HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 8Made
Dre ,,i n ; well is an art
all f the man who has
his eluthing made to mea-
sure has found the key to
that art. Each garment
that we make for you has
that air of individuality
so much sought after by
the fashionable man.
You Are Sure of
100 New Saltines to Hand
At Prices Away Down
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
$5.00 /or ,nen s unlined Tweed Suits
-best style in the trade. Stewarts.
108 piece neo' porcelain china dinner
setts, pure white ground, with neat floral
decorations. They're the best ralue in
the (raele. Stewart's
Girls Wanted.
Two girls wanted -cook and general
helper. Good wages. Apply at Cent-
ral Hotel, Exeter.
Get your Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
Men's rine rice straw sailor hats and
pearl grey felt style's the re ry latest, at
Civic Holiday Proclamation.
In accordance with the petition of
R. N. Bowe, '1'. C. Brooks, C. 11. San-
ders end forty-two other ratepayers of
the Village lit Exeter, I do hereby pro-
claim Thursday, the 20th of June, 1907,
a day to he observed by the citizens of
Exeter as a Civic holiday. Let all
good citizen. of Eater govern them-
selves meet,' 'tingly. God Save the
A, Q. BontRH. Reeve.
Retneu►be:' the date, Saturday, June
2'2 ,.i, at the Commercial Hotel, and
co .cult with Miss J. J. Allen about
your eyes.
Mooney Biscuits and good rich old
cher .e. I'um.' Yuen.' Stewart's.
Nia¢ara Falls EccRMion•
Everybody will take in the excursion
to Niagara Falls under the auspices of
the independent Order Foresters on
Th n•sday J'me 20th. (;ood for three
day Thr fare from Exeter will be
$2.:31. Itrge hills giving particulars
will be issued in a few days. This will
he the only Excursion to the Falls this
/ Was!, young pie n ,Ire particular
about the e,ur ,nn they hop. piny hats
are go„d company. Stewart's.
Are You Bald
Gentlemen, why should you look
twice a. old ae you are when by con-
sulting Prof. Dorena•eud's represent-
ative he will demonstrate to you that
he can bring hack your youthful ap-
!,eatanee l,v wearing one or other of
his be•.fit ifrl natutal\Viga or Toupees.
Ile will l„e at the Central Hotel, Exe-
ter. Friday, J1ine2Ist. Don't fail to
see hi. latest patent structures.
Fire! Fire! The Red Flan
Now is th. time to fire the dirt out
of ,our fralhere. Place of business:
opposite the Town Hall. Satisfaction
Mound Pups for Bale
Three thoroughbred hound pups,
dogs, of the be•t hunting strain. color
is black and tthite, and black and tan.
--T. ('ailing. Jr.
aster Fail to Sc' Him.
Lodi•.. -hold I take advantage of the
visit of Piot' 1). renwend's representa-
tive to see ail the latest styles in Hair
Go .,1•. t,.•>.nt fol 1Vigs. Pompadours.
B.an. "I'1.o-formations. Switches.
sti .saw •11 111 ,a.ity tete.. etc. 111 tt111
la' ..t the 1.. 1,11111 11 1t11. Rxeter, Fri-
day -lune
The title., things that dis-
ting+ti.h the clothes we
n,,ke ate FASHION, FIT
ae e jolt It. proud 01 our re•
re r.1 .11111 will Sustain it
W t1 h g „e't goIlients. The
spring thing• are randy
and aa•- .t•• getting plenty
of oi 1.•Is. tine of these
days yo ui a ill appreeiatr
how vitally
You Need a Spring Suit
Our line is ready for your
kind inspection.
o (1
Call and Get our Prices
Merchant Tailor - Exeter +
0 Wit' NtMlle' IfirrirWirMigf + \l r. W. J. Statham has 1purchased i
IP ` 1))I*r`+� the licddy property n„rt11 of the Main I
LOCAL ( >iS. 4
4 street ehttreh
atiattkf�>/I► 4111.41k ALA& a6 stets ALA
When earth's last hnrglar is taken and
the last porch -climber is.1Eied,
When the last jail door has been bolt-
ed with the last house -breaker inside,
We shallrest,but not till we've fastened
the windows and locked every door,
And seen our wives carefully looking
beneath all the beds Its before.
Mrs. E. Sanders bas erected a new
verandah in front of her store.
W. G. Bissett is having the plate
glass front put in his store this week.
