HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 1WedalQgloYitaliogs We print 1nv1tatiuus on the newest of paper, with the newest of type, at a reasonable ,rice. You want something nice. The ADVOCATE Office TWENTIETH YEAR. b bet EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 1. 1907. te+ Real Estate Changes tad.' too t, 1,1. U*710,4.111- 1i,I1• tr•I Ing. \% t' have un- equalled facilities to rent. sell or buy either front or illagt. it'jt.i t . 'fly it. SA\Dnata & C}tKF:ca. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign ams Bank of Canada. Money Orders, Sterling Exchange, Letters of Credit, Collections, P Savings Department, eneral Banking Business. Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. The Old Reliable The warm weather has come with a vengeance and we have the good that will keep you cool In Muslins, laces, Eic.......-- We have a nice range: - White Swiss dots and stripes White cross barred at 12i, 15 and 18e. A choice line of colored muslins and organdies from 10 to35c A big range of all-over lace with narrow lace and insertion to snatch Also all-over embroidery, suitable fur embroidery waists Underwear, Vests, Etc........ Full line of Ladies' and Gents' underwear at prices that will Hell them. Gents' white and colored vests from 1.25 to 2.50 -all sizes Don't forget we still carry the Astoria Shoe. CARLING BROS. Prerslelenal Cards. DS. 0. ROCLSTON, L. D. S., D. D. 8. DENTIST Illus er of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and donor Graduate of Toronto Cnl.ersit,. OITICB: Over Dickson it ('arling's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's fom,er Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto t'nlverlstr. DENTIST, Tiara extracted without any pain, or any bad effects One. oyer Oladman h Stanbury.e olire, Main street Exit r. Medical Ar. MALLOY, M. R. (Tor. Coi..i MFMltI;R •College of Phyei. iana and Surgeons, Ontario. Tanner Muse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. eitecessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on pleat street north of office, Exeter, Ootatio. _ _ - - f.eRal_ DtCIBONACARLiNG, BARRISTERS, SoLIc1. Afine pa-duo-farminthe Township of stay, near we, Notaries, ('on%eyan. ere, Commissioners, Saints; one hundred acres, `S acres seeded, frame/ol .hors for Molsons Bank, etc. house and goc+t stable, good water, et.'., FARM FOR SALE Let acres more or less in the Township of Stephen bring Lot 12,C'on, 12. There I+ on the preutises a goal frame house, 2 goal tank barns, and other outbuildings; gam' onfiard, and other con. eniences. This is a fret class farm and gill be Bold reasonable. For part:" dare apr'' on the premises or by nail to 1VM. HOOPER, Khi, a Stray Heifers There strayed from the premises of the under- signed, Lot 3. Con. 3, t'sborne, two heifers, two year old, red and the orbsr rel and while spotted, right ears half c:ipg,e•.1. ;n. person finding same will be a r,tr.t.iy reaAnlc.l ,oHN THotII'.''ON, Centralia 1'. o. Village Property for Sale A Lrst•<lass brick house, containing 0 rooms do,n stairs and 3u, -stairs, with kitchen attached and cellar uncle r all: 3-5 acres of land, good nen, a num- bet fruit trees and frame stable. Terms to suit the purehaser. immediate possession. Apply at The ADVOCATE OFFi('E or Cllltls LU'KER, }lay P.O. M. .y to Untie at lowest rates of interest. Apply to ORces, Main street, Exeter. RANDF:RB At CREECH. Exeter. k 1t. Ouattto, 8. A., L, H. Dicaroe MONIT TO LOAN. We have a Targe amount of pri% ate funds to loan a farm and village properties at low rates of inter sag OLADMAN & STAN Rt'RY, Barristers, Solitltor.,Main et., Exeter On William Brown Prof, Diploma of Royal incorporated satiety of .foal• tans, England; Organist of Trtyitt Memorial Chun h,Exeter. Pian'. °rgan, Harmony and Theory of Mnah•, Tem. on appli.