HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 4YGOSE OEGueniBB fling. painting ,tri. ayhe iner'e dwel_ i How May a Teacher Improve l ling. Nrrtlless to s:.y he has made a i'�tlif)Fii good jvb,--Ezra hist drove some Leonard Hutson has pinc•h:teedC'hits. P1U@BEfl ( ,11wst; tail,. hie ul:tcltine frit• li. lit•otvn'a Vouug's fiuw uu tht rth ruuces.i�•1 . Hut and Cold LVater fence last steel --Our boy.. are having , - Mrs, C'buhh has returned front De- All kinds of fun ,laying hall. ••Tw1dy' j!rei !reit elle>fent heN�uil •t fru vith 8eemir Cauadi- Brotvii i; t:tphlly developing into her 6 6 Paper re t11 before the \1'rst Ifurun PIIPEH B8N6Efl aur and Atueri- I League I'iteher. Ili' grape -vine eurv(. Chicago, has been visiting here faith can samples. ,,,eat :t tuilr.-Hari y l +ankin ha; re- her sister, Mrs. Butson. -Hiss Agues }etcl'ets' Assuci:tti,tn iu l:x•>trr, \lay McDou atil, who has been cleikin 111 , by Miss S. 1.. Gregory, 1st assistant turned after assist leg .Alfred Clarke of g gteacher iu Exrtet C?uutiuuatiuu Class- S16h wQITEfl �D I il,,t l'raig in harness making the eight years,D. has resigned for the past es, printed by request of l'unventiuu, F. 1 past two weeks. --Our tile men find it g he•r position I difficult t., supply the public with tilt sand intends going West this Month "Mr. President, fellow teachers and (With It 1)iuue) last year) this spring. Furmets are coming 20 Hiss Ethel NN ilson has been engaged friends: -1 can't say that 1 awl here by In. 30 mile; to get them. Brick are to fill the position at 31v. Hutchison's. my own choice nor yet by voluntary tautiogral.idl}. If rte Duly laid that -- ! consent, hut 1 can truly say that i railroad '1% .. brats sir winAndersond, about last don't altogether enjoy the position and Esiinrntes furnished on upplir:ttion ) when our worthy named the winter, all kinds of shipments could A Trial Solicited be made to outside points. -Last Suu- tido late for last .crcl:) subject that I Was expected to take at day night the annual Harty Day ser - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Church, who have this Institute tweeting I had similar vices of the Y. Y. A. were held in the )nen spending a few days at the home feeling to those of another young lady Arthur D. Davis Evangelical Chetah. A large nutnber of J. Auderson, returned to their home when her lover addressed her in be - were present and all enjoyed the pro- in Toronto Monday. -Miss Minnie seeching tones", 'Wilt thou?" She RESIDENCE: Corner James and An- Kram which consisted of solos, an- Hodge is holidaying at Mitchell. -Mrs. wilted! Because I too wilted, then, I drew Streets. thetas, duets and choruses. -Arrange- James Murry returned from London stand before you to -day attempting to meats ate being made for a Cantata Monday, where she has been visiting convey to you a few of the thoughts some time next month for the Child- her daughter Mrs. Charles Clarke.- that I have gathered hearing on the rens' Day Festival. The Cantatas Miss Janet Good of Motherwell is subject. I have found it rather a bard Popuiargiven by rho Sunda} schoot are alma) s spending a few days with her sister subject to handle, and one that brings a success and tae may expect a treat. rs. Heaven Caulerou.--Urs. Robert up a whole train of ideas leading on \TRACT Llrr tuft Bitttx;s.-The BAirown, who was on the sick list, is re- and on until we are completely swamp - joint deputation from Huron and covering. -Archie Hyde, our popular ed and finally feel ourselves wonder - Middlesex counties let the tenders for flshman, is on his rounds again. ing what the subject under discus - Goods Fur now and the the bridge between McGillivray and sion really is. I hope you will hear rest of the season. Stephen townships in Exeter on Fri- with me in an apparent digressions fur day. The contract for the steel work McGillivray with subject opens up avenue after Ave - was alotted to the Ontario Bridge Moses Mawson had a narrow escape nue of opportunity. I hope the few Company fur $2,200, and Charles Fer- from being gored to death by bis Dur- points suggested will call forth a lively guson, of Melt•ose, was successful in ham bull recently. The bull charged discussion, criticism and addition of getting the contract for the concrete and felled hint to the ground. Fortun• new points so that we all may be stir - work at 1,300. The other bidders were, atelyy however, he managed to escape. red up to a fuller realization of what it For the stall work. A. Bill & Co.; --Edgar Darling has been making means to be a successful teacher. $3,363; Stratford Bridge Cu., $2,500; great improvements on the Hardy In the first place the subject implies Petrolea Bridge Co., $2,365, and Jinks farm which he recently purchased, by that there are means by which the & Dressler, $2,380: for the concrete, D. putting tip new fencing, etc --Jas. Mc- teacher can improve his status and Witherspoon, McGillivray, $1,0, and Caffrey is not improving as his friends also that there are means by which he 6 L. Hardy, $1,070. Councillor Robin- would like to see. -Miss Mary Love should improve his status. Then we son was Appointed inspector, and the has tendered her resignation as a see that this improvement moat man- work will corumeace about the twiddle teacher in S. S. No. 13 preparatory to ifest itself in At least three ways, re• of August. takint; a Normal School course. --D. J. suiting in elevation of standing. 1. In Ross of Lieury has disposed of his bar- the eyes of society, i,e. the general pub - nese business here to G. Nadiger of lie and our fellow teachers; 2nd, in the Khiva Dashwood, who bas moved the stock the school itself in relation to the pub - to that phase, Dore intends going to lic and school board; 3rd in the teacher Geo. Sutton of Ripley called on Brantford in the near future. -T. J. himself, enabling hint to view himself friends here last week. --Angus Mcln- Hamilton. recent graduate of the Mur- from a truer light in relation to him- tosh of London spent a few days here on college, was ordained Sunday morn- self and the whole protessional body. last week. -Miss Katie Currie is re- ing at St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Now teachers may he divided into covering from her illness.-B,Cunning- by Bishop Williams. Rev. Hamilton several classes. There are the lady ham has given his house a coat of has been appointed to take charge of a teachers who may or may not remain CREDITON paint, which improves its appearance church at 13irvie. He is a young man long in the ranks according to circuit'. very Much. The work was done by of good natural abilitv, gifted with a stances, Then in the general class of A beautiful assortment to choose Volk Bros. of Parkhill. tine voice and easy delivery and will no teachers there are those who are teach - from. If there is is taste we cannot _�__ _, doubt be a success in his new callin ing but do not intend remaining in the suit, we have yet to know it. — q'ofession but use it simply 1 t5 1 a strp- The hest wishes of his ninny friends pp s ' Gree11wa3' here will he his for his future prosper_ pingrstone to something better Finan - Mrs. Rub.. English and Freddie re- ity in God'a work. dally. I would strongly say, "Let txter Ativocate, turned home from Port Huron last them look out for themselves." There i week. --W, WWilson attended the Meth- remain then those who intend to and odistconference .•t(iodet•ich last week. are making it a life profession. The Sanders do Creech. Propa, -Rev. Thibadeati and Mr. Johnston of minuet) part of it seems to be Betf•evi dent. "To go no farther upward, conte Shedden called on friends in this t ficin what may, is twental suicide" and in ity on their way to Goderich, -Miss F,v:u,grline Iii"*".)." called on friends this case professional suicide as well. T1IUItS>;7:�1" MUNE 6, 1907g 1 'there are heights to reach in this p10 - here last week, ter, •wait Turner vis- Cession as well as in any other. It iced Millie Foster, Sunday.- W. J. keeps the mind active And healthy. It 1'lens was in London this week on keeps one posted in current thought business,--,\L•s, Jos. Foster, Sr., who and capable of sola his art in mould - Our Town Fathers have declared has been ill, is recovering tinder the g p Thursd:ty, June :filth, a civic holiday. treatment on Dr. LVilson.- Miss May ing public thought. A teacher cannot 'Wilson ewtertaiued a few friends harm stand still,if there be no advancement, The Independent Order of Foresters 1no improvement, there is a decline, a are h thing an excursion to Niagara Iarpley, Grand Bend and Greenway falling back. A person cannot go on Falls that day, goad for 3 (Live. Don't Friday evening. All report a good day after day and year after year with forget the date. Bills, giving full time but one and he went to "Europe." the ever -working forces ).bout him davit. -- particular, will be posted in a few without being influenced either posi- days.--Christian Trick was in London' lively or negatively. If his own will Monday tin business. ---Our Tennis Zurich force is not alert he will become simp- p1Ayers are gt•ttiuq their grounds in Mrs. M. Stelck,llth con., has moved ly an automatic machine, it slave to his shape and will SOMI he hart)at the oww(•nvir•onment. It has been said that game. -Rev. J. W. Andrews and Wm (t' tow() :(1111 18 now comfortably set - Lewis attended the Cunferenco of the tied in her new home. 'We welcome "Habits begin in cobwebs and end in Methodist church At Uodrtirh the past her to the village and may she live iron chains" and that "Character is a week. -Phomas Kiunlpip has isug�,t :a many years to enjoy her well earned bundle of habits," so then ra teacher 20 H. P. Traction Engine floor Geo. rest. --Norman Bock has gone to De- must be ever watchful, guarding White & Sans, London. He and Jim. troit where he will spend some time.- Against ruts in professional life and Smith brought the machine up from Ed. 1 nlbtteisch who has accepted a reaching out so that his character may 14)11(1011 on Saturday. -rhe Acetylene position as carpenter in Detroit, has he made up of links from the chain of (lav ('o are busy making excavations moved there with his family. Success all that is noble and hest. Just as the in the street for the gas mains. -Street Ed. --F'. Hess, Sr., has returned from stagnant peel is to the kine who in lights will al... be installed which will Pembroke where he was attending the their thirst frequent it and to their rrrtainlw fill a long -felt want. -Fred synod of the Lutheran church. -Mrs, disappointment and dissatisfaction 1". ung has returned borne from Ter - visitor L. Gosnell of Merlin is a pleasant 1 1 her it only instipid and distasteful, as onto where he has been receiving visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. compared with the refreshing and an- ent() from an Eye specialist, E. Zeller. -Dr. Geo. Fee, wife and two petitizing water of the clear sparkling Fred's eye i. touch better and the ;ill children of Reno. California. are vita- Dr• Ferguson is putting a new cement stream of running water, so is the hope it will he but a short time before tors at the hone of the formers broth- walk around his place, which adds pounding and grinding from an unprn- he has recovered his sight. --Charles er, %i m. bee. --John Laporte of the much to its appearance. --1t, Bullard greasve teacher repulsive to the pupils F'ahnur has been laid up the p.tst three $tiihle Line left Wednesday for the has built +a cement fence in front of his as compared with the imparting of weeks .with :t severe aattaek of tunica• West on a visit to his sister. -Edgar residence. 