HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 5Neter t'llticate' Tire d, Nervous Mothers EXETER ONT.x1;10 $I 00 .1 paid in td,am e, 111 $O a sear If not so pad. �ttlae To Vetted States Sabscvibe rs$1.6O a Year Strictly in Advance n NI.O.I:n a, tk EE• 11, I'urdiel.ero. PIANO T_ K We have Pianos to sell. You are thinkink of buying one. Well, come in and see us and let up talk the matter over with you and no doubt you will find us anxious to sell you one just the way you would like to buy. *' Our Pianos Vary in Style and Price but are good instruments and fully guarantaed. Canada's hest makes are found on our floor and prices are right. Also do not forget to conte here for your Stationary, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, I3aby Carriages and Waggons 8. MARTIN &SON Watch Qualiftu is an essential with us. Every- thing in the construction of Our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to Keep good time and give good satisfac- tion. For Present Time For Future Time For A11 Time Our line of (locks is complete and up- to-date. Get One of Our Alarm olooks They are the best—at the usual low price. Call and inspect ourgen- eral stock. MARCH A N D The Jeweller 'A' EXETER, ONTARIO QAYMR. FARMER DO YOU KNOW THAT WE HAVE A McCormick Corn King Manure Spreader At $60, brand new a year ago. Also a few Success Spreaders At $115 cash. Wire Fence We have a few hundred rods of fence left at prices as fallow: (1 wires. 10 in. high, all No. 11, at 31e. 7 " 411 " a,c. 8 " 45 4lc. --- THORNTON BAKER LIVERYMAN Agent for the Sylvester and Perrin Plow Companies Exeter - Ontario Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The gte.,t. Uterine Tonic, and only Niro etfn•tual Monthly Ite ulaior on a. hid h net/WTI ran deptm1. sold in 1hnr degrees of strength -No. 1, e.1 ; No. 2, 10 dcgttxs stmngcr $:h, No. 3, for special eases. #S ;'. r box. Wild by all druggists, or sent prepaid 00 receipt ot pries. Free pamphlet. Adam,. :,231 COME IItents ICO..TORONTO.ONT. i;nr,rerl,u'Itit.,ir$ THE DEll TELEPHONE 1.1bh GOJIlPOT OF CANVIIA is aboltt to issue A New Telephone Directory Fl)U '1'111: District of Western Ontario Including Village of Exeter Order rot new connections. rhatig. .9 s 1 Changes (. 1 street 'a of11/11111 tl f tI rt 1. firm R addresses or for duplicate enttirs shoold be handed to the Local Manager at once. A. Marchand, LOCAL MANAGER Make Unhappy Homes—Their Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children—How Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and Well. (4irsA/her! /Mann A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit to care for children ; it ruins a child's disposi- tion and reacts upon herself. The trouble between children and their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mother has some female weak- ness, and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that gpvern- ing children involves ; it is impossible for her to do anything calmly. The ills of women act like a firebrand upon the nerves, consequently nine - tenths of the nervous prostration, ner- vous despondency, " the blues " sleep- lessness, and nervous irritability of women arise frnm some derangement of the female organism. Do you experience fits of depression with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability? Are your spirits easily affected, su that one minute you 10.1 the next mninute you feel like crying? Do you feel something like a hall ris- ing in your throat and threatening to choke you ; all the senses. perverted, morbidly sensitive to light and sound ; pain in the abdominal region, and between the shoulders ; bearing -down pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost continually cross and snappy? If so, your nerves are in a shattered condition, and you are threatened with nervous prostration. Proof is monumental) hat nothing in the world is better for AlErvous prostra- tion than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; thousands and thousands of women can testify to this fact. .blas 04e. s/er Lanny Mrs. Chester Curry, Leader of the Ladies' Symphony Orchestra, 42 Sara- toga St., Past Boston, Masa, writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :— "For eight years I was troubled with ex- treme nervousness and hysteria brought on by irregularities. I could neither enjoy life nor sleep nights. I was very irritable, ner- vous and despondent. -Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound was recommended and proved to be the only remedy that helped me. I have daily improved in health until I am now strong and well. and alt nervousness has disappeared." The following letter is from Mrs. Albert Mann, 154 Gore Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont : Dear Mrs. Pinkham '•I sutlers a long time with serious fe- male trouble having intense pains in the balk and abdomen and very sick headaches every month. I was tires; and nervous all the time and life looked very dreary to me and I had no desire to live until I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- . "'led n, sl toet some relief. My recovery wag slow but 11. ,.. a.... a ,,l t hsve never regretted the money spent tor tut _- pound as it brought back my good health." Women should remember that Lydia E. l'i k . ,tet• •.,1110 Co of rad he r tftxn.ittl tit�('ew.. the medicine that holds t le record for the greatest number of actual cures of female ills, and take no substitute. Free Advice to Women. Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Ly- dia E. Pinkham, Lynn, Masa., invitee all sick women to write to her for advice. Mrs. Pinkham's vast experience with female troubles enables her to advise yon wisely, and she will charge you nothing for her advice. Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advise—A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. Wood's Phosphodiaa, St. Marys: On Tuesday morning a very old resident of the town passed The Great English Remedy -quietly away, in the person of Robert Tonwandinci4oratestbowboSmith. The deceased was troubled nervous . makes now with rheumatism and lately had pneu- loodin old Veins- Cares Nerv- ous ero- monis, He was apparently recover - oras Debility, Mental and )drain Worry, Des- pondcncy, SurteraWeakness, Emissions. Sper- ing front the attack when he succuntb- ,nnlorrhara,and Meccas of Abuse or Excesses. ed. The deceased leaves a widow and I'rieeSLper bopc. yzforla One willploseods am town -up fily will euro. Sold b druggistsan or hailed In g plain Mailed ou ecce pt of price. Aero pomp/actBruceH eld: Chas. Mustard, son of moiled free. The Wood Medicine Co. Alex. Mustard, is home from Knox Vonncrly Windsor) Toronto, Ont College, Toronto. Mr. Mustard leav- es shortly for the west having been appointed by the Students' Missionary Society to a miasion fleld in Saskatche- wan. Ile will spend the summer vac- ation in the work there. His fleld is about sixty miles from a railway, Fent he likes pioneer work and it will tone him up physically after the strain of the winters study. Wax e.tablisheel twenty rears ago and be its thor Seaforth: The following were tick- ough work and honorable dealings with its patrons sped to distant points since last issue has become one of the largest and most widely r known Commercial Colleges in the Pro,. ince. The by Wm. Somerville, G. T. R. ticket demand upon us for commercial tea, hers and office agent: Will Finlayson to Regina, assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist our Alex. Gellatly to Winnipeg and Mr. week. Catalogue free. tea to positions. Students are entering each and Mrs. Ross, of Brmcefleld, to Luln• week. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, enburg, N. S. Wm. Ireland, a wel- known Princi ale resident of town, and an cm - Principals ploye in the Seaforth floor stills for the past twenty years, left Wednes- St. Marys: Hartwell Spearin, son i day for Brandon, Man. Mr. Ireland of ex -Cour. James Spearin, was wed- has secured a good position in the ded recently at Brandon, Man., to Miss Western Canada Flour Mills, of that Ethel M. Aldridge of Toronto. city. CENTRAL STBATFORD, ONT. UNSHINL, FURNACE BURNS COAL OR WOOD The Sunshine is a good, "all round" furnace. Burns, with equal facility, either coal or wood. Coke, 100, if you prefer it. And so perfect is the combustion of the Sunshine that it cxtr.icts every unit of heat from the fuel What's left n the ash pan i; n, t worth sift ng. Sunshine consumes less furl 100. Because its perfect systc m of dampers prevent the escape of ti • hot air up the chimney—compel • it to conte out through the registers You pay for heating the inside - not the outside—of your house when you buy the Sunshine. If your local dealer does not h.indle this must economical furnace write direct to us for FREE. BOOKLET. McClarys LONDON. TORONTO, MONTREAL. WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N.B. T. HAWKINS & SON, EXETER. How may a Teacher lm - prove His Status the stagnant edge of the pool effaces . itself into a slope of black slime, the accumulation of iu,d lent years. Wolk and diligence could cleanse that pool and make every breath of bummer air above it rich with cool balm and every glittering mac.' n,0dlei r,sl an if it 1'.111 from the coon t of angels, but that work is never given nor will,any joy be possible to heart of man. Let the teacher beware of such a state, ment- ally, as that just subscribed. Children cannot be forced to like the school. They like it when it is worth liking—when they learn. If daily sur- rounded by those influences that ele- vate them they will at last cultivate their notate ambitions and realize the full manhood. Man is able to use for bps advancement only such ma- terial as has become valuable through experience. He may pronounce the words of a masterly essay but unless he follows the author's reasoning and weigh his arguments, his mind fails to act in consonance with that of the au- thor and there is no growth. He may look upon a work of art but if he fails to catch the spirit of the master it will bring to him no culture. The public school hints at the development of all the faculties with the ultimate purpose of leading to better citizenship and nobler character. It must not there- fore neglect any opportunity for broad- ening and deepening the essentials of a complete life. The child judges by comparison and as he begins to reach out into the real world beyond the teacher's influence his natural tenden- cy is to compare the new things with the old ones made