Exeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 7ATTER INNTOitS FAILED. 1111. \1 fink Pills cured a `.•- %err lase of Au:uncia stud Weakness. Aua-inia-pour Watery blood -is the (silos (-f most of the misery which ef- Viers Inrinkind. The hisis•w ices esgleci• ally fulls an easy prey to 11. The long T. ours and close confinement necessary In performing her household duties sail list slr'eugth. She becomes run down and often suffers extreme misery. Dr. Williams )'ink fills are the housewife's friend. They make new blood -lots of It --and pure blood banishes all wo- men's ailments. Mrs. E. Sl. Germain, v..fe of a well known farmer of St. J. ss des I:4aillnns. Que.. found new Mlsiteth tluollg!h Dr. Williams' flak Pills. '-ho says: -"A year ago l was ex - 'twilit -1y wink. I could not attend to 111y work. 1 suffered from dizzy spells; O.� head ached; my blood was poor; 1 tali a had cough and the doctors feared 1 Wits going into consumption. I (oi- l.weo) their treatment for some time but 'Without relief. 1 grew discouraged and 'finally gave it up in despnir. I was 6tvingly advised to try Dr. Williams' fink )'ills, so procured ax boxes. 13e- 'f'rc they were all gone I felt relief. The T:. uihich.s and dizziness became less Influent and 1 felt a little stronger. 1 r. nlinued the pills for a couple of tlinnlhs al. the end of which (line 1ia41 gained in weight; the palls had left ale, my appetite was good and 1 Telt as strong hind well as ever I did. I cannot say tow much in favor of Dr. Williams' )'ink Pills for 1 certainly owe my good health to thein." The woman in the house. the man in the olli•'e, the boy or girl in the school will always find a friend in 1)r. Wit - Items' Pink rills. These Pills actually !make new. rich. red blood and good blood banishes rheumatism, general de- bility. kidney troubles and Inose aches and pains caused by overwork or over - study; good blood builds up the tired unstring nerves and snakes pale. thin cheeks rosy and healthy. The pillsare sold at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by all m04101no dealers or by mall from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. SCOTCH EXI'1.1►Itl:it's %%(IIiK. Mr. Grime, a Naturalist. Visited the Island of Dominica. As is well known, Columbus discovered and named the island of Dominica, which is thirty miles long and sixteen wide, on his second voyage to the Antilles. More than a year ngo Mr. Grieve, n Scottish naturalist, decided to go to Dort/Utica to make n study of its flora and cumin. Tho Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce heard of the project and in- formed \lr. Grieve that as the most con- tradictory statements had been circu- lated as to the prospects and capabilities o' Dominica, he would have a fine op- portunity- to study the island as a field for British settlers. Arriving at the island. Mr. Grieve in- formed the ollicials that he wished to explore the inferior. They shook their heeds dubiously, and told him they were olrtibtful if he (41111(1 carry out so 01(104)05 ',r undertaking. as the interior was al- ls.._t entirely without roads and covered It '11, grilles a1 Iropicnl forest. \st to be daunted. however, he limed 11 s way through the forest, his negro porters moving the tlnderhrush with their machetes. Ile climbed) the 110,1114. tains, looked doe n into the boiling lakes end encountered the severest carlhquake I,o,uinicn has enjoyed for many years jn-' a,s lie reached the middle of n river. r.isis is, 1. o -back on the shoulders of a 1,'•, i, loan ;and he contracted a violent for a variety of Tree fern covered ith :sharp spines, which lore his clothes cud can scarcely be avoided. The authorities told hila he had dine wonders, but he is not al 1111 satisfied milli tete map ho mode, and