1t is the finest in these knowledge As given by a teacher who rhounlatiam.-Miss Beulah Beaver Magel has returned from Detroit and parts. -(leo. McEwen was in Exeter himself is ever on the watch for keep- larwA. in London Moudn).--Mrs. Sanders is now clerking with J. J. Mentor.- Tuesday on business. --hiss Hnrt of ing all cobwebs cleared away from his of SRrltia Is risiting Mrs. Wesley Het1- Mrs. Otterbein, near Blake, is now oc• (}lencoe is visiting ut her home. brain and freshening it by pouring den. --lieu, E. H. Bean was in ll[xler- cupying the residence she recently pur. in nrw andwholeeome material. Heaps 1ch last Frid+) attending the Metho• chased from J. Preeter, and lately oc- HENHALL HgrKI. Amite -Sortie (lays of dust end slime and broken shreds of dist ('hutch 1'unferenra.--H. F:iltatr cupit'd by A.Zettle.-Rev,Gischler has ago Mr Coxworth, who owned the old metal and rags of putrid clothes returned from Goderich where he was Queen's Hotel served A notice on the bed into the steam to diffuse what M. 1'. 1'. was in Stratford Mond:t) - attending the London Methodist Con- council to have the local option bylaw venous of it will float and melt far MIs. ,lumina F. Russell her is visiting.her ference. --Hay Council met on Monday quashed. The case was to have been away in all places where 'God meant daughter Mrs. lius+ell John hie of beard at Toronto on the '''3rd, but the those waters to brio joyand health. li:uuiltou.-,yr, and Mute John \Viae n)orninq. The appeals against the as- R of Dashwood visited the tnrmor'a Aessrnent roll was considered and other case was Adjourned, so that ,leers circled and coiled under festering skarn par- ents here last Sunehty.---Dan Treem- routine business transacted. -A Leh- Geiger, Clerk Stoneman, Rev. Mr. Continued on Page 5 haat and wife have returned from Toll and Mr. Coxworth colild be ex - Tier of Dashwood visited Harry Beaveramines Inde/ oath at (ioderlch on last Sahlyday.--Re•. E. H. B., 1,1 and sleight where they have been attend• Rent. Fear of the \lain st. church Fixe- leg i he funeral "f Mn.sJanie. McKiv, Mnndav, when soil• of t he charges ter,will exchange pulpits next smithy nil Vi i'nl the it tl7,aths Are Wert (irntil,e,i. TIM' s.L•ty morning evening. one Truptree have had Mr. F about I:1:), the r u y ..f "fire. arunsed Kie•nzle grading and Jewelling the The ca,es i►te that of suicide by ctiiur- the village and it was found that the school yard.. --Geo. lather is steadily ')form. Mrs. Lehman is a sister of the l�neen's Notal was ablaze Fortunate. Impairing. -Tho scrap -iron neon have deceased lady.- Rev. and Mrs. Schuelk ly it is on a corner and drlached, and gathered an immense Amount of rags, are at Pembroke attending the Luther- was veneered about two years ago. old iron eta_ in this neighborhood. an synod. and as a consequence there The light wind wits hiuwing the sparks They have shipped seteral ear -mads was no service here on Sunday. and over the G. T. H. yard. so that It was day. from Centralia to Lofoten the past -lth and thThe home of (leore will v e no vi(irnrhce �tavhonhires he'd not a It31r. Tard PMuk trdock's livery, save the on the week. (tumours ate afloat that we a few miles r,tst of here narrowly es - are side of the street. was next and are to lose a few of our )unng ladies caped distruction the other day. A he had all his rigs out. ,sacs, option in the near future. Jtine i.. the fash- ionable in 'nth for ruar•ia}},,r+. More spark from the chinlneyhad ignited the carne in force here on May 1, and Mr. part irulars later. - Bert :'I:irke las lin. HisStatus. EXETER FAVORED WORSTEDS These worsteds are in blues and fancy mixtures, excel in quality, beauty and finish anything of their kind we have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful SUMMBI, SUITS for $10 and upwards TROUSERS AND WASH VESTS FOR SUMMER If a pant hunter pantless Is panting for pants He panteth pantless Unlil he implants himself into one of those fashionable pants ordered from J. H. Holtzmann Hellman The Commercial House is beingrun as a temperance house and an addi- tional sample room has been provided. The sale of intoxicetin liquors has ceased. -Mrs. Drew of Goderich is vis- iting her daughter Mrs. Warner. -Mr. and Mrs. Rau of Zurich visited at T. Hefron's ori Sunday.