Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 2111= yams.
- •
Seven Hundred and Nineteen Teachers
at the Present Time.
The second part of the report of the
Otabu'io Education Department, issued
Me other day, shows that lhcre are
seven hundred and nineteen High
school teachers in Ontario at the pre-
sent time. Of these 28.65 per cent. aro
women. The percentage of women to
the total number of leachers has been
Slei;dily increasing in Idle years. lr1
V44 it was 21.2 per cent., In 1905 23 per
cent. and in 1901'. 25.8 per cent. The
highest salary paid is $3,500. The nv-
cruge. in Collegiate Institutes is $1,1711,
which is $51 higher than last year. The
average in High schools is $975, an in-
crease of $42 over last year. The av-
t•:age salary for men assistants ,s $1, -
*91, an increase over last year of $68.
'lin average for women assist ,els i..
8762, which is higher than last year by
The greater part of this section of
the report is taken up with the report
of the inspector of Iecllntcal education
and the report of the inspector of con-
111:untion classes. In regent to techni-
c.' training, Mr. A. 11. Leake, the in-
spector, says: -`Tire introduction of
net, nature study, and constructive
work should do, and are doing, much
to give a more practical trend to Pub-
lic school education, but a curriculum
e•1 paper without efficient teachers is
of little value. Froth observation and
rs. '!v,ndence I nm forced to the con -
(w .. a Iliat a large number of our
leachers are e.!hout the necessary
knowle11ge to 4 arable them to teach
Riese subjects. A small departmental
grant would encourage their introduc-
tion. This would only need to be con-
tinued until they were firmly estab-
lahed, and their value recognized. To
rive to the teachers the knowledge luck-
ing, steps such us the following might
L.• taken: -L The issue of bulletins by
the department. 2. Establishing centres
..1 instruction. 3. Encouraging corre-
spondence regarding difficulties. 4.
The institution of small circulating lib-
rsr•ies containing (say) twenty of the
best books on these subjects, accom-
panied by a brief explanatory pamph-
"Up to the present our educational
s}stem has concerned itself almost en-
t!'•ely with preparation for college lite
and the so-called learned professions,
and arose who have neither the inclina-
tion nor the opportunity to lake up ei-
ther have been neglected and not con-
sidered fit subjects for educational ef-
fort. Every interest in the province de-
mands consideraliorn and schools of the
following classes are required: -1. Ag-
ricultural high Schools or classes.
2. Technical high Schools or classes.
3. Commercial high Schools or classes.
t. Academic High Schools."
A number of recommendations are
also made in reference to continuation
classes requisite, it is claimed, "to bridge
the gulf between the rural school and
tit Ontario Agricultural College."
11 It%l.cl KNOCKED SENsoi,Ess.
Woes ate Attempt to Escape from
Chatham Jail.
A despatch from Chatham says:
Al 011ie Smith. of Knox, Tenn., and Ed-
e ui Baldwin, of \Wninslield, Ohio, on
'11 s, -,toy made a desperate attempt 10
break jail, by which the turnkey, Chris-
topher Somerville, nearly lost his life.
Beth men were arrested on Tuesday, in
Tilbury, a few miles west of here, for
forgery and the uttering of two forged
cheques for small amounts on the
Sovereign Bank of 'I ilbury. 'They were
mreignud before Judge Bell here on
Wednesday, when they pleaded guilty
and were remanded for one week for
sentence. Early Thursday morning,
while the turnkey was making his
rounds, he entered their cell. Ile had
laid the heavy lock on the floor while Be
undid another fastening. Ono of the
prisoners seized the lock and with it
struck the turnkey a terrible blow on
the head, knncking him senseless.
(:cvcrnor Davidson, hearing the distur-
bance, rushed in. and unarmed, wrested
the lock from the assailants, at the same
tune calling fur assistance. When it
ur rived the men were easily transferred
to safer quartets. The turnkey will re -
\11''.4 (; WITiI MILLION.
lire urn (tank \tanager Minus Ituin
Upon Thousands.
