HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 5x eter , tiv*'i iiti }_IETEk — — oNT.tI:lu $t 00 it paid is adiar, e. $1 SO a year It not so raid. I �e To rafted States Sstbscribers111 SO s Year Strictly is *thence 'ANDEtt.9 l• C'REE(II. Publishers PIANO TAIi We have Pianos to bell. You are thinkink of buying one. Well, come in and see us and let up talk the matter over with you and no doubt you will find us anxious to sell you one just the way you would like to buy. Our Pianos Vary in Style and Price but are good instruments and fully guaranteed. Canada's best makes are found on our floor and prices are right. Also do not forget to come here for your Stationary, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages and Waggons 8. MARTIN &80N Watch Qualify is an essential with us. Every- thing in the construction of Our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to keep good time and give good satisfac- tion. For Present Time For Future Time For 811 Time Our line of Clocks is cotnplete and up- to-date. Cid One of Our Alarm cloaks They are the best—at the usual low price. Call and inspect ourgen- eral stock. MARCH A N D The Jeweller VA- EXETER, ONTARIO GET THE BEST (JPAU PRIiI tiORI I) S f.1II,' 1i EOM,(` WEBSTEI INTLI NATION Al, DICTIONARY < Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Word3 New Gazetteer of the World with (:leer than 2i,(R0 tows, based on the latest census returns. Now r iographiical Dictionary containing t ,e reunce of over 111.11)0 note.! liar -vi,., s..itu et hart h, sleuth, etc. T.litryl1 y .'i'.1i:Vt1tIS, Ph.T).. T.L.D.. rioted :41a:!..sCsianuissioner (.1 Education. 2303 O'rtrto Pages New els, ! r.i.,se. !tit 11 "indlaea Neede(i i-; EveryHome 1. a %Vi :..a: r'J Collegiate nl.: tunary 11:6 1'.,'a 1444,1 tllmtrat Regular Edition ; a toss; ladies. 3 titling.. t)C Lu':e Edition wrist , is. Print -d from ..- ar'- t•.. 1.!.'w,. r. l bwMifnl h•ndinet .- "1.lctior.rrwrl:.l!^a"l11 u.1rat.J1u::,,S:rto G. G C. MERRIAM CO., Publisher., tlpringfl.ld. Masa. Crok's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Toni••• and only sato etre, tnal &tenthly Itegulat.iren sa 1e, h icon , n ran dip ud. tidd in three der ret,4 of elrength -\,i. 1. tl ; No. 2. 1(4drgre-es stronger, �:(; No. 3, for .{inial rases, ;S ;ier box. Pohl i,y all druggggi.t:, fir sent pprepaid on receipt of price. Fere pamphlet . A,t,trc +: Tse` c..lt (Ilt.1Ms1 Ce..TessuTo. tey. (formerly )S's --f THE Dat 1E[EPHOE COMM IF GONDA ii 11ain1 to i.sue A New Telephone Directory - FOR Tilh District of Western Ontario Including Village of Exeter Or (let lot new connections, 1 •hang es of tiro) ()44)4,8'hange+ of street Addre'sex or for dnplic,tte ent1ir• !honld he handed to the Lot all Manager at once. A. Marchand, LOCAL MANAGER i l)rit►.1(`�. i Miss Kirk of Toronto is on a few wrcla' visit tu ?Hiss Gertte Lewis.— Mrs. J no. Slater has returned to Lon- don after a pleasant visit herr.—Chris. Lewis of Nedsou, B.C.. is home on a visit. -Mrs. Sarah •1rul.trong. who has been very ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. Baler, has tecovet•ed sufficiently as to be able to return to her home in Parkhill. --Mrs. Robert (lardy has felly ,ecotere.l from her illness. --Our milliners, Misses Della Kestle and Helena Brown, have re- turned to their respective homes in Exeter and .Ailsa Craig having com- pleted the millinery' season.- \V. 1.. Corbett recently lost a valuable horse. —A number of our citizens went to the Bend Monday, while others took in the sports at Centralia.—Mrs. Moloy has returned to Thedford after a visit here with her sister Mrs. \V. Darling. Western Fair, Loudon. The "Wester n Fait'' of London, Ont.. is again to the front with great prepar- ations for win. The dates this year are Sept. title to'14th. A large amount of motley has been expended upon the (:rounds and Buildings this year. Several new classes have been added; to the Prize List. 'There will be a class for Ponies. There will also be a Dog Show this year in connection with the Exhibition. Knabenshue with hie' airship will be seen daily. The Secre- tary, Mr. A. M. Hunt, will be pleased to snail a Prize List or give any in• formation regarding the Exhibition on application to the office, London. Ont. +---- Zurich We are sorry to state that Mr's. J. 11, Schnell is confined to her bed owing to illness.—Miss Olive O'Brien is on a few weeks' visit to friends near Cros- well, Mich. --Samuel Merner, Con. 14, has purchased a new Waterloo trac- tion engine and separator from the agent here, Ed. Bossenberty. The price paid was $25110. Sam has now one of the best threshing outfits in the county. Mr. Boysenberry also sold a Waterloo champion Separator to J. Becker last week.—Mrs. R. Hamacher has returned from Michigan.—Misses Anna Hess and Diana Rickbeil are on a visit to friends near Flint, Mich.— Mr. Spencer and eon of St. Joseph leave next week for a trip to the Old Country. 1Ve trust their trip will be profitable and their return safe.— School has closed for the summer holi- days. It will reopen August 12.—Mrs. Louis Kalbfleisch e many friends will bo indeed sorry to learn of her sad af- fliction by being stricken with blind- ness, as a result of smallpox. She went to London last week to consult a spec- ialist but he could do nothing for her. F. Bossenberry has returned from a trip to Berlin, Toronto and other east- ern points.—Miss Laura Horner of London is visiting her pareuts at Drys- dale.—Sam. Geiger of Gretna, Man., is home on a visit. When Saul returns he will no go alone.—Andrew Mittle- holtz is recovering from his illness.— Herman Bender and daughter have teturned from Rochester. N.Y.—The annual children's Day was well attend- ed on Sunday at the 14th con. Evan- gelical church.—At a recent meeting of the Y.P.A., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:— Pres., Mrs. C. Heyrock; Vice Pres„ Anna Hess; Cor.-Sec'y, Diana H. Rick - hell; Rec.-Sec., Dora Eilher; Treas.. A. Gellman; Miss.-Sec'y, Lydia Koehler;' Organist, Lizzie Rennie; Ass't organist Laura Hartleib; Chorister, Milne Nan- nie: Librarians, Roy Geiger and Ilrie- coeHumphrey. Jr. Suets., F.thel Wil- liams, Lydia Faust, Cor. -Sec. D. Eilber. Seaforth: Noble Cluff while i.t the drain on Goderich street some days ago, had the misfortune to get his foot badly hurt by a pick and he will be laid up for some time. CE11T1111L STBATiORD, ONT. , Was established twenty sears ago and by its thor ough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the Province. The demand upon us for commercial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist our graduates to positions. Students are entertng each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals WAREHOUSES —AT— EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEROYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDOM (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) HenNall Mr. and Mrs. J. Shepherd and Mr. Mrs. Armstrong of Lachute, Que„ spent a few days at the Bend last week. --A number from here attended the garden party at Kippen Friday evening and report a pleasant time. They are loud in their praise toward the Zurich Band, who furnished the music.—Mrs. J. Ellis and daughter Mattie left Tuesday for Manitoba to visit friends for two months.—Miss Edna Neelands, Mr.King,Geo. Follick, Ed. Lindenfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Cook Misses Laura Bolton and Beatrice Mc- Queen spent a few days at Bayfleld and Goderich this week.—Mrs. Webber re- turned home from a week's visit with her daughter in London.—\\ -m. Ful- ton and Arthur Bush of London and Geo. Perkins of Goderich are home on a visit. --Mr. Bice of Clandeboye was in town over Sunday.—Rev. D. Wren leaves Saturday for Stratford where he will fill a pulpit for two months. —Mrs. J. T. Berry has returned from her visit to Goderich.—Garnet Cud - more, who has been acting as G.T.R. agent for a number of months, is home for his holidays.—Mrs. H. Pfaff who has been quite ill, has slightly im- proved. Geo. Wren isniso recovering from his illness.—Rev. Toll has re- turned from his holidays and ocattpied his pulpit on Sunday.—Carmel church Sunday school picnic in Paul Bell's grove to -day (Thursday.)—Dr. Smith and sister, after a pleasant visit here with their father, left last week for their home in Omar, Mich.—Miss Flem- ing has returned to her home in Oak- ville, having completed the millin- ery season with J. \Veismiller.—Mrs. Southwell has returned to her hone in Toronto.—Miss Kemp of London was home for the holiday.—Rev. Oli- ver Coleman, B.A.,B.D., a former res- ident of this neighborhood, has been reappointed to Sperling(Man.) circuit. Miss Alice Hart has gone to Glencoe to visit her sister.—Miss Lilly Ortwein is away on a visit to London.—Miss Cook of Saginaw is a visitor at the home of her brother, H. J. D. Cooke. —The following has reference to a for- mer Hensallite and will be read with much interest by his many friends here.—"II. J. Smith, the first citizen of Golspie village, and his family are removing to New Ontario. Mr. Smith came to Golspie twelve years ago from Hensall. He founded the village, built and conducted the general store, and secured through his own efforts the post office for the community, He be- came one of the best known business men in the district and his departure will be widely regretted. About 150 friends gathered at his home to bid him farewell, and as a tribute of re- spect be was presented with a hand- some Morris chair. His wife was made the recipient of a fine rocker and ' Yes. Smith was given a pair of gold cuff links."