HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 8Made To Order \ressiug well is an art jJ and the man who has his clothing made to mea- sure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. You Are Sure of COMFORT - EASE - ELEGANCE 100 New Sritiugs to Hard At Prices Away Dowtt W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them The I.O.F. Excursion to the Falls will be the most popular of the season. See large posters later. Men's nein n,,,lle and (pun ,mesh un- derwear, great Ialucs. Stewart's. For Sale. If you want a first class McLaughlin or other make buggy see W. (1 Biss- ett's. Also several plows will be sold cheap. All brand new. Also two second hand haggles. Carpets and burgs, iae) s(' ck and great value... Stewart's. Girt% wanted. T•v•• girls wanted -cook and general help r. Good wages. Apply at Cent- ral 1! ael, Exeter. Get your Marriage Licenses at the Adto. ate office. Tor sate Wr• have on our list a choice store prop••rty in Exeter for sale at a very real amble figure. -Sanders & Creech. Marriage I:il enses issued at the Ad- aocate office. .'',. ,,etlrio•l .slut./ in Ladies' white (m1- br„iJ,ro,l silk anti lawn uaists,,•heal• ton. Nita -ores. Propers) For Sale. We h•tve at present a handsome piece of propart y consisting of fine two surrey residence and two lots, with Rand stable; all in first-class condition; eont••niently situated; all modern int- pm%••trent. Price is a snap. Call or weir,. The Advocate Oflice. 1 a. eh„ir,, clean, rr-/mlesoec groceries e�te,r 1rt'.s i.s the .%pot. lie'el/,.et/rx' e.rlre, staid erd ;)ranulatrd sugar. take tie, (ghee kind. Dr. Oven% Cowing. Dr. ()vete-, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon. will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on May 31, from 9,:111 a, m. to 1 :to p.m. Glasses properly- fitted and di-e.e-r•. "f Eye, Ear and Nast' treated. Death of Mr' Rntt. Farmer The. 1.11 'utust;lnces surrounding the death 1.f ales. It Ihert F,rn-on of Sera. fot eha w hall tock place at the home of 111x. 1' • •e. Madge of 1-sboi nc on Thurs- day :Itt. indeed sad. Deceased was it victim "f .ton. ,ch trouble and not en- jayielg 14,1,11 Lean h she decided to pay A vitt to alt. and Mrs. Madge in the hope that the ch:tnge would improve her condition. The change, however, did leo seen) tee hate the de•.iredeffect, the f. Ii iii -e Ise having obtained too strong ,e hold and gt:adnally waning in etreng1h A Ii°in .rrhage set in and she sl ie,iiiil'ed rn its deadly effects. Tule Ilece%ases! lad y was twice married. her first h'ish„nd I Bing the late Jinn's HhP1h1,•I,k••. tt h„ resided here for Many year'•. she was 711 pelts of age and was b caved .tn,I este11111d by all who formed lie: it. li t:tint:ince. The funer- al toe). plaet• '.tut•day t.• the Exeter cerle•t.. t, NI,. F'ansl)n, typo has also Accident been - .ging .et air. M:1,l.Z' ", is in very alt. Henry Guide' met with ,i pain- pn.•t le ;th. hat .t1 plea at is un a fair fol accident on K'ednestlay of last way to Iee.tal y. week and as a result has been off duty since. He was engaged laying et new +++++.11.1.+4,444,44+4,444,4,4,44 floor in the Commercial House and was using the back of an adze to force the tongue and grooved lumber to. gether when in some manner he made a blow with the sharp part of the adze towards him, the result being that it glanced and came in contact with his foot, cutting a large and painful gash. The bus happened to be there at the time when he was conveyed to his + home and the injury dressed. Nir NT IW WV' LOCAL1)OINGS. IP', Asasd Ak.ikint AkALAS' Awe several E:xetirites attended the meeting of a Cuban Fruit Company in tthal) they are interested at l.ondun Tuesday night. Invitations are out to the wedding of Miss \Villniott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stnith, London Road South. to Mr. Walter M. I3atynhaul, for June 5th. GIANT TItIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tobac- coes, in 1,ig plugs. (brainy always the same. Mr. James Sweet, sr., was laid tip oyer Saturday and Sunday owing to the effect of a tumble he had when en- gaged in the over -60 -years race on the 24t h. Pete Coleman bas been laid up for the past week owing to an accident he sustained in jumping off the water cart. The bones of his foot were spread and a painful injuty was the result. Clinton Sweet received a nasty