HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 4GOOSE BEruutINTOI PLUMB PAPEH IIA$EH SIGN HITEI 6 Bir 11,.( alai Cold 1%'ater) See our Canadi-' an and Ameri- 1 can samples. (With It Disney last year) -- NEB Estimates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited Arthur D. Davis. EXETER 1tESiDENCE: Corner James and An- drew Streets. Popular Coocls Fur note and the rest of the season. FAVORED WORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel in quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful SImu ER SUITS for $10 and upwards TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUMMER If a pant bunter pantless Is panting for pants He panteth pantless Until he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered from J. H. Holtzmann CHEDITON A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we cannot suit, we have yet to know it. tgxeter Abttoctite, Sanders et Creech. Props. THURSDAY JUNE 13,1907 Cromarty Miss Fulton, after a pleasant visit here with her friend Miss Janet Brown, has gone on a visit to Strat- ford friends. Wsn»i±D.--Cromarty once more contributes to the happiness of anoth- er neighboring town and hence we lose one of our fair daughters. We refer to the marriage of Miss Alma Beatrice Kerslake, the amiable and popular young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vni. Kerslake, Land the fortunate groom was Herbert W. Colquhoun of Strat- ford. The young couple drove to Hen - salt where the nuptial knot was se- curely tied by Itev. Smith. The bride was attired in a handsome tin veiling snit. Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun will make Stratford their future home, where the bride will be at hone to her many friends after July 1st. The host of friends here join in wishing the happy couple a long, happy and pros- perous married life. Wh111eu A number from here attended the wedding of Ernest Parkinson to ,Miss Charlotte Morley. They have taken up housekeeping nt Bryanston. We join with the many friends in wishing there every happiness. --A number frons here attended the anniversary services at Zion on Sunday, also the garden party Monday evening; some also went to Granton :and heard the C. O.F. sermon. --Miss Effie Morley of Hepworth is on a visit to friends here. -Miss Gillespie has returned to Exe- ter. --Farriers are busy sowing corn and turnips, which makes the last of sowing fur 19117. --Win. brooks is busy moving his barns this week. ---David Long and wife of London visited here last week. -The new shed at the I'ninn church is about completed and is a great improvement tothe.`1,1 style. - Anniversary services will b.• held in Samuel Gunning's nreh,ud near here on Sunday next. Trenching at 10.:311 a.m. and 7 p. in. Mrs. (Rev. 1 Sutcliffe of Grand Bend will he the speaker for the occasion. She will also address the Sabbath School at 2 p.m. The fol- lowing Tuesday a plcnie will be held in the same orchard. Addresses will be given by neighboring ministers: also recitations by Miss Olive Vern of Exe- ter. Woodham choir will furnish the music. Tea will he served from 0 to `t. Sports of all kinds will be indulged in. Every !Hai y welcome. Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction -sale principles: "going, going, g -o -n -e I" Stop the auction With Ayer's Hair Vigor. it certainly checks falling hair; rt) mistake about this. it acts At as a regular medicine; makes fr the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for Re it's nature's way. Ti,•• hest kind of a to.!:.r.. .; u 1•( f lr c". r x'}' s l: s. aC craws • Mae* -vr+tsaww--+,..