HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 1Wedding IQVltatioQs We print invitations on the newest of paper, with the newest of type, at a reasonable price. You want something nice. The ADVOCATE Office TWENTIETH YEAR. iibiot I EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1907. Real Estate Changes \lade• tot you oh teta.•n- ahlt tt-Ilus. We hate un- equalled facilities to spur, sell or buy either Lu to or prop.•i t w. '11 y it. SANDEtes tk CHF:te(u. SANDERS & CREECH The Sovereign • Bank of Canada. Money Orders, Sterling Exchange, Letters of Credit, Collections, Savings Department, General Banking Business. ►. Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. 35 JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. The Old Reliable Some merchants have a fashion of advertising what they haven't got, and when you come to ask for it their reply is: "Sorry but we are just sold out of that particular line, but we will have some more in shortly." What We Advertise we Have. We are showing this week a very choice selection in wash goods: Ladies' Wash Dress Goods in Ducks, white and colored. White Indian Head, 3)c. a yard. Linen in white and colored. Chambry in reed, green, pink, blue, grey and oxblood. Ginghams in fancy patterns and checks Mercerized Taffeta in plaids and ovetchecks The English Taffeta Print at. 12. c. American Prints at 10c. Another consignment of those lovely Swiss embroideries and insertions to snatch. Get your choice before they go. See our new style in the Astoria Shoe - Gentlemen Only Cash paid for Butter and Eggs. Butter 18, Eggs 17, Potatoes 75c. a bag. CARLING BROS. Professional Cards. O. P. ROUISTON, L. D. 8., D. D. S. DENTIST linabit of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor «aduata of Toronto Unhenity. OFFICE: Over Dickson 4 Carling'. iAW Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors - DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. s., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Unh eristy. DENTIST, taro extracted without any ptln, or any bad effects Office over °la.lmaw A Staubury's office, Main street War. Medical F. MAl.LOY, M. B. (Tor. Univ.) MINDERA. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Tomer Hcuae Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. eucceesor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on Int street north of office, Ritter, Ontario_ Lest 11-NICK/SON CARLING, BARRISTERS, 801.1(1- toes, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commis/loner,. Solicitors for Molsons (sank, etc. M.U.y t0 LOss at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter. 1. 1' Gamow. H.A.. 1, 1I, Draws MONEY TO LOAN. We Lave a large amount of ',reale funds to loan s farm and village properties at low rates of inter as MADMAN k aTANBI'RY, Hamsters. Solieiton,Matn et.. Exeter nn William Brown Prof. Diploma of Ito) al Incorporated Sc. irey of ywi• un•, England; Organi,t of Tilvitt Memorial Chnrc-h.Cxeter. Piano, organ, llarmltny and Meo of Must., Tern.• on appli• atio,. Exeter, Ont, Farm Labourers and Domestics 1 have teen appointed 1•y the ibminion Goven, ment to glare immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm labourers or domestic servants In this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me bey letter stating fu'ly the kind of help required. when wanted and wages °Erred, The numbers arriv ing mite not be snfifcient to supply all requests. but every effort will be made to provide ea, h appli• ant with help required 1s0N tl.D M. INNIS, Canadian Goterununt Employment Agent, Exeter ---• qpnerionrierier — Village