bruise and cut on his forehead on the 24th during the volunteers' skirmish drill on the grounds, the end of a rifle having struck him a violent blow. A scar will likely result. On Sunday morning the volunteers of No. 0 Company, :%3rd Battalion, beaded by the Exeter Band, marched to the Trivitt Memorial church where they listened to an eloquent sermon delivered by the rector, Rev. D. W. Collins. London Conference cotun)enced in Goderich this week and Revs. Going and Fear are in attendance. They will both be absent over Sunday, when Mr. Colwill takes the former's pulpit and Mr. Percy \Vestaway the latter's. The Town Clerk. Mr. Jos. Senior, received a cheque for $50 last week from Dr. J. A. Rollins of Raymond, Alta., to be placed in the Cemetery Perpetual Fund. The interest of money in this fund is used for the care- taking of the lots at the cemetery for all time. Mr. Fred Luxton of l sborne was the unfortunate victim of a painful accident last week. He was working around the horses when one of them kicked fiercely at him, striking him on the leg and causing a nasty wound. As a result he has since been compell- ed to hobble around on crutches. A joint meeting of the directors of the Exeter Agricultural Society and the sports committee is called for Fri- day, May 31st, at 2 p. in., at the Cen- tral Hotel. All those who have ac- counts with the society or committee will kindly band sante to the secretary, R. N. Creech, previous to the meeting. The anniversary of the Main street Methodist League was held on Sunday when the pastor, Hev. E. A. Fear. preached an interesting sermon of two parts. one in the morning and the other in the evening. A pleasing fea- ture was the singing of Mr, N. L. Murch of Blyth, who sang solos both morning and evening. His rendering of "Dreatn of Paradise" and "The Holy City" were in excellent voice. The chtirc'l was decorated with beauti- ful flowers. The collections were large and will go toward the paying for a piano for the League. For Qurtlity and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs' •'Stag" and "Currency" ('hewing 'To- baccoes. Niagara Fails Ezcursiou• EverytrAdy will take in the excursion to Niaga a Falls under the auspices of the inde/l)endent Order Foresters on Thursday June 21)th. Good for three days The fare from Exeter will he Large hills giving particulars will by issued in a few days. This will be the only Excursion to the Falls this season. Mickif Forca.t%for Julie A Regular Storni Period extends from the 2nd to the 7th. it is central on the 1th, with the Moon on the cel- estial equator on the 5th. The crisis of this period will fall nn and next to that date. it will be preceded by marked rise of temperature, with rapid and derided fall of the haronl- eter, and the culmination will come in sudden and severe thunder storms, cloudbursts, hail, wind and possible tornadoes. Orc has 101.000 Judge Holt was ofllr•ially engaged at the House of Refuge Thursday, transferring property from inmates to the county. About $1,(M) has so far been handed over. An old elan from Hensall, eighty•six years of age, who was recently admitted, is said to be worth $,,0t1, if he. remmnins this 'must be put in the county's possession so ae to ensure that from it will be paid the cost of his maintenance. OUR CLOTHES FIT Th•• thive thing•• that dis- ti, g•ri.h the clothes we ne.ke ,ate FASHION, FIT and WORKMANSHIP. We Al 11 j11-ily 111 1111/1 of our re - cold •Ind trill sustain it with v.,0,1 gal melts. The Spill...! Things :are ready and tte..r•• getting plenty of attire. One of these days yell will appreciate Iuportaace of Belies Fiercest VisitorstoTorontoduring the second week of the races will have the oppor- tunity of witnessing the I'ress Club's annual theatrical performance at the Princess Theatre. This year "The im- portance of tieing Earnest" is being prlatnced. preceded by "Gringoire. the hallad-rnonger•." The former is an in- tensely satirical comedy. based on the foibles if English society life while the curtain raiser is a skit on event. eon• how vitally netted with the life of 1.4111151X1 of F'tanre. Mr. Doeglaa A. Patterson, You Need it Spring Suit vibe) had a long experience on the American stage with Iler.ry Hiller, is es --o directing the production and the chief Oar line is ready for your parts ate taken by Robert Stuart I'ig- kind inspection