—Rev. F. E. Malott, a former pastor in the Methodist church here, was on June 27, waited on by the members of the VictoriaAvenue Meth- odist church, Chatham, of which he was pastor, and presented witha purse of gold. His little daughter Margaret also received a handsome silver spoon with her name engraved on it. Rev, Malott left Chatham Wednesday to take over his new pastorate at the Col- borne street Methodist church, Lon- don.—Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gould and robbed there of their little babe, at the age of 3 months, 2 days. The remains were laid to rest in Exeter cemetery Tues- day. UN5HINE! FU RNACE BURNS COAL OR WOOD The Sunshine is a good, "all round" furnace. Burns, with equal fac i,lt',, either coal or wood. Coke, too, if you prefer it. And so perfect i, the combustion of the Sunshine that it extracts every unit of heat Iran) the fed. What's left :n the ash Ilan is n t worth sifting. Sunshineconsumc't less furl, too. Because its perfect systi m of dampers prevent the escape of tl hot air up the chimney—compel it to conic out through the registers You pay for heating the inside -- not the outside—of your house when you buy the Sunshine. If your local dealer does no: handle this most economical furnace write direct to us for FREE I100KT.E.T. MCClarjrk LONDON. TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. lOfN, T. HAWKINS & SON, EXETER. N.B. lin rpley IMiss Rebecca Sherritt is home for her holidays. —Joe Forest and Arthur Logan of Stanley spent a few days I with friends in Stephen and . few from here spent the 1st at (`.rand Bend.—The holidays are now started in all the schools.—Miss Elsa love visited her cousin Miss Mary Vanner at Shipka during the week.—Miss Mattie ('rawfoid has company this week. Kippen The garden party held on St. An- drewschurch lawn Friday evening was a decided success. The proceeds amounted to $7U.—Our football team went to fiensall Friday evening and had a game. but came (tome a little discouraged the score being 3-0 in fa- vor of the latter. They went to Bay- field on the 1st and were the winners by a score of 2-1..—Alex. Sinclair has gone to visit bis brother Gilbert at Calgary.—Many from here went to Grand Bend and Bayfleld on the 1st.— Walter Osborne, London Road, lost a young horse, valued at *250, a few days ago. A knot in the bowels was the cause. --Misses Reynolds are guests of Miss Josie Young.—Don't forget the Union picnic to Bayfleld on July 9th. —NVe were pleased to notice a number of Exeter and Hensel' friends at the garden party Friday evening. ![galeal Fish .1 Ceylon. Every bay and Inlet on the coast of Ceylon abounds with musical tisk. Their song, if it can be called a song, is not one sustained note like a bird's, but a multitude of tiny, soft, sweet sounds, each clear and distinct In Itself, some- thing like the vibrations of a wineglass when its riot is rubbed with the mois- tened finger. In the harbor at Bom- bay, India, there is a fish with a song like the sound produced by an aeolian harp. One Qualification. "Yes, my boy's got a position In a bank, and hes going to be president of that institt:ti let wen.. day." "Bright. eh?" "Well. sir, he can sign his name so that no one can possibly make out the signature." Dlsidlner the Task. Lottie- t )h. well let's kiss and make np. Dottie --A11 right, dear. 1'II do the kissing. but you've had more experi- ence with the other part of the pro gramme. The It 'To what do i owe the pleasure of meeting you here, Miss Snappy'." "Ttie fart that i dill not sec you coin- ing, Mr. Sappy." Nothing can make a man truly great but being truly good.—Henry. The average woman has a lot more Intimates than she has friends. Women consider any brilliant man geed -loot' 1g, and men consider any, good-looki.ig woman brilliant. AROUND ABOUT US Parkhill: George Stewart, son of G. Stewart, Strathroy, has taken a position as junior clerk in the local branch of the Bank of Commerce. Parkhill: Miss Kate Love, daugh- ter of Dougald Love, has been appoint- ed principal of a branch of the Chat- ham Business College at Aylmer. Parkhill: Mr. and Miss Guest and Miss Cornell left Tuesday on a two months' trip through Europe, visiting Great Britain, France, Italy and other points of interest. Seaforth: There passed away its Tuckersmith on Saturday Mary Mc- Kay,sister of Peter McKay,in her 00th year. The funeral took place Monday to Brttcefleld cemetery. St. Marys: Frank II. Smith prior