cxcusrs Its tinny sportcoatings on the ground that he was compelled to impose his material upon n nap of the Mand mode in 1776. The attention of the Itoyal Geographical Society should be elreen to this ne- glected corner of us. v 1 i Id. ----# DI:I.IC:\'l 1 (l111.D131:V. Baby's Own 'Tablets hale dour more 1hiu1 any other medicine to make weak, sickly children well and strong. And the mother can use I114'm will nhsolule c' ntldence, ns she has the guarantee c.t it government m ulls's( that the Tablets e4.nlai1) no opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Laurin% Cyr. Little (:nscapedia, N. R., says: --"I have used Baby's Own 'Pallets for colic. teething troubles and `Indigestion. and nm more Then pleased wIlh the gond results. Mothers wlio use this medicine will not regret it." !sod by medicine dealer's or by mail el re. a ixx train The Dr. Williams' Ale. d,ritle Co., Brockville, Ont. es 1 t' • : LM ' 2 O\t:-\I \N \V Bates is erecting a house on land Al Penn. trucks. England, with ell the most nuelcrn building inipet'e. talents, entirely by his town efforts. Mar- kel gardening 1st, curiously enough. his oeeupntion. but he is his awn an•hlle•1, bricklayer. carpenter. plumber. joiner, etc. The inhnt,llRnts; are much inter- ested in tits single-handed undertaking. rlcrnlAu Talker contains 110 silver, 11111 1• an alloy of copper. nickel and zinc'. 11 is tinnier !him silver. The lost pro. low p. ,!stn` of the alloy are i►(I copper, 20 ! I, 30 zinc. 7 N 1' 1. NO TROPICAL PLANT THAT ('.4I1 (.115. %.ay of Freeingg Well From (:ualintg .n Desert Saud. "1 heard a cough and looked iehind n,,• nervously," said a huntsman, "tor 1 Il - stulking gazelles in that lion colored) tho Sahara Desert, and having is.s. 11 rattier too far south,. I expected at I.nt moment to become a piul'ushwn for the poisoned dart of the dread '1'uureegs. "I:.it there was no one thele. '1'114' Ilat -dc-• , t quivered in the sunshine, and here and there a (lusty plant stood w.'r.ir- 11y Itut though ( con1111+u►ded the hind- senpe tar a radius of fifty utiles, not a living aceta a was in sight. "Another sough. 1 -.I.ng around quickly. The same plait, yellow with halo: the Hotel is situate) on a Kelm - dust, drooped in the dry heat. 1'11141 was hent street adjacent to the new Govern- ment Post -office building. For full piir- tioulers, apply to 1'. McCOUL, Real I•s- tato Dealer, North Bay. Bljg Money In Wheat_ $10 buys Puts or Calls on 10,0%0 bu. of \\'heat. No further risk. a movement of 54.. from price inukes you SSW, 4e. $4(111, 3c. 830U, etc. Write fe,r Circular, FREE. THE S'S RD 909 tichntteld Bldg., SIopS _s allsorstomach and bowel disorders. , Makes posy babies plume and rosy. Proved Colic6y S0O )rcare aseeosefol eee. A� yow degglir lex it - horses' am Mothers' Treasure -28c.-6 Wales 61.25. almost Dew & Cha■.,cal C. Liaised Mansell r For Sale. A licensed Hotel in North flay. one of the busiest and best town, in New On - alt. 'I lack ! Ilnck r "On my 14.11 this time. 1 swung mound again. A like plant tnet my eye: The thing was grooving rather ghastly. "As I regarded this lust plant a cough carne from it. Believe me, the plant coughed. 1t shook all over, and Then, lightening up as a maul sloes when Ile is about to sneeze, it gave a violent cough, all a little cloud of dust arose. "1 found out afterward that the plant. was the coughing [1.1111, which is com- mon in many tropical countries. In the long, dry Items this weird growth's pores become choked with dust, end it would die of suffocation were it not that n powerful gas aiun►ulates inside it, which, when it gains sufl!cient pressure, explodes with a sound precisely like the human cough. The explosion shakes the plant pores free of their dust and the coughing bean is in good health again." SURE