•atirr. Exeter, Ont, Property For Sale Part of Lot Its, Con. ;, Township of ('et,+rne, half mile east of E1imt llle. the property of the late 11. am Spicer. :31 arrest of Arst-Masafartd, well fenced and drained: on the prcpert is a two *tarty brick hen ith kitchen and oodshs. wed: yarn;t'.aO and an easel. tent dritin 'bed. two fond hart water hells and cietern in kltehtn: also a good orchard. Terme easy. For farther partfrular. apply •'n the premise.. Milts. n Srr(ER. Enflame r1111 API WIr FALL 4 TERM 0I'ENM MEI'T. 2nd 4 E This management during the past year trained over Two Hun- dred young ladies and gent !eine n oo its Monog- raphers. iookkeepers an telegrip ere. And placed then} in excellent situations in leading Canadian and AmeticAn cities. Ind ividnal instruction. Write for catalogue CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (EO, .MPOTTON, Principal. 4 4 4 4 House and Lot for Sale. a re, be,•,g part of lot I% Ibn. 12, 1'.irnrne. On this proper' there is a goal brisk oottage and static, 1f net sold w i11 he rented. Apply to T CAMERON. Aurt., Farquhar Sale of Horses ou Wedn.eda) loth day of July I will hold an am.tion til. of hones ('. P HACKNEY. Promotion Examination Results J Form 11. Sr., to Form IiT.--Jon' t Teachers: Vera Welsh 93. 0. Thorny, - son 70, Maud Johns 6S, Lulu Martin 1;7, John Walker 641, Ida Howe 61, Lel{.,t' Coultis 60. Form 11. Sr, to Form 111. Junior Matriculation: Erie Going Gladys Brandt 67, 'Moen Sanders 67, B. Martin 66, Flossie Foss 63, Gordon Gould 6P2. Jt. to Sr, -Junior Teachers. Honors, Letitia Mulholland 77, Bertha Mack '76; Pass, Lois Hirney 73; John Oestreicher 72. Katie Collins 70, Lillian Autos 68, Eddie Jones 65, I.izzie San- ders 64, Nellie McGregor 63, it•ens Handford 00. Jr, Matricnlntion--Hon- ors, Ivan Ferguson 81. S. L. Gregory, Teacher. Commercial Diploma. -Honors, V. Rowe 80, Mabel McTaggart 78; Pass, Sam McCoy 69,Jessie Hatton 65, Edith McKay 65. Fount 1. -Alva McMahon S5, Ida Marchand 81, Bessie Munn 77, Lillian Snell 75, Earl Copeland 75; A. Dow 71, Douglas Stewart 73, E Wat'k 72, Loney Heywood 70, Clarence Pick- ard 70, Alma McPherson 60, W. Amos 68, Roswell Dougall 68, Ruth Hooper 65, Allen Pickard 64, Eileen Farmer 63, Willie Birney 63, Jessie Manson 62, Clifford McAvoy 00, Chas. Dunsford 60, Jessie Monteith 60. A, Al. Johnston, teacher. Sr. III. to I V. -Clair Wood 80, Pearl Guht' 79, Wilfred Stewart 76, R. Dear- ing 76, Bella McKay 75, h M Frayne 72,Clarence Heywood 72, Regie Bissett 70, Lillian Boyle 70, Cecil Pickard 68, Mabel Barrows 63, Young Creech (32, May Jewell 61, David Hall 60, Edna Brock 59. Eddie Snell 59. Gordon Tay- lor 58, Willie Snell 55, Ernest Taylor 52. Jr, III. to Sr. IIi,-Jas. Walker 83, Leon Treble 80, I. Hardy 711, Made- lene Carling 79, Stella Southcott 76, A Jackson 76. Ruby %Vood 76,0 Hodgert o; Veleta Easterbrook 72,Gerald Hut' - don 71. S F Hector 71, Viola•Rowe 70; Harry Snell 68, Florry Dinney 67, Irene Rivers 67, Russell Halkwill (16, Fred McPherson 67, W Heideman 67, M. Bagshaw 66,6 Marshall 62. G Delve 56. 11 E \Vah•ond. teacher. Dominion Day at Centralia. Fur many years Centralia's big ti.ty ' has been July 1st, and this year it proved no exception to the rule, al- though at times the weather was any. thing hut favorable. A heavy rain fell in the fotenoon and the afternoon was showery. \Vhile this kept Many away still the attendance wits large, there being nearly 1000 people on the spacious parsonage grounds where the Festival and Sports were held. The sports were well filled and contested. One part was run off before tea and the remainder after tea. About four o'clock the first call for supper came, when as ninny as the tables would ac - 1 commodatt' partook of the excellent 1 strawberries, bananas. cake, etc., for the preparing of which the ladies of Centralia are noted. Just at this time the game of ball between the Fats and Leans was commenced. A heavy fall of rain at 5 o'clock made things look and feel unpleasant, but soon it clear- ed up, anti all went on merrily as be- fore. On the finishing of the sports another gave of ball was played. The Exeter Band furnished excellent mus- ic during the day. The day wound