Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 2A RHEUMATIC WRECK. diner Novices Treatment Failed Pr. t� Williams' Pink Pllla Cured Illnt. r( "1 ,euffersei Ulu greatest agony from eutnntism. Leading physicians pre- ribed malty Inetiicinn a4, but with un• pre - fa results. 1 was compelled go to an hospital, but even the treat - lent there filed. Then 1 took I)r. Mamie.' t'ink Tale and today 1 am well man." ,'hese words were spoken by Clifford L. Forbes when Interviewed at his wore in ,'ort Maitland, N. S. .Ii. Fortes is a fisherman and had always been very healthy, until seine three lyeare ago whtit • fishing off Newfound - !lend he wile seized with a. very severe %thick of rheumatism. In his own I%v, eels he says: "1 was fishing on the :Grand Banks in the spring of 1903 when IJ was stricken with rheumatism. ci uld not work or sleep, and the pain w as alnt.e 1 unbearable. My case hie 'icr:ntc so serious that I had to be landed nd for weeks I lay in a ('uric Bret.,n t spil111 115 helpless as n cripple. '1'h '.spied d eters prescribed different re - heel es. but they did nut cure nle. 1 `then lett the hospital and was titken IToIn' with r eu atis apparently c oin- .etcly fastened upon Inc. Day and,, iIglut t suffered. Nothing i did for the Trouble :teemed to help lee, and I be - x amt' despondent and down -hearted. 'hen a friend advised me to try Dr. \\il- litmus' 1'iunk ,ills. 1 was skeptical. but my friend praised the pills sohiKt11 that I determined to Try them, with the .sett you see to -day. 1 ant fully cured ire end have not sinee had even a twinge n t • affliction. ion. c say Of h l headed 1 til 1 1 cannot Y 101) mulch in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I urge all rheumatic sufferers to try them." Dr. \Villiams' Pink I'itls cured Mr. Forbes because they struck straight et the root and cause of this crippling rheu- matism. They don't nets on the mere symptoms like ordinary medicine. They on't act on the towels. They do only ne thing, but they do it well --they actually make new blood. In That way they root. out all common blood dis- eases like anaemia, headaches and backaches. rheumatism, sciatica. neu- ralgia, and the secret ailments of girls and women who suffer unspeakably 'when the richness and regularity ..f tlheir blood becomes disturbed. Dr. \Vil- liatns' Pink Pills are sold by all denier:, In medicine, or sent by mail at. 50cenls a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writ - Ing The Dr. Williams' M dlcine Co., .Brockville, Ont. SENTENCE SERMONS. Sorrow is sympathy's school. Character is the fruitage of daily Choices. Love makes the heaviest load stem light. To be wiliimg to bo saved alone is to b Msl. ' The truly godly see something divine In all. • Your appreciation may bo another's jnspiration. I.earn to find life:; worth in your work flrtore than in your wage. ! it's no use praying for power until ijr011 art' sure of your purpase. You cannot find hull truth until you ',obey the truth you have to rho full, Ninny mistake a derangement of the jtomach for a change of heart. Ilow many a time have we misseed per- 1ectlon while hunting for praise. You cannot judge aright until your love end then you may not judge at all. Success is the ability to stake stepping 'stones out of slluuhling mores. A ►non has almost teamed lo live schen 'be has solved the problem 01 his leisure. No greater 'hinge are done by those who are unwilling to take pains with little things. Faith is not preserved by wrapping it en verbiage which has been dead for Centuries. Self-contr.-it k not so emelt In subdu- ing the facilities as in lending thein to Serve worthy ends. 'To it thinking always of your own jldtaitage is the easiest way to advance backward. Many a nein hopes 10 be n saint twi►ilo miring tt'tih folks who would corrupt tau angel. Too maty wall! 11 hide !heir 4111tlging of the ten commandments behind doubts again Moses. Your right to the golden streets will take care of itself if you take cam of the g• ken tyle bele. 