SIGN 01' SENSE. Crazy people never act together, de- clares the superintendent of a large a'y- loin for the insane, quoted in The New York Medical Tinley. "If one instate at- tacks nn attendant, ns sometimes hap- pens, tho others would look upon it as no affair of theirs, and simply watch it out. The moment we discover two or more inmates working together, we would know they were on the road to recovery. It is on this account that there are so few concerted mutinies in insane asylums; so that the number of atten- dants does not have to be large. • Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are covered over with warts. \\'hy have (hese disfigure - melds on your person when a sure re- n,over of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. Artist -"Isere is a very suitable pic- ture, Mr. Gibbe. 1t represents the Rev, \Ir. Goss, the missionary, in the centre of n group of cannibals." Deacon Gibbs -"l see the cannibals, Mr. 'turps, but where is the missionay?" Artist -- "Didn't 1 just tell you that tie was in 111e centro of the cannibals?" self." If your children moan and are rest- less during sleep, coupled, when awake. with a loss of appetite, pate counten- ance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon 11 that the primary cause of the trouble is worsts. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator effectual- ly removes these pests, at once !Pilo.. nig the little sufferers. Carp 0141) readily be taught to conte for their foods al the sound of a bell ; but on'the whole, fish do not hear nearly sol well as land animals, nor do they pos.. MISS any strong sense of smell or of taste. The heat of the Tropics fades rots chreaa. It tale. ,.way rho e•norey. "Ferrovim` 1' the bo.t tont,. 1P brace you ..p. 1t etimnlater the system It Instr., for walk strong. It Is pleas- ant tv take. All .iruggist-, sell is A navel lieutenantofunder eight years' seniority ranks with n cnptnin in the Arany, of more than eight milli a major; an admiral ranks wills 'n gen- eral, and nn admiral of the fleet with It flcld-marshall. \WIII:N AND WHAT TO READ. I1 you are inpatient sit down quietly and have n talk with Job. I/ you aro just a little strong -headed, go to see Moses. If you are getting weak-kneed, lake a kook at Elijah. 1f There is no song In yot.r heart, listen lc Dnvid. 11 you are a pol'cy man, rend Daniel. If you are gelling 5441(1 1. spend n e Tole with Isaiah. 11 you feel chilly, get the beloved dis- ciple to put his trans round you. 1f your faith 1s hrluw pnr, rend Paul. 11 you are gelling lazy, watch James. 1f you ore living sight of the future, climb up to Bet elation and get it glimpse •:t 111e promise) land. A Mngie Pill. -Dyspepsia is 'a foe with which men ere constantly grip. piing but cannot exterminate. Sub- dued, and to nil appearances vanquish - e.' !n one. it makes its appearance in bib Cher direction. In ninny the diges- t,l.' apparatus is ns delicole acs the meollanisIn of n watch or scientific in• strumenl in which even n breath of air will make n 5nrintiun. \W1111 such per- sons dlsnrders of . the stuntmen eastte from the IIN)S1 trivial 0811805 and cause notch suffering. '1'o These Pnrmoir', Vegetable fills are recommended es 1111141 and sure. 111sfl 1.1\IFr. "Iden a married woman." remarked the fair 15:1111, "Ila• her liflllations." "Yes." rejoined the cynical bachelor. 'Iles I1I,Itom of her husband's pocket- [AY.I; is usually her limit.' TOU(:Il LIGHTLY. When you lend n helping hand Try to lend 0 righliy; Tee, much we ail is hard 1•' -tend- I.e'1 your lou ti fall liglhtly. he .1'.0a..• of Water,- is .1n (net in - sot re (enema. 1.1.1n.'11 chr :• ; n 1,..1114:11h (:onsfant:- V(.t1 N.)1.1 (1414'1 dear my wife saying( } . .1 ,•lel 1.t ponndrrous n,• m l t, •'`tistritele l !hie _ ... ,1 1 .