HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-20, Page 1wiggIi IQvltatioi
Weprint inv ofwoith
the neve-t of paper, with
the newest of type, at a
reasonable price. You
want something nice. ettf
The Sovereign
Bank of Canada.
current Accounts and Savings Deposits
received at all Branches at best rates
Consistent with conservative banking.
Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings
beposits. 33
JOS. SNELL, Manager. at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
Some merchants have a fashion of advertising what they haven't
got, and when you come to ask for it their reply is: "Sorry but we
are just sold out of that particular line, but we will have some
more in shortly."
what We Advertise we Have.
We are showing this week a very choice selection in wash goods:
Ladies' Wash Dress Goods in Ducks, white and colored.
White Indian Head, 20c. a yard.
Linen in white and colored.
Charnbry in red, green, pink, blue. grey and oxblood.
Ginghatns in fancy patterns and checks
Mercerized Taffeta in plaids and over checks
The English Taffeta Print at 1''Ac.
American Prints at 10c.
Another consignment of those lovely Swiss
embroideries and insertions to match.
Get your t•hoice before they go.
See our new style in the
Astoria Shoe - Centlemen Only
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.
lrreressioaa1 Cards.
DS. O. F. ROIJLSTON, L D. S., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor
areduate of Toronto Unitersity.
OFFICE: Over Dickson k (arling's Law Office, in
D. Anderson'e former Dental Parlors.
dibDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 9., n. D. 8..
Honor graduate. of Toronto Univeriety.
Tooth extracted without any pain, or any test effects
O. over Gladman A Staihury's offl^e, Hain street
B iotic
AF, MALLm', M. R. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former those Surgeon Toronto western hospital.
Successor to lir. J. A. Rollins. Residence. Evart t,
Etat Street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
tor, Notaries, Cons eyani ers, C'onunlaioneru.
S olicitor, for Molwms Rank, rte.
Mosey to Looe at lowest rates of Interest.
Oftices, Main street, Eteter,
1. lit. Oaaku., It A., 1. 11. Dtcasom
W. Lave a large amount of prie ate hunk to loan
e hem and v1!iage properties at low rates of inter
Barristers. Solicitor.Maln st.. Enter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Ir. F).(Tatwl 5,, 1,1y of
Mtiah'iany, England; Organist ef Trivitt Memorial
Chun h,Eveter. t'iano, Organ, )(simony and Theory
cl Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont.
Farm Labourers and Domestics
1 hate tet n appointed l.y the Dominion Govern•
meat to place a immigrants from the United Kingdom
in positions ss /arm 'shower. er dome.tic sere ants
.n this ticinity. Any person requiring such help
should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of
help required, when w ante.[ and wage-, offered. The
numbers arriving may not le euff!.•ient to supply all
requests. tut very eitort will to made to provide
ta: h apt lig ant with help require.'
r•atadian Government Employment Agent, Exeter
Summer 1
,L: A special course of in. traction
r during July and August for
NI Public Seho,'I 'teachers.
Enter any Tithe
fnditido;tl instruction
Wanted a Pea Hen
Decoration Day.
Last Thursday afternoon was ulr,erv-
ed as Decoration Day in Exett•t by a
number of the lodges of town and the
citizens generally of both town and
country. This was the second occasion
of this nature in town, the first being
held last year. l3oth were very suc-
cessful, although the members of the
lodges did not turn out in such large
numbers this year, owing to unfavor-
able weather shortly after noon.
The march of the lodges headed by
the band to the cemetery was com-
menced about 1:30. A drizzling rain
was falling at the time but before
reaching the cemetery the weather
had cleared, and the day was pleasant
and cool. On the arrival the people
congregated around the circle and
listened to the opening services by
Hev. Martin and Rev. Fear. Hev. Go-
ing and Rev Collins wet e unable to
be present owing to absence and ill-
ness, respectively. A prayer, an ad-
dress and music by the hand formed
the opening services. At their con-
clusion the different lodges decorated
the graves of their departed brothers
by planting a pot -flower on each. In
the meantime private individuals had
proceeded with like decoration of
graves of departed ones, and on the
whole being completed the cemetery
presented a much more beautiful ap-
pearance than before. The graves
decorated were the same as those men-
tioned last year with the addition of
one or two others who had since died.