A despatch from Berlin, Germany,
says: It developed that last week's
bank failure al Alarienburg, due to Iho
defalcation of the manager of the con-
cern. was more serious than at first re-
torted. The tosses are now said to total
about 81.000. 000. Thousands of small
depositors lost their savings and many
tradesmen were ruined. 11 was rumored
(r1 the Berlin Bourse during Thursday
afternoon dull a private bank at Danzig
had been affected by the \Inrienburg
failure, causing a drop of two points in
its shares. The feeling of uneasiness
caused by the Marienburg failure and
lhw report from Danzig was increased
b) 1hi' announcement of the nrrest nt
Anklnu►, Pomerania. of herr Knorr, a
banker, on the chare.. of enbczzling
GOLD NEalt hR\c!I11.
Considerable I scItemenl to Chilling
ria: Sample.
A d(spateh from Ken. la says: Coro
t:adrrable excdetn•nl was aroused here
1,) the finding of a fine sample of gold -
14 ruing quartz on \lackeys -or the aid
MI117ie lal8nd, Foe gold is nlsc said !o
h:,w4 b( 411 d11 l c.. .:d In 11181 vicinity.
Old Trick '.as Worked at St. Caller
Ines Post -office.
A despatch from St. Cntlerines soy's
An unknown men on Friday appeared
a: the stamp counter in the post-ollice
and asked Miss Ethel Haynes, stump
vendor, for change for n 820 bill. Miss
Haynes said she had a ten and two fives,
and the stranger, posing as a one-armed
man. the other hand being in his pocket,
nsked her to put them in an envelope
and seal it. This ,done, the stronger
counted nut. $19.75, and finding that he
was short 25 cents, handed Miss llaynes
back what she thought was the same
envelope, while he went out to get the
other quarter. On his not returning
the envelope was found to contain no-
thing but two sheets of blank paper.
(:ROBS IN SAsk :11'CItEN AN.
increase in Acreage of Ever). Cereal
mown -Comparative FiUures.
A despatch from Ottawa says : C. C.
Castles, warehouse commissioner 8t
Winnipeg, reports to the Department of
Trade anti Commerce that the acreage of
grain crops in Snskntchewan for the
present season compared with the past
is us follows
Wheat 1.965,774 1.730.586
Oats 764,170 639.875
Barley60,995 53.565
Flax 86.48'3 70,1105
Speltz 871 768
The increase In wheat is 13.07 per
cent„ in oats, 19.42 per cent.; in barley,
15,87 per cent.; in flax, 15.7)4 per cent.;
and in Spellz, 13.41 per cert.
The number of acres sown in \lani-
lobn is as follows :-Whenl. 2.7:49.553;
orals. 1,215,596; barley, 619,570; flax,
1907. 1906.
"-00" TR SEPI(: 17.7114,319 10\)4.
June Returns SIww Nearly '1'hre:• Mil-
lion Increase.
A dispatch from Sault Ste. \I rie
say,. June traffic through •the "5. 0"
ship canals broke all records and brings
lb( season's 1n1n1 to dale up to 17.788,-
319 Inns. This Is slightly under three
millions greater than for the snore
pr reed lost year. The total for June
v n• 8.865.142 on'. '(n er n million tons
increase over Mnv. Meavy traffic was
noted in ore, grain and cont. Of the
Intel tonnage. 7.033.10:6 was castiound
end 1.831.816 v. -1. 7' 1' Ls expel -
ed that July mud \ - . ! .'. show still
heavier traffic.
Spread Among Landholders,
Peasants and Coolies
1 (1 -iat•-• 1r.n u.y< '.••
( ... .pa. - 1 .11 the Ir. :Ie
u1 111d,n as „ moose' truer. but 'u•
1141 inerca• is. A cc'I'resI•ondeel, . 1w
1, - renal) h, 1:111cu11a frnnr three
t. • - of the I!.ost disaffected districts 'n
Is oil. lelegraplis 111111 the scriousr0's•
.,• . '. n is hardly realized I.y
11 1 .0 Indra or a1 berme. A
1, ;oil- tilt ,liseuntent woos cen-
t . • I ton to w 1e1• adcrs nn.l clocks, but
1 , ., it ha• spread nnn•ng the handhold -
end 1114 Bengal aristocracy, as well
e mixing the peasants aslunts and oadies,
In the Noise! dedriot committees 4!
st.tele. after they' called idl. 154'tl'1144
ohm lig Ma Fr.