-.,, ommen,w..m A Mao. o tAr r'0.14,w.m. Slaw Also maeuActursra of Pcossfls q.lA. Crediton Don't forget the I. 0. F. Excursio n to Niagara Falls on the 20th. Civic holiday has been declared by the town fathers and as this is the only excur- sion to the Falls this season everybody should go. The fare is $2.10 from Cent ratio. Tickets good to return on Saturday the 22nd. Large hill have been posted in town and neighboring placer, which give fall particulars. - The choir of the Evangelical church rendered an excellent program at the Zion S. S. Anniversary on Monday. - Miss Eidt of Dashwood spent Sunday, the g.iest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holtz - matt. --Mrs. Harry Dyer of Detroit is the guest of her father, C. Beaver, for a few days. -Mrs. Dan Coughlin and Mrs. %Vu1. Elliott of Centralia visited Mrs. (Dr.) McCue last Friday. -Miss Lillian Anderson of Centralia visited Mr, and Mrs. Sambrook Sunday. -- Albert Cuuuingham was in Clxnde- boye on Sunday. -Miss Wood of For- est is the guest of Mrs. Claude Bluett. -Mr. Voelker of Dashwood visited Dan Oestreicher's Friday. -Wedding invitations are out for the marriage of Miss P:ruma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown, to Percy M. Humble of Sarnia on Tuesday, the 18th, at 2 p. tn.-Wes. Fink beiner and Mose Faist were in Zion Monday night at the Sun- day School anniversary. -Quarterly services will be held In the Evangel- ical church next Saturday and Sun- day. It is expected that Rev. Wagner of Berlin, the Presiding Elder, will be present. -A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage on Thurs- day evening. when John Chestnut of the Itoval Hotel was wedded to Mrs. Mary Rtedfearn, Congratulations. - Chas. Stock and Miss Alma Hill visit- ed relatives in Tavistock last Sunday. -Rev. Fear of the Main street church at Exeter will preach in the Evangel- ical church on the 23rd inst. It was impossible for Rev. Bean and him to exchange pulpits last. Sunday evening. -Messrs. Boyle and Duplan of Cen- tralia made their weekly visit to our burg last Sunday evening. Come again. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown spent last Sunday in Zurich,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter.-Farw- ers are complaining about the ravages of the wire worm to their crops. Whole fields of oats have been ruined, and with the cold and unsettled weather the outlook isn't the beat.- The automobiles have again made their appearance. One went through here on Sunday westward bound. It came to grief about two voiles from town and the poor chauffeur was at it almost all day, trying to get it work- ing order. The majority of us think the good old horse is good enough for us and more reliable. School Report. -The following is the report of Crediton school for May: Continuation classes: Composition. Classes A BC. -W Hill 73, E Hill and G Sweizet• 71, 0 Short 08, F Beaver 07, H .Meadd 58. W Morlock and M Brown 55, 1' Geiser 51, A Holtzman 53. Latin Classes B and A -P Geiser 76, G Short 86, H Meadd 72. E Hill 71, G Sweitzer 68, R Kienzle 63, It Hill 62, M Brewn W Hill 58, R Coughlin 51, W Mor - lock 51. German Classes A and B, --P Gasser 78, G Sweitzer 77, 0 Short 60, W Munlock GS. M Brown 01, E Hill 00, R Kienzle 53. The names of those who obtained 50% or over are inserted. Claude Blnett, Teacher Div. III. --Entrance class. ---A Gaiser, \I Oestreicher, L Finkbeiner, %V Oes- treicber, F Smith. P. Heist. Jr. IV. L Gaiser, P Treitz, C Holtznian. Sr. IIL-N Hill, L Brown V Holtzman. Miss Robinson. Teacher. Div. iL, Jr. Ii. -L Oestreicher, G Appleton, E Blnett, M Winer. F Hill, E Ewald, E Beaver, E Kinzle,H Heist. Sr. II. -M Holtzman, 0 Benedict, M Clark. F King, 0 Ewald. Sr. Pt. II., R King, COestreicher, V 11111,1 Wolfe. G Erb, H Finkbeiner. Miss Girvin Teacher. Div. T. -Jr. ii. -R English (1 Guen- ther, 1. Weiner, E Treitz, L Redden. Jr. Pt. Ii. -L Heist, 5 Lawson, M Guenther, A Holtzman, R Shenk, G Lamport. Sr, Pt. i. -K Sweitzer, L Beaver and E Sweitzer equal. Jr. Pt 1. 11 Redden. -Miss C. Kienzle. Teacher. i)asitwood Tuesday June 25, has been proclaim ed "Civic Holiday" fn the village of Dash wood and it has been decided to hold the annual school picnic at (lassd Bend on that date. Come one, come all. -Miss Annie Hey of the Babalor line was on Wednesiay married t Mr. Stelck of the Ilth concession. -Dr. Wilson of Zurich was in the village n Wednesday best, -Several of the your ladies had a picnic in the woods or Friday afternoon. They say they had ,t 11.111 genal time and no doubt the dal.