Liberals Chose McLean.
At the Liberal convention held in
Hensall on Friday afternoon M. Y.
McLean was chosen to contest South
Huron for the Dominion House. Mr.
McLean is the editor of the Seaforth
Expositor. He represented South
Huron in the Legislature for a term
until defeated by Henry Either. The
present member in the Dominion
House is 13. 13. Gunn, Conservative, of
The meeting wasattended by 158de1-
egatesand a number of other Liberals.
Henry Smith of Exeter presided, and
Hon. A. 13. Aylesworth, Robert Hol-
mes, the Liberal candidate in West
Huron, Fred Pardee of Sarnia and 1
others addressed the sleeting.
Five candidates were proposed;
Donald Urquhart of Hensel!, Thomas!
Fraser of Brucefield; George McEwen
of Hensel!, M. Y. McLean of Seaforth
and Jacob Kellerman of Dashwood. 1
Five ballots were necessary.
It will be remembered that the three I
Hurons elected Conser vatives at the
last Dominion election although pre-
vious to that time all three ridings
were represented by Liberals. 1
The CreditoiStars demonstrated the
fact that the Exeter Baseball 'Peau'
was not in the same class with them[
on Friday evening when they defeated
the home boys by a score of 18-1.
Exeter has realized for years that
Crediton is too much of a pioposition
for thembut still we like to have a
trial at it each year. This year we
got a little. harder blow than usual;
not because the home boys are playing
worse ball, but because Crediton is
playing better ball, and then our boys
get a little ''stage fright" as well. One
reason of the visitor's superiority in
the baseball field is that their players
stay with the game year after year,
some of theta having been at it 10 or
12 seasons, while Exeter sees practic-
ally a new line up each summer. We
don't consider it. a disgrace to be well
trimmed by Crediton. The game con-
sisted of seven innings. A large crowd
was present, a goodly number having
come out with the Crediton boys.
Exeter's lone run was [Wade by Hoskins
after it lovely long sly over the centre
fielder's head. Hoskins plays the
game well and all the time. As a cat-
cher fora young fellow he is not easily
beaten. There is no need of comment
regarding Crediton's playing. They
all play well. The players were -For
Exeter: Harding, Halstead, Hawk -
straw, Carling, Powell, Manns, Knight,
Creech, Hoskins. For Crediton: Rau,
O. Brown, Young, Kerr. Fahner, F.
Brown, Beaver, Snell, McCue. Geo.
Anderson umpired.
What might be described as a mar-
ried team, although with exceptions,
played two games of ball with the
bachelors last week and defeated them
5.3 and 10-8. The games aroused con-
siderable enthusiasm in the spectators
and players, and caused the married
men to feel so elated that they believe
they canreally defeat the single fel-
lows. While we concede that the
Married men have as fine lot of players
as one would wish to see play the
game, still we think the bachelors are
too many for them yet, particularly
(the married chaps say) when the um-
pire happens to be a bachelor. How-
ever, be that as it may, a healthy
rivalry has sprung up between the
two parties and the general public
can see gond hall and enjoy the fun
altnost any evening. Apart from this
the games are giving the regularteam,
which is composed of about equal
numbers of married and single men.excellent practice. In order to decide
as to the merits of the benedicts and
bachelors the following team of single
fellows does hereby give notice
that they will play a game with the
benedicts on Friday evening, June
21st, with an umpire chosen by the
atter: Geo. Powell, Walter Harding,
Will Knight, Toni Carling, Victor
Sanders, Melly ille Hoskins, Cliff.
Spackman, Harold Bissett, Herb.
By a party o ho has a peacock k and wishes a mate.
Will buy the bird or give the owner the increase, The semi-annual district lodge metApply at the Auto,. ate orrice. in Centralia June 18 and decided going
to St. Marys July 12. -The contractors
for the two bridges over the river are
Property For Sale
part of Lot 10. con. 7, Township of fetors,, hal(
mile ca.: of )aims lite, the property of the late flyam
Spicer. 2(r a• res o1 first-,•la.s land, well fen -ed and
drained; on the property is a two storey brick house
with kitchen and woodshed; barn 3.5x50 and an earth
lent driving shed; two good hard water wells arid
cistern in kitchen; also a goof orchard. Tenn.
easy. For bother particulars apply nn the premise.,
MRS. 11. 1 i'1('ER, Elim%ille.
getting the tnaterial on the ground
and work will be commenced shortly.