Loa nest hit n. )aye
(w 071 f• tiio' f, 'these committees hole)
jade cal ( equines. surnm••n wttl..'s•.•s
nod punts! • flendrrs. The Gossett,-
ha -
f.%4 ettisha- exhausted its reserve el It eli,•.• snit
1 es baro we) companies of Gurkhas
horn As -1a nod nli!Itnry peke hent
(star I'1ee%mos. ileac are la sed •11
1 sr.,:.11 irilchc s . 1. ill th( .. ditty, tut
are unable to prevent 111. • srculion
of loy1IIi.I ,
The worst f(alure of the silunli. tt Is
the g.o'w ingt number et assaults un He
ropean•. After detailing ,reale of these
1 :it -louden! adds ilial Eurepel1'Is
,e about armed with r(w4IVIr'. Eu-
ropean passenge(•rs curry shotguns aro...
(heir knees in train'. Ladies are afraid
t4 travel on the Asarum-llengal railway.
A Irani.. officer szrA (here wns ■)anger
of etch») seconds 41 lt:c 1414. b•'ing
(1..84 d 4wIIIg L the reluelanc( of guards
end deoesit Inke trains tilt. (el ane
ece8sken n4 fewer 114011 fifteen guards
'seised le work. The impression :s
gaining strength that firearms are Ili•
1• ring into the emintry from untruth
end from 4.hnndernag. re in eastern Ren -
An.,lla r c(rresp ( nde111 al Sinri:►
tort' 111e extension o1 the se(lilien In.
1.. the a Mural Provinces.
Toronto, July 0.-Wheat-Onlarto --
Fart,i; inclined to vary on small trans-
aetions; No. 2 white, 88c to 89c; No, 2
red, Slits to 89k.
\\ heat-\lanitoha-Sellers quote No. 1
hard 99.16c; No. 1 northern, 97%c; No.
2 northern, 95e.
Corn -Firm; No. 2 yellnw, 61c to 61y,c,
L':+rlcy-Nominally quoted No. 2 55c,
Nu, 3 extra 54e.
Ryes -Dull, around 70c.
lktckwheat-60c. •
I•'l(nt1'--Ontario-90 per cent. patents,
83.10 bid, 83.60 asked. Manitoba first
patents, 81.75; seconds, 81.20 k, 84.251
bakers', $1.05 to $1.10.
Bran -817 to $17.50, outside; theirs.
about $19, outside.
Buller---\larket is steady, and
are 114)4'y. and demand good.
Creamery prints
do solids .. .. .. .. .. ..
Dairy prints .,., ....
do Solids ... ....
Cheese -12%c for large and
twins, in job lots here.
Eggs -17c 10 17%c per dozen, in case
Brans -111.65 to $1.70 for hued -picked
and 81.50 to 81.55 for primes.
Polatocs-Delawares, 81.25 to $1.30,in
car lots on track Jere. Ontario, $1.10
le $1.15.
Baled Hay -$15 to $15.50 for No. 1 limo
(lily; No. 2. $12.50.
Baled Straw ---S7 In 87.25 per ton in
ca,r lots on track' lore.
204; to 21c
19e to 0(k:
17c to 18c
17c to -00c
12%c for
Dres.sel Hogs -Nominal at $9.50 for
lightweights and 88.75 to 89 for heavies,
fanners lots.
Park -Short cid, 822.75 to 823 per bar-
rel; mess, 821 to 821.511.
Smoked and Dry Salted \teals. -Long
c:ear bacon, 11c to 11%e for tons and
cases; hams, medium and light, 15%e
to 16c; heavy. 11%c to 15e; backs. 16%c
to 17c; slouklcrs, 10%e to lle; rolls,
11%e; out of pickle. lc less than smoked.
Lard) -Steady; tierces, 12%c; tubs,
12%c; pails, 12%c.
Montreal, July 9, -Oats are steady
under fair demand, and sales of Mani-
t:.ba No. 2 white were made at 49%e,
Ontario No. 2 at 48%c to 49e, No. 3 at
47y;•• ' . 48e, and No. 4 al 46%c to 47c
p: r 11ushel, ex store.
Flour -Market also keeps firm. Choice
wheat patents, 85.10 to 85.20; seconds,
84.50 to 84.60; winter wheat patents,
84.85; straight rollers, $1.10 to $4.25; do
in bags, 81.90 to 82; ext•ns, $1.60.
Manitoba bran in bags. $21; sl►nrls,
825 per ton; Ontario bran in bags,
518.50 to $20; shorts, 822 to $22.50;
milled muuille, $24 to 828 per ton, and
straight grails, $30 to 83S.
(tolled Oats -Prices on( steady at 82.25
t( 52.27'/, per bag, and for cornmeal
51.15 to 81.50.
Baled Hay -Prices show no change.
No. 1, 810 to $16.50; No. 2, $15 to 815.50;
ck,ver, 813.50 to $14; clover mixed, 812-
50 to $13 per ton in car lots.
011ieial quotations for butter are:-
Tewnships, 20%c to 21c; Quebec, 20%c
l0 20yc: Ontario, 20c; dairy, 17%c to
1$e. Receipts to -day were 2,385 pack -
a ties.
(:hese-Ontario, 11%C to 11%e; Que-
bec, 113 e; townships, 11%e. Itecipts
lo -las' were 26,613 bnxe:s. an extremely
lei go supply accounted for by the rec-
ent holiday. Wenk tone of market was
in the egg markett wholesale lots
were al 16'%e. and small lots 17yc,
Barrelled fork -heavy Canada sho►•l-
cut tress in tierces, 832 to 1161,50; heavy
Cr.nndn short-cut mess in barrels, 822
to $23.50; selected heavy Canada short
mess. Into:css. special quality, $23 to
$23,50; Canada ahorl-cot back, $21.50 to
822; light Canada short-cut clear, 820.50
to $24.50: Canada short-cut mess in half
barrels. 811.25 to 812.50: Canada short-
cut backs, $11 to 511.50.
Lard -Compound, 1l)c to Ile; pure
lard, 12%c to 13c. Prices are steady.
The same good demand continues for
ah smoked meats. Ramis, 25 pounds
end upwards. lie; do i8 to 25 pounds,
143/c to 15c; do 12 to 18 pounds. 1Sc to
15%e; do 8 to 12 pounds. i6e; do large
hems, bene out, rolled, 160; do small,
17o; English boneless breakfast Worn.
iSe: due thick. 133(,c; Windsor bacon,
Lucks. life: epire'di rolled bneon. bone-
less, short, 14c; (M long. 11%c to 15e;
Wiltshire bacon, 50 -pound sides, 1434c
IA) 150.
Buffa:o .I.1ly 9,-I'1• i:r
- -hong; \
\\ !or dal': S.
1 . \•.. 2
•,.'. Unls_ -1, .
\• . :' ini\ell.
nig ,1 :.►. Rye- \.. 1
( :,ani freig1Its unci:.n�•
--Strong. \Wheat
. 1 Northern,
lite, $1,112.
N•,. 2
\. 2 so le,
. I;,,t y .Ih-
!:, red 81).: C.i.f.
New York. July 9.-- Spot steady: Nn.
2 rd. 81.01% elev. 1. r: No. 2 red. 51.-
03%„ f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Die
11011. 81.14% f.n,b, afield; No. 2 hard
%%inter, $1.06 f.o.b. afloat.
Tnr.nlo, July 9. --There ons a fair de-
mand for peal to choice esporl cattle.
and n, llie suq,j•ly was ,tone leo ample,
prices w.re better all round.
Good stockers are wanted). but poor
sluff will not sell.
The demand for mulch cows is just
0. 'v very e(sy.
4!4c 14. 5 • per pound.
Sleep sold (stilly well; good to choice
(Sr. rt roes are \N4 -xi!' from 434 to 5c
ix•r prnnld: bur k. rind culls from 3 to
1.• per 'towel.
(ares nee unrl.nng('d at from (ti 10
$1I filth. Good eeives are wanted.
DAVI' ENINGS 111011 AL! •11.1:It 1UB
Telegraph)•• Rrlets meat Our Oon and
Other Counlriee of Recto.
1 so %n41.
Canadian Pa,::; mileage has increas-
ed on June 30 le :1.151.
(1y,tai City, flan„ soled down local
4 1111011 011 Wednesday.
The western crop is a big -one, but it
is Iwo weeks tate.
For the half-year the succession duties
zed amounted to 6512,417.
The trade between Lunada and Ja-
pan 411 1906 totalled 82.379,686.
Traders Bank counterfeit $5 notes are
'G ...Ovulation.
Joseph Hyde. market gardener, drop-
ped dead at Kingston on Friday.
Wm. Julian had an arm terribly man-
gled on the Government dredge in fort
Stanley on Friday.
The increased subsidy of $100,000 will
be paid by the Dominion Government to
the Provinces from July 1.
Customs receipts at Montreal for June
showed an increase ..f 5113,440 over
Jtine. 1906.
Thirty designs were submitted for the
prc.p..•4 (1 $3,000,000 departmental build -
1n1. al Ottawa.
Gardner hunter, a Ilaileybury bar-
tender, has been arrested on a charge
of manslaughter.
George I'enini was fatally stabbed by
another Italian named Peter ['epi, at
\'i.ncouver, 13. C.
The jury for a second time disagreed
in the trial of Thos. F. Collins for mur-
der at Hope Bay, N. B.
C. 1'. t.. gross earnings for the fiscal
year just ended were $72,494.000, an in-
crease of $10,000,000.
In five hours 112,000 bushels of grain
were loaded on the steamer \lanchester
Snippc.r at Montreal.
The Provincial Board of Health will
attempt to improve the sanitary condi-
tions in cheese factories.
The annual report of the inspector of
asylums advises the menial examina-
tion of new arrivals into Canada.
London's customs collections for last
month totalled $72,572.06. un advance
of $8,767,37 over June, 1006.
Mr. D. B. Manna. General Manager
of the Canadian Northern, says the
Gpcaroperofancetire west have a hopeful ap-
The Dominion Coal Company broke
cit records on Saturday by shipping
20,000 tons of coat to the SI. Lawrence
Many bricklayers in Winnipeg have
quit work. refusing to accept the corn -
promise offered by the contractors.
Thomas Mooney, of Winnipeg, who
slabbed a man in a street brawl, was
sentenced to ten years in the peniten-
Three men were killed in the Sydney
mines of the Nova Scolia Steel Com-
pany on Saturday, by the mistake of a
chain runner.
Dr. Acland Oronhyalekha. son of the
into Supreme Chief Ranger of the 1.0.1'.,
died suddenly at 'Tho Pins," near Des-
eronto on Sunday morning.
One roan was killed and several per-
sons were injured Saturday by the
breaking of the cable .on the incline rail-
way at Prospect Point, N.Y.
The Government will probably locate
the New Ontario experimental faun at
\,(•Dougall's (shute, beyond the end ::f
th( steel of the Terniskaning Railroad.
Tho lease of the Ontario Government
properly and water -power rights al
Mealy Falls to the Northumberland-
Duirham Power Company has been
signed by the company.
British naval and military nuthoriites
base refused to allow the enlistment of
a young mulatto.
Potatoes are lot dear to eat in Fast
Lancashire, and many chipped potato
restaurants are closed.
Peter Curran, the Socialist candidate,
was elected to the itritish Commons from
the Jarrow division of Durham.
Kier ilnrdie, lender of the Socialist
party in the British Commons, leaves
Ibis week on a visit to Canada.
An epide►nic Ls killing thousands of
sheep in Wyoming.
The 11. S. Government closed its fiscal
year Snlnrttay with a surplus of 587,-
In the rush on Brooklyn bridge nn
Sunday a pickpocket stole $6.350 from
Peter Worth. n bookmaker.
Ossian Guthrie. a noted geologist and
engineer of Chicago. is to be married for
the fifth nine, .aged 81.
Two women severely bent n man who
had insulted them in a New York sleet
car. rind then had hien arrested,
He Put $96,317 in a Suit Case and
Said Good=bye.
A despatch from New York says: De -
1 ctivos throughout the United States
arc searching for Chester B. Runyan,
paying teller of the Windsor Trust
Germany, who, the directors allege, is
missing, with 896.317 In cash. George
W Young, a director of the trust cone
g.eny, confirms the reports of the defal-
cetons, which the detective.; say is one
of Iho most remarkable ((4r reported.
Runyan is accused of having placed
89ii,317 in cur•r•e'ncy in a suit case last
Satul'dny, and, after shaking !muds
with his banking associates, left the
trust company. Since then ire has not
teen seen. Runyan. it is said, diel not
even go to his apartment to bid good-
bye to his wife, to whom 1►e had bee
married for five years. He is sai.iar •
heyo taken all the cash availalale Iu
the bank lost Saturday. The directors,
:1 is slated, have wade up all the less
of the defalcation.
Runyan was a 111811 of exemplary ha-
bits. so far as known, and his conduct.
was such ns 110t to arouse any suspi
con. \\'t!en the auditors went over
los acceunls on May 1 they were found
1c be all right.
'1'eo•n (Anoints in Greenwich, Conn.,
have forbidden enamored couples to sit
oat the stone fences, and constables are
detailed to see that the order is obeyed.
A monster dant. w tach will form a
reservoir capable of !biding 170,000.000,-
000 gallons of water, 1- to be bt,ill in the
Catskill by New Turk city's Water Sup-
ply Board.
(;LNI;ItAi .
Canadian newspaper print is being
largely used in Tokio.
The Paris Figaro says the new treaty
between France and Canada will shortly
be signed.
Many persons were drowned in (:hili
he a hood cat1SC(l by the bursting of a
clam formed by volcanic acticn.
President Cabrera of Guatemala has
seized) 160 of his enemies and had many
.,f 1110111 condemned to death.
Prof. Otos Schuller, of the University
01 Rectum, is dead. a martyr to his eager-
ness 111 cancer research.
The French ballleshih Noche cmtght
fire at Toulon on Saturday, and was
sunk in her slip to prevent an explosion.
Asbestos horseshoes are being con-
e;idered as a new invention in the Island
of Hawaii, to protect horses' feet from
het volcano ashes.
Several suits have been entered in
France by heirs of Catholics to recover
property bequeathed to the Churl, for
Bit purpose of saying \lasses for the
RIMMING NEW 1:111111,
Money Granted by Government for New
Ontario Judiciously Spent.
A despatch from Toronto says: Dr.
Bruce Smith. Jail Inspector, has just
returned horn a tour of Inspection ( f
the jails In New Ontario, and states
that the gran) of $100.000 voted at the
last session of the Legislature for the
building of new jails and improvement
of others in )hal district was being jar
dickotsly expended. New jails are being
built at (;ore Ray, Sudbury, Port Ai. -
thin. and Fort. Frances. while Improve-
ments are being made to the 'Soo" jail
and the one at Kenorn. The work is
being somewhat hampered by the over-
erew•ding of the jails in the district with
lalorcrs who are working on the double
tracking of the C. 1'. It.
4 - --
ii'roiresste fort Arthur 1'ndcrlaking
Some Big Things.
A despatch from Pert Arthur says:
Thirteen by-laws were voted on on Wed-
resdey and ndoptc(l by n majority vote.
These ihcluded the construction of two
Concrete and steel bridges, the purchase
of street cars, the expenditure of 360,-
60:(.00 for Improvements to the Current
It•vcr. cdtension of the waterworks
825:1,000. for the erection of a police sta-
tion, for d(.a1Lle-hooking the street rail -
for -' yen Writ's. the establishment
of :111 ite o rating plant. for the cree-
ls u , 1 no w nor barns and the is..18lin1)
lie -fetal and for park improvements.
Aleut $600.(10 was called for Ly the
vat out by-laws. A plebiscite on dog.
y(lepnlenl of Deg Lake Falls revealed
nn ollirmotive response. white the pro -
lose, to purchase land for a fair ground
was rejected. The vote was small and
1i111e interest was taken.
Men Draped for Service in Airiest and
Corsica as Penally.
A dr:cpntch from tennis says : hel-orls
of mutinies among regiments encamped
at Larzac have been cenunon during the
last week. They here always been ,net
by official denials and the production of
commanding ollicers' reports that all
was well in the croup. That Ihis WAS
nol nlingethcr Irue u shown by tin offi-
cial statement on Wednesday to the
'Thirty-seven are dead in the United effect That al nut r1 lonelr.s, men belong.
Stales and ever Iwo thousand maimed ung le the 1(1111. I14:111, 111 w• 10 being
ns a result of the Fourth of July eelebra• sent away 10 lie di.lrllso..1 among ether
110118. regiments. It is (Ali 14.11) said that
(ns engines for the production of eleven of them have gone to \borseilles,
•10(71 are found In be cheaper 1h8n coal whence they w 111 h• Ir un -f• I red to coo
I. • the United Steles Steel (:nrporelion mean and African •tnliwls
(:1•NI1OtT (IN 4.11E'T 2.1K1:st,
(:rent Britain )las (:ten Perrni.sion In
the United 514les.
:\ despatch flow Washington says:
Tee stale tl pi'''neal 11:15 rc.ei'el the
tesurancc " Moos Government
ILnt h :4
ere �. i . n.. 1, t) to the
Fogless Of !; ,,• ` . 'a . ell Sealing
1),.• l41nl..e1 114.71 J1;811 1t• ,lu1.)
ltlle C .1 Lakes, whore ate will In' used
( cru-lI1 pn1 pe(.•. s Li the naval 111u-
1 111 11'1'1)1\TED LOI I:it.
y 1 ,
Two Ittiliens were killed and five in-
jured al Danl. try. (:mnn„ by an r'; ln-
Finn of dynamite caused by n blow from
n slenin shrivel.
i)r. 1. J. Fate: of Belleville. 111.. fasted
thirty days to test the theory- That feint
nhstincnee hv•m food for a p(rk.d is
1•011cf11'ial 1n health.
Fifteen weddings in churches anti et
hmncs mot ked 1110 annual "wedding
(lay' celebrated at Kenosha; Wis., the
Ir•! \W4.17. •I: •...1117,..
\I-11, 1 • f 1 , Ihn!npton. 8
1411', r:,:'r1.•r. c••:7:uII1•,1-7t(ide 1.y In:-
loning nn nnchor o 'nio 1)n.1
jumping inti the 5nsgn1 trrnn nolo.
('el. Jelin Cn•sins, 4f \ IrginIa. tins Iv -
(lewd In have his Bair cul since the ei'a
war. hallooing a %ow Ihnl he w.a1.111 r..
chew heireuls until the South w1)s Imo
Owe persons w1 re serinu-.ly injured .1.
New York hyo el ear (ootling into n ge-
r.ry wwirnk•a.
'i -he %%.i11' 4f n hnn•st..7.% 411,4,• I ion I-
tng ril tire -anon ^n!lapa•d Ori forty
101.11 rs, but n11 .-eap'41 withnul 8(1'00114
V% i1114ip• 41 suicide i. Identified as 11
114•:111h) Farmer.
\ rt. .0 \\ :nmp1• g say.: The
( I':oh s:a: .1r ha• teen Id• ntili •1
I.141el ses.i', n wealthy farmer ( f
!soli. \Ian.. Win was disnpp. 1n!(el in
74 1•.%c nflwr clout Ihrre wraiths ago,
end ha- since tern spending his tree
ora the ell) Without employment.
STEAMER MOl'NT 1101'.11. WILE(:KED..
Six Members of (:r.!w Drowned, Includ-
ing First Offic;r, Purser and Simard.
A dcsp:.tel4 from \'iclotia, B. C., says:`
T11(7 Hudson's flay Company's )stern,
wheeler Ittount. Royal, plying on the
Skcensi, was a complete loss by wreck
con Saturday afternoon. Captain John-
son and all the passengers were saved.
Six of the crew were drowned. The
dead are: -MO M. Lewis, first officer;
James O'Keefe, purser; A. \\'illus, ste-
ward; 13. Frayne, fireman; a Japanese
carpenter and a Japanese deckhaud.
led:uns with canoes did good service
in the work of rescue.
alcagre details were received Satur-
day- night of the loss of the Ihalo s''s
Bay steamer \fount )loyal, operating
cu the Skeenn River between Port l s-
sotglon and Ilazelton. 'The vessel struck
while negotiating the dangerous rands
:11 the worst part of the river at Kitse-
las Canyon, and sank almost imniedi-
The Fireman Killed and Engineer iv
Badh Scalded.
A dc.petcl from Rainy River. Ont.,
says: A train wreck occurred on Fri-
day night on the Canadian Northern.
six smiles east of here. The ore. !,•..1
'train was No. 2 Expresseaat■ un.l,
and was In charge of i:!,rsurer \\.
Hamilton and Conductor \hien!. Six
three cast of Rainy (liver the locomo-
tive struck three cattle, '' 11 !1 were ly-
ing 411 the track, dep'uiling the engine,
Anil and baggage cars and the first
and second-class coaches. The sleep-
(rs and dining car did not leave the
rails. Engineer Hamilton was badly
scalded, but 11is injuries are not ex-
pected to cause death. Fireman Vance
was so badly injured That he afterwards
d:cd in the hospital.
Valance on the Itighl Side of Canada's
Hooks 816,000,000.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The re -
lions of revenue and expenditure for
the fiscal period of nine months, which
closed March 31s1, have been prncll-
cally all received by the Finance Depart -
recut, and it is now possible to deter.
nine the amount of the surplus for the
last fiscal period. 11 is almost sixteen
end r1 half millions. The. revenue
amounted to $67,969.328, and the expen-
ditures of revenue amount to 851.512.-
51.512:161, leaving a difference on the right
Ode of the Gnvernntent books of 516,-
427.167. The expenditure on capital ne-
e. unt during the period was 814.233.-
625, leaving 82,192.512 for the reduction
of the Dominion debt.
Climbed to Window of industrial School
and lump d.
A despatch from \I- tilrenl says: 4!1
Vine Robert. the 15 -)ear -old se .1 . f
Chief of Police Robert, of Lachine. eIrl
walking in 1113 sleep on Saturday nigtll,
canlbrd to n window of tie Mentes In.
(Iuslrinl Schonl at Oka and jumped out
of the win(k►wv to the ground. n distance
of 45 feet. While walking in the garden
in 111e morning one 4f tie I Minks found
the lad's dend body clad in n WOO
e•h!rt lying close to the school wtilt.
its skull ons fractured and death roust
► aye been instantaneous.
P1.t%Il\(: 'HILLS ON PittIIIl1. .
Ac1Ie 44tmoni(rt 01 Eduration I.oinq
on In the \orlhwcsl.
A despnt('h from Ottawa says: An ar-
t.'.. nmpadgn us going nn in Die North -
w,'1 in favor of Tree prepng8tun (111(1
tree preservation. The officials Hawn
been I.usy gelling the established farm-
er,. and the new settlers on prairie!
lam!. to 1114111
111nu\ 15 (iR()1\lv:
1:. p. It. depart 01 11 a-lr1 n ( rep, -•
11rather I. 1'8'o1-a1.l...
\ 114 -patch (rem Winnipeg say- 1
w'ekk crop report W11.1 11 •1. 11,1 . 1
11.e I:. P. 11. officials 4n '11 1 "1e•
mg. 81111 undicnlions 811 al. mg the one
arc to the effect Ilial the wheal 1)1)42
other grains are growing last under
Iowa weather condili•rn9, 'there
has been plumy of rain in meal dos•
tittle, but s.•'ernl need more •h-•wrr',
'1110 gleam 1- up 16 I. IK inches in ruin,
1.181: cs,
SI11.111E IN .1'11.1 t.
I:Idrrly Hamann 1)1414).• Poi -,441 in III'li
WI' :41 I.'Il.h.11
1 cicspsd. h 110111 1 11.14•7 - \ • : \',
`?. (..1108. nn innee. of 111. \<'liim for
In•:11 0. cnnul!.11et1 suicide on 114) rsdny
1131111 by drinking carbolic acid, whlch
sir hn'l 01 deal in 801110 unknown
manner. \Ir•. \\'nnton, who was an
el.terly oteisin. one confined en nr-
rr.unt of :a sni. slat manta. II•`r relallvee
Ilse in the- (dto.