HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 7♦ 404.040+0.404-040-404. 0+ o 4o+o4o 4.04- 0.040 1 DARE H13? OR, A SAD LIFE STOrY i►(e+O+er0s-O+0+0+O0.04-0•0+0+o+o4040+o+0♦0o+oi :Il.\I'Tlat XXXI.-- o•ullinittel;. 1. - L r fishes, of ei . ,.elle are As tit hour of eey,•n approaches, ever and some 18,1, .I -- ;110 some •+ ..yen lie under the susieciom of having ,, glmy'nd • graver Juultl, upon this head poisonous qualities), whether it is 1101 to 41.„0„.0. 111111,1.111111,1. both when he rctlec45 tote{ a mon hsee murk it i; a habit with the t liking. better sort of travelling Feigli,h 144 dine At something M. Cipriani says they all In their own room{•, and deo when he laugh. Elizabeth, indeed, throw's hack Calle to blind the exU•enie'ly retired char- he/ I fila head, and shpws ell her per - oder of Iaizal•etlee and her n ether's feet ter: h. in u paroxysm of the most Habits. Even if ,he does'appcar in the g'eiitlino tuirth. 11 gives Burguyno a sort public loon)-nnd the more he thinks of of shock to see her laugh. 11, the lees probable 11 seems -it is most Not a day, scarcely an hour, has pncs. Unlikely that Ile will he placed near her. ed since he lest saw her in which he has Ilul he alight Inks' boy intercept her W 114,1 pictured her as doing or suffering the 11011 on the way to the sane a Ina n• or living through something; he has ger. never pictured her laughing. it seems 111 pursuance of this project he lakes to hon now but a moment stare he was up his position before the bell. tingling reading her broken-heartexI. Tear -stained Fu lengthily' as to ren"h the ears of the note; since he was seeing Ilyng grovel - deafest and most distant, has summoned ling el all Thr utter collapse of his mi - 1h° cun►pnn) ' together; and it is several g,:verned grief on the floor of the little minutes before enough ere assembled to Florentine en1•esul. What business has justify, ai•corling to the etiquette pre- she to laugh? And how unchanged she veiling at the (.rand hotel, a more to is ! 11"w• much less outwardly aged than the dining -riven. 'These, at that hotel, he himself is conscious of Irving I Sit - although in a very distinct minority -as ting ,i, she wow is, in her simple white when, indeed, are they not ?-are yet not lea -gown, with one slight elbow rested on quite the same chime.. rarities as at some the table, her eyes all sparkling with r •of the Swiss and Italian onus. glut the merriment and laughter, bringing into younger of 111e ono sex are perennially prominence that one enchanting dimple interesting to the other; and Burgoyne, o! hers, she does not look more than ae "The new men, • is an object of some tweity. ex - But a few moments later he for- alte'0tion to half a dozen young girls, gives her even her dimple. However ex- and- more to two or three sprightly. .presse may be the little landlord. he has hearted old ones. Ills eyes are eagerly to move away after a time; and the shining as each opening door, each step nn the staircase, raise., his hopes afresh. But neither dour nor staircase yield the form he stoke, and he is at last obliged, i under penalty of exciting remark, re- hiehintly to follow the band that go !moping hungrily down a flight of steps to Itie whitewashed dining -room. Ile t finds himself placed between a bouncing widow who is ton touch occupied m fondling an old valetudinarian on her -ether side to have much notice to spare for hint ; and n sparkling creature of five -and -thirty in n reel skirt, who, be- fore dinner Is over, confides to hire that she fears she has not got a nice nature, and that site cannot get on al home be- -cause her mother and the servants insist upon having cold supper instead of dinner on Sunday. \\'h('n she tells hien that she has nota Mee nature, he ab- sently replies that he is very sorry for iit, nr141 her confidence