'i'he only woo.' who dare Think They have n right Io do nothings ere these who ale lit ter hooting. When you Ihul 11 hem who i, lei, busy 1.• Mink of relig1on you usually. lied one who is afraid 1.1 stop and katk at his own record. -+ f)Ill t;e,JN'; IJ11LD11EN, V. elihsl ,.")flung" syrups and nee! '.f the pteeder: advertised to cure Che;.11esel ailments eelitant poisennus opiates and ae overdose mlty hill the cl.i11. When the mother uses !tally's Own 'ratite!. she has the guarantee et a government analyst That this mole cue. eli- cut.• contains no ipiate or narcotic. They can be gtt.'0 with absolute wifely 1.. it is'sv IN,rn lathy. They cure Indi• gestion. c;,ttslipallou. colic. diarrhoea and other minor ailments e,f r1' I•• O. airs. tl. t:.,Ihns, Illrkelln, Man., - •• "Baby's Owe Tablets are the ntost sst• lsfactory medicine i have ever used for Me minor 'temente of children. i id - ways keep the 'rablels in the !liaise.- Sett raise."$ It by medicine denier: or by mail et Y., cents n bee item Ito f►r, Williams' IMedicine Co., Brockville, on!. 4'---- ,% GENI.ltOI'S \IAN. Two Irlunpe appr)achi.1 a likely.Iook- ,Ingt dwelling on the rotintry mud and toss("d np wit►t 11''ir 1114 cent Which of the Iwo of Ment shnulil call there and ,rs°lteit alms. One witted nt the enlrnnee gate. and the other twnikeel up the Brise towards the hall door. In n few weeunds the Int - ,ter reappeared. "wen, eh,t he giwe you any -Miner' n.kcd his expectant roml,'lnlen. eagerly. "Ole yea!' war the reply. "Ife gave 111r one minute to leave hos g enlen. And herr 1 am !.' fluesin hes s. thin her empire :,G.OM n iltt of nattgable livers. ON BEING BORN POOR. A !rich Man %%ho Is Worrying bout the Future of Ills Buis. "Du yell know what is bothering ie new?" said a roan who has made him - Nell rich and is fast getting richer. "it's wondering what is going to become of In) boys. "1 have four sons, all young, and all w lleleotne, natural youngster s, but of 1 keep on Making money the way I'm doing now 1 don't know what's going 10 happen to them when they grow up. 'l iiere's minting like bring born poor to gave a roan a real start in life, will his feet firmly planted on the graund, where they ought to be, and he learning to lily on himself. "1 was biter that way, and I've always bine grateful for it. I1 had been born r.c•h 1 think 1 should have ixen more or less of a no account. 1 had to get cut and hustle and work to get along, ;utd the habit of \wolk 1.1- never left rue .,;ore, [IS I hope it never will. "loll how is it going to be about my 1 >,' They may corse to Think that they •i• n i have to work, which would lee 'h.• ruination of !hero, or would al least gait them out of the running with sell• r, lea 1 ablet n nen "I'm sending there to public school, of course, and (here they learn a heap of things besides what they get otat of lt:eir books. They learn for one very valuable lesson that there are other r.rople in the world besides themselves and that there may be plenty of people smarter than they are, and That. they've got to work if they expect to keep their end up. "Boys are democrats. You can't put. on any lugs or airs if you expect to get Leong with the boys in a public school; rf you want friends you've got to be friendly. A good all retied start in life it is for boys to go to a public school, and I hope my boys will profit by U. "Rut 1 suppose in time they'll go to a private school, and then if they want to They'll go to college, and there, what with their money, unless they should tern out to 1K• very hardheaded young teen, they will conte to train with other y' -ung men with money, and so get sep- ;.''nted from the bulk of their fellow Meets and begin to live sort of by t!.emselves; and 1 can't imagine any- ttling happening to a young man worse than that. his gelling away from the plass of his fellow men. "My boys have never known what it Is to be poor. They have always had what they wanted, and unless 1 should fai: or bust up or something, which I don't expect to do, 1 don't seo why they shouldn't always have things, be- cause as tong as I had anything 1 should be sure to keep them. That's human nature. ",\rid, you see, there's the trouble. They've got somebody to lean on; and a ratan That doesn't have to isn't apt to rut out his own strength. The only way in which It man can ever amount to anything is by work, hard work. 