HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 8fl]ade
Urei.>ing well is an art
owl the man who has
his clothing made to mea-
sure has found the key to
that art. Each garment
that we make for you has
th tt air of individuality
so much sought after by
the fitshionable man.
You Are Sure of
100 New Saitiuirs to Hated
At Prices Away town
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Brsiness Locals -- Read Them
The 1.0 F. Excursion to the Falls
will be the most popular of tbe season.
See large posters later.
Wotaeu's Institute Notes-
Theannual meeting and election of
officers of the Woman's Institute will
he held on Friday, June 7, at 3 o'clock,
in Senior's Hall, at which all are re-
quested to be present and those wish-
ing to become members for the ensu-
ing year.
Miss Half. Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec'y
Girls Wanted.
T.vo girls wanted -cook and general
helper. Good wages. Apply at Cent-
ral Hotel, Exeter.
Get your Marriage Licenses at tom.
Advocate office. -
Property For Sale. -
%Ve beee at present a handsome
pietas of property consisting of fine two
storey residence and two lots, with
good stable; :til in first-class condition;
conveniently situated; all modern im-
provement. Price is a snap. Call or
write The Advocate Office.
Pleats for Sale.
1Ve have on hand a full line of tom-
ato, catbege, cauliflower, celery, as-
ters. stocks. geranium, foliage, ver-
bena. petiole, pansy and all kinds of
plants for the flower and vegetable
garden. (Loll and get our prices and
see our stock. Hanging baskets filled
to order. LOUIS DAY,
Market Gardener, Exeter.
Agent fur the Exeter Canning &
Pieserving Co.
For Sale.
We have on our list a choice store
property in Exeter for sale at a veru
reasonable figure. -Sanders & Creech.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
.• .rate office.
Cale% for Sale.
A load of calves will he sold at the
Temperance Hotel, Exeter North, on
Saturday, June sth, at 12 o'clock. -
Geo. ('hepnuan.
Niagara Falln Excursloa•
Ever vi.ody will take in the excursion
to Niagara halls under the auspices of
the Independent Order Foresters on
Thrn.,I.,y June 20th. Gond for three
days The fate from Exeter viII be
$2.:tt. (,,r•ge• hills giving particulars
will 1.- ls-ued in it few days. This will
he t t., only Excursion to the Falls this
Be ism.).
Msrrialrc of .Mr. aced.
:\ (linen wedding took place on Mon-
d ty morning. June 3rd, at 6::30 o'clock,
at the home of the bride's parents. \1r.
anal \Ir Silas Hatelford, Main street,
wh. n their daughter Mrs, F;liza Heed,
f01111. -,1y of Palmyra. Wisconsin, was
nnite,l n1 n1 trrUwe with Mr. H. W.
Thornton of London. The ceremony
way pie formed in the presence of only
it few of the Mont diate relatives by
Het . .1. 11. ii ,ing of the James street
chute)). They were unattended. The
het 'e was ,•.n 1n d in :t handsome grey
suit as .111 as hitt• silk waist. After it
%a -fulling er,•akfast Mr. and Mrs. Thorn-
ton took tie• v:Jin t, tin for London
wll r.• then will r. -i.le. The hest
w'1-ne-. of their many friends Hie ex-
tended to them.
�++•I•++i•++•!• •1•t 4•F•1••i`i'i••ki•f••1••!••fi'•1••t
Th., th,1e things that dia.
4ingoi.h the rlothes we
•k•• ire FASHION. FIT
„ .• justly piton] of our re•
Ford ;ind will sustain It
with good liniments. The
Sp I..g thing• ate rt ads
and ta.••Ii• getting plenty
It( ..14111.. (hie of [hent•
days you will appreciate
1•0w vitally
You Need a Spring Suit
()lir 1101' ig ready for your
kind inspection.
.t -o
Call and Get our Prices
Merchant Twine - Exeter
VIP ►' See the Summer School ad. t.f the I
LOCAL DOOIN(iS, 4j 1s aekerton 13usine,. College in this
A&4k��� Fred Sweet hits let urned from Maur
Have you heard the Eckardt Musical ilton where he attended the Normal
Family? College.
Wheat 80 (51
Barley 40 4S
42 tJ
7.5 7,5
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh desite to Peas
nePi iiicil)al Fleeting wa) ill en Wed ' -,ulliclday.y ('spicas their thinks to Mis,, Yotataes,per bag
Clinton Sweet is suffering from er ug, who at a risk to herself saved Hay, per ton
sipelas. R Y lhrir c r'idtIegiri wrl 1r`tlmtbr`)le death by Flour, per cwt., family
T. E. Handford shipped a load ofFlour, low grade per cwt 1 20
1 ! Mr. E. J. Eacrett, who has been Butter
horses to Winnipeg Tuesday. writing on his second year course in
Mr. Alex. Stewart is confined to his medicine at the University. Toronto, I,tyeht)gs, per cwt
home this week through illnese. has successfully passed his exiult. Ed. Shorts per ton
Hear theSwiss Bell Ringers on Mon- is a student with bright prospects Bran per ton
day .venin next in the Opera House, ahead of hire and es he has added an.
A number of the S.O.E. brethren at- other link to his chain of succes, we
tended a meeting of the society in extend cunttrutulations.
Clinton on Wednesday. Rather more than the usual etrount
n Victoria
GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" 5�rexcimentet on Wednesd+►va,afte��noem of last
Bobs" and ''Stag" Chewing Toltec- week when the scholars were leavin
coes, in big plugs. Quality always the R
same the school for their hooses. A cow
owned by C. E. Hackney, which was 1 Wa
Mr. Blatchford is moving the house beteg led along the street, for some
he recently purchased from Wm. reason became enraged and breaking
Britnacombe to the south of Mr. Fol- way charged into the crowd ofcbildren
lick's on Main street. scattering them in all directions. One
Mr. James Sweet, sr., sustained a little fellow, Paul Gardiner, was drag -
painful injury to his back by the fall- ged along some distance tipou the
ing off a scaffold at Crediton on Wed- horns of the beast and it is a miracle
nesdey of hast week. He is recovering. that he was not killed. Continuing
Rev. Walter E. Millson, the singer its course it charged upon a little girl
of London Coference, is well known in named Etta Welsh. daughter of Mr.
Exeter, baying received part of his Wm. Welsh, and pinned her to the
education at the Exeter School. His fence near the gate of Miss Lang.
borne is near Whalen. Happily the horns were on each side
The London Conference of her body and although she was
will me
at Exeter in Such was the deetci- severely bruised no bones were broken.
sion reached at Goderich on Monday She was rescued then from. her perilous
after having received an invitation position h the presence of mind and
from the Methodist congregation of heroismgr soed the it who opened the
town. gate, grasped the girl and re-entered
the yard before the brute could again
Two North -Enders were fined four charge them. After considerable
dollars each last week for allowing trouble the cow was finally cornered
more than one cow to run at large. and lassoed.
The town Treasury was also enhanced
by a $1 bicycle fine for riding on the Hicks Forcasts for Jane.
sidewalk. A Reactionary Storer Period is cen-
For Quality and Quantity ask your tral on the 9th, 10th and Ilth. The
ndealer for the new big lugs of "Bobs" o t e Moonis
magnetic cris tat the 10th, i falls iannual-
•'Stag" and "Currency Chewing To- y onand aout Junet
hellth. This
baccoea' period will bring excessive warmth.
May weather registered from 79 de- very low barometer, abnormal humid-
grees on the 14th to 24 degrees on the ity and violent thunder and wind
12th. There was more than an inch storms. Earthquakes will be reported
leas of rain fall this year during May in many quarters of the globe, within
than last year, the registration being three days of noon on the 10th. June
2.53 inches. thunder clouds will break in hail
And still the good work goes on, storms and cloudbursts in many local -
Mr. Abe. Bagshaw having this week ities during this period i? ;:Rl►
deposited $30 in the Cemetery Perpet- omer.er• •v ,tY change to
nal Fund, the interest of whim Will amen coo •• .. ,.t spread eastwxrdly
pay for the caring for th, graves of his over the country from about the 11th
father and mother. to 14t1.
11 W
6 75
22 W
Twoloada of choice cakes for sale Tuesdays and $atu•
rdaya for balmier of spring. Price $2.t.0 and upwards
.also one good dairy cow for sale -newly called.
wanted -erne hundred h. i ,) earling chicken also
a number of good turkeca
eZeu'th I;iace in a large class is a Baseball/Amick.
Creditable showing for Mr. Herbert The Centralia baseball train, lacking
Gregory who last week passed his fin- three of their number rind re -enforced
al examination in law at Toronto. His by three Crediton players, came up
whole course has been successful, be and played a game with the Exeter
having obtained three scholarships. team on Thursday evening. A goodly
Rev. W. J. Ford of Glencoe is the number of enthusiasts from Centralia
newly elected president of the London carve up with the boys and the Exeter
Conference. having defeated ltev. A. fans turned out well to see the initial
H. Going of Exeter. -While Mr. Go. game. Although the score was a
ing did not expect to receive the honor trifle large for a five innings game it
this year his chance is good for election was very even throughout and arm's -
next year, ed the enthusiasm of the supporters.
H. Strang, M. A., principal of the Several of the runs on each side were
Goderich Collegiate institute who re- due to costlyplayers,
errors. The final score
cently addressed the W. Huron Teach-
ers'The Institute here, is to have the de• scores were:
gree of 1.. L. D. conferred upon him dingExeter
by the senate of Toronto University Harding,,_nd h, ;
on June 7th. Hoskins, c & 1 f, 0;
Bissett, 3rd b., 0;
The members of Exeter Court Inde- Iiawkshttw, c f, 1;
pendent Order of Foresters are request- Knight, c & 1 f. 1;
ed to meet at the lodge room on Sun- Carling. p & r f. 1;
day, June 16th, at 1:30 p. m. for the Snell, e. s. 1;
purpose of attending divine eervice at Powell, 1st b.
the Main street Methodist church, Sanders, p & r f. U;
Service at 2:3(4,
The Swiss Bell Ringers, who are
corning under the auspices of the Main
street Epworth League, on Monday,
June 10th, in Opera ilouse, is an en-
tertainment that is A 1., strictly up to
date in every particular, clean and en-
tertaining', says the Toronto (:lobe.
Dr. Houlston desires to announce
that commencing on Mondat next his
dental parlors will be closed for one
week. During his absence, however,
any one desiring to make an appoint-
ment may do so by calling at his office
where a lady will be in charge.
Decoration Day will be observed in
Exeter June 13 by the lodges and citi
zens of town and country decorating
the cemetery. It is expected that the
stores will be closed front 1 to 4 p.n1.
\lessts. Itowe & Atkinson hare kindly
consented to take nut it loadof flowers
if left at their wareroonls.
Few changes were made in the n►in•
isters of Exeter district at the Confer•
erre in Goderich: Mr. Andrews of Cen-
tralia goes to Springhank end ('. 1'.
Wells conies to Centralia. A. H. (io•
ing is the (Atoll mon end J. E. Hoboes
of lateen the secretery of the district,
while E. A. Fear is the Sunday School
Mr. A. J. Ford has improved the in-
terior of his butcher shop by git•iug
the flxt,ites a fresh rout of paint and
calso►nining and papering the walls.
A washable, brick patterned, blue tint•
ed, paper with a fancy scroll border
covers the walls four and a half feet
front the floor up, and the upper part
is calsomined in yellow.
Messrs. Idandfortl & Welsh are now
occupying their sale stable on James
street, which they recently leased from
Mr. S. M. Sanders for a tern) of years.
The stable is large and roomy, well
equipped with single, double and bot
stalls, cement floors throughout, and a
neat and comfortable office. The
building is certainly one of the finest
in the country for the fr irpose.
F Company. :tied Huron Regiment,
left Tuesday for ('arlings Height*.
London. fat their annual training.
The company, :it strong, consisted of
it fide lot of young fellows, who are
4 credit to the district. To Mer -Major
Hector belongs the creditor recruiting
the company in the short space of
eight tiers. The officer, are Captain
Ranee of Clinton. Lieut. Beaman and
Seigt.-Major Hector of Exeter. The
(Beers are pleased that the fanners
and others so willing allowed their
sena and hired men to attend.
The late James Balkwill, who we
stated last Reek was killed when driv•
ing acres% the railway track at what
i. celled the "ienng Crossing," one mile
west of St. Mill ys, left it widow, vihn
was Mies Ellen (irimn, and two gone.
Franklin and Nelsnn,1 4 and 12 year• of
age, the letter of whom was eeliolrslt•
injured by it fire cracker at St. \lacy.
on 1144 21th. heepa.ed was a nephew
f \1r. \Vto. Il,'kwill of town and 'iv.
ed for )1 nunh••r of ye4rs south of
M Mitchell, c,
P Beaver, 1st,
F Kerr, 2nd,
P Simpson, 1 f.
B Mitchell: p.
C Digitate .fill
I3loomfield e. f.
0Rau s.s.
11 Mitchell rf.
The junior baseball teams of Centra-
lia and Exeter played a good game of
nine innings here on Friday evening,
the result being 10.0 in favor of the
visitors. The juniors put up a good
genie all through and lied a fair crowd
of enthusiastic spectators. The ('eu-
tralia lineup was: H. Mitchell, C. Dup.
Ian, 11. Dnplen, 11. Hanlon, A. Duplan,
A. Coughlin, 11. Bloomfield, J. Demp-
sey, E. Oestreicher: while the Exeter
boys consisted of B. Martin, W.
Knight, H. thinned), D. Stewart, C.
\icAvoy, E. Snell, C. Boltier, 0. Ache-
son, \%. Yreszcator,
Cole --Mara.
A very fashionable wedding was
celebrated at Holy Trinity church,
lateen, Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon,
when Miss Edith Mare, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. 1!d ward Mara, inns
united in marriage to Mr. W. S. (:ole,
druggist of Exeter. The ceremony
wits pet formed by the rector, Rev.
Arthur Carlisle. 'the bribe, who was
attired in white Point 1)' esprit, over
taffeta trimmed with Ditches); satin
ribbon and lace, and veil with lily of
the valley, and carried bridal ruses,
was anj)Jalrted by be•r sisters, the
Misses It1* and Mabel Mare, alto were
gowned in white %ilk trimmed with
belly itish Ince, and with white hate
trimmed with white poppies. They
carried pink roses. Miss Mabel Bate-
man of Kingston, cousin of the bride,
was the maid of honor. She wore
white crepe de Jap over taffeta with
trimmings of baby Irish end rose hone.
ton, with a white hat trimmed with
white poppies, Sbe also carried pink
roses. Dr. C. S. Mc('onib of 'Toronto
attended the groom while the ushers
were Messrs. Piney needing and (leo,
Rickard of Huron College, London,
The gro,lrrt•s present to the bride %%14s
a beautiful pearl necklace with n sun
burst of peitrls nsa pendant. Hie gift,
to the bridesmaids were pearl rings
art with emeralds and rabies; to the
maid of honor a gold bracelet; th.'
groomsman a diamond arse f pin and
to the netters ninnogl'ariled gold ruff
links. The presents of which the
happy couple were the rt'cipiente were
very numerous end beautiful, showing
the waren esteem they ate held in by
their large circle of friends. Among
their gifts were a lerge cut glee's select
howl from the National Drug Co..
London; it handsome Ileintzman piano
and a aubstantiel cheque from the
bride's parents. Meyers Harding and
Rickard sang 111 goi al soler while the
church register was being signed.
After the wedding it reception was
held at the bride's parents where shoat
fifty invited greets from Toronto, Lon-
don, Kingston. St. Thomas and Strat-
ford sat down to a dainty luncheon
served in a nn vgne' on the lawn by WANTED
Mr. kesend
& Co. .left ersfor of London. Wheat and Oats
\i r. and Nrs. 1'e•Ie left for an extensive'
wedding trip to New \ lif it k and \\',t•)).
ington. The bride's going swatts
trIl b
aeine 44tTeta silk worn with . HARVEY BROS-
a ��
h,at in ran shad,'-. 11r. ,471.1 Mts. ('•'le•I.\F;"f}?!' ON 1'.1K1(►
alien th it term n will take up their
rrlie,encr in Exeter.
F. ABBOTT, Centralia
111 Tfto Popular
Whatever your favorite medicine
may be we have it.
We keep a full line of all the ad-
vertised patent medicines. Anything
new that may come out we are gener-
ally the first to put it in stock.
Just at this season of the year
Sarsparilla and
Blood Purifiers
arc in considerable demand and we
are fully prepared to supply your need
Cole's Drug Store
Dispensing a specialty
Mr. Geo. Mantle, who accompanied
his wife to South River, about two
weeks ago, returned last week and has
since been confined to his bed at the
home of Mr. Peter Bawden through
illness. \Ve are pleased to report,
however, that he is now on a fair way
to recovery.
Mrs. Floyd, who for several months
has been residing at Seaforth with her
son, John, and intends making her
future home at that place, has been
here for several days disposing of some
of her household effects and preparing
the balance fol shipment to Seaforth.
\1 r. Floyd wile also toe for several
days assisting.
Mr. Richard \Velsh last week dis-
posed of his fare[ in the township of
Stephen, being Lot 13, Con. 1, to Mr.
John Farmer of town, Mr. Welsh tak-
ing 1n part exchange Mr. Farmer's fine
residence on Andrew sheet. We nn-
derstand Mr. Far mer will continue to
occupy the house for some time to
enure, and that it is not Mr. Farmer's
intention to leave town.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. John Webber and family desire
to thank the neigh hors and friends
who so kindly assisted her during tier
hate husband s sickness and death.
A representative of this paper was
pleasantly and hist rnct ively entre tain-
rd for an hour Tuesday by Prof.
O'Brien, the phrenologist and palmist,
who is at present at the('entral Hotel,
Those who have no faith in these sci-
('nees have only to visit the professor
to become convinced that he is able to
tell you much of the truth with reg:rtd
to your past and present life, and
such being the case there is no reason
to believe that the future may not be
foretold to a reasonable degree of ae-
cutacy. Among the pillows of Prof.
O'Brien are neatly all the lending pule
plc of Ontario; of this fact he furnished
ahaolnte proof. He illustrates by a
lar ¢e• number of chars, the lin'y,nru km
and signs of the human hvntl. They
reveal a w,nderfuldelineati..14 of eh ir-
acter and to be Able to read the
character in the hand must have cost
hire many years of careful and earnest
study. Even to one whn h -1s not the
least faith in his work n half-hour
spent with him is one ref touch pleae-
tire• and interest. 11e is meeting with
much success in Exeter.
Kirktonn: 0n Sunday %V. H. Betty
and Miss Annie Cornish of Exeter
were guests of Mr.atel Mrs..Ino. Shiite
here and report having had a most en-
joyable time.
riWA" iF3IAr *eir4'1tiFIF'Uri
If hacked up by tweeds.
The claim we nutke for
would he foolish if not1
1)11 k. d .r1,. 11.14e) 11 •or
than STA It t% not mat.
kete,l if itanal its
equal 1s seldom faund,
Al i& !kik AL ALd AA& A t1al
We have the following for Fodder rtud Ensilage
Also four varieties of SWEET CORN
for the garden.
T. Hgwsnvs & SON.
Dealers in Hardware, Cement, Wire, Etc.
Great Relloctioo Sale Still 01
Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still
offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the
than ever were shown in Exeter before.
Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced
to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be convinced before making your purchase
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Headquarters for beautiful dresses and costumes for coming
events. We offer a few suggestions to those wishing to buy
their trousseau.
At our Silk Departmen t
Will be found all the new .Jap \\-ash Silks, Tettatas, Peau De
Soh) and TIroalines in all the bewitching colors which will he
very needful.
Dress Goods
In White, ('ream, P,tle Blue, Pale Green, Fawn and Grey of
(*tette de Chen), Crepe de Paris, Enlen, Pennine, Albatras, Nuns
\'eiIing, Lustre:+, any one of these will make a June bride happy.
Lawns and Muslins
Vim will find us well stocked with Persian Lawns, Linen Lawns,
()entities, Organdies and Flowered Muslins and nice sheer Linens
suitable goods for a June dress.
Brides' and Bridesmaids' Hats
Onr Millinery department was neverin better position for creating
such dewiness and exclusiveness in millinery as they are to -day.
Our aim is to please and you will find something het e to suit you.
Fancy Parasols
Here yon seen them. They are certainly very catchy and ex-
tremely new. They are plain end fancy, White, Cream and Lin-
en also Fancy Hlaek and White, Blue and \Vhite. Linen and
White. Prices, $1 to $2.75. (!hild's Fancy Parasol for 50e. each.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Choice Bargains
Pretty mixture of Grey and Heliotrope
Grey and Green. 42 in. wide, all wool,
tnnke•a pretty suite or skirse, worth 75c.
Special at OOc. the yard.
1t'e lutve just ripened a very pretty lot
of colored 'nimbus in mauve, pale flue,
pink and grey, extra tine quality and
make stylish dressy%.
Prices 15e., 25c., 33c. the yard.
Fine white vret ing in pretty cheek and
floral designs:
Mpcciel quality....
Fine quality
First q'►ility
12 only Ladies' Rain ('oats, made of
tine cravennette, full length, grey and
fawn, regular price $6.(44.
Special at $I.5').
rcir) BELTS
(.+dies np.to-ante felts of fine kid with
metal buckles and nail heads. Price
50c.; also potent or solid leather in red,
white. black or tan, 2 buckles 25c.
8peeiel purchase of men's Balbriggan
8hirtaand Drawera, tine double thread,
l.i cents sateen facings, sizes 34 to 44, regular
25 ee'nta price rdk,
cents Special 40e. each.
C'lured Lest:). in )due, Kitten and MENS' FiNE RiB UNDERWEAR
brown with smell tient pattern, regn- in grey this is certainly the very hest
Rive ive 5' line we hive ever put nn our counter,
Sp, (•i:el :file. the yard Prires Me. each.