Miss Charlotte Sweet who has been
ill for some time has gone to the Lon-
don hospital for treatment.
Will Ferguson has commenced to
learn the hardware business with
Messrs. T. Hawkins & Son.
Mr. D. Gillis, who was severely in-
jured in an:accident a few weeks ago,
is Able to be out around again.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Currency" Chewing To-
We have enjoyed beautiful June
weather for the past few days and the
vegetation has begun to grow rapidly.
Mr. Elmore Senior has accepted a
position for the summer as assistant
purser on the steamer Kingston run-
ning between Toronto and Prescott.
Laurier Hagen, of Hillsgreen, who
has been attending High School here,
has taken a position with Mr. W. S.
Howey for the purpose of taking up
drugs. commencing his duties Monday.
At the Cotnmercial Hotel Saturday
June 22, Miss J. J. Allen, eye sight
specialist and refecting optician. The
latest approved methods used in ex-
arning and prescribing for weak or im-
paired vision.
Dr. Butler will be at the Central
Hotel on Friday, Joao , and Fri-
day, July 12th. Tait -Brown Optical
Co., 237 Dundas St., London, or local
dealers will promptly attend to pres-
criptions for glasses.
Mr. Wm. Coates of Osborne lost a
valuable four year-old colt by death
ou Monday it having dropped down
and died instantly, supposed to be
from heart trouble. This is the second
horse he has lost in two weeks.
See Prof. O'Brien's advertisement
in another column. The professor
will remain in town for a few days
longer, owing to the large number of
patrons who are consulting this emin-
ent phrenologist and palmist.
Those interested in the Decoration
services, and all should be, will not
forget that the march to the cemetery
commences at 1 p. m. to -day. Leave
your flowers with Messrs. Rowe & At-
kinson previous to 10:30 and they will
be taken out for you.
The members of Exeter Court Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters are request-
ed to meet at the lodge room on Sun-
day, June 10th, at 1:30 p. m. for the
purpose of attending divine service at
the Main street Methodist church.
Service at 230,
The Annual People's Picnic will be
held on Thursday, June 20th, in Wm.
Kernick's Grove, C'sborne, on the
banks of tbe Bauble. The usual p►o-
gram of sports will be carried out,
Everybody welcome. ('otne and have
A good time.
Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. MI, A.
F. & A. M., will attend divine service
at the Main street Methodist church,
on Sunday June 23rd, at 2:30 o'clock
when the Pastor, Rev. Fear, will occu-
pythe pulpit. Visiting brethren are
cordially invited.
Boys will beware of placing firecrak-
er•s in the month when they know
that it boy in Winnipeg died from
phosphorus poisoning caused by put-
ting a cracker in his mouth. An an-
alysis of the cracker showed that there
was sufficient poison in it to kill one
hundred people.
(;IAN1' TRIPLETS "Currency"
"Bos:" and "Stag" Chewing Tohac-
eta- , in trig plugs. Quality always the
Mr. Peter (Iowans, a former teacher
in school section No. 5, ITsborne, bas
taken charge of the school at Warman,
Sask. The trustees of that Western
town may congratulate themselves on
securing the s-rvices of such nn able
and efficient teacher. Mrs. Gowans,
Who is visiting at her old home in
Wingham, will leave for the Nest in
the course of a few weeks.
A copy of the Exeter Flying Post
of Exeter, F:nteland, was received this
week by the clerk, Jos. Senior. It
contains some lengthy mention of the
exchange of flags, and quoted the cor-
respondence and history received from
the Canadian Exeter, but doubted the
statetnent that we had a chime of
bells treater than the old Exeter.
By the way, the English Ii tg arrived
NVednesday morning. We shall have
sotnethin to say in this connection
next week.
The St. Marys road was the scene of
two accidents on Monday afternoon
caused by horses becoming frightened
of Mr. Oourlay's autornol'ile. Mr.
Thea. Fisher was drawing gravel and
his team on the approach of the auto
became frightened, hacked into the
machine:inti then made a holt for lib-
erty, leaped over the ditch and dashed
into a telephone post, succeeding in
breaking the harness considerably but
doing no injetrv. A little later Mr.
Hobert Mcl'alls was met with his egg
wagon when these horses also became
frightened and the tongue of the rig
wAs broken. Mr. Samuel Itowe hap -
petted along and brought the load of
eggs to town. while Mr. McFAlls
brought in the empty wagon. No
'lune is attached to Mr. (iourlay.