- -Rev. A. D. (list -Wet of Z•oirhetc cmpied the pulpit in the hvangelica church un ilitunlit t afternoon. --John Hoffman and family of Parkhill spent Sunday with friends here. -The work of fixing up the walks in the village has been commenced: when complete it will he (elite an improyement.-The Liberals here are delighting themsel- ves over the anticipation of having Hon. Ayleswortb with them at their convention on Friday. They might to slake an effort to have hint locate a canal somewhere in the locality- as he seems to have been an expert at the business in the past. -A vert interest- ing game of bowling took• place on Friday night between the Hemlock - Knott' and the Knight -Owls of this place. in the go -in the Knots had the lead as the Owls could not see the Kitty ele•trly:however as the shades of evening drew near their vision bright. ened and they beg in to score. which 'seemed to bewilder the Knots. The Owls caught on. it was their time and their spirits which had Bunk away he. Ino par began to rise while stock among the Knots began to drop. in the end the game stood 20.1d in favor of the Owls. The Knots were worsted and they rent their garments and wept for their defeat. Likewise also wept all those who stood gazing on an 1 wondering asked, 1Vhere.0 where the grand stand- 11-Knntin -A wedding if more than Midas) interest to the people herr id especially to the members rind irnds of the I•a•angeliral church was rlemnize.l at Lisbon on Tuesday when ev. L. K. Eidt. postor of the Ks•ati- lir,tl r•hureb. herr, was united in arri:isreto Miss Latina 'Wagner of Libson. Rev. O. 11. 1Vxgner of Listo- wel officiated, while little Myrtle Kidt tet) as flamer gill. Only the ilium -di- e ft it ode of the rmntractiig parties err present. After A short holiday e)• will tetnr11 to, their field of llaborre. We extend our heartiest con• atolatimns and hope their journey wig,' lily be ail sunshine. Int tiersP11MINT MISSAL. I s w th he gr tb Centralia Mr. Samuel Hicks Centralia has sold it team of heavy draft mare colts for the hatidsotue sum of $125 WenIIso.-One of the prettiest events of the season tooklate at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nor- ris, Statfa, on June 5th, at 7 o'clock, when their daughter Manilla because the wife of Mr. Norman Mitchell a( popular and prosperous young farmer of Centralia, The bride entered the drawing moot leaning on het father's arm, as the sweet strains of the wed- ding march was played by Miss Ada Norris, sister of the bride, \1r. Albert Norris acted as best wan, while the bride was assisted by Miss Esther Mitchell. who wore a dress of creme crepe de chene, trimmed with lace and ribbon. The bride's dress was of the same material, trimmed with ruching and sequin, wearing a veil of tulle, caught up with otat-ilze blossoms. Miss Beulah Fawcett of Mitchell, niece of the bride, acted as ring bearer. She wore a cream silk dress and carried the ring on a silver tray. The bridal party stood under a large evergreen arch froze which hung a large bell. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. L. Wilson. Congratulations over the guests wended their way to the dining room where the table was elab- orately set. The decorations were all pink and white. The presents were beautiful and costly, showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held. The groom's gift to the bride was a silver tea service. The evening was spent in music, singing and reci- tations', in which Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Dublin and the Staffa quartette took part. Mr. Mitchell is to be con- gratulated on winning so amiable rt young lady as his bride. May their future be an uninterruptedhoney- moon is the wish of their many friends. Lumley ley - Martin McTaggart has disposed of his handsome hackney roadster to Jas. Norris of Cromarty for $225. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Traquair spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bolton. - Miss Mary Ellerington was in London on Thursday of last week. -David Gibb had a raising on Saturday bast. He intends having a staw-shed, hen house, and hoggery.