up with a fine concert in the evening. TIIE SPORT:4- The winners were: boys under 7, L Abbott, F Lewis; girls tinder 7. Theltua Skinner, Ruth Red- den; boys under 12, A Duplan, Earl Southcott; girls under 12, Rena Hol- man,Marjory Hepburn; boys ander 16, Ii Hanlon, B Martin,Arthur Hawkins; 1 girls under 10, Ma'ory Hepburn,Pearl 1 Bissett, Florence Neaman; wheelbar- row race, 13 Martin and M Southcott, H Rendle and H Southcott; George and Harvey Hicks; potato race, A. Duplin, S Mitchell, %V Sims; needle and thread face, Earl Windsor, II. Southcott. Geo. Hicks; three-legged race, Luker and Boswell. Southcott and Rendle. Stewart and Heywood; ladies race, Pearl Bissett, E Hirtzel Winnie Battery; 100 yd race, M. South colt, T Carling, E Windsor; Ladies throwing baseball, L Handford, N Handford, Miss Fairhall; Hop -step jump and runninglong jump, 13. Mar tin, E Windsor, Carling; Standing Long jutnp, J Mallot, B Martin; fat man's race, F. Coats, .1. White, P Coats. B.tHEUALL--The juniors of Ailsa Craig and Centralia played it game in the morning, resulting in favor of the home boys, 10 6. -The game between the Fats and Leans was full of fun. Only two innings were played when a heavy rain stopped the game. The pl{vers were about as stated in the lint issue, awl; for a lot of old timers they showed up pretty web. N. Dyer Htirdon umpired in a satisfactory (?) manner. The thin fellows won, 6.4, - The evening game between picked teams of Centralis and Exeter was a fast exhibition and resulted in favor of Exeter, 7-2. The teams were: Exe- ter -Carling, Hawkshaw, Southcott, Snell, Spackman, Rendle, Bissett, Heiman, Boyle. Centralia -Hodgins, Bice, Mitchell, Dorman,Mitchell, Dor- man, Bloomfield, :Iitchell. ('ON('RRT-The concert under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid was a most successful one, both in talent and at- tendance. Rev. Andrews occupied the chair. The program rendered by Mies Kate hat , Elliot,Mr. N. 'c E. Hicks, 11 r. Mc- Laughlin and others was well received and thoroughly enjoyed Roos} VI. to Room IV. -L. Harvey 88, Jean Seldon 86, Muriel Jones 83, A Beverley 8'2, Russell Flynn 82, Nellie Jones 82, Agnes McKay 78, R Fleming 76, Oscar Anderson 76, I Sweet 76, E Harvey 72, Hermon Elliott 71, Ethel Balkwtll 71. Bruce Walker 71, Grace Gardiner 70, Blanche Qeance 09, T Fear 06, Reta Rowe 65, M Blatchford 64, L Marchand (14. Middle Class to Sr. Class. -Florence Rowe 81, Joe Foilick 79, E Day 79, Alberta Knight 73, A Da • 73, Harper Rivers 68. Jr. Class to Middle class -Alma Mack 79, J Russel 77, Laura Harrington 78, Wilfred Mack 75, Ernest Neil 74, Harvey Neil 73, O. McDonald 71, Thos. Clark M. No. on roll 48, average 44. Elsie A McCallum, teacher. Sr. 11. -Mildred Heywood 00, J Craig 88, M Smallacombe 88, W K}}'dd 84, M Senior £3, L Handford 82. J Brickwood 79, Gordon Richardson 79,N Hockey 67 Jr. 1i, to Sr'. i1, -F Wood f9), P Jack. son 88, M Seldon 843, ]Delve 8(i, (i Ort - Wein 85. D holden 75. Sr. Pt. 11,-G. Fitton 85, A Johns Si, D Kuntz 8'2, G Ford 81, G Wells 80, J Bagshaw 72, \V Davis 70. Jr. Pt. II. -A Mitchell 75, May Neil 70, Mervin Russell (18. Sr. Pt. i. --W Jacobi (5). L Walker 88, M Wal- ker ft8, V Welsh 50, M \lorlock 76. No. on roll 51, average 44. M. V. Martin, teacher. To Hoon, \'L -W Mitchell (12, 11 Case I ( .t,e Mil Boweyt e - \ F 85,13 H x1 rt 8,p 1 g Hicks o • ( 81 E u .I 8(� Harney A Bell ), 11 Parsons '75. Jr. 11. -Paul Gardiner, E Itowclifh', Sr, Pt. 11.--J 'fortiori, M Madman, M Vincent. Class iV,-M Patterson., 1' Coiling wood, EGardiner, V Marshall, M Hardy. Class 111. - Joy Norsworthy, M Easterbrook, \V Rendle. ('lass C. -G Carling, H Boyle, 13 Rivet's. D. Charlton. No. on roll 49 average 40.-W Howard, Teacher. �il'i1-.011110.