HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 7PALE AS CORPSE. PERSONAL POINTERS.
Dr. %7llianls' Pink Pill. Itruuflhl hark Interesting Gossip Ahout some of the
1\o'ld's Prominent People.
the Ruddy GIUN of Width.
Theta -ands of young gni wing girls
'have pale, pasty complexions; distress -
pg headarties. backaches and sideachee.
iSontetimes they aro unable to sleep;
their nerves are unbtrupg; they are lan-
guid, brenlhless anti the heart palpi-
,�lates violently at the least exertion •-
'that's anemia -and it may develop into
•consumption unless promptly attended
to Anaemia paeans bloodlessness. I)r.
\ViIIiaba..' Pink fills make pure, red
brood--Ihal's the secret of (heir success.
Miss \\ innie Allen, Montreal, Que.,
satyrs: --"I was so weak and run down
that my friends Thought I was goilig
oto consumption. 1 %vas as• pate as a
corpse, had 110 appelite and did not
sleep well. The least exertion tired
me out and if I walkc41 a few blocks I
was utmost breathless.. \Iy sister ad•
',I au.' 10 take Ur. Williams' Palk
I'+il= And after using hent for a few
weeks I not again enjoying good health
and have a gn4 d c•el er. I Think every
weak, sickly girl should take Dr. \\'il-
han►s Pink ('ills."
Dr. Williams' Pink ('ills make new,
rich Wesel and in This slaty strike right
a! the root of such troubles as antenna,
and gestion, rheumatism, Sl. Vitus
dunce, the secret ills of girlhood and
womanhood and a host of other every-
day troubles and cure them. But you
must get the centaur. w:th the full name
'Dr. Williams' Pink !'ills fur Pale Peo-
ple" on the wrapper around every box
--imitations never cured any one and
&-.metintes they do much harm. if your
dealer does not keep the genuine Pills
They will be sent at 50 cents a box, or
six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr.. Wit -
hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Unknown Philosopher Pictures the
Course of the Life of Man.
A French officer, Louis do Chantilly,
tells in l'uris Gil Bias of his discovery in
a Buddhist convent in the mountains of
Tonkin of a dusty lnanus"ript contain-
ing the Chinese version of the seven age,
of 1111111.
"At 111 years old," says' the -writer,
whose name has long been forgotten,
"the boy has n Beall and a brain as soft
es the tender shoots of a young bam-
boo. At 20 he is like a green banana ;
It- is just beginning to ripen in warm
rt.y s of common sense.
"Thirty years secs hila developed into
n buffalo. Ile is strong and lusty, (1111
of Lodity and mental vigor. This is the
true ago of love; the age for him to
marry at.
"At 40 years the prosperous man has
grown to be a mandarin and Wears a
coral button. But it would Le truly in-
discreet to confide to trim at this early
age any functions culling for judicial in-
telligence or cnlnl. •
"When he reaches 50 years, however,
although he has grown stout and fleshy,
he is Ii.1 to hold any municipal or Mate
• office; he can administer a city or pro-
vince or perform any official dilly.
"But nt Ctrl years he is old. Handi-
crafts and all active bodily activities are
beyond him. Ile gives his dependents
and clients advice. Thal is all he is fit
"At 70 he is just a dry rice straw. Ile
has only one care: to htasband the
breath of life that is left to him, to pre-
serve it, even by artificial means. IILs
sons must assume the care of his estate
and the performance of his duties."
Baby's Own Tablets contain no opi-
ate. no narcotic, no poisonous drug.
The mother who uses these Tablets for
her children has the guarantee of 1
government annlyst ns to the truth of
these statements. This medicine can,
therefore, be ustd with ahsolute setely,
and It nlwnys cures such troubles as
indigestion, sor' stomach, con'tipnlion.
(;tarrhuea and colic. The Tablets cure
crimple fevers, break up colds, destroy
%%.eros and make teething easy. Mrs.
\V 11. Young, Roslin, Ont., says:- "1
Lave used Baby's Own Tablets as need•
ed for more than a year and would not
rA without them in the house. They
rare just the thing for teething babies
arid other min' ailments," The Tab-
lets cost only 25 cents n tax and may
Is had from medicine dealers or Ly
!,sail from The 11r. Williams' Medicine
(:o., Brockville, Ont.