about the Sunday { {supper provokes from • him ontyeihe ex- ` tremely stupid observation that he sup- poses she does not Iike cold meat. It is a wonder that he can answer her even as rationally as he does. it is more by good Tuck than good management That i any sense at ell in his responses. yet he tufty as well give Iris hill at- tention to his neighb,n•, for now every place at the E•shaptel table is filled up, and travel ns !lis Dye (1111y over those rho sit, both at the long and eross- ' onrds, it fails to discover any face in the least resembling that which lifted itself from the dusk terrace tido his candlelight. 1 \Vas it her little ghost, Then. That he hie! seen. her dainty delicate. ghost 7 But w. l►y should it appear to hint ihere?? Why haunt these unfamiliar shores? The ,lute places in the roam which still re- issei.•ii untenanted are those at n round toe. laid for three, in the embrasure of e \i I.uish window, not very distant from V. here ho siLs. (111 fired catching sight of 11 his hopes had risen, only immediately t.. fall again. as he realizes Thal 11 is de, :dwell for n trio. \\its' should three paces be laid for Elizabeth and her mother? \\illi n disheartened sigh he turns to hie neighbor. intending 111 pal to her a question ns to the habitual occupants of the 0luply table; but she is apparently affronted at his tepidness, and presents 1„ him only the well -frizzled back of her eepensive head. ile h r'dueed to h,len• ing to the conversation of his vis-a•\is, an elderly collide, who home leen upon 501110 oxcurelOn, anti are 1e1811utg their experiences to those mound Them. They have 1'0'I1 10 Itlidnh (11'1'' .•iltty, and seen real live monkeys h•.pping nt$)IIt with• out organs or led lolls on rent paler trees. Ile Is dr11%11 info the conversation by n question nd,iressisl to loin n4 10 Ids journey. it i; live minutes Is'fere he again leek. towards Thr table in the winekev. the first glance reveals that the Three per - sells far whorl it is 4lestin(sl have at length arrived and taken their seats. Idiot that he is ! he hall forge•olten Mr. Le Mntrhant's existence. "They are nice -1 ...king p•"'ple. are they o• 'c ,n � •. 1 neighbor hte• skirl, t . av h r r 11) 11 v not ti► nil .kul apparently repenting of her late auster- ity. and following the theorem' of his 0)e;; "hat they she themselves great airs ; n4leely in the hotel i; geed enough for them 1.. speak to. \l, t:ipriani denlly think, them peep1e 4 1 imp,rtanee; he makes lay iee ne emelt fu ;s alsi it Them en he (1(5.4 4114111 anyone else. Look at 10111 naw• 1., And in effect the nhsequhlus little fled • y In` seen hanging anxiously over the -timers. evidently nski•ig Mem %vitt' s.Jie (liI5 0)%ility whether the ilnt par- liculnrly 0pp5hzipg fish ,the time. Iroiht of 1110 Ilii•' \I. Jif. i 1 ulran dn,•- merriment moves away, loo, out of Elizabeth's face. Jill watches it decline, crying; my eyes do moot mind it as much through the degrees of humorous, as she as most people's; 1 suppose" -with a Pushes the coarse whit fish about her senile -"because They are so used to it !" Plate, without- lasting it (sloe was always "Perhaps he will not stay long," inur- e very delicate eater), into a settled nous the mother, dropping a fond rue - gravity. And now that she is grave he fn! kiss on the prone blonde head that sees that she is aged, almost as touch as lies on her knees ; "perhaps if We are he himself, after all. iter eyes had ever careful we may avoid speaking to hint." had the lir of having shed in their time "But I must speak to him !" breaks in innny tears ; but since he last saw her, the girl, lifting her head. and panting him, good br(kding. and even humanity, forbid loos continuing any longer his watch upon them. The better lose{ thein at ease he turns the back of his head towards their table, and compels