-J. Vance visited friends in Harpurbey on Sunday. -Geo. Hob - kirk has improved the exterior of his residence by having it nicely painted. -Bert Workman of Exeter and sister Lillian of Hillsgeen were here on Sun- day, the guest of their sister, Mrs. Grant Rychtuan.-Quite a number in this vicinity are growing the Dutch set onions this year. They have re- ceived their first hoeing and like the other crops are bite. -Miss Edna Hor- ton has returned from a lengthy visit to her parents in Harpurhey.-Mr. Rogers, engineer of Mitchell, was here on Friday surveying the Hobkirk and Glenn drain. -H. Anderson has erect- ed x handsome fence which is a credit to the neighborhood as well as the owner. -Our teacher, H. Y. McLean spent Friday evening and Saturday in Clinton. Zurich Miss Louise Schnellman has return- ed to ger home in Centralia after a visit with friends here. -Mrs. M. Mc- Cormick has purchased the residence and property owned by 1. D. Merner of Elmira. -Peter Lamont has return- ed from Goderich where he attended County Council. -John Dumart form- erly of town is on a business trfp through the western provinces. -H. Zintnterman, who has been ill, is nble to be out again. -Wedding bells are ringing this week on the Babylon Line. -Miss Ida Sipple has returned from a few months stay in Detroit. - Miss Minnie Donn who has been resid- ing in Winnipeg has gone to Minneap- olis. -it is reported that J. E. McDon- ell of Hensalt has bought the big brick block at St. Joseph and intends tear- ing it down and moving the material to Hensalt.-Mrs. It. O'Brien of Holm - field, Man., and Mrs. McPhail of Bran• don, Man., are on an extended trip to relatives in this vicinity. -J. J. Merner is on n trip to Texas. -victor Appel is assisting at the Dashwood branch of the Sovereign Bank, owing to the ab- sence of 0. Greybiel who is hiking his holidays. -Alex. Ross of the London Road left Wednesday for Nova Scotia, accompanied by his wife, where they will spend the summer. -Zurich has hproclaimed June ISth as their civic oliday and a school picnic will be held. -A telegram was received last week by friends, conveying the sad sea. od f tate ,-411 of ,V,ii- Demuth. son of Justus Demuth of Ashland. 1Vis. Mr. Demuth left Zurich with his parents about sixty years ego and en• gaged in the bakery business in Ash- land. The news of his death will he received with regret by this cotnrnun• ity and the parents will have the sym- pathy of a large number of friends in the Toss of their only son. it appears that the relatives here had no intima- tion of any illness in the family. s - t'Mborne Following is the report of the stand- ing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1. U'e. borne, for May. Names in order of merit: Sr. IV.-(' Oke, C Moir, N Row- cliffe, V Rowellife, A itnwcliffe. Jr. IV.-JStreng, G Oke, 1. Harvey, C Down. G Blatchford. Sr. III. -J Doss- gall..1 Strang, A Moir. T Dougall. It Dowry, ira Moir. Jr. 111.-- F. Reif, L Moir, R White. Sr. ii. -11 Down, W Strang. %V Doug.ill, 0 Rowcsiffe, G Moir, E Hervey. Jr. 11.-C Harris, 0 Moir. Sr. Rut L-- E Rowteliffe, F Jarrod. 11 Muir. .11.. Pi. 1.-J Dote Kalb V Bell, M Dew, M Strang, L Oke Aggregate attendance 1:3, average 35' .1. A. Brintnrll, Teacher' The following is the report of the ',tending of the pupils in S.S. No. 1. 1'sbor ne. for May. based on regularity of attendance, eonduct and weekly ex- aminations. Sr. 1V. -Frank Hooke, F Handford. C. Skinner, 1l' Eseer•t', V Kerslake. 1V Webber. 1i Davi.. Jr. IV, A McCurdy. H \f:,t•. (' \I st•. '1' (mate.. A Skinner. 0 Davis. W. %Valker. Sr. IIL--\f Mr('ody, 1.('i:rtes. A Hooter, I, H Aiding. V Coate.. 1: Kellet, Sr. 11. i Ford. T Skinner. F' Webber, F ('nates. S Mt ('ul•dy, \I Slaty. 