'The man that doesn't work (brindles and Domes to be of no account. And 1 do hope my boys will want to work. 1 don't care what they do if they'll only ar work at 1 't hard and faith- fully. work and fully. 1 think they're handicapped as it is; honest Intim 1 think it would have been better for them le have been born poor, but I hope they'll turn out to be men." ,*- -- SII(H►1:111 JIM. Ile was Made Free buil Became Too Fond of Fire Water. Sh(wkum Jim, the Indian who accom- panied George Cormack, the discoverer of the ICMndi':e gold fields, was asked by the grateful Dominion what lee wished as a token of his country's gratitude. Willi a nobility that al the time rang all over the Dominion. Jim replied to the (ievermnent's eommisakoner, , "I want no reward for the doing of my simple duly. There is one thing, however. that I will accept. and only one. If the Gnverntnent. wishes to reward me, lel It mako me a free man." lint got his certificate. Five minutes afterwards he was on his way to the neatest saloon. Ills visits grew more and more ['v- grenl. and the people of the neighbor - 1)00(1 began to understand his anxiety to be made n British citizen. Jhn Is not made to slnnd the heady beverage he loves. but should he live, and should he behave himself, lie will be present at the Alaska-fakr-l'acilIe Ex- position at Seattle in 009. 1114. Cl ROMAN It.1\Ql'ET?. :lbettl.•''11 Dinner With 2.11N0 4:uests- Feast for French Mayors. The 1t11) Club banquet t the colonial Aliiisters al the Albert Hall, London, with its I,600 guests. is certainly of inn - tering hcnle, but it is scarcely, as state(1 1•y n cOntengorary, Itte "second lnrgrst on record," the premier place being being awaeled to Isom ddrnlhconn:; Aberdeen dinner, al which the guests numbered :elude says the \Vcslnthtster Gazelle. Some years ago the In'.' Lady Burdett - r otitis Peeled ?An people et her homes at Highgate. King Edward IN'ing among her guests. A little later !Its Meal High- ness {ax he then was) was one of :1.000 guests who sol down to n dinner in London; e..1I00 were present al the ban- quet to honor of the !light Ilort. A. J. Balfour in \\'nverley Markel, Edinburgh, some lime ago. But even such gargantuan fcasls rnn- n•ol eenipare with the banquet in 11019 at the Palate do flnduslrie. I'nris, which was enjoyed by 13,000 \Inynrs of French town'. in addition to 2.(11) other diners; nor with the feast Sir \Vntkin We Wynn once ease in \Vynn4lny Park to I:14.l 1l t eigtl.tr•. a hnnq;o't at which !tri hogA. heads and 1,14(► liotI cs of ale were con - stinted. \ Carefully Prepared ,'ill. --Much lithe and ;Mention were expended to the ex- perimenting with the ingre'iiente that enter into the cnmposih.m of 1'nrntelee s getable Pill• I'efore they were brought t•• the elate in whirl) they were fist t- iered to lit+' pruhli.. Whatever •,Iter rill: may I'.. Parmelee'. Vegetable i'illt< ate the result of much ewg'crt study. met nit persons suffering bout dy spelt• or dieeeteretl liver rind kettles-. trent confidently nreept them tt., being what they are represented to Ile, The Mark 'Nothing i Ate That Tells Agreed With Me. Trade marked thus in . variety d styles. f ab, its sold gimes Iorveuniea. men end s�}}.,edren. Form fitted. Dealers are authorised to replace instantly and at out cwt. any Pen•An¢Se gat - meet is1I,y ,n male er making. Pen -Angle trade- inark (in red) on every Pen -Angle garment, tells you it will fit and won't ahrink,-- your own dealer ao guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, rn o r e flexible, better wearing. .13 7 ' E 22,-4. UNDE JtWEAR CON. -,.-'l I: a.Y. "John, I feel cold. Put ibevn that window." "The window is down." "1 see it all! You want to stifle me!' Much distress and sickness in chil- dren is caused by worms. Moller Graves' \Vortn Exterminator gives re- lief by 1 the cause, Give it a trial and bo convinced. . 