the re- lu-clam widow to relinquish ber Myaltd booty for fill:. len minutes in his favor. l'erhups when Elizabeth can 6e0 only the back of his head sho may resume her le,kes. 11111 all the same he knows that, foe her, there; will be no more mirth to. day. "That is what they alwarys do 1" crit '1 voice on Burgoyne's lett hand -the voice of his other neighbor, vele begins h Think that his attention has been usurped long enough by her plump rival. "'Phut is what they always do -come long nfter dinner has begun. and go out long before it Is ended. Snell swagger !" There is a tinge of exasperation in ix,l v'eI a h \ urls and woo ► 0r is the cause voles', 1 far to seek. The table in the window is again enlp- N♦•il►++♦♦�♦�♦♦♦♦tit♦♦♦.+.♦ + + About the Farm t It++++++++++♦++++++++++ COWS F11u11 1►Ity l-I:1'.I) TO tilt:\SS. This is the time of year when change from dry feed to grass is mad.. i4, the dairy. That it is a good change Le uni- versally conceded and so at first thought it may seem that nothing need 14a, said except to change and do it es rapidly as possible, writes Mr. E. C. Bennett. But lit' u conclusion nclus' ton is fallacious. All changes should be gradual; the old should run into the new with les lit - Elizabeth is clinging tremblingly :{lout change from dry feed to grass will her mother's neck in the privacy of Their cause looseness of the bowels, and this min little salon. The absence of theis w'cakening and harmful to milk pro - husband r111d father for the moment in duction. \\'hen the cows first go to the the smoking -room has removed the u;: pasture, the dry feed should be conlinu- oi but a change in the planner of feed- ing it can be Made which gratifies the cow and Ls free from the dietary trou- ble because the same feed is used. sumo MS11•nlllt [ram loth the poor wo- uten. "Did you see him?" asks Elizabeth hrc'othlesely, as soon as the door is safely closet! upon 1110111, flinging herself In winter all feed should be given in down upon her knees beside Mrs. 1.e the manger in the barn, for in no other elnrchant. vole► has sunk into 0 choir, j,'ace can Tho cow bo protected and and cowering close to her us if fur s! el- comfortable. Now a feed rack in the ler, "\\'hat is he doing here? \\ 1,> tee.; yard filled with hay is preferred by the he comet \\ hen first 1 caught sight 1,f cows to n manger filled with the same lou I thought that of course—" 'Ile ,:rade of hay. 11 is a picnic for lite breaks off, sobbing; "and when I saws c,.w-. ;,nil we all know what the picnic that he was alone 1 was relieved ; but 1 :epp,elite is, We eat with relish at a was disappointed too ! Oh, 1 111us1 1 •• a picnic food which seems scarcely Ik118- feet-a had fool -but 1 was (lisappw,iml.•,l! 1:4.10 in a stuffy dining room. The fresh Oh, mnlnnty 1 ntnumiy 1 how seeing kiln air iterates the hay and it is chenner, again brings it all back t'• end the fresh lir Stimulate;,, the appe- "1)o not cry, dear child ! do not cry 1" 1.e.: et the cows, so in a double sense anewets Mrs. 1.e- Merchant ilpprehen- the outside tack is better, sively ; though the voice in which she But the inside feeding should not be gives the exhortation is shaking 100. neglected. Some grain is needed and sonde forage to go with it, and these should be in the manger in the accus- tomed place so the row will feel at bell, prying, with her usual extreme home and eat nccording to her appetite, d(r_ihty, 10 swallow 1100 tears; "trod 1 with the outside feed in the rack as a do not show it much when 1 have been relish. "four father will be in directly ; and you know how angry—" "1 will not ! I will not !" cries Eliza - it Ls now evident to hint that the tole of "t must ask hi"n ; 1 must find out why those tears has been a good deal added we do not even know whether Willy 1s to. dead or alive!" There is no pleasing him. Ile