familiar in the years of his school life. In speaking of the status of a teach- er the words of the eminent French statesman, M. Guizot, may be recalled: "We must take pains to procure for the public school thus constituted an able master and worthy of the high vocation of instructing the people. It cannot be too often repeated that it is the master that makes the school. A good school master ought to be a man who knows much more than he is call- ed upon to teach with intelligence and taste, who is to live in a humble sphere and vet have a noble and elevated mind, that dignity of mankind and of deportment without which he will never obtain the respect and confid- ence of families; who possesses a rare rhixture of gentleness and firmness, the obsequious servant of none, a man ot ignorant of his righta but thinking niore of bib nudes; showing to all a good example but satisfied with his situation because it gives him the pow- er of doing good and who has made up his mind to live and die in the service of God and his fellow creatures. To rear teachers ap roaching:to such a model is a difficult task yet we trust succeed in it or else we have done nothing for elementary instruction." If we were to take this paragraph above and followcarefully the thoughts of M. Guizot we would find the key to the three questions suggested In the beginning of this paper, viz: How to improve our status in the eyes of the public, in the eyes of the pupils and school hoard and in the eyes of our own mental vision, and the teacher would be more highly esteemed. his position more secure and his future success assured. The teacher must employ accuracy in thinking, quick- ness in perception, and scope in Imag- ination,exercise the observing faculty, foster the spiritual, and stimulate the reasoning powers. It seems he should he the embodiment of everything that is true, just, noble and good. By accomplishing the best service of which we are able, we exalt the teach- er's office, the teacher's social position and influence. It ie not to be expected that desirable and capable men and women will be attracted to a vocation in which at best there is much that is wearisome and exacting unless there are strong compensating advantages. By preparing ourselves for our duties by a long course of scholastic and pro- fessional training and then giving the very best results of this to our classes and school boards we establishes per- manence to our profession and make ourselves worthy of all true respect. Here again are three great classes of teachers, the one well educated, anoth- er fairly well educated and the other ignorant. Certainly the last class is becoming the smallest, more because of its unpopularity than for an ambi- tion to better the mental man. Will the ignorant class always be willing to sit in dark windowless huts or will they sometime desire to build a light and airy home from which they must get clearer mental views? The ques- tion should not be: "How little know- ledge need I get to cloak a mountain of ignorance?" The knowledge actu- ally in possession of the average teach- er nifty not be accepted as the mini• tnurn for he will admit he is hampered by his ignorance. The trained teach- er, the experienced teacher, the effici- ent teacher is diligently sought after and thanks to a rigid examination in all our Provinces the force of teachers is becoming rapidly more efficient. There are two other classes to deal with, the small number who have Un- iversity training and the large number who have not. The hundreds of Nor- mal graduates find places in the towns or in sight of them; the graduates of the University, if they teach et all, find places in the cities and colleges. it is right they should find good poli• tions. They have pnirl the price of preparation. They &setvo a reward for their efforts. lint how the efficient teacher is needed in the county school! A teacher loyal and patriotic and with a spirit close kin to that of the mis- sionary, it lover of wisdom, possessing true humanity ant) all virtues flowing f lave end truth. How better can a teacher raise his status than giving heed to these virtues. He only and should improve his stat- us by tentaining aloft from the triviali- ties of gossip and small talk that is found to an extent in every section. lw't hint 81u(ly to maintain a g111et but pleasant dignity, worthy of the posi- tion he holds. Be will find that this pays in dollars and rents, for he will be valued rat his own worth. other peo- ple will value hill, as he vahles himself not being ashamed to assert his own 1 and n r' I:utf 111 worth tit dl ing it K 3 without boast. Don't let is be too severe in crying out against salaries paid. There is lots of room at the top and if we equip our- selves to compete with the highest only then can we reach the bigheet. We cannot all be High School masters Ibut let us in whatever clyys3 of teach - ere we way place oursetlres, endeavor to excel in that particular class. They the salary will be forth cowing if we perforin uur tasks, even the smallest ones, su efficiently that our trustees realize that UM' services are indispen- sible to them. Theo there is great ronin for improvement in our own ranks. In confronting that "State salary" question. How can we expect to have that permanence and high status desirable when we are eo fre- quently facing that question. Let us cry it down and bury it ten fathom deep. Our profession is stripped of its dignity when selfish and unprincipled teachers will persist in bidding one against the other, leaving the school in the middle of a term and being toss- ed about by every mercenary breeze that blows. Such teachers should be stamped as blackguards and hurled from the -profession. Such actions not only lower the teacher in the eyes of the people and trustees, but lead the Board to look with distrust and sus- picionlon the more honorable ones. Let a teacher improve his status by looking to his physicial well-being. Good health is essential to good work and a teacher's life above all needs to be free from irritability, nervousness and pettishness. He wants to feel that he is a roan among men. able to enter into the social life and take the lead in the developtuent of the community and keep abreast of the times. It is not necessary that a teacher starting out with his Junior Leaving standing should remain there, for the regulations now provide for a teacher, actually engaged in teaching, to ob- tain Senior Teachers'standing by writ- ing it off in four parte, and for those who have no knowledge of Latin, a special English paper is provided. Good as this is, it is neither right nor fair that any teacher should occupy school hours or even expend all his surplus energy out of school hours in pursuing such a course. The day is passed when a young man can "keep school" for six hours in a day and oc- cupy four out of that six in pursuing the studies in the medical curriculum or some other profession. If a teacher finds it impossible to study for the Senior Teachers' examination while teaehing it will pay him to drop out for a year or even two. After that is obtained he can secure University standing for himself if he is willing to work. Queen's Uni- versity offers an opportunity for a teacher to secure his degree extra morally, which opportunity has been taken advantage of by many teachers. oldinp a first-class certifl- c subjects ut. '-ls 13. A. course, but if he doesn't hold that he may start right in anyway, com- pleting the course in three years after Senior Leaving or four after Junior Leaving. He may take a general B.A. course or branch into Classics, English, Moderns and History, Science, etc. Having Senior Leaving standing five subjects are allowed, so one really starts in the second year. One may write on firre subjects a year but three is generally considered a heavy year's work extra morally. By paying $5 the examination is held at any centre the candidate may wish. Fuller expla- nations may he found on this course by writing to G. Y. Chown, Registrar of Queen's University, Kingston for, a calendar. A teacher should improve hituself by reading the classics of our literature, Macaulay, Pope, Johnson, Goldsmith, etc. By becoming familiar with them he will find it is time well spent. Then too we have our own Teachers' E-dncational Journals and Reading course which contain grains for thought and advancement in our particular line of work, and for the careful reading of which diplomas are granted by the Minister of Education. The doctor, the lawyer, the clergyman each reads up in his special line and why should not the teacher? Why should he discontinue his studies after he has passed the prescribed examina- tions? With better salaries let us give good value for the stoney. Many teachers have raised their sta- tus too tbrongh correspondence schools which give excellent'courses in all the branches for a fraction of the cost it takes to go to College. But I hear some one say, "I dont need a Un- iversity education or a Senior Leaving certificate or anything higher than I already possess to be able to teach a class in primary reading." To such i say, "If you can teach primary read• ing well now, you can teach it much better by securing a Senior Leaving certificate." But you may say, "i know teachers who have a Senior Leaving certificate and who are not, nosy i say, worth their salt 1" i agree with you, but it is not because they possess a Senior Leaving certificate that they are no good as teachers. It lies in the fact that teachers are "born not made," even though they were to have a dozen degrees after their names they would never stake successful teachers. 1f you, as a primary teach- er, feel that you can teach the number combinations to your satisfaction, 1 say that you can teach those same things infinitely better on account of the very discipline in mind training secured through the study of Trigono- metry and the Higher Algebra. 