Property for Sale - .t find-. lass bri•-k house, . outaining i rooms rfow n stairs and 3 u•—stairs, with kit• hen attached and cellar under a'1; 3-' a••res of land, good well, a ,num- ber fruit trees and frame stable. Terms to, suit the pun haver. Immediate possession. Apply at The AI/V(r('ATI: OFFICE. or ('11101 LUKEit, illy P.O. f Auction Sale -- 01 - VALUAI1IJ: 100 A('RF: FARM IN I'SBORNE Mr. Thos. Cameron, auet., has been i etnu-te.1 to sell T.v Public A i -tiara, on the pr deet on TUESDAY, JUNE '2.'lip, 1907 at 2 n'cleack p. in. \ LOT No. 15, ('ON. 10, 1.78I3ORNE containing iW acres more or Irss. On this fano are a good frame house, 2 gond bank hares, one 3r, ft. by St'. ft.. and the other 3n ft. by !!i ft.; a good well with a windmill on it, about 2 acres of good orchard and about 11 acres of host hard wood hush. The soil Is a foal clay loam. The dans is well fenced and .drained. The pro{{ocrty to situated only a mile and a year• or from a lint h, school house and Farquhar P.O. The pure haver will have the privilege of going on the farm after harvest this summer to do necesa- an fall pb,ghin¢ and will get full possession on 1st Iri, ember neat. TERMS It. pwr rent. of the purchase money nn the day of sale and the balani a mi let 13v -ember ier next 'A11hmat Interest. fart of the ppurchaoe ,none) en remain on Mnrtgaee if the pun-haser desires It. For further Parti• Wars apply 10 (11.ADMAN and ST.tNiUI'Itl', Barristers. Exeter, JANE Mot 1'1.I.A( Il, Administratrix. Farquhar. Exeter, !•th June. 190'7. Notice to Farmers Tie Ewer a ,noir* .1 1,1 1'rtser,ing Co. will be plea/test to renei. e * our from farmers for Tomatoes and ('urn. As the nnml.er of acres required Is limit- ed those desiring t•. contra. t wi11 do well to call at once on t ither the Pre,Hlent, ,toe. Snell; Vice -Pres.. C. 11, Sander., or See'y, J. (1. Jones. Brace Up Exeter School Report. Following is the report for May: Jr. Teachers. - M Coward M), 1 Ai n1 - strong 68, W Ti-tet.net60. No. on 1.111 16, average 16. L. C. Fleming, teacher. Senior div. --13 Martin 71, E Going 66, V Welsh 63. (i Brant 61, F Foss Ito. Ji, --i Ferguson 76, J Oestreicher• 68. No, of roll 32 ,average :30.2. S. L. Gregory, 'Teacher. Form 1.--A McMahon 80, L Snell 73, L Heywood 70, I) Stewart 70, It Hoo- per 66, 13 Munn 65, E Luxton 63, A Mc- Pherson 61. J Monteith 62, A Pickard 61, E Copeland 00. Commercial. --A M Howard 88, short- hand and typewriting; V Rowe 72, M McTaggart 72, 8 31c(,'oy 60, IE McKay 63. No. on roll, Commercial 11: Form 1.-34; average 41. A. M. Johnston, teacher. Sr. IV, -G Ford 82, 11 Carling 80, E Heideman 79, 0 Wood 77, A Bisset t 77, R May 76, B Boyle 66, L Gould 65. A Jackson 65, C Makins 65, E Wood 64. T Bahian 62, M Charlton. Jr. IV. -H Jones 77. 11 Fuke 67, L Rowe 62, B Westcott 62. No. on roll 27, average 24 Chas. Tebbutt, teacher. Sr, III, -R Dearing 85, R Bissett (3, 1' Guilt' 76, 11 Heywood 76, W Stewart 76, B McKay 75, 0 Wood 73. L M Frayne 70, M Barrows 67, D Ha1167, M Jewell 64, I. Snell 6:3, L Boyle 63. Jr. III. -J Walker 81, H Southcott 73, M (7arling 09. S F Hector 67. W Heide- man 66, A Jackson 66, V Rowe 62, 0 Marshall 61. No. on roll 48, average 42.5.-11 E Walrond, teacher. Sr.II.-L Harvey 95, J Seldon 9.5, B Quance 89, I Sweet 8(1, N Jones 85, A Beverley 84, R Fleming 83, A McKay 81, R Flynn 79, W Manson 75, E Welsh 73, 0 Anderson 68, L Marchand 67, E Anderson 60, T Fear 50, M Blatchford 40, V Knott 40. Sr. 11.- E Day 80, J Follick 79, A Day 75, E Bovey 73, H Rivers 71. 