was an- "11e Ls not dead." rejoins the elder wo- gry with her when ho thought her gay, bleu, with melancholy common-sense; now he quarrel, Willi her for looking Pif he had been, we should have seen it sad. As it, in tier unconsciousness of his in the papers ; and, besides, why should neighborhood, she was yet determined hof be? Grief does not kill ; nobody, to give hint no cause of complaint. she Elizabeth, is better able to atteil that presently again lays aside her sorrowful than you mei 1." looks, and, drawing her chair c•onflden- - F.tizaheth is now sitting on the floor, tinily near to her mother's, makes some her hands clasped round her knees. remark of an evidently comic nature "Ila; is aged," she says presently ; and upon Ute Company into her ear. this lime it is evident That the pronoun They sloop, their heads together- refers to Ilurguyne• whet friends they always were, she and Mrs. Le Marchant assents• her mother !-and regain the blue twinkle Ile must have cared More for that comes into her eyes; the dimple's little pitfall is dug anew in her white cheek. \Vas there ever sola 1111 April creature? Mr. Le Alarchant appears to tithe no pert in the pekes; -he goes on ending his don:er silently, and his back, which is turned lowurd Burgoyne, books mo- rose. Iluw• is it that Elizabeth's roving eye has not yet hit upon himself 7 Ile sees presently that the cnuse lits in the fact known objects of entertainment Hem I1 i, net. generally known that n rr►z.r 1,,, so particular ns nt other sea, n„. And every spring is needed the cau- tion not to turn into the pasture ono early. The cows become uneasy and plead in their own way for a ramble in lite pasture. But there are two rea- se,ns, at. least. why their longings should be controlled. First, the grass Ls scant and deveid of substance, and newt flesh is lost in travelling around for it than is gained by It. 11 is pay- ing too dear for the little feed secured. The second objection is that it is harm - fel to the pasture, and generally in two ways. The ground is apt to be soft end the cattle punch holes through the Rel. destroying the grass and hurting the texture' of the ground. Bid worse than this, if possible. the grass hes not yet established itself for the season's gmw•Ite and eating off the leaves. before root growth has blade sufficient progress is sure 4i prevent a luxurious grewlh. hoot and loaf must develop together in the spring. or they will not develop fully during the whole season. For these reasons strong emphasis poor creature than wee him credit should be laid upon a gradual change for. (.et up, darling; givery your eyes, ham (icy to green feed, diminishing and sit with your back to !lie light ; here one ars the other increases until the cones your father 1" ' (To be continued). Celle: OF :A It %%Alit. • row is on lull grass, and even after this some dry feed of some kind should always be provided that she may hale once the rati• ti and avoid diarrhnen with its bad results. A little dry feed to Tho manger is better than a dog to tel' the cow's into the barn for milking. Some HMIsIrrsitned l4, Delp the Home,\, ir, the kind of grain to feed \yh !.• %havers, the pasture Is gelling reedy for hese et! her look alighting more upon •Ild and 1.e,•. 1 have not fennel it neceeenr' l.. 'works on the sante .principle as it saw. for grass will soon be here and ..1,•11 going• in search of new ones. 11111 it Mader a magnifying glass the edge • ! ;; nothing hill corn he fed i1 will IN,I rause sooner or Inter embrace hint in its range. The fond fat widow onside 111111 ., 1.11741r is found to lee made up of 111110 1:1100 out the system in the short 11010 must surely be one of her favorites, 01141, teeth irregular and fine. '.(fore grass will le Isere with its Taxa• in iII111t 4.1 fact, as he feverishly watches When 41 nmol i.