Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 1in Iovttaliofls print invitations on e newest of paper, with the newest of type, at a reasonable price. You want something nice. The ADVOCATE Office TIETH YEAR. ttef EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 11. 1907. Real Estate Changes table tie nue\1 , iu%Vt un. equalled fat -Oil to tent. sell or buy . ' • i farm or Village Iu'ol.�•1 t . Try it. KANPERRS & CuE1 ci3. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign Bank of Canaa libb• HEAD OFFICE: -TORONTO. E317L1rS JARVIS, Esq., V. G. jeoveTr. I:'el•. J'resideal, Gene, u:•.11ana. cr. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: . EMIr-IUS JARVIS, Esq., - - - Pt-esileml RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq., First I'iie-Pre,:::, :1 A. A. ALLAN, Esq., r • Second l'it-e-Presrdr,:! line. 1). McMII.I.AN, ARCH. CAMPuEI.I., Esq.. M. A. E. DVMF.NT, E M.P. Savings HON. 1'E:TIih( MCi.ARE x, P. W. K. ML N.miiT, ALex Recce. Esq., K.C. Bank Depart:neat. Into rest at 1,_st current rates paid q11::: ter1'-. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, H. ARNOLD, Manager Ilensall Branch The Old Reliable We beg to announce that we have more zAa=Es WE TE WAISTS than we can carry over, consequently will reduce the price: $1.00 to 75 1.75 to 1.25 2.50 to 2.00 1.25 to 1.00 2.00 to 1.50 3.00 to 2.50 1.50 to 1.25 2,25 to 1.75 These goods go quickly. Come early and get your choice e still carry a fine range in Astoria Shoe -nobby goods Highest Price paid for produce dRLING BROS. lr feaal•■al Cares. • R O. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S., D D, 8. I DENTIST ,Member of the R. C. D. S of nntario and Honor I]tadtxate of Toronto Uniiersit,. MICE: Over Di,•keon k ('arl:n,'+ La.i office, in br. Anderson's former Dental Parl,,r- ` DR. A. R. KiNSM.AN, I.. D. 8., D. D. 8.. jHonor graduate of Toronto Unireristr. DENTIST. Essth tuttracted without any tufa, or any bad effects [IV* oars, Oladman k Stanburys office, Main street toter. Medical A ►. MALLOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER Za Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. rainier Muse Surgeon Toronto western Hospital. an,* ewer to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on li) rat *tree northot office, Baster, Ontario. Legal ICxBON k CARLING, BAR ftterns, BOfJCt. tonU, ot arI (' es, on,ecam ers, C ornmlidoners. 'Helton for Molecule Bank, et, Mossy to Coon at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, !& Catmint', B.A., le. 11. Drains 40NILY To LOAN. FARM FOR SALE lu1 a•^res more or less in the Township of Stephen tent Lot 13, Con. 12. There Is on the premises a good frame house, 2 good hank barn., and other outbuildings; gs04 orchard and other conveniences. This is a Ent elfin farm and will be sold reasonable. For particulars apply on the premises or by mail to WM. HOOPER, Khl,a Stray Heifers There strayed from the premises of (he under- signed, Lot 3, Con. 3, rsborne, two heifers, two year old, one red and the other red and while spotted, right ears half slipped. Any person finding same v.111 1 e e':::;.t.lv rewarded. .rt•Its THHOMPSON, Centralia P. (1. Strayed Hog There arras cd from the premises of the underei n• ed, Lot mem. 17, Ste ,hen:on July 2, 1907, a white hat, one year old, weighing over 2011 lbs. Anyone giving information that will lead to Its recovery will le rewarded b, notifying ED. WILDS, hhipka A fine paaturc4arm In the Township of Hay, near 8arepts; one hundred acres FS acres seeded, frame house and good stable, good w•ster, etc., Apply to SAxDittle es enattcn. Exeter. House and Lot for Sale. Baseball, A game of baseball that was inclined to be "ragged" was played on the grounds here Thursday night between Farquhar and Exeter, with the result in favor of the visitors, 11-8. Five in- nings were played. The defeat of the home team was due to a, number of successive costly errors. In the fourth inniklgs the visitors piled up no less than six runs, which Exeter duplicat- ed u licat-ed in the fifth. Sanders and Knight were the battery for Exeter and Clarke and McNichol for Farquhar. The players were: --Farquhar: Godbolt, T. Ballantyne, Tuflin, Borland, McNicnl, NV. Ballantyne, Handily, Clarke, Pol- len. Exeter: Harding, Powell, Knight, Sanders, Sne11, Hoskins, Smith. Spackman, Manns. The return game between Exeter and Farquhar was played on Monday when Exeter won by a score of 10 4. The result was largly due to the fact that the Exeter boys bad a patting streak on and hit everything in sight, while it was almost impossible for Farquhar to touch Carling who was in the box for Exeter. Home runs were made by Harding, F. Anderson, Boyle and Spackman. Five innings were played, in which Exeter scored 0, 2, 4, 1, 3 and Farquhar 0, 0, 0, 0, 4. A very large number of people were at the game, e, fifty or sixty of whoop were ladies. The players were: -Exeter: Harding, Powell, F.Anderson, Knight, Boyle, Spackman, G. Anderson, Hos- kins. Carling. Farquhar: Godbolt, Ballantyne, Dnflin, Borland, Duncan, Pollen, McNichol, Hanrbly, Clarke. Exeter Council Council ,net in Town Hall, Monday, July 8. at 8:30 p.m. Absent Councillor Heitman. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A correspondence frau the Ontario Municipal Association was read and ordered to be filed. The following accounts were passed and orders drawn on Treasut er for the same: Connor Bros.. account. to June 10, $22.25; Do., repairs for cemetery, $2.95; J. H. Dennis, lumber and re- pairs $4,115; Saxon Fitton, repairing and winding clock for one year, to June 21st, 1125; Jas. (`onnot, salary as Liberian. $23; Harvey Bros., coal, etc., $1.25; Bell Tel. Co, messages, 40c., C. Stanlake, labor at cemetery, $18.75; J. Cookson, do., 75c.; Thos. Creech, part payment on gravel contract $2507; Jas. Creech, sr., labor, $15; W. Westeott, do., $15.13: B. (,?ounce (lo., $1.50: Geo. Cudmore do., $1.25: R. Dav is. do., $1.75: $• Handford. do., $1.75; John Willis. do.. 75c.; Queen City Oil Co., gasoline, $18.14; Norman Cruickshanke, testing milk. 50c.: Wm. Creech labor and ma- terial. 81.75; W. J. Bissett, part salary, $33; C. W. Cross, part salary cemetery, $27; C.B. Snell, elects is light for June. $102.12; Do., Town Hall lightning $3.00; W. W. Neil, street watering, $25; passed on motion of J. J. Knight. sec- onded by W. Johne, -Carried. Fuke-Johne-in future the street commioner keep a sharp lookout for parties guilty of violating the By -Law by riding bicycles on the streets. Ad- journment by A. E. Fuke, Jos. Senior, clerk. - --- Iiarpley B MissMaud Hodgins is visiting friends et in n, l.0 (n1o -Mts. W. A. Molhtrd and a family andMts. MNesota .n t a to are visiting their father Geo. Slierritt.--Miss Nut - ton is spending the suntrner with Mrs. f Thos. Love. -Vhiie driving on the A. ti 13. Lute Richard ' C11aMl A Vebt' e horse took li fright at a man digging post holes. The horse reared and tbrew inself on th the shafts, bursting a blood vessel, ar which caused its death immediately. p A Lefler From Germany Berlin Germany, June 2.5, 1007 Dealt EDITOR. -It is some months since 1 last wrote you from England and if 1 have not forgotten 1 think I sold I was soon going to the Continent. Well, I have been in many places since but finally hooded to stay a while in Berlin in "Old Germanee" and must tell you that there are many worse places to live. Berlin, in fact, was a surprise to Inc. 1 had no idea it was so large and beautiful. Wby, it is the fourth city in size in the world, hav- ing a population of over three millions, including its suburbs. It is also a ver} pretty city and of this one never hears ,nticb, thus giving one a surprise. Why it has a beautiful "West End" like London and Paris and other places, and to say the truth it is quite as pret- ty. One does not see the old historic sights that atee pointed out to you in London especially, but therein, 1 think, lies its beauty in being more modern. Old places like The Tower, Westmin- ster Abbey, etc., in London, are very nice, but twat is a fault of London and England. They have too many an- tique things. They allow their dwel- lings to become too old and unsanitary and have too great a pride in things historical -in tact live too much in the past instead of the living present and future. But Berlin is different as is also Brussels and Paris. These cities have been rebuilt since London has and look quite modern and more like a