The home of Mr. G. N. Langford, 32
I) ,front St.. 'Toronto, WAR on June• 12,
at high noon, tbe scene of A pretty
wedding. when Emma E.. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David Lwngfor d of Re-
go) •. Sask.. WAS united in marriage to
1)r. 0. F. Roulston of Exeter. The
ceteneony was performed by Hew Arm.
Gordon Fanson and Elmer Hai nese,'
two boys. were sent np for trial at
(uderieh on Tuesday by Ni..gistrates
Kay and Farmer, on ,e ch:uge 411 hav-
ing broken into the home of Mt-. Mar-
shall on Victoria street during her
absence on Sunday evening between
haven and eight o'clock, and taking
therefrom a purse containing 86. The
boys were seen entering the house and
their capture was made next day. -
Thieves attempted to enter Mt'. Sid-
ney Sanders house late the saute night
by entering a window. Mr. Sanders
awoke and saw a man entering the
window and scared hire away. No
clue has been found to their indentity.
-Wood theives stole some wood front
Mr. 11. Spackutau's yard Monday
night. They will try their same once
too often.
A very pretty wedding took place
at :3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
the residence of the bride's parents,
Mount Pleasant, Brantford, when Mr.
Wilbert 5. Amy, formerly' of Sharon,
was united to Miss Iva S. Hussey.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Bowers in the presence of immediate
relatives and friends of Brantford,
Brinsley, Exeter. Port Huron, Bur-
ford, Hamilton, Oshawa and Detroit.
The bride, who was given away by her
father, entered the drawing room to
the strains of the wedding march play-
ed by Miss Bowers. She was charm-
ingly attired in adainty dress of white
organdie trimmed with valenciennes
lace and insertion, carrying a wreath
of bridal roses. The couple were at-
tended by the bride's sister, Miss Mabel
and groom's brother Garnet. On the
conclusion of the ceremony a tasty
lunching was served. A beautiful ar-
ray of presents attested to the popu-
larity of the happy couple. The trav-
elling dress of the bride was of brown
with blue silk waist. Their many
friends will join in hearty congratula-
tions and best wishes. They will re-
side on Dundas st., Brantford.
The Boys at Camp
The Exeter Company is taking
everything by storm this year at Lon-
don Cantp. Besides being the strong-
est company they are the biggest in
stature and most efficient in drill. The
annual shoot at Cove Ranges has not
come off yet, hitt they hope to excel
in that also. The weather during the
that. two days was very cold and damp
and not the sort the men like; never-
theless each urau is in the pink of con-
dition and looking well. Since then
the weather has been more favorable
to cainp life. The church parade on
Sunday attracted a large number of
people to Carling's Heights. The 3ird
Huron Regiment forming part of the
2nd Infantry Brigade, the massed
hands in front. under Ser -Major Hec-
tor marched to the place allotted to
them to heat Canon Dann of St. Pants
Cathedral. The weather was espec-
ially fine and the brilliant sun shining
on the dazzling uniforms made an im-
posing sight as they assembled in a
square. The company will be back
home on Saturday after twelve days,
they say, well spent. --Jos BINKs.
The Exeter team drove to Centralia
Thursday afternoon and played a
gave, which resulted in favor of the
home team by a score of 5.4 with an
innings to spare. Seven innings were
played.. Centralia's ground was very
rough and this was a handicap to the
Exeter boys and they were unable to
tnake connections with the ball in sev-
eral instances. Carling for the locals
played an excellent game in the box
and and pulled the team not of several
awkward holes when all looked blue.
('entrali» s new importation. Miller,
who was in the box, pitched fine ball
and showed a thorough knowledge of
the game. The pitching was cel taiuly
the feature, although the playing by
all the boys showed improvement.
The players were- Centralia: M. Mit-
chell, ('. Miller. C. Duplan. P. Simp-
son, F. Boyle, 13. Mitchell, H. Mitchell,
R. Smith, F. Kerr. Exeter: C. Spack-
man, W. Knight. G. Manns, W. Hal-
stead, M. Hoskins, 11. Bissett, NV.
Harding, T. Carling, G. Powell.
The Exeter teats that played in Cen-
tralia on Thursday went up against a
second nine of Exeter players on Fr i -
day evening on the recreation grounds
and defeated theta S 0 in a seven inn-
ings game. The second team consisted
of G. Anderson, 13. Martin, J. Bawden,
F. Hawkshaw, 1'. Boyle. N. Bellwood,
E. Vosper, W. Statham, T. Creech.
Baynham Smith Nuptials
A very pleasing event took place on
Wednesday, June Sth, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. London
Road, it being the marriage of their
daughter Willmott, to Mr. W. M.
Baynham, ('. P. R. Agent of Elkhorn,
Manitoba. At 8 o'clock p. lit. the bride
entered the parlor leaning on the arta
of her father to the strains of Mendels-
sohns wedding march, played by Miss
Sarah Neil. the bride was attended
by tier sister. Miss Entero Smith,
while Mr. !lett Rosser, cousin of the
groom, acted as groomsman, and Miss
Agnes Hepburn as maid of honor.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
G. W. Andrews. in the presence of
abo,it fifty in%ited guest., beneath an
arch of evergteen and blossoms bank-
ed with flowers. The 'tide looked
charming in a gown of white Jap silk
trimnled with valencienes lace and
ribbon and veil decked with lily of the
valley and carried a shower hoynet of
the sante. The hi Idesntaid wore a
charming dress of white silk taffeta
trimmed with velvet tihbon, while the
maid of honor wore a very ieconitng
dress of creast Instil'. After the cere-
ntnny the guests repaired to the dining
room. where a dainty wedding break-
fast was served, after which the eten-
ing was spent in games. amusements.
music And social chat. It is needless
to say the presents were both costly
and nionerous showing the high es-
teem in which the voting rouple were
held. The grooms gill 111 1 he bride
itt A sterling silver rake plate, and
spoon tray also A handsome pearl
strong. pastor of St. a'sid'e Methodist brooch, to the gr."'"1"1ut a pair of
church, Avenue Road, and was quiet g'nd cveerft with a to the bridesmaid a
in character, but. exceptionally pretty,
ring _ s`rd myx and to the
Only the immediate friends ,lad rola• maid of honor a earl stick pin. The
tires of the btide and groom were in Zoon�T duple Irft nn 1hi' ti:l5 train
Attendance. After the wedding (-ere.'Mnn(lay figfor their felt ire
monies Iles and Mrs. Rnulstnn left on
home in khorn. Man., amid the well
a short honeymoon trip to Miiverlon wishes of a host t,1 friends. Mr. Bryn•
where bath formerly rPslded. after hien was a former Centralia )s.v And
which they will take lip residence to won many witIn friends, wild.. bete
Ex•t11. The docent's mAnv fnrnd., 'n oar midst, a to, heartily (-nngiattt-
Wheat tit) tis
Barley 41; 13
Oats at, 30
Peas 70
Potatoes, per bag 75 75
Hay, per ton 11 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 40
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 25
Butter 17
Eggs 16
Livehogs, per cwt 0 60
Shorts per ton ` 2 00
Bran per ton 20 00
Wool, unwashed 1:3, washed 23
Tw . loath of choice calces for saleTue.daye and Sate
rdacs for balance of Filling. Price i'.Mi and upwants
Warted -One hundred hens, yearling chicken also
a number of good turkeys
IrWANTED-good Tonna Road Horse
W. Fa ABBOTT, entrails
Toe Best of Tonios
To build up the
Alt tired out? System run down?
Appetite gone? Can't sleep? Put
yourself on our
Beef, Iron and Wine.
It is an ideal combination -
Beef -to give strength
Wine --to invigorate
Iron --to purify the blood.
Most surprising how people "pick
up" on this splendid tonic.
Cole's Beef, Iron and Wine, prepared
only at
Gole's Drug Store
Prescriptions our specialty
The I.O.F. Excursion to the Falls
will be the most popular of the season.
See large posters later.
The Main street Epworth League
scored a success on Monday evening
in their entertainment given by the
Eckardt Family of Swiss Bell Ringers
itt the Opera Holies. The house was
comfortahly filled and was thoroughly
enjoyed by all. The playing on the
glasses, the bell ringing and violin
selections were enthusiastically ap-
plauded while the specialties were also
Rev. Mr. Going on Sunday morning
instead of delivering a sermon read
the pastoral address to the members
and adherents of the London Confer-
ence, issued by the conference which
recently met in Godet ich. The address
reviewed the work of the church dur-
ing the year, gave due credit to the
borne, the Sunday school and the
League for the excellent work they
have done, and offered encouragement
for the future.
Death of Mrs. Elston.