- 1011` A very quiet wedding was celebrated at the home of F. W. (Iowan. London. on Monday, July 1, when Miss Minnie Rowell, one of our highly respected young ladies gave her heart and hand to Alton 13. Jermyn of London. Rev, t McAllister tied the knot at high noon. The bride was charmingly attired in b creast silk with lace inset Hon. Her going -away gown was of blue' ladies' F cloth. After a dainty- I'incheon had wen partaken of the hajtpycoupleleft d 1 0 ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr.L.H. Dickson w was in Goderic b business s n u. toes Saturday. Mr. I. R. Carling was in London Thursday. Mrs. Jackson and daughter are vis- iting in St. Thomas. Mrs. Wm. Dauncey is visiting in Leamington. Mr. \\ m. Bawden is on a purchas- ing trip in England. Division Court will be held in the Town Hall today. Miss Edna and Jessie Dow spent the holidays in Mitche•11 and Stratford. Miss Merril Gould, milliner, has re- turned from M ilvert on. Mr. Robert Frayne and Miss Frayne I, -ere in Landon this week. \fisc Marie 'Thornton of Listowell is he guest of Mies FuWel), Misa.iu&1, milliner for Snell &Rowe, as returned to Orangeville. Bert Bayley of London is visiting red Oilleepie, Rev. Going is in Toronto on business n connection with the church. Miss Nett* Frayne spent Saturday est in London. Mrs. W. G. Bissett spent the holi- av with friends in Buffalo. Mies Effie Treble has teturned frog trip to Detroit and London. Tenders Tenders a..1 ar re enedby the undersigned for n tt bridal tour. \I r. an J rs. Jetnryn ill reside in London. the deepening, etraightenmg and widening of the t• (reek or Water Course known a. Mud Creek in the Township of McOilli.ray, said work to 1e done in a.rordam'e with the report and plan of , n_'nee•r Speciflcatiops. plan and profile may be seen at the residenv a of J l,. lIr„mmond, Tp. Clerk. The cro, e tractor to titin I.,,,,1. with eati.fr tory ■e• orit', for the completion of the work. Tenders will be opened at Town Rall, West L•rlrllnray on Monday, August 0117,190.512 p.m. The lowest or any tender not neoessarily J. D. DRUMMIOND! JOHN ROBINSON, Clerk. Reeve. Mooresville Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield are pending the holidays in fort Huron. Miss Edna Gilmour is visiting friends a Sarnia and Port Huron. ---`!r. and ire. Chau. Neil of Ilrantford visited riends here. - Mrs. Drummond of , .ondon visited her sister. Mrs. James eel Saturday last. --Master Murray nil, who has been attending college n London, is home for the holidays. -- r. and Mrs. Pront of Colborne sp{►a�At! Sunday with her sister, Mre. J es organ. --John Simpson of 1418( on is boiling friends here. --Mrs. Koht. Iarke ie spending a few weeks with er daughter Mrs. Yates in Detroit.- nhn T. Simpson spent Saturday in Arnie.- John Gilnsour and Arthur Simpson spent Monday in London. - Ansley Neil is holidaying under the parent.I roof.--Hiebar'd Blackwell spent a few days in London last week. -Quite it number attended the closing service of the Nursery church.-- Miss Lewis le visiting tier sister, Mr.. \VAI - ter i.ewis.--Elmer Murdy spent Sun- day in Lucan.-Quite a number from here took in the PPM tSi At Centralis. Some of our young people spent the holiday at Grand Bend.- W. J. H(xd- gins lost three Iambs by doge a'ort y- ing; them one night last week week. -- Joe Hodgins of London spent Monday herr.-John Thompson of London is back to oar neighboraood again. Farm for Sale 1 ,If 145 Wire, of good land, being Lot Pe. and w ('on. II Hibbert. flood property, well b•,ilr, well educated Hibbert.and must ie sold. Terns easy. Apply to ` ' k 1 I 1 _- T. CAMERON, Awl . Paryuha - educatededucatededucated NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of John S. McLeod, late of the ('ity of Mania- tigue, in the ('onnty of Sehoolcraft, Rt,ate of Michigan, liotelkeeper, de- ceased. Nrt. •e ;starchy given lntrotant to Se: 4•' of('hap- ter 120, r1 the Ile.i.ed Statutes ofOntario, Dep7. and amending sets that all persona hat ins claim. against the Bald John S. N• i.eod, who died on or shoot the 140, .113 r 1 February, 1 +r, ire re.tne.tel to *end by post prepmd, or deli,er to Kenneth oxdman of the Town of Parkhill. County of Middlesex, anti• ilor for the .krlemn'strator of the saki de.'eaasd, on or I•efore 27T11 DAY OF Jt'i.Y, A.D., 19o7 their names, add,,..,. and dw•riptn'ns and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the na- ture of the securities, tit ane), held by them, duly Metalled and that after said day the Administrator will procted to distnhnte the warts of the sai.1 de- -*send an:cingthe !Artie.' entitled there(o. ha.,n1 meth, only to an• h claims of wh,, h h. shall has.. no(i, t. ,TAMES PHEI.AN, Administrator, fly KFNNF'TH GOODM.