the railway track running along several different streets. -Among those who left last week for the West we noticed Mr. and Mts..1. Johnston, B. Higgins, Mrs. UcAIlister. sr., Miss %Vood and J. Harlan. Mts. Brandt and 'eerily are camping at the Bend. -John Weistnil- ler•, general merchant, has iteived trent the piernise. Ir has oc. spied for se Hurn}' years, tutu Bell's brick block. -- A little son has blessed the home of Mi. and Mrs..1. Hall, Ince Miss Rose Yunghlut) at Pittsburg, Penn. -Urs. Disk lends in the way of vegetable., she having new potatoes on July 1.- M.tcttt.to its. -The home of Mr. John %Vaatwm, bumble Line, was the scene of a pretty wedding en Friday. when hie daughter Ethel became the bride of W. 3lnssnp at prosperous :arid highly esteemed young farmer of the sane line. At 12 o'clock while Miss Mnsiop was rendering the wedding match, the bride, gowned in it handsnnie creation of white silk and °verdtes. of white net, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her fat bet. There she was met by the groom. 8tid tinder an arch Rev. Steadman per fur med the ceremony. Little hiss 1)eear made a sweet little flower girl. At the conclusion of the ceremony the company repaired to !In- clining room where an elaborate innrh- eon was partaken cf. The happy tem- ple left on the evening train fe'r points east to vend their honeymoon. The gifts were numerous and useful, bring a slight token of the high esteem hell for the young couple.- %V. -tine -al .y 4.1 ternoon'1 very pleasant and I.p1't even^occurred at the manse. Egm:..:11. t-ille, when John C. %Vend. eldest sea. of the lite Wm. Wood Usher ne, w, united ill Mal Range to R.- becre. y.•eie n est daughter of the Late .las. Forst 1 h• . Egnr. ndville. The bride wore it less tifnl centume of ereatn Panan►a, it trimmings of silk military braid ,•Pd point de'. sprit mina over ctea re • di 'e am hat to match. They I. 1, et. venirg train for Toronto. On ay 1h.y tette (eel to the hems .:( •ootll whet e e rece')tinn was ten- tbetn. A beat 218) were in at• tenderise and the evening was pleas. anti}' spent in musics daneing and var- ious kinds of snn)aerrtent. The Pres• ents were numerous and of n high or. der. e ping in wishing these young e 10814Y years of happiness. et home. Miss Lamport si:ited nt her coupe a sling. flow he escaped without his shoulder being crushed is a mystery. The team continued to run for some distance but the wagon becoming lodged against a telephone post they were brought to a stand still with little damage done. fodgert'ill('. Mrs. Nelson (':Ise, who has been vis Ring at 31r. '!'hos. C'ase's returned to her home in St. Marys Wednesday, - The Misses Maleolte of Chatham are visitors et Mr. Wn►. \Vhite's. Hite -The dwelling owned by Mrs, John NViJlis and nrcnpied by to Mr. Clark took fire on Sunday aheut four o'clock in the morning front an itn- knewn source and before anything could be done was consumed. The fire stat ted in the east end of the betiding where no store or fire had been. hence the mystery. . ('I uk saved lana of 1he content.. insured in the Hay Mtattint. Suffered Terribly 22 Years From Rheumatism Bu -Ju Tae Gentle Kidney Pill Cured him. It will cure you. R,•md .Jelin Greenwood letter. err Pills--!'rice:/k' At all Drug Store•, The Ideal Beverage ASK FOR , ( LONDON ) !'ALR ALB, palatable, full of the virtues ,•t malt and hop., and in sparkling condi- tion, is the ideal beverage. Now• when chemists announce its purity, :and judges its merit, one need look no further. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament l655) Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over SIXTY-TWO BRANCHES iN Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,C00 THE I)OMINION OF CANADA. - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE !!OURS 10 a. m. to 3 t'. n:. SATCRUA 1 S, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department, 1 further notice Interest on Savin s accounts will be e cited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly. l•eposits of $t and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, i CHEAP ILLBERY NOW Is the very time to buy Cheap Millinery at our Store. We have had an exceptionally large season in Millinery, but in the rush we have a number of CHOICE HATS LEFT which we must dispose of now that the season is about over. To do so we are going to sen them Away Below Cost. Hats at Your Own Price You can get hats at your own price during this Bargain Sale. Come early that you may have a good assortment to choose from. Don't miss this chance if you need a hat. W. 0. SHRUMM, Dashwood McGillivray Wm. Wright has returned to London after a pleasant visit here. --Miss Jane Pearson has returned from her visit to London.- Master Lloyd E. Saunders, after a pleasant visit with friends at Port Burwell has returned home. - James Gibson who had the misfortune to break a few ribs at A. ArtnstronR s raising recently, is getting along as well as can he expected and will soon be out again. -Mrs. Geo. West and daughter Blanche, of Sarnia, formerly residents of McGillivray, have gone on a trip to the coast. --Another of our highly respected residents has been been called sway in the pet son of Wm. J. Henry, at the ,age of 47 years and 11 rnouths, the sad event occurring on June''J3. The funeral took place front his bite residence, Con. 1, on Friday the remains being laid to rest in Den - 0.1(1 cemetery. Our avrupatby is ex- tended to the bpieavetl Pries in their sarrnw.-Jas. Meikle. of Champaign. is visiting his brother, William Meikle un the old homestead. --Mrs. Edward 314 -Cann and .ens, Jo±. arid Jelin, Lan- don, are visiting Mrs. J. I). Emery. Ail -a Craig: Murlpy Leon.,daughterj James Totten died at London .111ly 8.i Canadian National Exhibition. The 29th annual exhibition will be held in Toronto iron Monday, Aug. 20, Preparation Day. to Monday. Sept. 9, Get -Away Day. Nearly 815,000 will be spent in pren)iun►s and a similar amount in attractions, while 8:360,000 worth of new buildings will for the first time be opened to the public. Moray Urs, (sieve's many friends will be pleased to learn that she has nearly re• covered front her late illness. -Miss Marry Levi., who has been teaching in S. S. No. 1:3, for the past two years, and who tc•centl• tenth.) ed her resig- nation as teacher in the school, return• ed to her home in Parkhill on Satur- day. Miss Love intends taking a Nor• oral school course. She is a faithful, efllcieut and painstaking teacher and will be missed by her many friends in the section.-E(Iward Ryan, of Mt. Carmel, who has been in St. Joseph's hospital, London, is home again and very much improved. -His Many friends hope he will continue to im- prin•e.-Mints alae O'Leary, of Toronto, who has been visiting friends in this vicinity, retorted home V%ednesday. Mitchell, Ont., May I:3. 1laiT The Chilli) ('henieaal ('e. Windsor, (►rat. Dear F'ri(nda,-- A great a irtte y has been wan by ( he use of "Bit -Jit", after 22 yea2. of terrible suffering hien Sciatica anal Rheumatism. 1 li-ave been it great sufferer ft oto this terrible disease for 22 years back: at times i would have backeehe and terrible pain. in nay hips, hip -joints and also down nay legs to the bottom of toy feet. I have anffrted untold egotty and only those who have had the Jiae•ase know what the terrible 'mins are. i tried ever y1hing i could think of, but got no relief until i raw "Bu• Jit", the gentle Kidney- Pill, advertised in the paper, and i thought I would give it at trial and i diel so. I bought one box of "13,i -.Iii" and got great relief. then i got five more boxes of them, and niter !sing .ix boxes I am completely cured of the aches and paint and can recou►►nend theta to any person Puffer ing as i did. hast whose 11hmigiat 1 worth! have tr. give rip altogether as 1 cell': handl' get nrnund on my legs. i :un more than thankful. more than, toneee can trig for getting Lid of ,it disease by the use of '•Bu•Jit", and nanny other 1 have told of it Imre been getting relieved of their pains. i •hall never be wit limit them in the house. 1 have been clays and week. flint 1 (-mild hard Min to the barn in do my chores. I lint] to stop different tittles anO rest 111 kgs. 1 thought many a rime 1 nhotatd be a cripple for life•, lett thank Oi d got seething et !set to knock it But, when 1 got hold of "Thiele"; and 1 c recommend it highly to others stlTeting from the sane disease. Yours very truly, Mitchell, Logan Township. (int. Amy OniesxwooD