ott. also an actor of international re {Aute. The leading female part has ti --0 been assignee) to Miss Berenice Porker and the other roles are egnnlly well Call and Get our Prices filled. The productions of the past two year. have given the Press Club n high standing in theatre going circles an,1 Toronto society re .w' turns out in Merchant Tailor - Exeter } fill farce for the thee. The dates Orr 44.444+-1-1-14-44+44++444.tl"y' :k),ind :i1 and Jnne 1. W. JOHNS 11 r. I.e•athoru is this week installing tire -escapes at the J1:ut.ioe House•. And still it snows -Drat I.aa 11 diel('11ANGED on Monday-ra small sized l,lizz.utl, Wheat Jit•. Harden informs us that Isis dial)' Barley EXETER MARKETS. buttes that 1 )eats ago Monday we experienced a similar day. The marl liege of Mr. Ft:u,k Saul well, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Strong, of Kingston, is announced for the latter part of June. Miss Strung is the only daughter of a military of Icer at King- ston. All young men of Exeter District wishing to attend London Camp this year, June 4th to 15th, with F. Com- pany, 33rd Regiment, that is Exeter Company instead of No. 0 as before. Apply at once to Lieut. Iieatnan of Sergt. Major Hector. The Company goes to London Tuesday next. An Aylmer Correspondent says: -A. I'. Smith, manager of the Sovereign Bank here, who left ten days ago to visit friends in Virginia. and to attend the ter -centennial exposition at James- town, has for the past week been con- fined to a hospital there with an at- tack of pneumonia, but is expected home in a few days. Squire Leathern, who has for sever- al years taken in the 24th of May cele- brations in Exeter, representing "John Bull" and acting as a marshal!, on Tuesday morning, at the request of his friends, had his photograph taken in front of the Molsons Bank as he was seated on Mr. James Handford's white horse. Mr. Leatborn is a man of over 80 years of age, remarkably well pre- served, and a general favorite with all. EACH WEDNESDAY 80 90 )ats 'ens 'otatoes, per bag lay, per ton Flour, ler cwt., faultily Flour, low grade per cwt Butter Egg s Ltvehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 46 48 42 43 _ 70 IJ IJ 1100 240 125 18 17 tl 80 2200 20 00 1 2() CALVES FOR SALE Two loads of . hoice,-altea for saleTie®lays and Ram rdaya for balance of eprin);. Price "It.4 and upwards Also one good dairy cow for sate-neal-y ,'alptd. Warted -One hundred hew', yearling chicken also a number of good turkeys The Southern Alberta News in its Raymond correspondence says: "Miss Pearl Rollins has returned from North Alherta.-Dr. Hollins is able to he out again after an illness. -E. J. Spack- man of Toronto has been visiting Dr. Rollins and is delighted with the clim- ate and soil of South Alberta. -Ray- mond merchants have decided on the cash system business, with a penalty for violation." Prof. O'Brien who is now at the Central Hotel, conies highly recom- mended by all the leading papers in Canada. See what Saturday Night says of him: "Can character or des- tiny he read?- What the shape of one's head or the lines of one's hands reveal as to one's character, disposi- tion, etc„ is not often dreamed of and most people are going round with some very palpable signs hung out, being at the seine time confident they themselves are mysteries of their fel- low -beings --it is doubtful too, if the skepticisms expressed towards the claims of Phrenology and Palmistry is honest. A good method of proving that there is a great deal in these sciences is to visit Prof. O'Brien of 401 Jarvis street, If he cannot con- vince, you that you are not an unread- able sphinx, he can present yon with a few surprises. A representative of this paper visited hint recently, and was furnished with an accurate out- line character sketch. The Professor has many prominent names of persons whom he has read, and his ability is certainly very mat ked, Victoria Day Visitors. The visitors in town over Victoria Day were: -H. J. Glanville, Jas. Clarke, Rich. Bissett, Sidney Clarke, Frank Bawden, T. Staley, Fred Penhale, Arthur Woods, Mrs. Pearson, Frank Howard, Wm. Clarke, A. Bowes., Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sanders, Mies Charlotte Drinkwater, Mrs. Harry Buckingham and two sons. Miss ,lennet Meitat•t, Miss Maud Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewart, Miss