\N, Hie Solicitor. t r -•h •li. 'A .tune 11,7'. iTS LiFE OR DEATH, which% The prescription is probably h the best could be written for the epe• J Mal case. itis of great importance H how it's put up and whether the in- gredients are fresh, pore and full ,trength. EFFECTIVE PRES('I3IPTIONK are those that cure. We put them up, because we have the medicines and know how, That's worth money, hut we don't charge higher for it. Be safe and get your prescriptions of us. W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician, EXETER. Phone 50. South Huron Conservatives! i Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Swath Huron Association was held in Mc- Donell's Hall, Henson, Friday after- noon last. There was a god attend- ance,1epre,entantives being present • from all parts of the riding. President John Williains of Zurich took the chair and in a brief address explained the ohject of the meeting, which was to elect officers and trans- act other business. The officer elect- ed were as follows: -President, John Williams; Vice -Pres., John McNaugh- ton: Treasurer, 1'. B. Carling; Secre- tary, Henry Horton; Organizer -in - chief, L. H. Dickson; Executive com- mittee, F. Holuistead, John Scarlett, Henry Horton, Simon Hunter, L. H. Dickson, Jno. Sherritt, Jno. \\'illii+ms, Jno. McNaughton, Dr. Wood, Jno. Middleton, Jno. McArthur. Stirring addresses were delivered by Messrs. H. Spackman, Jno. Scarlett, Thos. Hays, T. B. Carling, F. Holm - stead, B, 13. Gunn, M. P., and H. Eil- her, M. P. P., the two latter being the principal speakers, both of whont were greeted with fond applause as they rose to speak. A1r. Grin}} in the course of his re- marks scored the present adruinistra- tion at Ottawa unmercifully and laid bare as far as timewould permit many of the corrupt, practices that bad been rampant during their term of office, and particularly the last few years. He dwelt at sotne length on the whole- sale extravagance of the Arctic expe- dition and vigorously denounced the lavish and scandalous waste of public money. He thought it high time for a change of governtnent and that the time was not, fair distant when there would he a change. Mr. Eilber took up the matter of Ontatio politics and dealt with the various questions iti a pleasing and most gratifying manner. emphasizing more strongly the varied resources of our province and how they were being husbanded to the immense benefit of our people: the secret, ballot inaugrat- ed by the Whitney government, and the great changes that had been made and were being made in our school honk system, whereby the people of the province would he benefited to the extent of thousands upon thousands of dollars yearly. Resolutions of confidence was passed in favor of Mr. Border ac -I bis follow- ers and the Whitney government, Elituns'tlle Mrs. S. Skinner is confined to her bed with a severe Iliness, principally heart trouble. -Messrs. Chas. and Fred Miners of London renewed acquaint- ance here this week. --Miss Julia Spic- er, J. J. White and wife, J. Hind and wife, Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey of Exe- ter spent Sunday with friends here. - Mrs. \\'alters of Goderich is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Hern.