11 Uowclille (13, A Mack 82. J Russel 78, W Mack 70, E Cookson 72, No. on roll 50, average 44. Elsie A McCallum, teacher. Mid. 1I. --M Smallacorube92, J Brick - wood 89, M Heywood 88, W Kydd 84, M Senior 84, L l-landford 88.J Craig 79. Gordon Richardson 73, N Hockey 63. Jr. Ii. -F Wood 98, M Seldon 98, I Delve 96, (ir Ortwein 95, P Jackson 92, 13 Horney 89, D Holden 80, 8 McFalls 75. Sr. Pt. II. -G Fitton 90, A Johne 00, D Kuntz 87, G Ford 86, G Wells 85, J Bagshaw 73, W Davis 70, W Jones 08, F Fanson 54. Jr. Pt. 1.--A Mitchell 88, 1 Eaeterbrook 73. Sr. Pt. I. -V Welsh 88, M Moriock Si, M Walker 82, I. Walker W., W Jacobi 80, C Mallot 78. L Dearing 76. No. on roll 51, average 42.-M V Martin, teacher. Sr. iI,-A Bell 91, B Hodgert 90, 'M (.'ase 89. W Mitchell 80, M Hicks 85, F Bowey 81. E Homey 76, H Parsons 76. Jr. Ii.---L('ollingwood Rti, M Huston 81, J Ferguson 77, F Neil 74, M Elliott 6'). No. on roll 49, average :is►. F W Iloward, teacher. spring will .non be here when every growing thing will send new figlife throlgh14r veins. Bring yourself in harmony with 't nature anti send some new life gallop- ing through your own system. Make yourself feel gond. beside. , arsspan t t Yellow a 1 contains r ow ummer School A special corse of instruction during .1uly And Angnst for Public Scholl Teachers. Our Burdock and Sar saparilla Compound i. the Crest blood la wehnow; and 'll ' Dock, Prickly Ash. iodide. of I'otas- sintn aril iron. ('Ascara and other cyo-ally valuable remedies. it acts through the nitoral secret• ory sad excretory organs. removing those platters which disturb its purity t t L Enter any Time indit•iduitl instructi,.n r WALKERTON 11 BUSINESS COLLEGE ; (1EO. S1'OTTON. Principal. Audi' ALAtAatfltASA,ds1 .lieGillivray Council conned fort at Town Htill on June 1. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. Morgan-- Mitrily---that the several accounts he paid. -Carried. Connell adjournd till Monday, June' 21, at 1 p.nt. J. D. Drummond, Clerk. Notice To .Test ices and Magistrate's. Copies of the ('tanadien Criminal I.att's and the Ontario Statutes for 1(0)7 have been received by the under• signed, and will be supplied toJnstiees and Magistrates on application. C. St:AOKII, Clerk of the Peace. (iodetich, June 7th, 1907. A fine pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near Sarepta: one hundred acres 86 acres seeded. frame honer and goal stable, good water, etc, Apply to SANDERS k (IIRECII, Exeter. Wanted a Pea Hen ll aparty who has a peaces k and wishes a nate. Will buy the bind or give the ow tier the in. reaw-. Apply at the Advocate Dake. Property For Sale Part of Lnt 10, ('on. 7, Township of l'slnrne, half mile east of Elimville, the property of the late ovum i Spi-er. 2'• a. res of first• lass land, well fem-rd and Ills �is11 le 91tt1ilitke'n old 'n.. kll[1 trot drained: nn the property lea two storey IAA house I it quarter mile. The biliee hur went with kit. hen Ind wv.o.l.lied. barn Anyr.li and an tx• rl- lent driving .he.l; two good hard water well. and cistern in kitchen: also a rood nn hard. Terms eae). For further particulars apply on the premises, MRS. R. S/ ICER, Elimville. The Exeter Council. ri town this week on business.-Rev.and Mrs. Shaw are this week visiting at J. The council meet Monday night as ani 13. McArthur's.