Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 8Made To �rder les,ing well is an art u awl the man who has his clothing made to mea- sure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has til,it air of individuality so mn(•h sought after by the titshionable man. you Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE 100 New Suitirgs to Hard At Prices Away Down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them 11" "Ur lir gA.11111APgM�ii. '1,'4 1 r. Cool, of the Mansion House is! I OCAL 1 . w T I)()I\'Gs. 4 iil at present. Ir A handsome brick huu.e for talc• ;et CIL-1N1: E! 1 j le.7,0 in town, apply at this oftice. Ia1►AkAekdk..ak1f`.a.,&d`'ba>ar I{ey, Bartlett of \Woodharn and Ilei. \Wheat Barley Fear exchanged pulpits on Sunday. Oats On J illy 1,t • Ow (limiters fixed up Peas their ground, and they are now down' Potatoes, per bag to practise. Hay, per ton Mts. Fred Fisher wi11 tike possess. Flour, per cwt., family, of the residence she }purchased from Flour, low grade per cwt Mr. 11. Spackman in the fall. Butter It is expected that the Canning fac- F,ggs fury teill be put in operation next f.ive•hoge, per cwt Fpark this week. The regul.u• night is week. Peas are nearly ready. Shorts per ton riday, but this week the concert will Bran per ton ■s a IL idebatable r whether uestion he given on Thursday evening. 1l1\\'uul, unwashed 1,13 , A special Vestry meeting of the I—iawawu or 'Toronto has the worst Tricia Memorial church will beheld children. Both cities claim the honor. in the School Hall tonight (Thursday) to consider the report of the Furnace cotnmittee. EXETER MARKETS. EA('ll \\'ti:LNEsDAY 50 s3 48 bl) -14 43 711 .0 .J 1100 251) 1 40 1 43 17 16 6 (i0 2a 00 2200 washed 20 -2 Property For Sale. We have at present a handsome piece of property consietiog of fine two storey residence and two lots, with good stable; dl in first-class condition; conveniently situated; all modern im- provement. Price is a snap. Call or write The Advocate Office. Girls Warted. Two girls wanted—cook and general helper. Good wages. Apply at Cent- ral hotel, 1•:N.rter. 'rile Cock -hitt is the best scuftler Made for all kinds of roots. Don't fail to see there. W. Mitchell, agent. Hound Pups for Sale. Three thoroughbred hound paps, dog-. of the hest hunting strain, color is ht.tck and white, and black and tan. —T. Carling, Jr. Th.. and Mrs. Rich. Robinson and date:liter Lilly, London Road south, left \Vedn.•.day for Edmonton, Alta., .-•here they will visit relatives. Dr. Butler will he at the Central Hotel on Friday. July 12th. Tait. lb own Optical Co.. 237 Dundas St., 1» »lobo, tit local dealers will promptly attend to prescriptions for glasses. list your Marriage Licenses at the Advocate ottice. Found—at lady's glove—call at Ad- veeete 0111 e. Apprentice to learn dressmaking. Apply to '(1i99 Torn, over Snell & 1{owe's store. Lawn Soc:al. The Ladies' Aid of Maiu street Meth- od st church purpose holding a lawn Fooial on Friday evening. July 12, on th•• church lawn. 'Pony Vita's Or•ches- tr... London, will furnish the program. Refreshments will he served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cts. For Sate We have on our list a choice store property in Exeter for sale at a very teasonAIle fig:ii-e.—Sanders & Creech. SPECIAL OFFER -ell. J. \\ . 13attdeu of the \Iolsons 11 ink staff here has been transferred to lea t Arthur with a raise in position and salary. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs- and "Stag.' Chewing Tobac- coes, in I.ig plugs. Quality always the same. The Band Concerts (0IIIIIIPIICP in the Dominion Day} was a quiet one in We are pleased to note that Mrs.town. Grand Bend, Centralia, Flint- vine and other places were attractive Jas. Sanders of London, formerly of points for most of our people. A few Exeter, who has been quite ill for sev- bowlers spent the day on the green. era' weeks, is recovering. Miss Hose Fitzpatrick of London, well known to Many here was ‘Wed- nesday of last week married in that city to Mr. Peter Kingsnorth. The people who attend conventions and annual meeting, etc., claim that Hensall is a very dry town to meet in. Then talking is dry work anyway. Miss Walrond, who has taught suc- cessfully in the Exeter school for a number of years, has resigned, same to take effect immediately. A succes- sor has not yet been engaged. A petition is being circulated to al- low bicyclists to ride on the back street sikewalks. The matter is wor- thy of the Council's favorable consid- eration, as long as proper restrictions are made. The marriage took place at Beaver - dale, Sask., on June 18th, of an old Exeter boy, Mr. Frank Willis, of Springside, Sask., to Miss Jessie Isabel Anderson. The Advocate extends heartiest good wishes to Frank and wife. We are pleased to note that Miss - Winnie Carling, daughter of Mr. T. B. Carling, has done herself credit in her recent musical examination, at the Toronto University, having passed senior university pianoforte and pass- ed intermediate theory with honors. Miss Catling is to be congratulated upon her success. The lecture and concert of Prof. O'Brien and Madame Bonvini O'Brien in the Opera House on Thursday eve- ning was fairly well attended, consid• ering the warm weather. Those pre- sent were pleased with the lecture and delighted with the singing of Madame O'Brien. They intend leaving to -day for their third visit to Stratford after several successful weeks 1n Exeter. Mrs. W. J. Neaman had an un- pleasant experience at Centralia on Thursday evening last. She with Mr. Jos. Lamhrook, Mr. Henman's tin- smith, bad gone to Centralia early in the day, and after Mrs. Heaman had visited Mrs. W. R. Elliott she drove into Centralia to get Mr. Lembruok. While she was sitting in the boggy and Mr. Lamhrook was putting some things in behind, the horse became frightened and turning around quick- ly threw itself and overturned the hnggy with Mrs. Heitman underneath. Happily the top was down and she immediately crawled nut fronl under- neath the rig. 1n the meantime a considerable number of people had congregated and things were put to rights. While Mrs. Beaman was not severely injjuted she was somewhat bruised and shaken up. The horse suffered only slight injuries and the buggy was little damaged. Mr. Thos. Willis afterwards brought thein home to Exeter. Mr. Chas. Tebbutt has accepted the agency for the North American Life Insurance Co. and will slake his head- quarters here. On the request of a telegram from the high constable at Goderich John Bartner, forme' ly of Exeter, has been arrested in Winnipeg on a charge of theft of a quantity of grain. He will likely be brought here for trial. Mr. Win. Beer last week took over the harness stock and business of Mr. G. House. Mr. Beer is a competent workman and we welcome hint as a business than in Exeter. See his ad- vertisement in another column. The marriage took place in the Cen- tral Congregational church, Winnipeg, on Friday last of Miss Ida Lenore Fanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fanson, formerly of Exeter, to John Honeyford of Toronto. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "13obs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To- baccoes. At the local Liberal Conservative Association meeting on Thursday night the following officers were elect- ed: President, T. B. Carling; Vice - Pres., L. H. Dickson; 2nd Vice -Pres., W. G. Bissett; Treasurer, Jos. Davis; Sec'y, C. H. Sanders. The Voters' List for the township of Stephen has just heel) completed; the number of vote's in the township 1256, 9S5 of whom are entitled to vote at both municipal elections and elel- tions to the I egisletive Assembly; 186 municipal elections only and 85 itt elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly only. The number entitled to serve as jurors is 528. On Thursday evening the members of the printing department and office of the London Printing & Litho. Com- pany, presented Elmer D. Nelson, who is about to join the order of the bene - diets, with a handsome china cabinet and an address. Air. Nelson, though taken by surprise, expressed his sincere thanks in a few well-chosen words. Elmer is a former Exeter boy. The wedding took place on Friday, the young lady being Miss Eerily Bartlett. The High School Examinations for Junior and Senior Teachers and Mat- riculation are being held this week. The Entrance papers written on last week are considered very fair by the teachers, with the exception of Writ- ten Reading, which contained about 90 per cent. sight work and is consid- ered very difficult for Entrance schol- ars. A reduction of the percentage required to pass will likely be neces- sary. Why examiners make such a mess of some paper nearly every year i5 a mystery. On Monday Canadians celt•brated their 40th Natal i/ay. On July 1st, lu07, certain of the British possessions were united and named The Dominion of Canada. Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were the first provinces. Since have been add- ed, Prince Edward island, Manitoba, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Canada's progress in all lines has been very great within these fot ty years. until she now stands as one of the most prosperous countries in the world, and her prosperous days are only just commenced. The next few years will see greater growth than ever. Th.. Weekly Mail and Empire and EX Eri:it ADVOCATE rnailed to itny add'. pos7.:ge paid, in (',,nada or Weal lit itpau until Janu:try 1st, 1908, for S0 cents. Both publications for 7 months. the period mentioned. et reg- al .1 '.rtes, tt„old cost $1.15. By ac- ceptine this utfer new subscriptions nave 3R cents. The Weekly Mail and Empire is unquestionably tale greatest weekly publication which enters Ca - timbal] homes. It at present contains a gr eater number of columns of read- ing nt,t.ti-i th to any other Canadian weekly. A •I the news published in it i9 carefully selected to meet the varied taste. of the readers. The general New, Sect tvu •.% ill contain the fullest and complete information. The Agri - section will be to .tele with inf•ourlrioi, f .r the general advance• merit of Agricultural silence. The AI-tea/Ow S••.•tion will ipso be it oxine f i.,f ei ni e •ol upon -.object= which are .er pre..•. r attracting public atter- lion. 5 n•1 • t der to office of this paper. ++44+-1++++++++++++++++++a OUR CLOTHES FiT rhe• thr•• !nines that ilk- ;he l k- ; 1(• clothes we n1Ak. .Ise• FASHION, FIT :Ind WORKMANSHIP. We toe jn.r!v proud of our re• cord :mil will sustain it with good gartnents. 'rhe Spring things Are ready end 11••.114 getting plenty of •girder.. One of these days you will Appreci,tt.• how vitally You Need a Spring Suit n—o Our line is ready for kind inspection. o Call and Get our Prices W. JOHNS Merchant 1Siior - Exeter iiNe'i and wife. of I3rantfl•rd, l\'tn. and (.rand Forkw . here it eon, Eger - 444+4++++f++♦++# I ii goon null wife of d.uran. toe, t.•irles. The Ilist'ict Meeting of the Ocddfel• lows took place in Hensall on Friday evening last, when reports of the dif- ferent lodges in thedistriet were given by the delegates. The present D. D. G. M.. a. G. Stanbury, was1eelerted for another year. It was decided to held the next district meeting in Exe- ter in June of IOW. At the conclusion of the sleeting Hensel' lodge and the visit els met for regular butanes+, when the mysteries of the initatol•y degree were exemplified in it creditable ntn- ne: i,y the Hensall brethren. An ex• to go to Seaforth next week. salient banquet Was 411rrwat 1s pro- iss Etntna Harrison' visited with vided in Palmer's restaurant. rhe re- His. I ur•.1 Anu.q this week. �lrrsentatives from Exeter were 'rhos. Mr. and Mrs. \\is weer of Aurora 3oyle and R. N. ('treyh, J. G. Stan. visited Mrs. D. Johns this week. bury and W. J. Heitman as district Mrs. .1. 