•1 Ihmugl shnwiite. levee and cooling offsets, Feed such te ser the inevitable moment of recap,'- e`1"-1'111113• i[ lie is 111 a hurry, he 1)111:, i'r•ain. fnrm-graven preferred. because of u+ 111, I' az"1. "11°111 even wiping 11 of1. i•s eentinmy, nes will keep the cows nilion arrive. he perceives Ilial Hiss L0 Itecenlly, was noticed n beautiful \pardiani and her Mother are (blighted.'then. \\ 11'11 lie wishes 10 use 11 ;,,. no. strong and hearty. diminishing gr•ndu- wrung giri i0 company with a strap - he 1111:*:' 11 from the case and :,1'1'11' rely as grass comes to lake its place, le ---though nal so openly ns to I 0 pt'- long young fellow who, though uran- 1111001) AL\RIsS AND FOALS. h -looking enough. c in(' 8.5N1 al a glance his social inferiority to his compnnien. \\'arn(IR and sunshine nre helpful 1n The girl ens English. She hnd 1 ehnrmirg carriage. d.'licotely limited checks, n mass of golden hufr and n r accent which told the story of ',needing. CO:\(:II\IA\'S AND AIAtil'l•:It'' I)AI'l;lI'I'Eit. • If You'll Do The Painting Yourself get Ramsay's Paints. If you intend to have it done— insist that the painter uses Ramsay's Paints. They go farther—last longer ----hold their freshness and beauty longer—and cost less in the end—than any other good paint you cru buy. Write for Poet lard Series "C," .flowing how some Ionises ere painted. 201 • A. RAMSAY & SON CO., raid Makers :,lis isti°. MONTREAL Rtri9simn,---1907 MODELS Stand for Excellente and I'erleelinn of Product. The flr,'t Russel turned out over three years ago had the engine in front node, oho b,naelp eliding gear transmission, and shaft drive to lire rear axles. The Russel today retains the tape features of 41011,(1 Ion. We were in the lead then ; gradually (lie trend of uniformity torted In o4, direction, and now this design is the must approved and np-to-•late. Through these y sr. et stoic, tint' towards this construction we went on perfecting detail and adding Improvements Thr,; s wit, the Russet ow tier gets more for hi money than anyone else. Ths Design Is proved. The Materials are Ms 4Sett. The Workmanship the Most Skillful. And rho factory close at loud ;and di'pcsed to 1,=o you right if Metal -I. -n eta! Disc Clutch. Selective Sliding Gear Trammission. neckel Steel In nil gears and shafts. lee must powerful braking sy•t•ne known -positive in action, sissy to release --two independent sets attached to large drum, on the rear wheels. MODELS FOR 1937 monist. 1)- n cylinder, 18 H.P., 90 inch wheelbase. 3J inch x 31 inch tiros Si.600.on MO1)KL. K -4 cylinder Si ILP., 101 inch wheelbase, 32 Inch it 4 inch tires 13,501.00 MODEL P --4 cylinder, 40 N.P., 118 inch wheelbase, double ignition, magneto and acctnoulator, 84 inch t 4 inch tin, to fr.,nt ..and 4t in roar, powerful, roomy and handsome car, c tpactty t-. carry sereu'pasiongers 13.750.00 WPRZZ'>0 V'OIL a* r .x. all Wain. Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited, TORONTO JUNCTION. CANADA. BRANCHES -Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, and .\delh.,urne, Australia. eltEMITr1N(:N: NEN." 11asirels Pilchforked into (:an8 a Laud of "Forget." \\'!tile a iI v country offers a splen- dh! Ileid for those who. ambitious 4 f gelling on. are handicapped in old lands by the restraints and oppressions of ancient environments, it also offers, 10•I11; to offer, n ponce 11.which old .'I.11 41 , may be forgotten; a place in w Bial{ the social offence, committed ' -e where, may be forgiven. The bulk of the people who came out love, no doubt, had regard to the 'fen commandments, and are wholesome 111 Ih i. 0 1011ons, bud human nature is de - 1' t,\•-, end distance from lite scene 0f the ,aural lapse is not infrequently de - sir, (1. the lent In the toil of the room- -(deviling., . her And then ••amts the exp"rh•el rare , The majority of men w11 ► stun,. Ih•'m• • glnnee at him, and the t►e► less c. selves do not strap their blades oftener 1111111 once• .1 w 0(k. Tills is 1.11111°11s 111 Peeled04'»!) I ,'I.". ornhall,n. II. 1 rlbnw., have: 1110 edge, l.r, being constructed like a a•mk fouls and 1 8114413, 1, ep then( been cerrlr.sly reeling un Ih0 Ingle, (ctrl: „\\• II"' .