-Rey. and Mrs. Shaw adjourned Coma of Revision when , and Mr. and Mrs. McArthur attended several additional changes were made the Gregg-Penhatll nuptials :at Moms in the assessment roll, and the assess- ton on June 12. -Mr. Sutherland who ment of a number of dogs cut off.. same having vanished, died or been transferredtrnsferred to other owners. Consid- erable pepper t y in Exeter has changed hands since the assessor commenced his rounds, consequently many chang- es were necessary on the roll, although the euro -total of the assessment was not materially altered. The court ad- journed to June 25th. Thecouncil then met. A deptitatiou from the band consisting of Messrs. Taylor, Treble and Heywood asked for a grant of $125 for the year. A. E. Fuke-J. J. Knight -that the hand be granted $100, half now and half in the fall. -Curried. Tenders for gravelling were received and the contract given to Messrs. Thos. Creech and Geo. Ford. their tender being $4.25 per cord from Haw - den's pit and $4.59 from Triebner's pit. The following accounts were ordere 1 to be paid: -It. Davis, labor for ceme- tery, $100; Thos. Fisher, insurance for three years cemetery house, $5.95; J. G. Stnallacombe, fixing pump at ceme- tery, $3; F. Kerr, brick for cemetery, $12; F. W. Madman, postage, land roller, and freight re cemetery, $13.25; Chester Stanlake, labor at cemetery, $25.50. Bell Telephone Co., 312.60; Rd. Seldon, cement, $15.60; Queen City Co. gasoline $9.16; W. Neil, $19.75; T. Creech, labor, $12.50; Silas Handford $7; R. Davis $7; W. Westcott $2.75; 11. Parsons $6; Alf. Taylor $3; Thos. Sanders $3; Mrr, White $1; John Gil- lespie, r. $1; Geo. Smallacombe 25c; %V. J. Bissett salary, $3:3; C. W. Cross salary.$27. C. 13. Snell's account was left over n attendance. -Mr. Arnlstron was in for correction, the council claiming that his bill was not itemized, and also land �,ucknuw.-'tV. J. Wilson, gener- on earl al merchant, of this village bas been declared insolvent and a meeting of the creditors will be called shortly.-- S. McMorrin leaves shortly for Ireland. -W. Moir and wife are visiting their daughter Mrs. Case at Toronto, -Peter Moir of t'sborne has purchased Mrs. Elder's house and the latter intends i going to Uaborne to reside with her daughter. --Miss Emma Drysdale has ' gone to Dubuc, Sas*., where she has accepted a position as bookkeeper,-- Miss (:ar•lisle, who has been carrying i en a dressmaker shop here for a nutn- la•r of years, intends giving tip busi- , n/ss about the end of this month and will take a trip to Manitoba. Anderson Toru Leadstone of St. Ma:•ye Is the guest of his sister Mrs. Milton Stevens. Ed. Robinson spent Sunday with his uncle J.Robinson.-The Sunday school picnic while was held in M. Stevens' ; grove on Monday proved a grand suc- cess. -Miss Knox is the guest of Mrs. J. Malloy. -Austin Hewitt of Exeter spent part of last week under the pa- rental roof. -Mr. and Mrs. Kemp of St. Marys spent Sunday at the home of James Walks. LANE: - Ittctvirr. - The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ilewitt was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on June 5, when their eldest daughter Miss Ells, became the bride of Fred bane of Anderson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Veale of Kirk ton. The bride, win' was given away by her father, was gowned in a handsome dress of white organdie trimmed with lace and insertion and carried a bou- quet of bridal roses, carnations and maiden hair fern. The wedding starch was played by Miss Etta Lane, sister of the groom. They were unattended. The pi esents, of which the happy cou- ple were the recipients, were nuttier - our and beautiful, showing the warm esteem they are held in by their large circle of friends. The bride's going away gown was blue, with white silk waist and hitt to Match. Guests were' present front Shakespeare, Lindsay, Granton, Exeter and St. Marys. M r. and Mrs. Lane will take up their reen- de•nce on Mr. Lane's Gerin, Evergreen Gt ove, :3rd line, dlbenshard. 