Ha' watched the clerk.
He was nlvnys grumbling.
Ile was n1vnys behin..Ihnnd.
Ile didn't believe in lernself.
Ile asked too ninny quesIMn•.
Itis stock excuse was "1 forget."
Ile wasn't ready for the next Step.
110 did not put his heart in his wtierk.
Ile learned nothing from his blunders.
He chose his friends among his infer -
if irs.
Ile never dared to act on his own
Ile did not think it worth while to
tenni how.
Ice tried to !Hake "bluff" take the pince
of nedily.
Ile Thought he nnrsl take anmsrinonl
every evening.
i';tmllia 'v with slipshod methods
paralyse:I !I,- Ideal.
11e .lid , t learn that the best part of
h:: saliva .• is nest ha his pnv.
The Sultan of Turkey has seventy-one
titles, among them being "Abdul humid,
ills Eternally Victorious," ''The Eternally
Suiliug,'' '"Phe Ell -Twiny invincible,"
"The Distributor of Crowns to the Heroes
Seated on the Thrones," and "Phe Slue
dew of God on Earth."
Mr. Daniel hula Osiris, whose death
bas just occurred in Paris. began life as
s bank messenger, and died worth e execu-
flCu,u00. \1. Umbel is one of ! h
tors of bis will, by which he bequeaths
$o.i0),1)00 to the Pasteur Institute. in
IMO M. Osiris was worth $2,5131.0110, so
Itlut in the space of a quarter of a cen-
tury he quadrupled his fortune. His
wife, whom he w-urshiplx'd, (lied in 185.
The blue moot in which she died was
never touched from that day nor esela
the sorrowing husband remarry ort , i
change his mansion in Rue lea lino,
where all his married life had
Mi. Bennet Burleigh, recalling remin-
iscences of the late Colonel Stewart. de-
scribes an amusing incident which oc-
curred when the colonel was "rounding
up" tho Boers after Ladysmith. On ono
occasion he end his black orderly
crawled up a kopje to reconnoitre the
!Beer position. Arrived at the top he
was surprised to•find, quite close to him,
an enemy's vedette. There was only
one Thing to be done. (laving no wea-
pon available, he threw up his glass td
his shoulder, just as if it were a Hauser,
and shouted, "hands up !" The ruse
succeeded admirably. The Boer did as
he was told, upon which the astute offi-
cer seized his victim's rifle and conve 'ed
him with his horse buck to can canfIK a
The claim made In regard to the
"Slondard Oil King," that he is the
richest ratan in the world, is no longer
admissible. While Rockefeller has been
acquiring a few hundred millions from
oilfields, Frederick \Weyerhauser, a re-
cluse, and consequently a little-known
personality, has built up 11 fortune or
something like a billion of dollar -
through timber -selling. Fifty years ago
\Weyerhauser started life as a laborer on
an American railroad. Ultimately 1;••
bought a small sawmill "out \Vest," all
since then his life has been n slow,
ceasing gi'incl • ot_buy_ing limber cheap.
selling at a profit, buying tirereetimbe .
then acquiring still larger estates:' --Iters
e-lunt.t. d Mut fully 30,000.000 acres of
timber, which are increasing in vale
every ,lar, are under his control.
Ilea' is a pretty story illustrating 11,
genuine kindness of the Princess et
\Willes. it appears that the chrislenhl:;
cakes with which the naming, ceren►ony •
of each little Prince is celebrated, are!
sande by an Edinburgh Brut. They are
sent South in the care of an experienced
ft,nwoman, who, in consideration of her •
long journey, always ,pends st pis•'
e 'de rate rarf of their Royal Iligbut - • • -.