-The wire worru is working havoc in
the grain. Some of the farmers have
plowed up some of the grain and sown
other grain. ---Lorne Derham wears a
smiling face these days. -A number
around here attended the garden par-
ty on Hugh Berry's lawn %Vednesdny
evening and report a good tint,, -Mrs.
Auction Sale N1'. J. Davis visited at the hoax' of her
01' --
Mr. Thos. Cameron, auct., has been instructed to
sell by Public Auction, on the premises
on TUESDAY, JUNE 25th, 1007
at 2 o'clock p. tis.
LOT No. 15, CON. 10, USI3ORNE
ordaining 100 aere. more or less. on this farm are
a gocd frame house, 2 good hank tarns, one 36 ft.
parents Mr. and Nits. R. Hudgins last
week. -Road work is the order of the
the day. -Thomas Dickens is attend-
ing the Synod at London.
by SC, ft.. and the other 30 rt. by 50 ft. •, a u'ood w. ell of South Huron
with a windmill on it, about 1 acres of g orchard
and &host 1e a res of good hard wood tush. The
"iodise goat clay loam. The fame it well fenced and
The property be sitiut..1 nett a mule and a guar.
ter from, a . h. ',hoed hole. and Farquhar P.O.
The purchaser will have the pritilege'of going
on the farm after iiar%e.t (hit s+mimer to tfo necess-
ary tali ploughing and will get hitt possession on Ist
December neat.
TERMS- 19 per cent. of the purchase money en
the day of tale and the balance on led December
next %about Interest. I'art of the pun have money
can remain on Mortgage if thepurchaser desires it.
For furthe r particulars apply to
C1LA1.N.AN and STANBURY, Barristers, Euler,
JANE Mc -U1.LA1111. Aelminittratriv, Farquhar.
Exeter, 5th June, 1807.
erne ,-% \-�
iT'S 1.1FE (►it DEATH.
Will be held in MvDonell's Hall, Hetl-
sall, on FRIDAY. JUNE 2.8th, 11N)7,
at 2 o'clock p. n1., for the Election of
Officers and transect ion of other busi-
ness, The meeting will be addressed
by H. B. Gunn, M. I'.. 11. Either, M.
P. 1'., and others. All friendly to the
cause of Censer vat ism are cordially
invited to attend.
J. A. %Villiauts, fres. H. Horton, Ser.
100 acre,. more or less in the Township of Stephen
heing Lot 12, Con. 12. There it on the premises a
good frame house, 2 good hank barn•, and other
outbuilding.; g.)od orchard, and other , on%enien.xs.
This is a first class farm and will be toll reasonable.
For particular. apply on the premises or 6q mall to
LVH. doeiPE:R, Khiea
Stray Heifers
There strayed from the p•n 1i,.•4 t of the under•
signed. Lot :t, ('on. d, ['tisane, two heifers, two year
old, one red and the other red and while spotted, !e
right ears half clipped. Any peon finding ram, 1
wt11 he mitat•fy reuanie,t. , t
.ltrfN THiMPs'ON, Centralia P. O.
D. Fullick and Mr. and Mrs. Dew at-
tended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Vales four-year-old child at Exeter on
Tuesday. -A vet y pre1 ty wedding took
place at the home of Mrs. WVtn. Mc-
Dougal on Tuesday, June 18, when
her daughter. Miss Annie I'apple, be-
cause the bride of Nelson Blatchford.
The knot wits securely tied by Itev,
Mr. Smith in the presence of a num-
ber of friends and relatives. After the
ceremony ,t dainty lunch wits served.
The happy couple left on the evening
train for Niagara. As the young cou-
ple are very popular here they have
the beat wishes of all for the future. -
Some from bere attended the Zurich
picnic at the Bend on Tuesday. --Mrs.
Pope and family} spent Sunday with
her parents at Dashwood.-- Mrs. %Var-
ner is being visited by Detroit friends.
-There was quite a large turnout at.
the Reform eotivention held here Fri-
day. Some were glad while others
were sad. - Rev. and :firs. Tull left
Monday for Kent Comity to spend
two weeks with the former's parents.
Hev. Wren will nccnpy the pulpit in
the Melh"dist church oil Sunday.-
Hev. Smith has teturned from Mont-
real. -Will lticherdson a former' Hen-
sallite was married at Milbank to Miss
Anderson.- H. McCrustie of Belfast is
the new pier at the'ifolsons Bank, he
tit king 'harks Dyer's place, the latter
being transfet red to Clinton. --A num-
ber from here attended the circus at
London Monday, while some took in
he excursion to Detroit and this week
he sports are attending the' Seaforth
races. -A. I3rtent spent a few clays in
London last week on business In con-
neetion with the foundry. -Rey. '.V.
J. ()trinity was in Ioendon this week
attending the synod.- Mr. Stephenson
of Morbett, Mieh.. is here visiting his
sister M
Airs. J. Hudson. -Mrs. Seining..
Village Property for Sale
, a frit class hrii k hoose, containing 5 rooms down
stairs end 3 itp•stair, with kit, hen alta. hed and
.liar ande r all, 3•S ai res of land, good Weil, a num- 1
ter inti[ trees ar.d frame aahle. Terms to suit the
purchaser. Immediate rwt rrsafon, Appply at The
r pasture
which? Th. ere,-cr'Iption Is Pr nt+ably A fln Ivm iacr a Ton acres
t f iia:, nese
Sarept .; one hnudrat arrest 8b a. res c,e.k.1, frame
the lees[ enol( he written for the cps- 1 house and gno.l stable, good water, etc.,
tial case. it's of great importance!
how it's put up and whether the in- Apply to
tnbe is spending this week in l:xe
er.--A. Rickard has improved his
place by giving his house a coat of
saint.- J. Wei.Mille►' has purchased
W. J. Wilson's stock. -Mrs. Crypt of
Detroit is visiting her sister Mrs. Fred
McDonnell. Mr. and Mrs. Yale late
of Sentlariel etre now occupying the
louse of Mr. Craig.
Ilya l fnrgct the l;limville straw•
berry festival nn July 1st: only it
week (tom Moodily. smithy, June
80, Bev. S. J. Allen of Parkhill will
take chargo trf the telvicee. Special
nru-ii• will be finnished.--A large
number from around here attended
the M1111Per8/11 V serviee's at ‘V halm)
Ion Sunday and mist) the tea Tuesday
evening. A pleasant time is reported
I.y all. --John .1;,bite, Jr.. rna:le a hua-
nees trip to London last week, bring-
ing horse with hint two more new
buggies. Thi-. i•• four he has sold with• i
ill a few week. Mr. :end Mrs. Nor- (
mart Mitchell .•f ('••ntralia vi•ite(1 et.
Mr. and Mrs. s. Andrew's Sunday. -
Melville Skinner and E. Iletdman are
each sport ing new buggies. parchaeed',
from J. Johns. Times are looking'
gredients are fresh, pine and f ill SANnI tta s: (lumen. Exeter.
strength. - - - - -
EFF)•'[ '1'1V1; i'HEsr}OPTiONS
are those that cure. 11't, put theta op,
,cans, we have the medicines and
tum. fhitt's worth nenney. hilt
we don't charge higher for it. Be
safe and get your prescriptions of us.
W. S. }lowey, Phm
i1,4.ense iistil• 1 of South Ilnrr.n. NM1,•e is ben-
by given that Henry RMtearn of the Village of
(•rettiton, has made application for permission to
teenager his Pillage tatern license at ('►Miton, to
Mrs, John Chesnut. of ('rediten, and that raid
application will i.e t•onsidernl at the meeting of the
i ik,ard of License Commissioner.. to to held at the ,
Dominion Hotel. in Pillage of 7urieh,on the 23th day
s S I of June. 1807, at the hour of 104.m.
Ontario Liquor License Act i
te Real Estate Changes
mid, fs•l a tut 011 rt•u.uu-
,tble tt•r 11)s. We have un-
ryuallc.l facilities to tent,
cell or buy either farts or
village property. Try it.
,tttl around OUP corner and new hug -
'gilts are quite nlrrlle't'nlIS.-1Vm.-
tis and wife spent part of this week in
London. --A number from here are at-
tending the Seaforth races this week.
Cr'e ltoit
Ira Brown left for LVinnipeg and
Edmonton. His trip is on pleasure
and business combined. We wish hits
every success.--1111rry Beaver and
George Holtzman have secured the
contract to erect •► large hip -roofed
bank barn for Mr. Forester ofHolrnes-
ville.-John Mcisaac, formerly host at
"The Royal" was in the village the
past week visiting friends. Mr. Mc-
isaac has bought, out a business in Mt.
Pleasant, Mich„ where he will wove
in the near future. -Mr. and Mrs.Aug-
ust Ewald and Gottfried Mangnus at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Ewald at Elkton, Mich., last Saturday.
-Mrs. Elizabeth Merner of New Ham-
burg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Math-
ew `Viper. -Rev. L. H. Wagner of
Berlin conducted quarterly services in
the Evangelical church last Saturday
and Sunday. -V. Itatz. M. P., and
Mrs. Itatz were the guests of their
daughter Mrs. Chas. Zwicker last Sun-
day. -Rev. E. H, Bean attended the
Sunday School Convention in Tavis-
tock last Tuesday. -Miss Ethel Farrow
of Goderich, a former teacher of our
school, is visiting friends in town. -
We are glad to state that George Eit-
her is recovering from his illness. -
Mr. and Mrs. Stinacker of Rostock
are visiting Mr. and Ars. John Wind.
-Our boys called on the Exeter boys
last Friday eveninia for a friendly
game of baseball. Shall we give the
score? Well, here it is, 18-1 in our
favor. -Rev. E. H. Bean and .1. H.
Holtzman attended the Children's Day
Festival in Zurich last Sunday --Old
Sol made up for lost tittle the begin-
ning of the week and made us poor
mortals sweat some. The change is
so sudden. -Our citizens are getting
in the winter's supply of coal. Why
not bottle up a little of the superflu-
ous sunshine? -Harry Sweitzer left
here to -day (Thursday) for Philadel-
phia where he will meet has father,
August Sweitzer, and from there will
go to where be lives in the State of
BAsEtt-AI.L.---The Duncrief baseball
team reinforced by some of the Irish
Nine players of Lucas came here Mon-
day afternoon and played a nine in-
, ningi game with the Stars, resulting
it) it victory for the visitors, 4-2. The
game was interesting with the excep-
tion of the faulty umpiring by the
Duncrief umpire who was removed at
the end of the tlfth and Geo. Anderson
of Exeter took his place. Duncrief
made 3 in the 2nd and 1 in the 8th,
while Crediton nlade 1 in the 8th, and
1 in the Oth. The players were: For
Duncrief, Robinson, Hedley, It. Siddal,
McIntosh, Barnes. Shipley, Charlton,
Noyes, J. Stddal, For Crediton, Rau,
S. Brown, Young, Kerr. Fabner, F.
Brown, Beaver, McCue, Snell.
HustuLE:-BRowN-A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown on Tues-
day afternoon, the 18th inst., at 2 p.m.
when their daughter, Miss Emma, was
united in marriage to Mr. Percy Hum-
ble of Sarnia. The knot was tied by
Rev. E. H. Bean of the Evangelical
church in the presence of intimate re-
latives and friends of the contracting
young people. While the sweet
strains of Lohengrin's wedding march
was being played by Miss Marie Mor -
lock, the bride entered leaning on the
ern' of her father, who gave her away.
She looked charming and carried a
beautiful hoquet of white roses. She
was attended by her friend. Miss
Chrissy Brown, and her niece Miss
Myrtle Lawson was flower girl. The
groomsman was Wm. Darling of i3rin-
sley. After the wedding ceremony
the bt'ilal couple and guests sat down
to a sumptuous luncheon. The din-
ning room, and parlor were beautiful-
ly decorated for the occasion. The
happy couple left at l p.in, amid show-
ers of rice for Centralia where they
took the train for Niagara Falls on
their honeymoon trip. They will
make their fntnre home in Sarnia.
A host of friends wish them every suc-
cess and happiness through their mar-
ried life.
Cell t ralia
A game of base ball was played here
on Tuesday between the liriisley and
home team, resulting in favor of l'en-
trnlie team by a score of I1.2. ---Thr
annual strnwbeiry festival will he held
in conneeliort with the Methodist
church on July- 1st. The usual sports
will be held in the afternoon and the
concert in the evening under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid Society, who
are arranging a program that will ex-
cel! anything het.•tofut•t' given het e. --
The residence of Mr. Sam. Smith at
Devon was struck by lightning, dur-
ing the storm Tuesday evening, tear-
ing off a patch of shingles, but other•
wise no damage.- Mr. Jas. Handford
attended the London races last week.
-Miss Lillian Elliott will sing at a
concert in Wroxeter on July lst.-The
Epworth League gat e a very pleasant
ice cream social on Tuesday night last.
The affair was to have taken place on
the lawn, but owing to the storm it
had to be held in the chinch. --Rev.
Veal of Kirkton occupied the pulpit
here on Sunday iu the absence of Rev.
Andrews, who preached anniversary
services at Kirkton.---The Centralia
base ball teats will play Exeter team
in that town Monday. A good gauze
expected. ---We understand one of our
business then will take unto himself a
wife before the end of the month. -
The annual District meeting of L. O.
L. was held here on Tuesday when it
was decided to celebrate the 12th July
at St. Marys. -Dr. Orale was married
yesterday to Miss Beide • Beaver, at
Creditor). Both bride ,ind groom are
well and favorably known here and
they will have the best wishes of their
many friends for a long and happy
wedded life.
Miss Agnes Sproat is recovering
from her serious illness, which news
will be read with pleasure by her host
of friends, -A number front here at-
tended the wedding at Hensel] Tues-
day of Albert N. Blatchford and Miss
Annie Papple.-Mrs. ,lames McLean's
many friends will be pleased to learn
that she is recovering from her late
illness. -Remember the garden social
June 28 on the manse grounds. -Olt'
new store keeper, C. W. Casino has
moved here from Dorchester and is
getting settled. -A number from here
attended the circus at. London Mon-
day. -Miss Bertha Mack of Exeter vis-
ited friends near here the past week.
-James Ninchely and wife of Con-
stance visited friends here the past
MORE HONOIts-The list of those
taking honors at the recent University
examinations in Toronto has been pub-
lished. In first year arts, H. F. John-
ston, sun of W. H. Johnston, of Kip-
petI, was first in first class honors in
mathematics and physics, winning
the A. T. Fulton scholarship of $60.
FoeTEt1--At North Boundary, Step-
hen, June 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Foster, 1t son.
S1'EEtNAN-At St. Joseph, on Junc 11,
to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sreenan, a
CREE.I1-Ill Brantford, June 16th, to
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Creech, a son.
DERnAJI-In Saintsbury, June 15. to
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Derham, x
GLADMAN-In Exeter, nn June 1-1, to
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Madman, a sun.
SHrrtt- Ibtutetti:tt--In ('ieveland, on
June 4, JAInes Smith, formerly of
Exeter to Miss Cora May Brooker.
I.I1TTON--IIA1tTON-in Exeter, ,Ione
loth, Mr. Jattres Ltlttuu of 1,0ttdon,
to Miss Rosina E. Ilarton of Exeter.
BLATCt11•'ojn--PAI'FLE:--- in }lensall,
June 18, Aihert N. Blatchford to
Miss Annie Popple.
?renew-13EEtis--in Exeter, 011 .111ne
12, by Pest. Fear, George A. Young
of London to Miss Edith, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Beers of Ex-
11009E-HlAstAN-At Niagara Falls,
June 3, M. I.. Hoose of Albany, N.Y.,
to Miss ,Martha Heiman of London.
13Allti)-MCGtIR(Ot - in Stanley„)ono
12, (1. '1'. Baird, to Maud, danglir er
of H. McGregor, all of Stanley.
SANDERS -in Exeter North, June 17,
Clarence Everett, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harley C. Sanders, aged 1
Months, 20 (lays.
VALE -At Exeter North, on June 15,
Laura, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Vale.
Roofing Material
Are you do any Roofing? We have
Paroid Roofing, 1, 2 and 3 Ply
from $2.50 per square up.
Cary Roofing $3.50 per square
Oshawa Shingles from $4.60 up
S1'nTT(TN, Pt incipah Allperson, Interested will govern then,relvee ace
Chemist and Optician.1.\ 1.1 1?li. John Torran e, 1: cote inspe•'tor.
Phone 50, Mud at ('!intern.
this 11th day of June, 1907.
Ls>r► a aA ,a A AR s s,s
We also do
Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and