'Saint*bury MIs. Phinas Dickens' many friends will be pleased to learn that she is get- ting along as well as can be expected. -Miss Annie Hodgins who has been suffering from the eITects of a very painful finger, has resumed her duties RS dressmaker. -- The dredge completed its job on Thursday. it is a splendid job end tench credit is due Mr. (lour. has been ill is slowing recovering, :is is also D. Foss. The latter spent a few days at Goderich during the week.- Itev. D. Wren preached at 'Zion on Sunday. -George Joynt :and J. E. McDonell purchased the J. Miller pro- perty on Tuesday for $925. - Mrs. 1'. Sipple left Friday for Lancing, Mich.. where rite will visit her son. -Wm. Shaffer of Toronto, foruterly of Hen- s/ill is visiting friends here.--E.H,innie is having his dwelling painted which adds much to the appearance of his place.--S1rs. D. Urquhart has returned froth her visit to Toronto, accompan- ied by her daughter Bessie, who has graduated itt the Toronto School of Expr'esaion.-Dr. Cauthorpe of Jones- ville. Texas, is renewing acquaintances here. -The onion crop is looking very promising here. ---Mrs. Rohr. 11ori�.hron has gone on a visit to Erie, Barrie and Toronto. -Miss Etta Davis is home on a visit from Toronto. -Wedding bells will ring here shortly. -Mrs. Thomas Peart is recovering from her last ill- ness. -The Reform convention of South Huron will lite held here Friday, -Wm Luker received word a few days ago of the death of his nephew Mr. Metter at Wallacehurg.-Jack McEwen and Frank Blatchfotd are home from To- ronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Zurich visited at Wm. Stonemtam's Sunday.- Miss Matheson of Clinton visited Mrs. Smallacotnbe for a few days. --The many friends of Mrs. Bolton are sorry to learn that she is not enjoying very good health. -Dr. Patterson of Toron- to preached in Carmel church Sunday. -Some from here attended the \Wing- harn races this week. --Kenneth White is enjoying his holidays at St. Thomas that the Tights were not y enough in the evening. The Reeve and Treasurer powered to borrow $1000 by were em - the coun- County Council Doings The Huron county council conduit - ed their June sessions Friday at a late hour. The following appointments have been made to positions at the House of Refuge in Clinton: Robert Mutch, keeper, salary $350; Mrs. Roht. Match, matron, $250; Mrs, W. H. Sliupson, assistant matron, $150. 111 recognition of Mr. French's long and raft l,$t•)'.rv'^e as keener of the house up to the present, the council voted htni an hodorarium of $100. He has been the keeper of the house ever since it was established and has now resign- ed owing to ill health. Among the grants made by the council are the fol- lowing: $75edditional to the Wingham High school, tanking the grant from the county $575; $75 to Huron county rifle league for prizes; $75 to Goderich horticultural society to assist in mak- ing a county exhibit at the provincial exhibition in November; $20 to Hensel) horse fair, $56 to assist in repairing Blyth lockup. The estitnated county expenditures for the present year are as follows: Administration of justice, 311488); jail account, $2,20; division court jury fund, $1(8); schools $10,000; school management, 32,8141; nliscellan- eons grants. 