The I'►•iiii•css, wito ntaTes it n run. I•,
look into every guest -chamber before
the arrival of the temporary occl.pant,
i'1 order to assure herself that everything
is right, makes no exception in the case
of the workwornan. On one occasion
she noticed that no flowers hnd tc•.e
placed in the bedroom of this visitor, nisi
she promptly gitve direction.; that 111
oversight should be generously rm..-
It is doubtful if there Is snoIher cook
in the whole world whose skill in culi-
nary arts is equal to that of M. Wringer,
who rules the kitchen al Buckingham
Palnee. For his services ns King Ed -
want's cuisinier, AI. Mcnager, it is stt:I.
receives a salary of $10.(33) per annuls.
ti's duties insting about two hours ench
day. if the lime occupied In passing the
timelienn menu, drawn up by the master
of His Majesty's household, is excepted.
Towards six o'clock \l. Menager directs
his steps towards the kitchen, where
there are saucepans and culinary uten-
sils whi'h have cost not less than $50,-
50;0(3). There are 4,000 knives. 3,000 forks,
and 3.000 spoons solely employed in the
preparation of the dishes ; while the
equipment of the kitchen provides for
s (310 covers being laid.
Sir John See, formerly Premier of New
Smith \\'hums, was nolo of Australia's
runny self -mate men. As a boy be
learned to "rough it" tit farm work, gel-
ling w hat education he could from a
primitive school, and al seventeen years
cf lige he farmed on his own account.
Iivenlually he abandoned the innd, and
went to Sydney with $2 in his pocket.
After four years' very hard struggle he
managed to buy n small sailing vessel
for carrying purposes, and fortune
smiled on his enterprise. Ile became n
great merchant and shipowner, and,
entering politics, was in turn Post-
master -General. (s.lonia1 Treasurer,
Minister of Defence. Premier. and Colo -
bin! Secretary of New Seidl' Wales. Ile
retired in 1004. Sir John was born in
Huntingdon. England. but went to New
South Wulf." with his purents when very
Queen \'iclnrin of Spain does not know
the taste of alcohol. Ilcl' special "tipple"
as made from oranges -the fresh fruit
squeezed into n glows. whi at 'is fluted
with nernted wnlerv, Orme:es nre her
fevorite fruit. For c.,^r= I'. a -- henry
nt Ralentaerg was a t• , r. 1.111 of
late she bas suffered se mush Irian
rheumatism Thal she hns been ordered n
little whiskey. which she regard: as n
penance. hath I'rtnces Christian's
dn'ghlers, too, ars leekilallers. All the
children of the Prince and Princes of
\W;.1.•s are being brought up strict Iee-
tolallera. nml They knew milking el filen-
led. Princess 1'alricirt ..t centrists/lit and
ha • 'mimed sister else abjure wine.
.\n.ether Resat teel'dadler is the Duchess
• ` \t gyll. null the Iwo daughters Of Use
Pen. ess Rey..1. their highnesses Alex -
aisle' and \Inud, have never in their
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
-safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and voalitiag-gives healthful rest
-cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs.
Cures Sac. -at drug -stores.
National Drug & Chem•
Ica! Co., 1,lntitrd
Diarrhoea lttoatrcal.
r. ----The cheapest good '
They do shingle is t h e
cost leas "Oshawa. " Good
for a century's
weather -wear. Guaranteed
for 25 years without your
even painting- "Oshawa"
double -galvanized shingles
need no paint to outlast
an roofing there is.
Mae reofs fire -proof,
too, -guaranteed in
e v or y way you want.
Cheap in first cost as com-
mon wood shingles, yet
more durable than slate.
Sold under a written guar-
antee that really means
something to the buyer.
\. • \'la\ \'1' .SI I..
,t siell.•to- 1 ' 1 • letting th/llte:, iG
with 1• ,i,.
"I 1 1 I'.,1•11e,' replied hi•
;n "1. -1..i. Met bettering!
- 1: -- . .1 •n t make so much
those' \ •\ 1"1-•. if ye -.n don't stop
breaking these 11.nd-wt. 111 tell papa
. 1 yeti!"
"\Vel!. 1 fume n'ol liver) in ems. 1
saw C'.sckstire esknowlethse -ein) rh ii
h•' hnd ne'tte n mi'.oak.•." '•11 r. dal lit e1
t,• I't+.'rY."1It' (MI lin, iughlcd •r.d of
•-.11 \O. 23- 07. 1.‘.. tlb;tr in Iota mouth.
You can't
afford any
other kind
Easy to
put on
With a hammer,
e snips, andhorse-
s e n se anybody
can roof buildings
right with "Oshawa " Gal-
vanized Steel Shingles.
They nerd no cle;.ts. They
lock on all FOUR sides.
Made in only one grade --
of 24-guage semi -hardened
sheet steel in the pat-
ented "Oshawa" way
Shingles are
un lnveSt-
ment, rot an
r.. ....
More than 100 farm
Lightning buildings were
proof, too damaged in On-
tario alone last year
by lightning. Notone of them
would have been harmed if
they'd been "Oshawa" -roofed.
These shingles insulate abuild-
in -mitke it safe aga_inatoytlpy
el'ment. Let us tell you w is .
it will cost you to roof the }'
"Oshawa" way. •
Get our frfe
book 'Roof-
ing Rlgbt'
before 90
Roof a
Of Oshawa
Montreal Toronto Lordon
321,3 Craig W. 11 Col horns aD Ituudas
4 Sumse.x Ottawa Wfnnf eg Vancouver
T6 Loin rd 515 I'cndnr
+icit'_.9'['v'sc� :r: k -,r y -,• :,atrt..+:.,.css:ca-,•.a
Fine muslin, dainty lin-
berie, iron easier, look
etter, last longer if the
laundress uses the only
cold -water (no boiling
starch that really
saves work and really
won't stick. Try it. Get
ROSft3€ T
'1110 the
If you are interested in Fruit Lands writ,.
for our booklet. 11. FREI:.
rtctERMIJ h rlctARuv, Nelson, B.C.
Giver and Gulf of St. Lawrence
i Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin Screw Iron4'i. "Campana," with electrlo
4 Ights, electric bells and all modern comforts.
I p.m , sed and 17th June, 1st, 15th and 29th July,
2th aro( Nth August. 9th and 23rd September,
Berl fortnightly thereafter for l'ictou, N.4., can-
na at Quebec, Cl aspo, Mal Bay. Perce, ('appe Cove,
)rand Itiver, 4ummerside, 1'. E.I., and Charlot-
9oclo1' \ a • (files. Call You (Cil Inc
exactly where you feel lite pain:'
Giles -Well, sir, lb's a hypercilieally
sort of pain, I puts me finger on it and
It ain't them; an' when 1 touches where
it's gone lo, it's in the old place all the
Thos. Sobin, of Eglington. says: "1
have removed ten corns front my beet
with Holloway's Corn Cure." Render,
go thou and do likewise.
\Irs. A. -"11's quite heertremling tot
(:ear your baby cry. Ile has been cry-
ing for an (tour at least." Mfrs. 11.-
"Atl, but it's all for his good. It's n
strictly seienWk, hygienic. lung-expnrl-
s:ve, and reef- eoie-de'lroving cry."
Peyer the Curse of the Tropics- to the slow
and tedious r,r,weris. from this and all other
dl••as• "Yerrorirn' i• the test tonic. ltemem-
b•r the name, •• J RRV\Ixl."
Father --"Don't you know that it hu 1
yr.ur ntolher as much to punish you
n: it did you?" Son -"Yes. but 1 reek -
on the neighbors ain't as certain • 1
A Cure for Costiveness.-- Uo"tiveness
cruses from the refo•at of the exeretnry
organs to ierfet•nl (heir duties regularly
flvnn contributing eau<es usually dis-
enteretl digestion. Porinelet''s \'ege-
tr,l.le Pills, prepared on scientific prin-
0•,ples, aix' so eompounded that certnin
ir,gretllents in Ihe►n pass Through the
stomach and eel upon the !Newels so
RA in remove (heir torpor and arouse
then) to limper neliom Many thou-
sands are prepared to hear testimony
to their power in this reaped.
'The evidence etrtwe, \Ire, \lultn•
hey. that you threw a alone at Police-
naan Ca`ey."
"11 n1H1we more Ihnn Ihnt. yet* hon-
or, it shows that Oi hot him."
Lndv : "Don't you know Ilint a hark-
ing dog never biles?" Trump : "Yes,
(num ; 1 eat hew nun 1 M knew that nil of
n �udeb n /oar deg won't ship harking ?"
Summer F.xeurilons, $35, by the new Twin
Screw S4. "Bermudian", 5,500 tone. Sailing 6th
sad 19th -Juno, :int, 17th and slat July, 14th and
WM August, 401, 14th aunt _; th September, 611,
Ili '-1 •'0th O.,tober, 6th. 16th and 2lth Noveau-
ter.-. tn, a by sea breezes seldom
dyes s. - 4 ips i e
The dm...}ripa of the •
AIt'1'HUR AiiERN. Secretary, Ouebec.
A. E. OUTI:RIlIIDGE & CO., Agents,
!:l Broadway, New York.
'1 \ BLE 1:1 It il' i :1 Ti:.
t.;lndlad "Ilere is the bash, Mr.
I: 1."
L . Knox -"No introduction
rnadanl. We have met bef' I
is :leve.,.
Kindness is a seed that never finds a
barren soil.
\'lrtue tot• profit ,ill become vice for
mere profit.
The best friendship Is that which
brings out the best in us.
What we call destiny often Is only a
nnatter of delerulinalkln.
If you would lose all force think al-
ways of your own feelings.
The true 1111111 fears the power of sin
more than its punishment.
Mending your ways is the best way of
mourning over thele.
If you cannot hate hypocrisies rind evil
you are not likely to love virtue.
Many a man who is proud of being
wicked is really only weak in lite head.
11 will nut give you wings to Imre your
name on the Ih• leaf of the Bible.
You can tell the character of any age
by the place it gives to character.
An abnormal sense. of your own rights
soon will hide your neighbor's righteous-
You can never meet the needs of a
Ihirsly world by pocking water on both
lea 11►e light of heaven we may find the
greatest heroes have been hidden from
earl U,
The man who never thinks of the feel-
ings of others is sure to be devoid of
et,idcl'mis himself.
A n1nn never bus any trouble stout his
habits when rte is carried away by some
great work.
A man is likely to quit talking about
magnates ns soon as he Guys his first
block of stock.
Success often means 10 get what
others want, but whet you no longer
have any appetite for.
Many pelpit- waste so much time en
an invisible devil that there is neither
light nor heat left for men.
It is a good deal easier to preach things
heroic and divine than it is to practice
things ordinnr'lt
nd decent.
The number of women employed on
the Russian railways is increasing.
According to the latest returns (here aro
now working on the 25 Russian dote
railways no fewer Ihnn 22,000 women as
gatekeepers. clerks, telegraphers, etc.
The average wage varies from 130 to 135
roubles yearly 1$G5 to $70). The ex-
eremes are great. Thus, the women
clerks receive on an average from 450 to
WO roubles, or about 8230, while the wo-
men attending at the station get only 40
'onhles, or about $19.50 a year, in midi-
' ti&ilar-fiePrUIdt,ring and a few extras.
When he has nothing ' wl about
in Nature's Storehouse There are
cures. - Medical experiments have
shown conclusively that there are medi-
eina1 virtues in even ordinary plants
growing up unsound us which give them
;1 value that cannot be estimated. 1t
is held by stole that Nature provides
0 cmc for every disease which neglect
and ignorance have visited upon man.
I i• sr. . this may be. it. is well known
1'. .!melee's Vegetable !'ills, distilled
(torn roots and herbs, are a sovereign
reined; in curing all disorders of the
Ile : "Yeti wouldn't marry me for my
money, would your' She : "Why no,
you silly boy 1 1 wouldn't marry you for
It Is the Farmer's Friend. -'!'he farm-
er will bind in Dr. 'l'Ixmlas' (electric
(iii a potent remedy for wounds or
pains In Ilse body or for affections • 1
the respiratory organs and for house-
hold use generally. Ila will also find
!t a convenient friend in (renting in-
jured horses, cattle. etc., or relieving
Ihenl when shucked by colds, coughs
or any kindred ailments to which They
are subject.
"Your husband is so different from
other men, isn't he?" "Yes; but how
dk. you know, you never met hits?"
"No; but he married you. you know."
Mirrors are • nuisance In the hone* of a man
•'toss face is branded with eczema. His awn
reSecti.'n shame. him. Let him annolnt his skin
e.1)1 'rover's t'orate and purify his blood with
Weaver's 4yrnp'
Little Johnnie-" Jlother, tell how papn
I;ol to know you." Mother -"One day
I fell Into the water, and he jumped in
and fetched ire out," Little Johnnie--
' 11 m! that's funny; he won't let me
!!heel to swirl."
Cucumbers and melons are "forbid-
den fruit" to many persons so consti-
tuted that the (east indulgence Ls fol-
lowed by attacks of choler•n, dysentery,
griping, etc. 'These persons are not
Aware that they can indulge to their
1.. art's content if They have on hand a
little of 11r. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery
crested. n mesh rine Ilint will give int -
mediate relief. and is a sure cure for
al: 6untiner complaints.
Old Greevells (sternly) --."whet wilt g'--
ing on in the parlor lust. night Ihnt
ketal you up so late. young Indy:'" Pretty
Daughter ?holding up her handl--'!'his
engagement -ring, papa. Isn't 1t n
ITCH. Menge. Prairie Serelches and
every form of contagious Itch in human
or animal: cure din 30 minutes by \Vol -
ford's Snnitnry Lnfon. It nonce fails.
Scld by all druggists.
Make the Most el the present- if you
err 'maple to e\ehnnge if,
alelher Graves' Worm Exterminates
Ins n equal for destroying worms !n
(h1!dlen and ndults. See that you get
the roulette when purete 5011'. I
the pessimist has ;t 1:1.1 tI:1v. •-
One kind of
under N ear, a n d
only ore Ms r.„ht,,
wears s
out slo,ut, and ,at,s-
fees you from the day you
buy it. That kind is trade-
inatked (as above) in ted, and guarant•ed 10 you
try gores that sell it and the ;xup!e %ha make it.
111ade in many (alines and style!. al various
pries, in form -fitting sire, for women,
men and children. Look for the
KESS in progressive town of Pews
assail ; stock about ge,000 ; will either
sell or lease store. Apply Box 75, l'ow.
ascan, Ont.
address on a posteant and we will send
you by malt, pooped. 25 stereoscopic views Of
sell at lOcents each, for which we allow you a
liberal commission. The Art Novelty Company,
want a western business writes
ug : large lists; hotels. livery slnhles,
stores, and others. The Minton \fanselll
Co., business brokers, Saskatoon.
A pure, hart'
flour for bakers and others demand-
ing strength, color and uniformity.
t ttkii)BE. C M idif G Cu.
2 and 4 Cyclo:
This is the cry in Ihe.sc strenuous day:. wle•n business makes such dce
mends upon us.
!exercise and fresh aur are necessary if %VC would be strong. but the ten-
dency of life to -day is towards conveniences and !nodes of living that deprive
us of the very means of keeping our strength and health unimpaired.
We sit snore, we sleep less, we eat richer and more artificial foods than
The nnlurnl remedy --the practical nneans of withstanding those inroads
ti '.n our satety-
Tnke the fresh nor and sunshine when possible, that Is -when going to and
front ..work -
=Era 33
I%IPERIAI, RAMBLER and DI.I'T: F7.1'F.R will keep you fit for
daily rounds.
Manufn. cured and guaranteed Iry
Canada Cycle and Motor Oo., Limited.
Toronto Junction, - Canada,
Drenches :- 1\'Innipeg. Van miner. Melbourne, Aust.
and at the sante time obtain 4 per rent.
in:crest by opining an account by mail tt•ith
i14 -i76 Bay Street - - Toronto, Canada
One dollar dep'ositcd each week will amount
to $293 in five years.
Wr.te for Booklet, "Banking by Mall•
Money to Loan Safety Deposit Vaults to Rent
If.de of Mee Carbon Wire, -well reeve It to sort. COILED -not erimT' .. This
Makes It !till +tront;er la rervi:o. it stay• taut. fainted SSlI1TE o,cr hrn.y
R+'^t tr" r' -r113 'roof. Rtperleneeet &Aier.ln',net 11. Levis Al: to e,t, o
--a. 1:; I..cut. (let tltastrated booklet sod 10.4 prices bnfrro buy nig
WI!k•r/11�. Te000aa$ 80. Polon, Wlaallr•oi