•• la. • 1 n\' . x'811 a. Ill INN: 1st. 14';. 11 aI 1,liptwl to expk:i4' the Ytes. 11 � is hpurntilatonsilI tpa nfu . a.din undergroundncw underground lake; they wear c\ r Why not said the trouble and restore your skin to IM net- t , :,►.1 4..f again. Aral toms.. with Weaver'II( orate GRAIN CO., • Clelcland, O. WI:STEI3N BUSINESS - iF YOU want a western business write us ; Targe lists ; lintels, livery stables, stores. and others. The MuIt'n Mansell Co., business brokers, Sa.skatiwn. RO331111 The ('ream of the KOOTENAY If you are lntereetod to Prult Lands write for our booklet Its FMK E.. fIcDERMID d< t1citARDY, Nelson. B.C. SAVINGS OF THE WORLD. Amounts the Thrifty Everywhere Place In Savings Banks. According to the Bureau of Statistics in the "Statistical Abstract for 1906," 111.273,881 Thrifty people have $11,801.- 229.509 on deposit in the pV;IIII and other savings bunks of the world. The ac- counts average $129.29 each, and repre- sent 813.58 per ciipila of the total popu- lation (868,897,000) of the various coun- tries. Some Asiatic counties. arc not included, notably (china, whose financial affairs generally are not yet statistically available. The distribution is : ('aunlry. Depositors. Av. Acct. $433.79 158.89 85.24 183.'90 75.61174.44 92.13 236.641 1:09.28 148.46 1576. 87.2497 12 556.85 .05 2145.43 5.32 131.98 150.36 41.118 99.23 Unihft States 8,027.192 Germany 16,612,771 I'nited Kingdom 11.694 918 Austria France Italy Russia Hungary Denmark Switzerland Australia Sweden ... Belgium Norway Netherlands Canada 1 Jnpnn Spain Nce. %ealm4d British India Finland 5.325.062 11,767,772 7,383,331 5,3(I6,040 1.4 75.761 1,201.569 1,300,()10 1,123,284 1.915,204 2,311.815 7!)).307 1.412.881 2(0,563 1(27'.l,508 415,196 316,35(1 1.058,813 246,532 In postal savings brink deposits alone PIP totals are 31,308.269 depositors and 51,790,886,058 deposits, the accounts averaging $52,20 each. The leaders aro: ('„unlry. Depositors. Av. Acct. United Kingdon[ .... 9,963.049 $74.30 France 4,345.446 52.74 Itnly 5,527.322 37.31 Belgium 1,785.145 65.01 !tussle 1,403.448 62.69 Netherlands 1.2113,780 44.26 (:anuria 161,542 277.96 British India 1,08,813 41.08 Japan 4.907.561 4.19 .__ . -ere The Demon, Dyspepsia. -In olden litres it was it iwpuiar' belief that de. neons moved visibly through the am- bient air. seeking to enter into In4'n and 'rouble them. At the present day the demon. dyspepsia, is at Jorge In the sante way, seeking habitation in (hose who by careless or unwise living in- vite hint. And once he enters a map ll is difficult to dislodge him. Ile That finds himself so possessed should know that n valiant friend to do battle for hint wilh the unseen foe is Parmelee's Vegetable ['ills. which ore ever ready for the tial. Father -"lees. I admit your lover has a good income, but he has very ezpen- Sive tastes, very." Daughter--"Y.)u ar11n7.e ate; what does he ever want that to so expensive?" Father --"Well, you fcr one thing." ST(:II, \lenge. Prairie S•'ritlelles and every florin of elningious Itch in human or enamels cured in 30 minutes by \\. 14 rd's Siillilnry lotion. It never fair. �e,ld by all druggists. �, to kd ,1 s• Mit account er�e on tseems. COMPANY • r.. nu•'-si•'kn"s Judge - "Home -sick- LIMITED.n• • . r• ,n.-• "les, your lector, he stn. b'in iii plc -';1)." Dr. J. D. Kclk,gg; s Dysentery Cordial River and Gulf of St 1 Lawrence is preportal from drugs known to the 1'1( 1(ssle.A as thoroughly reliable for the cure of abider., dysentery, diar- rhoea, griping pains and summer vim - 'saints. 11 has been used successfully 1•y medical practitioners for a number of yours with gratifying results. If suffering from any summer complaint 11 is just the medicine flint will cure ye„i. Try a bottle. It sells kr t'5 cent:. Nothing you can wear coats you so little in real comfort, tart SSZYfce and teal satisfaction as Pen -Angle Guaranteed Underwear Wernaled to You b7 the dealer{ b7 Ik. maker Ss km la" Form -toed (a1 cookie. rt.: roes'i wretch, wooer thriak. Mads is w7 fabrics sari shirt M vansso sakes, foes.inin, was la stomas, taco std clvJdres. Trade -marked is red as above EXPERT sE\\ I t-N.tt:iii t: Irl:Pal IBS. Also sewing machine oil of absolute purity. and the best needles and parts for all machines at Singer stores. Look for the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine (:o. \\rite us 111 \t:uulin!1 t:ha11tt.'rs, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. lie -"Would you really die for me?" He "No, dear, 1 would not." She - "Tlere! 1 thought you wouldn't, and %4 t you talk of love-" Ile -"My dear, my love is of the undying sort." A Medicine Chest in itself. -Only the well -lo -(lo can afford to possess a medi- cine chest. but Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. which is a medicine chest in itself LeIilg a remedy for rheumatism, lum- bago, sore throat, colds. coughs, ca- tarrh, asthma and a potent healer for wounds, cuts, bruises, ,sprains, etc.. is within the reach of the poorest. owing to its cheapness. It should be in every house. The "cat bird" is a member of the thrush tribe, common in Florida whose note precisely resembles the mewing of 3 hall -gr. stn rat. WILSON'S FLY PADS Every packet will kill mom Aloe than 300 shoots of sticky paper - SOLD se - DRUCCISTS, CROCER$ AND CENTRAL PORTS tOes pow packet, ora packets for 280. will last a whole season. w 1101. (J;ff)4 fri WEST FhOUR A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DIMERS (VERS 1IHER( St PPLICD 11 Tit 11010. AND FLED A11 RITE US. YE Al '0 U.5( 'Q( (IN CITY! A 41150(0 FLOUR in AT 11AS CAMEO GROAT f54 OR ASA CIP.LRAL IIOI'SLIIOLD 'ALL PI 111104 41 710U11. alai CAMPBELL MILLINGCO TORONTO JUNCTION ONT QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE i Gives Perfect Light. Th• Most Economical MIEN Grade 011 Ever Sold In Canada. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, Gi,ggs-"l he ides of Jelling your a'.re 4'r• round nd saying she blade a man of flint." Briggs: --"N(.; but I beerd her s. ' ng,• niy wife tint she 41id her Le -t.' 111 , 1 A 1,.'' n ll' • s looked \ii..e-n. a� n data'' for RI'lliull. is i•' - ! i ;0 '"-salt,c t y „ 1.(•.•ti- [ably demist from "alb" 4.r "alp.- 21 nlp. 21 or. 1„ .4. nifyrng a c':untry of cliffs or heights. Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin `••raw ir..nw "('ampana,"with electrie Ighls, pie, lrir hello and all m -darn comforts. 14.11.' inn\1 MONTREAL ON \1uNDi YR at I p m . Sad stud 17th June. 1st. 16th and :9th Jn�ly, At. and 2(th August 9th and lSr.l epee of : Taal fortnightly thereafter for I'Ict -a. eati- ng ag at QIP sec. U ripe 41,1 nay Perri, ('appo ('ora, (grand Rifer. Nummsrsids. P K 1 . and Charlot- tetown, 1' F. 1. BERMUDA \\ FIEHF: HISTORY 1s IIEI'EATI•:D. Not log ago a case of hl.tory repeat. Ing itself \\a. noted In this column, -ays the London Chl',nicle. A 3(• 41 Whin named George Washington wits brought before the police court in lien• digs), Auslrriilin, amt lined for applying Ms 350 141 a tree belonging to Karg Ed - want 511.. the Magistrate slillI1I1g1y ex- pressing regret at his inability to for- give. This week's (nail records another curious conviction at Bendigo for illegally cutting down limber on Crown lands. This time the culprit's name wus John Wesley. If the next offender should answer to the name of Wiliam Shakes- peare, or 34,1111 Hampden, or Bernard Shaw, we shall begin to suspect that the Ccndigo axemcn have struck a gold nllrle of new Manor. WOIl1.D'S LAIIGEsT CRANE. The largest crane in the world is be- ing used at Armstrong's EIV ic•k works, Newcastle-ml=Fyne. The crane wi11 take n normal load of 1511 Ions, but has been tested to 200 tons. and is intended to lilt gun barbelles from the workshop to the warships. doing away with three months' delay and the labor usually employed in taking thele to pieces and reconstruct- ing. The crane has taken two years to build, and weighs 1.100 tons. it can rare its load 100 feet. CelluloYd Starch Easier ironingtr " better finish on thin starched with Cellulo Starch, the only no. boil cold -water stare* that can't stick. You will like it best, onc, you try it. Buy it b>t name. Any good dealer., S e v es Labor - T i tlln e - Linen, Teo lel FARMS FOR SALE. Improved and unimproved farms o 1400 acres up. a1 $6..0 per sere an lI gher ; close to market. A postal cat stating requirements will bring you par titulars. AddreFs, J. B. Gowanlock, 35$ Agnes Street, Winnipeg(. A lame horse Is a dead loss. It costs u much to keep a lame horse, as it does a home in harness - and the cripple brings nothing in. You can't afford to support idle stock. That's why you can't afford to be without Kendall's Spavin Cure It takes away the pain and stiffness frons Sprains and Bruises -draws the soreness out of Strained Muscles and Tendons -CITRUS Sparine, Soft Bunches and Swellings. Used for two generations by two nations. KATarwa Seariore, ONT., I)ec. Ij, oar 01. " I have oKendall's Spavin Cure for a Bone 5 win of t years .tasd ng, which has entirely cured the lamenees and greatly reduced Ilse swelling. Another bottle of the 81.avio Care, 1 ern glue, will complete the core." HOWARD HEIx[. 01.00 a bottle or 6 for 16. Sold by dealers everywhere. Write for free copy .4 our famous book-'• Treatise On The 'fosse." You will find a seed for it every day. D. O. J. KENDALL CO., ENoesuito FALLS, VERMONT, U.S.A. 29 T"` LENOX HOTEL IN BUFFALO MODERN 141014111 GRADS FIR)►Rea* OUR OWN RAPID ELrCTRIC CARRIA(IE EXCLUSIVELY FOR PATRONS OPERAT CONTINUOUSLY I?VP.RY PP -W MINU4E! PROM HOTEL TOOROL'OH BUSINESS DIS TRICT AND TO Ali. DEPOTS API WiIARVI S FOR PR1.'YCIPAI. TRAINS AN STBAMI RS. EUROPEAN PLAN IR rtev 11.60 per day and up. GEORGE OUCN$CNERER. • ProprlatoT The Good Old Days ARE Looming Up Again Many H. rifler: who have not ridden for years nre getting hack into 1r,o• gli,m. Rus season. They found. that atter all. the wheel was a go.41 Rung, Blur helped them to enjoy 11fe better. As a healthy end pleasant means 01 trnnsportatwn find (i. a time saver the tosses. is sliding its revel. Its real wt.) rth o. reeogrolitd. 'Ills large increase a malas Ibis year already denionstrale.s this fa. 1. Etaeimer piearaI nv. Ru, by the new Twin Strew .,v. •'Itermadlan". 4,400 tons. Railing 414. sat :04h June. Sad. 17th And a;st July. 14th sn4 Nth .\mutt, 4th. 14111 And 2sth septemb r, gni ,4th A•,,l 34.4 O.,tnber. (Ih. ltlh and 27th Yne1m- i, Temperature cooled by ill 4,0.1.' ee1A• in dee, si,,,. kJ degrees - The Rne.t trip. of the season for health and Stator, Alt"1111 It A11EHN. S•cretAry. Q !rose. A. I'. (11"IERf11tI1)Gl. • (.(f., Agen'a, M Broadway. New York. The Massey "Silver 'Dean", Perfect, Cleveland, Brantford, Impsrial, Rambler and glue flyer wtlh Cu,hlon Frame, Coaster Brake, "MAKE AIA. flofl)S $ IOOIH." Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited, •' MAKERM OF THE WO MAYS BEST Toronto Junction, Brunches: Winnipeg. hnnrnuter, Melbourne, Aust. w Canada, IS YOUR MONEYEARNINQ. A FAIR INCOME • FOR YOU ?• -!-" THF • 'UNION TRUST £o.!ftLLL�' RECEIVES DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARD,SUSJECT TO CMEQUe. AND ALLOWS INTEREST ON SALANCeS , AT THE RATE OF FOUR PER CENT PPCA ANNUM, COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY MONEY .TO LOAN. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS TO RENT.