32.1810; municipal gove't n- rnrnt, $5,5011; stationery, printing,etc., $1,101; Itmaties and charities, $660; in- terest, $500: comity property, $2,1100; miscellaneous, *Inti; industrial home, 86,48)0; roads and bridges $25,820,83; sterling debentures, $5, 500; currency debentures $2.000; total $82,120.11. Walton Club Goes to the Bend. TO THE EDITTUR EXETER ADve('A'ri: Dear Zur,--I haunt touch of a schol- aril but 1 be again to write it few lines to tell'ee hoot a tide ns Looked to Gran Beam! on Sit titi day. ('s he the Issak Walton Fishin Club, *taster Gout-. lay he commis! into zee )rte and he seth Jan wuil'ee curve with your club to (Iran Beand, and i seth, thank'ee to be sore, [ ween. 11e smith my auto- hitlec ween take'se in twenty nits. So spoke to 51 casters Walters, Spackman, Sanders, Dyer and Mardon and when 'et' coonu•d bless alt' 'cart if tut her kilos had tit it touked up all the ronin neatly: hot Monster Gourley sed be you stannum, and 1 sed i'ss fay, an 1 jurnpped ren. By golley uti event and us was at. Dashwood in less time Ontario Liquor License Act like a hiller-he-d.trned. \\ ill l, els gut there at (:ran Beand and suns of ere looked boasts out tew thn stakes and sum stayed ashore. afearll to face this - raging sleep, 1t was a bootiful clay, but the water was cold and 1 tho•t If 1 was ashore i'el take a long drink of zider. Then i !went Aleck eho►tin, l.iI wen (atDien. t of South Huron. aurid is here• l we of a girt big lin, and '( (! pulled by liven that Henry RMfeana of the Village of R R (re.1 i!on, hu tua.h• ■ppil ali..n for permission to all(1 p11111'1, Itnd Iheti hllll r11t11111ell the transfer his Village tavern license at ('rn1iton, to fill; and by J all 'is Irate wits Mrs. John ('heenut, of Crediton, and that sad fnnkeel 811(1' hall 'is line. Then 1 'ail a appli• ation hill lw .•onsider..l at the meeting of the Board of LL -seas ('nmmaei.,ner.. to be held at the girt pall ,end 1 got cotched an when 1 Domin:on 11r4e1, in Village of %urkh,nn the 281h ass polled tip all was agone. Aleck railed of June, Iry'7, at the hour of 101 m. out, wants the matter Jim an 1 nearly All persona intereete•1 will govern themselves ac enr'lingly, swored, By -en -by i had a zinking in John Torrance. License Insp.. tot my innards an i wanted sum tatey pie, or leek pasty, so i sed I be goin Rebore. 1's got there, best i'll he gig grit 'd if Alf '-dent torched more fish; Dated at Clinton, this 11th day of June, 1181. --THE- Annual Meeting l" -- OF TIiR - out h Huron Farmers' Institute WIVEILt. IIP. 11E1.1) IN MiLIA:R'S 1i:%11. 11F:NSA L1, -Fred Davis is improving his lawn by placing a wire fence around it. -F. J. Davis attended the ('.O.F parade in [Actin on Sunday evening to the Pres- byterian church where a very interest- ing and instructive address was deliv- ered. -Rev. C. F. \V.I.ht.nt•n preached in St. Patrick's church on Sunda►y. He is a very clever young man and we trust his labors will be blessed. --- aid)3''. Miss 13oiwClmlaniofc Lot►ndo(n spent Sun- day with Miss Lizzie Patton. -Mrs. A. E. Cunningham of ('reditol spent sev- eral days here with friends.-- The te- mains of the late Darius Donnelly of London, brother of Mrs. W. J. Hod- gins of this place, were brought here and interred in St. James cemetery on Saturday. --We are pleased to hear that Mrs. T. Hodgins is intprov'in after her severe illness. - Frank Heaton of Detroit spent Sunday at Ins home here. -Mr. Glavin of Manito- ba called on friends here during the week. -Miss Hicks of Centralia is spending a few days with her uncle, Dt•. Jones. Elimville Melville Skinner has purchased a new driver and now claims to have something fast.