1V Culbert. .4.11. R Thompson. R Webber, V MA.. 1't. Ii. -V Pinconthe, (l Hunter, H Hunter, ( Thompson. Sr. girt 1. - W Thenupsen. (' Davis, Jr. fart i. --if ('nate.. E Magee. J. W. Hogarth, Teacher. L Nib% "I can take you to a hundred homes, right around me store, in which St. George's is used." "You can ask those, who do the baking, what they think of St. George's Baking Powder "And every one of the hundred will tell you the same - that St. George's stands every test and never loses its strength." l trete /.•, fires ropy ,,t our (',x.k Rwk. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, t,iunted,'.luntrrat. ae Kirkton J. Foster, who has been quite ill of pneumonia, is, we are pleased to state, recovering. -Mr. Richard Speare and wife and son, Herman, of Frobyshire, were visitors at Mr. John Shute's on Sunday. -Mrs. Robert Robinson bas returned from a month's visit to To- t•onto.-G Brethour has added a kitch- en to his house. Stephen The following is the report for S.S. No. 2, Stephen, for May. Mitchell, 0 E King, C Sims, B A Hill. Jr. IV. -L Heist, E Silas, L Stahls. Sr. III. -L England. Jr. III. -V R Cornish, G King, M England, A Flan- agan I Stahls. Sr. 11.-M Sinis. Jr. Part h -C Stahls. Hattie Chapman, Teacher. The following is the report of S.S. No. 10, Stephen, for May. -Sr. IV. -J Carruthers 73, I Carruthers 69, A Wil- son 00, M Hayter 55, H Sherritt 50, R Ricky 19. Jr. IV. -A Hicky80,E Love 69, E Wisket 07, D Isaac 50, E Hayter 50. Sr. 11L -A Turner 60, J Csonyn 51, H Gamble 52, W Hicks 15, J Car- ruthers 39, G MeLinchey 38, L Ridley 35, F Turner, A Mellin, 0 Isaac. Jr. IIL-J McGregor72, A Sherritt 70, L Mellin 55, 11 Eagleson 45. Sr. II. -C Oronvn 58, M Ridley 45, L Eagleson 44. Jr. 11.-M Bullock, W Love, A Mellin. V M Hodgins. Teacher. Following is the report of the Sr. and Jr. Department of S. S.No. 1, Stephen for May. Sr, Department. -IV. --M Hepburn. N McCurdy, H Hicks, A Robinson, L Robinson, M Elston, (3 Wilson, J White, E Sims, A Duplan. Sr. IV. - M. Baynham, I Essery. Jr. IV. -B Anderson, E Callfots, 11 White, E Ba- ker, F Da-vey, J Davis. R Callfas, E Davey. Sr 111.-A White, E Brooks, F• Essery, F Fairhall. M. Botterill, teacher. Jr. Dep. -Jr. 111.- V Hogarth, E Neil, M Heist. R McCurdy. Sr. 11.- M Heaman, H Neil, E Bowden, M El- liott. Jr.II-I McCurdy, 0 Davis. Pt Ii. --C Davey, A Robinson, D Brooke, E Wilson. Sr Pt.1.-H Elston, L Hayti - ham. M Hogarth, A Ilackney. Jr. Pt. I,- -V Neil, V Davis, D Hackney, 0 Hackney. Pt. l. -L Hicks, J White, L Heist, N Brokenshire, F Huxtable. No. on roll 30. -Mabel Sparks, teacher. Usborne Council, Council niet as court of Revision, June 1st. All members were present and duly sworn. Joseph Hawkins Reeve was elected chairman of the court. The appeal of John W. Welsh was carefully considered and on !notion of S. Itoultly sec'd. by O. An- drew the appeal was dismissed. A few slight errors were corrected and on motion of V. Atkinson sec'd by J. Mair. the Roll was adopted and the Court closed. Council met after Coort of Revision. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A deputation from Kirkton village interviewed the coun- cil asking for help to build cement sidewalks. On motion of S. Routly seed by W. Atkinson. a grant of $30 was given to Kirkton vilisge to pur- chased cement for sidewalks. Ac- count s amounting to $85. 17 were pass. ed and or'der's issued in payment. Council then adjourned to meet Wed- nesday June 19th at one o'clock when the Stewart Drain Report will be read and considered. -F. Morley, Clerk. Kipper The funeral of the late Jetties Me- Kay. who died on Saturday June 1st, took place Monday to Br•ucefleld ceme- tery. --Fred Kerr of Crediton spent Sunday with friends here. -Mrs. Tate and daughter Mrs Shaffer of London were visit ing at the for liter's mother's Mrs. Thome') itobertson, the past two week•. -The many friends of ,Mies Agnes Sproat, daughter of William Sproat, will be sorry to learn that she is vet low. The doctor's are not al- together settled aa to what her trouble is.- has. Edmonds is putting in many vegetables for the Exeter can- ning factory. Besides corn. pr,as, and many others he has in 1000 tomato plants. -Mia. MarcieSprnat Is visiting et Hillsgreen.--James Kilpatrick of London spent a few days at his home here last. week. -The ladies of the Presbyterian church herr wail hold their annual garden party on the manse grounds. on the evening of Jnne 2S. The ladies hate always sucrecded in slaking it very pleasant evening aril this year it will be no exception. FI won' of Centralia and Miss MCA Curb/tore of Exeter called no friend+ here Muunday. -- Th*' three who :wrote nn their examinations in con. tier! ion with ale young peoples train- ing course, have been successful. and hate e•arh peel veil their ei-rt diem es. The marks obtained were Miss M. Ne• titegor, tri , Miss \laggie Mollis Ill and Gordon Boal.' 2:r : 25. was the mark required t•, pi'.. --The SahLath school of St. Atali ew'rhnrch will hold their annual Solids)* school picnic July 9 et Bayfield, all are invited. -- Miss Annie Sanders of Exeter visited Miss M. McGregor nn Sunday. -Mise Majorie Mclvor is spending it few India Pale Ale Brewed from se- lected hops, choice barley malt and pure spring water, with the utmost care. Bottled at • brewery depots ( ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt's A!e is equal to the fin- est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumers only ,.bout halt as much as imported goods. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1555) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 SIXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. sa, A GENERA!. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Departments Until further notice Interest on Savings accounts will be credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly. Deposits of •t and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion,Government. DICKSON & CAnr.iNO, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, Continued Immense Success AND LAST FEW DAYS In Exeter, of PROF. O'BRIEJ CANADA'S GREATEST PHRENOLOGIST and the only genuine SCIENTIFIC PALMIST in Canada frotn Toronto whose methods were demonstrated and approved of by Judge and Jury at the To- ronto General Session, March 14, 1901. Prof, O'Brien will remain in Exeter a few days only Everybody delighted at his graphic, instructive, interesting, scientific and truthful delineations -which they claim to be a revelation front the nonsensi- cal clap trap practised by uneducated mountebanks. Speculators and those contemplating a change in business should not miss consulting him. Call and see the autographs of prominent people who have become rich and others holding prtuninent positions through his practical a1 sound advice. Prof. O'Brien's work is all done on scientific baste, hence truth. Parents should bring their children and find out what tht• • are hesf7 adapted Inc to be a success in life. Fowler's New York latest phrenological chart used. Your PAST, PRESENT and INDICATIONS of FUTURE event as marked in your hands by Nature correctly delineated. LOCATING DISEASE A SPECIALTY. MARRIAGE ADAPTATIONS EXPLAINED. CH 1 LDH EN HALF PRICE. Character read from photo. Terms within reach of all. Madame O'Brien in Attendance As this is your only chance to consult such an etninent man in his profes- sion in your town, you should not miss the opportunity given. Everybody knows Prof. O'Brien and his ability. An examination froth him now will be worth thousands of dollars to any one in after years. Private Office at Central Hotel. Suite II See what the St. Thomas Daily Tithes of July 15, 1905, says: An interesting person is Prof. O'Brien, the well-known phrenologist and palmist, who, together with his no Tess interesting wife, is stopping at the Columbia hotel. The professor is just Irish enough to give him res brogue and an engaging manner. Heir; thoroughly absorbed in phrenology- and chitoin- ancy, which he has studied from a scientific standpoint aril looks upon (bent as part and parcel of the arts. A Times representative visited the professor this tnorning. To establish his claim to renown he produced his register, which contains the signatures of thousands of leading citizens of the Dominion, who have consulted hire and had their panus and heads rend with the object of getting at their capabilities for the various callings in life, finding not some- thing of the future, and to he directed to the mistakes or otherwise of the past. These names include Hon. Geo. W. Rose, Hon. Mr. Hanitain, Premier N,'V.T., and many other people of prominence in Toronto and other leading Canadian cities. His readings are full of interest, and being Lased on scientificn favi• Ales, are free from the quackery that characterizes a good many peopleinthe Ramo business. An interesting testimonial is from Judge Anglin, 15110 ac- knowledges toutPiot. 