to his marriage on June 25 to Mise Myrtle E. Towne, was presented by a number of his friends with a hand- some oak arm chair upholstered in leather. Clinton: Mrs. King, of Toronto, widow of the late Rev, E. L. King, who was killed by an English railroad, has accepted the start of $10,000 in full of her claim. She was formerly a Mies Joslin, of this town. Mitchell: A wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gaten • by, on Wednesday, the 20th, when their eldest daughter. Miss Marguer- ite, was united in marriage to Win. Rodgers, both residents of our town. Seaforth: Robert McKinley, Huron road west, was leading a cow a few 1 days ago and the animal becoming somewhat cantankerous he inadvert- ently grasped hold of a barbed wire fence getting his hand badly turn on the barbs, Seaforth: \V. K. Pearce the former manager of the Seaforth branch of the i)ominion hank, and later of the St. Thomas branch. has been appoint- ed to the managership of the institu- tion of Hamilton. Clinton: Miss Lillian Jackson, daughter of Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., has completed her course in the Toronto Conservatory of Music and passed her final examinations with high honors and is now qualified to use the letters A. T. C. M. Logan: Fred G. Smith. a prosper- ous young farmer of Wirl ('reek, was quietly married in Seaforth on June 243, to Miss ida Jett Howard, the cere- mony being pet formed by Rev. Shaw in the presence of only the immediate relatives. Seaforth: A pretty wedding was ((1101ly solemnized Wednesday at the bonne of i),. and fit•. Hobert Young. ltowrn.tnville. when their youngest (laughter. Margaret 1). Yong, was united in marriage to ('. Jielvin Scott, of Listowel, formerly of town, Seaforth: Thursday Might the Epworth League of the Methodist Church presented Her. A. K. Birks, B. A., with n farewell address and a beaer Andati(al nicely rthoundd oak c copy of 'roe et The noted "Star Flour" is a blended flour— Talks on Set Ville" by S. J. Gordon. Manufactured by HARVEY EROS- Exeter, Ailsa (Craig: Alex. Hamilton, of Shakespeare, is the new operator at the 6. '1'. R. here, taking the place of E. Taylor who lett on Thursday for lalgai-v. Alb. nulieetield: 1)r. Melvin Graham has left for the \Vest where he will prac- tice uledicinC.—Ch s. Sewers bus gone to St. '1'houtas when he will study with a Dr. dining the vacattoe. Parkhill: D. 1. McLeod, who has been Commercial Master in the Park- hill High School durint, the past three months left on Saturday for Kingston where he intends taking a further course at (,(needs College. He is also taking over the management of the College Journal. published semi- monthly in the interests of the school. Seaforth: Reuben Frost suet with a painful accident the other day. Ile was assisting in raising a house pre- paratory to putting a foundation un- der it, when the tope attached to a piece of timber slipped. and .Mr. Frost's left hand was caught in the rope. The top of his first finger was taken off, and the second finger badly crash- ed. Clinton: Miss Ethalind Howson, second daughter of Rey. W. G. How- son, of \Vingham, formerly of town, has just taken her final examinations as a nurse, in the Western Hospital. Toronto, and is the gold medalist in her class. She spent four year's as a deaconnesa prior to her hospital train- ing, and expects now to enter the mis- sion field, under the direction of the W. M. S. of Toronto. Parkhill: The members of the Parkhill Driving Club recently sprung a very welcome surprise on Mr. S. If. Allen, manager of the Standard Bank and secretary of the Driving Club. As an evidence of their esteem for Mr. Allen and his assiduity in connection with the club, the members presented him with a handsome Masonic gold ring, of which Mr. Allen is properly proud. Brucefleld: Walter S. Baird young- est son of the late'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baird, jr., fornerly of this place, has Dst recently received the degree of octor of Medicine and Surgery from McGill University. He stood ninth in the aggregate honor List out of a total of ten in a class of seventy-five and as a reward gets the Second House Sur- geonship position at the Montreal General Hospital for the ensuing year beginning September 1st. Clinton: C. W. Brown, of the Hot- el Normandy. Clinton, appeared be- fore Police Magistrate Andrews Fri- day afternoon on two charges of viola- tion of liquor license act. Crown At. torney Seager acted for the inspector and G. F. Blair, of Godericb, for Mr. Brown. The case for Saturday night selling was proven and a fine for a second offence imposed, which will amount to about $125 including costs. The Sunday charge was not proven. St. Marys: The family of Milton Mclntyre had a thrilling experience the other evening. While they were at supper a bolt of lightening came down the chimney with a loud report, struck the floor within a foot of where Mrs. Mclntyre was sitting. It tipped up a hoard of the flooring and burned a line along the table near which the bolt fell and bad a very narrow escape. Mr. McIntyre says the report when the lightning struck was much loader than a rifle shot. Clinton: After a continuous service of over twenty-five years, W. H. Lough, principal of the Clinton Pub- lic School, is retiring from active work and on Friday the scholars of the school and citizens of the town took the opportunity of showing their ap- preciation of his influence and devo- tion to the various interests in school work by presenting him with a gold - headed cane and a gold watch, the former by his entrance class and the latter by the citizens. Stanley: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glenn, of the 2nd con., is desolated this week by the passing away of the youngest son, a bright wee boy of a little over two years of age who came to his death as the re- sult of an accident. In pursuance of household duties a pail of boiling wat- er had been set upon the floor and un- observed for a moment, into this the little fellow fell backwards and was so badly scalded that, notwithstanding all that could he done for him he died on Tuesday night. MOpleE' BISCUIT & CANDY CO i•NAl roue CANADA r The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness —of daintiness and deli- ciousness — is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas —held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a best in everything. In Biscuits, it's MOONEY'S. los MWood o Phoophodia.; The Great FS+urate Rewrote Totter and i nr igtuatee the whole nervous s}'stein, makes now la old Vents. Cure Nerv- ous Debility, Afe-atai and Bre in Worry, y, Dea- :ion,leney, Sexualeakness Emissions, Sper- e,torrlura, and Bipeds of .Abuse or Recesses. iso $t per box, sixforO5. One will please six will cure. Sold b all druggists or mailed in wain pkg. on reoeipp of tried, New pamphlet moiled free. Tito wiled Mttldielwe 0o. (formerly Windsor) Toronto. Ont. Parkhill: A case of smallpox has broken out in town, Esli Poulter lie. ing ill at the home of bis father, David Poulter. After a caretul disgncsk, the physicians pronounced it the type of smallpox that has been somewhat prevalent in Western Ontario this Year. Seaforth: The following were tick- eted to distant points last week: Ar- thur Broadfoot, to Elkins, West Vir- ginia; Mrs. Newell, from Hensall to her home in Winston. Montana; Mr. Tracey from Seaforth to Pittsburg, Pa; Mrs. Wm. Ireland to join her hus- band in Brandon: Mrs. Gen. Dor•ranee and family left this week for Red Deer, Alberta, where she will in future re- side, and near which she has resided; Mr. and Mrs. Dallas left Motive this week for their new home in South Car- olina, where Mr. Dallas has been call- ed to an important charge. Fullerton: \Ve.inesday, at the Inane of the bride's parents. Mr. and fir•.. John Wilson, occurred the mere iage of their daughter, Martha Melissa, to Lewis Henry Wing, of Owen Sound. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers. The bride was dressed in white chiffon, over white organdie, and carried a lovely bol net of white roses. She was assist- ed by Miss Rose Ethel Wing, of Ber- lin, sister of the groom, who wore a pink mull dress. Ivy \Vilson acted as hest man. Rev. Wing, Berlin, father of the groom. solemnized the mar - nag. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell And completely derange the whole system u hen entering it through the mucous surfaces. Si- h arti. Ie. should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa- ble physicians, as the damare they will do is tenfold to the goof you can possibly derive from them. ;fall's Catarrh Cure, manufacture'I by F. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly on the blood ami mu••ous surfaces of the system. iri buying Hall's Catarrh Cure 1* sure you get the genuine. It is taken inter. wally and male in Toledo, Ohio, b) F. J. C7i1ENEY & CO. Testimonies free. Sold by all Druggists. Pri a 7'.'. per battle• Take Hairs Family Pills tor constipation, A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the NVHITEST BREAD �( LIGHTEST BISCUI-I'S TASTIEST PASTRY DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat—are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking—they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. This it the sip of a Blesded Flow " Made in Ontario" Look for it whatever Y°18 buy. 4