--1V.Herrl returned on Friday last from attending the Grand Council of the C. 0, U. F. et Toronto. --Mr. and Mrs. D. Rowcliffe and Miss Maggie Miller of Exeter spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Andrew. -Quite a large number front the vil- lage and vicinity attended the anni- versary services at Zion on Sunday and the tea and concert Monday, -Jos Hawkins returned Saturday from Gcplerich where he had been attending the session of the County Council. BIRTHS Mt'NRO-At Lieury, on June 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Munro, a son PF.NIIAt.K-In Parkhill, on June 1, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Penhale, (formerly of Exeter) a son. SPHNCHR-In Usborme, Con. 15, on June 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer a son. MsLgAN-In Usborne, con. 15, on June 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Lean, a daughter. -saw- MARRIAGES. BAYNi►AH--SntTII—OD I onion Road South, on ,lune 5th, by Rev. An- drews of Centralia, Walter M. Bayes ham, to Miss Willmott, third laughs ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith. STRu'K--IIKY-At Zurich. on June 12, ' . E. Stelck, 14th con., to Miss Annie f� Hey of the Babylon Line. WILsox-Gtl-t.--At Grand Bend, June 12, Ruben Wilson to Miss Victoria, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Gill all of Grand Bend. RuioMToN---LAxuvoItn --In Toronto, June 12. Dr, G. F. Roulston of Exe- ter to Miss Emma E. Langford of Toronto, H.tY- MIA 61?-- At Staf a, June 5, Jas. Hay, to Miss Lucinda Drake both of Staffs. LANE --l1 i—: ri -r--In Anderson, .lune 5, Fred Lane, to Miss Ellet Hewitt both of Anderson. MITCIIKLi.--tiunttra- - At Staffs, June 5, Norman F. Mitchell of Centralia to Miss Manilla Norris of Htaffa. Eiirr-\VAItsKft---At Lisbon, June I1, Itev, L. K. Eidt, of Dashwood to Miss Lavine \Vaguer of Lisbon. KERIt-131tutt'x---At the residence of the bride's parent., Brussels, by Rev. Wishart, on June 4th, J. Les- lie Kerr, editor of the Blyth Stand- ard, to Miss L. Jean Brown, daugh- ter of George Brown. Cof.gt'IIOUN—KEILSI..AKK-At Mensal), nn June 5, Herbert W, Coll uhoun, of Stratford, to Miss Alms Beatrice Kerslake, of ('rotnarty. RILEY-KEEN --in St. Marys, on June 5, by Itev. Rural Dean Taylor, Miss Alpha Maude, daughter of John A. Kern, St. Marys, to 11. V. H. Riley of Edmonton. sea - DEATHS if ASKicrr-in Lucan, June 11, Thomas W. Baskett, beloved husband of Diana Ilaskett, aged GS years and 10 months. I:I.sTON.- in Exeter, on June 12th, Maty Ann Parkinson, beloved wife of Richard Elston. in her 70th year. Milli aid hryllill We Do Tinsmithing and Troughing. Furnace and Hot Water Heating Plumbing and Pipe Fitting All sizes of pipe in stock. on the dock then us 'ad. 1's all went' SAMSON BRAND to a inn an 'ad a belly v.i1 of taffies and cake,' and teed an h we jumped hoRTLA.ND CEMENT in hillytyand lighted merrMickey and ue began our soy 'orae. When 118 got to Dashwood big crowds were on the streets await in to see its go throe. We sang all the way'orne and Mtaste•rfor• le)' was'e.irt) toziy, you be all rite jolly fellows. That's all. .Jan. tt Bottle. for $5.10 ON TUESDAY. MANE 18th. 1907 Iletlxall :3 Bottles for 32.73 at One IEClnek In Addition to the 11.11 el bovitlra an p tin1P left ('has. Dyer. who has been in the address will be given by Prof. Hey- Monson. Hank het( for - n dds, 11.:\.('., Burl ph, on the subject town Tue•d.ay. .1. ('. Mel►onell spent 1 1 Monday at Zorieh with C. Fritz. - -The '1:en.'t Al Farm i)reinage." W. D. Sondem, R. (ierdiner, at the home of Mr 1V m. i.-nuniP on President. Secretary. Wednesday when quite a number were B. S. Howey, PYm. B. ('hetnist and Opt i••i,an, EX F:TER. i'hone 50. %V. M.S. held their monthly meeting A Car just received. Best for floors, walls, etc. Wire Fencing, Stretchers, Pliers, Hooks, Staples, Etc. BEAYAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE.