HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 1WogIRg IQvtt1Iofls
4 We print ins itations on
the newest ,if paper, with
the newest of type, at a
reasonable price. You
want something nice,
Real Estate Changes
M.:.i.' too you on reasc.n-
aLle tt t tu•. W' base un-
equalled facilities to tent,
sell or Fant' either Lunt or
villagt property. Try it.
The Sovereign
BanK of Canada
—invites the Accounts of Corporations,
Fraternal Societies and Individuals. Intere§t
allowed on Savings Deposits and credited
4 times a year.
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, Zurich and Dashwood,
The Old Reliable
Some merchants have a fashion of advertising what they haven't
got, and when you come to ask for it their reply is: "Sorry but we
are just sold out of that particular line, but we will have some
more in shortly."
What We Advertise We Have.
We are showing this week a very choice selection in wash goods:
Ladies' Nash Dress Goods in Ducks, white and colored.
White Indian Head, 20c. a yard.
Linen in white and colored.
Chambry in red, green, pink, blue, grey and oxblood.
Ginghams in fancy patterns and ch'cks
Mercerized Taffeta in plaids and overchecks
The English Taffeta Print at 12ic.
American Prints at 10c.
Another consignment of those lovely Swiss
embroideries and insertions to match.
Get your choice before they go.
See our new style in the
Astoria Shoe - Centlemen Only
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.
Butter 18, Eggs 17, Potatoes 75c. a bag.
erofesotor.al Cards.
Ds. 0. F. AOULSTON, 1.. D. S., D. D. S.
Member of the R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor
Geaduste of Toronto Cnhersits.
OFFICE: Over Dickson k ('arling's I.aw Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
DA. A. R. KINSMAN, I. D. 8., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Unh•erl.te.
Teeth sem-led without aos ptin, or any bad effects
OW. over (etrosn s Stan[mrs'• office, Main street
AF. MAI.LOY, M. 1r. (Tor. Univ.% 11E11ilER
• College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former Muse Surgeon Toronto Western nolo:al.
Succea•or to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Resident e: Fast on
ant street north of otM:e, Exeter. Ontario.
tore, Notaries. Cons es sneers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Molsons Rank, etc.
Mofay to Lose et lowest rates of interest.
°faces, Main street, tarter,
I. M Canute, B.A., L. it. Dtatsos
We kayo • large amount of private funds to loan
e farm and village properties at low rate. of inter
Barristers, tlolleltore,M•ln •t.. Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Ito) a1 Incorporate.' So iety of
Musician., England; Organist of Truitt Memorial
Chur•h,Exeter. Piano, Organ. Harmony and Theon
of Music, Terms on application. Eteter, Ont,
Village Property for Sale
A first-class brick house, ,•ontainime 5 ro.ints Clown
stairs and 3 up -stairs. with kitchen attached and
cellar under all; 3 T, acres of land, good well, a num.
her fruit trees and frame stat.le. Terms to suit the
purchaser. Immediate po.seasion. Apply at The
ADVOCATE OFFi('E or ('Illi'. 1.1•K Eft. Hay 0.0
To the Shareholders of the Exeter
Salt 1't orks Co.
Gentlemen -
Please take notice that the anneal
meeting of the shareholders of the Ex-
eter Salt Works Co. will he held in
the Town (fall. Tuesday, June 11th,
191i7. at ':::its o'clock p. m.
T. B. Carling, Sec'y
A fine pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near
Sarepta; one hundrt.l acres, `.5 acres seeded, frame
hone and g.s.l stable, good water, ete.,
Apple to
S.INDRIts tF ('ItsECIn, Exeter.
Notice to Farmers
The Esetr r l toning and I're-trsin,; Co. v.ill be
pleased to rte a i. c acreage from farmers for T on Stow
and Corn. As the number of acres required is limit•
ed those desiring to contract will do well to call at
ones. on either the President. Jos. Snell; Vice -fres.,
('. 11. Sander., or Sec'y, J. (1. Jone..
Crave) Tenders
Victor Smitten; and Cliffotd McAvoy 511s. W. Hon has returned after
Whalen 1 Elimville
faW • cutin xs in this vicinity.- 1Vni. Brooks is niot- i returned from Conference at Goderich.
Mrs. Robertson of London is visiting i attiring Prof.I rullurenwend's represent I y•-
K xtice he will demonstrate to you that ing his buildings this week. He in --Messrs. Walter Hon and John Cann
Mrs. J. T. O'Brien. I he can 'ming hack your youthful ap- i tends snaking a vast improvement on left for Toronto Tuesday, as represent -
Mr. J. G. Jones spent Tuesday in •• t(•g arance by wearing one or other of there. --Miss Gillespie of Exeter is; atives of the Chosen Friend Lodge of
London on business. bus beautiful naturalW'i s orlon tees. (dressmaking at Win. Ogden's.-The t hiplace, to attend it convention of
Mr. Ed. Marshall visited at Mr. John He will he at the Central Hotel, :xe- Rev. W. E. Millson visited at his broth- I that order, -.Ur, :tad Mrs. Goulds took
er's here this week on his way home , in the Excursion to Goderich on Sat -
from Conference at Goderich.-The i ur•day till 111onday which is being run
people of the union church is rapidly levery Saturday through the summer.
getting their shed in shape. They in• -- _ -- —
tend holding services in it while the Sai111sbIII'y
church is being built. Rev, D. W. Collins, of Exeter, oc-
Are You Hall
Dignan s last week. ter, Fi iday, June 21st. Don't fail to
Mrs. Andrew Oke and little child see his latest patent structures.
returned to Seaforth. Frayee -Markle
High Constable Gundry of Goderich Avery pretty wedding was solemn-
was in town on Saturday. ized at the home of Mr. and Mts. Geo.
Mrs. (Dr.)Antos is attending grand W.Markle. 188 Sheridan street, Brant -
lodge of the Chosen Friends in Toron- ford, at 3 o'clock, June 4th, when their
to. eldest daughter, Ethel May, was unit -
Mrs. Robert Charters of Egmond- ed in marriage to Russell J. Fravne of
ville is visiting her sister Mrs. G. A. the sante city, and son of Mr. Peter
McLeod. Fra ne of Exeter. The ceremony was
J. C. Collins of the Exeter Dye performed by Rev. W. B. Caswell,
Works will be at Forest for the next and the wedding march was played by
two weeks. Miss Grace Hastings. The bride was
M►•. Austin Hewett was at Anderson daintily attired in a delicate white silk
yesterday attending the marriage of dress trimmed with lovers knots of in-
itis sister. section and lace, while her travelling
Miss M. E. Brown has returned to suit was of brown with white silk
Detroit after spending tbree weeks at
her house here.
Mr. Jos. Amy and Ed. Broderick of
Sharon left Monday for Manitoba on
a prospecting trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willis of London
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mc-
Callum over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frayne left Mon-
day evening for Brantford to attend
the wedding of their son, Russell.
Mrs. F. J. Knight has gone to Battle
Creek Sanitarium for her health. Mr.
Knight accompanied her as far as Lon-
Jas. Northcott, who has been at
Dundas for the past week, returned to
town Satutdiy and resumed his duties
at the depot.
A1r. John Creer•y of Alvinston has
been in town several days during the
week on business in connection with
bis father's estate.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bawden of London,
who recently returned from it several
weeks' trip to British Columbia, visit-
ed relatives here over Sunday.
Mr. Jack Crooks and Mr. Constan-
tine of Clinton visited friends in town
Sunday. Jack intends going west on
a four -months' business trip shortly.
Mrs. Birk, who, for several months,
has been living with her father, Mr.
Thos. Dearing, left Wednesday for her
home in Mancelona, Mich, where she
intends remaining.
Mrs. John Sanders of Sarnia, who
has been visiting Mrs. Wes, Iledden.
Crediton East, called on friends in
town Tuesday and returned to her
home in Sarnia Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy of Sharon
left on Tuesday morning for Brant-
ford to attend the wedding of Mr.
Bert Amy, who was married on Wed-
nesday to Miss Iva Hussey of that
Mr. A. Bagshaw left Monday even-
ing for Regina to join his brother-in-
law, Mr. Gen. Vosper. Ile was accom-
panied by Mrs. Bagshaw and fancily
as far as London where they will visit
for a few Jays.
Mr. %Vin. J. Smith, Boot & Shoe In-
spoetor for the Menzies Shoe Company
of Detroit. Mich., arrived home Satur-
day evening last. Ile was accompan-
ied by Mrs. Thos. H. Smith and little
son, Harold, who will visit at the home
of Mr. Samuel Smith, London Road
Smith, for some time.
firs. Alf. Taylor left on Friday last
for Swivel', Mich., to visit Mrs. John
Willis, who has been very ill of late.
A short tiro' ago Mrs. Willis, amen -
;stifled by her daughter Violet, while
driving to Miniver, was overcome with
it fainting spell, and losing control of
herself fell from the buggy to the hard
ground. in the fall she received a bad
shaking -up and fractured several ribs.
Her many friends here will he pleased
to learn, however, that she is now re-
S. Hardy, Auctioneer
For the County of Mron. . ll orders prompt') at•
tender) to if left at the A is 0. at. or his st.,re.
Auction Sale
Tend. teai11bereeei.et! Is%the undersigned u.to \'AL1':\11L1: ltd .a('I{1•: I'Ai{M IN
12 o'clock noon of Monday June ibth, ISMO, for tot I'S 13Oi{N E
'Darts of course and tine igravel, more or lea.; to be
delivered saver hist Motions of the Road Commiss-
ioner; parties tt nderiog to Meet goof clean gravel
from any of the i' ight.,ring pita, to the approval of et 1I by I'ul•li,• Auction. on the premises
Farm Labourers ane Domestics tor he en,it'lIantlstem. t nmembers
supplied thOn TUESDAY. JUNE 25tb, 1907
1 delivery of the same. The Invest or ane tender not at 2 o'clock p. m.
1 hate Leen appointed by the Dominion Govern- necessarily aseeetert. Itv order
men' to place immi,trants from the United Kingdom' J.trn v,;\ Ir,It, r'Irrh. LOT No. I:r, CON. 10, JSBOH N E
in Mons at farm 'showers or Aome•ti•• senanta 1 contain for 1.0 acres more or len. On this farm are
in his vicinity. Any person requiring sues help
should notify me by letter staling fully the kind of 1 a gots' frame house, 2 good bank bans, one :id ft.
help required, when wanted and ware. offerer) The by Sr ft and the other 31 ft by SO ft a ern) well
numbers arrit ing
eelnesta, but ere
each applicant with
- — copied the pulpit of St. Patnicks church
Lumley Sunday last and preached an excellent
Geo. Hobkirk, Sr., spent the past sermon. --Mrs. Phin. Dicknee, we are
week in Hagerst file with his laugh sorry to state, is suffering from an at -
ter. -Mrs. N. B. Hotton of Harpurhey tack of pneumonia. -Owing to the
trod Mrs. S. Dickson of Seaforth 'cera backward spring the crops in this sec -
here the first of the week visiting tion are not as good as the farmers
friends. -Root. Parsons, wife and fam• would like to see. --Mrs. Culbert is at
iiy of Hillegreen Sundayed with Mrs. present in a very low state of health
Tobias Ryckman.-Mrs. Thompson of through asthma. -Miss Brownlee of
Mitchell is visiting her sister Mrs. T. Lucan is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F.
Glenn. -Joseph Halfaday and family
Dobbs. -Thomas Harlton of Biddulph
waist. Among those invited were are hiving a two weeks' holiday at who was arrested Thursday charged
friends froen Toronto, Hamilton, Lon- the Muncey Reserve. ---Mrs. T. Rych• with using insulting knell:tee to his
don, Exeter, Ancaster, Jerseyville, man is in Rockwood this week attend. neighbor, Ed. Thompson, was bound
Rochester, N.Y., and Palo and Otono- ing the golden wedding of her hrotleer, over to keep the peio'e for a year for
gen, Mich. The heat wishes of R. J's. -J, D. Nilson and daughtersof Fans- $400 in two sureties of $200 each.
friends here are extended to the young ville visited his sister Mrs. Jahh Glenn —
couple. They will visit here this
Regardieit Retreats Bxaaaieatioas.
In all probability, not two per cent
of the parents in the urban and rural
schools, koow the requirements of
pupils for Entrance Examination.
The following declaration roust be
signed, together with a confidential
report of the pupils' standing. "I
hereby certify that the pupils whose
names are given below, have cotnplet-
ed satisfactorily the courses in the
subjects of Part I. for admission to the
High Schools, as prescribed by the
Regulations of the Education Depart-
ment of the Province of Ontario, ap-
proved Aug. 1904; and that the confi-
dential marks here given for Part I1.
are, to the best of my belief, correct
estimates of the pupils' standing in
the subjects enumerated therein."
Now turning to the Regulations and
noting one subject only of Part I. viz, Next Sunday the quarterly meeting
History, we may note the require-
of the Evangelical congregation will BIRTHS
as follows. "The most import- Ixt heldsupperwhen
will Sacramentbe administered thee
au', events of Canadian and British
History, especially during the nine- the members of the cougregation.-
teentb century" etc. This course On Sunday Inst the delegates to the
comprise." also supplementary work Sunday School Convention to he held
in Biography of some thirty persons in Tavistock were (u !Whited, the same
such its, Wolsey, Elizabeth, etc. The being E. M. Brokenahire, Miss Ida
parent can readily see that if a boy or Uoetz. V iss Martha Oestreicher,
girl is se•.: • a a school from another Henry Kraft told Daniel Schrader. -
section where Pt. I subjects have not The' . 1 . A. topics on Sunday even -
received proper attention, no teacher ing proved to be very interesting and
should make his or her conscience so rofit.able. The sleeting was led by
elastic, as to recommend such. Simi- Miss Lily Matted). -Wm. Brenner
lady, if pupils neglect Part I, no and family, also Jacob Brenner and
teacher can certify for thea:. Teach- familyof St, atford,who were here part
et•s are always anxious to see pupils of last week visitinpt their mother left
advance, but the conscientious would for their homes on I•riday. -Miss Alice
not dare to allow pupils to pass on in- Brenner underwent a serious opera -
to Iligh School work, handicapped on tion at the hands of Dr. Wilson last
Part I subjects. 'week. She is at present doing as well
Death of Joke Webber.
as can be exp?cted but is in a very
Sincere and general regret was felt weak condition. --We ,were pleased to
by the community on learning of the sec our old friend, Henry Zimmerman,
almost sudden death of Mr. John of Zurich in the village on Tuesday.
Webber, of Devon, in the township of 51r Zimmerinrn is a man well advanc-
ed In years and in a runaway accident
thefane. The sad event took place at A shot t tine' ago got seriously hurt. -
the family residence on Friday night Ile still cart ie.; a broken arm in :t salt- MARRIAGES.
bast. Mr. Webber had enjoyed his hurt.
usual good health unfit the Saturday DH:.\'rtl the billet of the• late COLE- MAlt.t At Ltican, on June 5th,
night previous to his demise. He had Herman Quint took place on W'ednes_ W. S. (:ole of Exeter to Miss Edith,
been enlarged in raising and putting da. of last. week from the home ..f bus daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
a bank under•neath his barn and on daughter Mrs. ('hriaopher Miller, of Martz of Lucan,
that day got wet which resulted in the lith concession. Rev. Thnt of the! FhayNt -MAUI t.t:-- in Brantford, on
kiln taking cold. He went to bed that Ltithe, inn ('ongiegation. had charge June 4, Russell Frayne, son of Mr.
night thinking it would pass away, of the funeral. interment was made P. Frayne of Exeter, to Miss Ethel
but about three o'clock Sunday morn- in the Bronson line cemetery.=Th're May Markle of Brentford.
ing he awoke with severe pains all passed awa • at the home of hie dao h -
through his system. The services of ler at Peltnira, 1hiti i'fafT, after a
a physician were at once sunint'nt'd to brief illness' The remains were
and every effort was trade to relieve brought to the home Of Wm. Pfaff
triol of the rain and assist nature in with the expectation of being interred
throwing off the trouble, On Sunday in the Luthetan bet 'ing pint on the
he gave signs of being much relieved Bronson line wet.• sante other mon-
tohis immediate relatives were tel la rs of the family hod been boric'',
to believe that the trouble wits only but moving to t)ie fact that Borne little
temporary• and that he would Senn difficulty arose between Mr. Pfaff and
he ''stored to his forni'r good health. I some..f the congregation a few wears
on Sunday.
Grand Bend
Harmon Gill spent Monday in Dash-
wood. -Miss E. Geake of Toronto ar-
rived here Monday to spend the sutu-
wer.-Mrs. Jos. Gill is on the sick list.
-1'. Brenner and wife of Shipka visit-
ed at Jos. Brenner's on Sunday -Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Shaefer of Dashwood
and Mi. and Mrs. Fred Shrtefer of
Presleau spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Gill. -Jos. Brenner is on the
sick list. -The fisherman met with a
severe loss during the last storm, when
their nets were badly damaged. -invi-
tations are out to the wedding of Miss
Victoria Gill to Ruben Wilson, for
June 12th.
J. J. Taylor and wife of Brewster
called on friends here Monday, after a
visit in McGillivray. -,I3. J. Hodgins cf
Hawk Lake, who has been here with
his parents for the past inonth,return-
ed horse Friday. It is about three
years since he was here last and he re-
ports great improvements in the sur-
rounding country.- C. Hudgins and
wife of Brinsley visited here this week.
-J. Snell of Exeter purch(tsed it horse
from Tom Love on Monday. --The wire
worm is Making great havoc on the
spring grain around bete, -Joe Hickey
lost a brood ware last week, but the
foal is doing well. -Wet. Lovey finish.
ed jacking up and enlarging Thos.
Love's barn on Thursday. -It is re-
ported that Louis R(tyelle of Grand
Bend has offered R. Ireland $:30(X) for
his bush. Timber must be getting dear.
Form- In Exeter, on May 2lith, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford, a son.
ZRI,1.Elt-At Zurich, on May 21th, to
Mr. and Mrs. E. Zeller, a (daughter.
Rosh --At the Babylon Line, Hay, on
May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. William
Ruse, a son.
CORRIVEAC--At Sauble Line, Hay, on
May `28th, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Corri-
veau, a daughter.
THotfJsoN-At the `2nd con., flay, on
May 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.
Thompson, a daughter.
DICKEN4,-in Biddulph. Con. 4. on
June lst, to Mr. and Mts. Phin.
Dickens a son,
FLASSI(VN-In Eden, Man., on May
24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flan-
nigan, (nee Miss Ethel Meakin) a
Ct-nxottl:-In Crystal ('ity, Man., on
May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilber
Outwore, (son of 5f r. Geo. ('udreore
of town) tt son. 1
The ailment, however, developed into ago with the result that 1fr. Pfaff
ttith,lroty from the church, burial WAS
tefrised 11, the leaders of that body.
He was therefore buried under the
auspices of the Evangelical chinch in
the Goshen lint' cetnctert. on Sunday
mot ning 1,y Rev. L. K. Ludt, the Pas-
tor of that congregation. He had at-
tained the good old age of 84 years
and some months. The sorrowing
friends have the sympathy of the en-
tire community in their bereavement.
pneumonia rind while the symptoms
in the early stages did not indicate
any cause fin alarm the tittages of the
disease was polo lasing its deadly mis-
sion and he grad tilly weakened until
death claimed hon. Mr. Webber was
was horn in the township of Stephen,
on the fat nt uppnsite to that on which
he died and was highly respected as a
neighbor, citizen and friend. Deceas-
ed was nge'd 1(i years, six months and
his premature dent is regretted by all.
He was an adherent of the Methodist
THoltN•roN -HErtn in Exeter. on June
3rd, by Rev. A. H. (icing, Mr. H.
W. 'Thornton of Lrtr,dol] to Mrs.
Eliza heed, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Silas Handford,
KEYS -On the Parr Line, Stanley, on
May '''{rd, .bones Key., aged 15
Sriti vaisit In Mitchell, on June 2,
M rs. Sophia Schroeder aged 78 years.
('rirrtN--in 5tskatoon, Sask., Patrick
Curtin, formerly of Centralia, aged
about 55 years.
1V1•:niusit-At Devon, on May 31, John
Webber, aged 10 years, ti months.
IetttAN—On Pun' Line, Stanley, on
May 2'th, Charles Logan, aged 87
church and in politics a staunch ('on-
sertxtive. ,ft'. Webber lest t•('9 a wid- • •
g ow', five suns and one daughter to
mat• not De sufficient to supply all w ith a,cindmilt on it, aMut 4 amts of 400t1 ore haM mOnTll his loss. The LltlrTal took
cry effort w,tl he merle to provide and Slane' t t acres ode
gocri haul wont Lush. The
I race Up
help nyuireti soil is a giw„1 . lay loam. Thelon% is well fencer) and place Sunday to the Exeter cemetery,
Canadian Oorernment Employment Agent, Exet•r The Nord T is situated oils a mile and a quar-
i ler from a ( nm h, school house and Farquhar P.O.
spring ill will soon b,, The par, ha..r will have the pri%il(ve of going
fRt11"IF >¢>gt i K het' when on the farm after harvest 111. summer to do neeea-
eve" y growing thing will send new an fall ploughing and tail' get fun possession on Id
life through its Veins. 1Meernherrest.
i IirinR ami
in harmony with T1:RMS IO ter Bent. of the purchase money on
tZummer A I nature :11111 sete,i et•Ine new life allot- the dad nfvinier the balance on faIteeender
gallop- next without interest. Part of the purchase money
II f rig 11111.s:44h yon )• own sVstettt. Make can remain on Mortgage if the oirchaser desires it.
IFyou' self feel good. Fort further particulars apply to
,• SQho01Our Burdock and Sar Etcter. 5th June, WC.nI, Administratrix, Farquhar
A special coarse of instruction
during July and August for
Public Schoal Teachers.
Enter any Time
individual instruction
(1E(.). SPt)TTON. I'tincipal,
Ler r...S,tttl I ... s1
aaparilla Compound
is the Meet blood pot ifler we hntw; and - AT THE--
besldes Sarsapat111* it contains Yellow
Duck, Prickly Ash. Iodides of 1'otas- Metropollten Hotel, Exeter, oil
siunt And iron, ('ascata and other F}{i1)AY, JINE 7t1), at 1 o'clock
eynslly valuable remedies,
it acts through the natural secret-
ory and excretory ot'trans, retnov-irg
those matters which disturb i(. purity
ti Bottle;' for Cirri
:t Bottles 1. r Z' 7:,
B. S. Howey, Phm. B.
1 draught gelding t years old
4 „ 3 „
2 ., ., 2 ..
1 more 4
2 " 2
1 general purpo-' filly 2 years
1 driving colt 1 tear« old
2 good fru eters dr itpsa 4 years
1 gout Ren. purpose• mare 8 yenrs.
Chemist Arid Old 1,1:1 , EXETER. The Property of 1'. E. hackney.
Phone 50.
Mr. Thos. Willis and wife visited
At John McFalls, Biddulph, on Sun-
day. --Andrew Hicks is having bis
house repainted. Mrs. Bat and Mre.
Dan Coughlin were in London Tues-
day. ---The senior and junior baseball
teams played games in Exeter last
week. accounts of which may be seen
in Exeter news. The Exeter seniors
will play a game here this (Thursday)
evening.-('hnrch service was held in
Biddulph at the hone. of John McFalls
on Sunday owing the church under-
going repairs.
DKATH--Word WAS received this
week of the death in Saskatoon of one
who until recently was a resident of
this village, Mr. Pat Curtain. Death
is supposed to be due to heart trouble,
as the end came suddenly. He was
about 55 years of age. The fnueral
took place in Saskatoon on Monday.
Mr. Curtain. before moving here. re-
sided at Adair, where he cultivated a
large farm and was also an extensive
dealer in (•Attie. Ile was a man widely
known throughout 1Vestcrn Ontario
through his intercourse as a drover
and by his straightforward business
principle,. honest dealings he won for BEAMA
himself hosts of friends who will deep-
ly regret tc learn of his death.
Tinsmithing and Troughing.
Furnace and Hot Water Heating
Plumbing and Pipe Fitting
All sizes of pipe in stock.
A Car just received. Best for floors, walls, etc.
Wire Fencing, Stretchers, Pliers,
Hooks, Staples, Etc.