HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-20, Page 8Made
Uresin; well is an art
and the man who has
his clothing made to mea-
sure has found the key to
that art. Each garment
that we make for you has
that air of individuality
so much sought after by
the fashionable man.
You Arra Sutra of
100 New Ssitings to Hand
At Prices Away Down
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Bdalness Locals -- Read Them
88.00 _for men's unlined Tweed Suits
—best style in the trade. Stewarts.
Property For Sala
We have at present a handsome
piece of proptrty consisting of fine two
storey residence and two lots, with
good stable; all in first-class condition;
conveniently situated; all modern im-
provement. Price is a snap. Call or
write The Advocate Office.
108 pile, new porcelain china dinner
setts, pure white ground, with neat floral
decorations. They're the best ralue in
the trade. Stewart's
Siris Waned.
Two girls wanted -cook and general
helper. Good wages. Apply at Cent-
ral Hotel, Exeter.
tfet your Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
.\fen's fine rice straw sailor hats and
pearl grey lett styles the eery latest, at
Civic Holiday Proclamation.
In accordance with the petition of
R. N. Rowe, T. C. Brooks, C. H. San-
ders and forty-two other ratepayers of
the Villa (e tet Exeter, I do hereby pro-
claim Tuursday, the 20th of June, 1007,
a day to be observed by the citizens of
Exeter as a Civic holiday. Let all
good citiz •ns of Exeter govern them-
selves atcurdingly. trod Piave the
A. Q. Houten, Reeve.
At the Commercial Hotel Saturday
June 22. MLss J. J. Allen. eye sigh t
specialiet and refecting optician. Th e
latest approved methods used in ex-
arning and prescribing for weak or im-
peired vision.
Mime( !' Biscuits will Tea rich old
r'herse. I-rlrn' Diem' `tewart'•M•
Ni Fails Excer alms.
Ever yh•aly will take in the excursion
to Niagara Falls under the auspices Of
the Independent Order Foresters on
Thursday June 20th. Good for three
days Tne fere from F:xetmt' will be
$2.30. L►t'ge bills giving particulars
will be issued in a few days. This will
be the only Excursion to the Falls this
1)n..y !poling rnen are plrtie!liar
about the company they keep, king hate
(771' .prod c,onp(tny. Stewart's.
LehanOn Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.
F. & A. 11 . will attend divine service
at the Main street Methodist church,
ou Snndnv June 2.3rd, at 2::91) o'clock
when the I'.titor. Rev. Fear, will occn-
pythe pulpit. Visiting brethren are
cordially invited.
Mound Peps for Sale.
Three thoroughbred hound pups,
dogs. of the hest hunting strain. color
is black awl white, and black and tan.
---T. Carling, Jr.
Yost Fell to See Hint.
Lathe•' -11.mM take advantage of the
visit 11 Pi, f. Uorenwend's representa-
tive to see ,ell the latest styles in Hair
Goods. heantiful Wigs. Pompadours.
(fang•, t'r•,n7fortn means, Switches,
str.tight :,n,1 wavy etc.. etc. He will
he at th•• Central hotel. Exeter. Fri-
day. J„+ ,• 21-1.
The' three thing, that di,-
1iognish the clothes we
make are FASHION, FIT
ale 1 ,-;lv proud of (at• re•
cold and will sustain it
with good gat metro). The
Spiifig 1hings ate ready
and (teare getting plenty
of .eltlt'1's. t)ne of these
day- you will appreciate
how virally
You Need;l Spring Suit
o --n
0177 lin.• i. ready for your
kind inspection.
11 -.--n
Call and Get our Prices
Merchant Tailor - Eteter
•4$t+++4+++++ 14+-1+41-144
J IAl AI. Al. .al-illkJEL a•erIAcia!
A number of Exeter people attended
the circus at London Monday.
Principal Fleming has haven confined
to the house since Saturday owing to
Prof. O'Brien, the phrenologist, is
having continued success in town.
He gives a lecture in the Opera House
on Tuesday, June 25th. See his ad.
Laura, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Vale of Exeter North died on
June 15th, the result of a general de-
cline since birth. The little one was
two months old.
"Bops" and -Stag" Chewing Tobac-
coes, in big plugs. Quality always the
We acknowledge with thanks a
copy of that new and stirring patriotic
song, "We'll e'll keel the old flag fly-
ing," author Mr. N. D. Ifurdon, set to
music by Mr. \Vm. Brown. Copies
may be had from either at 15c per
copy to Exeter people.
The death occurred in Exeter North
on June 17, of Clarence Erevan, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley C. Sand-
ers, at the age of 4 month?, 20 days.
The little fellow had been ill only a
few hours, having taken sick on Sun-
day afternoon of inflammation of the
lungs. The funeral took place to the
Exeter cemetery on Wednesday at 2
p.m. Sincere sympathy is expressed
for the bereaved parents.
Miss Martha Heaman of London,
formerly of Exeter,was united in mar-
riage at Niagara Falls, on June3rd, to
Mr. M. L. Hoose, of Albany, N. Y.
The affair was of a quite nature. Mrs.
Hoose will spend a few days here with
her sister, Mrs. A. Cottle, this week
before leaving for her new home in
Albany. Her friends here will extend
congratulation and best wishes for her
future happiness.
The boys who were taken to Goderich
for trial last week on the charge
of burglary carne before Judge Holt
on Wednesday. After giving them
a good lecture and warning them what
the result would he should they ap-
pear again, they were released on sus-
pended sentence, and brought home.
We trust this will be a lesson to these
boys and to all others who are inclined
to step beyond the bounds of right.
Word has been received that the
general store of T.Bowerman, brother-
in-law of Mr. I. Armstong, at Willow
City, N. D., has been destroyed by
fire. He has not yet decided whether
be will continue in the business and
rebuild, as his loss has been very
heavy. It will be remembered that
Miss May Armstrong is the head mil-
liner in the store.
A pretty wedding took place in
Cleveland, Ohio, on June 4th, at 3
o'clock, of a former Exeter boy, James
Stnith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Smith of the London Road South, and
Mise Cora May, daughter of Mr. Geo.
Brooker of Cleveland. The ceremony
was perforated at the residence of
the bride's father, 9505 Harvard ave.
The young couple left the same day
to visit relatives in Exeter. They will
be at home to their friends after July
;at at 3007 Wade ave,
Mr. P. Bawden on Friday com�ppleted
the brick smoke -stack for Mtssrg.
Snell & Zuefle's power house. The
stack has a cement foundation and a
cement top. the latter to prevent the,
weather loosening the top bricks. it
is 85 feet high being 10 feet higher
that the stack at either the grist mill
or canning factory. The proprietors
had the old and new stack photograph-
ed on Monday, the dilapidated state
of the old and the up-to-date condition
of the new forming a photograph of
more than ordinary interest.
For Quality and Quantity ask vout'
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs'
"Stag" and "Currency" (.'hewing To-
The late Mrs. Elston, whore we men•
tioned last week as having flied on
Wednesday just before our going to
press. was barn in Caistor. Lincoln-
shire, Eng. She cause to this country
with her parents in 1851 and settled in
1'sborne near Zion. She was married
in 18th to her husband and mos tel with
hint to a farts on the 1st con. of 1's•
borne. They lived in Exeter and vicin-
ity for several years, later moving to
a farm on the 13th con. of Biddulph
and come to Exeter again four years
ago. Those who survive her besides
her husband are, Thomas,. Centralia;
David, Edmonton; Richard on the
farm at Centralia; Jesse F'xeter; Annie,
at home; Mariam, Parkhill, and Dinah,
Fergus. Miss Parkinson, of Exeter. is
a sister. and David Parkinson, of St.
Marys, John Parkinson, of lr'raNton,
and Matthew Parkinson. of Toronto,
are brothers.
Remember the date. Saturday, Jung
'..''2nd. ,.t the C'omrneicial hotel, and
conseilt with Miss J. J. Allen about
your eyes. Mr. Robt.
The flag, etchings. portraits, aid Elimville.
Mr. W. N. Taman is
holiday in Blyth.
Miss Lyda Oke of Toronto is visiting
her parents here.
Mrs. F. J. Knight returned from
Battle ('reek Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McLeod are visit-
ing relatives in Seaforth.
Mr. Jas. Walters is in Toronto and
Hamilton on business.
Miss Annie Mill visited in Londe,n
on Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. \V. W. Muir returned Tuesday
from a visit in Toronto.
Mr. and Mre. isarlc Bissett of Delhi
are here visiting relatives.
hiss Millie Hyndnla(1 of Lendnn
spent rnesday evening here.
Rev. D. W. Collins attended a synod
meeting in IA)ndml this Reek.
Weekes is visiting her sister.
Mrs. D. E. Met)oneld of (iuelph.
i)r•. Ronlst 71 and wife arrived here
on Monday and have taken lip their
residence on Elizabeth street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ('ole arrived
home yesterday i \Ved['eeriey e. They
will teeide nn William street.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Poplestnne of
Blyth were called here Friday owing
to the illness of the fornler's mother.
alio is now better.
Mr. Abraham lt,egehaw returned
Saturday from the West. Mrs. Bag -
phew and timely have also returnedi
from their visit to Landon.
\irs. F. W. ('nlline. who has been
visiting her brother in law 11.7'. 3. 11.
('t'llin• ..f ('., n.v111e fen the past y,•„t,
trine ned to het hone Mende y. i Chemist mei roeiri7n
Centralia and Exeter teams will
play a game of baseball on Monday
evening next.
Active preparations for the bedding
Of the new etatiou are now being
made. The old one is being moved
and the gr.iin houses will shortly be
Mrs. Samuel Smith is suffering con-
siderably this week from a sprained
ankle received by slipping on au un-
even piece of sidewalk.
Mr, S. Fitton was taken seriously ill
on Sunday morning and has since
been confined to his room. The illness
is in the nature of a fever. Dr. Malloy
was also taken ill the same day but is
now better.
F. Company returned from camp at
London on Saturday delighted with
the outing. The boys showed well in
drill, appearance and behavior. They
looked a little sun tanned and were
all in good health. The following are
the names of the best shots in the
company; Sergt Major Hector 65 out
of 70; Capt. Rance 50, R. Cameron 52',
J. Kydd o0, L. Penhale and E, Davis 49,
C. Prouty, C. Howe and Roy Horn 40.
Liberal -Conservative Meeting -
A Meeting of the local Liberal -Con-
servative Association will be held in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday
evening, June 27tb, for the purpose of
electing officers and transacting other
important business.
Marriage of Miss Beers.
A quiet wedding took place in Exe-
ter on Wednesday afternoon of last
week at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Beers. San-
ders street, when tbeir daughter, Miss
Edith, was united in marriage to Mr.
George A. Young, who is connected
with the firm of Darch & Hunter,
London. Only a few friends were pre-
sent at the ceremony which was per-
formed by Rev. E. A. Fear of the Main
street Methodist church. The young
couple left the same evening for Lon-
don where they will reside. Miss
Beers friends extend her and husband
the beet of wood wishes.
Sckool Board Minutes.
The Public School Board met in reg-
ular session Monday night. Members
all present. Minutes were duly con-
firmed. A liberal supply of gravel is
to be procured forthwith for rise in the
fall. The Secretary presented an ac-
count of $16.15 for advertising tele-
phone service and school registers,
which was passed per R. N. Rowe and
W. J. Carling; also one from T. Hart-
noll for labor and material of $25,66.
The Canada Oil Co. are offering a se-
perior quality of oil which the Board
have decided to test per S. Martin and
H. Huston. The H.S. Inspector's re-
port was accepted per H. Huston and
It. N. Rowe; also that of Inspector Torn.
According to these Exeter ranks high
among the schools of the province,
its requirements grading in every case
1 and 2. Its H. S. Department is the
largest and the H,S. Inspector thinks
it should continue to take the lead as
the banner school of Ontario. Miss
Johnston, per R. N. Rowe and W. J.
Carling, is re-engaged at a salary of
$600 for 1 he ensuing year and Miss
Vosper is again to take charge of the
entrance work at her old salary, plus
$50 should her health permit her
teaching without a break during the
year. W. J. Carling adjournment.
J. Grigg, Secy.
1 0. F. Attend Chards.
The independent Order of Foresters
attended divine worship in the Main
street Methodist church on Sunday
afternoon hast. The weather was
beautiful fol such an occasion and the
brethren turned out in good numbers,
there being nearly a hundred in the
procession. After forming at the Lodge
room they proceeded to the church,
Bro. (;. l:. Anderson acting as mar -
shall. The itev. E. A. Fear, occupied
the pulpit. dud after extending a
hearty welcome to the brethren, took
for his text Jeremiah 5, 1: followed by
ra most interesting and fascinating ex-
position of that portion of scripture.
Ile said what the world, the church
and society wanted was it true type of
manhood;• a man with a conscience, a
heart, a soul, a mind. rt will, a creed
and lastly, a n>an with faith. Ile dealt
with the different traits in a most able
and interesting manner. During the
course of bis sermon he particularly
cautioned patents against allowing
their cildren to read trashy literature
as the influences are degrading and
demoralizing. The service was much
brightened by the singing of the choir
and the beautifully rendered vocal
duett by Miss Alice Howard and
Miss Edna Follick was well received.
Re-forming it the church the brethren
returned to the lodge room where a
hearty vote of thanks was passed, to
be tendered to Rev. Fear, the choir
and the church oftl.'ials.
\Vilcnx is holidaying at
impressions of the seals of Exeter,
England, arrived last \Vednesday and
have been on exhibition since in Mr.
W. S. Howey's window. The flag
will be hoisted on the school grounds
in a few days and the pictures will be
used to decorate the walls of the school,
they having been presented by the
schonle of the old Exeter to that of the
new Exeter. The flag is of very fine
Engli-h navy woollen bunting. the
Ja: k being the full size of the flag, t1
feet by 17 feet. The pictures consist
of two exquisite views of the elaborate
old city cathedral. one an exterior
view and the other an interior, and a
view of one of the business thorough-
fares. The etching,' are of Bishop
t)Idhanl', chantry (interior), the Kish•
op's palace. Rougemont Castle, Hemp-
tiv:,le House and other small residences
of aiti,l'lity. There are also sealing -
W x impressions of ten of the city's
,ancient seals. The seals are all
moented on a Targe heavy card. and.
like the large views and etching..
framed in plain English oak left un -
oiled. Needless to say there presents
are highly valued by the people of
Exeter and will long be treasured with
pride and loyalty Lr pupils. teachers
and citizens. The flag will be raised
en the school grounds on Tuesday
evening next. June 11, at t1:31 o'clock
when the bend will be present and a
detachment of F. ('nnlpsns' vntunteere
will fire a royal ',dote. Andre,'ses will
b.' deli(111e reeve, minister' I
an+d t,r•,ninele c;tizer e. intersleetsed 1
with rungs by the children.
spending the
Wheat SI s)
Barley .. 46 45
Oats 45 16
Peas 70
Potatoes, per bag 75 75
Hay, per ton 11 00
Flour, per cwt., family ,2 40
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 125
Butter 17
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton 20 00
Noel, unwashed 13, washed 23
6 60
Twp loads of ehoi.e cal res for sale Tuesdays and Satu-
rdays for Calan, a of spring. Price bU and upwards
Waned -One hundred hens, yearling chicken also
a number 01 good turkeys
DrWANTED -flood Young Road Horse
W. F. ABBOTT, Ctntralla
e Besi oi Tonlas
To build up the
All tired out? System run down?
Appetite gone? Can't sleep? Put
yourself on ollr
Beef, Iron and Wine.
It is an ideal combination --
Beef -to give strength
Wine -to invigorate
Iron -to purify the blood.
Most surprising how people "pick
up" on this splendid tonic.
Cole's Beef, Iron and Wine, prepared
only at
Gole's Drug Store
Prescriptions our specialty
Mrs. Floyd has moved to Seaforth
to reside.
Dr. McDowell of Listowel visited
Mrs. McDowell over Sunday.
Mrs. Morlock who has been visiting
friends in London returned Monday.
Mrs. Young of London is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beers.
Mrs. Shaddock of Detroit is visiting
at the home of Mr. Geo. Etherington,
Miss Mabel Mara of Lucan and her
friend Miss Baleman of Kingston were
in town Friday and Saturday.
Mr. (Ins. Handford of Renfrew, who
attended the C. O. F. Grand Lodge at
St. Thomas hist week, spent Thursday
last with his parents here.
Mr. Herb. Stephenson and wife of
London, visited with Mr. Norman
Lloyd this week.
Sato Elliott. went to Winnipeg on
Satllyda) with a load of horses for T.
E. Handford.
Mrs. Ilarry Heist and Mrs. Harry
Prouse of Marlette, Mich., are spend-
ing a few days with their mother,
Mre Wen. Dearing. Me -s. Chas. Isaac
and son Charlie of Licari, and Mrs.
Wes. Isaac of Grand Bend also spent a
few days here last week.
It. G. Nichol and wife have returned
to Hickson after a pleasant visit here.
-hiss Entelia Laporte of Drysdale,
who for the past two years has been
taking a commercial course, has lately
obtained her diploma and is now visit-
ing r►t her home here, prior to taking
a position in Detroit. -F:. Geofroi has
Moved with his family to Goderich
where he has taken it position.-- Jos.
Dncharine. Jr., is spending the holi-
days at his house at Drysdale. --Miss
Roxie Either has returned from a few
Months' stay 1n London. -\Val. Hall
of Blake has bought the Quigley pro•
petty which adjoins his own in that
tillage, --Miss (lertrude Heider, after
completing the luilliner • season at J.
I'reetet's, has gone oat Nest to join
her parents. -Mrs. P. Sipple has re-
turned from her visit to Detroit and
Lansing, Mich. -A. '/ettle and family
are now occupying a dwelling on the
Babylon Line.-('. Miller of Dakota is
on a visit to his mother. -Word has
been received of the death of Mrs.
Adolph Steinback. at ('avalier, N.D.
Mr. Steinbach is a son of Mrs. J. C.
Kalbfleisch of this village. -Dr. 0.
Gee and family hare returned to their
home in Reno, Cal.
that relieves pain and cures the corn
is what you want. We have it and
it's yours for the buying.
and stick to us tightee then chl•sti;nt
61rrs. Use nor ('oln ('are, thon7h,
and they hive to go.
The cure is worth its weight in gold
rand caste but r( trifle.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
T. fsaWxixrrs & SOlI'
Jobbers and
Dealers in
Builders' Hardware
Plaster Paris
Galvanized Shingles
Corrugated IronRoofing
T. HAwsnvs & SON.
&real Redaction Sale Still On
Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still
offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the
than ever were shown in Exeter before.
Every article in our large stock of furniture is
to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be convinced before making your purchase
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
The Poultry Season is here again and during
the month of Jule our prices will be -
15c. per lb in trade, live weight, for plump young
chicks, weighing at least 2 pounds.
12c. per lb. in trade, live weight for plump well-
fellthered this season's ducks.
bee per lb. in trade, live weight, for plump old hens
crops must be empty or allowance made.
We will not be paying cash until the weather is cold enough to
ship dressed poultry.
We wish to draw the attention of those who have poultry to sell
to this fact ---that our foreign trade will be ruined if we continue to put
on the market poor skinny poultry.
For this reason we have decided not to handle any but good
plump Ianiltl y.
We are always in the market to buy poultry, hence no one need
be 111 a 11111'7) to rush otT their poultt y till it is in good shape.
Poultry roust be brought in on Morality, Tuesday or Wednesday
of teach week till further notice.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Fine Swiss Muslin with small, med.
ium and large dot
Pi ice 20c and 25c per yd
Fine white twill with small patterns
Fashionable for dresses
Price 25c per yd
%Vhite muslin in stripe and floral (le-
siKns, 4pualitiee worth 2')c,r)rl 233.
Selling at l;ae per yd
Rt►rk muslin in plain and Taney tine
thin guilds worth 25•' 11 35e.
On sale at i5c per yd
Colored muslin+ in mauve. pink and
l.iwe, ter y dainty goods, makes
'tvli.+h (lreyes
Prices Me and Mite per yd
White wash duck, correct for skirts
or suits, medius) weight
Price 15c per yd
White pique, medium cord, makes
gond wash goods Price 159 per yd
Special enlhreidery retie. reg'rlar 7e
end 8c gond.. all on sale at 5e
This month we intend ('LEAicING
01'T every hat in the story. Hate
that were
$5.00 on sale at $3.75
$4.00 on sale at $275
$8.00 on sale at 1.77;