large Canadian or American city and to my mind are therefore more beautiful. Berlin bas many places of historical interest also. suclt as its Cbarlottenhurg Palace and Pat k (called the Versailles of Berlin) and its Royal Palace at the top of Unter den Linden Strasse, and, by the way, this is said to be the most beautiful street in all Europe and certainly it bas a very strong claim to the distinc- tion. This broad and entirely unique street is entered by the Brandenburg gate (which corresponds to the marble arch at Hyde Park, London and the Triumphal Arch in Paris at entrance to Bois de Boulogne) and is the en- trance from this street to the Tiergar- ten, a most beautiful natural park right in the heart of the city along the side of which runs the Tiergarten Strasse where the "400" of Berlin reside. This Tiergarten Park is inter- sected by several beautiful roads and along these roads are many beautiful statues and fountains, making the six hundred and fifty erre* in this park a veritable paradise. Berlin is also the seat of government and the Iteichstay building where the body meets is very grand and its gilded dome can be seen at a vreat distance. The individual points of interest in Berlin do not strike a traveller very strongly, but the whole city taken as a unity is very beautiful and compares fayorably with any other capital, and Germans have as much ground to be proud of their city as Parisians have of Paris. Ber- lin is also the educational centre of Germany and in sorne respects of the world. it has many large hospitals, nearly all of which are special hospit- als that are devoted to the treatment of each particular group of diseases, such as eye, etc., and there are here some of he best surgeons in the world, such as lets, Jansen, Hildebrand. Halle, etc. rue there are many other centres. tch as Leipzig, Strasburg,etc., which re great medical centres, but it is my natural that the largest city hould be the greatest in that line also. .eipziger.trnsse and F reidl•ich Strasse le two great business streets of Ber- n are very busy places and are only aten in this respect by the main oroughfares of Old London which e almost dangerously congested with eople and traftic. And just now 1 re- member that while in Glasgow, Scot- nd, some time ago 1 thought it one the busiest cities 1 had ever Been, ienna in Austria is at fine old city an its fatuous hospital, the "Bran• nhans" is known all over the medi- 1 world as also the great surgeons, Schnabel, Fuchs, i'ofitzer, Chiari, etc., But Buda -Pest h, also like Vienna sit- uated on the Datinbe is it prettier and cleaner city. 1 halve had the pleasure of seeing several Aoki iar), German, French, Belgium. Dutch, and of course British cities, but expect to see as i go back to England what is said to he the grandest view in Europe, nau►ely, a 'nil down the Ithine front Mayena to Cologne and expect to sail fron) South- ampton to New fork early in July, so 1 will have to leave good old Berlin and t the continent nthnc ret n f Europe with all its most interesting cities, etc., by the end of this week and although it 11 give nee a pang to quit. Europe, 11 I shall be glad to get lack to Dash- ed and to work Agiin after my gthened stay abroad and expect to be home ^front the middle of July. Property For Sale. We have at present a handsome of pieceof property consisting of fine two V •••etotey residence and two lots, with at good stable; all in first-class condition; ke conveniently situated; all tnodern im- ea provement. Price is a snap. (`all or write The Advocate Office. We bare a large amount of pri, ate fund. to loan •, a r• t ring part of Ivt 1:., ('v21. 12, (',borne. 1 farm and village properties at low rates of Inter On •1.•. ; o rorty there Ise good brick cottage ami w • a' '• t' ,-. t .old will be rented. Aptly to (MADMAN k STANBt'RY, T. CAMERON, Awl.. Farquhar Barristers, Solicitor,,tlain st., Exeter On -----_____- __-- - William Brown Prof. Diptema of Royal incorporated Sar iety of ass ians, England; Organist M Trivia Memorial Ior. h,F.seter. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory MHO,. Terms on application Exeter, Out, Property For Sale ran or Lot 10, Con. 7. Township of t',torne, half eeast of Mims iIie thepropertyof the late Bra m icer. fXacres 01 first -clan ardwell fenced and 'net: en the I,ropertc Is a two storey brick house th kitchen an. woodshed: tern eszso and an excel. It dei. ing shed: two good hart water wells and tern in kitchen: *Do a good orchard. Terms i.... B %. For further particulars appy} on the premise., MRS. !Itel('F.R, E;lan%ilie, IF'W'P Vrir'Y"'IF 'IF 41. IF IP' g1 MALL 4 TERM OPENS SEPT. 2nd This management during the past year trained fiver Ta -n Hun. ledies nod ;Is •tenog. hook keepers 4 dread y owing gent Jerre n raphers. And telegr;tp ere. and placed there in excellent sittietion$ in leading ('anedian end .A(1)01I01(11 cities. tivtdael ln•truction. rite for cetaiogne 4 CLINTON i BUSINESS COLLEGE 4 OE(►. SI'OTTON. Principal. hAAilk eAAburALA&dsilt Alt I Farm Wanted to Rent, One of taco hundred acres. Apply at this ofliee. Tenders Tenders will 1, re• r t. ed by the undersigned for the deepening, straightening and widening of the Creek or Water (burse known a. Mud Creek is the Townshipof McGillivray, said work to be done in rc i a o tans w r e th the report and .Ian of 1 engineer. S+pc•lflrat:on., plan and profile may be seen at the residence of J. n, Drummond, Tp. ('leek. The con• frac for to sign bonds with erttisfartory sec urity inv the completion of the work. Tenders will be opened at Town Hall, West M.ttillisray on Monday, August !Ail, 1907, at 2 p.m. The lowest or any tender not ne esaarliya-cepted. .1. D. DR('MMOND, JOHN ROBINSON, Clerk. Reeve. s Farnl for Sale 1:5 acres (1 good laud. being Lot 111, and W'als, Von 12 Hibbert, Good property, well built, well ei t.utei and must he sold.' Terms easy. Apply to T. CAMERON, Awl , Fargnha NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1n the metier of the estate of John S. McLeod, late of the ('ity of Manis- tigue, in the Counts- of Schoolcrafl, State of Jlichigan, llotelkeeper, de- ceased. ylntice is hereby Iris en pursuant to Sec. 3t1ofChap. t•r 120 of the Retired statute,' olOntarin, INC, and amending acts that all perwons ha% ing claims against the said John R. Mo1.p d, who ,lied on or Shout the 1011 Clay of February, 1%07, are requested to *end by post prepaid, or deliver to Kenneth Goodman of the n • 1 Parkhill, County of Middlesex, Soli. icor for arc .4dministntor of the said deceased, on or before 27T11 DAY OF JULY, A,D., 1997 -be•r names. addresses and descriptions and a Lull statement of particulars .4 their claim, and the na- ture of the securities, (11 any 1, held by them, duly certified and that after said day the Administrator will proceed to distrilsite the assets M the aid de. .vasal among the parties entitled thereto, having ,.ranionly to n)ch claims of which he shall have not ice. JA11E4 1'ItE1,AN. Administrator, I1y h EN N ET'H (BOODMA N, 114 Solicitor. Date at Parkhill, this tub day M Jon, 101x. Store Property for Sale In the Village of Exeter. composed of north part of Int 11 on the west side of Main st., eon■isting of one good store and the building now used for a post- oTce, known as the Johns block. 11 not sold prir• ately on or before the loth day of August will be sold by Public Auction on the 31st day) of August. For terms and partkularrt apply to nos Cameron, Auctioneer, Farquhar. - -- - Two Farms for Sale or Rent Th4 uud..rni fi'ned ie oR.raig for sale or nnt. Lott 12, N 11., Rldtttulph, containing 112 acres, and the Sat acre lumen the opposite aide of the road, Ushorne Tp.. being E3 Lot 1•t on the former there Is a good wi brick house, 2 turn. (ane bank 1: driv ing holm. and nun) other iniprovernents. There are no building. 