1f you can feel that you can bring nut the beauty of that little gem of Eng- lish let me say that a fuller meaning comes into vision through the study of the odes of Horace and the orations of Cicero. What a grace in thought is lent by the reading of sweet senti- mentalities rendered in the French or German, and how often a knowledge of Latin will delve to the bottom and bring out the forcefulness of English Literature where nothing else can: How the study of nature. too, helps in almost every anhjret. The Educa- tion Department last year rnnde ar- rangements for Summer Schools to be held at the Normal College, Hamilton, and at the Normal Schools, Toronto, Ottawa and i.'ndon. The main pur- pose of the Schools was to give instruc- tion in Manual Training. Household Seie'ncP, Nature Study and Art. No fres were required and the cost of the books were slight. Thhere are also hol- iday courses in the McDaniel(' hist i• tete, Guelph, where 1earhrls are truly taught by Ilse Nature method, by mems of field gardens. tramping ex• pediti( t)a and in f.trt exploring and examining alma•.' every living thing r rot seas this in sight. Sueh n Ir th1 cer- tainly opens the eyes of the teacher whose observation {powers had bit her• to dein dorrllant. Ile must needs stop by the lane, in the park or at the hedge to examine into the folding of the tiny bud, the peculiar markings of a way- SIh:,TF3w0 .CaA9= Food Value Mooney's Perfect ion Cream Sodas are crisp squares of wholesome nourishment. They are the food that builds strength and muscle. They are u ea91y chez teed by the child and invalid as by the sturdy workman. They contain ALL the food properties of finest Cana- dian wheat flour, in a form that delights tine appetite. Always fresh and crisp in the moisture -proof packages At all grows in 1 and 3 pots D WAREHOUSES —AT— EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) side flower or the brilliancy of a wing- ed creature. How much more force- fully one can teach that imaginative ai—ry of "Jack in the pulpit," or "The Humble Bee." after such awakening To those whc --a fortunate enough to be able to travel tt: ether parts of the vast Dominion orcross tar ,raters, there conies at refreshing not derive.'. from any other source. Sight. -seeing and novelty is always a stimulus to competition and improvement an 1 is much sought after. But next hest to actually seeiug is seeing with our ment- al eye through reading and we can at tithes believe ourselves transported even to those far away regions. Fait let us not forget the need of good com- panions in either literal tray.1 or mental travel and seek out only those influences that will be uplifting. There is nothing else in which a teacher can he of greater use in a com- munity, especially in a country sec- tion, than in music. He sheath!, if at all musically inclined, become familiar with musical knowledge. A teacher raises his status by being proficient in music and he also owes it to himself to so traits the speaking voice that it will secure prompt obedience and in- stant attention without any unnecess- ary display of authority. The Commercial Colleges have 'wen a great boon to our profession anal we find many teachers doubling their sal- aries and steadily climbing up the 'lad- der of success through taking it special training in the Commercial subjects on our curriculum, thus obtaining Specialist certificates in a compara- tively short period and placing them- selves on an infinitely higher lever than before taking such a course. We shall merely touch on the im- portance of attending our Teachers' institutes as a means of improving our status. This institute binds tis to- gether reminding us that we are work- ing for one another—for our profes- sion and for our own self-improve- ment. Let IIs do all we can to further the interests of the Institute and never absent ourselves from these gather- ings except under the excuse of a med- ical certificate. We have reached the close of our paper now hitt feel that we must leave one more point with von that may possibly yield fruit. It is n point (need 1 say)suggested by a gentleman teach. er. Ile said he would consider the phase of the subject requiring the emphasis to be—what the lady teach- ers should do to improve their Status. HP said, "Let Them all get busy and get married." 1 cannot say whether that would be an improvement of status or not but would rather suggest that the gentleman teacher's improve their Status first and then there may be a chance for the ladies. DROWNED iN 11'}•:r,L. St. Marys, May 31. -St. Mai y's resi- dents were shocked at noon today to learn of the tragic death of Mrs. Long, widow of the late E. W. iong, atrial mother, of Mt'. M. E. Long, town treas- urer. This morning she mysteriously disappeared from her home on Church street, near Dr. Fraleigh's, and upon a search being instituted by Chief Young, she was found dead in a CIR- tern at the rear of the house at 1 t, clock, it is riot known how she got into the well. She was well-known and highly respected in the town. Beware of ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, a. mercury will surely dextr. a the sense• of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surla•es. Such arti• te..h, old ne, er 1. used except on prescriptions from r•p ,15. ble physicians, as the damage they will do is tem(rdd to the good you an possibly derive from a.m. Hall's Catarrh Cure, .nanulactureJ by F J (T. , or (a h Toledo O. r nDtai � M n mercury, and Is ukea internally, sting directly on the b1,+,.1 and mm''.ul mHare. of the system 1n buying IIa1I'. Catarrh Cure be etre you got the genuine. it is taken Irtet- nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. 3. CIIR,Y.Y k Co. Testimonials tree. Roe by all t'rurgist., price 7Ile. per teetle. Take Itall'e /Mthly Pillsf-r constipation,