•• col►I1ntv1 onrlutles of 11 -not first few day.; if U lakes en she has jut been pressing here laughing; 1.og all, the teeth, nndluol 01111' hinder ei: healer in the centre .,l the stall to lips notelet her tightly -wind hands l4, (1i i14 work ro)erh de il. write; Mr. E. M. Kies. If there• b '1 I • proper Wily h) '.hnv e• 1, to use > 1. I I t conceal Their merriment. 1desperate 11 nn instant 1144 I:Ir. a from doing p i ' is grass and 11 day \111011 the seri shines he sees the right hand out in a silent Toto else rust the edge. „4,r r foals who arrive he the scene the next conn al her rluther's. and , de\wisa•, sonatina. sewing motion. Inter in the Benson should e gotten nu 111 • next second I to ws Ihul she • I '1 I0 the second 41.11• ante the grass at college, and he entered upon man - Send without a profession. Ily and by Isis father roaxcd hire to go out t<) Canada and start ranching. which might nnswer to his love for outdoor life and sport. And there have been men of Ibis slump who. Thrown absolutely upon their (mei resources 111 n 110W country helve "bucked 10," and done well, but in nine cases out of ten the remittance ie fatal. 1I is expecle(t. and when comfort can 1►e hnd by merely sauntering to the vista -lee. redemption is difficult. Every centre in the Dominion has its r:'miltanoe man, and the commercial rnelropnlis is net without Its quota. Extreine hnrdship has one of two pos- sible effects -at either depresses or sti- mulates. The remiltnnce pian might be saved if the remittance did not come. But, habituated to ease, and sure of the remittance. whirl' will render effort unnecessary. slothfulness becomes chro- nic, and Incure14le. and there is a Ira• gienl loss to good citizenship; merely bread..e n pampered young lad was not taken by the scruff of the neck et six- teen and 10141 to slake his living. + iA17GFST TF:1.I:(:R%PII (:Ili(:1 IT. i g i Enquiries from railway utlictal,. „ml Ilnw Thr Line 1'rnnl 1.nn410n 1" 'Teheran ( (.• o .ire also is less difficulty in The, culling in 1 Iw1551 ► ' es erielly from II►. stewards of lite Elul' hast him- -i at They lath stare helpland,.1hi, \\:ly. and pructinlly 110 `'pull"1110 is dry front dew and put into n mid. hiwhichThey had mor oil elicited h \Vurkrd. 1 at hip(- al Tenets the one at elle, unci deck by tlnuIsolyr". Hwy will get ex• . the other beyond 111111 I flow well he r1'» les- the fluor Is in4 extremely bed condi, "'1.30„11111,1 1 n Lite n( gr•a-s e\ i11 hen,. 11401 the young men had been the girl's Probably the longest telegraph ell'. members Thal took of hers Iner hi, lien. The man wet) learned to shave 11. (1)11. ncreasing the \ .Ie1 „1 aril;, father's coachmen in lite 3(111111 of I:ng roll in the world has been in npevnlMn shoulder in search of sentilOok, eel,. else. hid 1 i ..self will inveriably pick up a razor 1111(1 adding 144 its quality (ratio the land; that he had dared to make love f.. aver n year on the linos 0f the little - yet it is nut the old look. ler flint ons , and .pull directly and forcibly down Iii,• to ht r: that this 'awe had. 4,a duo course European Telegraph r:mhpnny, between Mork. The roan who has learned h•.ai wetl is a have da it ought net L. get leen returned; and that they had Plop- Leaden mid T'ehernn, Persia's enpitel, one of hops and real exp,0ctnkon. Is wet nor n dn►np heel. r\torr 111:11 thyro any hope or exl►erinlion larking, 1(1( who knows tsars the 1(1 fro nu,lle"1 linme, if well eared for from the first. 