1is )u:k ts • "Did you tell � It Tel - there 1 . 1 was not in ?" Servant : "I did, mum." Mils Dukkels : "\\'flat did he say?" Servant : "Ile said, 'Well, tell her to come down as soon as she is in: Ile's in the parlor." Holloway's (urn Cure destroys all hinds of oorns and wares, root and branch. Who, then would endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach? The number of different species of ani- mals known to naturalists is, roughly, 156,000, of which 15,300 are vertebrates, or backhuntel.' LAZY OLD MORES, painful and disfiguring* will not linger long aftertreatment with wearers Cerate has leen be;uu : Also, cleanse the blood with Weanr$ Syrup. France has over five pillion acre- of vineyards, and stands fits( as a e ule`- producing country, Italy being a good second. ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cure din 30 minutes by \Vol- ford:s Sanitary Lotion. ft never fails. Sold by all druggists. A M011.11. OBLIGATION. 'But why do you keep your new maid if she is so awkward?" "Out of gratitude ; last wetk she up- set all the sauce over my old gown." 1 Successfulesstel Medicine. - Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- leking; in which he may engage. 1t is therefore, extremely gratifying 10 the proprietors of PareiPlee's Vegetable Pills to know That thee' efforts to com- pound a medicine which would proven Idessing to mankind have !teen success- necessary; over 514) positions open al the MI beyond their expectations. The en- present time; high wages; raped promo- (l4rsation of these Pills by the public lion in engineers and conductors; $75 to is a guarantee that a pill has been pro- 4200 per month; instructions by (nail at diced which will fulfil everything I your home without interruption with claimed for it, present occupation; we assist each stu- dent In securing n pacilton; don't delay; Twenty-one out of every 100 of Bel - write to -Jay for free catalogue, lnstruc- giunfs people are landowners. Few lints and application blank. National forms in that country excee I in size 11)1 Railway Training School, Inc.. 11:12 E.. acres. Reston Block, Minneapolis. Minn., U.S.1. AIRS. 1.1:\l►It \ Itt)1►f:\1l t\11:11. :tits. Lenora Ie.! nhault•r, 11.1'. 11. I., flew to!►, hernerswlil:', \. C., writ::,: ' I nul(.'n d wills stem:lrh trouble and indigestion for some tile.,•, ;Inti uolhirlg agreed that I ale aj,ueLd wl(h n:•'. I was very nervous and experieucetl rt continual feeling of uneasiness and fear. I look medicine from the doctor, but it did ate no good. "I found in one of your Peruna looks a description of arty symptoms. I thin wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. Ile said I had catarrh of the stomach. 1 took Pet'tuta and Moulin end followed his directions and can now say that 1 feel as well as I ever did. "I hope that all who are afflicted with the stump symptoms will take Peruna, OS it has certainly cured n." The above is - only one of -hundreds wit° have written similar tetters to Dr. Hartman. Just one such case ns this entitles Peruna to the candid consider - Minn of every one similarly afflicted. 11 this be true of (1►e testimony of one person what ought to be the testimony c hundreds, yes thousands, of honest. sincere people. We have in our files a great many other testimonials. - ---1' 11.• : "Often when i Zook up at the slims in the firmament 1 cannot help thinking how stall, how insignificant I alit after all." She: "Gracious! Doesn't That thought ever strike you except when you look at the stars?" The Substance of Faith Allied with reionre, hr 8 I: 1r Oliver ,dge. In this volume sir Wireri,oARe exD:rend+ with careful logic and 1 c teat leeiiitAtty-TtF0 .rience 1114,1 re- ligion are not at o.1ds. It s especially addressed to those wh , here fount difficulty in holding to Ancient landmnnrk% in the rising flood of modern criticism. The ' h auth.,r. an eminent scientist, feels the baste hannony tint et' ets between 3c1o11'e and religion. And attempts their reconciliation. Post deo, cloth, price 11.•r, net HARPER & BROS., 1'uhlitilers, New York. YOUNG MEN \V: -FOR FiRE- men and brakemen; oxperlence un- Ilarorrr TONS OF IRON consumed each year in medf. tine. in "rerr"vim," the best 1on)c, it is ,o cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly get all possible nourishment and benefit from it. A Y.\Clrl'ING 'L1(II'. Captain : "Please sir. your wife has fallen overbenrd." Owner : "(;,refound It ! Another of those sinking spells of eters !•' A Requisite for the Ilanel►er.-On the cattle ranges of 11)e West. where men and .stock are for from doctors and apo. lhecaries. Dr. Thomas' !electric Oil is kept on hand by the intelligent as n ready Inane medicine. not only Sir many human ills. but as a horse and cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A Inrce end cattle rancher will find mutter greatly simplified by using This Oil. THE .\GE OF enArr. Nurse: "Why, Geroge, are alt dirt Gieirg,'ie : "1 don't ear.' wen lh S2.S09 a feint Pot," pier hands This land is An Infallible Cure 1' ,r kinglx,ne, Spina. Curb, •.e•net Lameness end Soft Bunches. Kendall's Spavin Cure has noegtul. ht. •NTah ar r.2 , Sept. It 'rb. 1 hat -e the c..r- ria numlrr of } •horses an•1 have use., y-ur remedies, which slavers pros r•1 tnfelialble." 0. Fa inn ger ow. a. p1+are.,-keeP dall', always n the 1411451er1 slur (sokKen' Treatise 1)o thei nom- free Flom dealers or 1IsiMR,-4fel fS wry aRE Dr. I. J. 11,042 C.., towbar. C.S.A. CANADIAN PACIFIC s. IRRIGATED FARMS IN SUNNY ALBERTA 1 QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY L1111'I 1:1) I Rirer and Gulf of SI, Lawrence Before deciding where to locate in the \Vest, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in e,tch county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, 205 CORISTINIi RUILDINU, MOV ikI1kL. Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 149. "tamp,ua." with electric I,).1). electric hells and alum •tern corn(ort%. Mtlt14 most \toeMKtt l.S 1.1OND%TS at p m.. 3rd and 17th June, tat, 15th and tvth July, _th aril 20th Aug'Is(. UIS and Yard MeptemMr, end fortnightly thereafter for I'Ictou, Y.M., rail. ng at (lnelkr, tra.pe. Mal Tray, Porto, tape t'"re, )rand liver, Surneoarei.le. 1' K.I., and Chariot,. retnw n. P.P. 1. BERMUDA Summer Rtrordom. /4S, by lM new Twin Screw rv. 4esrrnw.11an', 5.V1) 1"113. Smiths 5th tn'l iQth June, til, 17th and list July. 14th and tlth.ta�u't 4th, 14th and t!th September, sth ma an, tell n•'t,Mr, Rte, tete and Y7th Y•.v.m ser Tempertlure owlet by arm Arent.% seldota rises ah ,va ea' degrees. Th. Guest trip% of the se*4on for health and tint"rt c;•rretnr AICIHI'It .111EttN. y. Quebec. A. E. 0111:I1111tIDGI•; & (.0., Agents, 1"I 1; \O. 22 07 i;1 Broadway. New York. THE DUMB MAN !WOKE. A Fallin0 ,,,'yphon Frilghlened Hiul 11111) speech. The superstitious may like to know that it is lucky to drop a lemonade sy- ptstit. Biehnni Roorer, a forty-two yeah obi lntilate of Croydon Workhouse, Eng- land, i; prepared to prove it. For nearly six years he Itas t5'Cit dumb; now ho has recovered his speech through a slight accident. Ile speaks 51iwty, as one having difficulty with n strange tongue, and now and then he hesitates for a word. That and the gtt rinser in his voice .peak of his long yea. - sir .silence. "Il was in August. 1901. That I lost my voice.. he said. "1 was Then working at \\'est Drayton for the Rotary Photo- graphic Company. One day, Its I came down the stairs, 1 fell over a dog, and the .hock took away my speech all at owe. "I saw several doxtors, spending all my savings in fees, but they could do nothing for Inc. The only hope they held nl was that a second shock might one ,lay give inc my speech again. "i w11, .4,41111 out of work. and finally hod to eider Lambeth \Vorkh011ee (1e;11 - lute. 1'l.' s. it ale on here in \larch, 1901. as I d'ss),I n is my native place. ":111 this 01114' I have had to carry a piece of elide about. with nue, and wrote down anything 1 wanted 10 say. '. r .: 1 1morningI