There passed away at the family
residence. Andrew street, yesterday
( Wednesday t about eleven o'clock,
Mary Ann Parkinson, beloved wife of
Richard Elston. The deceased has
been in poor health for some time but
the end cause very suddenly and unex-
pectedly. Particulars next week.
Dr. Browning was in Toronto dur-
ing the past week.
Messrs. A. Cottle and D. Wynn are
in (ioderich on the jury.
Mr. A. Hastings is recovering from
an illness of the throat.
Dr and Miss Mabel Follick of St.
Marys were here over Sunday.
Miss Lonshery of Detroit is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cobhledick are
visiting in ('landehoye and Lucan.
Miss McKay and Miss Brooks of
Seafotth spent Sunday with friends
Misses Fanny and Nellie (tatter
came home from London on Monday
to visit.
Percy Browning left Monday for
Toronto where he intends remaining
for A time.
Mrs. looney, formerly Mrs. Barnes,
who has been visiting here, left Tues-
day for St. Thomas.
Misy Lilian !landlord, daughter of
Mr. Geis. !landlord of Renfrew, is vis-
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Handford.
Rev. and Mrs. Cranston leave this
week for PAltnerston to reside. Mrs.
Martin will accompany them and re-
main for time.
Messrs. W. 11. Levett and R. G. Sel-
den were in Toronto attending a meet-
ing of the Canadian itetail ('oal Ass-
ociation Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John (rill of Buffalo
artived here last week to visit. They
with Mr. and Mfg. Harry Gould are
at present camping at (;rand Bend.
Mrs. Fuller of Mie•higan is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Wright of Exeter
North.and brother, Mr. Frank Wright.
it 1s several years elute Fhr wA., h• re.
Lieut. Seaman. who is attending
camp at i,ondon, was home over Sat•
nrday. Mrs. Heitman and children
returneMd to London with him to visit
for A few days.
1)r. and Nita. Harrison and two
rhildren of i)etroit range over from
Detroit in their autorrmhile on Stator -
day to visit the fornter's pvrents on
the South 11;,.'11al• t .
Mrs. John White. Mrs. \Virkwire
and Mr .T. .1. White ►et irned from
Ott ,.vn on F'ri.l iv. where they Attend -
h• t. rstrr.d to him anal t is hide the r 'a''' hien on wrru.tng (Me or our most ed the nom, • of Mi-• 11 •a gate ('.,
.t wishes. estimable young Indica for his bi ids. d a.ightei of Mi. W. J. White.
1Ve have the following for Fodder and Ensilage
Also four varieties of SWEET CORN
for the garden.
ea lers in H az aware, Cement, Wire, Etc.
Great Regnction Sale 51111 On
Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still
offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the
than ever were shown in Exeter before.
Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced
to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be convinced before making your purchase
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
T: e Poultry Season is here again and during
the month of June our prices will be -
15c. per lb in trade, live weight, for plump young
chicks, weighing at least 2 pounds.
12c. per lb. in trade, live weight for plump well -
feathered this season's ducks.
6c. per lb. in trade, live weight, for plump old hens
crops must be empty or allowance made.
We will not be paying cash until the weather is cold enough to
ship dressed poultry.
We wish to draw the attention of those who have poultry to sell
to this fact --that our foreign trade will be twined if we continue to put
on the market poor skinny poultry.
For this reason we have decided not to handle any but good
plump porde' y.
We are always in the market to buy poultry, hence no one need
its in a burry to rush off their pnultty till it is in good shape.
i'nultry must be brought in on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday
of each week till further notice.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Fine Swiss Milano with small, med-
ium and large dot
Price 20c and 2rc per yd
Fine white mull with small patterns
Fashionable for dresses
('rice laic per yd
White muslin in strife and floral de-
signs, qualities worth late anal 25c.
Selling at 1Sc per yd
Black muslin in plain and fancy tine
thin goods moth 25eand 35-.
On sale at 15,• per yd
('o1 red muslin., in mauve, pink and
1,1i . +11 y dainty gouda, makes
<atlush cheapen
Prices Mc and :lie per yd
White wash duck, correct for skirts
or suits, tnediun, weight
Price I5c per yd
White pique, medium cord, makes
good wash goods Price 1Sc per yd
Special embroidery sale. regular 7c
and 8c goods. all on sale at Se
This month we intend CLEARING
OCT every hat in the store. Hatq
that were
$5.t.) ort sale at $.3.15
wit on sale at *2.75
*3.01 on sale at $$L lip