11 e.l 1.rgetlier. Intending Io gee upon the this circuit ie 4.000 moles hl length, even under the while dread of this one?; lend save` much Ilene and Trouble' as rrelte eland os roach (4 +•.sure. 11 ".-1 InnJ In the Sa iknlrwm District. nasi in its .xnn40 it !reverses the North cell n: his skin. I T'hrn• ha woe slririness of exalnin- Sea for 300 mills and passes Ihc'ugh Ills jealous heart La n(rnie guile In sly •! Ilei*' are the proper directions for a; Thr dem sl(ould Iwe alluwysi to bee oil ;,tion now. hal Thr wastrel cannot exat re Belgium. (iermmny, 'tussle, Turkey in 114) to thix qucclMn, and yet 011 indi.pul• in. %%hulls. collided. For the wastrel np- Asin end Tereus The \\'headstone• ale able kook of relief spreads over her taco letting a raznr:- edge. i( the mother la In work. it is much •' sero frequently in 11►e guise of the glen• t•emnlie l t'ers of Irancmiaci•m and re - evenshe ascertains Thal lie is alone. eke) To bring a dull !ewer to nn gdip teller 1'. IFnvr the colt nl Rx Earn . t even collects herself elms ,h In give light side of rub stone in cold water-- from ..Marling unlit noon, trolling the llenl+ln -i,, indeed -the el Thr g4 nllrnlan, only evident is employed 011 the circuit. Ila hien a tiny 4144 edinclinralknn of the hen(I�nn d0 not use hal wntrr--rub nn hone un- blare 11 warm befcrr alloying Thr foal 1, sl 144 duly, le regular lintels. to an0 thi.4 system rnessnges are transiting ...outwit) followed ity her mother; ine,(Illi you create n thin lather; lay rn7a,i leo 3110k. The nnnoynncb of having Thr brim{, el the rale of from W► l0 4(10 wards n I'It.\Got .\I, r(►\"fit \' rs. They are, in both ^lees, s0 lin) ns to no perfertIv flet eel Ihatl IB,Ih hark nnJ' 11 f 11 i r t s 1 r will 1' ov •d I minute• ncenrdin4 to the nature of the 1 I ch the lw,n'' I rnw rnmr " '' ' M (' ow ng 1e (91 t ,e nr re (1141111• ns spins! X11 In 35 II eels by 4,q ) a person n to whom I f heel 1 t e III a 11• I t shill 'thenit 1. left circuit. Morse ns! mi . I n. ll r t M t• ; 4,r 311 r s Pea t n ► r Ina n, g 4 al c save nil re n 11u.ls o ftet•1• unperceived. , nv 0 b by oe• w, t t teal c n t •c' s ss n c n went 1 n they are addressed. the tion mm Mr I n ag n pry iLc4'lf. Thr neither is more quiet In of („t1(Illion. ere flet wroth nndnn r g• b On the London=fehrrnn cirouil thrry IIe w .111.1 not have leen offen,eal 1.3• � r"g'': hon,' in this way until ynnr,rnzer than If her ynunp( i� k,li(1\yini nn41 got Thr inunigrluiis• ni- ten nutonuhlie repeating slali•.ne, n: shorn- Test reser on thumb nail. If ling nrn;nul eller steel. ,nd running ,\n army rho namely. at Lowes, the niinulet►e.s or Their sa1u1111iuns, Peri{ penin has 18'en known 4 es . Here Berlin, r41go. which Iinpirens 10 aline's! every mmeleur. hail he not divined 1)181 11 W:es Di,•l:il.4h `I adhere,: from heel to J$HIIl. 111111 3440 the risk of entnnglbmien'r 1 : mnchrn• ; t o hr 44 ,eking as fnrenlnn of n gong of \\'treaty. hour.',. Odessa, Kerifch, sue. awe nn edge. Deming tiler The. r Meet.- cry 01101 11000033. 11 tl . n ,ct011 1 navy{... 4,a 1110 Inke Ni Nesta dtslrirl by n desire however futile l4, con• eat i 1( Imo K111rh, Tiflis soul T'nuri•. '1'hrt Ilw fact .,f he. presence ir•'tn their a 1114- I •,n: it is i1111w1ssihM 10 get n "wire of 114 nw•n 01111 nal•, rhe 4141111 n gen1lenlnn I•. hie linger Iles %ill I,m.incae inv n�el fron( \lnnrhr.10r p0ukon. !Its hear) goes nil in all the profundity, of his former pt) lowanh Then, as he seed how entirely Ilial 000 glnnee at hint (for she door not look Again in hie dir.ction) has dried the fountain of Elitn1s'Ih'a pew 11111e jests; low• while and grIl4*' anti frightened, 1 even shrunk. his mere is -.we ht', sle tier. Now that they lee. ,forte red *041100000.6.924000.0.0100 The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily or become run- down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with .Scott's /10100.6.66.040004,40.0.000000 Emulsion. It builds new blooci and tones up your nervous system. ALL DRUGGISTS: GOc. AND $1 o0. KNEW TiII.if USK. "Bigley i, .. leiely a self -blade norm,” r, melted I•Inv. "I I• •.. eel '• • .1 Large; "and from the .•.,4 1011' e 1 1:1,1 whirl 1 asked In marry at nursing Wile the pre,.. . 1 v ..ring 1 tent dreadful failing. which some fool- Liverpool !s also !tensile(' direct with is much taster: As the 1, ..1 ,ens- 11"h twople think they can remove by 1 Teheran. est and the time Cpproa(hes the heurc !ft be of pnrchlr•ent. 11 will be understood 111:11 rielonent0 without intik can be trade to Include IM wn, I lolii(,1 113 the then. by the repealer; virtually take the piece of op- Ihe'mire dap. When entire separation p,'ople of 111.• ,Iistrtrt. 110 hail humor renters al the repenting statk,ns. In Inkrtc place ihb Innlrurne are molded. ; fer •he cane (rem the re, en tele, rind the cnrae of the ciro)ilI tin.ler ewe -Mere :\t nll 'Imes when the (1801 Is net ' 14•,; glories were aisle-selllleig. Ile wens tion there nre repwvlling inilrnmente 40001(4 4 the foal Q!,nuld le 111('Wed to .also an eeee1lent manager of men. , and hnlleries el ewe' of the len repeat. I , ' h e run oat] her in 11 paddock Nene been p•0riniicnlly he went.' disappear. Nen I Ing 3181inn5. As the Ione is divided inlet I(d wool ()Ilia Inv the first w I Ino !e1• I !ne I! , spent n great ether . I k One.; Le an Meet feed ere- 41..,' .If t nl. n !: - f • I.' Pone of the navvies ('ver hiatal elle 0411544 el, von parts. eneh purl is enenpnrnlively _ plenren n' such di -appearance. 110 venin' re- sit rt. lis \\ 1\G GO \(.h. nienth;. If Thr mother and colt nrr turn ht about 8 fm 111igh1 with hnn'la --- -----e�, •------ 1;4 pl pram fright and exrit0n►0n1 avid It'll lremt !eJ, nnr) bps that were red XI:\ lilt \II\[) \lOI'tIE(t. "Soehilism 11115 Anm14' good points." nccuchOmed In the genal. the hrent(ing and hal. "e'er instance'" of I!..' r•,11 ft-, bermes will be n erne. 1 we. welkin}! in Ilio toiletry one it oy "\\011. if all money 4e0re „unity di. par'' e.•s small job. (teller breaking 1111-I 1'\'I,\I. Ill:\tII-I•\\'E. 'will' a woman. In n grove v.0 r•:nn.' 4 01441. 11(114410 4440141 hnvc enough 10 own 1111 ntlt„rn,ehik." 1'11(11(\Itl.l' 1'1'. "Is your huslsln41 up yet?" enquired the early morning caller. "I guess he 18," replie,l the stern Ineking woman nl the door. "Well, 1'41 like to say a few words t.; hint--" "c., W' 111.1 L Hr laen'l carne honor• et V Rl•. 1 M• 4lime while the roll sinews 11• Sem. This iQ quite nnelher pr$ueQe when c..ws and other horses run in the ee:nlr pasture and Ile, mailer is in n f,ani0 elf peer lest the font Tor hurt. and porhnpc the dnI s join in n lnrrrl nr'1 melee new nnJ lIvfl The "ell then may 10 es herd 1,1 manage as 1110 'mislnng. elfin finds an enemy In every. 11111. -______.4.______ Few people nre 44;4.' enough to Igo.I Itte enr0nd•han t experlence. The "remittance 8ny large inhaler n,•'ereloese,!- v,un upon a troy nl»nil 10 shin up n Ir. •'. man n feature ..f 'There ens n nest in 111.1 Tree. end fern 411NH1. Tit's i, the ' n eel''aill rimer it ons pi..••ibte In ;rot g, ,.f'eti 11;1101-.4 i, . in 1t Itu•e,• eggs. legitly .4111,•nied. 11) rn<bll :•. In.' "y,na 40i,•k,41 tills boy., Qt':41 11„ earn. arestei--.p,e'ele.t M s•dtnrss:• I,y sit. .4 i;.• on. "are 3.,41 ,, ing up there to r•,h leg. in his roily wore oyer -Istel. .\l611. they Mel I .1.e." the tor replied. it .ty cite yell:" ,he',twin e1 .41: "it, ee I, w 111 • viol... w ill gri •4.• •e1 r1 111.4 - 1. . .,! boor ,"-1, • ,ii, Il: r • )•..r:, h,.t." \'loth. 1116 11:11,11 •• 11 .1 n.••1?. t:inch nl.mby. The 4411'1 11,11.1 not b'..'.. roughly 111811 (dr''1r 411rling. etre .:.r4,, 14, 0tpeel Ihnl Ilk ' 40(4 Id V. us 18.1.• . 4 pre,sly f .r his pleas Ire. Ile was dull at soiree; he 448s l'h4