0'18,ie'npredktedthe Judge's elevation to the bench within three years. which Dante (n pass. The professor leis already conducted ninny readings in St. Thomas i' id his stay 11101*,st•) to develop interest in phrenology and ',Ministry." The Berlin News-Htcord of Feb. 22. 110.5, says: 'Prof. O'Brien has had remarkable success in Berlin, and has convinced hund- reds of his skill and accuracy in the sciences of palmistry and phrenology, he and Mme. O'Brien leave Berlin with the best wishes of a host of patrons and friends behind them. weeks in Clinton. -Died in Grapeland, Minnesota, Donald McGregor aged 78 years. 11e was a brother to Messrs. John, Duncan, and Archibald \1c(ire- gor of Tuckersnlith and also Misses T. itubertson anal Mrs. (trace McLean of Tuckert'ntith. -Issac Jarrot had two cattle killed by the train on S,atorday which means write a loss to hint. -Dr. Cecil Ross of ilyde Palk hes putchas• t' what e well d h t ar 11 known as the /Jell Fl inq Mills. near here and is hav- ing the name emoted near Lottdon.- A wee little latish, has arrived at the home of O. E. Tt ponn's.-The ev- ening services in St. Andrew'', church has leen changed from 7 to 7::30 p.m. during the summer th.. Tackersmith: Rohr, Mc('artney rind his eon, (lrouge, hate rented their farm in the Moose .fir dr district, and intend returning to Turkeroomith. and will Nettie down on Mr. \ieeettney's farm, on the Mill (toad. Mr, McCartney. jr., line been heli. most of the w inter. Some Mea Ca Up Six Times during the night because their bladder is so inflamed that it will not retain more than a tablespoonful of urine. Some old men, especially, urinate twenty•five time' a day. These are the men who need Sulu -the Gentle Kid- ney Pill. The first few pills gave relief. Acid urine is neutralized -the delicate membrane, lining the bladder, is soothed -and the kidneys are strengthened and healed. M' n 'ay that lin-)u gave them the only uninterrupted night's sleep they hail enjoyed in }ears. y,r, a large hot. At druggists er from The Clads Chemical Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont. 57 IHayfield: Alex. Robinson bile of the tatenbury House, Clinton. hese purchased the Commercial hotel frotn Mr. If. farrow and took pnserssion Tuesday. Downie: Wm. Durward met with an unfortunate accident. 11'hile• re- turning from town his horse was frightened by a passing train and hilt- ed. Mr. Durward was thrown fvm the rig and had three ribs broken. IIOMESEEKERS' • CANADIAN PACIFIC DATES good to date. RATES SECOND-CLASS ROUNO-TRIP EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA I:xrunoms Tuesday., June 4, 1St July 2,18,30; August 13, 271 *apt. t0 and 24. T,raets return within sixty days from going Are the same from all points in Ontario - ranging from V12.00 round-trip to wilmi ,e, 90 142 5O round-trip to 1..4- mont•,n. Ticket, to all points in the North -great. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number .4 leumst Sleeping Can ghe run . etch excursion folly y riuippe with bedding, ere smart Anter In rharan Berths must be set,i'rt awl pool for through l.a•al agent at least six days bef•,re err,q•, n les, e• COLONIST SLEEPERS to whieh there i, n•. e % t r a charge f• bertha, pas«..ge impel yin* their •.wr, tanl,hng w i; 14.o.r.l a• as possible en p.lare of ordinary e• .') r . Rates and full Information contained In Homeew.►.rs• pamphlet. Ask t C agent fee a espy, or writs to • C. 1, MITER, Oist►kt Pass. fres., C.F.I., Tinier 41