-Our foot - hall team playel a game with the Bethany team one day last week and trimmed them to it finish, score 3--0. Our boys are playing a good game this year, -Several from the village and vicinit • atten e the unkin picnic Friday and several went to Centralia Baseball. Cealia ultcarne up fora gator' of !baseball un '1'hut.ti,ey last. it Was all!deal everting fur ball and evey body enjoyed it. The v:sito)s were ch. -rt. one player, but Gordon Manns filled in for there. Rau of Crediton did sat- isfactory umpiring. The garue result- ed in favor of Exeter, S•1. Up to the end of the fifth the score was 1.3 in favor of the visitors but in the sixth Exeter touched up Mitchell who was then in the box for five rids. No scores were made in the 7t11 and salt. The Exeter boys showed up itt good form and only two of three errors were recorded. Carling in the box fur Ex- eter arid Moyle for Centralia pitched excellent games and the fans were de- lighted to see man after than go out on three strikes. Hoskins played hi, us- ual good game while Powell end Har- dingmadea good showing on the 1st and 2nd bags. The attendance was not as large as anticipated, hut the boys are playing better ball every day now and we look(foelarger numbers of spectators. The line up was: Centralia -M. Mit- chell, Beaver, Kerr, B. Mitchell, Boyle, Duplan, Simpson, H. Mitchell, \fauna, Exeter --Harding, Powell, Halstead, Hawkshaw. Knight, Carling, Sanders, I. Bissett, Hoskins, Mr. Frank Anderson and wife of Chicago arrived here Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson. Frank will he remembered as the star baseball catcher of 17 years since. MARRIA0EER. SMITI(-How'A}tn-At Seaforth, ou June 26, F. G. Smith, of Logan, Perth County, to Miss ids Jet How- ard, of Seaforth. \\'ooD--FoftiY'r1Ig-At the manse Fgmondville, on June 26, John C Wood of Usborne, to Miss Rebeccad- villeFors,ythe, of Seaforth, daughter of the late James Forsythe, I?gtuon RINKER-H,U(TLSJII-At the home of the bride's parents, on July 3rd, by Rev, Thune, Mr. Louis Rinker to Miss Lydua, daughter of Mr. Jacob, Hai'tleib, Mow.TT- BAKER -At Manse,Kippen, June 27, by Rev. Urquhart, Martin Mowatt of Seaforth, to Miss Eliza- beth Baker of Blake. iIFaiweo,'T-FL;"N1OAN-At Mt. Car- mel, June 20. Alex. Hetgott of Cen- tralia, to Miss Joeephine Flannigan of Stephen. JERMYN-RowEL1 At London, July 1, Alton B. Jermyn of London, to Mies Minnie Rowell of Granton. DHATN MCKAY-In Tuckersmith, June 29, Mary McKay, in her 60th year. TENNENT--In Lucan, July 1, Mabel, eidest daughter f':, Tennent, V. S., aged 22 years. } d d h I i I Julylet arnessJI1at The anniversary services on Sunday were very largely attended and Rev. S. J. Algin of Parkhill deliveredw t t ( very excellent and appropriate priate ser- mons.f 1 M Rev.Allen andS.ttin 11Mai r of Exeter addressed the Sunday School in the afternoon. The music by the choir and Sunday school was very ap- propriate for the occasion. On Mon- day a large crowd gathered at Mr. Herdman's grove where a good time was enjoyed by all. The program con - slated of speeches by Revds, Graham of St. Marys and J. W. Johnston; solos and instrumentals by Mr. Parnell Mor- ris and accompanist of Dundas street church, London, which were much ap- preciated by all. Owing, however, to the passing showers of rain the pro- grm had to be cut short. After the program strawberries and cream were pat token of. (fames and amusements of various kinds were entered into with enthusiasm. i'roceeds amounted to over 5100. Farm Wanted to Rent. One or two hundred acres. Apply at this office. ad epaIring Having purchased the harness Stock and Business of Mr, G. House, i ass prepared to do first class work in the manufacture of new hnrness of all kinds, or in the repairing of old harness, 1 solicit a trial when you will be convinced that we make the very hest and give you satisfac- tion. Trunks, Valises, Etc. We have a good line' e f Trunk.., Valises, Blankets, cte,, nn hand and will sell them at the most reasonable prices, m. Beer, Exeter SAMSON PORTLAND CEMENT A Car received Tuesday The best for Walks, Floors, Silos, Walls, etc. COW EASE. A preparation to prevent "fly pest" on horses and cattle. Also poultry and swine. $1.00 per gallon. Paroid Roofing 1, 2 and 3 Ply, $2.50 per square IIEAMAN'S IIARDWARE & STOVE STORE