w�1 11!!11! O t Alo da ' n putting one of the otticens' lsslres,rns hdy, when i pulled over a lemonade .syphon from a high cupboard, but caught it as it fell. sic n .II 1 the The 1)c was only Ill but n Ili shock a t excitement of the element I said 'Oh, Lord 1' and then 1 rentiz.si that 1 could speak again. But it still seems strange. lappy 7 \\'hy, it's a new life. "That was a lucky syphon for me, and they're going to lel me keep it. 1 hope t , leave here'soon, as Messrs. Render & le.wis, the Croydon photographers, for wheat f worked many years ago, have offered to take lee back ns soon as the doctors think 1 may leave. My old mo- ther lives in London. I've already writ- ten, telling her the good news, and now I'm anxious to go and speak to her." "\Ia," remonstrated Bobby, "when I was al ttr;tndtun's she 11hve fruit tart twee,•' ' Vell, she ouletght11) nota10 have done so, Robby," said his mother. "I think once is quite enough for little boys. The older you grow, hobby, the more wisdom you will gain." !lobby Willi silent, but only for a moment. "\\'.•11, ma," he said, "grandma is a good deal older than you are." We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial :s without doubt ttic bast medicine ever introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all stunner complaints, sea sickness, etc. 11 promptly gives relief and never faits 1.1 effect a positive cute. Mothers should never be wiltiout a bot- tle when thele children are teething. 0 CelluloidStarchneeds no cooking- -- just 0 0000 cold water and 'tis % ready. 'Twon't stick, yet ,rues a teeter n- glues, with less iron - rubbing, than any stare you know. 0401 Its price is little. ▪ Your dealer sells it. / Try it this • week. P?1 C elluloid 411it5ta.rch. s rig t)wri':C /HFt A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. fhQUJ. STRONG &WHITE KF YOUR GROCERS DF. ALERS EVERT W/.rRE 5L. PPLIID WITH 1100R AND FEED. = Wair E VS. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY' A BLINDED rLOUR THAT 1145 GAINED GREAT 14%0R AS A GENERAL HOU SLHOLD 'ALL PUltl`O•LS• F. OUR Tit rCAMPBELL MILLINGTO. TBIM TO JUNCTION r� 0 N'T' QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE IL Gives Perfect Light. The Most Economical High Grade 011 Ever Sold In Canada. FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. ABS OLUTEPER TO S57 ' ' SECUR !TY DEP O ITORS - :111 E U N UNIONTRUST1, MON EY TO LOAN SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS TO RENT LIMITED rC-MPLE BLDG 114 17Iiay 5! TORONTO ACCOUNTS OF EXECUTORS & TRUSTEES ARE SPECIALLY INVITED RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHEQUE ALLOWS FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCES &COMPOUNDS IT QUARTERLY - MADE IN CANADA 2 liths 4 Cyclo Engines Complete Launches HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS, Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. 'P1111 313ICIYCIPL11 lifts never 1,e••n nnil never can be replaced. 11 oe4 uplea a unique and se•etre place in the rid of hygienics. sports and utilities. It produces red blood, bright eyes and a quick bruins necessities for enjoyment of life and succetee IT IS HEALTHY. will prolong your life. save doclorK bills, keep you out of doors, cure insomnia, aid digs_ hon Increase your appetite and improve you morally and nieulolly. rr i� 1:(.(1\'O\fl(:1t.-snses lime. ear -fare' and Vele tearer; in your friend, won't nun away, u shay% o'n'ly. to ither rel. hey nor genie. melte re, whipping;, rosin little. is a veiia)le in ctnrrg"n',es, and makes you Independent of elf-, " cnn, s,, • ads er Is)r•e:.. C1.F.%'IELAND. M \ .'4 'I1.1'I1t (11111511\. Itlt VVI laoItle Pletl'F:4 Meet. Fit 1'I.RI tI. ;111.1 111.1 1. 1 1.11.!) bicycles are net ex. •'!ted b) ally to +lee eel lit. They or, hearts .0 1 AO -,•.n t,0(i n,• 1 Itignd Proms rnxleb. $35.00 TO 865.00. Ilsnelseme toeti )gee for each line. Writ.; for lite one of year el ea. 1. 11,1%1 - CANADA CYCLE AND MTtOI CO , LIMITED, 11\1x111- 4 11 1 U1 1'. ) ".. 1:; -1 Toronto tiunctim-, le swims 11 limit J ' 1:11 1 t 11