HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 5!zceter Abt'ocnte KIDNEY TROUBLES EXETER o`: T tl $1 00 if pad in ad, sic e, *ISO a )ear if not w {oil. Increasing Among Women,Bal !�rToUnitaltedStates SrDacrltserael•SO a Yalu Strietl) fa Advance Sufferers Need Not Despair SANDER' t CRttil.'li, 1•ublishers. PIANO TALI K We have Pianos to sell. You are thinkink of buying one. Well, come in and see us and let up talk the matter over with you and no doubt you will find us anxious to sell you one just the way you would like to buy. Our Pianos Vary in Style and Price but are good instruments and fully guarantaed. Canada's best tnakes are found on our floor and prices are right. Also do not forget to come here for your Stationary, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages and Waggons S. MARTIN&SON Wa*ch Quali*u is an essential with us. Every- thing in the construction of Our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to keep good time and give good satisfac- tion. For Present Time For Future Time For All Time Our line of Clocks is complete and up- to-date. Get One of Our Alarm °looks They are the best --at the usual low price. Call and inspect our gen- eral stock. MARCH A N D The Jeweller EXETER, ONTARIO )11AY DO YOOARMER BNOW THAT WE HAVE A McCormick Corn King Manure Spreader At $00, brand new a year ago. Also a few Success Spreaders At $115 cash. Wire Fence We have a few hundred rads of fence left at prices ns fallow: (3 wires. 10 in. high, all No. i,. at :0c. 7 " 40 " „ :kpc. 8 " 45 '• •' Ile. THORNTON BAKER LIWI ICVMAN Agent for the Sylvester and Perrin flow Companies Exeter - Ontario Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Tho great Uterine Toni.•, and roily tofu efrevt nal Monthly itc(;al:at..ron whieh worm/icon depend. sold in (lire,• degree+ of strength --Na. 1, i1; \o. Y. ppde• cgree stronger 1; Pio. 3, for special cave+, per box. jSold 1.y all aro -tm. or irnt prepaid on near `•t of pries, Fn•e pawn}{•hlet. Address • T cwI1111116111 CO,.TOMMT0.lMT. (fatrtrrlyWinI111 THE BEIi TELEPIIONE COPIPUT OF CAN�OII is aaInv it to issue A New Telephone Directory F(ilt 'l'H): District of Western Ontario Including Village of Exeter, (lydet for new rnnnectinnt+, ebanR- es of firm tit%MPS. changes of street addressees ur for duplicate entries should be handed to the Local Manager at once. A. Marchand, LOCAL MANAGE)( THE BEST ADVICE IS FREE Of all the diseases known, with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease is the most fatal, and statistics show that this disease is on the increase among vvotuen. Unless early and correct treatment L applied the patient seldom survives when once the disease is fastened upon hep We believe Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the roost efficient treatment for chronic kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially prepared for this purpose. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, frequent, painful or scalding urination, swelling of limbs or feet, swelling under the a es, an uneasy, tired feeling in the regio of the kidneys or notices a sediment in be urine[ she should lose no time in com- mencing treatment with Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means of [taring her life. For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound did for 3trs. Sawyer. '' I cannot express the terrible suffering I had to endure. A derangement of the female organs developed nervous prostration and a serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended ale for a year, but I kept getting worse, until l was unable to do anything and I made Up my mind I could not live, f finally decided to try Lydia E. l'iukham's Vegetable Com- pound as a last resort, and I am to -day a well woman. I cannot praise it ton highly, and I tell every suffering woman about my case." Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga. Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to women ; address in confidence, Lynn, Masa. Wood's T'hosphodiae, The Great 1'nglin4 Remedy. Tunes anti l -uratethu'. holo nervous 7 makes now Blood in a :n es , Cures Ne- ' vac 1)ihilily, Menial an.: /soil iVorry, Lka- „ 1 acf), Sexual Weakness, lianiv.eiona, Span .•,hlra, and Rffecls of Abuse or E.rcesses, $1 per box. six forOno will please, six i!1 euro. Sold byall druggists or mailed in ,deinkgg. on receipt of price. Ne ID palnpAlet mailed free. Theo Wood M.dtclno Ca (formerly If'indsor) Toronto, Ont. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Was established twenty years ago and by its thor ough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and most widely known Commercial Colleges in the 1'rovince. The demand upon us for commercial teachers and (Ace assistants greatlyeaceeds the supply. We assist our graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals WAREHOUSES —AT -- EXETER, CENTRALiA AND CLANOEIOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (successor to Joseph Cobbledick) L1L('llll F. J. Fox of Toronto Medical school, 1 is spending the holidays with his par- ents in town.— Miss Robinson has re- turned to her home in Parkhill atter a visit with the Misses Foz.—J, Seim of Biddulph has gone to Parkhill whet e he has accepted a position as wine clerk at the Franklin house.— Reg. Gilfillan of the Merchants' Batik stuff, Ingersoll, has been transferred to To- ronto.—The following persons left last week for points in the Vest: Mrs. J. Piper and family to Red Deer, Sask.: Mrs. Joe Forest and family to Gilbert Plains, Man.; and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McComb to Edmonton.----ituon Leslie of Rochester, Ont. is visiting his sister Al re. Itobi nson.—F,F.Dow rlingand wife were in Straathroy during the week, to see the iatter's brother-in-law Mr. Eastman, who met with a serious ac- cident last week, owing to the collapse of a barn in which he was working. --- Ott Sunday evening Lucian Court, l'.0. F., headed by W. E, Stanley in full re- galia, attended divine service in the Presbyterian church, the sermon being preached by Rev, M. E. Paton. The court was well represented by about fifty members all living in Lucan and vicinity. —Messrs. W. E. Stanley, B. D. McVicar and W. F. Hawkshaw have been appointed delegates to the annual meeting of the high court of the Canadian Order of Foresters, which is being held in St. Thoinas this week.—Thss week we are called upon to record the death of another of our highly and most respected resi- dents in the person of Thos. Haskett, which sad event occurred on June 11, after a severe illness of several days' duration. The funeral takes place to- ddy Thursday at 1.30 to St. Georges' cemetery. London township. DEATII.—Stricken down with scarce- ly any warning on the eve of a journey around half the globe was the fate which overtook Darius Donley, aged 30, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Donley, 23 Thornley ave., London. Deceased had made all pre- paration for a trip to Australia and would have left Thursday night to take a boat from Montreal, but Tuesday eveninpawas taken with an attack of nephritis and died Thursday night. He is survived by his parents, four brothers and three sisters. The re- mains were brought here Saturday and interred in the family vault, Rev. A. Carlisle officiating. MINISTER Isourritn.—Rev. Arthur Carlisle. formerly aesistant at the Me- morial church, London. was inducted rector of Holy Trinity church, Lucan, and St. Janes' church, Clandeboye, on Thursday evening. The ceremony was performed at Lucan by Archdeacon Richardson of London Township. The induction sermon was preached by Rev. Dyson (Hague of London. At the conclusion of the service a congre- gational reception was tendered Mr. and Miss Carlisle. A musical and lit- erary program was also rendered. Mr. Carlisle thanked his new congregation for their many kindnesses and the evidence of their loyalty and goodwill. James Stanley acted as chairman. The tVolselev (Sask.) News has the following: M. Ryder, formerly of Ln can, Ont., who was in the C.P.R. ser- vice for the last sixteen years in our great West, and for eleven years the station agent in Wolseley,has been pro' noted to the agency of Brandon,Man. Brandon being the second in rank of importance between Winnipeg and the coast, the promotion is well worth mentioning, and we are proud to con- sider it as the reward due to correct- ness and fidelity in the fulfilment of the daily duty. This correctness was felt by some as strictness, but when looking at it with impartially, they were obliged to conclude that Mr. By - der hal the true sense of his responsi- bility, and was answering by bis con- duct to the confidence given him by bis chiefs. in such a position justice to all is the first and indispensable vir- tue and Mr. Ryder has it in an intense and very sensible degree. in private life a gentleman. in railway life an ex- act, punctual and loyal agent, sue? is the man we lose. Ile was a member of the Roman Catholic Separate school Board of Wolseley. Mitchell: After being in business as a general blacksmith for upwards of thirty-one years, Thos. McLaren, Sr., has sold out to his son, Thomas. Bayfield: Lewis Aldworth lost five cattle and one sheep by poisoning the other day. The animals obtained the poison from a pile of oid paint pots and cans put in their pasture field. ..1i: �Yc• *szWilifiNlytw UNSHINE omrcr rotArr Fu l LACE 000000000000 DAMPER There is no dust °. ,'�W Y nuisance in connection with the Sunshine. o►_ Because the Sunshine is fitted with . - ,, a (lust flue (sec illustration.) {,T,'- 0! .-, sl When you rock down the 'O‘4,-, ashes ashes (no back breaking �;�,., ire -pot across shakingwith the Sun- ``='� S the fto shine) dust i.� whathe smoke pipe,' arises is drawn .- Vs as shown in illustra- y, from the ash- tion, where it immediately pan up the �' ;'''� " `' , ascends to the outer air. dust -flue, Only two things to remember then.eft j in connection with this operation :--- i open both the dust and (lirect draft �'(tr'' '' dampers. �r Sunshine is just the cleanest, sim- 4 plest, easiest managed, greatest labor saving furnace that you can buy ' .)sA to If your local dealer does not AkQbMk handle the " Sunshine " write a direct to us for ASti PAN . London. Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. St. John. Ham,ltoo, Calgary. T. HAWKINS & SON, EXETER. Free Booklet MCIa Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, 55 thereto) win aurt•t) drum.) the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system hen entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never br used except on prescriptions from reputa- bt. physicians, u the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney t Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and raucous surfaces of the system In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken inter• nally and ui.Ie in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. CIIENEY t CO. Testimonials free. �_l l to all Uru,gista, Price ;Sc. per bottle - Take hall'. F'vuily Pills tor constipation, McGillivray Ernest Durr is engaged to teach in S. S. No. 13 instead of Mies Mary Love who has resigned. Ne. Durr will take charge of the school after mid -summer holidays. —Gilbert Grieve, of Moray, left on Wednesday for Montreal to at- tend the meeting of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian church as the representative of St Paul's and Lieury congregations.—Word was re- ceived by Jno. McGregor, of bic(Jilliv- ray Townline, on Saturday that his father. Neil McGregor, died out West where he went last summer.—Reeve Jno. Robinson and Deputy Reeve W. T, Clone were attending County Council at London last week.—Miss Edith Scott has engaged with E. Marr for the stunner. --It is expected the annual convention of the McGillivray Township Sunday School Association will be held about the 20th of June, in the Lieury Presbyterian Church. Ef- forts are being made to have Principal Merchant of the Normal, London, pre- sent.—Miss Flossie Morgan of Brins- ley has gone to Toronto where she in - fends remaining—Mr. and Mrs. J. Trevethick have returned from their visit to Brantford.—The wire worn[ is getting in its best digs against the farmers in this vicinity: A number are plowing up their oats and sowint: Hungarian for winter fodder. DEATHS—John Buchannan who has been a resident of Corbett and lately of Parkhill passed away on Monday June 3rd at the age of 68 years of cal- culi!. heart [lis -:ase with which he has been suffering for some time. Three years ago he had a stroke of paralysis, which paralyzed one side of hitn and left hint in somewhat of a helpless condition, although able to be about the street. Ile died at the residence of his son, WM. near Corbett. He al- so has a married daughter in Michigan, whom he was intending to visit in a few weeks. Interment took place on Thursday, to Parkhill cemetery.—It is with sorrow we announce the death of Adeline Sutton, relict of the lata Geo. Windsor and sister-in-law of W. Windsor, 4th con., which occurred at the home of her daughter Mrs. G. L. Gage, Marlette, Mich. The remains were brought here for burial and laid beside those of her husband in St. James' cemetery. rUr WOrlIarNir‘F 'grim INF IF AROUND ABOUT USI its ilicikillsabs ills alba>haIke&Maaid Hallett: The death of Malcolm Mc Donald, of the boundary, occurred on Monday, at the age of 02 years. Stanley: Mr. and Mrs. Spacklnan of the Sautele Line, whose residence was burned a short while ago, have moved to Hayfield. St. Mars: Harry Shaylor, who had charge of the boot and shoe de- partment for O'Dea & Co, for four Tears has opened a hoot and shoe shop in the premises formerly occupied by John Gray & Co. St. Marys: John Alberts had his, hand rather badly cut between two fingers at Richardson's Foundry.— Frank Odett bad the tips of a couple of his Engels taken off in a machine at the Maxwell Works on Saturday. Mitchell: There died in Stratford, on Sunday, at the home of Andrew Iiarristdale, her sonsiva-law, Mrs. Henry Cale. mother of Edward Gale, Mitchell. Deceased had been at resid- ent of Foliation for the past twelve years. Clinton: W. Colwell met with a paalfifataccident on Saturday. He was do Mine repairs on the roof of his hou , when he slipped and fell to the ground. his left hand being be- neath him. The fall bent it backwards, breaking tilt:. bones. Clinton: Among those who have passed some of their exams at Toronto University, are Miss Edna V. Cooper, Miss Isabel Gonne, Miss Marian Coats, Harvey Colclou h and John MeEwan. Miss ('alder and Miss Mary Stewart are among the graduates. Seaforth: A very pretty marriage was solemnized at the Seaforth Meth- odist church. Wednesday, at high noon, when Miss Alice, daughter of John Dundee, of McKillop. became the bride of Hev. Geo. A. McLean, Baptist minister at Cookeville, Ont. Mitchell: A year ago last Christmas Dr. Knoke, of Lemberg, Asan., whose parents live in Mitchell, visited the old home and married a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Herbert, of Logan. They left for the West full of hope and joy, but. alas, the home had been broken and the happy bride of a little over a year ago now sleeps the sleep of death. Monday morning the Aad news was received that, after a 'heart illness, she passed away. Mrs. Knuke was horn in the township of Logan. Parkhill: A quiet but pretty June wedding took place on June 4th, nt the hone of I.. Galbraith, when their eld- eat deur/titer Bessie M. was united in marriage to Wm. O. Waters, East. Williams. The bride, who was unat- tended. wore is dainty dress of white swiss muslin. Mime Marv. sister of the bride pre, lied nt the piano. Thr sere - ninny was perfumed by Her. John Moore, of Knox Church, assisted by Itev. A. Gandier brother-in-law of the gloom: only iuitnediate relative's of bride and groom being present. Parkhill: The following were tick- eted for distant points last week:.. J• arid Mira. ilawkey to Calgary: T. Fair. less and W. l'nmphrev to Mtrathcona: N. Thnnipcnn and Mrs. Punrfrey to, to Prince Albert; Jas. Turner to Re- gina; Wesley Dnwker and Brock Der eepest to Sa-kattoi,n; .1. Walker tn, Edmonton; Mrs. F. M,•1,eeal and Miss i Magladery to Toronto; where they re - Mitchell: David Dow, formerly of ! WWI), was one of the successful candi- date at the recent final examination in dentistry. Ile has bought to practice i in Dutton. Fullerton: One of our oldest sett- i lers recently passed away in the pet - son of Mrs. Elizabeth Gale, relict Of the late Henry Gale. She was a ua- I tire of Devonshire, Eng., and came to Fullarton in 1852. Seaforth: Arthur and Mrs. Colbert mourn the loss of their little son, Thomas Albert, who died June 7, at the age of 7 years, 11 months. The little fellow got hurt last winter and never completely recovered. Seaforth: Friday afternoon there died at her borne, Sarah Morrison. relict of the late Duncan Kennedy, in her 57th year. Sbe had been in very poor health for some time, Three sons and three daughters survive. Seaforth: The following were tick- eted to distant points last week: Alex. Sinclair, of Kippen, to Edmonton and return; Miss Jessie Thompson of Sea - forth, from London, to fort Arthur, Ont., via C. P. R. steamer sailing from Owen Sound; Miss C. E. Case to New York; Mr. Moranto his some in Sagi- naw, Mrs. John McKinley and daugh- ter Miss Clara, to North Bay, Mrs. Wm. McNaughtoh to her home in Chicago. Miss Emily Drysdale, of Hen - salt, to Lipton, Sask., Miss Mary Gem - milt, of Egmondville, to Kamloop, B. C., and sister, Miss Bessie Gemmtll to Regina. Mitchell: A little over two weeks ago Thos. Watson, 2nd con„ Logan, sent his wife to London for treatment, the lady not having enjoyed good health for some time. On Saturday morning a message reached the hus- band that she had passed away, and he at once sent for the body and had it brought to the old home from which the funeral took place on Monday to the Methodist cemetery, Ason, about three years old, with the husband, survive her. Mrs. Watson was born in Mitchell, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Yarcoe. You have heard of biscuits—and read of biscuits and even biscuits— but you dent knr.w hisruits—until you try Alc.,ner's Perlis -non Cream Sodas. '1'}icy are el erything that the ideal bicuits should he. The air - tight, tn, isture - pr..et package brings theta to )'u fresh, crisp, inviting. Practically every grocer in Canada has MOONF:Y'S. Yours will get than if yeu sok. In t & 3 Ib. pkgs. 103 H@OKIIIIVS5 4 PER ECTION- (das na►�ii. • 111d h S0d POONEY BISCUITS CANDY CI - st8ATrfla. CANADA Mitchell: The home of Jno. Baker, Carlingford, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, when his daughter, Lydia. was married to Al- bert Roney of Hibbert. Rev. Chris, Baker, brother of the bride officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Roney will reside in Hibbert. Ontario fall wheat supplies What Manitoba spring wheat lacks; What Ontario fall wheat lacks, Manitoba spring xvheat supplies. The right 4/end of the two makes the only perfect flour for all bread and pastry. Just try it and prove it. e "Made in Ontario" The noted "Star Flour" is a blended flour— Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. Exeter. COMING! THF; }(1•:PRESENTATIVE OF PROFESSOR DORENWEND WILL 13E AT Central Hotel, Exeter, Friday, June 21 TO IMPROVE YOUR APPEARANCE Retain torr youthful freshness so that an ane ran remark, "`the is past her prime.' To appear younger and more attme, live than the average woman, you must he par- ticular that your Hair shows no sign "1 being thin, short of scrawny. t DO*KNWRPfI TRANMFORNATION,POMPADOUR, Wnyt3 CL L or SWITCH will gut-titute nature, de• s fe, ts. E.en it you have plenty of your own hair these light and airy artifices may be worn over It, saving you the worn of arranging your hair In the prevailing style. 'Your hair can be perfectly matched in'Plot and tenure, n that detection is nut of the question. Consult Professor Dorenwend During this visit Man to Man-- About Baldness 1f you are bald, or partially an, yon must realise that it makes you look old. Xotwitb. standing the desire to Aare trek your one lime Mushy head of hair, you hesitate befort wear. ing a natural hair covering simply he •ause you imagine it is going to he noticed by other, Now you never made agreater mistake Thousands of men, who thought the same as you do are to -day wearing a Dorenwend Patent Toupee and instead of carrying the hamticap, that [vanes+ prm ed to them, they are now enjoying the advantage -locking young" sad the is what counts today in h.ufnessamf sndN life. one Patent Toupee b a featherweight far -simile of your own natural hair and mar he worn without fear of det. (low- Im- possible to remove from the head unless at will— not the least cMmry or uncomfortable. They act naprot ctlon,preventims rolls and catarrh, a0 common to bald men. Nowa() not neatest thi. opportunity cc•me and we for yourself. A few nannies demon.tratlos will con,incernn that a Perrnwen.l Patent Too - pre b not lite the dun .y, wigtry afurs that its lain.ed to he "fart as natural." maimed until Tneselay. proceeding The Dorenweln Co. of Toronto, limited. 103 sod 1016 Yong° Street from there to Montreal; Mrs. Reuben Saetlter to Flint, Mich.; Mrs. Llndsalie-REMEMBER PLACE, DAY AND DATE and (hil(Iren to Montreal; Mise Lott e CENTRAL. HOTEL. EXETER, FRIDAY, .JURE 2taf &lenient to Detroit,