- Wes. Yunghltit has taked a position at the foundry. - C. Hudson left Monday for Wood- stock, where he has accepted a posi- tion in a carriage factory. He is a first-class painter and Will he touch missed in llensall.-Mrs. Pulman is visiting Goderich friends this week. - Mr. Bice of Clandeboye was in town Friday. -Rev, C. C. Cane of Ooderich a former minister of Henget', preached two very able sermons in the Metho- dist church on Sunday. Rev. Toll is attending is attending Conference at Goderich.-Rev. Smith:addressed the League Monday evening on mission- ary work, which was very interesting. A football match was played Monday night between Brucefield and Hensel', the former winning. -Detective Grun- d} of (loderich was here Saturday. - Rob Cameron has one'to London with the volunteers. -Miss Francis C'ox- wutth has returned to London after spending R few days at home here. -- About 200 hags were shipped from Hensall Tuesday. Price paid $0.75. - Crediton A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the salve time, a regular hair -fond. Well-fed Nirwill bestrong,and will remain where it helo gs - on th- head, not on :he c )mbl The best atea et it t.stimonial "Sold for over r0117 pears." ar.de 87.r C Ay - r ('.,. Lowell, rt.... Also man.,racturer. •>r tiers ►1111. CREST PECTORAL roof, and Mr. Grant, who was working in one of the Heidi, noticed it and wits )net in time to say.' the dwelling. if he had been ,► few minutes later the fire would have been beyond control. --Another old resident of the town- ship of Hay in the person of Herman (,leant, of the 1 1th can.. passed away on Monday, at the age of Si years. The r{ecr:ased bad been ill for some time. The lettere' wits held on Wed- nesday. - :% pretty wedding was cede - ',retell on Tuesday at the 11 C. church. Drysdale. when the Rev. J. A. Lois• elle pci reunited the ceremony which united Hiss Methdda►, daughter of Mr. and MI=. itt•gii N. Dem•mnie and Geo. Jett( ey in marriage. The happy couple will reside un the Menhir lane. %%'e extend congratulations. --During the high wind on 11ondav rnnsidereble damage wase lone to the buildings, etc., throttghou' t his scrtlott. 'i'he roof oil the barn •,f Merino Schwar•tzentrnbrr, of the liron•,n Line, was badly dant- need, p 111 "f it being bl"w'o or'. The fIig pole at the lite 1►all WAs hl()ken DIT ;iboat h.tif way up and the weather vane .v is badly demoted in the fall. -- A remitter r (tem here:weeded the wed. ding, "n May 2o. of Miss ('art le, young• est f1,1,1011 #.1 of 11r', .11,1in ibuner in J'r,e1 Thiel .i ptOspot ell+ )-icing (At lrl et of Full.,[ tor.. The happy event funk pia r e at the home of the bride's noel))• er• at St rat(orvd. Rev. Graft performed the ceremony in the presence of About sixty quests. They will reside at Fut• Iarton. Bice, who had a lease of the hotel till November, 151st. had a sale, And new - ed out. Since that tinpr it has not been occupied. - -_ 7. 1011 It is the nice warn, weather and the gentle showers that please the farmers. Surely thefrostand snow w har payed their List visit for the season.- Unite a rtuumhet• of nor• senility Scheel work- ers attended the Convention held at Elinivilleand repent an excellent time. -Miss Prarht Hein is spending is few days in F:xete•r. Mae; Taylor of Ver- mouth spent a few days with her tinder, %Vrn. an 1 Bohr.- Quite H large congregation gathered at our church Sunday 'nettling hist. but owing to ('onfrtrnee !wing held at Goderich the the pulpit was vacant. Sunday School Ar(1livt•tsat )• serc•ires wit, he held in this chmreh next Sunday find Monday, June hth .and loth. On Snndey ger- items will be prearbed ,it ie a. in. and 7 p. in, by the Rev. D. Wien of Hen - Sall• sprcial tnnsir by the chinch choir and :at L'.:3e1 p. tn. }((•t•. %Veen will ad- dres• lb., Klee.). on Meentlov ;s garden patty- will he h•'Id in \\'ro. Itrock'e or- chat'r1, rr.rruot'l -ing .1 1 .''.los k. After ten an excellent pt"g one w•i11 be flim- ished by the .•beir "f file Ger MAUI F:vaogeliral rhtirvh-nf 1'trditon, con- sisting of reritati,n•, 8(11", duels add questrttee. Adrnii.inn Adults 2a cut. children 13 rte. We extend a hearty web -erne to all. Expectant Mothers should take " btu -Ju" during this trying time. The extra strain, weight and undue pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the (ian- ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby in jeopardy. Bu -Ju Vie Gentle Kidney Pill 'pt,ni 1 t'r:lsji„ li lit;, IIsi' i a t d'irflrlll•t l '.'s' t $ _ 1l'I Ijli i Si George's Baking Powder is best for Biscuits -- best fo. Cakes—best for Pies—best for everything you bake that requires Baking Pott .der." “One can to try, will always make you buy St. George's." Hare ).n, a - p,' ..1 our new Cook Hook? Sent free if you write National Ientg ;j Chen:ical Co. of Canada, ]-i:nuc.h, �l•,),tresi, 17 Stanley: Another of the pioneers of Stanley in the person of Charles Logan of the Parr Line passed from this life unto death on Tuesday even- ing, aged 70 years. He was a man of high character and was held in great respect by all who knew him. GOLD MEDAL — FOR — Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Ale in Canada. THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated ay Act of Parliament 1555) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,200,000 Reserve Fund 3,000,000 Assets Over 33,000,000 IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS 10 a. tn. to 3 p. tit. SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current tate of interest allowed aving Bank Department, t °til further notice lntereat on Ba, iued a.xouute ..ill he ire+litedgnartertp intrad rt haltycarli as formerly Deposita of it and upwards revelved. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager, mmense Success In Exeter, of PROF. �'BRIEI CANADA'S GREATEST PHRENOLOGIST and the only genuine SCIENTIFIC PALMIST in Canada from Toronto whose methods were demonstrated of by Judge and Jury at the Toronto General Session, March 1.1, 15101, Prof. O'Brien will remain in Easter a short time only Everybody delighted at his graphic, instructive, interesting. scientific and truthful delineations -which they claim to be a revelation from the nonsensi- cal clap trap practised uneducated mountebanks. Speculators and those contemplating a change in business should nut miss consulting him. ('all and see the autographs of prominent people who have become rich and others holding prominent !positions through his practical arid sound advice. Prof, O'Hrirn'e work is all done on scieutilic basis, hence the truth. Parents should bring their children and find out what they ;ue best adapted to be a sncces in life. Fowler's New York latest phienelegic.rl . hart used, Your PAST, PRESENT and INDICATIONS Of FUTURE event is marked in your hands by Nature correctly delineated. LO('ATiNG DISEAME A SPECIALTY. MARRIAGE ADAPTATIONS ENPLA 'N1•:D. CHi1,1)1il:N HALF I'IRICE. Character read froin photo. Terms within reach of all. Madame O'Brien In Attendance As this is your only chance to consult such an eminent roan in his profes• sion in your town, you should not Miss the opportunity given. Every/Hely knows Prof. O'Brien and his ability. An c•x:uwivati,p,i from hint naw will be worth thousands of dollars to fitly one in Hfter yenls. Private Office at Central Hotel, Suite II See whet the St. Thomas Daily Times of July 15, 1903, says: An interesting person is Prof. O'Brien, the well-known phrenologist and palmist, who, together with his no less interesting wife, is stopping at 1he Columbia hotel. The professor is just Irish enough to give him a brogue ,and an engaging 'mintier. He is thorotighly absorbed in phrenology and chit one ancy, which he has studied from ,a scientific standpoint and looks upon them AB part and parcel of the arts. A Times representative visited the professor this !limning. To establish his claim to renown he produced his register, which contains the si,lnatmrsof housefuls of leading citizens of the Dominion, who have consulted him and had their palms and bends read with the object of getting at their capabilities for the various callings in life, finding nut seine - thing of the future, and to he directed to the mistakes or otherwise of the past. These names include Hon. Geo. W. Ross, Non. Mr. Ilanitain, Premier N. \\'.T.. and mans. tither people of prominence it) Termite and other leading Cotentin') Cities, His readings ate hull of interest, and bring lased on scientific pi incl.. pre., lire free fi the qunckrry that charu tetize•s :t good tinny `people in the aatnl• horsiness. An interesting testimonial is front Judge Anglin, who ac- knowledges that 1'i of. (113,ie•n piedic•te•d the 3udge's *leant ion to t he bench within three years, which cisme to pass. Thr professor has already cornier. ted (tunny readings in St. Thornes and his stay !itemises to develop int e) est in phir e,lnKt 1111(1 . The 13el1 Stove 'term(' of Feb.Fi!,„ 111)3, stew.: '•1'tuf. O'liu ieu ha. hall rrn,ai kithle su•ress in Bei lin, and his convinced hund- reds of his skill and acenrncy in the sciences of pelm'istry and ph,onnlogy, he and Mine. O'Brien leave Bet lit) with the hest wishes of a hest of put rens and friends behind theta. keeps the kidneys strong an'l Parkhill: Miss Jennie Merli•on- Seafo,tb: Ernie Murray, who has vigorous -neutral aes Uric Acid daughter of M re. sI lrolln Morrison of ERr•ad-oeted frena the Melee,' (if l i ,rti- in the blood --relieves irritated town, was married at Texas on 11ay cal Science, Toronto, hes gone t” Ed - Bladder (Cystitis) -acts as a mild Li to Er nest Hall "f Texas• mnnton. near whirh place he will be (Tinton: Mackenzie & McHirney. '.'rig-igr•d nn a railway slit fest the tonic on all the female <rgans. whit last fall bought nut the lisery auto to•r. A "Ru -Ju" pill at bedt:nle takes husinrs. of Harvey Davis, sold nut "n St. ).1-ary.: Geo, Viii ton, who Tio•sd;uv, the pntch:iw being It a ll r sold his )'.•ive•lr) \1Hr t•tisinrs. in rh tti Away the sharp pair. in the tack L. %%':dker' ,lost'. Ilans•u) Urns, with the inten- -relieves the draggi:ie, bearing ILiyffrld:, Mre. Drinlop timet with H tion of lora( ing it, the %Vest or shine dealt pains through the hips suss p,tinfnl uecident Monday whir'' larger town has decided to epee A prevents Constipatione is the w"iking at .i.,ho Frase.'., falling "17 a jewel!y store at 51ralftitd. b"xaod fuart,atingh.•r-he.dder whirh best protection against Kidney twill lay h,•I tip fur a nomh,.r til [v,•ek. Slaoley: On Thursday night after Trouble (luring preenaticy. Gilbert 'White hitt with A,tlpnna,t illne>., ,1. ( Keys ..f the } I art 1.11,0.' rrns,ed the (heat Irk ides. .1 sei iuus scald. itt '1 'f u,•sd.i) . He Bei it on the I3;tL) leu Line f. r t ).fls e At all druggists, or direct on receipt 5518 tpstlinii his lea se by .t halter when yea/ e ago, he trussed All his life in this of price, sac. a large box, the animal suddenly shpts..' And f.•11 township And from nine and of it to e7 nn hire. A hone of Mr. \Shite'e right the other he• was known And deeply twit CLAIMS CHEMICAL CO. urrttlo leg was (11‘10( ed And the ligament', respected. A wife and flue children AIwNO8. Owe.. of ,tie limb rlisplarrd, survive,