Mabel Leathorn, Mrs. A. E. Bennett and daughter, ('has. Miners, Percy and Harry Graham, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. I'rodger, Miss Jen- nie Welsh, Roy and Emanuel Jolliffe, J1tck Dean, Clinton Walsh, Jack Lane, of London; Miss Jennie Taylor, Shake- speare: Mr. and Mrs. John Newcombe and Miss Mabel Flintoff, of Stratford: Frank i)elln'idge, (?heltenh.t n; Mr. Bebee, Dunnville; Arthur and Miss Maria Seldor), Mr. Smith. Ingersoll; Mr. Livingstone, Milverton; Mrs. Mit- ler, Woodstock; Reg. Elliot, Norwich; Win. Dignan and wife, Lucan; J. Westcotr, ilamilton; Mr. and Mrs. J H. inksater. Paris: James Bonthron, Howard Powell, Toronto; John Snell, St. Thomas; Miss ('ot•dclia Burgard, Seaforth; Mrs. James and Miss Hazel Powell of \Vinghatie Mr. and Mrs. Mill. Lambeth: Geo. Hodgins, Clinton Clarence Easterbrook, Forest; Mrs. Nelson Sanders, Constance; Will Pal, - mer, aliases Emma Hall, Pearl Ford. i3ella Walker of London. 1 I ERSONI�I.. W. F. ABBOTT, Centralia �I1 Tfte Popular Palenis Whatever your favorite medicine may be we have it. \Ve keep a full line of all the ad- vertised patent medicines. Anything new that may come out we are gener- ally the first to put it in stock. Just at this season of the year Sarsparilla and Blood Purifiers Miss ('ora Trowel! is visiting in Lon- don. Mrs. Quartet. was in Ailsa Craig on the '2lth. Miss Olive Wright visited in Clinton last week. Mrs. Andrew Oke and son of SPA - forth are visiting here. Mrs. Duncan McFarlane of Port El- gin is visiting Mrs. Marchand. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and son were in St. Marys over Sunday. Miss Mabel Brooks returned Tues- day morning from et visit at Ayr. Mrs. Norman (ruickshanks, after tt few days' visit in Toronto, returned to her home Monday. Mrs. Anderson and daughter, Miss Nora, of London are visiting at the rectory. Miss Laura McFalls left Tuesday for Stratford where she intends remaining for et time. Misses Etta Sweet, Birdiennd Vivien Boyle, Elsie McCallum, and Mrs. John Itendle were in London Victoria Day. Mrs. W. O. Miller And son Gregory of Woodstock spent hast week the guest of her pereruts. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gregory. Mrs. Newcombe and Mrs. \Veen who have been visiting their brother, Mr. 1). Gillis• who was severely injured it short time sine', returned to their re - appellee homes in ilarnilton and Strat- ford Tiler -they. Dr. Auto.. nrronlpanietl by Mrs. John Johns, of Eli111 ill., Left Monday for Clifford Springs, N. Y.. where the , latter will undergo treatment. The Doctor is expected horse ("-day 1Thnrsday. Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Godwin, of Amhrr•thnrg were in town Tu"slav shaking hands with many of their old frit ods. They were ori their way to (;...let 1. h whey' the ('onfrcnsa is in sessie.n. arc in considerable demand and we are fully prepared to supply your need —AT— Gole's Drug Store Dispensing it specialty EXETER Mrs. C. Lindenfeld spent 24th in Goderich. Mrs. Wm. Balman visited friends in London during the week. Mr. Fred Elliott of Cobalt arrived here Inst week on et short visit. The Misses Sharp and Jackson were in London a few days during the week. Crystal City Courier -"Miss Olive Hooper, nurse, of Brandon is visiting Miss Manning." Mr. Jno. Mclntrye of Seaforth spent the bolidays shaking hands with old friends in town. 'Walter Harding and Bert Luxton of the Sovereign Bank staff spent Vic- toria Day in London. Mrs. Floyd, who has been spending the winter with her son in Seaforth, returned Monday evening. Miss McMehan of London, Miss Fox of lateen and Miss Hobbs of Birr were visitor's at the )rectory Last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. E icrett of Brant- ford visited relatives at Farquhar, Exeter and Hay during the week. Mr. Will. DOW!). who has been resid- ing with his son Fred in 1Voodstock has taken a situation with Mts. Geo. Sam well. Mr. John Evans of London, who came here to spend May 211h, shortly after his arrival received word of the death at St. Thomas of the wife of his brother, Richard Evans. .44•144 - SPECIAL OFFER The Weekly Mail and Empire and EX ETF:It ADVOCATE: mailed to any address-, postage paid, in Canada ur Great Britain until January 1st, "Ohs. for 80 cents. Both publications for 7 months. the period mentioned. itt rcg- iller fates, would cost $1.1:,. By ac- cepting this offer new subscriptions save 35 rents. The Weekly Mail and Empire is unquestionably the greatest weekly publication which enter Ca- nadian homes. It at present cont .tins a greater number of coluunns of rend- ing matter than any other Canadian weekly. All the news published in it is carefully selected to meet the varied tastes of the renders. The General News Seetinn will contain the fullest and complete maw/nation. The Agri• cultural Section will be replete with information for the general advance• ment of agricultural science. The Magazine Section will also he it thine of information upon subjecta which are at present attracting public atten- tion. Send order to office of this paper. WORDS in OO 1 1f hacked up by deeds. The claim we make for FLOURARST world he foolish if not harked lip. Better fl put than STAR is not mar- k' 1 3 1 'q 1 tet to -day am tun (11111A1 is sr)rfolti (0 111141. WANTED Wheat and Oats HARVEY BROS- EXF:TEit ON r.1itr11 ,dea/hi /hula a*LI!,taJal� CORN! CORN!! We have the following for Fodder and Ensilage WHITE CAP, YELLOW DENT, IMPROVED LEAMING YELLOW AND WHITE. Also four varieties of SWEET CORN for the garden. MANGOLD SEED MAMMOTH TORY RED YELLOW INTERMEDIATE DANISH SUGAR BEET T. HAWSINS & SON. Dealers in Hardware, Cement, Wire, Etc. Great BMW Sale Slill Oil Owing to the lateness of the Spring Season we are still offering Greater Bargains in Furniture for the NEXT 30 DAYS than ever were shown in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture is reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be convinced before making your purchase ROTE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO 32 JUNE BRIDES —WILL FIND US Headquarters for beautiful dresses and costumes fot coming events. We offer a few suggestions to those wishing to buy their trousseau. At our Silk Department Will be funnel all the new .lap \Nash Silks, Taffetas, Peau Ile Sole and Tmarlir)es in all the bewitching colors which will he very needful. Dress Goods ire White, Oream, Pale Blue, Pale Green, Fawn and Grey of ('tape d. ('hen., ('repo de Paris, Eolerl, Panama, Albatras, Nuns Veiling. Lnsti es, any one of these will remake a June bride happy. Lawns and Muslins Yore will fled ns well stocked with Persian Lawns, Linen Lawns, I/entities. Organdies and Flowered Muslins and nice sheer Linens snitithb' good' fill' a ,lune dress. Brides' and Bridesmaids' Hats Our Millinery del) trtne•nt wits neverin better position for creating such dantiness and exclusiveness in millinery as they are to -day. tint :tiro 144 to 11114114411 lend yon will find something hete to suit yon. Fancy Parasols have yon seen thein. Th. -y are. certainly very catchy anti ex- tremcly new. They ars plain and fancy, White, ('lean) and Lin- en eds., Fancy Black and White, 131ue and Whit.. Linen and White. 1't it es $1 to $'_ 7:1. Child's Fancy Parasol for 50e. each. JONES & CLARK Headquarter for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing • Choioe EarainB SPECIAI. 15 TWEED DRESS 1 LADIES' RAIN COATS. GOODS 1 12 only Ladies' Rain Coate. made of Pretty mixture of Grey and Heliotrope Hoe fawncra,rege'nnular'tts-pr, ice *43.11).. KY tall length, re and (trey and Green, 42 in. wide. all tvrl. makes pretty snits or skins-, worth 75c. Special at $1.50, Ilir Siecial at (W)e. the' yard. COLORED MCSi.IN-. RID BELTS We have just opened a vet y pretty lut of coloredmuslms in (1)411 '4', pale biti', pink end grey, extra fine quality and snake stylish dresses. Prices 15c., 21)e., 35e the yard. ',sidles up to-dnte belts of fine kid with metal buckles and nail heads. Price 50c.; also patent or solid leather in red, white, black or tan, 2 buckles 25c. - WHITE VESTiNGS. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Fine white vesting in pretly check and Special purchase of Wi'n's Balbriggan floral designs: Shirt. irts and Drawers, fine double thread, special gimlet 1:r r'nta sateen facing., sizes 31 to 11, regular Fine quality ea cents price 50v. Best quality :..i cants Special 40c. each. COLORED Lt'STItE (oolorsd Luo'rP in bine. gee 1 :unci ht own with small neat pert. re r"g.e- i %trey. this is certainly the very beat lar price 50c. 1 n, '.v,• have ever put on our counter. ('rices :314e, each. MENS' FiNE Rig UNDP.RWEAR S1wci.,1:tat•, the y:•rd SNE 1114 & RQ\YE