'r. 1Vestcot1 and Ethelbert ofti,ers were also present. PERSONAL. FOR SALE—one general purpose mare; also one good dairy cow. \VANTEI )--good choice spring chick- en, 2 Ib and up, live or dressed W. F. ABBOTT, Centralia ilo You aut? Mr. A. E. Hodgert has gone to Win- nipeg. in- nipeg. Miss May Gill is home for the holi- days. 1i -s. Sheeres spent the holiday in Guelph. Mrs. Sutton was in London over the holiday. Walter Harding spent July 1st in London, Miss ('ora Fowell visited in Listow- ell this week. Miss Winnie Carling returned Fri- day from Toronto. Mrs. Tait went to Detroit Saturday to visit Mrs. Lauune. Mrs. Cahoon of Moorefield visited Mrs. Dow over the holiday. Two rinks of bowlers are expected spent the holidays in Hamilton. [amnion Factory Help Warted. MI. 11. Huston and family left last About 211 men, 30 women, half doz. Fridley to rusticate at the Bend. boys and girls. Good wages. To corn- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rowe and nlenee work in about it week. Apply children spent the holidays in !Merton at the factory, Hicks Forecasts for dirty. The Second Storm Period, Regular, is central on the lith, with the oppoe4- tion of Mars on the (Ith, Moon in apo- gee and at north declination on the 9th. and at new on the 10th. A very wall)) wave will cross the country from the Oth to the 11th, the baro- meter will fall to low readings, and blustering thunder storing will reach active to violentculminations on and touching the Lith to 10th. Look for only scattering rains with pnssihle cln•idhnrsts in lncelities widely separ- ated. Rising barometer and change ti• ci.oler• from about the 10th. Holiday Visitors at Master. ('hatles and Fred Miners. Frank Bisset!. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood. Herb. Mitchell, Percy Hooper, Wel- lase Fisher, Arthur Wood, Mr. and %irs. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mise LAurat Davi•, Will Davis, `Vrn. Ptimacombe, Alfred Bowes, Miss Ethel Piper, Miss Millie Hyndman, Miss Petty. Miss ida Welsh. Mr. and Mr.. Amos Barlow, Mies F. Anderson, London; Mrs. % ernon, George ease. of Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Robert sweet. Clinton; Frank Weekes, Lis- few Jaye there also. returning Mon- toweli: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dyer and derv. nephew, Mr. Mathews of B►antford; On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. E. Fol- (•ltrenee Smith. Inger•oi: S. A. Poppe.' lick left for it trip to the Pacific Comet. .tone- P. Gardiner. Hlvth: Wm. 1{tker, They will visit in San Francisco. Berk- . Marys: Dennie Halloran. ('h-.. ley. Van, Duerr, New We.'minster Better Biscuits Better Cakes Better Pies Than you have had? Then use Cole's BAtiNO POWDER Dr. and Mrs, Wenig visited Mr. and Mrs. Holland on Sunday and Monday. Miss Annie Fish. after a visit with her parents here, has returned to Lon- don. Mire. W. T. Goodish and son of Sarnia are expected ridav to visit Mrs. D. Johns. Dr. Alfred McDowell of Listowel) has opened a dental office in the ('ady block. Seaforth. Mr. Philip Johnston and two little datighters of London are guests of Mrs. Peter Frayne. Misses Mabel and Nettie Walters spent the holiday with Mrs. Jae. San- ders in London. Mt. Richard Stonehou9e of Belgrave is spending a few days here with his daughter. Mtg. C. Birney. Mr. Chas. Lindenfelt and wife left Monday on a two weeks' pleasure trip to Detroit and Cleveland. Miss Gertrude and Ethel Hervey and Miss Beatrice Howey have gone on a two weeks visit to Hamilton. Toronto and Jarvis. Mrs. F. Wood and Master Clare ate spending A couple of weeks with friends in Sarnia. Mr. Wood spent a It is a very simple matter to make delicious, wholesome, and nourishing food when you have the hest Baking Powder to bake with Once used always in favor 25c. a pound AT Gole's Drug Store Prescriptions our specialty EXETER Mrs. Morlock and Mary are visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Bowie and children spent the holidays in London. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Box of Lon- don are visiting in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luker are spending a week in Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mts. Mai -chard and daugh- ter spent Sunday and Monday at Pott Elgin, Miss Ethel Armstrong and Miss Jes• sie Creech spent part of the week in London. Mrs. A. J. Snell and daughter of Lansing, Mich., visited Mre. Ann Snell during the week. 3 and Mrs. J. G. Stanbur • spent Mr. Sunday and Monday with the former's parents At Bayfield. Mrs. Farmer and Miss Irene visited her daughter. Mrs. E. W. Horne, at \Valkerville this week. Mr. Israel Smith of Hamilton spent Monday ill town. 'Willie, who came with him will retrain for a time. Mrs. 11-tr►norl Kelly and children of Stratford are visiting at Mr. George Snlallcomhe's. Ed. McTaggart, son of Mr. P. Mc- Taggart. London Road North. left Monday for Port Arthur. Mr. D. French, late keeper of the House of Refine. left last week to vis- it his son in %. etaskiwin, Alberta. Mr. Isaac Bissett left Tuesday for Strathroy where he has secured a sit- uation. Mrs. Bissett and child will re- main here for a title. Mr. W. Herbert Gregory of Strat- ford and Mr. P, b.. I., B., of Siuicoe v over theeacockhnlida} at yrs. is in town. the former rpson, ilccompratiied by her t i ram. of Itapld City, Man., is the t of her aunt, Mrs, C. Ilirney. Mr. and a9. R. inksater left Paris on June 24th on an eetende visit to relatives of Mrs. inksitter Ise Miss \Velsh of Exeter) in Cornwall, England. They will also visit London, Brussells, Paris and Rorne. . Mr. E. H. E. Mathews, who spent the holiday here with Mr. Eel. Dyer of Brantford unfurled the new flag re- cently sent from Exeter, England. for the first time on the Trivitt Memorial church Dominion Day. The alt of performing the trick is unique and he displayed skill in doing it. that relieves pain and cures the corn is what you want. We have it and it's yours for the haying. CORNS ARE 1'GLY THINGS and stick to us tighter then chestnut burrs. t'se our Corn Cure, though, and they have to go. The cure is worth its weight in gold and costs but a trifle. W. S HOWEY, Phm.6. Chemist and Optician T. fIAWKINS &SON Jobbers and Dealers in Builders' Hardware Nails Glass Cement Plaster Paris Galvanized Shingles Corrugated IronRoofing T. HAWSINS & SON. Great Redaction Sale Still On Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase R O WE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 A Sale of Tempting Warm Weather Fabrics Fresh, Crisp and New—fee the Summer Girl. She will find below everything needed. \\'BITE LINEN SUITING Very touch the go now— neat and clean for all, 111, 51t,; per yd PERSIAN LAWNS Real nice for dresses and partic- ularly good for witists 214, 23, 30, 41)c. per yd SWISS DOT MVSLINS Large and small dots. Very dainty goods for small cost 15, 2n. 25, :35c. per yd COLORED CfIAMBRAYS Splendid shitt•waist•stiit goods. Wash and do up beautifully, 124, 15c. a yd \VHiTE ut'CK S('iTiNGS This makes a rice inexpensive suit and looks fine 124, 15e. per yd LiNEN LAWNS Nice sheer goods for summer dresses 15, 20, 25, 35c per yd COLORED MUSLiNS A great big selection of all the new patterns and colors In, 1:1, 20, ;U), 40M per yd CHECK GINGHAMS A real knock -about or picnic suit. All the different colored checks. 124, lbs a yd. Millinery ---All our Summer Millinery to be sold for 25 percent. off the price, Every hat a big bargain. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing Big Sale of Summer Materials. ►r Good Goode ---Cheap Prices Big Slaughter Sale of all Muslins, Ginghams. Linens. Batistes, Prints, Chambrays, Piques, Ducks and Drill. All 12l}c Prints on Sale at lOc, a yard All 2hc Musiins on Sale at 18c a yard All 20c Muslins on Sale at 15c a yard All 15c Muslins on Sale at lOc a yard All 12ic Ginghams on Sale at 10e a yard SNELL & ROWE