54' I on the 50 acres. This is an excellent property and WO will he *old 'rparateor combined at a very reason• lei) able peke. For particulars apply to THOS. (1InSELA, Whalen or to DICKSON k CARLING, Exeter Estray Cow. There strayed onto the premises M the under signed, Lot f2. Con. 3, Stephen, nn or about June 1. a red row. owner . an have same by pros ing prop- erty and paring expenses 1). SANDERS, Exeter P o' Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List 1907 Munleipality of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron Notioe is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections r and A of the Ontario Voters' List Art, the copies required by said sections to he transmitted oe delivered of the lid. made pursuant to the aid Act, of alt persons appearing by the taw revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to t.e entitled to rote in the said municiplualit, at i`Je tions for Members of the Legis- lative Asremhlr and at Muni, ipal Elections; and the said list was Ant posted op at my GSI c, at Crediton, on the ninth day of .tuly, A D , Iran, and remains there for in.pention. Electors are called npnn to examine the ai.t list and if any omissions, or any other error. are Irsind therein, to take Immediate p,,. -sedan to No/. the ROA errors exerted seeordinR to law. Dated at Crediton, July Rh, 1Atr; IHENRI' EMBER. ber Township fl ds supply of berries and cream. besides abundance of other delicacies, Th_esl- fortt Band Wits present and furnished excellent music. Proceeds amount to $53. -The strawberry feetival Clandehoye'ruesday evening was a' represented by our citizens, -Mi Emma Whiteford is confined to h home through illness. -Mrs. Morg has fully recovered from her illness. The many friends rel Miss Anne Case who resides with her brother, Patric will be indeed sorry to learn of t painful accident which betel her on Thursday evening. While descending some steps she trippei and fell, break- ing her left arm between the wrist and elbow. The accident will necessi- tate her carrying her arm in a sling for some titne to come. -The menh- bersof the L.O.L. of Biddulph and Lucan attended divine service in St. James' church on Sunday afternoon. This was the annual church service of the order, and is always held on the Sunday preceding the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. Rev. Carlisle was the preacher and his discourse was instructive and interesting. Our Or- angemen intend celebrating the 12tb at St. Marys. -John Carter, near Clan- deboye, met with an accident the other day which necessitated him taking a a rest. He was engaged at a ditch and while leading a horse the animal he - came frightened and knocked Mr. Car- ter down. He was assisted to the house and although no bones were broken he received a severe shaking u and sonic had bruises. We are pleased to learn, however, that be is getting along as well as can be ex pected. ed at ell ss er y, Bit HIRTHS BitENN>in--At Sbipka, June 30th, to Mt', and Mr's. Ezra Brenner, a son. I)Eelee-10 Stephen, ,June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Devine, a son. L:1MI'otrr-in Stephen, July -I, to Mr. and Mrs. We laanipurt, a daughter, DIi.JAitn1NE--At Grand Bend, July 4, to Mr. and Mr's. Jus Disjardine, a daughter. he SEALlt-In Clandebot-e, July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. John Seale, a daughter. MCLF.AN-In Lucan,July 4, to Mr. and Aire. Frets McLean, a sun. MARRIAGES, FOWLER--McElyl:s-At Hensel!, on July 10th, Bert Fowler, to Miss Jes- sie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McEwen, of Hensel!, DEATHS SHAPTON-In Stephen, on July 0th, Thomas Shipton, aged 68 years, 5 months and 0 days. STEtt•:1RT-At Lumley, on July 3rd, 1 Charles Stewart, aged 78 years, 4 1 montbs- T.iYLOR-In Mitchell, July 5, Mrs. John Taylor, in her 72nd year. ELLto'rr-in Mitchell, July 7, Francis Elliott, in his 75th year. Lumley Mr. Robt. Ellerington and family of Toronto were here the first of the week the guest of his brother Fred. -The Rev. A. Stewart of London spent the first of the week with his niece, Mrs. John McQueen, -Mr. J. A. Bolton had a dirt bee Saturday. -Miss Mary Mc- Queen is holidaying in the Forest city. -Mr. G. Itychman's neighbors turned in and gave hint a band thinning inangolds Mondayafternoon,-John Beatty and wife of Varna, T. M. Kay and wife, Alex. Stewart, and W. Hor- ton of Exeter, attended the funeral of the late Chas. Stewart Friday, -Mas- ter James Broadfoot is holidaying at Harpurhey and Seaforth.-S. Horton and sister Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Broadfoot attended the Drake -Norris nuptials at Cromarty on Wednesday last, -The mesons ate rushing the wall or, Grant Rychman's bora.-Jno, Horton. who spent the past six months with relatives here, bas returned to Brandon, Man. --D. Gibb and wife vis- ited visited at Mount Pleasant Satur- day and Sunday. DEATH OF Mit. STF,WART. -Iaast week another of 1'sharne's most re- spected residents was laid to rest and he now sleeps the eternal sleep. We refer to the demise of Mr. Chas. Stew- art, who passed to hie reward on Wed- nesday, July 3rd, at the age of 78 years and four months. The deceased had enjoyed his usual good health until about tnree years ago when he fell out of an apple tree from which he sus- tained such injuries that he never re- covered and since which time he has been t'er•y feeble. particularly during the past year. He, however, felt as well as usual Wednesday and went to bring home co his cow and when neurals home of Neil . lr. A.. er was s stricken clown. He called for help and Mr. Neil, who was close by heard his cry and quickly went to his assistance. fie was con- veyed to his home in a buggy and seemed to rally somewhat while in the rig but after reaching the house soon expired, heart failure being the im- rnteliate cause of death. He was a na- tive of Ireland, having been born in the county of Fermanagh. In the year 1863 he emigrated to Canada and settled near Port Hope where be only remained a couple of years. From there he went to the United States, and after two years residence there re- turned to Ontario and settled in the township of 1'sborne, near Lumley, where he has since continuously resid- ed on a farts. Noted for his strict in- tegrity and kind-hearted nature he claimed the highest regard of all two knew him. He was a staunch Con- servative and a member of the English church. ffe is survived only by hie Aged partner in life. his brothers and sisters having all predeceased him,and he had no family of his own. The fetn- eral took place to McTaggart's erme- o •t ter n Friday � ^t ( was Il a largely gtly at- tended. LAMI'oRT-At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, July 9. Miss Molly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James I.atnport, Cred- ' iton, in her 24th year. Funeral to- day (Thursday) at 2:30 p.m., from parents' residence to Crediton ceme- tery. WITHOUT SIGHT you are not much use in this world. And yet you are on the road to that condition every day you neglect the CARE OF )(OUR EYES. if you have never worn glasses or your old ones have been outgrown, come and have us examine your eyes. We can aid you and preserve your most precious possession - your eye- sight. W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician, EXETER. Phone 50. Hamoss Jfla1ig a� RODatflng Having purchased the harness Stock and Business of Mr, G. Ilonse, f ata prepared to do first class work in the manufacture of new harness of all kinds, or in the repairing of old harness. I solicit a trial when you will be convinced that we snake the very hest and give you satisfac- tion. Trunks, Valises, Etc. We have a good line ( f Trunks, Valises, Illnnkets, etc., on hand and will sell them at the most reasonable prices. Wm. Beer, Exeter SAMSON PORTLAND CEMENT So Mr. Editor, till then 1 elan takeYours ' A Car received Tuesday.The best leave of you. `" for Walks, Floors, Silos, Walls, etc. T. P. McLaughlin. Q 1•nter den Linden Stresse, Berlin, Germany. Fltrgllhar. Haying has been commenced in this district. and will be in full blast next week. The crap is an average one. -- Mrs. Wm. Kai' is quite ill this week of intlanrnatton. Our lays pleyed two games of baseball with Exeter Ia.t week, breaking even. in Exeter on Thursday they won. 11.8, but at home Monday they lust. 10.4. A big crowd of enthusiasts saw the home genie. This will likely iw the last genie of the Beason as the harvest demands: atten- tion. This we regret As the Loy. were playing a fair genie. -f 31ooreso'iIle Moses Simpson is eterting ,t wire; fence around his place, John Jones i of Kansa, visited hi• sister Mr'. Fred 1 Brown doting the week,-- several of i aur young paiple attended the straw-, ry- festival :it Mary's 11111 on Mort. t• evening. There was it bountiful COW EASE. A preparation to prevent "fly pest" on horses and cattle. Also poultry and swine. $1.00 per gallon. Paroid Roofing 1, 2 and 3 Ply, $2.50 per square HEAIAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE